Dr King Birthday Remarks

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Transcript of Dr King Birthday Remarks

  • 8/12/2019 Dr King Birthday Remarks


    Dr King Birthday SpeechCSM TennantJBB, MWR-E15 January, 2009


    Welcome Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and civilians of Joint Base Balad. Thanks

    for attending todays observance. I personally appreciate everyones attendance and

    want to thank Master Sergeant Verlean Brown whowith her teamput everything in

    place today. Lets everyone give a big round of applause for master sergeant Brown.

    It is important to know that twenty years after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. proclaimed to

    the world his dream for equality, Public Law 98-144 was enacted, designating the third

    Monday in January as a Federal holiday commemorating Dr. Kings birthday. The King

    Holiday honors the life and contributions of Americas greatest champion of racial justice

    and equality, the leader who not only dreamed of a color-blind society, but who also

    lead a movement that achieved historic reforms to help make it a reality. He was a man

    whose words and actions were one.

    It is a rare event in the course of our nations history that a singular person changes the

    direction of our country in a profound and positive way. Dr. Martin Luther King Juniors

    leadership of the American Civil Rights Movement made him such a person. The Civil

    Rights Movement paved the way for equal rights for African Americans, and in so doing

    secured equal protection under our Constitution for all Americans. Dr Kings life

    changed history and that history changed lives. It strengthened our Nation, and

    ultimately our Army. For his achievement we rightfully honor and celebrate Dr. Kings

    life and accomplishments here today.

  • 8/12/2019 Dr King Birthday Remarks


    Dr King Birthday SpeechCSM TennantJBB, MWR-E15 January, 2009


    As a military community and a microcosm of our larger American Society, we

    collectively have Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to thank because the expansion of equal

    rights and opportunities under the law in our society benefited our military and national

    defense. The Armys legal elimination of discrimination and separatism paralleled the

    ebbs and flows of the Civil Rights Movement resulting in African Americans rising

    through the ranks to serve at the highest levels of command. We now have General

    William Ward, commander of Africa Command, LTG Lloyd Austin III, Commanding our

    own MNC-I, and preceding them General Colin Powell who served as the Chairman of

    The Joint Chiefs.

    The success of these leaders, and many others, were a result of the successful Civil

    Rights Movement Dr. King led. The Talents of these African American military leaders

    would have been an untapped resource had discrimination kept them from service or

    from command and leadership opportunities as they rose through the ranks. This would

    have cheated our military and our nation from having the best possible defense. If a

    group of Americans is denied service to our nation then our nation is denied the benefit

    of their service. All human capital in our country must be fully exploited to remain a

    great nation, and Dr. Kings successes have moved us toward full participation.

  • 8/12/2019 Dr King Birthday Remarks


    Dr King Birthday SpeechCSM TennantJBB, MWR-E15 January, 2009


    Dr. Kings famous quote, Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,

    profoundly exemplifies if one groups rights are denied no others can be secure. With

    the establishment of full rights for African Americans came the protection of rights for all

    others and the pathway of petitioning for those rights for any future Americans so


    Doctor Kings Civil Rights Movement validated our Constitution in the same way that

    President Lincolns Gettysburg Address redefined it. For more than 200 years of our

    nations history, ourConstitution was invalidated by a void in its universal application to

    all Americans. The success of the statutory elimination of race-based denial of

    Constitutional rights was equaled only by the importance of Lincolns Gettysburg

    Address which ensured the principles set forth in our Declaration of Independence

    applied to our Constitution. The premise that all men are created equal, that they are

    endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty,

    and the pursuit of happiness, became the standard for our Constitution because of

    Lincoln, and the Declarations prescripts became law because of King. The Civil Rights

    Movements successes finally made our nation a just and true democracy for the first

    time in its history.

  • 8/12/2019 Dr King Birthday Remarks


    Dr King Birthday SpeechCSM TennantJBB, MWR-E15 January, 2009


    Five days from today our nations first African American President will be sworn into

    office from the steps of our nations Capitol. About two miles away, and four decades

    back in time, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a speech under the shadow of

    Lincolns statue in which he dreamed of a nation where what we will see this January

    20th could be possible. The journey from the signing of our Declaration of

    Independence to the Inauguration of President Elect Barack Obama has been a long

    and difficult struggle. President Obama owes his success to the many Americans like

    Dr. King who suffered and sacrificed before him, thus making possible his great


    The strength, perseverance, and courage of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a mirrored

    reflection of the people he led. This inner strength produced a glimmer of hope in the

    hearts of African Americans and established a special dream that passed from one

    generation to the next. It was a dream born of the American dream, indelibly written in

    the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jeffersons eloquent pen. It was a dream

    that generation after generation of African Americans knew would not be a reality for

    them but that someday a nation conceived in liberty could not live out the meaning of its

    creed if all could not drink from the fountain of justice.

  • 8/12/2019 Dr King Birthday Remarks


    Dr King Birthday SpeechCSM TennantJBB, MWR-E15 January, 2009


    It was a dream passed from the sweltering heat of the Mississippi Delta, to the quiet

    dignity of a Pullman Porter railroad car, to the preeminent authority of the Office of the

    Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and now to the dignity and grandeur of the Oval Office.

    The mantle of this dream was brilliantly picked up from previous generations by Martin

    Luther King Jr. who in turn, gracefully passed it on for realization to ours.

    In 1968, at the dawn of America realizing the dreams of African Americans past, Dr.

    Martin Luther King Jr. gave his last speech to striking sanitation workers in Memphis,

    Tennessee. In that speech he envisioned a promised land where equality and justice for

    all Americans would be a reality. King clairvoyantly predicted that he would not get to

    the promise land, but said that God had allowed him to see it. The next day, an

    assassins bullet took Martin Luther Kings life. I believe the promised land that God

    allowed him to see will be reached January 20th where a young man of African

    ancestry, with his beautiful family at his side, in front of millions of people of every race,

    and religion, will take the oath of office and become President of the United States of

    America, and Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces.

    It is fitting that this years Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday celebration precedes the

    inauguration of our first African American President. In these events we will celebrate a

    historic moment and the man-Dr Martin Luther King Jr.-whose courage, and leadership

    during the Civil Rights Movement allowed it to happen.

  • 8/12/2019 Dr King Birthday Remarks


    Dr King Birthday SpeechCSM TennantJBB, MWR-E15 January, 2009


    Although challenges still remain Im happy to say that the United States Army has

    throughout its history been a springboard to social acceptance and a vehicle of upward

    mobility for minorities. The Army is grounded on the concepts of equal pay within ranks,

    promotion based on merit, and opportunities commensurate with demonstrated

    potential. Dr. Kings legacy is alive and well in our force and brings great strength to our

    Army. Like the union we defend our Army continues in its efforts to be more perfect.

    As you leave here todayI would ask you to consider all that Dr King lived and strived

    for. Each day I ask you to try to embody those principles as you lead Soldiers. Try to

    inspire your own subordinates to treat others with respect and dignity as Dr King

    preached and as we as leaders expect.

    Thank you all for coming and Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.