Dreamtime Story

THE BAT AND THE CROCODILE There was a crocodile wants to eat to eat the crocodile so hay goes to bat and says Hay bat I hear that crocodile says you stink and hey dose not want you at the party Dose not what you at the party today. And bat went to get his spear and shield And hay went to the party and said light the fire and they did and than BAM hay thru his spear and hit crocodile than they sphere him bet hey play dead and they believed him.


Aboriginal Dreamtime Story

Transcript of Dreamtime Story


There was a crocodile wants to eat to eat the crocodile so hay goes to bat and says Hay bat I hear that crocodile says you stink and hey dose not want you at the party Dose not what you at the party today. And bat went to get his spear and shield And hay went to the party and said light the fire and they did and than BAM hay thru his spear and hit crocodile than they sphere him bet hey play dead and they believed him.