Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri 2012 The Islamic University of Gaza.

Unit (3) Internet Resources Professional Development Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri 2012 The Islamic University of Gaza

Transcript of Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri 2012 The Islamic University of Gaza.

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Unit (3) Internet Resources Professional Development

Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri2012

The Islamic University of Gaza

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1. To use internet resources (below) to enhance learners' language proficiency

2. To use internet resources to enhance pre-service teachers' teaching competence

1. Online journals

2. Online dictionaries

3. Professional Organizations

4. ELT Publishers

5. Mailing & discussion lists Online journals

6. Websites for English language learners

7. Websites for English language teachers

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Online journals

Home Task Table of contents Back/Previous/ Past issues = Archives Current issues/ Latest issues (articles) Search by: keyword, issue, author Volume = Vol 12, No 2 Subscription (subscribe to) Abstract   HTML   PDF Full text HTML   PDF 

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Online journals

1. CALL-EJ: http://callej.org/

2. Language Learning & Technology Journal: http://llt.msu.edu/index.html

3. TESL-EJ: http://www.cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp/information/tesl-ej/index.html

4. The Internet TESL Journal: http://iteslj.org/

5. Humanising Language Teaching: http://www.hltmag.co.uk/index.htm

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Online Journals

Teaching Task (1)

List 4 pedagogical benefits for using the

E- journals in enhancing your

1. English learning competence (language skills)

2. English teaching performance.

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Online dictionaries

Home Task

Familiarise yourself with these online dictionaries: Purpose, features, & how to use them.

1. Pronunciation Dictionary: http://www.howjsay.com

a. Single words: cassette, tortoise, determine, hurricane

b. Confusing words separated by ( ;) & check what happens: lever; liver - word;work; world -

c. Vowel Minimal Pairs: pin; pen - sit; set - will; well –d. Consonant Minimal Pairs: choose; shoes – chop; shop

– chair; share – cheap; sheepe. others

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Online dictionaries

1. Synonyms, antonyms & definition: http://www.synonym.com

marvellous - debatable -

2. Rhyme: http://www.rhymezone.com/

ar - are, bar, car, far, jar, tar, star, scar at - at, bat, fat, mat, pat, rat, sat, flat, that,

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Online dictionaries

1. Sites for the blind & vision-impaired:


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Online dictionaries

Teaching Task Try to list 2 pedagogical benefits of each one

of them:

A benefit for you as a university student specialised in English

A benefit for you as would-be English teacher.


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Online dictionaries

Rhyming words 1. help children remember words more


2. Kids think playing with words that rhyme is fun, so they stay engaged in learning longer.

3. Rhyme helps them learn about language.

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Text- to- speech: http://www.ivona.com/us/

Gaza stands on the Mediterranean, at the crossroads of Asia, Africa and Europe .In ancient times, it was therefore a very important point on one of the great trade routes between the East and West. From the East, traders brought incense and spices to Gaza by land. These goods then continued to Egypt and west by sea to Europe. Through this trade, Gaza became a rich and powerful city 2,500 years ago. . . .(Grade 9: P8)

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Professional Organizations

Lab Task (3) Familiarise yourself with them: purpose, features, & how to use them.

International Association for Language Learning Technology http://www.iallt.org/

TESOL Arabia : http://www.tesolarabia.net/ta/

NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English): http://www.ncte.org/ 

IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language: http://www.iatefl.org/

  TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages):


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Professional Organizations

Teaching Task (3)

Try to list 2 pedagogical benefits of each one

of them:

A benefit for you as a university student specialised in English

A benefit for you as a would-be English teacher.

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ELT Publishers

Lab Task (4)

Familiarise yourself with only 2-3 ELT Publisher: purpose, features, & how to use them

DELTA Publishing: http://www.deltapublishing.co.uk/

Macmillan English: http://www.macmillanenglish.com/

Pearson Longman ELT: http://www.pearsonlongman.com/

Oxford University Press (OUP) Cambridge University Press (CUP)

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ELT Publishers

Teaching Task (4)

Try to list 2 pedagogical benefits of each one

of them:

A benefit for you as a university student specialised in English

A benefit for you as a would-be English teacher.

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Mailing lists

Mailing lists allow a person to send an e-mail message to one address and have it automatically forwarded to many e-mail addresses.

The TESOL Arabia Email List (http://tesolarabia.org/elist.php) is a mailing for

TESOL Arabia members & non-members alike. The TESOL Arabia Email List is a venue for announcements about TESOL Arabia events & events that might interest TESOL Arabia members, as well as a means of passing along other information of

interest to TESOL Arabia members.

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Listservs / discussion list

Listservs are electronic mailing lists that distribute written discussions to those who subscribe; each posted unit of a discussion shows up in the subscribers' e-mail boxes.

Distribution lists and "listservs" give email users an effective method of communicating information to a large number of users at the same time.

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Mailing & discussion lists

FLTeach: http://web.cortland.edu/flteach/

The Foreign Language Teaching Forum is an integrated service for FL teachers, dedicated to encouraging communication, sharing, and collaboration at all levels. Our broad discussion topic is foreign language teaching methods for any level of instruction in all languages. Specific areas of discussion include school/college articulation, training of student teachers, classroom activities, curriculum, and syllabus design. Students in teacher training programs, teachers both new and experienced, administrators, and other professionals interested in any aspect of foreign language teaching are invited to participate in our discussions.

