Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to...

Dr Dr Shiquan(Michael) Wang Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Communication University of Colorado at Colorado University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Springs UCCS UCCS Director of Innovation Center, Director of Innovation Center,

Transcript of Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to...

Page 1: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

DrDr :: Shiquan(Michael) WangShiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Associate Professor Adjoint to CommunicationCommunication University of Colorado at Colorado University of Colorado at Colorado SpringsSprings (( UCCSUCCS )) Director of Innovation Center, Director of Innovation Center, Department of T & RDepartment of T & RChina Executive Leadership Academy China Executive Leadership Academy PudongPudong (( CELAPCELAP ))

Page 2: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.


I. China Topics (10)

II. The Confucianism

III. Chinese Culture Characteristics

IV. Cross-Culture Communication

V. Conclusion


Page 3: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 4: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

I. China TopicsI. China Topics 1. China and its National Symbol Full Name: People’s Republic of China

Page 5: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

China, with 9.6 million sqkm in land area, is the third largest country in the world after Russia and Canada.North to south distance: 5500 sqkm.East to west distance: 5200 sqkm.

Page 6: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

  National emblem: Tiananmen Gate tower under five stars,

encircled by ears of grain and with a gear wheel below.

   On June 18, 1950, the Second Session of the First CPPCC National

Committee adopted the design and illustration of the national emblem of

the PRC. On September 27 that year, Chairman Mao Zedong ordered the

promulgation of the national emblem. Composed of patterns of the

national flag, the Tiananmen Rostrum, a wheel gear and ears of wheat, it

symbolizes the New-Democratic Revolution of the Chinese people since

the May 4th Movement (1919) and the birth of New China under the

people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class on the basis of

the worker-peasant alliance.

  National flag: Red flag with five stars.On September 27, 1949, the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)approved the proposal for using the red five-star flag as the national flag of the People's Republic of China (PRC). The red color of the flag symbolizes revolution and the yellow color of the stars the golden brilliant rays radiating from the vast red land. The design of four smaller stars surrounding a bigger one signifies the unity of the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC).  

Page 7: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

National anthem    National anthem:March of the Volunteers, written in 1935, with lyrics by the poet

Tian Han and music by the composer Nie Er, honoring those who went to the front to fight the Japanese invaders in northeast China in the 1930s. Decided upon as the provisional national anthem of the new China on September 27, 1949, at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference ("CPPCC"), the song was officially adopted as the national anthem of the PRC on December 4, 1982, by the NPC.


March of the Volunteers

   Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves!

   Let us amount our flesh and blood towards our new Great Wall!

   The Chinese nation faces its greatest peril,

   The thundering roar of our peoples will be heard!

   Arise! Arise! Arise!

   We are many, but our hearts beat as one!

   Selflessly braving the enemy's gunfire, march on!

   Selflessly braving the enemy's gunfire, march on!

   March on! March on! on!   

Page 8: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

Currency of China

Page 9: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 10: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 11: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

2. Natural Geography

Two Large Rivers: Yangtze River and Yellow River

Four Plateaus: Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Loess Plateau

Inner-Mongolia Plateau, Yun-Gui Plateau

Four Basins: Tarim Basin, Dzungarian Basin, Tsaidam Basin,

Sichuan Basin

Four Plains: Northeastern China Plain, Northern China Plain,

The middle and Lower Reaches Plain of Yangtze River

Zhujiang River Delta Plain

Big Mountains: Aiertai Mountain, Tianshan Mountain

Kunlun Mountain, Great Xinanling Mountain,

Changbaishan Mountain, Himalaya Mountain,

Qinling Mountain, Southern Mountains,

Henduanshan Mountain, Taihangshan Mountain,

Wuyi Mountain, Taiwan Mountain etc.

