Dream Italian Weddings & Honeymoons - Winter 2009

CIVIL CEREMONIES IN ITALY WINTER• ISSUE8• £2.99 www.italymag.co.uk honeymoons planning style venues bespoke Your essential guide to getting married in italy PORTOFINO… A Passion for Julia and Angus’magical Riviera wedding Understanding WEDDING DRESSES Unique designer IRRESISTIBLE ITALY: Philippa & David tie the knot WEDDINGS italian dream & HONEYMOONS …on the beautiful shores of Lake Como !"#$ &’(()*+,-./ ’’01#$,- 2343.4./ 35036 789, 3


Dream Italian Weddings and Honeymoons - Sample Issue - http://www.italymag.co.uk/wedding-in-italy

Transcript of Dream Italian Weddings & Honeymoons - Winter 2009

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W I N T E R • I S S U E 8 • £2 . 9 9 • w w w . i t a l y m a g . c o . u k

honeymoons planning style venues bespoke

Your essential guide to getting married in italy

PORTOFINO…A Passion for

Julia and Angus’magical Riviera weddingUnderstandingWEDDING DRESSES

Unique designer

IRRESISTIBLE ITALY:Philippa &Davidtie the knot



…on the beautiful shores of Lake Como


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E d i t o r ’ s p a g e

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C O V E RI M A G E … Dream wedding - the happy couple, Philippa and DavidCatolfi Salvoni

(See page 10)

Image courtesy ofNancy Reeve of R&DPhotography Limited


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Another great feature this month is ‘One man and his wedding’,

where groom Angelo Sangiorgio gives us a man’s eye view

of the build-up to his big day. His account is both affectionate

and amusing and we all really enjoyed hearing the other side

of the story! Julia Petropoulos, on the other hand, tells of her

intimate wedding in Portofino with husband Angus and a

handful of guests. Their wedding, organised to perfection by

Love&Lord, was a simple but decadent affair, and included a

sail along the Riviera to Genova on the 1950s yacht The Viola:

a truly stylish end to the perfect weekend. Lastly, we follow

Tanya Smith on her trip to Italy to start planning her wedding

and tick things off her seemingly never-ending to-do list!

Other features include Bonnie Bates’ fascinating explanation of the history

behind laws governing modern civil marriage ceremonies in Italy, then

Raffaella Aflatt from Weddinginrome explains why the Eternal City is still

a favourite wedding destination and Lorna Egan from Design Go gives

useful advice for packing in general, and packing ‘the dress’ in particular.

Also, congratulations to the winners of Love&Lord’s wedding guide

competition in the Summer Issue of Dream Italian Weddings & Honeymoons:

Kate Armstrong, Jacqui Bradwell, Sara Muir, Sue Blackford and Alex Kettle

all received the guide of their choice, and we hope these great books provide

welcome inspiration for planning their big day. Meanwhile, please keep your

letters and emails coming, as nothing could make us happier than reading

the warm, quirky, romantic, surprising weddding stories you send us.

Welcome to my first issue of Dream Italian Weddings

& Honeymoons as editor. When Peter Shaw, our publisher,

first approached me about my taking over from Melissa,

I admit I was rather torn. I was delighted to be offered

the job, but disappointed it meant I would no longer be

working with Melissa. Over the five years that we worked

together, I found Melissa to be fair, open-minded and

fun, and in a perfect world, we’d have continued to work

together for years. So I’d like to thank her for being such

a great editor and wish her every success in her new role

at Brand Events as Director of the La Dolce Vita Show.

During the handover, Melissa told me that the part of the job she loved

most was talking to so many happy people, but even then, I had no idea

how infectious newlyweds’ enthusiasm could actually be. Over the past few

months, however, I’ve had the pleasure of chatting to brides and grooms

from all over the world who decided to tie the knot in Italy, and have to say

that their joy is indeed contagious! I was also delighted to discover that

many are great story tellers and the tongue in cheek comments that often

accompany the stories of their big day often had me laughing out loud.

This issue is packed with fabulous couples who have chosen Italy as their

wedding destination. We start with Philippa Smart and her husband David

whose wedding on the beautiful shores of Lake Como was made

unforgettable by the warmth and enthusiasm of the people of Como,

convincing Philippa that choosing Italy was the best decision she could

have made. Then Clair and Paul Dunlop share the story of their big day,

organised by expert planners Dream Academy, who carried out all their

strange requests without even blinking an eye, in a unique celebration

that will no doubt be the talk of Villa Giona for quite some time.


ADVERT I S EMENT SALESAngelo Sangiorgio Marta Lazzarin Levinia Modica

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Germaine Staf fordEDITOR

‘...benvenuti’, welcome!


ED I TORGermaine Staf [email protected]

ART ED I TORPaul [email protected]

WEBMAS TERRonald [email protected]

WEB EDITORCarla [email protected]

WEB CONTENT SUPPORTFrancesco [email protected]

SALES EXECUT I V EAngelo [email protected]

SALES EXECUT I V EMarta [email protected]

SALES EXECUT I V ELevinia [email protected]

SALES SUPPORTMichele [email protected]

ADVERT I S ING DES IGNKirsty [email protected]

AD PRODUCT IONJames [email protected]

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Your essential guide to getting married in italy



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i n t h i s i s s u e …

f i t i

weddings8 t h e m a g i c o f M a r i n a

Clair Quigley takes a look at the work of a gifted fashion designer whose gorgeous creations have one foot in the past and one in the future

10 i r r e s i s t i b l e I t a l yPhilippa Smart tells us how her wedding to husband David on the beautiful shores of Lake Como was made special by the generosity of strangers

2 0 o n e m a n a n d h i s w e d d i n gSicilian groom Angelo Sangiorgio entertains us with his description of the run up to his wedding to fiancée Stefania in the beautiful Baroque town of Modica in Sicily

3 2 a p a s s i o n f o r P o r t o f i n oGermaine Stafford meets Julia and Angus Coupland and discovers how their trip to Portofino led to the question that changed their lives forever

24 I t a l i a n h o n e y m o o n s i n s t y l eIn conjunction with Luxury Backpackers, we take a look at some gorgeous hotels in Italy for honeymooning in style

3 8 a c i t y o f s u r p r i s e sRaffaella Alflatt of Weddinginrome explains why Rome is still one of the hotspots for couples eager to tie the knot in Italy

14 M a r i o n H u n t e r a n d P a o l o S a l e t t i : b e y o n d o u r d r e a m sRead about Claire and Paul Dunlop’s fabulous wedding extravaganza at Villa Giona, where wedding planners Dream Academy made their every wish come true

2 8 a v e r y c i v i l c e r e m o n yBonnie Bates offers insight into the fascinating history of modern-day laws that govern civil wedding ceremonies in Italy

dress designer



wedding planners

6 d r e a m i t a l i a n w e d d i n g s & h o n e y m o o n s

Your essential guide to getting married in italy


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S u b s c r i p t i o n sFor subscription details see pages 5 and 55.

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wedding gifts

W i n t e r 2 0 0 8 / I s s u e 8

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2 02 04 6 a s k t h e e x p e r t s …

Our regular feature in which an expert answers your wedding answers. In this issue Lorna Egan of Design Go helps readers with travel and packing problems

4 2 r e n a i s s a n c e w e d d i n g sGem Cameron visits London’s National Gallery to see what role Renaissance portraiture played in the conventions of marriage

4 6 a s k t h e e x p e r t s …Our regular feature in which an expert answers your wedding answers. In this issueLorna Egan of Design Go helps readers with travel and packing problems

5 3 w e d d i n g c o u n t d o w nWe discover what bride-to-be Tanya Smith got up to on her trip to Italy to plan her wedding next year to fiancé Emanuale

5 6 I t a l i a n e l e g a n c e …We take a look at a range of fabulously stylish wedding gifts that will make the couple’s big day even better

5 0 a s e n s e o f p l a c eA group of magnificently kilted gentlemen cut a dash on the shores of Lake Garda

5 8 a s e n s e o f p l a c eIt’s been a long day, and one beautiful bride decides to take the weight off her feet

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g o w n s & d r e s s e sg o w n s & d r e s s e s

FOR MARINA MANSANTA,fashion is art, and art is a huge part of who she is.

Marina discovered her talent fordepicting what she saw in hermind’s eye when she was still veryyoung, and while she is adamantthat cultivating and refining talentis imperative for success, she isalso convinced that, ‘no one canbe taught to have an artistic soul.Sensitivity, imagination, creativity,harmony and inventiveness are all part of who you are, not whatyou learn.’

Her childhood dream ofbecoming a designer was swiftlyrealised and she was still a young womanwhen she opened her first atelier in theearly 1990s. It wasn’t the simplest of roadsto choose, but she knew that to give freerein to her creativity she could never workfor anyone else. And looking back, it wascertainly the right choice.


