DRAGON TALES - simpsonps.vic.edu.au

Principal: Mrs Andrea Taylor T: 5594 3298 Fax: 55943333 Email: [email protected] Website: www.simpsonps.vic.edu.au SCHOOL COUNCILLORS W Van Eck (President), T Robb (Treasurer), S Clark, A Whiting, H Hutton, J Bowman, J Murray and S Currie SCHOOL MISSION Provide high quality education in a positive, supportive environment, enabling all students to achieve their potential. THURSDAY 3 MAY 2018 MAY Monday 21 No Student Day Staff Professional Development – Making Learning Visible Tuesday 22-25 Education Week Celebrations – Book Fair, Simultaneous Read, Peaceful Children Parent Session Thursday 24 School Photo Day Tuesday 29 Cultural Performance Wednesday 30 Dental Van Visit FROM OUR PRINCIPAL The start of term has been extremely busy and productive. Already our 3-6 camp, Division Athletics, School Cross Country, ANZAC service and our Aboriginal Survival Technology Cultural Performance have come and gone. Each of these events provides our students with the opportunity to engage beyond our school into the wider community. Without exception the actions and behaviours of our students was noticed and commented on by adults sharing the occasions. Comments ranged from “These are among the best kids I’ve had here at camp” to “So lovely to see how respectful the kids were of the event.” This is not possible without the supportive guidance and high expectations held by our staff for all our students. Mistakes will happen- behaviour slip ups, but by taking the time to teach better choices of behaviour to the child making the slip up we are able to shape the way they move forward and learn from their mistake. Our School Wide Positive Behaviour Program has been a wonderful support for the children to learn about just what expected behaviours we have for everyone here at Simpson Primary School. It is amazing to think that after just one term we already have children prompting each other about how best to show Consideration, Acceptance, Respect and Engagement in their daily interactions. It’s been wonderful to hear a 7 year old helping another child with their behaviour by saying “When you throw rubbish –it’s not showing respect for our school environment.” Our little school’s big heart is really something we should all celebrate… after all it’s your children who make all the difference! Our attendance push has never been more important. Already this term we have just 56% of our students who have attended school every day during term 2. While we understand sometimes illness prevents attendance however, we do know that being at school on a daily basis is the best way to guarantee your child makes the most of the learning opportunities offered here at school. Please make the most of what our school can offer by having your child here every school day. If your child is unable to attend school a note, phone call or school bag notification is a legal requirement to ensure an explanation is provided. Louise will shortly be sending out dates of any unexplained absences that we require information about. I thank you in advance for supporting us with this. CARE AWARDS Congratulations to our CARE Community Award winners over the last two weeks. They are: Brodie Foster, Mikaela Woods, Aiden Pearce, Charlotte Bennett, Gage Rogers, Indiannah Collins, Ethan Costin, Malka Salas, Loretta and Minka Merrett- McKellar, Ollie Rial, Darcy Hutton, Geordie Ferrari, Ely Teal, Valeria Massa Mesa and Xander Weel. THE FORTNIGHT AHEAD Thursday 3 7:00pm Parent’s Club, Simpson Hotel Friday 4 St John’s First Aid Sessions Tuesday 8 5/6 Taste of Secondary, Timboon P-12 7:00pm School Council Thursday 10 11:15am Marvellous Mathematical Mum’s Session Friday 11 District Cross Country Monday 14 School Nurse Visit Tuesday 15-17 NAPLAN (Years 3 & 5) DRAGON TALES

Transcript of DRAGON TALES - simpsonps.vic.edu.au

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Principal: Mrs Andrea Taylor T: 5594 3298 Fax: 55943333

Email: [email protected] Website: www.simpsonps.vic.edu.au


W Van Eck (President), T Robb (Treasurer), S Clark, A Whiting, H Hutton, J Bowman, J Murray and

S Currie

SCHOOL MISSION Provide high quality education in a positive,

supportive environment, enabling all students to achieve their potential.