Cultural Mountains: Taishan Mountain, Huashan Mountain, Songshan Mountain,

Hengshan Mountain, Yellow Mountain, Emishan Mountain

Page 12: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

Plateau and high land area reaches 67% of total land

Basin and plain area is 33% of the total land

Page 13: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 14: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 15: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

3. Population and Ethnic Minority Groups

There are 1.3 billion people in China with 65

ethnic minority groups

Page 16: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

Population and its structure in 2008

Index Numbers Proportion Total Population 1.32802 billion 100.0 %

Urban residents 606.67 million 45.7 %

Rural residents 721.35 million 54.3 %

Male 683.57 million 51.5 %

Female 644.45 million 48.5 %

Age from 0-14 251.66 million 19.0 %

15-59 916.47 million 69.0 %

60 above 159.89 million 12.0 %

65 above 109.56 million 8.3 %

Note: From the National Statistics Annual National Statistics Annual Report of 2008Report of 2008

Page 17: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 18: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 19: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 20: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

The Distribution of Population in ChinaThe Distribution of Population in China

Page 21: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

4. Administrative Regions4. Administrative Regions

There are 34 provincial level Administrative regions in present China: A. 23 provinces

B. 5 autonomous regions (Xinjiang Uygur, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia Hui, Guangxi


C. 4 special municipalities (Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin,


D. 2 special administrative regions (Hong Kong, Macao)

Page 22: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 23: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

5. History5. History

► very early civilization and a long rich history (?) -------fossil remains of the Yuanmou Ape Man who lived in Yunnan

Province some 1.7 million years ago.

------- Peking Man, who lived about 500,000 years ago, was able to make

and use simple implements and knew the use of fire. (not Chinese)

► Early Inventions: compass, gunpowder, the art of paper-making

and block printing

► Great Constructions: The Great Wall, Grand Canal, Xian City Wall

► Over 4000 years history with the record of character

► Passed 19 dynasties within 4062 years

► The only most ancient civilization continued to date

Page 24: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 25: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

19 Major Dynasties in Ancient China

1. Xia …….. 夏……………… . . .. 2070 BC — 1600 BC  

2. Shang … 商………………… .. 1600 BC — 1046 BC

3. Zhou…… 周 .………………….1046 BC — 221 BC

——West Zhou Period…… 西周… ..……..…1046 BC — 771 BC

    —— East Zhou Period…… 东周…… ..…….. 770 BC — 256 BC      —— Spring and Autumn Period… 春秋……… 770 BC — 476 BC      —— Warring States Period……… 战国……… 475 BC — 221 BC (Hereafter goes the feudal society with 2132 years)

 4.  Qin…… 秦……………………… .221 BC — 206 BC

 5.   Han… .. 汉…………………… .. .202 BC — 220 AD       —— West Han Period……… 西汉…………… 202 BC — 8 AD       —— East Han Period………. 东汉…………… .25 BC — 220 AD

Page 26: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

6. Three Kingdoms…… 三国………… 220 — 280      —— Wei State…… 魏… .……………220 — 265       —— Shut State…… 蜀…… .…………221 — 263 ——Wu State…… . 吴… ..….………. 222 — 280

7. Jin …………… 晋……… ..………… ..265 — 420  ——West Jin…… 西晋 ..……………. 265 — 316       —— East Jin……. 东晋……………… 317 — 420

8.  Sixteen States……… 十六国………… 304 — 439

9.   Northern and Southern Dynasties… 南北朝… 386 — 589

       —— Northern Dynasty…… 北朝………… 386 — 581      —— Southern Dynasty…… 南朝………… 420 —


10. Sui………… 隋… . ……………….…. 581— 618

11. Tang………. 唐 ……………………… 618— 907

Page 27: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

12. Five Dynasties & Ten Kingdoms…… 907 — 979

五代十国13. Song……………… 宋………………… .. 960——1276

       —— Northern Song…… 北宋……… 960 — 1127       —— Southern Song……. 南宋……… 1127—

127614. Liao……………… 辽………………… .. …. 916 — 1125

15. Western Xia…… 西夏…………………… . 1038— 1227

16. Jin………………… 金 ..………………… …1115 — 1234

17. Yuan……………… 元……………… . …….1271 — 1368

18. Ming……………… 明………………… . ….1368 — 1644

19. Qing……………… 清………………… .. …1644 — 1911

20. Republic of China…… 中华民国…………… .1912 — 1949

21. People’s Republic of China……..Founded Oct 1st 1949

Page 28: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

6. Political System6. Political System

Four Leading Bodies in China

► Communist Party of China (CPC)

► National People’s Congress (NPC)

► Chinese People’s Political Consultative

Conference (CPPCC) Cooperate with 8 Democratic Parties

(participatory party)

