Dr Ajay Paper

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  • 8/10/2019 Dr Ajay Paper


    REG.NO. D032



  • 8/10/2019 Dr Ajay Paper



    Retropharyngeal abscess (RPA) though anuncommon disease entity occurs usually in children

    under the age of 5 years It is a surgical emergency as there is involvement of

    the airway which may results in upper airwayobstruction which could lead to life threateningcondition.

    B. Hartley, Cervicofacial Infection in Children, In: G. Michael, Ed., ScottsBrowns Otorhinolaryngology,Head and Neck Surgery, 7th Edition, Hodder

    Arnold, London, 2008, pp. 1213-1214.

  • 8/10/2019 Dr Ajay Paper


    The pathological basis for the higher prevalence inchildren is due to the loose aggregate of lymph nodes inthe prevertebral space which may become infected withresultant suppuration

    Upper respiratory tract infection is the most commonpredisposing factor to RPA in children while cervical spinetuberculosis and trauma are the major aetiological factorsin adults.

    O. A. Afolabi, J. O. Fadare, E. O. Oyewole and S. A. Ogah, Fish Bone Foreign BodyPresenting with an Acute Fulminating Retropharyngeal Abscess in a Resource- Challenge

    Centre: A Case Report,Journal of Medical Case Reports, Vol. 5, 2011, p. 165.

  • 8/10/2019 Dr Ajay Paper



    A 60 year old , elderly female, presented to our

    ENT OPD with difficulty in swallowing ,

    swelling in the posterior wall of oral cavity and

    fever since 7 days.

    She gives history of fish bone injury to the

    posterior wall which occurred 5 days before the

    symptoms started.

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    On ENT examination, Congested posterior pillar on

    both side

    Midline swelling in the posterior

    pharyngeal wall

    Increased secretions in oral


    Level 2 neck lymph nodes onleft side were enlarged with

    fullness of neck on the left side

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    Systemic examination : Normal

    A provisional diagnosis of deep neck space

    infection possibly retropharyngeal abscess was


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    Routine investigations carried out

    included complete blood count,urine routine, blood glucose,

    bleeding profile, renal function test

    all were within normal limits

    except leukocytosis The patient had X-ray soft tissue

    of the neck,it showed the reversal

    of the normal cervical curvature

    with a huge soft tissue mass in theretropharyngeal space with no

    significant associated luminal


  • 8/10/2019 Dr Ajay Paper


    Patient was subjected for CT

    scan neck and thorax to see for

    the size and extension if any to

    the mediastinum

    It is noted that abscess was

    restricted to the

    retropharyngeal space in the

    midline more towards left

    side,with no exentsion into the


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    Patient was rehydrated and intravenous

    antibiotics started with amoxicillin with

    cavulunate,gentamycin and metronidazole

    preoperatively and arranged emergency incisionand drainage under general anaesthesia

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    Paient was shifted to OT and anaesthetised with

    orotracheal intubation.

    Then patient was placed in Rose position and the

    oropharynx was exposed with Davis-Boyle gag


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    Operative findings were

    grossly enlarged swelling in posterior pharyngeal wallwhich was tense and fluctuant

    90 to 100 ml of thick pus under tension was drained

    via a vertical incision.

    The abscess cavity was irrigated with mixture of

    warm normal saline and betadine solution.

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    The pus collected from the abscess cavity was

    sent for microscopy, culture and sensitivity and

    Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) staining for acid-fast bacilli


    The specimen yielded florid pus cells, but no

    bacterial growth and the ZN stain was negative

    for AFB.

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    POST - OP

    The patient had continued with

    intravenous antibiotics and


    Patient had NGT feeding for the

    first two days post operative

    period, started feeding around

    the NGT from the 3rd day after

    the surgical drainage, and the

    NGT was finally removed on the6th day after surgery as oral

    feeding was adequately restored.

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    The general conditionof the patient isimproving and the sizeof the abscess was

    monitored intraorallyusing zero degreeendoscope.

    Patient was discharged

    on 7th

    day and advicedto take oral antibioticsand analgesics.

  • 8/10/2019 Dr Ajay Paper



    The main aetiological factors of RPA in adult are

    trauma induced by foreign bodies, iatrogenic,orodental infection and tuberculosis. Fish bone

    injury was the responsible agent in our patient

    A. Harkani, R. Hassani, T. Ziad, L. Aderdour, H. Nouri, Y. Rochdi and A. Raji,

    Retropharyngeal Abscess in Adults: Five Case Reports And Review of the

    Literature, The Scientific World Journal, Vol. 11, 2011, pp. 1623- 1629

  • 8/10/2019 Dr Ajay Paper


    RPA may present with life threatening upper airwayobstruction.

    Delay in the diagnosis of RPA is often associated

    with other serious morbidities such as aspirationpneumonia, sepsis, mediastinitis, empyema anderosion of carotid artery

    I. Brook, Microbiology and Management of Peritonsillar, RetropharyngealAbscess and Pharyngeal Abscesses,Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Vol.

    62, No. 12, 2004, pp. 1545-1550.

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    The diagnosis is usually made based on clinical

    symptoms, signs as well as radiological features.

    It is important to consider the differentialdiagnosis in a patient with suspected RPA before

    initiating any treatment options , high index of

    suspicion is suggested for prompt diagnosis.

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