Dr M. Ondráš Chief, WMO Observing S y stems Division

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The WMO concept of standards and guidelines GCW CryoNet Team Meeting (Reykjavik, Iceland, 20-22 January 2014). Dr M. Ondráš Chief, WMO Observing S y stems Division. WMO; Name of Department (ND). Outline. About WMO Standardization within WMO and relevance to GCW - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Dr M. Ondráš Chief, WMO Observing S y stems Division

  • Outline

    About WMOStandardization within WMO and relevance to GCWRecommendations for standardization in CryoNet

  • WMO Organigram

  • WMO Convention(Part II, Article 2, Purposes)To facilitate worldwide cooperation in the establishment of networks of stations for the making of meteorological observations as well as hydrological and other geophysical observations related to meteorology, and;To promote the establishment and maintenance of systemsfor the rapid exchange of meteorological and related information; To promote standardization of meteorological and related observations and to ensure the uniform publication of observations and statistics;

  • General Regulation of WMO ( Annex III, Structure and TOR of the Technical Commissions)I. Basic CommissionsCBS (A)CIMO (A)CHy (A)CAS (B)(A)Basic operations and facilities(B)Research in Atmospheric sciencesII. Applications Commissions CAeM (C)CAgM - (C)JCOMM - (C) CCl - (C)Develop, for consideration by the Executive Council and Congress, proposed international standards for methods, procedures, techniques and practices in meteorology and operational hydrology including, in particular, the relevant parts of the Technical Regulations, guides and manuals.

    (C)Applications to economic and social activities

  • What is a standard?There are many definitions of a 'standard'. Very generally, a standard might simply be defined as 'a set of rules for ensuring quality'.ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004, definition 3.2 defines a standard as:document established by consensus and approved by a recognized body that provides for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context.NOTE: Standards should be based on the consolidated results of science, technology and experience, and aimed at the promotion of optimum community benefits.

  • WMO as a standards organizationWorking arrangements between ISO and WMO:ISO has recognized WMO as an international standardization body through ISO Council Resolution 43/2007

    WMO is listed on the web as a standard-making organization, e.g.:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_technical_standard_organisations

  • WMO Technical Regulations - HistoryPre-WMO (1873-1951):IMO created some Technical Resolutions that established the basis for future regulation and standardizationWMO:Cg-I (1951):Interim arrangements Res 4 (Cg-I) extended the validity of the IMO technical resolutions until the preparation of the new WMO TRsCg-II (1955):Res 17 (Cg-II) Defined the WMO Technical Regulations and the terms standard meteorological practices and procedures and recommended meteorological practices and proceduresRes 18 (Cg-II) Definition of the Guides of WMO still valid and available in WMO-No.508)Res 19 (Cg-II) Adopted the Technical Regulations (Vol I and Vol II) for implementation as of 1 July 1956Res 20 (Cg-II) Notification of deviations from standard meteorological practices and procedures (standards) further amended by Cg-III 1955 to include notification of compliance.1956

  • WMO Technical Regulations - HistoryCg-VI (1971):Introduced the concept of Manuals as Annexes to the Technical Regulations; Manual on the GTS became Annex III; the global aspects of Annexes consist standards and recommendations (same status as the TRs); approval of amendments by the ECAdopted Volume III Operational HydrologyCg-VII (1975): Alignment of the TRs with the World Weather WatchAfter Cg-X (1987): Edition 1988 was published and remained valid with some Supplements until Cg-XVI in 2011EC-60 (2008):Approved the Working Arrangements between ISO and WMOCg-XVI (2011): Res 45: called for revision of the regulatory documents in a systematic manner and ensure that the published versions of the regulatory documents can be used as reference documentation; adopted Volume IV, Quality2012

  • WMO Technical Regulations Compositiontest footer*Types of regulations - SPPs and RPPs defined by Congress (Res 17 (Cg-II)), currently included in the General Provisions of TRs and Introduction part of Manuals

    Standard practices and proceduresRecommended practices and proceduresnecessary for Members to follow or implement desirable for Members to follow or implement distinguished by the use of the term shall distinguished by the use of the term should status of requirements status of recommendationsMembers shall do their utmost to implementMembers urged to comply withArticle 9(b) of the Convention (report of the inability to implement a decision) is applicableArticle 9(b) of the Convention is not applicableGR 128 (notification of non-compliance within 90 days) is applicableGR 128 is not applicable

  • Basic SARPs (definitive)Mostly requirement-drivenApproval by Congress (in principle)Relatively Conservative More detailed SARPs (procedures and specifications)Mostly technology-drivenApproval delegated to ECRelatively DynamicProcedures and practicesImplementation guidanceExplanationsExamples, good practiceFlexible updatesShalland Shouldhave specificmeaningShalland Shouldhave ordinarymeaningWMO Technical Regulations - Composition

  • WMO Technical Regulations - CompositionWMO Technical Regulations Basic Documents No. 2, WMO-No.49:

    Volume I General Meteorological Standards and Recommended PracticesVolume IIMeteorological Service for International Air NavigationVolume III Hydrology Volume IV Quality Management

