Draft Political Report of the 9th National Congress of the Communist Party of Nepal (UML)

Central Committee Communist Party of Nepal (UML) Consolidate the Achievements of Peaceful People’s Revolution ! Build a Prosperous Nepal under the Guidance of The People’s Multiparty Democracy ! Draft Political Report (Abridged)



Transcript of Draft Political Report of the 9th National Congress of the Communist Party of Nepal (UML)

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Central CommitteeCommunist Party of Nepal (UML)

Consolidate the Achievements of Peaceful People’s Revolution ! Build a Prosperous Nepal under the Guidance of

The People’s Multiparty Democracy !

Draft Political Report (Abridged)

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A. Preliminary 2

B. Current International Situation 3

C. National Situation 6

D. Evaluation of the Past 8

E. Four Years of Constituent Assembly, Peace Process and the Party’s Role 10

F. Analysis of Political Forces and the Existing State of Balance of Power 15

G. The question of State, Nation and Identity in reference to us 17

H. Principle of People’s Multi-party Democracy, its defense, use and development in the last 20 years. 20

I. The vision of CPN (UML): Happy Nepalese and establishment of prosperous Nepal 21

J. Party Building 30

K. Our priorities ahead 33

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A. Preliminary

1. Welcome and Greetings

I welcome and offer revolutionary greetings to all the comrades present at the 9th Congress of our glorious party – the CPN (UML). I have hearty expectation of your constructive and responsible role to make the Congress a memorable success. This Congress is being closely observed by the entire nation, Nepali people and the international community that loves Nepal and the Nepali people. Your constructive role in the Congress will, I hope, enable the party to fulfill the responsibility lying ahead as well as to tackle the challenges facing us and the nation today.

2. Tributes and Honour

To begin with, I would like to pay heartfelt tributes to the martyrs who laid down their valuable lives for the creation of the Nepali state, for patriotic campaigns, for the movement for democracy and for the development of the communist movement in Nepal.

3. The Congress and the Venue

Twenty-one years ago, the 5th historical Congress of the CPN (UML) was held in Kathmandu, which, among others, adopted the programme of the People’s Multiparty Democracy (PMPD). The 9th Congress 21 years later is particularly important as it further enriches and develops the PMPD and makes it context-responsive. Over the years, the PMPD has honed itself and proven that it is the only political programme able to give guidance to Nepal’s contemporary politics.

4. Historical Responsibilities before the Congress

The main responsibility before the Congress is to set a clear ideological-political direction in order to institutionalize the achievements of the 2006 people’s revolution, particularly to

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intensify the campaign for socio-economic transformation, and to lay the foundation for socialism.

Another responsibility is to institutionalize intra-party democratization which began with the 5th Congress and got a concrete shape and direction in the 8th Congress. This bit of responsibility should be fulfilled drawing lessons from the experience over the years and in a manner that consolidates party unity and contributes to the party’s revolutionary goals.

To rise to these tasks requires a party firmly united in ideological, political, theoretical, organizational and procedural terms. Unity in modus operandi is equally important. Only a party so united will give our country a right direction as a political leader. Therefore I appeal to all representative comrades to play a role required to keep the party more united, more effective and livelier.

B. Current International Situation

1. Conclusion of the 8th Congress

On the international situation, we had concluded that there existed a basic internal contradiction between labour and capital; between imperialism and Third World countries; between socialism and capitalism; and even among imperialist countries. Aware of this contradiction, the 8th Congress had emphasized that Nepal’s communist movement should proceed ahead with creativity, originality and independent initiations.

2. Global Financial Capitalist Crises and Socialist Alternatives

Excessive centralization of capital is the source of internal crisis of capitalism and the crisis keeps occurring in a cyclical form. This analysis of Karl Marx of some 150 years ago has been proven true in the first decade of the 21st century, when the United States and some European countries faced a series of financial crises with global consequences. Immediate steps taken in the face of

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the crises protected this global financial capitalism from a total collapse for the time being. However, the capitalist world does not have its permanent solution. These developments justify that this financial crisis, which in fact is the characteristic feature of capitalism, and its ramifications, will eventually end capitalism and lay the socio-economic foundation for the establishment of socialism.

The storm of the crisis has shaken the ideological and moral basis of the proponents of the open market economy. The proponents who used to advocate for an uncontrolled market economy and see the state only as a facilitator in the economic process immediately turned to be staunch advocate of state interventionism following the crisis.

While uncontrolled market economies are struggling in crises, the states under the coordinated market economy are relatively doing better. China, Brazil, India and other emerging economies in East Asia and South Africa are playing a key role in protecting the global economy from collapse.

This economic and ideological crisis of neoliberalism reconfirms once again that socialism is inevitable and communist-leftist values are worth pursuing as ever.

3. Expansion of Peacebuilding and Conflict Reduction Efforts

Reduction of conflict possibilities and constructive handling of conflict has been an increasing trend in the world now. As far as possible, preferences are given to find negotiated settlements to any crisis or dispute. This constructive trend is emerging because of the changing power balance in the world, particularly due to the failure of the US to lead a unipolar world; the changing dynamics in US-/Europe-centric global power politics; and, the rise of new economic-strategic power centres of China, Russia, India, Brazil, South Africa and others. In a welcome trend, the importance of interdependence is being felt and realized in the world now.

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Economic interests and issues related to control over natural resources and security determine inter-state relations in the world politics today. And, this has created a new challenge to national security of small states.

4. Effective Role of Social Movements

Social movements have been influential in global politics as ever before. These movements take on various forms, including the movements for gender equality, labour rights, human rights and democratization, and the movements against anti-farmer policies of the World Trade Organization, against the exploitation by and monopoly of multinationals on, say, seeds. There have been strong counter-movements in various parts of the world, particularly in the developing world, to ensure the rights of local communities over natural resources, and also to resist wrong and hazardous policies imposed by capitalist states in the name of industrial development, specially the policies that would have negative impacts on environment and climate change. Social movements have thus emerged as a new front against global financial capitalism.

