Drill for 4in QF Gun

I [Crowio Copyright 1?~.~’ed. 40 w.o. 2042 DRILL FOR 4-INCH Q.F. GUN. (LAND SERVICE.) 1914, LONDON: PRINTED UNDER TIlE AUThORITY OF IllS MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICa B~ IIAIIIIISON ANI SONS, 45—17, ST. MAITIN’C LANE, ~V.C., PRINTEIIS IN OR1,INARy TO hIS MAJESTY. To be p::rcbescd, dther ~froeO or through cow Ik,ok’ehler, from WYMAN AND SONS. LTm, OS), flur~Me Bu:r.::o:is, FriloR LANE, B.C., and 04, ST. MARE Srurr.r, Coisino’; or ll.M. STATIONERY OFFICR (SCOTrion hisANC;:), Nb. Foiu:r STREET, ErINBURU1I ; or 11. l’O N SON BY, Lii:., 115, (1RAFFON Sri::: :~. I)uRb,i N or from the Agencies In Ohio British Colo::lee ciii Dependencies, th~ United States of A:ner1e~, I lie Coot bent of Europe and Abroad of T. F1S11EII UN WIN, LONDON, W.C. 1914, Price One Penn~,.


Drill for 4in QF Gun

Transcript of Drill for 4in QF Gun

Page 1: Drill for 4in QF Gun

I[Crowio Copyright 1?~.~’ed.






To be p::rcbescd, dther ~froeO or through cow Ik,ok’ehler, fromWYMAN AND SONS. LTm, OS), flur~MeBu:r.::o:is, FriloR LANE, B.C., and

04, ST. MARE Srurr.r, Coisino’; orll.M. STATIONERY OFFICR (SCOTrion hisANC;:), Nb. Foiu:r STREET, ErINBURU1I ; or

11. l’O N SON BY, Lii:., 115, (1RAFFON Sri::: :~. I)uRb,i Nor from the AgenciesIn Ohio British Colo::lee ciii Dependencies,

th~United Statesof A:ner1e~,I lie Coot bent of EuropeandAbroadofT. F1S11EII UNWIN, LONDON, W.C.


Price OnePenn~,.

Page 2: Drill for 4in QF Gun

\4~*,~‘.~~‘~;‘ •‘.i’


(s 10702) Wt. 42379—498 1~00 2/14 II & S P. 14/7

Page 3: Drill for 4in QF Gun



DETACHMENT.The detachmentconsistsof a GunCaptain (who is the Setter),

a Layer, and sia othergun iinmbers.It falls in and is told ofr Ill tile usualmanner.

0.0. 7 5 3 Front rank.Layer ‘6 4 2 Rearrank.

After telling off, if theweatheris cold all menarewarnedto keep~ their handsas warm as possible,as cold lIan(Is lead to slow rates

of fire.No~.—Oneof tile gun numbersis takenfront the60~per cent. Sparc.

AMMUNITION SUPPLY.The gun is fed with rtnainnnition from recesses,and frontpie.

d viously selecteddepOts,on or neartheemplacementfloor.a, e, a~d7 handup completerounIs to 4 on thegun floor. With

,‘~ Lyddite s/tell 5, 0, and 7 11111)111and uncapbefore handingup.Theaboveformsof suppiy must bemadeintelligeritly as thegun

is traversed,from the most convenientrecessor depOt.~ No’rs.—A proportion ofcartri~qesshouldbe preparedfor percussion

firing (i~e.,of electricprimersare being u8cdthey~7toie1dbefittedwit/i adapters)and placedon oneside.

ThesereceisesanddepOtsareamply filled, before anaction,fromtile shell and cartridgestoresbelongingto the group,andarrange-mentsmust bemadeto re-supply theni quic’kly shouldthequantityof amnitlhlltiOll Oil tue efllpl;lCeIneHt door begin to ruia low, bydetailing the animunitionIffimbers, assi~tedby thegun numbersifnecessary,for this duty. I

Empty carti’idge cases are removedand stackedduring anypausesin the firing.