‘I wanted to push ahead with my own philosophy of getting back to fashion’sroots,’ she says, ‘and to create exclusive,hand tailored pieces for exacting clients. I have never made large numbers of any ofmy creations, and all pieces are handmade,hand-finished and hand embroidered bythe highly skilled people in my team.’Marina has no doubts as to the importanceher collaborators play in her maison’s

success. ‘Our achievements arebased on team work: withoutthem I couldn’t provide myclients with the quality pieces theylove. They are the professionalswho give shape to my thoughts.Every day they stimulate my creativity and bring my creationsto life with their incredible skillsand attention to detail.’

So how do her creations start?Marina explains: ‘As I said, fashionis art and creativity – but in evolution. There’s nothing newunder the sun, but I believe youcan perfect and personalise whathas come before you. And that’s

why we talk about ‘style’. If a fashiondesigner is recognised in the pieces he creates, that means he’s been able to put hissignature on the creation, just as great artistsdo with their paintings.’


Marina finds inspiration all around her: lifeitself with its infinite facets, nature and hercolours, different populations and their cultures, humanity and its history. And hercollections offer a fascinating insight intoMarina’s creative psyche. The sleek, nostalgically modern models in her Colonialecollection recall the elegance of the 1930sand 40s and yet have a contemporary feelthat fits with the needs of modern brides.Her Esotica and Etnico creations are stylishexpressions of diverse forms of nature and

Designer Marina Mansanta explains why she thinks theshape of fashion’s future can be found in the past


ofmagicmagicW O R D S : C L A I R Q U I G L E Y / I M A G E S : M A R I N A M A N S A N T A

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W e d d i n g F a s h i o n

world cultures, while her irresistible Musecollection features a series of sensual designsreflecting styles from different periods of history.

‘First of all, I see the design in my head,’she says, ‘almost like a photograph that Ithen have to commit to paper in a sketch.Then I actually have to create the piece,make it real. And lastly comes my favouritepart, seeing my model worn by a woman onher big day.’ And who exactly wears herpieces? ‘My clients vary,’ she says, ‘from VIPs,and well known personalities to career women,brides and women who want an exclusivepiece made just for them. I’ve been luckyenough to work with great artists in theworlds of theatre, musicals and in TV so I’veseen my creations worn by some really greatpeople, some truly stunning women.’


In 2004, just a few kilometres from Florence,Marina opened her distinctive ‘Open HouseMarina Mansanta’ as her only sales point inItaly, where clients visit to avail themselvesof the maison’s various services. And thanksto her status with well known PersonalShoppers and Wedding Planners, there is nevera shortage of visitors. Moreover, the increasingpopularity of the Marina Mansanta brand abroadhas led the house to offer hospitality in nearbyelegant guesthouses for clients who come fromfrom further afield, proving that the Mansantaspecial touch doesn’t stop at her fashion…Marina MonsantaUscita Valdarno Autostrada A1Seconda Strada Poggilupi 9552028 Terranova Bracciolini (AR)Tel: (+39) 055 9737752Web: www.marinamansanta.com

…her collections offer a FASCINATING INSIGHT INTO MARINA’S



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We take a look a the importance of tasting your Italian banquet before your guests do and visit a beautiful 16th-century villa that

offers a very special wedding dish

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W O R D S : C L A I R a n d P A U L D U N L O P I M A G E S : D R E A M A C A D E M Y / V I L L A G I O N A

o u r d r e a m w e d d i n g

ItalyirresistibleWhen Philippa Smart

fell in love with her

Italian fiancé David

Catolfi Salvoni, she

had no idea she was

also about to fall in

love with his country

and its people…

‘D AVID PROPOSED to me inDecember of 2006, followinga gorgeous day of skating at

Somerset House in London,’ says happynewlywed Philippa Smart. ‘He had plannedto propose in the restaurant but a group ofloud tourists made him wait until we gothome to our flat where he presented me witha ring: a beautiful solitaire set in white gold.’

Philippa, English, from Surrey, andDavid, half Italian and half English, weremarried this summer on Lake Como. Soonafter the engagement, they agreed they’d getmarried Italy, partly because David’s fatherwould be unable to travel to the UK, butmost importantly, because David grew upnear Lake Como which was the perfect setting for a wedding.

‘I am very organised,’ says Philippa, ‘somemight say a control freak! And I like to havethings well planned. With 87 guests arrivingfrom various locations, we decided to set upa website via weddingpath.co.uk, and gave

W O R D S : G E R M A I N E S T A F F O R D

I M A G E S : N A N C Y R E E V E o fR & D P H O T O G R A P H Y L I M I T E D

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background. I was trying to hold it togetherbut could almost feel my bottom lip start totremble. David saw the look on my faceand said, ‘Just leave it to me.’ He went off totalk to the gentleman from the comune wholistened carefully to him. He disappeared,then returned a few minutes later with akey, and let us view another room full oflight and beautiful chandeliers and frescoes.And when he saw how much we liked it,his face lit up and he said, ‘Just leave it

to me’. The gentleman’s name was SignorPaladino and he must have taken a shine to us, as he was as good as his word.

‘I had decided early on that I didn’twant a strapless dress,’ says Philippa, ‘but at Berketex Brides, the assistant said she’dlike to suggest a few dresses to me that shethought would suit me. One that shepicked out was the Angelique model, but asit was strapless, I didn’t think it was goingto be right. It was the first dress I tried andas soon as I put it on, I felt absolutelyamazing in it! It had a Hollywood glamourfeel to it that suited my personality andstyle and both my mum and I just loved it.As it was too early to make a decision, Idecided to look around, but 18 monthsand plenty of dress shopping later, I wentback and bought the very first dress I hadever tried on. And it was so amazing towear it on the day. It really was The One!

‘The days running up to my weddingwere part of what I enjoyed most,’ saysPhilippa. ‘My mother, my sister-in-law andI got to do lots of girly things, and pampered

the address to all our guests via the invitations.The website gave lots of travel advice, a list oflocal hotels at various costs and informationon how to get from the airports etc. It alsohad a forum where our guests could co-ordinateshared lifts, travel together and so on.’

Philippa and David both agreed they didn’twant a religious, church wedding so theyimmediately knew it was going to be a civilceremony. Originally they had set their heartson doing everything in one venue (i.e. cere-mony and reception), but this wasn’t possiblefor the date they wanted. However, aftersome research, they came up with a goodalternative. Now all they had to do wasfinalise the details.

But even the most organised souls havepre-wedding nerves. Philippa remembers: ‘Ithink my big panic moment was about twomonths before the day, when there stillseemed like a lot to do, but after our trip to Italy three weeks before the wedding, Imanaged to calm down. Though even thenthere were some iffy moments.

J U S T L E A V E I T T O M E …Philippa and David wanted to visit the townhall in Como where they were going to bemarried. ‘It was a gorgeous, rich red room,’says Philippa, ‘but it was set up like a hugemeeting room. When we asked if they’d bereorganising the hall before our wedding,they said no, and that the room would stayas it was. I had sudden visions of my weddingphotographs with people crouching behindmicrophones and with a fax machine in the


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ourselves in Como while my husband ranaround ticking things off his husband to-do list, like chasing up the best man, androunding up errant DJs. And in the evenings we had lots of family dinners with David’s uncles and aunts who live near Como, and I was happy and relaxedand not the least bit nervous.’


Philippa decided on a theme of deep redroses for her wedding, so she used the reddetail for the bouquet, the flower-girl dresses,her hair accessories, the flower decorations at the Town Hall and the reception. She alsohad silk red rose petals scattered at the TownHall and around the wedding cake.

‘Our wedding in our beautiful hall at thecomune was perfect,’ she says, ‘and, much toour pleasure, our friend Mr. Peligrini waspresent. And in a gesture of incredible generosity, he brought a bottle of chilledchampagne from his own house to serveDavid and I and our two witnesses after theceremony, and gave us special ornamentalsilver boats that used to be given to all couplesthat got married in Como as a memento. Andat that point we invited him to our weddingreception and dinner and were delightedwhen he turned up later with his wife!’

Philippa and David’s reception was heldin the gardens of Villa Olmo on the shoreof Lake Como, a place they’d had their eyeon for some time. ‘To be honest,’ says Philippa,‘David and I had visited the villa varioustimes and had really set our heart on gettingmarried there, but it was booked solidly andit was impossible to find a date that suitedus. We had really wanted to get married andhave the reception all in one place, but evenwith the help of our wedding planner wecouldn’t swing it.. However, in the end wehired a coach to pick people up from their

hotels and drop them off at the town halland the villa, and basically it shuttled peopleto and fro all day long. It worked really well.

‘About half way through our wedding day, our photographer said to us that if wedidn’t get away for an hour or so we wouldn’tsee each other at all. He was right. So we tookoff for a walk through Como. I slipped on apair of flip flops under my wedding dress andDavid carried my shoes in one hand and ourwhite wedding umbrella in the other! Westopped off for a coffee in a bar and every-one cheered. Then we went into the piazzawhere everyone clapped and shouted‘Auguri!’ We just felt like superstars.’