MAY Monday 21 No Student Day

Staff Professional Development – Making Learning Visible

Tuesday 22-25 Education Week Celebrations – Book Fair, Simultaneous Read, Peaceful Children Parent Session

Thursday 24 School Photo Day Tuesday 29 Cultural Performance Wednesday 30 Dental Van Visit FROM OUR PRINCIPAL

The start of term has been extremely busy and productive. Already our 3-6 camp, Division Athletics, School Cross Country, ANZAC service and our Aboriginal Survival Technology Cultural Performance have come and gone. Each of these events provides our students with the opportunity to engage beyond our school into the wider community. Without exception the actions and behaviours of our students was noticed and commented on by adults sharing the occasions. Comments ranged from “These are among the best kids I’ve had here at camp” to “So lovely to see how respectful the kids were of the event.” This is not possible without the supportive guidance and high expectations held by our staff for all our students.

Mistakes will happen- behaviour slip ups, but by taking the time to teach better choices of behaviour to the child making the slip up we are able to shape the way they move forward and learn from their mistake. Our School Wide Positive Behaviour Program has been a wonderful support for the children to learn about just what expected behaviours we have for everyone here at Simpson Primary School. It is amazing to think that after just one term we already have children prompting each other about how best to show Consideration, Acceptance, Respect and Engagement in their daily interactions. It’s been wonderful to hear a 7 year old helping another child with their behaviour by saying “When you throw rubbish –it’s not showing respect for our school environment.” Our little school’s big heart is really something we should all celebrate… after all it’s your children who make all the difference!

Our attendance push has never been more important. Already this term we have just 56% of our students who have attended school every day during term 2. While we understand sometimes illness prevents attendance however, we do know that being at school on a daily basis is the best way to guarantee your child makes the most of the learning opportunities offered here at school. Please make the most of what our school can offer by having your child here every school day. If your child is unable to attend school a note, phone call or school bag notification is a legal requirement to ensure an explanation is provided. Louise will shortly be sending out dates of any unexplained absences that we require information about. I thank you in advance for supporting us with this.


Congratulations to our CARE Community Award winners over the last two weeks. They are: Brodie Foster, Mikaela Woods, Aiden Pearce, Charlotte Bennett, Gage Rogers, Indiannah Collins, Ethan Costin, Malka Salas, Loretta and Minka Merrett- McKellar, Ollie Rial, Darcy Hutton, Geordie Ferrari, Ely Teal, Valeria Massa Mesa and Xander Weel.


Thursday 3 7:00pm Parent’s Club, Simpson Hotel Friday 4 St John’s First Aid Sessions Tuesday 8 5/6 Taste of Secondary, Timboon P-12

7:00pm School Council Thursday 10 11:15am Marvellous Mathematical

Mum’s Session Friday 11 District Cross Country Monday 14 School Nurse Visit Tuesday 15-17 NAPLAN (Years 3 & 5)


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P-2 News

The focus for spelling in prep/1 was ‘t and s’ making 3 letter words from the sounds taught and in grade 1/2 it was the ‘I ‘ as in tin. The grammar focus has continued to be identifying what makes a sentence. In maths the 2 grades have been looking at time and have completed a pre -test on place value. On Friday all students acquitted themselves well at the cross-country. It was great to see them try their best and when finished their race encourage other students, from different year levels, across the finish line.

On Monday, the school was totally enthralled and entertained by Philip Green’s presentation on Indigenous ways of life to survive before white settlement. Our classes listened intently and learned much from handling Philip’s vast collection of artefacts.

3/4C News

We have been busily preparing for the fast approaching Naplan. I have been extremely pleased with the efforts all students have been putting in to their work. The persuasive writing produced this week is of an excellent standard.

In Maths, we are focusing on money. We have started a class game around money, students are paid play money to come to school and can earn extra money by completing their work to a high standard and reading at home. Students are really enjoying this game and are all aiming to be millionaires!

5/6C News

The students have settled back into normal routine after a couple of busy weeks with camp, ANZAC day and cross country. This week the students were given a small research task based on the Cultural activity presented by Philip Green. They worked in pairs to find information based on a topic that would be covered in the presentation.

The reading focus is inferred meaning and a pre assessment will be given to assist with teaching groups. In maths last week we looked at 3D objects and their nets and the students constructed each of the required objects, stating how many faces, edges and corners (vertices). This week we are revising fractions, transformation and time. There will be a Big Write today and the text type is narrative. Talk homework assists children develop their ideas. This week’s topic was sent home on Wednesday.

Camp 2018

The camp was a great success with a combination of great weather, engaging activities and students who made us proud with their behaviour and attitude. The camp focused on team work and co-operation as the students worked together to complete challenges and activities.