TO PREPARE FOR ACTION.G.G.C. details which detachmentwill beresponsiblefor taking

up Group and Battery stores, and orders “A Group, PrepareforAction,” the 6.0. mnarclies the detachment to the store andsupervIsesthe issueof the following stores

0.0.0. provideslnniself with and takesup tile gaugeprotrusionstriker and instrument testing primary batteriesor volt-ammeter.(The latter is a “Battery store.”)

(B 1070~) A 2

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NoT~.—IVI:ere thereis more titan onegroup in thebatteiyj, thesenior6.6.0. will take up theinstrumenttestingprimary batteriesorvolt-ammeter.

lie will also detail one of his detachmentsto ta/ce up theBatterystores.

6.0. (or Setter).Pistol grip and shield sights.Layer. Sight bar andtelescope.2. Tray storescomplete,electricandpercussiontubes,spareleads

andlanyardsandwaste. For drill a drill tube.a. Kneecaps,loading tray and drill cartridge,witla primer and

adapter.N0TE.—Thlsdrill cartridge is taken up at all timesfor carrying out

the “safety and Ej~ciencmjTest” of thestriker.4. No stores.0. Keys of cartridgeand shell recesses. Bracemagazineandbit.

1 keyNo. 24 adapteror primer. 1 key No. 25 adapter or primerandcartridgeholder. For drill a drill cartridge and drill pruneror adaptor.

5 and 7. Greasebox, brush, 2 keys No. 5. For drill, a drillshell and shell extractor.NOTE.—TheLayer and Setterwill take up and setin positionthe

electricfiring batter/J if not already on themounting.

Tray of Stores(Gun).(Takenup by 2 with his gunstores.)

Contentsof tray, stores~— Number.Boxes,tube,garrison(1 to hold spareparts) 2Can,lubricating, No. 9... ,.. ... ... 1Chalk, piece ... ... ... ... ... 1Extractor, cartridge,hand,Q.F., small ... 1Lanyard(rear), firing, No. 8 ... ... ... 1Screwdriver,OS., 4-inch ... ... ... 1Spanner,No. 150 ... ... ... ... 1

,, MeMahon, 15-inch ... ... ... 1Striker,B. andP. ... ... ... ... 1Wrench,breechmechanism,No. 67 ... ... 1

,, ,, ,, No. 70 ... ... 1,, ,, ,, No.71... ... 1,, ,, ,, No.78... ... 1

Group and Battery Stores.(Takenup by 4 afterhe hastaken up his gun stores.)

Hammer,claw ... ... ... 1 pergroup.Fliers, side-cutting,8-inch ... 1Whistle ... ... ... ... 1 ,,Bartesting sight... ... ... 1 perwork,Clinometer, large... ... ... 1Instrument testing primary bat-

teriesoi’ volt-ammeter ,.. 1 ,,

No~~.—Thicinstrumenttestingprimary batteries or volt-ammeteristaken‘up by thescitior G.G.0. in the battery.

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The6.0. then marcheshis detachmentto the gun andon arrivalat the emplacementfloor all storesareputdown,andthedetachmentstands round and uncovers the gun. 2 removes breech cover,3 muzzle cover,and theremainderthe gun cover. After tills hasbeendone “DetachmentRear ‘is formed.

If Instructional Drill is bc/ag carried out the 6.0. then orders“ Action “ andthe numbersdoubleto their positionsin “ Action.’

Positionsin Action.Layer in rearof theshoulderpiece.Setteron theleft of the Layer.2 in rear of breechin prolongationof right sideof gun facingthe

Layer. His feetshould bewell separatedand kneesbent slightly.He shouldstandat such a distancethat when opening the breechto thefullest extentwith his ri~hthand (palmto theright) closedover lever breechmecilanisin,tim carrier will just not jar againsttile gnu and throw theLayeroffthetarget. lie holdsthecartridgeextractorin his left hand.

3 standson theleft sideof thegun facing2, feetwell separatedloading tray in left hand,back of thehanddown.

4 at right rearof 3 facing the left.5, 0, and7 at recessor depOtasordered.Detachmentrearwill then beformed.The00. theri orders“A. 1, Preparefor Action.”