5. Our Geopolitical Situation

Our two neighbouring countries – China and India – have achieved great economic progresses. The new relationship these two countries are forging will have a deep and positive influence in Nepal’s geopolitics. We should further enrich our multidimensional relationship with China being firm on ‘One China Policy’ and firmly adhering to our policy of not allowing use of the Nepalese soil against China. We should also expand China’s active role in Nepal’s drive for economic development. Similarly, we would like to bring new dimension in our traditional relation with India in the context of 21st century situation. We should remain firm in our policy of not allowing use of the Nepalese soil against India. We should expand India’s positive role in Nepal’s growth.

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6. Our Foreign Policy: Protection of National Interest

We want to expand and develop relations with all countries in the world based on friendship, mutual cooperation and mutual respect. As provided by the PMPD, foreign relations will be maintained as per the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, Panchsheel and the Non-Aligned Movement.

C. National Situation

1. Second Election to the Constituent Assembly and Changing Political Dynamics

Overcoming the crisis arising out of the dissolution of the first Constituent Assembly (CA), and the resultant political gap, elections to the second CA were successfully concluded. Then a new political scenario has emerged. The changed scenario has created a new horizon of possibilities before us, and has also added to our responsibilities. We have opportunities, and we also have challenges.

2. Coalition Government and its Tasks

Aware that the political course began with the 12-point understanding of 2005 was not concluded and the positive conclusion of the course would require cooperation among main political parties, our party had proposed to form a consensus government immediately after the elections. The current coalition government is not one formed in normal times. We had an obligation to form a coalition government to institutionalize the changes that have occurred over the years, deliver a new constitution from the CA and to logically conclude the transition we are in.

3. Cooperation and Competition between the Working Class and the Capitalist Class

The Nepali Congress and the CPN (UML) are in a new stage of politics, characterized by cooperation and competition, after

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being elected first and second in the second CA elections and having formed a coalition government. With this, a new trend of cooperation and competition has developed between the two main classes – the working class and the capitalist class – of Nepal. Failure to constructively handle and manage this dialectical relation will result in new complexities in national politics.

4. Existing Socio-Economic Situation of the Country

Although no significant changes have occurred in the socio-economic situation of the country since the 8th Congress, some new events, trends and dynamics have emerged. The following deserve a closer look.

i. Protracted Transition and Entrenching Complexity: Nepali society is caught in various difficulties produced by the decade-long armed conflict and over eight-year long transition. Nearly two decades have gone in the management of conflict and postconflict transition at the cost of infrastructure development, economic progress, social development and other important national agenda.

ii. Crisis-ridden Economy: Nepal’s economy, forced to stagnation due to the absolute monarchy, had shown some signs of hope after the 1990 change. But the hopes were dashed by the economic policies adopted by the government of the Nepali Congress formed thereafter and the corruption that thrived during the period. The Maoist armed conflict smashed the base of economy. Gradual closure of industries, massive capital flight, migration of youths, and the displacement of people from rural areas added to the crises. The costly security apparatus designed to deal with the armed conflict ate up portions of development and social service sector budgets. As a result, Nepal’ economic growth has been less than five percent for many years now. This figure further shrinks if the contribution of remittance to it, which is 25 percent, is taken away.

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D. Evaluation of the Past

The 8th Congress had analyzed that the 2006 people’s movement was a peaceful people’s revolution, which had begun with a joint struggle against the monarchy. The 8th Congress had pictured the end of the absolute monarchy, the initiation of peace processes and conflict management, the reinstitution of the House of Representatives, the formation of an interim parliament and an interim government, the election to a constituent assembly and the end of monarchy, and the declaration of Nepal as the federal democratic republic as historically important achievements. With the institution of the monarchy abolished, the Congress had concluded, the leadership of the feudal class was over making a significant change in main political contradictions, in the main target and in the power balance as a whole. Noting that Nepali society was in transition, the Congress had identified five main tasks for the party to take up: development of a democratic constitution, conclusion of the peace process, restructuring of the state, abolition of remnants of feudalism and socio-economic transformation, and protection of national sovereignty.

1. Dissolution of the CA and Resultant Crises

We tried all we could to prevent the CA from dissolution. But our efforts were subdued by the opportunist alliance of ill-intentioned Maoists and the Madheshi leaders ready to support every wrong step of the Maoists. We had presented three options to save the CA: to promulgate a complete constitution based on the agreement of 15 May 2012; if that could not be agreed, to promulgate a partial constitution incorporating the issues settled and mandating the legislature-parliament to settle the remaining issues (particularly about federalism); and, even if that was also not possible, to issue just constitutional preambles.

The dissolution of the CA on 27 May 2012 was a sad episode in the history of Nepali politics. It shattered the hopes of the people to get a new constitution from the CA, and pushed the country to a deep political-constitutional crisis as the move was irresponsible, ill-intentioned and without any alternative.

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To address the crisis, we continued our efforts to find a negotiated solution through dialogue. This led eventually, on 13 March 2013, to an 11-point agreement among main political parties to form an interim election cabinet under the leadership of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

2. Initial Accomplishments of the CA

The first meeting of the CA was held on 22 January 2014. In the meantime, the CA adopted its rules of procedures, and developed a calendar of operations to promulgate a new constitution within a year owning the decisions and agreements of the past CA.

3. Activities of the Legislature Parliament

With the CA, the legislature parliament is also getting active, and in a major accomplishment, it elected the prime minister and paved the way to form the council of ministers.

