Downloads AIT Bangkok Faculty Positions

F.No.t9-Z/20t1-TS.VII Government of India Ministry of HumanResource Deve Department of Higher Education The secretaries of Technical Education of all states The Directors of rechnical Education of all states/L TheAdvisers of AICTE To, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Subject: - Sir, The Directors of all IIT's / IIS., Bangalore and IIITs, The Directo-rs of all IM's / MTIE, Mumbai The vice-chancellors of all central universities / The Directors of all MTs MTTTR's -Bhopal, Kolkata, chennaiandchandi SLIET- Sangn r, NERIST+anaS short terms faculty secondment to AIT, Bangkok India for a period of upto 16 weeks-inviting nomina January zAn Semester - regarding. I arn directed to saythat Asian lnstitute of rechnol autonomous intemational postgraduate institute providing engineering, science and allied fields. The AIT academic year *:tr, and January.^ Th" Government of India provides suppo faculty secondment for a period of upto 16 weeksin selected August 20lt and January 20lz terrns. The areas under secondment areenclosed. 2- The entire cost of secondment of Indian faculty to cgst of air pffisages both ways and maintenance etc, is borne by Normally -the period of secondment is upto 16 weeks each to coi term of AII Bangkok. The secondeO AcUties areentitledto dra pdy, if any,andallowances asadmissible to them in India but for Their pay and allowance etc are drawn and disbursed in India i se_cortded faculty are entitled to daily allowance in Bangkok as of External Affairs orders in this regard issuedfrom tiit" to ti daily allowance in Bangkok dependson the rate determined by Atrairs for the.qarticular period. Besides, AIT also provides ciunpus at subsidized rates subjectto availability. Thi seconde, travel by air by economy class and shortest route from the nearest lndia to Bangkok and back carrying excess baggageupto I Government of India meets the expet ditute. The above-mentione of secondment aretentative andsubject to approval by the Mi ri Bhawan, New Delhi, Dated t te Rpril,Z}li Universities. NIFFT-Ranchi, by the Government of for August 20ll & (AIT), Bangkok is an vanced education in two terms beginning to the AIT by way of of specialization for ion for faculty , Bangkok including Govemment of India. ide with an academic issible videMinistry '", The exact amountof Ministry of External ion in the faculty is entitled to of embarkation in kgs. for which the terms and conditions of Finance at the time their pay plus special ,.i eir deputation abroad. f_. Indian Currency. Ttrr i' q?f' i0r t

Transcript of Downloads AIT Bangkok Faculty Positions

Page 1: Downloads AIT Bangkok Faculty Positions

F.No. t9-Z/20t1-TS.VII

Government of IndiaMinistry of Human Resource Deve

Department of Higher Education

The secretaries of Technical Education of all statesThe Directors of rechnical Education of all states/LThe Advisers of AICTE

To,1 .2.3 .

Subject: -


The Directors of all IIT's / IIS., Bangalore and IIITs,The Directo-rs of all IM's / MTIE, MumbaiThe vice-chancellors of all central universities /The Directors of all MTsMTTTR's -Bhopal, Kolkata, chennai and chandiSLIET- Sangn r, NERIST+anaS

short terms faculty secondment to AIT, BangkokIndia for a period of upto 16 weeks-inviting nominaJanuary zAn Semester - regarding.

I arn directed to say that Asian lnstitute of rechnolautonomous intemational postgraduate institute providingengineering, science and allied fields. The AIT academic year*:tr,

and January.^ Th" Government of India provides suppofaculty secondment for a period of upto 16 weeks in selectedAugust 20lt and January 20lz terrns. The areas undersecondment are enclosed.

2- The entire cost of secondment of Indian faculty tocgst of air pffisages both ways and maintenance etc, is borne byNormally -the period of secondment is upto 16 weeks each to coiterm of AII Bangkok. The secondeO AcUties are entitled to drapdy, if any, and allowances as admissible to them in India but forTheir pay and allowance etc are drawn and disbursed in India ise_cortded faculty are entitled to daily allowance in Bangkok asof External Affairs orders in this regard issued from tiit" to tidaily allowance in Bangkok depends on the rate determined byAtrairs for the.qarticular period. Besides, AIT also providesciunpus at subsidized rates subject to availability. Thi seconde,travel by air by economy class and shortest route from the nearestlndia to Bangkok and back carrying excess baggage upto IGovernment of India meets the expet ditute. The above-mentioneof secondment are tentative and subject to approval by the Mi