Preparationof the Gun for Action.6.6.0. During thepreparationof the gun for action, the 6.0.0.

personallyexaminesthe stud on the breechscrewand makessurethat it is sound.

NoTa.—A faulty stud may causean accident if resort is madetopercussionfiring.

He personally examines and gauges the protrusion of all thestrikers(including spare)in his group.N0TE.—Toexamine the striker disconnectthe leadfrom thestriker,

open the breech and ta/cc out the striker. .Sec that the strikeriscorrectly assembled,insulating washersin posit/au, needle nutsti~qhtcnedup, cockinghandle screwedhomeand securedby keeppin.. Replacethestriker and see that thepoint of the needleiswithin thefaceoft/ic breech screw, connectup the lead to thestriker again.

To gauge the protrusion oJ the striker. With the breech still openrelease the catch retaining breech screw by mmd, and turn I/icscrew into thelockedposition. Pull the striker to the searwit/ionlyjust sufficientforce to takeup any clearance due to wear inthe thrust collars, andapply the “gauge protrusionstriker.”

lie teststhe pistol grip and measuresthe voltage of the circuitat time point of the striker with theLT.P.B. or volt-ammeter with

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the pistol grip in position, theG.C. marking in chalk the voltageobtainedon theleft side of thegun.NoTu.—Shuouldtime voltage be less I/ins 1, thebatterywill be testedcell

by cell, and the bad cell or cells made good, or removedandreplacedbyfins/ucells.

He supervises thedatumiiigand adjustmentof the sight.1-le gives ordersto the amnaunition numberswith, regardto the

amvaflgefllefltand disposalof cartridgesandprojectiles.0.0. (or Setter) placespistol grip amid shield sights iii position.

Satisfieshimself that thebuffer is properly connectedup, notleakingat the glandsand containsthe correct amountof oil,andthat tue running out rods areproperly secured; that thecapsquaresare properly securedandthat the lubricator on topof cradleis filled with oil.

He supervisestime work of therestof thedetachment.NOTE.—All breechnumbersmust be warned that underno circum-

stances may the striker be snappedunless a cart-ridge,ada1

terand tube,or fired, or drill tube are in theguise. .5/iould it benecessaryto case springs it should be donegently byhand, alsoI/uat the breechof thegum,if empty,mastbeclosedgently.

Layer fixes his sight in the cradleand sees that it fits and worksproperlyandthat thesightcarrieror bracketis firmly attachedto the mounting tests the sight and if found out of adjust-ruent reports to the 0.0.0. andunderhi~supervisionreadjusts.Seesthat tile elevating gearis oiled and is in good workingorder and that tile mounting traverseseasily. Conneotslipand examinesthe electric firing circuit and tightens up andexanlinesall bii~din,screws,terminals, spareleads and con-tacts. lie datumstile Auto-sight underthesupervisionof theG.G.C.

2 hands time electric tubes to the cartridge numbers (only ifadaptersanti electric tubesarebeingused).

Fills the percussiontube box andattachesit to the left sideofthe mountingin a convenientpositionfor use.

Placesthe spare leads on theright sideof the mounting in aconvenientposition for use.

Teststhe lanyardsamid attachesthem loosely to the right side ofthe mounting.

Opensthe breechby taking hold of the leverwith his right handanti pulling it towards him asfaras it will come. Examines timebreech screwand threadsof the breech,seesthat theyare cleanand free from burrs, amid lubricates time threadswith a sli~litfilmof oil. Lubricatestime breech mechanism thoroughlyan~placesthe striker in position.

Placesthe cartridgeextractor ore the gun floor tinder thebreech,his oil can and waste in a convenient position on the right of thegun and the remainderof his storesin a convenientposition undercover in thetray of stores.

The breechis left in the open position.

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3 giveseachgunfloor numberakneecap,placestime drill cartridge(with primer andadapter)and time loading trayon the gunfloor to the left rearof thebreech.

Assists2 at lubricating time breechmechanism.4 brings up the Group and Battery stores amid placestheni where

ordered.C unlocksrecesses.