4. Progresses and Challenges vis-à-vis the Development of the Party

i. Expansion in party membership: In the last five years, the party membership has expanded from 138,000 to 260,000. This 88 percent rise is satisfactory.

ii. Conventions/Gatherings: All Party committees and affiliates at all levels have completed conventions in line with the Party’s new multi-positional structure and elected new leadership. Some districts have concluded even two conventions. These regular conventions and gatherings have brought the Party down to the people and have also institutionalized the workings of the Party at all levels.

iii. Party Work Abroad: Our Party has expanded its organization among migrant Nepalis in India, USA, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Australia and various countries of Europe and the Gulf. With the increasing trend of Nepalis going

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abroad, the Party work abroad is also getting strengthened with the aim to link the migrants to the democratic movement in the country, to mobilize their resources and skills in the campaign for national development and to expand the Party as the movement of the entire migrant Nepali workers.

iv. Sister Organizations: 21 sister organizations are active now. These include those directly affiliated with the parties and with front organizations. The sister organizations have played an important role to expand the Party among a specific class or community of people by being their representative in addressing their specific concerns and issues.

v. International Relations: CPN (UML) is expanding its international relations through friendly exchanges and by participating in conventions of friendly parties. In addition, participation in international seminars and symposiums as well as in bilateral and multilateral meetings and discussion has been useful to make the international environment conducive for the CPN (UML), for the consolidation of democracy in Nepal and for her peace and progress. With the rise of the CPN (UML) as the central political force in Nepal after the second CA election, the international community has been further positive towards us.

E. Four Years of Constituent Assembly, Peace Process and the Party’s Role

1. Direction of the 8th Congress

The 8th Congress had concluded that “although we are only a third force in the CA, we have the responsibility to develop the CA as a place of consensus and cooperation as per the spirit of the people’s revolution.” The role of the Party was enormous, added the 8th Congress, to write a constitution which could be possible through either consensus or a two-thirds majority, and to develop

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a balanced position on the issue of state restructuring. We were guided by this direction during the CA processes, with utmost efforts to enable the historic CA to promulgate a constitution.

2. Main Reasons behind CA’s Failure

Due to the adverse power balance in the CA and some internal and external reasons, no constitution could be developed. In the White Paper released with the decisions of the 18th Meeting of the Central Committee and the analysis of the four-year work of the CA, we have deeply analyzed the failure of the CA and its underlying causes.

Unstable, unreliable and wrong positions and policies of the UCPN (Maoist), which was the largest party in the CA played a decisive role in the failure of the CA.

3. Historical Declarations and Decisions of the CA

The CA could not complete the task of delivering a new constitution. But it accomplished a number of important tasks that can serve as the basis for a democratic and progressive constitution. These tasks include the following.

• Abolishment of the monarchy and establishment of the federal democratic republic from the first meeting of the CA, and institutionalization of the revolutionary achievements of the democratic movement

• Management of former Maoist combatants, one of the most complex and sensitive issues of the peace process

• Awareness raising among the people at large about constitution making, including challenges and opportunities inherent in the process, and mobilization of all the concerned in the debate about constitutional issues that should be addressed

• Through the process of constitutional dialogue, rejection of violence as the means to change and reconfirmation of

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peaceful and democratic means as the only way to social change

• Disintegration of anti-democratic forces and establishment of universal values of democracy

• Disintegration of the values of the traditional parliamentary system and those of neoliberalism

• Guarantee of both civil and political, and economic, social and cultural rights

• Guarantee of criminalization of all forms of violence and exploitation against women; compensation and reparation in case of violence; proportional participation in state mechanisms; affirmative action in health, education, employment and social security; equal rights in the founding of family and divorce; and guarantee of the contribution of domestic labour to the calculation of national income

• Criminalization of untouchability and related discrimination as a social offence; guarantee of employment for Dalits in all organs of state; free education from primary to higher secondary education; social security; protection and development of traditional occupation and skills; provision of land and housing for landless Dalits; and guarantee of Dalits’ participation in all political structures with compensation

• Guarantee of social justice to socially marginalized ethnic communities, Madhesis, sexual minorities, Muslims, persons with disability, and farmers and workers; guarantee of farmers’ right to land; guarantee of indigenous nationalities’ right to protection and promotion of their identity, language and culture; special provision for equal distribution of economic, social and cultural opportunities and benefits among Madhesi communities; rights of persons with disabilities to the identity of diversity and dignified life; empowerment of youths; and the guarantee of pensions and special provisions for the victims and families of the martyrs of the democratic movement, the wounded and the disappeared.

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• Rights of minorities and the marginalized to participation in policy making processes about matters related to their lives, protection of cultural heritage, religion, land and natural resources; and, especial right to their participation in state mechanisms related to these issues

• Provision of a fundamental duty to obey law, to protect nationality and sovereignty, and to provide compulsory service to the nation when needed

• The main political aim being set as the establishment of a federal democratic republic; and the guiding principles providing for the development of a socialism-oriented independent economy, religious harmony, development of a culturally diverse state and promotion of national pride before the world community

• Provision to present, through the president, an annual report assessing the execution of the above policies and programmers for the parliament to follow through a committee; and compulsory provision to form legislation within two years to address the constitutional reference to “as stated in the law”

• Provision of a single federal citizenship, end of gender discrimination in citizenship and the compulsory provision of citizenship by descent to be elected to the main organs of the state

• Provision for a retroactive law to deal with grave human rights violations, crimes against humanity and war crimes

• Guarantee of a federal set-up with three-tier federal, provincial and local structures; development of a consensual list of differential and common authorities with just distribution of economic resources; establishment of the principle of equitable distribution of natural resources; guarantee of indigenous nationalities’ right to identity and self-governance; and the principle of interdependence among federal units on the basis of collaboration, coexistence and coordination

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• Parliamentary system with a provision against a ban on political parties

• Guarantee of the independent judiciary, Supreme Court as the final interpreter of the constitution, and a provision for a constitutional court for a period of five years to settle disputes among federal units

• Provision for a powerful national financial commission and a national natural resources commission; and, a social inclusive commission for women, Dalits, indigenous nationalities, persons with disabilities, minorities, the marginalized, the backward class, Madhesis, Muslims, workers and farmers

• Equal respect for all mother tongues spoken in Nepal as national languages, the Nepali language to be used as the language of official business, and a provision for a language commission. Reconfirmation of secularism with a provision for religious harmony and tolerance

• Sovereignty, national independence, democracy, proportional and inclusive participation, development and equality defined as ‘fundamental national interests’ with a provision to punish any act against any of these provisions

4. Management of former Maoist Combatants

An important task of the peace process has concluded with the voluntary retirement and integration of the former Maoist combatants

5. The Role of Party in the CA

The CPN (UML) tried all its best to make the CA a success although it was a third force. Its efforts were concentrated on making the CA as a place of consensus. As such, it stood against any attempt at political polarization.