One of the couple’s concerns was what to dowith their guests between the morning ceremony

and lunch and the evening entertain-ment. But they needn’t have worried.‘Apart from the fact everyone was veryrelaxed and easy-going,’ says Philippa,‘we had forgotten that an Italian lunchwould eat up a good four and a halfhours… One of our friends had a babywith her and had to feed him twiceduring the meal! But the fact that thesetting was so laid back and easy meant

that between courses, guests felt free to floatbetween tables (we had named all the tablesafter Italy’s World Cup players: Cannavaro, Toni,Buffon…), or even take the children down tothe Lake for a break. The restaurant, RistoranteVilla Olmo, was in the Villa grounds, and theirfood was astounding: the English contingentsimply couldn’t believe how good it was orhow much there was of it! And the staff bentover backwards to make us happy.

‘You know, if I hadn’t come to Italy to getmarried, I would probably have had a reallynice wedding day somewhere in England, but this way it really changed my whole experience. Looking back, I couldn’t have had a better day, and most of what made it so special was Italy, its wonderful generouspeople, and its unique heart.’www.rndphotos.com



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We take a look a the importance of tasting your Italian banquet before your guests do and visit a beautiful 16th-century villa that

offers a very special wedding dish

o u r d r e a m w e d d i n g

14 d r e a m i t a l i a n w e d d i n g s & h o n e y m o o n s

beyonddreamsW O R D S : C L A I R a n d P A U L D U N L O P

I M A G E S : D R E A M A C A D E M Y / V I L L A G I O N A

o u r d r e a m w e d d i n g

For a special bride and groom you need special

wedding planners and luckily for Claire and

Paul Dunlop, they found Dream Academy


W O R D S : C L A I R a n d P A U L D U N L O P I M A G E S : D R E A M A C A D E M Y / V I L L A G I O N A

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the very best wedding planners – a realrecipe for a fairytale wedding.


Our guests were blown away on arrival atVilla Giona and were speechless by the timethey had a chance to explore the extraordinaryvilla and surrounding grounds. Many commented how welcome they felt whengreeted by Marion, Franco and Paolo. Othersremarked on the well kept gardens and howspacious their rooms were. As to be expected,the bridal suite was elegant and beautiful,with plenty of room for all the bits andpieces a bride needs with her when gettingmarried! Her groom… and his money!

With Marion’s professional guidance, our‘pink themed’ wedding became a reality andwe devised a plan of events, with somethingdifferent for each day of our stay. On thefirst evening, we had a fantastic Italian barbeque whilst being entertained by themusical talents of local musician Ivan onthe saxophone and clarinet. Marion andFranco joined in with the singing and dancingand the relaxed atmosphere allowed all our guests to get to know each other.

The afternoon of the second day was spentexploring the streets of Verona. While manyof the Romeos searched in vain for theirJuliets, it became apparent that the majorityof the Juliets had found the many designerboutiques that Verona has to offer! The secondevening will hold very dear memories for avery long time. On the advice of Marion andFranco, we booked the nearby Byblos ArtHotel for dinner. Rarely in life do you get todine in such a fabulous hotel while enjoyingthe finest of Italian cuisine and wine.


Day three was the main event! On themorning of the wedding, Marion, Francoand Paolo sent up some beautiful roseswith a lovely Venetian mask wishing us allthe best on our wedding day. These personaltouches made everything so special. We chosethe town hall in Bardolino on the shores ofLake Garda, to have our wedding ceremony.The ceremony took place in the second

O N OUR FIRST VISIT to VillaGiona, we knew immediatelythat it was the perfect venue

for the wedding we dreamed of. After view-ing prospective venues in Tuscany andUmbria, we travelled to Verona to view VillaGiona with Marion and Franco from DreamAcademy. Not only were they both veryapproachable, but they were a friendly, pro-fessional couple with experience up theirsleeve and a good working relationshipwith local suppliers. Justifiably Verona’sLeading Wedding Planners for quality onthe UK /Irish Market.

In comparison to other potential venues,Villa Giona definitely stood apart from all the rest. Paolo Saletti, the owner of Villa Giona, was there to greet us at thedoor and we were welcomed with openarms and very large glasses of the Villa’sown Valpolicella. The location was ideal asit boasts lovely grounds which offer privacyand seclusion, yet it is on the doorstep ofthe enchanting city of Verona and LakeGarda. It was the ideal size to accommodatethe numbers we wished to invite and therooms were spacious, each offering fantasticviews of the lush gardens and of course the vineyards.

We were so thrilled after seeing VillaGiona, that we more or less confirmed ourdates for the wedding on our first visit. Wedecided that we would book for four nightsand when we shared information and pictures of the villa with our guests, theywere equally excited. We only travelled toItaly once after our initial visit, as we hadcomplete confidence in Marion and Franco’sorganisational abilities and attention todetail. We were in no doubt that, along with Paolo at Villa Giona, we had found

WE WERE IN NO DOUBT… we had FOUNDthe very best wedding planners…

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to sample the Amarone as well as other finewines from the region. The wedding banquetwas exquisite and every course was enjoyedby all our guests. In the evening we enjoyedentertainment in the form of top Italian DJMarco, whilst enjoying the acrobatic skills of our very own cocktail bartenders. Wedanced into the small hours in the grandhall in the centre of the villa.

On the final day, most of our guestsenjoyed exploring the small towns aroundLake Garda, before returning to Villa Gionafor its first ever Pizza, Pasta and Pyjama party.

floor of this handsome building and justoutside the ceremony room there was a balconywhich offered spectacular views over thelake and small port. To add a special touchto the ceremony, our Grannies had been chosen as our witnesses. And at the age of79 and 74 they did us proud – another tender moment to cherish.

The locals welcomed us with open arms,whilst keeping a safe distance from the 46pink clad people who had just descendedon their town. Our guests were able toenjoy drinks on the lake front promenadeamidst the relaxed atmosphere thatBardolino offers, whilst we were off havingphotographs taken. Our photographer,Tullio from Verona, was excellent andencouraged us to be ourselves, relax andintroduce an element of fun into our photographs. Many crazy moments werecaptured on camera and the photographstaken certainly reflected our personalitiesand the personalities of our guests.

The reception was held back at Villa Giona.On our arrival, we were entertained by local10-piece jazz band. The band was not onlyvisually stunning, but they sounded fantasticand kept our guests entertained as we hadphotographs taken amongst the vines.


We decided to go with a Venetian theme,decorating the tables with feather masks. Inkeeping with the setting, we named our tablesafter fine Italian wines. Wine connoisseurFranco, ensured that everyone had a chance

TO ADD A SPECIAL TOUCH TO THE CEREMONY, ourGRANNIES had been chosen as our witnesses…TO ADD A SPECIAL TOUCH TO THE CEREMONY, ourGRANNIES had been chosen as our witnesses…

THE BAND… kept our guests entertained as we had photographs

taken amongst the vines

THE BAND… kept our guests entertained as we had photographs

taken amongst the vines

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…what we experienced at villa giona was something that went beyond our expectations

…what we experienced at villa giona was something that went beyond our expectations

Having been dreamt up over an after lunchgrappa with Marion and Franco on our second visit, this was definitely one of thehighlights of our four days at Villa Giona. It was such an enjoyable evening and ourphotographer, Tullio, even returned to capturethe madness of us in our pjs! We decided tokeep the wedding cake until the evening ofthe pyjama party and it was an exceptionallylarge heart shaped cake, every inch of whichwas covered in strawberries. As a surprise,Marion and Franco had organised for Ivanto return to entertain and keep us warm for

the evening. Roberto, possibly the mosthandsome villa manager in the whole ofItaly, serenaded the ladies with Italian lovesongs and all the villa staff embraced theevening and dressed up in their pjs as well. It was really quite something and when wethought it could not get any better, an oldfashioned style ice cream cart arrived, muchto all the children’s amusement. This, alongwith everything else, has been a talking pointamongst all our guests ever since.

Y O U R W I S H I S M Y C O M M A N D !Prior to our arrival in Italy, we both had avision of what our wedding day would be like,but what we experienced at Villa Giona wassomething that went beyond our expectations.

Every request throughout our stay was granted by the calm and unflappableMarion, from the obscure request to source a big screen and install Skyjust for the day to watch the final of the Ryder Cup, to the strangelypredictable ‘just one more bottle of wine!’, Paolo and all the staff couldnot have been more attentive or accommodating, and like Paoloexplained to us when we arrived, it really was our home away from home.

Franco even seemed to have control of the weather. When a stormloomed on the afternoon of our wedding, Franco reminded us that itnever rained at Villa Giona, and he was right, as the dark clouds soondisappeared and the sun re-emerged! It was truly fantastic howsmoothly the four days unfolded and this was only due to the controland capable manner Marion and Franco had over the whole event.