ri Bhawan, New Delhi,Dated t te Rpril,Z}li



by the Government offor August 20ll &

(AIT), Bangkok is anvanced education intwo terms beginning

to the AIT by way ofof specialization for

ion for faculty

, Bangkok includingGovemment of India.ide with an academic

issible vide Ministry '",The exact amount ofMinistry of External

ion in thefaculty is entitled to

of embarkation inkgs. for which theterms and conditionsof Finance at the time

their pay plus special ,.ieir deputation abroad. f_.Indian Currency. Ttrr i'

q?f' i0r t

Page 2: Downloads AIT Bangkok Faculty Positions

of secondment. The salary in respect of faculty during the pericmet by their respective State Governm efi /lnstitution themselves.

In addition, the reave salary, contribution ofProvident Fund and Pension confibution ett in respect of theby the respective state Govt. / Institutions themselves.

3 - You are requested to kindly give wide publicityinstitution especially in the Departments covering the areas inis being planned for the year 20lr-2012. The nominee shouldthe relevant area, postgraduate teaching experience relevant toindicated against the area and substantial research publications iNominations may kindly be sent in respect of onty thosespared, in the event of their selection, fo; undertaking the pBangkok for a period upto 16 weeks for the terms as indicated iit is the endeavor of the Government to send best faculty fromkind of images at the international level, you are requested to kinominations, that would be meeting the above mentioned requirThe selection committee gives its recommendations to thethe bio- data of the nominees placed before it. Therefore, therecommended for consideration of the selection committee, mayin five copies in the enclosed format as per Annexure-l,. cshort-term fac,rlty secondment to AIT, [email protected].

4- The last date for receipt of nomination in thisThe nominations are required in five copies duly screened andof the Institution and to be sent to the following address:

R.C. MeenaEconomic AdviserMinistry of Human Resource Development,Departrnent of Higher Education,Room No. 326 'C' Wing, Shastri Bhawan,New Delhi-l10 001Tele No. 23383432

Encls: as above-

of deputation wilt be

vident fund /GeneralIty deputed will be met

this scheme in youfaculty secondment

a doctorate degree incourse description

the area to his credit.idates, who could be

assignment at AIT,each course. Since

ia to project the righty forward only those

, by this Ministry.on the basis of

o-data of the facultysent to this Ministry

ete details regardingat MHRD, web-site

by the Head

Economic AdviserTele No. 233 83432

Page 3: Downloads AIT Bangkok Faculty Positions

(Io be submitted In 4 coples)


Name (Expanded initials)

Date and Place of Birth


Present Post held with completeaddress of the Institute.

Present Postal AddressTel. No. /Fax No./E-Mai/MobileNo,Educational Qualifications

Narne of University/lnstitute

Subjects Taken

Professiona I Experience


DurationAddress of theOffice,Organization orlnstitution

Papers (lf the Spacerate sheet of paper)

Detalls of Published work: Books, Articles, Mono$rabelow is insufficient please $ive full particulars on a



Page 4: Downloads AIT Bangkok Faculty Positions

Summary of recent/current projectsundertakenCurrent Interests and Assignments

(a) Visits abroad:

Purpose of visitDuration of VisitCountry Visited

(b) Previous assignment with AlT, if any:

r directly hired by AITCourse taught

Any other relevant information:

ature of Appllcant.

Remarks of Head of the Institution:

of the Head of theion wlth (Xfice seal.

Page 5: Downloads AIT Bangkok Faculty Positions


Ausust 2011Semester

Field of Study Course Title

School ofEngineering &Technology

lndustrial &ManufacturingEngineering

AT 72-04EngineeringEconomy3 (3-o)

AT 72.01DeterministicOptimizationModels,3 (3-0)

erministic Optimization Modare Packages; Linear Pror Programming and

imization; Dynamic ProgramFlow; Nonlinear Progr

ic Concepts in Engineeringmic Evaluation of Alterna

acement Analysis; Accountipts; Depreciation and T

uct Costing and Cost Estim

and Uncertainty; Determinital Eudgeting Models.

AT 73.02AdvancedManufacturingProcesses,3 (3-o)

tural Properties of Enginterials; Subtractive Manufact

ss; Unconventional Manufisses; Additive Manufacturi

; Formative Manufases; Rapid Prototyping

ronmental Aspects.