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F. Analysis of Political Forces and the Existing State of Balance of Power

The Communist Party of Nepal and the Nepali Congress are active and established forces in the politics of Nepal. These parties represent the basic social structure and its main classes. Other parties are either the by-product of these two or are groups born out of political undercurrents of the recent past and are yet to institutionalize themselves as political parties.

The Characteristics of the Present Nepali Society

The perspective of social characteristics

The human society is advancing in a dynamic process. It came into being at certain condition and continued to develop in a constant manner. The social development has passed through various stages and it will further advance to next stages. We should look at this process in the historical materialistic perspective. Thus we can see the development from the prehistoric communist stage to slavery, feudalist stage, and capitalist stage and again to communist stage. These five stages of social development are historic stages and this is normal process of human development.

It is on this basis that we should look at the development stage of the Nepalese society and the present condition. The transformation from one historic stage to another cannot be accomplished in one day or in one go. That in itself is a process of physical development and change which has to pass through historic transformation. In such condition, in a particular society there can be more than one mode of production running side by side. There are bound to be struggle between an advanced mode of production and the backward one. In such a situation, there may be confusion and complexities on the question of determining the social characteristics. In this case, we should identify the most dominant mode of production. That will determine the character of society.

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The conclusion:

At present, the feudalism is at a stage of dissolution process in the Nepali society. At the same time, it is true that feudalism had existed in Nepal for 2000 years. But what we should understand is that the peaceful people’s revolution is itself the culmination of such a change. When economic base is changed, a change in superstructure becomes imperative. The feudal production relation existing in the society was the economic basis of Nepalese society. Once that production relation is dissolved, it was not possible for its superstructure form monarchy to continue. At the same time, we should also understand that the impact and remnants of feudalism, feudal production relation, feudal mode of production and feudal social structure are still persisting in the society. The industrial capital and national industry have not yet widely developed. The development of the national capital is in a very weak state. Financial and commercial capital has meanwhile developed in a widespread manner. Dependence on agriculture, presence of labour intensive enterprise and presence of widespread non-banking finances, presence of hundreds of thousands of landless peasants, existence of arable but non-registered land, and inequality in distribution of land are all still prevalent in Nepal. These are the remnants of feudalism. These remnants can be rooted out only in the process of dynamic democratization and socialist orientation of the society.

In this way, feudalism has basically dissolved in the Nepalese society and the society has transformed into preliminary stage of capitalist society. The class structure of the entire rural life which is related to previous stage has since changed. When we made the class analysis of different districts, constituencies and villages, we could find landless and poor farmers and a large section of middle class peasants and rich peasants. But the landlord class who used to contract land and used to live on exorbitant interests on loans and used to conduct feudal exploitation have in general dissolved as a class. The families from that class can still be found in various parts of the country but they are in no way in a position to play a dominant role. Today’s rural area is dominant with events related to middle and rich peasants. The poor and landless people work as labourers in the rich peasants’ place. This is a form

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of capitalist exploitation. The rich peasants are becoming stronger in the rural areas. They are being aided more and more by financial and commercial capital. Therefore, in today’s rural life, feudalism, feudal class and landlords are in remnant forms only. Their space has been filled by rich peasants and it should not be forgotten that they are the rising bourgeois class of the rural area now. As of now, we cannot put the rich peasant economy to end. But the landless and poor peasant and the middle class peasants can be organized and encouraged to form cooperatives and collective farming, commercialise and mechanise the agriculture and the entire agro industry can be oriented towards the aim of socialism. Otherwise, the capitalist class will capitalize the entire agriculture and it will advance towards the aim of capitalism.

G. The question of State, Nation and Identity in reference to us

Nepal is one of the ancient countries of the world. It has been in existence since 5000 years. Nepal has long history, glorious civilization and a heritage of prosperous cultural tradition. Nepal which has been the home for the descendants of some of world’s major human races such as Aryan, Mongoloid, Australoid and David, has remained a meeting point and an example of unity in diversity. Almost 3000 years back, Shakya civilization, Buddha civilization, Kirat civilization, Khas civilization and Bagmati civilization had developed here. By adopting and continuing those rich traditions, Nepal has evolved its own unique identity and specialty.

During Lichhavi period Nepal’s border extended to Allahabad in the south and during Khas Malla period, it had extended to Uttarakhand in the west. In such a way Nepal had gone through division and unifications, expansion and contractions, conquering and conceding in the past. The present shape was mainly determined after the unification made by Prithvi Narayan Shah. Behind the unification process, the will of the feudal lords for the expansion of their estate must have played a role. But at the same time the unification was a dire need at that historic period. The decisive role for unification was played by the

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contemporary historic, social and economic reasons. Divided in 60 units of princely states, and worn out by incessant conflicts, the people had longed for a unified strong state, which was the main reason for the successful unification. The traders and entrepreneurs of the time also found the small state structure an obstruction for the expansion of economic activity. They also played a role in unification. The overall need of defense from the expansion of British colonialists in the Indian subcontinent had historically required the country to be unified. At the time, it was a progressive step. Due to this process of unification, Nepal had in the historical development process advanced as a state-nation.

In Europe in general, nations were formed on the basis of single language and culture and the same nations were later developed through various processes into states. That is the reason why the states there are founded on the basis of one race, language and culture. Those historical events had created Germany out of Germans, Poland out of Polish, Netherlands out of Dutch people, and Russia out of the Russians. That is why they were also identified as nation- states. But in our case, the process of building of state and nation took a totally different course. When different ethnic groups and tribal groups had not yet developed into nations we had already built the state of Nepal for various historical reason and process. All kinds of multi-ethnic, multi- linguistic, multi- cultural, multi- religious, and multi- geographical groups were integrated into this state. Today, Nepal has identified itself as an independent, inalienable and sovereign state. In the same state, Nepal is active as one nation. The interim constitution of Nepal has correctly defined Nepal as a “state with multi-ethnic, multi-linguist, multi-cultural characteristics with common aspiration and a people united and dedicated for Nepal’s national independence, integrity, national interest and prosperity”. Nepalese society is not made as a wall comprising of uneven stones but it has developed into a kind of tempered bright multi-colored marble which had gone through various geological and chemical process in the history. Although there are several colors, the base of this marble cannot be disintegrated.