It was better than we ever envisaged it would be and the efforts of Marion, Franco, Paolo and all the Villa Giona staff greatly surpassedanything we expected. It was truly out of this world and we wouldlike to extend a heartfelt and sincere Irish thank-you to all of them for making our time at Villa Giona so special and unforgettable.Weddings at Villa Giona by in-house Wedding & Event Designers Web: www.dreamacademy.it Email: [email protected]


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‘S TEFANIA AND I have known each other since we were at schooltogether,’ says 26-year-old Sicilian

Angelo Sangiorgio. ‘We didn’t look at eachother until about four months before wewere about to leave secondary school, andsince then we haven’t looked at anyone else!’Angelo and his beautiful fiancée Stefaniawere married in June of this year in thehandsome Baroque town of Modica in Sicily.

‘We started dating eight years ago,’ he says,‘and stayed together all through university.We both studied in Pisa, but after graduating

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One man

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proposal was a bit different. One evening at the beginning of last year while we weretalking, Stefania turned to face me andasked: ‘What do you want to do?’ It took mea moment, but then I understood what shemeant and I said, ‘Would you like me to askyou to marry me?’ She said yes, so I did,and she said yes again. I suppose the wholething took me a bit by surprise but it was

weddingand his

Newly married Angelo Sangiorgio gives us a man’s view of the build-up to his super Sicilian wedding

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we decided to come back to our native Sicilywhere our families are. I suppose it camedown to deciding whether we wanted tohave big careers in one of Italy’s cities or havea quieter, and probably a simpler life inSicily. But now we’re back we’re really happy.’


Both fresh graduates, the first thing on theirmind back in Sicily was beginning theirrespective careers. But before long they weretalking about their future. So how did hepop the question? ‘Well,’ says Angelo, ‘the

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absolutely the right decision. And once itsank in, it was really exciting. Our parentswere delighted for us, though I remember the look on my mother’s face when she realisedI wasn’t going to stay at home for the rest ofmy life. But Italian mothers are like that.’

So now they’d decided to get married,who took care of all the organisation? ‘Wedid everything together,’ Angelo says. ‘With

just agreed to compromise. Actually, Ibecame very good at compromising.’ Helaughs again. ‘No, really, everything wentwell. Though I do remember one particularlylong weekend looking for bomboniere (favours)with Stefania, and both our mothers. I hadno idea that picking the perfect weddingfavour could be quite such a dramatic affair.’

Angelo continues: ‘Another slight differenceof opinion arose over my suit. Stefania wasmuch more worried that it be of the rightcut, from the right tailor and matched withthe right pair of shoes, whereas I really justwanted to be comfortable. And I know shewas worried about her dress. She kept sayingto me ‘I hope you like it! I hope you like it!’ Inthe event, I was so preoccupied on the day thatit was only about a couple of hours after we’dbeen married that I actually noticed the dress!Although I have to say it was very beautiful.’

both of us working, we did mostof the planning at the weekends,running about having invitationsprinted and booking the restaurantand the church. We had originallythought of getting married inModica’s fabulous Baroque duomo,but it’s booked so far in advancethat they tell you when you canget married, and as Stefania haddreamed that our big day had to

be on the 8th June, that didn’t work in withour schedule… So we chose the town’s secondchurch, La Chiesa di San Pietro, which isalso very beautiful.’

G I V E A L I T T L E , T A K E A L I T T L E …It’s during this planning stage that manycouples begin to feel the stress. Was it thesame for them? ‘No,’ he says laughing, ‘we

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…we chose the town’s secondchurch, La Chiesa di San Pietro

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But there was also lots of fun. Angeloremembers: ‘One thing Stefania reallyenjoyed on the run-up to the weddingwas the wedding list – choosing lots andlots of beautiful items and not having topay for them. I was a bit worried that she’dpick up bad habits that would be difficultto break later on, but I needn’t have worried.The purse strings are safe with her!’

A L L ’ S W E L L T H A T E N D S W E L L

And the actual wedding? ‘The day itself wasfabulous,’ says Angelo warmly. ‘The churchwas beautiful, we got through the ceremonywithout any problems (I only lost my glasses

So now that the big day is over,what’s the verdict? Angelo has nodoubts: ‘From my point of view – andI hope Stefania agrees! – married lifehas improved what was already a greatrelationship. Just knowing that whenyou get home after a hard day’s workthere’s someone to share your daywith, talk to and plan your futurewith, is one of the best feelings in the

world. I think what Stefania likes best is getting to organise things: our weekends; ourbudget; the way I should dress.’ But it’s clearfrom his laughter that nothing could pleasehim more… diw&h

I hope stefania agrees! - married life has improvedwhat was already a great relationship

once), and afterwards had the most fabulousparty with our 240 guests. (We compromisedon the number: 160 guests from her side,80 from mine.) It was just the most incredibleway to end a perfect day.

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H O T E L S U G O L O G O N EO L I E N A , S A R D I N I A

…quiet hideaway

E X E D R A ( M a i n I m a g e )R O M E

…lavish style

hideawaysD ECORATED with colourful cushions, antiques and

charm, with staircases and hallways leading to gardens,terraces, quiet corners and secret hideaways – prefect for coupleswanting some privacy. They also hold weddings here too, so ifyou haven’t planned yours already, then book ahead! For coupleswho care about all things organic, the large swimming pool isallegedly filled with spring water, and the restaurant serves localproduce, such as ‘hog’ roast meats cooked in the huge open fire.Tel: (+39) 0784 287512 Web: www.hotelsugologone.comPrice: Double rooms from €105 per person half-board

O VERLOOKING the magnificent Piazzadella Repubblica and owned by the

exclusive Italian hotel group ‘Boscolo’, Exedraepitomises everything Italian – style and glamour. The rooms are decorated in calmingsubtle colours, with fluffy bathrobes and plasmascreen TVs in the bathroom. The breakfast onthe top floor serves every type of pastry, meat,cheese and coffee imaginable. The highlight ofthis place are the magnificent views from therooftop pool, and the top floor garden terraceand bar which is lively at weekends. Tel: (+39) 06 421111 Web: www.boscolohotels.comPrice: From €250 per room per night.

In conjunction with newly published guidebook ‘Luxury Backpackers: Honeymoonsin Style, we highlight our top ten Italian hideaways for a stylish honeymoon

O VERLOOKING the magnificent Piazzadella Repubblica and owned by the

exclusive Italian hotel group ‘Boscolo’, Exedraepitomises everything Italian – style and glamour. The rooms are decorated in calmingsubtle colours, with fluffy bathrobes and plasmascreen TVs in the bathroom. The breakfast onthe top floor serves every type of pastry, meat,cheese and coffee imaginable. The highlight ofthis place are the magnificent views from therooftop pool, and the top floor garden terraceand bar which is lively at weekends. Tel: (+39) 06 421111 Web: www.boscolohotels.comPrice: From €250 per room per night.

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R O S A A L P I N A H O T E L & S P AS A N C A S S I A N O , D O L O M I T E S .

P A L A Z Z O S A S S O R A V E L L O , A M A L F I C O A S T

A CHIC FAMILY run hotel set in the craggy contours ofthe Dolomite Alps with mountain lodge-style rooms

filled with bees-waxed wood furniture, marble and antique woodfloors. The area is filled with action activities such as skiing, hikingexcursions with mountain guides, snow shoeing and ice climbingor sledging. The St. Hubertus restaurant serves dinner in a candlelit,wood-panelled room with a blazing log fire. To warm things upfurther, have a lavender- or rosemary-infused sauna followed by a milk or rose-petal bath for two.Tel: (+39) 0471 849500Web: www.rosalpina.itPrice: From €200 per room per night on B&B basis

A PINK AND ROMANTIC palace with stunning viewsover the jagged, lemon-lined coast. this former

12th-century palace has everything for those wanting discreet luxury,seclusion and tranquillity set in the charming town of Ravello. It’s within walking distance of the square, which hosts outdoormusic concerts in the summer and a is great location from which to explore the mountainous terrain and picturesque villages orMaiori and Amalfi close by. The hotel has 32 rooms and 11 suites(the best one being the ‘infinito suite’), and all are decorated with hand made antiques and furniture from the 18th and 19th centuries. The hotel has an unbelievable Michelin two-star restaurant, and a gorgeous new spa for pampering. Tel: (+39) 089 818181 Web: www.palazzosasso.com Price: Rooms from €198 per room per night including breakfast

…chic mountain lodge

…deluxe romance

U N A H O T E L V I T T O R I AF L O R E N C ETHE UNA VITTORIA HOTEL is centrally located near the

Lungarno and set in a stylish, modern courtyard and offersthe latest in design and technology. Vibrant colours and rarematerials such as mosaics, leather and printed fabrics have beenused in all rooms, which are also fitted with plasma screensmounted on pink sparkly LED walls. The bathrooms have clearglass screens, you can see both in and out (!) and there is even a ‘pillow’ menu for those who need a good nights sleep!Tel: (+39) 055 22771Web: www.unahotels.itPrice: From €150 per room per night including breakfast.…modern and arty

N O V E C E N T O V E N I C E A NINE-ROOM charming boutique gem tucked away

down an alley within walking distance from Piazza SanMarco, the Grand Canal and the Gritti Palace. Each room has itsown unique character, with beautifully decorated antiques fromthe owners’ own travels. It offers fabulous value for money andhas very personal service, which make this place popular for hon-eymooners on a stricter budget, but book early as this place issmall. The extremely friendly staff, the exquisite courtyard and thelibrary are the main highlights.Tel: (+39) 041 2413765Web: www.novecento.bizPrice: From €150 per room per night.…eclectic charm

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S C H L O S S R U B E I N D O L O M I T E S .

