Dr. Khaled Gharaibeh Grant holder of Tempus Project No. 511074 Yarmouk University 27/11/2012.

How to become a Grant Holder A PC Perspective Experience From Jordan Dr. Khaled Gharaibeh Grant holder of Tempus Project No. 511074 Yarmouk University 27/11/2012

Transcript of Dr. Khaled Gharaibeh Grant holder of Tempus Project No. 511074 Yarmouk University 27/11/2012.

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Dr. Khaled Gharaibeh Grant holder of Tempus Project No. 511074 Yarmouk University 27/11/2012 Slide 2 Contents Project SummaryManagement of Tempus Projects Partners Agreement Coordination Meetings Quality Control Financial Management Management of Documentation Progress Report Financial Review Main ChallengesTips and Advice Slide 3 Project Summary An Industry Oriented MSc. Program in Telecommunications Engineering- Towards an EU Approach Project Title MTE-EUAProject Acronym The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) - European Union Funding Agency TEMPUSProgramme Joint ProjectsSub-programme EACEA No. 28/09Programme guide /Call for proposals Curricular ReformAction Slide 4 Objectives/Outcomes Objectives: To reform and modernize the existing Master programme in Wireless Telecommunications and introduce new study programs that are Relevant to local market needs Have international dimension Outcomes Establishment of 3 Master programs at YU MSc in Wireless Communications Master of Telecom Management Master of Telecom Technology Building capacity at Department (Labs, QC system, Management) Professional Development of academic staff of JO partners A network of collaboration with EU institutions and local industry Slide 5 Main Management Activities Management processes required to achieve project objectives: Agreement between partners Management meetings Quality Control Plan Management of documentation Financial Management Progress Reporting Financial Reviews Management of The Project Slide 6 Agreement between partners (an MOU signed by legal persons of partners) Agreement between partners specifies: Role of Partners Management Hierarchy Financial Issues Budget distribution among partners and among deliverables Mechanism of money transfers to partners Staff rates Mechanism of paying staff cost to staff at each partner Mechanism for mobility of staff and students Management of The Project Slide 7 Management Hierarchy (MTE-EUA) Project Coordinator Project Management Financial Management Project Coordinator Project Management Financial Management Advisory Committee Vice President-Yarmouk University Dean of Hijjawi Faculty A representative of student body Advisory Committee Vice President-Yarmouk University Dean of Hijjawi Faculty A representative of student body External Financial Monitoring (Private Auditor) External Financial Monitoring (Private Auditor) External Monitoring YU Vice President Dean of Hijjawi Faculty Financial Manager of YU External Monitoring YU Vice President Dean of Hijjawi Faculty Financial Manager of YU Advisory Committee (Representatives of Stakeholders) Advisory Committee (Representatives of Stakeholders) Tempus Monitoring Tempus Monitoring Work Group 2 Leader Work Group 2 Leader Work Group 1 Leader Work Group 1 Leader Work Group 28 Leader Work Group 28 Leader Work Group 1 Work Group 2 Work Group 28 E- Reporting Management Committee Slide 8 Coordination Meetings Physical Meetings for: Milestones and progress to date Assignment of workgroups for different activities Resolve conflicts and obstacles Could be used for discussing technical activities (other staff than MC can join) Management of The Project Slide 9 Quality Control and Monitoring A QC Manual Specifies: Progress reporting Indicators of progress Monitoring activities Budget Reviews QC of programs Compliance with Tempus guidelines on the use of grant Management of The Project Slide 10 Contents Project SummaryManagement of Tempus Projects Partners Agreement Coordination Meetings Quality Control Financial Management Management of Documentation Progress Report Financial Review Main ChallengesTips and Advice Slide 11 Financial Management Process specified by Agreement Between Partners and QC Plan, includes: Payments of staff cost Mobility arrangements Transfers to partners Equipment purchase Financial Documentation (convention forms, budget tables) Annual Financial Reviews Usually done by Financial Dept staff and the project coordinator Management of The Project Slide 12 Contents Project SummaryManagement of Tempus Projects Partners Agreement Coordination Meetings Quality Control Financial Management Management of Documentation Progress Report Financial Review Main ChallengesTips and Advice Slide 13 Management of documentation Paper Documentation System All original paperwork kept and organized Time sheets Convention forms Requests for payments Progress reports MOM Financial reports Needed for reporting to Tempus Management of The