AT73.t7Advanced MaterialScience for design& Manufacturing3 (3-o)

s Metals, Non-Ferrous Msite Materials and

cs, Coatings, Finishes and

; Testing of Materials;erioration of Materials; Econterial Selection; Case Studies

Mechatronics AT74.O1,:Kinematics andDynamics ofMechanisms andRobots 3(2-3)

nents of Mechanism. Platics Analysis and Modeli

e Design. Dynamics of Plms. Spatial Mechanisms. In

otics. Manipulator Kinemati

iectory Planning. Manipulatamics and Control. Case Stu

tion of SemiconductorDesign of Transistor

i ts. Digital Integrated-Circui

lding Blocks. Amplif ier Circuis. Additional Electronic B

cks. Analog and Digital Mea

N 74.04Digital and AnalogCircuit Design,3 (2-3)

osof5 Februory 2010

Page 6: Downloads AIT Bangkok Faculty Positions

AIT Schoots Reguests for lndion Foculty Short-Term Secondments

School Course TitleField of Study

I Systems Design Processs; Combinational and Seuits Design and lmplementati

Output Design and Clocktion; Design of Memory;

are Description Languageid Prototyping and lmpl

igital Systems; Memory Sy

and Test; Testing and Desbi l i ty (DFT).

AT 81.02Digital IntegratedCircuit Design,

3 (2-3)

AT 81.05

Analog lntegrated

Circuit Design,

3 (2-3)

MicroelectronicsSchool ofEngineering &Technology(continued)

echnology, device modeling

t, Basic analog sub circuits,lysis and modeling, Basic opplif ier design, Advanced ope

pl ifi ers, Com parators, I ntegra, Data converters.

tclaranananf i l l

iew of RS Application. Int

en electromagnetic waveets. Satellite.system and Se

uction to RS lmage P

e Enhancement. Geomeion. RS lmage Ctassifica

AT 75.03Remote Sensing3(2-3)

Remote Sensing &GeographicInformation Systems

of catalyst, homogrogeneous catalysis, chemi

n on surface, metal ande catalysts.

AT79.06 :Catalysis (incf udingphotocatalYsis)2(2-0)


modynamics, Nanothermical Eguilibrium Thermo

tistical Mechanics, Other Ki

ermodynam i cs, entroPY.

AT79.07 :NanoThermodynamics2(2-ol

osof15 Februory2071

Page 7: Downloads AIT Bangkok Faculty Positions

5AtT Schools Requests for Indion Faculty Short-Term Secondments

Course DescriptionField of Study

School ofEngineering &Technology(continued)


AT79.09 :Colloids andNanopafticles3(2-3)



collda i l




chemistry is the oldestistry predating even a

r. the knowledge base ofistry began to fade from thistrv curriculum and has onl

ntly had a resurgence due tonce of nanoparticles. The:rce of the basic science

istry will be brieffy reviewcal experiments (absorption,rescen ce, ti me- resolved

nce, dynamic light scattcan now be used to elucida

coverage and electrostatirties of nanoparticles. Colldal principles are widesl i fe, in nature and technical

ication. Why is milk white anh pastes transparent? What

and what is their behaviids are mixtures of different

diverse and complext can we expect of such systcan we use their properties.

of exarnples from the daily liof materials and of food, wiiments. this lecture con

rdisciplinary and very broad t

col lo id




in thekeytheic of

Telecom munications AT 77.05TeletrafficEngineering3 (2.s-1.s)

Flows in Networks. Dimenand Delay Systems- Loss a

in Switching Systems. Traffisurements. Multi-Dimension

c. Traffic Models for ATM

N 77.L2Switching Systems3 (2.s-1.s)

ution of Switching System Architecture.