Preparesto issue cartridgesfromrecessesor depOtsas ordered.A proportionof thecartridgesshould be preparedfor percussion

firing in caseof breakdownof electrictiring.For drill lie placesthe drill cartridge in a convenient position

for use.N0TFi.—Uartridgesshouldalwaysbe examined,cleanedof all luting,

and gaugedin the guns in. which theyare going to be used.5 and 7 prepareto issue projectiles from recessesor depOtsas

ordered. Theprojectilesarefuzedandcleaned.For drill theyplace the drill shell beside the drill cartridge

(broughtup by ~)and the shell extractorin a convenientpositionfor use.

After each numberhascompleted his work lie takespost at hisposition in “ Action.”

Reports.The 0.0.when lie seesthat the work hasbeencompletedan~the

numbersin their positions in “Action,” calls his detachmentto“Attention” andcollects reportsas follows

G.C. “A. 1, Attention—Reports—Two.” 2 “Gorrect” or other-wise. “Three” 3 “Gorrect” orotherwise,andsoon throughthewholedetachment,finishing with time Layer.

He then points out to his detachmentthe position of theGroupand Battery~StoresandGunStores,seesthat time bore is clearandordershis tictachimient undercover.

The numbersdouble anti sit on time forms on the emplacementfloor.

Positionsunder Cover.2, 5, 6 and7 on right of gun.3, 4, Layer and 0.0. (or Setter)on left of gun.Tue G.C. sits his detachmentat easeandreports to the G.G.O.

“A. 1, BoreClear Readyto Load.”The O~G.0.-when lie hasfinishedhis work goesto the gun and

says to the 0.0. “I will inspectA. 1.” On this time GO. calls hisdetachmentto attention amidgives the order “Layer, 2, and 3,4ctioui.” The~M., Layer, 2,mind 3 double to their positions in“Action.”

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INSPECTION BY G.G.C.The G.G.0. makes sure that the Recoil, Laying, Fis~ingand

Ammunition arrangements of the gene are correct, by asking thenumbers,andby inspection,if necessary.

He thenorders3 to loadadrill cartridgefitted with are electricprimer or adapterarid electric tube,the Layer to pressthetriggerfirmly and2 to closethe breechby pushingtime leverfromhim withhis right handuntil thebreechscrewis locked, i.e., whenthelowerstudon time turning lever of the safety stop is halfway downthesafetybracketon theleverbreechmechanism. In this position timeprimer(or tube) should not fire, as the striker is held backfrommakingcontactwith thel)rimer (or tube) by time actionof time safetystop. Thefinal movementof the lever in fully closing time breechshould fire time primer (or tube). 2 opens thebreechanti extractsthe cartridge,using time extractorwith Ins left hand. Time firedelectrictubeis then extracted,or, if a primer hasbeenfired, anadapteris fitted.

The G.a.O.then orders 3 to reload and 2 to close thebreechamid open it again, taking carenot to work the (gnu) extractor.He orders3 to inserta percussiontube iii time adapter,and2 toclose time breechcarefully. He then orders 2 to cock thestriker,attachtime lanyard,andfire time tube. Time breechis then opened,thecartridgeaxtractsd.andtime chamberthoroughlycleaned.

After time inspection the 0.0. orders “Layer, 2 and a UnderCover,” andsits his detachmentat ease.NoTz.—All spare strikers should in addition he submitted to the

foregoing tests under the G.G.0.’s supervision, and time drillcartridgeplaced clear on oneside.

Time breechof an unloadedgun is left open unlessthe 0.0.0.orders it to be closed,e.g.,when loading will not take placeforsonicconsiderabletine.

The 0.0.0. then reports “A Group,Readyto Load,” or, if he haspreviously beenordered to load,he orders the guns to be loadedand reports “A Group, Readyfor Action.”

NoTz.—ire thick weatimer and after preparation for action for thenight, I/me 0.0.0. will always order his ,quns to be loadedandIe-i~~qunlookouts to ta/ce post.

ills report under thesecircumstanceswill be “A G’roup, Readyfei~.Action.”