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We are sometimes hearing such interpretations as describing various ethnic and indigenous groups as a separate nationality and separate nation, describing the Nepal as a multi-national nation, bi-nationality and multi-nationality. These logics show an ignorance of historic development as well as negligence of present realities or it is a deceit to negate the social realities. Denying the historical need and importance of the unification of Nepal, misinterpreting it as an expansion of feudal state and exaggeration of the excesses committed during the time, all these trends must be firmly repudiated. Those who deny the fact of Nepal being one nation with multi-ethnicity, multi-languages and multi-culture and look for separate nations and nationality within Nepal cannot be acceptable.

Owing to the maintenance of a feudal unitary state for a prolonged period in Nepal, the plurality, diversity and identity were being weakened. In the centre, in order to strengthen the ideological-social-cultural base of feudal kingdom, attempts were made to impose the authoritarianism of one race, one language, one religion and one culture and they tried to identify entire Nepal in that fashion which was wrong. There were also attempts to identify entire Nepal in the same fashion. They went even to link the issue of nationalism and nationality to the benefit of one particular section of society. They forcefully tried to establish the cultural value and tradition of one particular ethnic group of Khas as the national culture. This led to the crisis in the identity of different ethnic, linguistic and cultural groups existing in the country. Due to structural discrimination, many ethnic groups and communities were denied any access to the state organs and they had no representation anywhere, which led to the marginalization of many ethnic groups. Therefore, the question of identity has come to the forefront in the society, which is quite natural. The trend of negating the demand for identity by these marginalized groups, denying the need of special provision in the constitution and state policy to end discrimination against those marginalized groups, and looking at social diversity and plurality as a burden rather than a national heritage have also been seen which is totally wrong. These are racial egoist trends and they go

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against progressive ideas. We must criticize and oppose such wrong trends.

According to famous thinker and Nobel Prize Winner Amartya Sen, human being has multiple identities and we must strike a balance between them. By overemphasizing on single identity, the society will be polarized, tense and conflict-ridden. While adequately addressing the demand for identity of ethnic, linguistic and cultural groups, we should execute democratic transformation of the state. But the state, whether it is central or provincial cannot be identified with a particular region, ethnicity or religion. It is against basic value of democracy.

We will be guided by these principles while working on the state restructuring. Every federal unit will be multi-ethnic, multi-linguist, multi-cultural and multi-religious. Within the same structure, we will have positive discrimination policy for backward regions, least represented groups and the marginalized communities and groups.

H. Principle of People’s Multi-party Democracy, its defense, implementation and development in the last 20 years.

People’s Multi-party Democracy (PMPD) is the guiding principle of the Nepalese revolution. It is not only a programme to bring qualitative transformation of society but it is the guiding principle for the adoption of such program, formulation of strategies and their execution, and for party building, our daily manners and attitudes. The PMPD was developed in the course of practicing the universal truths of Marxism in the concrete conditions of Nepali revolution.

There are three basic backgrounds which played important role in the evolvement of PMDP. These are the important role played by Nepal Communist Party in the democratic movement of Nepal as its integral part, the unique principles that the party has evolved in the course of practices of state, revolution and party-building in the light of Marxism and finally, the call of the new situation created by the failure of Soviet model of socialism. In this way, PMDP has in the form of principles

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always guiding us the way forward. In the course of its practice, we have gained new experiences and by synthesizing those experiences, we are able to continuously enrich the PMDP. The PMDP principles will continue to guide us in completing the bourgeois democratic revolution and transformation into socialism and then to a prosperous socialism.

Twenty years have elapsed since the adoption of PMDP by our Party. During this period, in the course of defense, practice and development of PMDP, we have accomplished various tasks and gained important experiences.

I. The vision of CPN (UML): Happy Nepalese and establishment of prosperous Nepal

The Nepalese communist Movement has today completed 65 years. This is not definitely a short period. Within this span of time, we had accomplished revolutions against the Rana regime, against the Panchayat autocracy and finally to end the monarchy. On the basis of our movement, a federal democratic republic has been established in the country today and the battle to attain rights has relatively been completed now. In this process of democratic movement and revolution, communist party has been established as a pioneer force.

35 years from now, the communist movement will reach its 100th year. How do we want to see Nepal by that time? What kind of Nepal and what status of the communist movement do we want to leave behind for the succeeding generation? It is only logical to talk about the dream of the 100th year of the communist party of Nepal. The two third of our time we had already spent in the battle to attain democracy and the communist party successfully led it through. The party which has remained at the vanguard of democracy will now be the pioneer in steering the country towards prosperity and we are determined to graduate Nepal from the least developed to the status of a developing country by the year 2023. 20 years from then will be the decisive period for the building of a prosperous Nepal. Communist party will

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lead this initiative and by 2050, Nepal will become comparable with middle level developed country. Our mission therefore is a prosperous Nepal and happy Nepalese.

For this purpose, the concrete programme of PMPD is presented as following:

1. On Political Front

• In order to institutionalize and consolidate the federal democratic republic, new constitution will be completed by the constituent assembly. All organs of state will be transformed accordingly.

• By strengthening the democratic system, the role of working class will be expanded.

• The constitutional provision to make the role of Nepali people as the source of power for the state of Nepal will be ensured. In the important decision making process of the state, people’s opinion will be regarded as final and decisive.

• Human right, political freedom, equal right, and right against exploitation will be ensured in practical form. Independent judiciary will be guaranteed.

• People’s economic- social- cultural rights will be guaranteed in the constitution and democracy with social justice will be developed.

• Nepal will be developed with multi-ethnic, multi-linguistic, multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-geographic characteristics. Plurality and diversity will be adopted as an important heritage and national unity will be strengthened by establishing social harmony.