A TRIBUTE from the Italian Jeweller to the world of luxury, situated in Milan’s most stylish area –

Via Montenapoleone. The hotel has Bulgari branded productseverywhere from bathroom accessories to dining cutlery. It’s also renowned for being a cool nightspot (a place to be seen),and really comes alive with locals after work hours and weekends.The luscious spa has a glass mosaic swimming pool and Turkishsteam room with treatments to relax tired feet. It’s a perfect placefor couples wanting an oasis within the city, yet it is centralenough to serve as a base for exploring.Tel: (+39) 02 8058051Web: www.bulgarihotels.comPrice: From €400 per room per night including breakfast.

A 12TH-CENTURY romantic castle, located near theEastern edge of Meran, known to have been a secluded

getaway for renowned singers Pavarotti and Dalla. It is surroundedby 5-hectare landscape (with swimming pool) and has spacious,decorative suites overlooking a lovely romantic courtyard. The castle also has a chapel and is ideal for weddings too!Tel: (+39) 0473 231894Web: www.rubein.comPrice: Doubles from €82 per person per night, room-only

…bold and branded

…chapel charm

M A S S E R I A T O R R E C O C C A R OB R I N D I S I .A FABULOUS OASIS of tranquillity set in beautiful nature

with ancient olive groves, vegetable and herb gardens.The rustic charm of this fortified 500-year old building is captivating, with its cosy rooms and antique furniture. Food loverswill love this place; they serve organic Puglian cuisine and hostcooking classes (in the room next to the old chapel). Spa loverscan also enjoy the Aveda spa with treatments ranging from reflexology to ayurvedic massage. You can also take bikes (free of charge), and cycle to the small harbour of Savelletri and thenatural harbour of Egnazia.Tel: (+39) 080 48293 Email: [email protected]: €262–€1,272 per room per night, breakfast and taxes included

…historic country haven

R E L A I S L A S U V E R A T U S C A N Y LOCATED in the small hamlet of Pievescole, Relais la

Suvera is a real rural retreat. It enjoys a tranquil settingwith an aviary, private chapel and great views of the Tuscan countryside, and is only an hour away from Florence’s centre. Every room is filled with unique pieces of art from the family’sextensive collection of antiques, married with modern marblebathrooms and butler service. The wonderful homemade breakfasts with freshly made breads are delicious. Opt for theromantic ‘Napoleon room’ with views over the countryside.Tel: (+39) 0577 960300Web: www.lasuvera.itPrice: From €300 per room per night including a buffet breakfast

…rural retreat

Extracts taken from ‘Luxury Backpackers: Honeymoons in Style’ book priced £16.00 available from www.luxurybackpackers.comand most good bookshops; for more information email: [email protected]*Prices are correct at time of research and are subject to change.

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a veryCIVILceremony

Discover somethoroughly modern aspectsof the ancient Roman Laws thatgovern ItalianCivil Ceremonieseven today…

M EDIEVAL CASTLES, ancient villages and candlelit courtyards set the atmosphere for romance in afairy-tale journey into the past for an unforgettable

Italian Wedding. And while hundreds of years have passed sinceknights in shining armour roamed the Circus Maximus, the echo ofancient Roman Law (see info) governing citizens in the middle agesstill rings strong today, and it comes as quite a surprise to coupleswho choose a Civil Ceremony in Italy that those same articles ofRoman Law still define the institution of marriage in a truly moderndoctrine for fairness and equal rights and obligations of both spouses.


The definition of matrimonium or marriage evolved during the RomanEmpire (lasting from about 300 BC to 600 AD), and the end resultis very different from some of the widely held stereotypes aboutItalians and matrimony. Here’s a look at some of the clichésthrough truth and myth ....

Myth: Italians have ‘arranged’ marriages…TRUTH: Although mutual consent was ignored for a long timein Roman Law, it later became a necessary element of a valid marriage,just as it is today. It is reflected both in the text of the marriagepromise which is signed two to three days before the wedding andin the act of matrimony itself which is filed at the town hall registry.

Myth: Italians marry their relatives…TRUTH: The current articles of no impediment to marriage dateback to the Roman Emperor Justinian ( circa 550 AD), and they includemarriage forbidden on account of relationship between ascendantsand descendants, siblings, relationships by marriage (step-relatives)and adopted persons even after the dissolution of the adoption.

Myth: The ‘year of mourning’ requirement to re-marryapplies only to women and so is unfair…TRUTH: Under Roman Law, both the man and the woman werebranded with infamia if marriage was contracted before the periodof mourning ended. The modern day application of the 300 daywaiting period for women following death of or divorce from ahusband is to protect paternity rights of the unborn child in casethe woman is pregnant when she divorces or loses her spouse.

Above; Jessica and Luis receive a parchment copy of their wedding certificate in SienaThis image; Confetti is tossed outside the Civil Wedding Hall

Above; Jessica and Luis receive a parchment copy of their wedding certificate in SienaThis image; Confetti is tossed outside the Civil Wedding Hall

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Myth: The husband is the boss…TRUTH: In Roman Law, the term patria potestas gave the husband power over the family with respect to property and protective care of his wife and children. It was later changed to read ‘head of household’ and further updated in 1975 with the new Family Law Reform giving equal rights and responsibilities(‘potesta’ or ‘power’) to both spouses and establishing joint ownership by default unless otherwise decided by the couplethrough a pre-nuptial agreement.

Myth: Women must take their husband’s surname…TRUTH: Women keep their maiden name in Italy. (Yes ladies, you will sign the Wedding Hall Register with your own last name!)


Couples getting legally married in Italy are amazed at the stateliness of the civil ceremony:

‘I didn’t hear a single obey!’ ‘I’m surprised that the laws are so fair’‘Much nicer than our government offices back home!’

These comments were overheard after a recent wedding in Colle Val d’Elsa, a 10th-century medieval village between Florence andSiena (above). The Celebrant wears the red, white and green sashrepresenting government and recites the articles of law governingthe rights and responsibilities of married couples. It is these three

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articles – numbers 143, 144, and 147 of the Italian Civil Code –that reflect the essence of Roman Law and the Italian Constitutionwhich affirms ‘all citizens have equal social status and are equalbefore the law, without regard to their sex, race, language, religion,political opinions, and personal or social conditions’. By the way,Happy Birthday to a democratic Italy, celebrating its 60th year as a Republic in 2008!


Legal Civil Ceremonies are held only in authorized areas or WeddingHalls which are usually the headquarters for local government. Thehalls symbolize prestige and are decorated with period works of artand furniture, and walls are often frescoed or lined with priceless paintings and tapestries.

Each town establishes a fee schedule for marrying in the WeddingHall and these are subject to change in January of each year, whenthe wedding office begins booking dates.

Paperwork requirements include no-impediment documents fromthe homeland and/or sworn statements/affidavits attesting freedomto marry. All paperwork is submitted to the town hall wedding officeupon signing the wedding promise two or three days before thewedding date. Although the paperwork is simple, it is always best to hire a local person to make sure the process goes smoothly. Thisperson may also act as translator for the wedding promise and thewedding ceremony, as required by law. Two witnesses are also requiredfor the wedding ceremony and they sign the official register alongsidethe bride, the groom and the translator.

Some wedding halls provide music during the ceremony, such as the Red Hall in Florence (below). Photographers are welcome with a reminder not to point flashbulbs directly at any artwork. Rice andconfetti is usually allowed outside the town hall building.

Most Wedding Halls provide a parchment copy of the MarriageCertificate for framing, along with a commemorative gift. Sometowns go so far as to offer a toast to the entire wedding party with snacks and great Italian prosecco.

Coupled getting legally married in italy are

amazed at the statelinessof the civil ceremony

c i v i l c e r e m o n y


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Bonnie Bates is a Wedding Plannerfor My Weddings & More and she has lived in Italy for over 20 years.Email:[email protected] : (US) (+1) 916 273 9523 UK: (+44) 020 3239 8691Skype: myweddingsandmore

Some information taken from: Burdick, William L.The Principles of Roman Law and Their Relation toModern Law. Rochester: The Lawyers Co-operativePublishing Co., [1938]. xxi, 748 pp. Reprinted 2004 by The Lawbook Exchange.