G.G.C.’s Orders.The orders“Stand Fast,” 11 Action,” “ Under Uover,” “Firc, A. 1,”

or “A Group, UommenceFiring,” are never repeated,but are actedupon at once.

All other ordersmustbe repeated,or be followed by an executiveorder from the 0.0.

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ACTION.G.G.0. 0.0.

“A Group, Action.”

All numbersdouble to theirpositionsin action.

- Test Circuit.0.0.0. 0.0.

“A Group, Test Oircuit.” “A. 1, TestCircuit.”

2 openstime breech,if closed,short circuits the striker to somepart of time gun, and calls “ ~ time Layer pressesthe leverindicator,and, if there is a deflection,calls “ Correct”; ii there isno deflection, lie calls “iVo Circuit.”

If there is Ito time to overhaul time circuit, time G.G.C. orders“A. 1, C/mangeto Percussion.”Norz.—This test is only necessarywhenguns have been prepared

for action some considerable time before the order to loadisgiven. -

LOAD.0.0.0. 0.0.

“A Grocep Load,” “A. 1 Load.”

NOTz,—T/1C0.0.0. does not give thl~eider until time neanbers arestanding steady in their places,or until the circuits have beenreportedcorrect.

Electric firing.—2 openstime breech if it has beenclosedby taking hold of the

leverbreech nmechanismnwith his right hand (palm to the right)andpulling it towards him as far as it will come, takiumg care imotto jar time carrieragainstthegun.

3 sle~sto his right without moving his feet, to receive acompleteroundfronm 4.NoT~.—Inreceiving time round 3 keepsthefront of time loading tray

slightly elevatedand the tray close to his body, thus minimisingthechanceof theprojectilebeing dropped.

5 picksup a completeround—shellin his left hanmi arid cartridgein his right (liaimds underneatim)—phmmceslid of cartridgeagainstbaseof shell andhandsthem to 4. He then stops clear to allow6 to move into position with ilme next completeround.

5, 6 and7 (beginningwith 5) alternatelysupplycomplete roundsto 4, step clear, amid provide themselveswith anothercompleteround.NoTE.— Whenloading Lyddite shell, 5, 0 and7 unpin. and uncap the

fuzebeforehandingthecompleteround to 4.

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4 slewshis body to the left and receivesa completeround from.5, 0, or 7. He grasps the shell about its middle with his righthandand thecartridgewith his left (both hands back up), swingsroummd on his imips to his right, anti placescompleterouumd on a’sloading tray. He thenagain swings to his left and receives timenextcompleteround from 0,7, or 5. .. -

N0TE.—Iffor anyreason3 is unableto loadhis round at once, 4 canrest /minmself byslightlybendingboth icneesand allowing shell andcartridgeto rest on his legsabovetheknees.

3 graspstime primer or adapter firmly betweenthe thumbandforefingerof his right handand forcestheround homeinto the gunwith a rapid and smooth motion. He then slews round antireceivesthenextcompleteroundfrom 4.

2 then closesthe breech witim his right hammd, placeshis riglmt.wrist on time chinonmeterplane,time extendedfimigers touching theLayer lightly on the shoulderamid calls “Ready.”

Percussion firing.—NoTE.—Atpercussionfiring thelead to thestriker shouldbedetached

as it mmmamj causea mnissfire.As abovewith thefollowing exceptions:—

After 3 hasenteredthecartridgewith adapter,but with no tube,2 closes time breech, to ascertainthat time charge is lmome, thenopens timebicecli carefully, so as not to work time gun extractor,andwlmen 3 haspat in the tube,closesit carefully to avoid jarring thetube. 2 thencocks thestriker, attachesthe lanyard,calls “ Reedy,”andstandsby to fire on the order“ Fire” from the Layer.

MAKE SAFE.0.0.0. G.C.

“A Group, Ala/ceSafe.” “A. 1, Ala/ceSafe.”

Electric firing.— -

2 pulls the levertowardshim sufficiently to break thecircuit.

Percussionfiring.—2 detaches the lanyard, opens the breech and releases the


Noru.—Tocontinueafter “Ala/ce Saje” hasbeenordered,2 closesthebreech carefully to avoid jarring the percussion tube, andrecocfs.