► Central People’s Government of China

Page 29: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

Hu Jintao

General Secretary and Chairman of China

Wu Bangguo

Chairman of National People’s Congress

Jia Qinglin Chairman of CPPCC

Wen Jiabao Premier of State Council of China

Page 31: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

7. Economy7. Economy ► Used to be totally state-owned

► Changed since 1978 Reform and Opening

► GDP 30.0670 trillion , foreign exchange reserve

was $1.9460 trillion by 2008

► Proportion of public and private economy in 1995

—— In capital : public 53%, private 47%

—— In employment : public 39%, private 61%

—— In the contributions made to GDP:

public 39%, private 61%Note: The data of No. 4 is from the Study of Mr. Li Chengrui, formal Bureau

Chief of The National Bureau of Statistics of China

Page 32: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

GDP (purchasing power parity):$7.973 trillion (2008 est.)country comparison to the world: 3$7.315 trillion (2007 est.)$6.473 trillion (2006 est.)note: data are in 2008 US dollars

GDP (official exchange rate):$4.402 trillion (2008 est.)

GDP - real growth rate:9% (2008 est.)country comparison to the world: 1613% (2007 est.)11.6% (2006 est.)

GDP - per capita (PPP):$6,000 (2008 est.)country comparison to the world: 133$5,500 (2007 est.)$4,900 (2006 est.)note: data are in 2008 US dollars

Page 33: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

China’s GDP Growth in 2008China’s GDP Growth in 2008

Income for urban and ruralIncome for urban and rural residents of China in 2008 residents of China in 2008 (RMB yuan)(RMB yuan) —— —— XinhuaXinhua NewsNews AgencyAgency

Page 34: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

Industrial StructureIndustrial Structure



Page 35: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

8. Cultural Industry in 20078. Cultural Industry in 2007

► 400 movies produced with 3.3 billion yuan

► Radio and TV program income was 110 billion

yuan, local and national program 50% each

► In 2006, 573 publishing houses published 233,971

kinds of books, sold 6.46 billion copies with

50.43 billion yuan

► Advertisement market reached 245 billion yuan

► Chinese paintings, antiques’ auction market warm

up with hundred billions yuan deal

Page 36: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

9. People’s Life9. People’s Life

► 1.32802 billion people by the end of 2008

606.67 million in urban area, 45.7%

  721.35 million in rural area, 54.3%

► Rural residents’ average annual income 4761

► Urban residents’ average annual income 15781

► People’s life changed a lot since 1978

► Great gap exist between urban and rural residents

► Total income is high, but the average income is low

► Cultural ideas and concepts are in fast change

Page 37: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

UrbanUrban residentsresidentsincomeincome

RuralRural residentsresidentsincomeincome

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10. 10. Unbalanced DevelopmentUnbalanced Development

There is great gap between east and west, urban and rural areas, total and per capita

► Middle and west area have 5-10 years distance in

overall level of development

► The income of rural residents is four times less

than that of urban residents. Two different world.

► Public resources are mainly distributed in urban

area but the broad rural areas who have long been

undeveloped are far from the urban areas.

► Total GDP is No.3 but GDP per capita is No.133

Page 39: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
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► Social Security Situation

—Urban Employees' Pension covered 218.90 million

— Urban Medicare covered 316.98 million including 42.49 million farm workers (temporary work in urban areas)

—Unemployment Insurance covered 124 million

—Workplace Insurance covered 138.1 million including farm workers 49.76 million

— Family Planning Insurance covered 91.81 million

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► ►

Page 44: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

II. The Confucianism 儒家哲学 1. Confucius, the greatest philosopher

and educator of China(551 BC - 479 BC ) ——Filial to parents(father passed at his 3, mother passed

at his 24 years old) ——Early political service to State Lu——Began his education career when he was frustrated inPolitical career.► Firstly proclaimed to provide education for all people without

discrimination► Firstly proclaimed to teach students according to their own


2. Works of Confucius

►Spring and Autumn 《春秋》 (722 BC-481 BC), the earliest annals in China

►Book of Filial Piety 《孝经》► Analects of Confucius 《论语》

Page 45: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

3. Main Thoughts 主要思想► Benevolence 仁 . It is the prime directive and core value of


— Stress the love of people who have close blood relations(folks), extend the love to the society. To be benevolent to all people.