• The universal charter of human rights and international law on human rights and the UN conventions and treaties on Human right to which Nepal is a party will be fully and effectively honored. The fundamental rights and freedom as spelled

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out in the constitution will be fully guaranteed. Those who had committed serious violations of human rights during the armed conflict period will be indicted and the victims will be given due justice so as to bring an environment of social harmony. Widespread social campaign will be launched to repudiate violence and enhance confidence on peace.

• Total press freedom, and freedom of opinion and expression will be ensured. Right to information will be guaranteed.

• Zero tolerance to corruption, enhancing people’s awareness on the same, social ostracisation of corrupt people and those indicted in corruption will be denied from any responsibility in the party, social and state affairs so as to guarantee good governance in the country.

• Effective control will be maintained to remove crimes in society, anarchy, and unhealthy political trends. Politics will be developed as a medium of service.

2. On Economic front

• All the remnants of feudalism will be eliminated and a foundation will be laid for the development of productive forces.

• Self-reliant, industrial and prosperous national economy will be built.

• The objective of Socio-economic equity and socialist-oriented economy will be enshrined in the constitution. The labour force which could not develop due to regressive production relations will be freely developed. The production relations will be developed in accordance with the development of productive forces.

• There will be a substantial increase in per capita income, enhancement of social and physical development, and a progress will be made in Human Development index in the

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next 10 years which will allow Nepal to graduate from the least developed status to the status of a developing country.

• A special campaign will be launched to create enough employment in the country to absorb the 4 lakh labour force which comes to the market every year.

• Modernisation and commercialization of agriculture, multi-dimensional development of water resources and energy, tourism promotion and human resource development will all be given priority as the mainstay of economy.

• By implementing land reform, the land which is over and above the land ceiling limit and those being hidden from authorities will all be made available to the tillers. Absentee landlord system will be put to an end. One who can’t engage in own labour will be given due compensation for his land and all land will be properly utilized by actual farmers only. State investment will be widely enhanced for modernization and commercialization of agriculture. Practice of agro technology, irrigation, improved seed, improved species of cattle, healthy cattle feed will be developed. Agro farms will be especially encouraged.

• Rural infrastructure development with special focus on agricultural development, promotion of small-medium and large-scale agro industries, and responsible distribution system to end monopoly and profiteering by middlemen will be developed. Food security will be ensured.

• Herbal production, sheep, yak and musk deer farming will be encouraged in the Himali region.

• Water resources will be developed under an integrated plan of energey development, irrigation, flood control, ecological conservation and pure drinking water supply. Planned initiatives will be taken by meeting a goal of generating 10,000 megawatts electricity within 10 years. Appropriate policies will be adopted to utilise water resources for national interests.

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• Irrigation projects will be launched by constructing the East-West canal. Landless squatters and poor peasants will be provided with land by controlling flood and ensuring land reclamation.

• It will be ensured that all natural resources fall under national ownership and its benefits are accrued to the local community.

• Overall national economy and the economic prosperity of local communities will be developed by promoting internal and external tourism.

• Citizens will be made aware of the beauty and potential of our nation with a focus on their familiarity with our cultural diversity.

• Appropriate policies will be adopted to promote the industries that have comparative advantage to the domestic investment and to invite foreign direct investment in specific areas, and to provide incentives to the industries which can substitute import, increase export and are labour intensive and based on domestic raw materials.

• In order to build an independent economy, the basic liability of the state will be met from internal revenues. Dependence on foreign aid will be gradually reduced.

• As a strong foundation for job creation, cooperative sector will be strengthened and expanded to create selfemployment and other types of employment opportunity. “One Household: At least One Employment” programme will be implemented.

• Construction of Mid-Hill Highway, Kathmandu-Tarai Fast Track, “Hulaki Marga” (postal highway) in Tarai and river corridor-based North-South highways will be completed. Similarly, second international airport and regional airports will be constructed. In addition to Mechi-Mahakali (East-West) electric train, the railway service will be expanded up to the northern and southern national borders that will serve as a transit service between China and India.

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• Kathmandu and Pokhara will be linked by a railway. Electric train and modern public transportation services will be expanded in other major cities of the country. Ropeways will be developed in a planned way. Cable Car services will be developed in selected strategic areas.

3. On Social Sector

• Upto secondary level education and basic health services will be guaranteed as fundamental rights of the people. Illiteracy will be eradicated and everyone’s access to education will be ensured.

• Life-skill-oriented and scientific education will be ensured. Education will be linked with production works. The technical and scientific education will be expanded rapidly.

• Skilled, educated and competent human resources will be developed as the major foundation of productive force. To prepare educated human resources as required for the labour market, the education policy of the state will be amended appropriately.

• Based on the concept of welfare state, adequate investment in the social sector and social security will be ensured. Social security will be established as an inalienable fundamental right. Provisions will be made to increase the allowances for senior citizens, persons with disability and children. Construction of aged care homes, and expansion of child care homes and disability service centres will be expedited in various parts of the country.

• Measures will be taken to eliminate caste-based, linguistic and cultural discriminations. Religious and cultural rights of minority communities will be protected. Special efforts will be made to preserve ethnic communities and their languages. Museums and villages will be constructed to depict the socio-cultural identity of various castes/ethnicities, languages and communities.

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• Homeless families will be guaranteed with housing facility and provisions will be made to ensure that no citizen will be left homeless within ten years.

4. Federalism and Local Self-Governance

• Federal provinces will be made based on multiple identities. People’s self-governance will be guaranteed through a powerful and autonomous local government. Federalism will be developed as a basic foundation of a new formula for national unity and people-centred democracy.

• At least 50 percent women representation will be ensured in the local government, including their Executive Members.

5. Socio-cultural Transformation

• Effective campaigns will be launched against feudal culture, which is based on superstition, discrimination, hatred and bigotry. Efforts will be made to remain active in ending decadent capitalist culture that is based on consumerism, ultra individualism, corruption and extravagance. Special campaign will be launched at the state and mass levels to build a new culture based on nationalism, democracy, diversity and pluralism, humanism, respect for labour and human values.