STAND FAST.0.0.0. 0.0.

“A Group,StandFast.”

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Everynumberstandsfast.Nor~.—Tnpeacepracticethe buglecall “Stand Fast” is acted upon

at onceby everyone,andis followed by the order “Rake Safe”front the G.0.C.

TO LAY AND FIRE.General Instructions for Laying and~Firing.

The words “yards,” “clicks,” “ d~.ilection,”and “minutes” areunderstoodandare nevergiven.

Correctionsto title leversarerepeatedand setby time Layer,Correctionsfor rangeanddeflectionarerepeatedandapplied by

the Setter. Correctionsorderedby Layer are neverrepeated.To enable the 0.0.0. to hear whmetimer initial correctionsare

~ repeated correctly time LayersandSettersconcernedface him, and~‘ repeatin orderfrommi rmght to left throughout time group.

Time 0.0.0. amid Layer, when theywish the deflection altered,state the mmumberof mimiutes more right (or more left) they wish

r~applied, thus :—“ 40 Aforeflight.”Setter~vihl,if necessary,passon ordersto the Layer.Time 0.0.0. is responsiblefor Fire Control,andif present,gives

~ ordersfor time comnmnencenientof fire, Fire Control alsoincludes~ distributiomi of fire, but during an Action the0.0.0. shouldnot as

a rule give dim-octordersasto distribution of fire unlessabsolutelynecessaryastheseorders are embodied in time distribution of fire

:~ scheme.~‘ The Setter carriesout time distribntionof fire schemesubjectto

corm-ection by time 0.0.0. directimmg time Layer of his gun on totamgetsin accordancewith that schemeby theorder“ Trail Rig/mt(or Left)”

Coriectionof Fire for Mangesimoull seldom, if ever,be necessaryif theprepam-ationfor actionhasbeen carried out correctlyandtheLayer lays accurately. At time comnmencementof aim Action the0.0.0. will observetime fire of his guns, andif lie thiimks necessaryordercorrectiomms. Laternit in time Action hemayfind it impossibleto observeor mimay be too occupied watchingtime tactical situation,in whichcasetime Layer ~vihlobserveand correct.

Correction~fFire for Line ~viii be carriedout by the Layer wimowill observeaim,! ordercorrectionsfor the Setterto apply. ShouldtheLayer fail to socorrecthis fine the0.0.0. will ordercorrections.


Layer arid Setterat time Sight.

Initial Corrections.0.0.0. “A Group Tide Levems Ft. Rise(or Fall).”Layer. “A.. I Tide Leve Ft. Rise(or Fall).”

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0.0.0. “A Group Lengthen(or Shorten). ~s~ards~ clicks]on yard line.”

Setter. “A. 1 Lengthen(or Shorten) [yardsor clicks] onyard line.”

0.0.0. “A Group [dcfiectionj tnminutesl11~qlmt(or Left).”Setter.“A. 1 [de/lectiom] [minutes] lliqht (or Left).”Layer and Setter apply corrections timey have repeated,and

repeatand applyall subsequentcorrectionsorderedby the 0.G.C.Changesof deflectionorderedby time Layer are not repeatedby

the Setter, but areappliedas quickly aspossible.No’rE.—If sightshavebeendatunmed,correctionsarc applied,starting

from thefalsezeromarks, if suchhavebeen made.

To Lay.Layer haysfor elevationand hueand fires or orders“Fire.”

To Fire,Electric firing.—

“Gun Fire” is theonly method of fire, and on time G.0.C.’sorder“ CommenceFiring,” 2 closesthe breechandcalls “Ready,” and timeLayer, whenaccuratelylayed,fires.

Fire is continued as rapidly as possible.

Percussionfiring.—Similar to electricfiring, exceptthat 2 attachestime lanyard and

calls “ Ready,” and on time om-der “ Fire” from the Layer, 2 pullsthe lanyardamid fires the gun.

NIGHT FIRING.It is most important that Layers who arebeingtrained for niglmt

firing shall at all timesbe made to close their eyeson firing.