Bonnie Bates is a Wedding Plannerfor My Weddings & More and she has lived in Italy for over 20 years.Email:[email protected] : (US) (+1) 916 273 9523 UK: (+44) 020 3239 8691Skype: myweddingsandmore

Some information taken from: Burdick, William L.The Principles of Roman Law and Their Relation toModern Law. Rochester: The Lawyers Co-operativePublishing Co., [1938]. xxi, 748 pp. Reprinted 2004 by The Lawbook Exchange.

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We take a look a the importance of tasting your Italian banquet before your guests do and visit a beautiful 16th-century villa that

offers a very special wedding dish

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Portofinoa passion for

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W O R D S : J U L I A P E T R O P O U L O S a n d A N G U S C O U P L A N D / I M A G E S : M A L O U B U R G E R f o r L O V E & L O R D

Meet one couple whose trip to the Italian Riviera inspired them to come back for more…

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I N THE MONTH of August of 2004,Julia Petropoulos and AngusCoupland met at a beautiful wedding

on the tiny island of Uto in Sweden. It wasto prove an auspicious meeting, as almostimmediately the two hit it off and felt thespark of attraction. ‘At that time,’ says Julia,‘Angus was on his way from Hong Kong tobegin working in London. Although I’mfrom Boston, I’ve lived in London since1999, and soon after Angus arrived, westarted dating seriously.’ And in September2008, almost exactly four years after they’dmet, Julia and Angus became husband andwife in the gorgeous town of Portofino onthe Italian Riviera.

‘The way it happened was a real surprise,’says Julia. ‘My birthday is on 4th July, andthis year Angus surprised me with a trip toPortofino, which was just amazing.Portofino is such a beautiful place. Westayed in the Hotel Splendido, and while

we were there, Angus proposed to me. And looking around, we couldn’t imagine anywhere more beautiful, so we thought – why don’t we come back here to get married? Right away we knew we wanted a small, intimate wedding with few guests:something simple, elegant but relaxed, andthis seemed the right place.’


However, organising a wedding in Italybetween and American and an Australianwas never going to be simple. ‘That’s whereJoelle our wedding planner from Love and

…something simple, elegant but relaxed… this seemed

the right place…

Lord was invaluable,’ confesses Julia. ‘Withouther help in ploughing through all the multi-cultural bureaucracy, goodness knows howwe would have managed it. She took careof all the legal paperwork, organised andnegotiated on our behalf in Italy, telling uswhen we had to turn up to sign somethingor when we had to visit our embassies inItaly. And when she’d finished all that, shebegan arranging for my hair and makeup,the flowers, the villa where we had the ceremony, the yacht we were on the nextday, and she managed the whole processwith the Hotel Splendido, including minutedetails of the wedding menu and table setting.’

Deciding on the dates also presented a potential problem as both Julia’s sisterand Angus’ sister-in-law were pregnant, andafter taking everyone’s different needs into consideration, there was just one window of opportunity for everyone getting together.And they grabbed it: the weekend of the26th-29th September.


‘Everyone arrived on the Friday night,’remembers Julia, ‘and we had dinner at arestaurant on the coast called Capo Nord.The food was lovely and the view was exquisite. We had canapés followed by a five course meal with the Riviera right at our feet and stretching out as far as wecould see. We were absolutely enchanted.

‘On Saturday, I went to have my hair and makeup done in a little place in Santa

Margherita (I’d already done

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a practice run!), and got dressed. I’d chosena dress by the Australian designer ColletteDinnigan, and my flowers matched thewreath carried by our flower girl, Angus’niece of 18 months, and also the flowers of my matron of honour, my sister Angela.We were actually married in Villa SanGiacomo in Santa Margherita in the lateafternoon. It was a beautiful ceremonymade even more moving by the fact that,as a surprise, Joelle from Love and Lordhad arranged for a flautist to be playingas I entered. It was very emotional.’ Afterthe ceremony, Julia, Angus and theirguests had drinks in the villa’s magnificentgardens before returning to Portofino for dinner in the Hotel Splendido. ‘Weate out on the terrace to enjoy the viewsuntil it became too chilly, then we movedindoors to a private dining room. However,the hotel insisted that Angus and I had the first dance in the hall after dinner, then the whole hall joined in! What a wonderful moment...’


Now that the wedding day was over did thatmean that there was no more fun? ‘Not atall,’ says Julia. ‘One of the best things we didwas hire a wonderful 1950s yacht called TheViola for the next day. On the Sunday, wesailed up the coast to Genova, lounging onboard and chatting about the night before,and swam and played around in the water.Our wedding photographer Malou Burger

…we wanted the theme of our special day to bethe beauty of portofino and of italy

‘You know, that’s really all we wished for.Angus and I come from completely oppositeparts of the world, our guests also arrivedfrom various different places, and we wantedthe theme of our special day to be the beauty

of Portofino and of Italy. We wantedour celebration to be seasonal, localand intimate and that’s exactly the wayit was. Next summer we’re planning tothrow a wedding celebration party inNewport Rhode Island for friends andfamily who are spread all over theworld – a black tie wedding ball to celebrate our marriage, which will be all the more unique as there will

be another very special little person present…’ diw&h

from Turtle Dove Weddings came along –she was fantastic – and we have some of themost incredible shots of the coast. She reallycaptured the fun we had and got some greatshots of the Riviera.

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Rome has proven to be the perfect locationfor many a couple’s dream wedding: combining Italian sunshine, magnificent art, hospitality, superb venues, fine foodand gorgeous wine, the Eternal City hasbeen chosen in recent years by couples fromall over the world. Since the launch of thenew website last spring, Raffaella and herteam have been really busy and in the pastseason alone, they organised 20 weddingsboth in the city centre and the countryside.Wedding celebrations have been of varioustypes: from traditional Catholic weddings,to intimate symbolic ceremonies and simplerenewals of vows to civil bindings andprotestant blessings, brides and groomsfrom Manchester to Perth, from Chicago to Berlin have been delighted and amazedby that unique atmosphere that only thosewho have been to Rome can comprehend.There’s no doubt that Rome has a choice forevery couple, every religious denominationand every budget.

surprisesFrom marriages in simple country chapels tobrides accompanied down the aisle by Hollywood stars, WeddinginRome has arrangedsome truly memorable ceremonies

city and its surroundings to couples lookingfor something exclusive and distinctive fortheir special day. Co-ordinating a team ofthree people based in London, Dublin andRome, and collaborating with the mostprestigious vendors and suppliers of theItalian capital, Weddinginrome.co.ukdistinguish themselves from other weddingorganisers not only for the expertise of theteam and their Italianita, but also for theirability to support couples from the early stageof the planning process, meeting them inLondon or Dublin for an initial consultation.



S INCE SHE MOVED to London afterher own Roman Wedding to herEnglish husband, Raffaella Alflatt

has set up a bespoke planning service forcouples wanting to marry in her beloved hometown, the Eternal City of Rome, a tailor-madeservice that guarantees Raffaella’s presenceat every single wedding she organises.

Before moving to the UK, Raffaella hadspent most of her life in Rome, working fora long period in the events industry. Oncein London, she decided to offer her uniqueexperience and intimate knowledge of the

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Couples who are planning to get marriedwith a religious Catholic ceremony mightnot know that weddings can be held in anyof the stunning churches that crowd the citycentre, including the most famous ones likeSt. Peter’s and the Pantheon. Small chapels,both in the city centre and the countryside,are also available for those who would prefera more simple and intimate setting. If, onthe other hand, you want a dramatic citylocation for your civil wedding, Rome’sTown Hall is sure to be at the very top of yourlist. Michelangelo designed the fantasticPiazza del Campidoglio (with its magnificentstairs and buildings) that lies on the top ofthe Capitoline Hill, one of the OriginalSeven Hills. Ceremonies are heldin the magnificent Sala Rossa,whose interior boasts Renaissancegilding, formal furniture and richtapestries and drapery. In short,exactly what you expect to find in a city celebrated for its art andhistory. The surroundings areincredibly choreographic andyour wedding photographs willhave the backdrop of the RomanForum, the Coliseum and theroofs of the city.

Complesso Vignola Mattei isundoubtedly a more tranquillocation with a slightly more personal feelabout it. It a delightful building set in theheart of Ancient Rome in front of the Bathsof Caracalla, in the vicinity of CircoMassimo. This former chapel, no longer consecrated, is available for ceremoniesevery day. For receptions, Weddinginromehave handpicked some of the most stunningand prestigious venues of the city: whetherit’s a villa, a palazzo, a castle or farmhouse,they have exclusive agreements to propose.Ray and Fiona from Leeds, for example,enjoyed a wonderful late spring day over-looking the Coliseum, while Hamed andSarah opted instead for an historic borgolocated in the Roman countryside.


