Drug Detrimental Effects and Value of Health



Drug Detrimental Effects and Value of Health

Transcript of Drug Detrimental Effects and Value of Health

PowerPoint Presentation



Without health life is not life; it is only a state of langour and suffering an image of death. Gouthama Buddha#HEALTH









#5 HallucinogensIt may come as a surprise that hallucinogens like LSD or Ecstasy came in as number five on this list, but even though its no longer the 60s, kids are still looking to trip.

#5 HallucinogensSome people never recover from an acid-induced psychosis.

#5 HallucinogensEcstasy also smothers natural alarm signals the body gives out.

#4 Prescription DrugsA startling and urgent trend amongst our youth is the abuse of prescription drugs.

#4 Prescription DrugsThe truth is that prescription medication comes in many strengths and combinations.

#4 Prescription DrugsNot only that, kids throw punch bowl parties where they take pills from a large bowl; they have no idea what they are taking, which is a potentially lethal mix of drugs.

While we all know that smoking is illegal for anyone under 18, the rate of kids smoking keeps climbing.#3 Tobacco

Facts About TobaccoThose who start smoking as a child are 3 times more likely to use marijuana or cocaine than those who did not smoke when they were kids.

#3 Tobacco

Facts About TobaccoOver half of the youth who started smoking before age 15 went on to use illicit drugs in their life.

#3 Tobacco

Facts About TobaccoThe earlier a person starts using tobacco, the more likely it is that they will become an addict later on in life.

#3 Tobacco

Facts About TobaccoHigh school aged youth who use chewing tobacco 20-30 days a month are about 4 times more likely to use marijuana and about 3 times more likely to use cocaine or inhalants than those who dont chew tobacco.#3 Tobacco

Facts About TobaccoSmokers are over 30% more likely to use alcohol, and 10 times more likely to abuse alcohol or become alcoholics than those who dont smoke.

#3 Tobacco

It may seem like everybody knows that smoking is bad for you but the rates of young people smoking are increasing while the rates of adults smoking are decreasing.#3 Tobacco

Marijuana is the most used illegal drug in the world.#2 Marijuana

Facts About Marijuana

The active ingredient of cannabis is the chemical THC.#2 Marijuana

Facts About Marijuana

Heavy marijuana use has been connected to brain abnormalities and brain damage.

#2 Marijuana

Facts About Marijuana

Marijuana can get you high, but it can also make you feel depressed, paranoid, and psychotic.#2 Marijuana

Facts About Marijuana

Even small amounts of marijuana can cause infertility in men and women.#2 Marijuana

Facts About Marijuana

Marijuana smoke has 50%-70% more cancer-causing substances in it than regular cigarette smoke.#2 Marijuana

Facts About Marijuana

Young people using marijuana are more likely to start using harder drugs. In fact, over 99% of cocaine users used marijuana first.#2 Marijuana

There is a new kind of drug on the scene called synthetic marijuana.

#2 Marijuana

This drug is even more dangerous than marijuana and has been connected to several teen deaths due to kidney failure.#2 Marijuana

Survey no harm of letting kids drink at a younger age age of 15 are 4 times likely to become alcoholics than those at age of 21

#1 Alcohol

Teens Who Drink Alcohol Are More Likely To ExperienceProblems at school; failing gradesProblems among their peers; fighting or not participating in group activitiesLegal troubles; offensesA higher likelihood of illnessPromiscuity; unprotected sex

#1 Alcohol

Teens Who Drink Alcohol Are More Likely To ExperienceA disruption of their physical and mental growthPhysical or sexual assaultSelf-destructive or suicidal tendenciesUnintentional injuries to themselves or othersProblems with short-term memory

#1 Alcohol

Teens Who Drink Alcohol Are More Likely To ExperienceBrain development issues that can affect them for the rest of their livesDeath by alcohol poisoning or accidentTraffic accidents and fatalitiesUse of other drugs, including cocaine, ecstasy, and methamphetamine

#1 Alcohol


Being honest with youth about the effects and dangers of drugs can help them make educated life choices.

It may seem hard or weird to talk to them about drugs, but kids ten-years-old and younger get offered drugs, and they certainly see drug use on TV, in movies, and on the internet.Along with effective drug rehabilitation, education is the ultimate answer to the drug abuse problem we face today. Knowledge is the key to prevention.


Being honest with youth about the effects and dangers of drugs can help them make educated life choices.

It may seem hard or weird to talk to them about drugs, but kids ten-years-old and younger get offered drugs, and they certainly see drug use on TV, in movies, and on the internet.Along with effective drug rehabilitation, education is the ultimate answer to the drug abuse problem we face today. Knowledge is the key to prevention.


1. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit Who lives within me, Whom I have received from God. 1 Corinthians 6:19

2. I appeal to youby the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.- Romans 12:1

3. Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings, for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, which have not benefited those devoted to them.- Hebrews 13:9

4. Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.- Proverbs 4:22

5. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.- 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Create a ripple!Thank you and God bless you all, Rinconada Youth Leaders!