Software Structure of the Ditch. Signaling. Examples of Ex

tal Switches. ATM Switching: Photonic 5

itclning. Laboratory Experimg DX20O Switching Systems.

osof75 February2O77

Page 8: Downloads AIT Bangkok Faculty Positions

4AIT Schools Reguests for lndion Foculty Short-Term Secandments

Field of Study f.ourse Title

School ofEngineering &Technology(continued)

Water EngineeringManagement

cE 74.12Hydrodynamics,3 (3-0)

d properties, fluid pressure,theory and applications

amics, governing equationstinuity, momentum, energy

nt of flow momentum,rodynamic simil i tudes, lami

ernt flows, boundary layerss, open channels, hydraulicctures and hydraulic machin

CE 74.5L RiverEngineering andModeling,3 (3-o)


an i

f iV,

fl ow hydrology, sedimentcteristiCs, mode of sedim

sport, bed forms, sedimentulas, alluvial roughness; de channels, sediment transurem ents, river engineeri

lytical and numerical modelir morphology; sedimentatirvoirs and its computational

, reseryoirs sedimentati; water quality characte

ection/diffusion and mixingter quality,,water quality m

applications through case


School ofEnvironment,Resources &Development

Food EngineeringBioprocessTechnology

ED73.O1 : FoodProcess Engineering3(3-o)

neering principles applied toing operations; rheologiin refation to fluid flow;

inear air f low in granular mahanical separation processesse conveying; simulation of

; heating and cooling pre relations in foods and ation processes-

Pulp and PaperTechnology

ED 74.9001_Fiber Structure andChemistry3 (3-0)

cture of wood and nonials, chemical components

materials; cellulose, hem icelin; clnemistry of delignificati

ing; alternative uses force chemistry of fibers and p

School ofManagement

sM 60.42OrganizationalBehavior andStructure2 Q-al

dual and group behavior;nizational structure; organiBni tech nology dimension;leadersh ip; communication,

ement, organizational polinizational development, ch

tegies for organizations, gramics in organizational restrbusiness re-engineering

osof 15 Februory 2011

Page 9: Downloads AIT Bangkok Faculty Positions


AIT Schoals Requests far lndion Foculty Short-Term Secondments

' School Course DescriptionField of Study

place and project-teamunication; non-verbal

nication; listening skills;and memos; oral reporti

cultural com m unication.

sM 50.04BusinessCommunicat ion2 Q-al

School ofManagement(conlinued)

5M 80.1.1KnowledgeManagement3 (3-0)

ledge resources, Knowledgeagement processes, corpora

ge goals, Corporate coreledge, Knowledge gaps,

, External knowledge,pment, Tacit knowledge,

edge, Know-how, Creativityedge Management tools, Cnal knowledge exchanges,

rving Knowledge, and

surement of Knowledge.

ural Values in the Global Coyzing Cultural I nteractions,

s-Cultural Conflicts, Focus onProcesses: Communicatio

otiation, Decision-Making, aflict.

sM 80.33Cross-culturalManagement3 (3-0)

asof 15 Februory 2O71

Page 10: Downloads AIT Bangkok Faculty Positions

AIT Schools Requests lor lndion Faculty Short-Term Secondments

Januq,rv 2Q1,2 Semester

School ofEngineering &Technology

Industrial &ManufacturingEngineering

AT 72.09 Inventoryand LogisticsManagement,3 t3-o)

AT 74.07AutomationTechnology3 (2-3)

iew of Inventory System; ll

nd; Dependent Demandterial Requ irements Planning

nced Production/ Invenion to Logistics and 5u

in Management; Logisticsin Processes.


ples of Automation Techammable Logic Control lers

itaf Csmmunication. Feedbat ro l . Man-Machine Commu


AT 74.08MicroprocessorSystems,3 (2-3)

ital technology; microcompucture and operations;

Futer; assembly langfnming; bus system;rocessor interfacing, seri

lel transmission, interrups and multiprocessor

ocomputer developmentocomputer operating systication examples.

xed Signal lC Design, Designed Capacitor Circuits,

Converter Circu its, DesignLoop and Frequency Syn

AT 81.11vlixed Signal lCDesign3 (2-3)


aim of the course is to equidents with skills in techn

innovation management acourse uses an interdiscipli

proach and emphasizes theportance of teamwork in the

implernentation of policies

naging oil and gas projects.

cE81.9005:Advanced SteelMaterials & Designfor Offshore SteelPlatforms3(3-o)

Offshore TechnologyManagement

pping Concept. Data Structunagement Techniques- Datauisition. Global Positioningrface. Data Manipulation alysis. Map Output Generati

AT76.01 :


Remot€ Sensing and

Geographicfnformation Systems

ffic Flows in Networks. DiLoss and Delay Systems.ay in Switching Systems. Tra

surements. Multi-Dimensic, Traffic Models for ATM

AT 77.05TeletrafficEngineering3 (2.s-1.s)


asof 15 Februory 2071

Page 11: Downloads AIT Bangkok Faculty Positions

1AIT Schools Requests for lndion Faculty Shon-Term Secondments

School Field of Study Course Description

School ofEngineering &Technology(continued)


AT 77.08Network Planning3 (2..s-l.s)

Planning Process.s. Forecasting Demand

butions and Traffic Matriirnization of Local Exchange.ensioning. Introduction of N

nce and Reliability SimPlanning Tool PLANITU.