However, whatever location you decide on,remember that in Rome anything can happen, even a celebrity accompanying youto the altar! On a hot day in June last year,for example, Raffaella had a wedding group

just enough to get the groom’s nerves tingling.But that day 30, 35, 40 minutes passed, andit started to seem a bit too long. As Raffaellawent out through the massive front door of Santa Maria ad Martyres, she realisedimmediately that something peculiar wasgoing on: Tom Hanks and his crew filmingAngels and Demons were blocking the pathto the Bride and her father, making itimpossible for them to reach the entrance ofthe Church. She had to do something, andquickly, as they were running out of time.Ignoring the security staff, she crossed thesquare and approached Tom, who turnedout to be a real gentleman. Immediately hesmiled and chivalrously offered his arm to

the bride and escorted her to theaisle! The enthusiastic crowdgathered in the square clapped atthe unusual trio, even wonderingif even the wedding was part ofthe plot of Tom’s new film! Atthe end of the ceremony, Tomwas there again, along with RonHoward, to congratulate the newcouple on what was fast becominga day they’d never forget…

waiting for the arrival of the bride in thewelcome cool of the magnificent Pantheon,everyone eager to see her finally walk downthe aisle. Unsurprisingly, the bride and hermother had been very anxious that morning,a mixture of excitement and panic envelopingthem in true wedding day style! But of allthe things that could have thrown a spannerin the works, a Hollywood movie star blockingthe bride’s way to the church with his latestfilm production was not something that had occurred to them.


Traditionally in Italy, brides are expected tobe late, at least a good 10 minutes or so –

w e d d i n g i n R o m e

…whatever location you decide on, remember that in Rome anything

can happen…

For more information visitwww.weddinginrome.co.uk Email: [email protected]: Massimiliano Magliacca of Studio Nabisazeta Web: www.nabisazeta.it


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WANDERING AROUND the fascinating exhibition‘Renaissance Faces’, it might come easily to think thatlove and marriage in the 15th and 16th centuries were

quite a different business than they are today. Solemn-faced womenand pensive men peer out from inside their frames, their expressionsguarded but at the same time, peculiarly enigmatic. Who were thesepeople? And why were they painted?

Portraits had many functions during Renaissance times: theymight have had a religious purpose, mark the importance of anevent or of certain subjects by devoting a portrait to them, or providea likeness of newly betrothed couples before their wedding day. At times, it is unclear as to whether a portrait was intended for aprospective partner or if it was, rather, an artist’s representation of a saint, a classical heroine, a prominent man’s mistress or lover,or even of a popular courtesan.


In the case of betrothals, painters had the job of portraying theirsubject with a certain degree of honesty – that is, providing prospectivespouses with a likeness that wasn’t too far removed from reality, and

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Until 18th January 2009, the ‘Renaissance Faces’ exhibition inLondon’s National Gallery explores Renaissance portraiture, andtouches on all aspects of life, including betrothal and marriage

Above; Tullio Lombardo (1505–10) A Young Couple (Bacchus and Ariadne) © Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

one that could be used as a basis for deciding whether or not thesitter was a suitable candidate for marriage. But it was also the artist’sjob to portray the potential bride or groom in the best possible oflights. And this they did by accentuating aspects considered toequate with beauty. In keeping with the Greek philosopher Plato’sview that beauty was equated with virtue, painters took care toemphasise commonly held positive attributes such as, in femaleportraits, bright eyes, a high forehead and scarlet lips, as these werethe characteristics that would convey not only the subject’s good looks,but also their moral goodness. It was also a way of implying goodhealth, an issue of great importance in Renaissance times, as themain goal of marriage was to produce children, and a feeble womanwas not an ideal child-bearing wife.

In this optic, it is tempting to see the painter in the role of matrimonial agent, trying to bring out the best in his subject to pleasea future spouse, perhaps not unlike a modern day photographertalking shots of his subject from the best angle, so the viewer willbe won over by the beauty and virtue of the sitter (modern societystill tends to interpret handsome features as an indication of higherintelligence and more fully developed social skills). And of course,

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once a couple was married, portraits wereoften carried out so distant relationscould see the couple in good health,perhaps along with their first child, as asign that the baby was growing well, notsomething that was taken for granted intimes when infant mortality was high.

Here we take a look of four of theexhibition’s paintings, with a quickexplanation of who the sitters were andwhy they were portrayed.


Tullio Lombardo’s celebrated marble relief ‘A Young Couple’ (opposite, left), has as its subject a beautiful young couple depictedagainst a horizontal background and leaning against a plinth. Thecouple gaze upwards, wistful, mouths open and heads touching.The male figure is crowned with vine leaves and grapes which identifies him as Bacchus, and his companion as Ariadne. However,the treatment of both characters’ hair is delicate and detailed, theirbeautiful, crimped tresses the true focus of the piece. A closer lookat Ariadne’s snood reveals intricate patterns of flowers and leaves,her covered hair suggesting she is a married woman and that therelief may have been commissioned to celebrate a wedding.

‘Portrait of a Woman, La Bella’ (top,left), by Palma Vecchio, onthe other hand, is one of those paintings that has critics arguing overwhether the subject is a portrait or an archetypal representation offemale beauty. With her pale skin, blond hair, high forehead and brighteyes, experts tend to agree however that she’s probably a bride tobe, and they underline the sensuality of her dress, the suggestiveway she’s touching her hair and the fact that her left hand is restingon a sewing basket, the sign of a woman ready to oversee a well runhousehold. Attractive, sensual and practical: all in all, a good catch!


In ‘Marsilio Cassotti and his WifeFaustina’ (top, right), Lorenzo Lottocaptured his couple at the moment of matrimony, as he about to slide the ring on her wedding finger. TheCassotti, who commissioned the portrait, were wealthy textile merchantseager to portray their son’s success insecuring the hand of his Faustina in adistinguished painting. Much emphasisis given to the woman’s jewels and silkclothing, including a gold chain which

symbolises her acquiescence to her husband, as, indeed, does hersomewhat submissive pose. Behind the couple is Cupid, who, with the hint of a smile, places on the couple’s shoulders a yolkrepresenting the responsibilities of marriage, and which sprouts a laurel branch, symbol of fidelity between married couples.

The painting ‘Giovanni della Volta and his family’ (above, centre),again by Lorenzo Lotto, is a portrait of della Volta, a Venetian merchant, with his wife and family, the focus of the work the bowlof cherries on the table. The mother offers cherries to her daughter,while the father offers them to the son, but there is an overall feeling of detachment and melancholy to the work, the expressionsof the man and wife wary, even the children managing to look a trifle glum despite the promise of cherries. Whether this underlyingsadness is a reflection of Lotto’s own feelings on the establishmentof marriage, or simply the solemnity of a family on its best behaviour, we’ll never know.

With thanks to Thomas Almeroth-WilliamsNational Gallery, LondonWeb: www.nationalgallery.org.uk

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Top, left; Palma Vecchio (1518–20) Portrait of a Woman, 'La Bella' © Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid. Top, right; Lorenzo Lotto (1523) Marsilio Cassotti and his Wife Faustina © MuseoNacional del Prado, Madrid Above, centre; Lorenzo Lotto (completed 1547) Portrait of Giovanni della Volta with his Wife and Children © The National Gallery, London


Attractive, sensual and practical: all in all, a good catch!

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askreturn leg of the journey. They conveniently weighbags up 40kg and are perfect if confined by therestrictions of low-cost carriers travelling to Italy orif concerned about cabin luggage allowance.

Maximise all available luggage space by choosingluggage wisely. Check that your suitcase weightdoesn’t eat into valuable packing weight and thatits construction offers the best use of internal packingspace. Also, choose cabin luggage that allows you touse every last bit of space available. The CabinApproved range from Design Go offers perfectlyproportioned hand luggage with a durable constructionthat maximises capacity, providing plenty of spacefor all your travel essentials. The design is lightenough not to compromise valuable packing weightand robust enough to cope with constant travel. Theyare available in five clever designs and two coloursto suit your specific requirements. What’s greatabout these bags is that they fold down into anintegrated carry bag, so you can pop them in yoursuitcase, offering excellent additional storage foryour return home.