  • WMO Technical Regulations - CompositionWMO Technical Regulations - Basic Documents No. 2, WMO-No.49 - Annexes:Annex I International Cloud Atlas (WMO-No. 407), Volume I Manual on the Observation of Clouds and Other Meteors, (in part)Annex II Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306), Volume I.1 (Part A - Alphanumeric Codes); Volume I.2 (Part B - Binary Codes, Part C - Common Features to Binary and Alphanumeric Codes) Annex IIIManual on the Global Telecommunication System (WMO-No. 386), Volume IAnnex IVManual on the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (WMO-No.485), Volume I Annex VManual on the Global Observing System (WMO-No. 544), Volume IAnnex VIManual on Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No. 558), Volume IAnnex VIIManual on the WMO Information System (WMO-No. 1060)

    Annex VIIIManual on the Implementation of Education and Training Standards in Meteorology and Hydrology (WMO-No. 1083)Annex IXWIGOS Manual (for consideration by Cg-17 in 2015)

  • Manual on the Global Observing System, WMO-No. 544Part I. General Principles Regarding the Organization, Design and Implementation of the Global Observing System

    Part II. Requirements for Observational Data - WMO Rolling Review of Requirements

    Part III. & Part IV Surface- and Space-based Subsystems: Composition & Implementation of Elements

    Part V. Quality Control


  • Draft structure of the WIGOS sections in the WMO Technical Regulations, WMO-No.49(as decided by EC-65 in May 2013)VOLUME I General Standards and Recommended Practices

    PART I. WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS)

    I.1 IntroductionI.2 Common attributes of component systemsI.3 Common attributes specific to the surface-based sub-system of WIGOSI.4 Common attributes specific to the space-based sub-system of WIGOSI.5 Observing component of the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW)I.6 Observing component of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW)I.7 Global Observing System (GOS) of WWWI.8 WMO Hydrological Observing System (ref. Vol. III)

  • WIGOS ManualIntroduction to WIGOSCommon attributes of component systemsCommon attributes specific to the surface-based sub-system of WIGOSCommon attributes specific to the space-based sub-system of WIGOS Observing component of the global atmosphere watch (GAW)Observing component of the global cryosphere watch (GCW)Global observing system (GOS) of wwwWmo hydrological observing system

  • WIGOS Manual Section 5 GAW5.1 Requirements5.2Design, planning and evolution5.2.1Review of observational user requirements5.2.2Review of current and planned observing systems capabilities5.2.3Monitoring observing systems implementation5.3Instrumentation and Methods of Observation5.3.1General Requirements of Instruments/Sensor5.3.2General Requirements of (Observing Systems)5.3.3Calibration and Traceability5.3.4Data and Metadata Representation and Format5.3.5General Requirements of GAW Stations5.3.6Methods of Observation5.4Operations5.4.1Observing Practices5.4.2Quality Assurance/Control/Monitoring/Evaluation5.4.3Data and Metadata Reporting5.4.4Incident Management (Control)5.4.5Change Management need a cross reference to (Preventative, Corrective and Adaptive)5.4.7Calibration procedures5.5Observational Metadata 5.5.1Instrument metadata5.5.2Site/Station/Platform metadata 5.5.3Network metadata5.5.4Quality metadata5.5.5Interpretation metadata5.5.6Maintenance metadata5.6Quality Management 5.7Capacity Development

  • WMO Technical Regulations - ImplementationThrough the TRs, WMO has established an international (global) regulatory framework enabling a harmonized and standardized conduct of the meteorological, hydrological and climatological activities;

    TRs require all Members to align their national practices with specified set of standard and recommended practices and procedures;

    The enforcement of the international regulatory framework should be achieved through the translation of the TRs into appropriate national legislation and regulation, which each Member establishes for the conduct of meteorological, hydrological and climatological activities;

    WMO Convention (e.g., Article 9) and General Regulations (e.g., GR 128) apply.

  • Other WMO Regulatory MaterialGuides (recommended practices):Guides on GOS, GDPFS, GTS, Guide to Met. Instruments and Methods of ObservationGuide to Hydro PracticesGuides to Practices or Services for different app areas, such as Climatology, Agrometeorology, Aviation, Marine2. Other Technical Documents needed for general understanding, such as technical reports, vocabulary, etc.

  • Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation, WMO-No. 8Comprehensive und up-to-date guidance on the most effective practices for making meteorological observations and measurementsDescribes instruments, systems and techniques in regular use from the simplest to the most complexDoes not describe instruments and methods to be used only for research or experiments1st edition 1954Latest edition 2010 updated in 2012


  • WMO Regulatory Material http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/lsp/meteoterm_wmo_en.html International Meteorological Vocabulary& METEOTERM

    Aimed at standardizing the terminology used in this field and at facilitating communication between specialists speaking different languages 1st edition in 1967, Last hard copy edition 1992 (3500 terms in four languages) Further updates in digital : METEOTERM

  • Recommendation for standardization in CryoNetReview of existing practices (being done)Define standard (shall) and recommended (should) practices to be included in the WMO TRsDefine standard (shall) and recommended (should) practices to be included in the Manual on WIGOS (Annex to WMO TRs)Define detailed procedure and practices, implementation guidelines, explanations, examples, good practice to be included in the GCW GuideDevelop a work plan, members responsibilities, deadlinesDevelop a roadmap (respect deadlines for Cg-17):WMO TR final version in May/June 2014WIGOS Manual final version in May/June 2014GCW Guide before CryoNet is operational


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