We started out on Wednesday morning at 7.00 a.m. as we had a detour to Melbourne for a visit to Scienceworks and the planetarium.

After lunch we boarded the bus for camp and arrived just after 1.30

Straight away we were in the bush and competing in a survival game whereby children were assigned a role e.g. human, carnivore, herbivore or germ. They then had to plan strategies to survive being hunted or plan best ways to catch their enemies.

That night we had a night walk where we were able to study the night sky and look for things that were part of the planetarium presentation. After a long trek back up the hill we had time to enjoy a marshmallow around the campfire.

Thursday was a beautiful day for our water activities and all morning was spent down by the dam either canoeing, raft building or trying our hand at archery. We discovered some talented archers amongst the groups of students and parents!

After a delicious lunch we were off to hut building where teams of 5 worked to design and build a hut that would provide shelter from the elements and displayed innovative design features. All huts

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were completed to a very high standard and the judges had a very hard �me awarding the Hut of the Camp award. We did no�ce a high level of compe��on between the parents who were assis�ng the groups.

That night it was the Challenge Games; smar�e catapult, balloon tower, chops�ck popcorn catching and s�cky note relay.

On Friday it was off to geo caching using GPS devices. Students had to find treasures hidden in containers in the bush and add up their tally at the end. Strategies were developed, and teams shared tasks throughout the ac�vity.

A�er a BBQ lunch it was on the bus back to school. The parents a�ending the camp were a great help and joined in all ac�vi�es with enthusiasm, the kids loved having them there.

A big thank you to: Gerrard Walsh, Kim and Ma�y Balcombe, Bree Jones, Ka�e Pearce, Hayley Ferrari, Andrew Whi�ng and Nick Blain.

Sheryl Currie & Ashlee Carrigan – Walsh.

Cross Country

A huge congratula�ons to everyone involved in this year’s cross country. Students displayed a determined a�tude displayed and a willingness to support each other. These are student quali�es we are all very proud of.

Thank you so much to all our volunteers: Kayla Horan, Nancy Dickson, Amanda Neave, Amanda Weel, Stacey Clark, Tabatha Robb, Kylie Rowe and Andrew

Whi�ng. Please know that your help is much appreciated as we would not be able to run the day without volunteers. PARENT’S CLUB

Colour Explosion Fun Run

A friendly reminder to order your prizes by Friday 4 May.

Parent’s Club meeting

Please join Parent’s Club at the Simpson Hotel for their next mee�ng tonight at 7:00pm Thursday 3 May. Feel free to come for tea before the mee�ng at 6:30pm.

Tonight’s guest presenter is Petra from LeRev (aromatherapy)

All welcome!

WANTED: Fitzroy Readers

Second hand Fitzroy readers are wanted. Please contact the school if you have any or know of anyone who might be willing to sell or donate to the school. UNIFORM ORDERS

Please find a�ached the uniform order form. The next run of orders close Thursday 10 May. SKOOLBAG

As we transi�on to a fortnightly newsle�er, please note that we will be keeping parents up to date with the latest informa�on through our Skoolbag app. COMMUNITY NEWS


We are URGENTLY seeking players for our 14 and under team.

Training is every Tuesday 1730 to 1900 at the Scott’s Creek Recreation Reserve.

The season starts on the 13th May. We play in Warrnambool, Hamilton and Scott’s Creek on

Sundays. Everyone is welcome: boy, girl, young, old, never played

or experienced veteran.

Any enquiries please contact Dean JohnsonEmail: [email protected]: 0400 502 478

Green House Captains: Hayley and Brodie

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6 8 10 12 14

HALF ZIP POLA FLEECE JUMPER $28.50 4 6 8 10 12 14

FULL ZIP POLA FLEECE JUMPER $30.00 4 6 8 10 12 14



8 10 12 14


$ 40.00 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

SCHOOL BAGS $ 35.00 READER BAG – SATCHEL $ 8.00 BOTTLE GREEN BROADRIM HAT $ 10.00 BOTTLE GREEN MICROFIBER HAT $ 16.50 ** Hat is free of charge to new students ** TOTAL All above prices include GST and embroidered logo NAME:...............................................................................DATE ............................... PAYMENT: CHEQUE /CASH (Please make cheques payable to Simpson Primary School.)