S I Z E M A T T E R S !Limited space shouldn’t mean that you have tocompromise on looking good either. Travel accessories now offer multiple compact and convenient travel-sized alternatives to everydayitems with all of the performance you require in a miniaturised size, helping you to maintain thatpost-wedding radiance for all honeymoon photos.To ensure your hair is always coiffured to perfection,choose the Micro Dryer and Straightner to Go fromDesign Go, and take care of your smile with thenew lightweight design Sonic Traveller toothbrush.It features a hygienic, protective case for travellingand advanced Sonic technology, producing soft,high-speed vibrations that gently, yet effectivelyclean teeth and massage gums for significantlyimproved plaque removal.


a d v i c e

Every issue, we’ll be asking an expert to answer questions you’ve sent in about yourforthcoming wedding or honeymoon in Italy. If you have a question you would likeanswered then send it in to [email protected] In this issue, Lorna Egan of Design Go offers some valuable tips on travelling light and transporting ‘the dress’…

I M A G E S : D E S I G N G O a n d F O T O L I A

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Travelaccessoriesnow offer


and convenienttravel-sized alternatives to everyday



Dream Italian Weddings & Honeymoons

My fiancé and I will soon be heading to Italy(Puglia) to tie the knot. We have decided thatinstead of a regular honeymoon we are going tospend a month travelling round Italy! Any ideasplease on how to keep luggage to a minimumwithout forgetting any essentials?Josephine Black (by email)

Re p l y f r om :Lorna Egan, Design Go

JosephineAs a starting point, consider your luggage. Recently,airlines have introduced a wealth of confusingrestrictions that make travelling more difficult.Check with your airline well in advance to ensureboth your suitcase and your carry-on luggage meetsits specific requirements. However, there are somenew products available which will help: the Weigh-to-Go Digital luggage scales from Design Go offerdigital weighing precision to avoid costly overweightluggage charges, and the scales are lightweight andcompact enough to pop in a bag after use for the

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Maximize the space available in your hand luggage by choosing one of the new CabinApproved luggage range from Design Go, perfectlyproportioned hand luggage that doesn’t compromiseinternal space or weight and allowing you to separateall potentially damaging items from your dresswhilst in transit.


If carrying items in your hand luggage is not anoption, consider carefully how you will pack yoursuitcase. Where possible, separate items using handytravel accessories such as the Shoe Packers or BagPackers from Design Go, which allow you to compartmentalise your bag and keep dirty shoesand other general clothing completely separatefrom your dress.

Then, when you arrive, unpack your dress immediately and if possible hang in a clean dryarea of your bathroom. After a warm steamy shower,the wrinkles will melt away. However, you do needto be extra cautious of silk fabrics in wet or dampenvironments. Another option is the Steam Iron toGo from Design Go which can help to eliminatewrinkles, but again, take extreme care when usingany type of iron on your fabulous dress. Design Go; for all product information visitwww.design-go.com

…unpackyour dressimmediately

and if possible

hang in aclean dry

area ofyour



Finally, don’t forget that with today’s advancedtechnologies and materials available, there are a numberof accessories that you may not have consideredwhich will considerably reduce packing size for someitems. For example, your towel; don’t carry large,cumbersome and heavy beach towels. Design Gooffer the MicroFibre Beach Towel, a full-size beachtowel that packs down to an exceptionally compactsize and rolled up in its pack it will fit effortlesslyinto any corner of your case, even your hand luggage.

When packing for longer stays, less is more, so chooseclothing that is versatile and can be used on multipleoccasions. Choose luggage that is cleverly constructedto offer maximum use of internal space and, wherepossible, substitute your more cumbersome itemsfor the latest available travel accessories.

Dream Italian Weddings & Honeymoons

Hi. This spring I will be celebrating my weddingon Lake Como with lots of family and friends.I’m really nervous about what my dress will look like once it’s been in a suitcase for most of the day. Help!Addison Kelm (by email)

AddisonPreparation is the key to keeping your dress in pristinecondition. Think firstly about how you are going topack your bag. Minimise the impact of travel on thedress by moving heavy or potentially harmful itemssuch as liquids to your hand luggage. This in itselfwill present a challenge with new hand luggagerestrictions, but can be easily overcome if you transferyour liquids into 100ml bottles. Design Go offer CabinBottles, a set of four bottles including two screw topbottles, two squeeze bottles with flip lid and oneatomiser dispenser, complete with transparent zip-top carry case which allows you to effortlesslydecant toiletries to place in hand luggage.


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p h o t o c a l l

placeL AKE GARDA might not be

these gentlemen's regularwatering hole, but it looks likethey quickly got the hang oftoasting the couple's good fortune with a glass of Proseccoinstead of their normal tipple…

I M A G E c o u r t e s y o fG W E N C O U R T M A Nw w w. l a k e g a r d a w e d d i n g s . c o m

a sense of place

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I’ve also discovered that Italian wedding lunches involve a minimum of 8 courses! I am warning people not to eat too muchfor breakfast on the morning of the wedding. For my part, I amwondering if I should have a lace-up corset on the dress so that I can loosen it as I shovel away all the delicacies during the day...

Emanuele still hasn’t decided whether he wants to have an Italian suit or an English one, so at this rate he might be waitingat the aisle in his dressing gown. I guess it doesn’t matter whichcountry you get married in, some things never change…

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Tanya Smith, who will be marryingher fiancé Emanuele next May inLoreto, Marche, heads to Italy to startplanning her big day…

I guess it doesn’t matter which country you get marriedin, some things never change…

c o u n t d o w n


up the walls towards the ceiling. I thoughtthey had gone mad, but they explained it tobe lucky to see a spider on such an occasion…

The Order Of Service is going to be inter-esting. We want to do as much as possible inEnglish and in Italian. Not too difficult whenwe have friends who speak both languageswho can do our readings, but the priest onlyspeaks Italian and I’m a little concerned oversaying my vows, not least because I am foreverconfusing the word anello (ring), with theword agnello (lamb).

Legalities keep popping up all over theplace. The suppliers are extremely helpful inwarning us of as many issues as they can thinkof, but there is always something new. On thisoccasion we discovered that in order to havemusic at the reception we need to pay alicense fee, which increases if we want dancing.

WE HAVE BEEN given the opportunity to marry in thebeautiful Basilica Di Loreto, and our reception will be atVilla Quiete. We are expecting to fly over about 50 of our

friends and family, and are doing all the planning ourselves, althoughI can see why people use wedding planners when tying the knot overthere! We had lots to accomplish on our trip:

Attempting to choose the wedding favours. There are literally thousandsto choose from and we really want to show the English guests some-thing they may not see back home. We have pretty much made a decision...but will be back again in December (hopefully) to place the order.

Strangely enough, my Italian lessons never covered the subject ofbridal hairdos! Still, with some rather improvised Italian and someobscure hand gestures, I managed to explain what I wanted, thoughwe did get slightly lost at one point when the girls all began looking

weddingW O R D S a n d I M A G E S : T A N YA S M I T H

…six months to go…Meanwhile, my chief bridesmaid, Christine, is attempting to

overcome her fear of flying for our big day. I am trying to tempther with promises of lots of Italian men but I’m not sure she’s convinced. Next plan is to tell her about all the lovely chocolateand ice cream, but however many bridesmaids I have, they will becarrying around little bags filled with tissues as I am likely to crymy way through most of the ceremony. I’ll also be taking flowerpetal confetti over with us as I have seen how they pelt peoplewith rice in Italy. I’m hoping that supplying the confetti may negatethe need for a suit of armour when we leave the cathedral…

(Next year, we will be running a full length Real Life feature onTanya and Emanuele’s wedding, but till then, we wish them goodluck with the planning! ED.)

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Look out for the nextissue of Italy magazine

ON SALE NOW at all leadingnewsagents and by subscription

on +44 (0) 1305 266360

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Italian eleganceItalian elegance

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g i f t s

we take a look at some distinctive wedding gifts...

This unique perpetual calendar by Torrini Lorenzo features sterling silver and hard stone markers, and is named after

Lorenzo de’ Medici, the Magnificent, famous politician, diplomatic and poet who always kept a perpetual calendar just

like this on his table. Handmade in Florence, Italy (£470.82)

A classic Venetian beauty by Antica Murrina,this gorgeous cylindrical vase features thefamous millefiori or ‘thousand flower’ design.Each one is handcrafted using age-old glassblowing techniques so colour and patternsmay vary. (£58.97)

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g i f t s

All items featured inthis month’s gift pages

are made in Italyand are available at


Carry and protect your valuables in high classstyle with Forzieri’s bright candy coloured, croc-embossed leather jewellery box. Tworemovable trays with ring holders and smallcompartments, suede lining, and lock featuremake this the ultimate jewellery carry-all.(£350.82)

With enough room for aweekend getaway, this stylishtravel bag will serve you very

well. Featuring two external open pockets, and an internal section with a zippered pocket.

Detachable handleincluded. (£820)

Exquisite craftsmanship is infused withelegant design for this sleek CD holderby Tonino Lamborghini, beautifully presented in a signature gift box.(£56.05)

These Missoni long wool-blendscarves will lend a bohemian

feel to any outfit with theirrenowned zigzag knit and

fringe adding sophisticated yet

relaxed flair. Signature gift

envelope included. (£91.45)

p056-57 Gifts 30/10/08 13:17 Page 3

Page 58: Dream Italian Weddings & Honeymoons - Winter 2009

58 d r e a m i t a l i a n w e d d i n g s & h o n e y m o o n s

p h o t o c a l l

placeTHIS COUPLE may be

bringing a novel touch tothe tradition of carrying thebride over the threshold, but ifa bride as beautiful as this asksfor a piggy-back, she gets one!

I M A G E c o u r t e s y o fG W E N C O U R T M A Nw w w. l a k e g a r d a w e d d i n g s . c o m

a sense of place

p58 Photosngl:edit 31/10/08 15:34 Page 2

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