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Mailing & discussion lists

Lab Task (5)

Below are 3 mailing lists related to teaching English. Familiarise yourself with both and subscribe to one of them. Give evidence (emails you received)

1) TESL-L mailing list:

Once you subscribe to TESL-L, you can subscribe to any

of its subsidiary lists (such as the TESL Jobs list, the TESL

K-12 list, etc.) To subscribe, send an e-mail message with

the body text “0" to:

[email protected]  

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Mailing & discussion lists

2) FLTeach: http://web.cortland.edu/flteach/

Subscribing & setting your options Send an email message to: [email protected]

In the message put only the following: SUBSCRIBE FLTEACH firstname lastname Example: SUBSCRIBE FLTEACH Snow White

To unsubscribe send: UNSUB FLTEACH

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Mailing & discussion lists

3) The LLTI (Language Learning and Technology International


list distributes information about all aspects of the technology used in language teaching.

Subscribers post information or questions about language labs, video, computer applications, and any technological questions related to language teaching.

LLTI is also a forum where subscribers can discuss the value of products or new trends in the profession.

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Mailing & discussion lists

NETEACH-L: NETEACH-L is a discussion list dealing with the use of the Internet in English language teaching

TESLCA-LThe Computer technology and TESL discussion list - a sublist of TESL-L. To subscribe to TESLCA-L you must already be subscribed to TESL-L, but you can set this to NOMAIL to avoid getting messages from that list.

Webheads in ActionAn online community of Practice whose participants have been meeting weekly online since 1998. During that time, Webheads have experimented with numerous synchronous and web-based multimedia communications formats, and presented at several live and o

EUROCALL Discussion List EUROCALL runs an unmoderated email discussion list for its members, which is also open to non-members. The purpose of the discussion list is to allow colleagues to exchange ideas, to give out information about relevant events, conferences, workshops etc, or to ask advice about, for example, the use of a particular type of software

Yahoo ESLGroup group: The ESL Internet Group Pen-Friends and International Teachers lists allow our group to keep in contact and to make many new friends in all parts of the world (over 130 countries registered - and growing). If you are a student or just a visitor looking for pen-friends you are welcome to join the group. This group has been created especially for ESL-EFL Teachers http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ESLGroup/

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Mailing & discussion lists

Teaching Task (5)

Having looked at mailing lists above, how you can benefit from them. Try to list a pedagogical benefit of each

one of them:

A benefit for you as a university student specialised in English

A benefit for you as a would-be English teacher.


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Websites for English language learners

Lab Task (6)

Below is a list of sample of websites dedicated to learning English. Familiarise yourself with only 3-4 of them

1. Activities for ESL Students: http://a4esl.org/

2. American Stories for English Learners: http://www.manythings.org/voa/stories/  3

3. BBC Learning English: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/

4. English video for ESL/EFL students: http://www.englishstudydirect.com/OSAC/mediavideo.htm

5. ESLgold.com: http://www.eslgold.com/

6. ESL-Lab: http://www.esl-lab.com/

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Websites for English language learners

7 English Study Direct: http://www.englishstudydirect.com/index.htm

8 Interesting things for ESL students: http://www.manythings.org/

9 Quizzes: http://ilc2.doshisha.ac.jp/users/kkitao/class/material/quiz/#vocab

10 Learning oral English: http://www.rong-chang.com/book/index.html

11 ESL Videos: Category: http://www.manythings.org/b/e/

12 VOA: http://www.voanews.com/specialenglish

13 E. L. Easton http://eleaston.com/

14 Dave’s ESL Café: http://www.eslcafe.com/

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Websites for English language learners

Teaching Task (6)

1. List 2 learning benefits that show how you can benefit from the learning websites listed above in promoting your language skills as a university student specialised in English

2. List 2 learning benefits that show how you can benefit from the learning websites listed above in promoting your teaching competence as an in-service teacher.

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Websites for English language teachers

Lab Task (7)

Below is a list of sample of websites dedicated to teaching English. Familiarise

yourself with only 3-4 of them1. Survival Guide for New Teachers:

2. Promising Practices: New Ways to Improve Teacher Quality

3. A to Z Teacher Stuff

4. BC Teaching English

5. Teaching ideas

6. Lesson planning: The Teachers Net Lesson Bank

7. Handwriting for kids: http://www.handwritingforkids.com/

8. Videos: http://www.englishcentral.com/en/videos

9. Stories: http://www.rong-chang.com/qa2/

10. Language Games: http://www.world-english.org/games.htm

11. Exams & tests: http://www.english-test.net/forum/

12. Reading : http://www.readingrockets.org/ & http://www.readinga-z.com

13. Listening: http://www.123listening.com/ & http://www.esl-lab.com/

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Websites for English language teachers

Teaching Task (7)

List 2 learning benefits that show how you can

benefit from the learning websites listed above

in promoting your teaching competence as an

in-service teacher.

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Read, reflect & complete: The internet resources & materials have several benefits

1. Teacher professional self-development, for example,      

2. Updating language teaching language skills, for example,      

3. Finding and using supplementary materials    

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4. Learning about computer applications in classes      

5. Improving searching skills