— Regards filial piety as the fundamental behavior of benevolence

— Transform the filial piety into faith and loyalty of superiors and leaders

Confucius said, “If you govern the people legalistically and control them by punishment, they will only avoid crime, but have no personal sense of shame. If you govern them by means of virtue and control them with propriety, they will gain their own sense of shame, and thus to well correct and adjust themselves. ”

► Propriety(Rites) 礼 . The core of Confucian political philosophy.

— Restrain people’s behavior with the rites of Zhou Dynasty

— Keep the correct order between monarch and official (the superior and subordinate), father and son, husband and wife, elder brother(sister) and younger brother(sister)

— Restrain oneself to recover the rites and order in the past

— Everyone in the society keeps the good conduct

Page 46: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

► Value Education 重教 Education is the way to make people better.

— Education are crucial to both leaders and common people— Attach importance on moral education, Moral education first. — Four educations on ancients works study, good behavior,

faithfulness and loyalty, honesty and credit. — Five Virtues for any gentleman and sage: Kindness 仁 ,

righteousness 义 , propriety 礼 , wisdom 智 and trustworthiness 信 .

► Golden Mean(moderation) 中庸之道 . — Concluded the thoughts of moderation since Zhou Dynasty— Moderation is the prime moral principle— Keep balance of everything, do not go to the extremes — To be moderate 中 and harmonious 和 in nature, human and social

relations — Harmony is the most precious value, the way to it is moderation— To be harmonious yet different for any sages in the world.

► We should try our best to keep the harmonious relations with other countries and other culture……

Page 47: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

4. Mencius(372BC-289BC) and Policy of Benevolence—— Doctrine of good human nature

► All human being were born with good nature(pity, humiliation etc)

► Those who are not so good have lost their kindheartedness —— Policy of Benevolence and People First

► He developed Confucius’ benevolence theory to put forward the Policy of Benevolence or benevolent government.

► He compared the leadership of benevolent government( 王道leading with virtue) and hegemony( 霸道 leading with force and power)

and their consequences.► He firstly proposed the thought of “putting people first.”

“The people are more important than monarchs, and the country follows the above two.”

—— His major words was collected into

the Works of Mencius http://chinese.dsturgeon.net/text.pl?node=1603&if=gb&en=on

Page 48: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

III. Chinese Culture Characteristics III. Chinese Culture Characteristics

A. Family-oriented, respect parents and elders

B. Ethics and social habits dominated

C. Lack of dominant faith in the past

D. Lack of enough public consciousness

E. Stress on personal relations

F. Great hospitality with sincerity

G. Public credit is better than private one

H. Culture in fast change

Page 49: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
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Page 53: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

IV. Cross-Culture CommunicationIV. Cross-Culture Communication in the in the global Age global Age : :

1. Cultural defects and limitations increase rapidly

► Culture is transforming from a regional stable model to the

national and international interaction model. ► Invisible cultural obstacles continuously appear ► Cultural conflicts are becoming obvious2. Cultural convergence & cultural complementarities

are becoming the great tendency

► Cultural flounder, struggle and cultural introspection ► Cultural communication: Recognition & Identification ► Cultural digest and cultural complementarities

Page 54: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

3. Sino-US Cultural Communication3. Sino-US Cultural Communication

A. From China: ► Historical experiences of over 4000 years ►Traditional Values from Confucianism (self-conduct,

universal love, order of people, take care of parents) , Taoism (quiet and

natural) and the Buddhism(to purify the mind & diminish desires)

► Good ethics and social habits (family, neighbors role and harmonious principle & wisdom in diplomatic relations)

► Essence from the collectivism (more concern of the majority)

► Stress on morality and justice rather than the materialism(material interests and profits)

► Industriousness in works and school study

Page 55: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

B. From US: ► Dominant Faith and Christian Value ► Enough Social Freedom ► Democracy and Equity ► Sense of Law with its good Behavior ► Open mindset and Pardon ► Diversity and Comprehensiveness

“Ocean’s greatness comes from the capacity of hundreds of rivers” —— Chinese Saying

Page 56: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

4. Study in China4. Study in China

► Set objectives: why? when? what?