AFTER FIRING.As soon ims the gumm is fired 2 graspsthe levem’ breecim mechanism

with his right hand(palmto time right, thumb down)and openstimebreech without jarrimmg time carrier against the gun. Holding theextractorin his left hand,closedforefinger and timumb closeup tothe Imorns,lie aimphies it undertime primer or adapterand with aqmuckjerk ejectsthe empty cartridgecaseover his left imand. (Inusimmg time extractor lie must avoid turning his wrist and sothm’owing empty casesout sidewaysand end over cimd, as theymay injure time numbersin rear.)

The gun is at opecreloaded.


“A Group, Cartridge only “A 1. ~‘artridqconlyUnload.” Unload.~’

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3 turns on his hips to 4, who removes shell and cartridge from3’s loadirmg tray andhandsthem to 5, 6, or 7. 2 opensthebreechand with extractorcarefully withmlrawscartriml~eon to a’s loadingtray. 3 placeshis loading tray aumd cartridge (primer or adapterto therear) on time gun floor at Ins feet.

A cartridge so left signifies mm Shell in the Bore,” and preventsdoubleshutting.

N0TL— Unloading time cartridge is merelya further safetyprecautionwhich nmaybe renderednecessaryat peacepractice.

MISSFIRES.Electric Firing1

If, when the Layer pulls the trigger, the gun fails to fire, liereleasesthe trigger and calls out “close theBreech.”

2 gives time L,B.M. a smart tapwith hisright hand,andascertainsby inspectionthat it is home; he then calls “Ready.” The Layertlmeri again pulls time trigger, and, if time gun again miasfires, lieholds the trigger pulled while ho counmts“One, Two, Three,Four”aloud in slow time ; if it still fails to fire, lie releasesthe triggerand calls “A. 1, J1issJire.”

The Layer contiminesto follow thetarget.TIme 0.0. themi orders“Stand Clear,” and all the numbersstand

clear.Time 0.0., 2, and.3 look round the circuit, keeping clearof recoil.They carry timis out asfollows

(i) If mmo deflection is givenby time pistol grip they look for abreakin the circuit, andseeif time fault caim be foumid andcorrected (such as lever breech mechanismnot home,contactsor bimmduimg screws loose). The fault if foumid isremediedandfire continued.

(ii) If a deflection is given by time pistol grip they hook for ashort circuit, and if found they remedy it and continuefiring.

No’rx.—If time fault is found and cannotbe quickly remediedac/mangeis at oncemadeto pem’cussionfiring.

If the fault cannot be found time detachnsemit, excepttime Layerand Setter,“ Ta/me (lover” by orderof theG.0.

NoTE.—” Take Cover” does not mean taking up “positions mendercover,” but mmmeames going to positionsof safetyshould the gunhappen to flue. (Ywiridgeswill also beput in a position ofsafety. A sentry should, in additlom, be detailed to prevemmtpersonsinterfering wit/i timegun.

In peace practice the Layer keeps the gun layed in a safedirection. (In war the safestdirection is that of the vesselbeingengaged.)

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After a pauseof five minutesthe0.0. placeslmimsehf clearof andin front of the breech on the left side,and opensthe breechbyapplying the loading tray to time leverbreechmechanism.

After cefurtherpauseof one minute time 0.0., still keeping clearof the breech, removes time cartridgewith extractor and has itplacedon onesideclearof the gun.

No~~.—Duringany long pausein thefiring (or in peacepracticeattime conclusionof practice), theprimer is removedand examined.If it hasnotfired it is excimangedand set asidefor specialexami-nation; if it hasfired, the cordite will be destroyedandtime casewithprimer returned in time usualway. A cartridge fittedwithaim adapterand an electric tubeis treatedin thesameway.

Instructionsfor the destructiomiof cordite are commtainedin timeRegulationsfor A.O. Services,Part II.

Time Layer and 0.0. thentest thecircuit as follows :—(If ashort circuit wimich couldnot be tm’aced uimder (ii) above is

suspected,the 0.0. removesthestriker and looks for a blowback,renmediesit if found, and replacesstriker.)