• All discriminatory laws, norms and behaviours against women will be changed. Rights will be ensured for at least 33 percent women representation in all sectors of public life. Equal rights will be established in ancestral and property shares for all children. Women’s rights will be ensured in reproductive health and divorce-related issues. Special priority will be given to women for education, health, employment and social security programmes. Strict laws will be promulgated and effectively implemented to end all forms of discrimination against women.

• The offence of untouchability and caste-based discrimination will be made strictly punishable as a serious social crime.

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As a compensation for the historical discrimination and exploitation against Dalits, special provisions will be made for their proportional represenation in state structures and special rights will be provided in education, health and employment sectors.

• National definition of indigenous-nationalities, castes and ethnicities will be developed, and their right to identity, representation and access to resources and services will be ensured. Appropriate legal and institutional arrangements will be made for their economic, social and cultural development. Special programmes will be launched by the state to protect language, culture, traditions and ancestral skills of the indigenous people.

• Tarai-Madhesh people will be brought in the national mainstream by ending socio-cultural discrimination. Special programmes will be implemented to address problems of poverty, scarcity and underdevelopment in Tarai-Madhesh. Serious attention will be given to resolve problems created by border invasion, violences, crimes, natural disasters and social discrimination in those areas.

• Special facilities and concessional services will be provided by the state to the people living in Karnali and other remote and geographically marginalised regions to bring them at the average national development standard. Right to food and right to basic health care services will be ensured for the prople in Karnali and other geographically marginalised regions.

• Youths will be developed as the main drivers of economic and social transformation as well as partners for change. Youth leadership will be promoted by enabling them to take responsibilities in social, political and economic affairs. By increasing enterprenurship, youths will be attracted to self-employment. Conducive environment will be made for the advancement of creativity, energy and prospects of youths. The trends of misusing youths in violence, addiction and anarchy will be contained.

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• Positive attitude will be created towards disability. Special programmes will be launched for enhancing capacity of persons with disabilities through education, skill development and employment.

• By realising the concept of ‘children as zone of peace’, their rights to live with proper care and healthy environment will be guaranteed. Early childhood development and right to education will be ensured. Child labour will be abolished.

• Sports will be developed as a medium of healthy development of children, personality development of youths and national unity and pride.

• Special programme will be launched to resolve problems faced by sexual, gender, linguistic and religious minorities.

6. Others

• Inherent rights of Nepalese people over Nepal’s natural resources will be secured. Minimum 40 percent green (forest) area will be conserved. Sustainable conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem will be made effective. State will act responsibly to minimise the effects of climate change. The Chure region, the green belt of Nepal, will be protected.

• Planned urbanisation, easy supply of drinking water, electricity and other facilities, garbage management and special greenery development programmes will be implemented in order to make clean, green and beautiful capital city and other cities. In addition to necessary infrastructure development, programmes will be launched to transform scattered settlements into more dense settlements in upper hill and mountain areas.

• Labour rights will be constitutionally guaranteed. Their representation in policymaking levels will be ensured and all agreements reached by the government, trade unions and employers will be implemented. At least 10 percent representation of the working class will be ensured in state organs. Foreign employment will be made safe and decent.

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• National security policy will be prepared by ensuring protection of national independence, sovereignty and teritorial integrity, conservation of natural resources, and by maintaining social harmony and human security. Pride for patriotism and sense of national unity will be promoted amongst all citizens. Modernisation of security agencies of the state, and their professional capacity enhancement and democratic restructuring will be made in line with changing national security needs.

• Cordial and balanced relationship will be maintained with neighbouring countries by protecting Nepal’s national interest, independence and sovereignty. It will be assured that Nepal’s land will not be provided to use against the interests of any neighbouring country. Anti-people tendencies such as imperialism, domination, neocolonialism, armament, casteism, racism and terrorism will be denounced. World peace, disarmament, and national and social liberation movements will be supported.

J. Party Building

Leadership of Communist Party is inevitable not only for the success of a revolutionary movement but also for the establishment of democratic and socialist social system. While advancing forward with the main goal of socio-economic transformation, our party now has to transform itself in terms of its overall structure and character so as to achieve the set goal and strategy.

Nepal Communist Party is a revolutionary party established for the supreme interest of Nepalese working class. While representing various other progressive classes in the course of drive for social change, a communist party cannot divert itself from its class stand, revolutionary character, objective of social change and goal of socialism. This party represents both types of workers who use physical as well as intellectual labour.

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The main basis for party building is its theoretical aspect. In our context the principle, programme and policy of the People’s Multi Party Democracy is the main basis for our party building. Ensuring accurate analysis of the context, building appropriate organisational structure and systematically mobilising the organisation based on the party statute is our duty to fulfill the party’s responsibilities and programmatic goal ahead.

The country is moving forward through the process of bourgeois democratic political revolution. This process is of indigenous in its nature. Guided by the principles of People’s Multiparty Democracy and by peaceful means this revolution was accomplished by a joint leadership of working and caplitalist classes. That is why this was indigenous. We believe that working class can protect the achievements of the revolution by championing through competition. Then only it can provide right direction to the process of socio-economic transformation and to strengthen democratic system and lead towards socialism. These special contexts have determined our question around party building.

In order to achieve distinction in this competition, and in order to build a party which can lead the building of a prosperous Nepal by consolidating democracy, we must concentrate our main attention on ideological work of the Party. A solid foundation for party building can be created only by having deeper understanding of the guiding principles of Marxism-Leninism and People’s Multiparty Democracy and being theoretically-principly clear on today’s special status of Nepali revolution. However, problems have arised due to weakening ideological works, study habits and trainings and degrading ideological level of party rank and file. Putting special emphasis on party’s ideological works is therefore an utmost need of the day.

Another basis of party building is expansion of party membership and enhancement of quality of the members. Even though the party came a long way through a serious set back in the 2008 constituent assembly elections and various obstacles in the past five years, the number

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of party members has however increased significantly. This size of membership is still not enough. With a target of 0.5 million organised membership within the next five years we have to therefore chart out a special plan to expand membership and strengthen knowledge and skills of organised members.