Project Slide 14 Management of documentation Electronic documentation System An electronic image of paper documentation-web-based Enables easy dissemination of project documentation among partners Facilitates documentation of activities carried out by staff from different countries Facilitates financial documentation Time sheets Convention forms Requests for payments Speeds up coordination processes Management of The Project Slide 15 Electronic Documentation System http://mte.yu.edu.jo/Pages/E-DataBase.aspx Main Page Slide 16 Project Coordinator Head of Deliverable-1 Head of Deliverable-2 Head of Deliverable-N Member Electronic Documentation System http://mte.yu.edu.jo/Pages/E-DataBase.aspx Permissions to Users Slide 17 Electronic Documentation System http://mte.yu.edu.jo/Pages/E-DataBase.aspx Permissions to Users Slide 18 Contents Project SummaryManagement of Tempus Projects Partners Agreement Coordination Meetings Quality Control Financial Management Management of Documentation Progress Report Financial Review Main ChallengesTips and Advice Slide 19 Biannual Progress Reports Progress made on project activities Based on Deliverable reports written by workgroup leaders Approved by an external committee (external to the MC) Used to write Intermediate Report and Final Report to EACEA Management of The Project Slide 20 Annual Financial Review Summary of spending on each budget heading Enables checking compliance of partners spending with the Tempus guidelines Check that documentation of all spending is complete Approved by an external committee (external to the MC) Management of The Project Slide 21 Contents Project SummaryManagement of Tempus Projects Partners Agreement Coordination Meetings Quality Control Financial Management Management of Documentation Progress Report Financial Review ChallengesTips and Advice Slide 22 Taming local financial system to accommodate Tempus guidelines Takes a lot of convincing to the financial staff Training of financial and administrative staff Handy system for documentation Help of the NTO Previous experience on Tempus projects Fixed exchange rates may cause problems Separate project bank account Challenges Slide 23 Budget Spending Wrong estimation of costs of some activities Review proposed budget continuously Use local sources where possible Report any changes to project officer Making sure your spending is eligible Contact project officer and NTO Review tempus guidelines and the grant agreement continuously Challenges Slide 24 Mobility of staff from the EU Instability of the region always creates concerns at EU partners about mobility to Jordan Take care of EU staff: transportation- accommodation and company Availability of staff, different academic calendars (JO and EU) Use doodle for scheduling meetings Plan mobilities ahead of time at MC biannual meetings or Skype meetings Challenges Slide 25 Mobility of staff to the EU Visa problems Plan mobility ahead of time Insufficient cost of stay for JO staff travelling to EU No control- Tempus rules Convince staff of other benefits of mobility Challenges Slide 26 Work plan and timeline of activities Delays from underestimation of time required for certain activities Good QC plan and QC workgroup Review the workplan continuously Assign workgroups ahead of time Follow up aggressively Report delays to project officer Delays related to response from stakeholders (outside the project) Administrative support from legal person specially in events Good dissemination strategy Challenges Slide 27 Documentation Too much documentation Distribute tasks- technical reporting/progress reporting is responsibility of each workgroup leader not a single person Have a good QC plan for checking documentation continuously Have a good coding/numbering scheme for all documents Have an easy-to-use electronic system-available from everywhere Challenges Slide 28 Equipment Long Process Plan ahead of time Process takes months Involve EU partners in preparation on specifications Only purchase equipment that serves objectives (e.g specific curriculum component) Abide by Tempus guidelines Challenges Slide 29 Utilize Opportunities and Spin-offs Partnerships with industry Agreements with EU partners (outside project) International accreditation of developed programs Challenges Slide 30 Further Advice! Distribute management tasks to all staff involved: workgroup leaders have all your partners involved in all activities as possible Take good care of financial management Follow up on daily basis Read carefully and in good time the Tempus guidelines Consult your project officer regularly and invite them to your activities Consult your NTO regularly Slide 31 For More Information Visit our project website: http://mte.yu.edu.jo You can find information about our project, objectives, activities, dissemination material, reports, etc. Consult me or my colleagues by email: [email protected]