► Check the policies on official websites

► Look for the possible scholarship (make money)

► Prepare and pass the Chinese language examination

HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) 

► Check and meet the detailed requirements

► Apply the appropriate universities & colleges

Good website: http://www.study-in-china.org


Page 57: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

In 2007, there are 1908 universities and 413 professional colleges in China. Among which 479 universities and 316 scientific research institutions

have graduate program.

Page 58: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

A. Chinese Government Scholarship

ProgrammeThe Ministry of Education of China (hereinafter referred to as MOEC) is

responsible for the provision of Chinese government scholarships, and it entrusts China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) to administer the recruitment of international students and the routine management of Chinese Government Scholarship Programs.

1.   Chinese Government Scholarship Scheme (Recruitment Quota Specified on MOEC Scholarship Scheme)

2.   CHINA/UNESCO – the Great Wall Fellowship Scheme (25 scholarships available in 2008)

3.   Study in Asia Scholarship Scheme (20 scholarships available in 2008)4.  Chinese Government Scholarship program (EU Window) (100

scholarships available in 2008)5.   Distinguished International Students Scholarship Scheme (100

scholarships available in 2008)6.   Chinese Culture Research Fellowship Scheme (30 scholarships

available in 2008)7.   Short-term Scholarship Scheme for Foreign Teachers of

Chinese Language (Recruitment Quota Specified on MOEC Scholarship Scheme)

Page 59: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

B. Chinese Bridge Scholarship

C. Chinese language examination

(6:00-8:00 pm Thursday, Science building 191)

D. Study on your own expense

E. Teaching English in China is a good way to get

some income to support your study

(1) www.moe.edu.cn Ministry of Education of China (2) www. csc.edu.cn China Scholarship Council

Page 60: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

Arizona State University, Dean of International Language and Culture Dr. Joe

Cutter addressed in the National Day reception 

Sino-US artists in the National Day reception performed String Quartet 

At Arizona State University Confucius Institute hosted the "Commemoration of the Sino-US diplomatic ties three decades" photo exhibition 

Page 61: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

5. Travel in China5. Travel in China► Set objectives: when? where? what? how?

► Select the most representative places

► Check the weather conditions in advance

► Find the appropriate travel agencies

► Find friends for some advice and local guide

► Book the air (local train) tickets and hotels

► Luggage including camera and video camera http://en.cnta.gov.cn China National Tourism Administration

http://www.gochinatravel.com China Travel Guide

http://hk.travelzen.com Travel in China

http://www.chinatravelsolution.com China Travel Service

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Page 71: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

6. Doing Business in China

► Great Opportunities and mature market► WTO made China follow more rules in business.► Personal Relations are becoming less important► Advantage: human resources and large market (There are 170 cities with a million population, but there are only 9 in US. Millions of science and engineering students graduated from universities, they are the total of Hong kong and Taiwan in 20 years) ► Advantage of foreign enterprises in competition: way of management, New technology and logistics etc ► Remind: Localization is strongly required in China. (UPS employees 50 come from US among 56000 local)► New technology and new way of business is required.

Page 72: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

Procedures in doing business in China

1. Study the national policies of industry and law http://www.mofcom.gov.cn Ministry of Commerce

2. Study the local industrial policies and law 3. Make a detailed investigation and study in the following: policy, culture, relations and people. 4. Rely more on government and its departments for security and support (the bigger, the better) 5. Find some reliable local Chinese as representative 6. Set up office or company for formal procedure. A website for reference http://www.doingbusiness.org

Page 73: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 74: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 75: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 76: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

CHINA: ► A country with large population and in fast change ! ► China-US have a lot to complement with each other

Ambassador Jon huntsman 洪博培

Page 77: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

The change of Chinese Political Democracy

Page 78: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 79: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 80: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.
Page 81: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

V. Conclusion: — China, a country in fast change 1. Rapid development overall

2. Cultural change to be comprehensive

3. Political change to be more democratic

4. Economic change to be more sustainable

5. People change to be more civilized

6. Society change to be in good order

But there is still much to do & long way to go !

7. China-US have great common interests and a

lot to complement with each other.

Page 82: Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Dr : Shiquan(Michael) Wang Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication Associate Professor Adjoint to Communication University.

Thank you and

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