0.0. closesthe lover with time breech im the open position aimdcalls “ Test.”

Layer pressesthe lever indicator of the pistol grip. If thereisa mieflecticim Layer calls “Deflection.” This denotesa shortcircuit,and 0.0. orders“ U/mangeto Percuasion—Ca-itridgeonly Load.”

If there is no deflection Layer calls “Ll’o De/lectien.” Tlmis iscorrect.

0.0. then short circuits needleto breechscrew and again callsTest.”If there is no deflection Layer calls “Xo Deflection.” This

denotes a break in time circuit, and 0.0. orders “U/mange toPercussion,—Cartridgeonly Load.”

If thereis a deflectionLayer calls “Deflection.” Tins is correct,and 0.0. orders“Electric Fm’rimmg,—Cartriclgeonly Load.”

N0TE.—It is most important that percussionfiring s/mould not beresorted to except as a last resource,and erery came s/mouldconsequentlybe ta/menof thefiring circuit. At time mimic time itis evenmoreinmportant that guns s/mould be kept in action. If,therefore,a miss/ire occurs,steps s/mouldat once be ta/men to see

- whet/icr the fault lies in timeprimer (or tube) or thecircuit, and sftime latter (if not inmnmediatelyrenmediable)change a/mould at oncebe madeto percussionfiring, and at the first pausein timefiring,thefault should bediscoveredand rectified.

PercussionFiring.If when 2 pulls time lanyardthe gun fails to fire, 2 calls “Close

the Breech,” gives the L.B,M. a smart tap with his right hand,ascertainsby immspectiou that it is home, recocks,reattachesthelanyard,and calls “Ready.”

Page 15: Drill for 4in QF Gun


The Layer then again orders“Fire,” and~if the gun agalimmiesfires, 2 calls ~ 1, Miss/Ire.”

The 0.0. thenorders “7’ake Cover,” and the detachment,exceptthe Layer amid Setter, take cover.

The Layer keepstime gun layedin a safedirection.The procedurethen is thesameasfor electric firing. After th~

cartridge has beenextracted the striker and tube areexaminedif thetubehasnot beenstruck,thestriker is changed if time tubehas been struck, a new cartridge and tube are put hi, the breechclosed,and the cartridgetried, Should thi$ also missfime,after afurtherpauseasfor electric, the striker is removedand changed.

CASUALTIES.0.0.0. by time senior0.0. in thegroup.0.0. (or Setter), Layer, and loading numbers by namedsucces-

sors, who are generally employed in time detachmentamongthehigher numberssupplyingammunitionundercover.

Nora.—Any stores which arebeingusedby a nuneberwhois casualtiedare lift by /11w on time gmenfloor or are taken from imiim, e.g.,atpercussion/iriumg, the lanyard usedby 2, time extractorusedby 2,time loading tray used by 3.

CEASE FIRING, REPLACE STORES.(At drill time gun, if loaded,is unloaded.)

Time Layer depressestime gun. The gun is stripped of its storesby the numberswho put them on, is then washedout, if necessary,and the breechclosed. Time detachimemitstandsroundandreplacestime covers. 2 the breechcover,3 the muzzle cover,time remamndemtime gun cover.

Time numberspick up thestoresthey broughtup wheim preparingfor action,fall in at “ Detachment,Rear,” andare marchedback to.time store. Stores are lmammded in, checked,and time 0.0. collectsreportsas to doficiemmcies.


3 drops BhelI.—3 placesdown the cartridge, amid 4 supplies 3 with a complete

round, which 3 loads.

4 dropsshell.—4 placesdown cartridge and receives a complete round from

~, 0, or?.

Page 16: Drill for 4in QF Gun


3 dropscartridge.— -

4 supplies 3 with a complete rouimd,3 placesthe projectile onthe ground amid loadsthecartridge.

4 drops cartridge.—4 placesdown projectile and receivesa completeroundfrom 5,

6, or 7.

N0TE,—4,5, 6, and 7 always supplya completeround.A droppedprinmeror tube shouldnever be useduntil it haspassed

the Continuity Test.