Water EngineeringManagement

CE 74.6t FloodModeling andManagement,3 (3-o)

hydrology, fl ood charactemodeling, flood routing

r basin, river channels andareas; flood forecasting m

inistic and stochasticficiaf neural network; floodmanagement, flood controlsures; flood risk analysis

ing; flood plain developmgement, flood damages; a

ibility of flood control projec


DisasterPreparedness,Mitigation and


rN 84.33Coastal Resiliencyand Natural

3 (3-0)

ents of Coastal communitylience; coastal populationibution and rnigration patte

al warming debate; coastalepisodic and chronic; Indimi of 1994; methods for m

; techniques for initiatinginto communities,

RR Background and Frpatory Approaches to Di

t, DRR Planning, CReduction Strategies and

rme lmplementation Ch

ln 84.36community BasedDisaster RiskManagement3 (3-ol

ED 79.06EnvironmentalAuditing

course gives an introductiure of envirsnmental prob

and the environmentalurban activities, and

currently controlled and mitdeals with the deve

ironmental management syskey role allocated to environiting, The course places empronmental audit and post-aes. Where relevant, referen

to application of environit technigues in the urban

as in organizations, local

ments and development

ted. ltnt of

s andental

School ofEnvironment,Resources &Development

Urban EnvironmentalManagement

as of 75 Februory 2077

Page 12: Downloads AIT Bangkok Faculty Positions


AIT Schools Requests for Indion Faculty Shart-Term Secondments

School Field of Study Course Title

School ofEnvironment,Resources &Development(citntinued)

Urban EnvironmentalManagement(continued)

ED 79.07DisasterManagement inUrbanEnvironmentalPlanning

ster management coveringtion, preparedness, respon

bilitation and reconstructiont types of hazards, hazard

erabifity assessment at the ciand techniques of risk asses

ronmental safety and securiprotection of l i felines and criities; structural and non-stru

tion measures; communich to disaster manageme


n the

ED 79.08EnvironmentalLegislation

Intpol irnaenvlaw




uction to legislations, faws,ies for the protection andgernent of environment,

ronmental law; nature andunderstanding legal terms a

tt of environmental law;udiciary, damage and l iabi l i ters, action'against pollutionI of permit; procedural

ronmental law; legal theoriepolluters; methods of

ronmental l i t igation; sometion control, standards, wa

land pol lut ion, and sol id w;

osal law; ecological l iabil i ty

rate groups; environmentaluments, and the role of

ational agencies andction of the environment.


ts in

School of

ManagementsM 50.43Human ResourceManagement2 (2-o)

an rgsource management sygic human resource manag

M); job analysis and humanurce planning; recruitment a

ion; training and develoivation; career planning;

rmance appraisal; rewardspensataon, employee benefiagement relations, safety an

th, employee assistance prog

acteristics of New Techn

.Ups and Success Factors; Sttrepreneurial Developmpreneuriaf Personal ity and

is; New Product and Se

opment in Entrepreneurial

SM8O.32 : HighTechEntrepreneurshipand Business PlanDevelopment3(3-0)

osof75 February2017

Page 13: Downloads AIT Bangkok Faculty Positions

l r

AIT Schools Requests fot lndian Foculty Shart'Term Secondments

' School Course DescriptionCourse TitleField of Study

p communication styles aies, managerial communica

leading high-performance te

unicating leadership inizations, public leadershipunication, leadershipunication development.

sM 80.L2LeadershipCommunication2 (2-o)

School ofManagement(continued)

unication of academic writ i

ing journals, criteria fortion, functions of a

structure and style, economrevisions and clarity.

sM 62.09Academic Writingfor BusinessResearch2 (L-21

nt educational managementent of educational instit

facilitation, enabling arecruitment, decision makres /systems in education

tions, academic leadershiP,nizing and devefoping per-

sM 62.81Management ofEducation2 (2-o)

as of 15 February 2011