Further strengthening relationship with the people for a party like ours that has determined the course of social transformation by upholding peaceful and democratic means and by championing through people’s power is a matter of prime concern. The measurement of relationship with the people is not a matter to be only assessed in the context of periodic elections, it is rather ascertained by some key realities, among others, the level of party initiatives to address people’s voice and concerns, the extent to which people have placed their confidence in the party as their representative, and the way the party has incorporated issues of public concern in its policies and programmes. We should give emphasis to these factors and continue to reinforcing our relationship with the people.

While making policies regarding party building we have to keep in high priority the issue of conduct of the rank and file and the overall party organisation. Discripancy between ideology and coduct or practice is one of the serious challenges the party is facing today and it has been contributing to the erosion of the party’s image and attraction among the people. Organising and mobilising intellectuals and experts should be given priority to tackle with this challenge.

We have to also develop a scientific system for the evaluation of party cadres. Planned campaigns should be launched to create new cadres, to protect them and to develop their leadership. Special considerations should be given to the party’s work in areas of youths, students, women and dalits, among others. Special measures should be taken to end the growing trends of discipline lapses and waning politics of decency.

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K. Our priorities ahead

1. Constitution making: The issue of institutionalising federal democratic republic by making new constitution through the constituent assembly will remain a major political priority of the entire party. The party should keep the constitution making as a high priority agenda since this is the key to institutionalise the achievements of the people’s revolution and to bring to an end the prolonged transition in the country.

2. Eliminating remnants of feudalism: Feudalism as a production system has been dismantled in the past course of the bourgeois democratic revolution and the end of monarchy. However, various remnants of feudalism still exist in economy, politics and mainly the social and cultural sectors. Complete development of the production force is not possible without a complete elimination of these bits and pieces of feudalism. This, to happen needs removing the remains of feudalism through scientific land reform, ending absentee land-lord system, and making peasants the real land owners through equitable distribution of land.

3. Developing new national economy: The party should pay serious attention to develop stronger national economy by strengthening the production force. We should take initiation for creating political consensus about the future direction of strengthening the national economy, identifying strategic areas of the national development and determining key economic policies of the country. Emphasis should be given to mobilising internal resources and increasing national savings for the creation of better national capital. Conducive environment should be created for attracting foreign investment in the areas of national interest and the priorities set out by the state.

4. Creating nationwide network of physical infrastructures: A nationwide network of physical infrastructures should be created based on the national development strategy. Construction of

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Kathmandu-Tarai Fast Track, Mid-Hill Highway, Postal Highway, and river corridor-based North-South Highway to link India and China should be given high priority. Emphasis should be given to the construction of second international airport, regional airports, nationwide transmission line in the mid-hill region and cross-national transmission lines. Similarly, large capacity and electric transportation services should be initiated in urban areas. The party should take an active and lead role for the formulation of strategic development plans, resource mobilisation and monitoring and supervision of development initiatives. The nationwide infrastructural network should take into consideration the possibility of linking all roads and highways, airways, ropeways, railways and water-based transportation systems.

5. Hightening the level of party’s ideological-principle base: Regular and permanent Party School should be launched to strengthen the level of ideological-principle base of the party rank and file. Self-study, debate, logical arguments and creative knowledge should be promoted in the party.

6. Expediting campaign for socio-cultural transformation: The priorities of socio-cultural transformation should be given special emphasis to establish foundations for socialism. Party committees and sister organisations will be well prepared for meeting this objective.

7. Creating federal structures: Through the constituent assembly, the party should take initiation for the creation of federal structures on the basis of multiple identities, equal rights and mutual interdependence of the people. Federalism should be upheld as a new formula of national unity.

8. Holding local elections and expanding democracy: By holding immediate local elections, our party should put special emphasis on revitalisation of local government, which is vacant of elected

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representatives for a long time, and to make them accountable to the people.

9. Unifying the communist movement: Our party should take special steps to unify and bolster Nepal’s communist movement and should launch ideological struggle against ultraleft and right deviations. By holding universal principles of Marxism-Leninism and the directions of People’s Multiparty Democracy, and based on the same spirit, efforts will be made to unify various communist groups who believe in peaceful transformation of the society and democracy.

10. Creating a joint front of leftist, patriotic, progresive and democratic forces: Steps will be taken to forge a joint front amongst leftist, patriotic and democratic forces in order to complete the course of political revolution, to build a prosperous Nepal through social and economic transformation, to protect national interests and to strengthen democracy.

11. Attaining 0.5 million organised members: Special workplan will be brought up to strengthen the knowledge and working skills of party members in addition to expedite necessary ideological-political-organisational works. These are expected to lead to make our party the largest party in the country. Party membership will be increased and reached 0.5 million within the next five years.

12. Protecting national interest: The party will play a leading role to protect national interest and to strengthen national integrity, independence, sovereignty and dignity. Active initiation will be taken to promote the pride of patriotism, which is currently being weakened by various factors. Similarly, the party will identify the key issues of national interest and take lead in garnering national consensus for them.

13. Making the party’s financial management systematic, transparent and effective: A clear plan will be furthered to make the party’s

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financial managment works more systematic, transparent and effective. Special attention will be given to make the party people-centered and to mobilise internal resources for the party operations. These resources will be mainly generated through members.

14. Promoting balanced international relations: Our party will further expand Nepal’s foreign relations and make it more cordial and effective. A policy of balanced international relations will be adopted from both the government/state and party levels to create conducive environment for Nepal’s prosperity, development and political stability. Rights and interests of the migrant Nepalis will be given high priority.

Long live Nepali Democratic Revolution!Long live People’s Multiparty Democracy!Red salute to immortal brave martyres!Long live CPN (UML)!

With warm revolutionary greetings,

Jhalanath KhanalChairpersonCPN (UML)

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Document Name : Draft Political Report (Abridged)

Date of Publication : July 2014

Number of Copies : 1,000

Publisher :CentralOffice,CPN(UML)