CANDIDATE NAME : EXAM START TIME : 10:00:00 EXAM DURATION : 01:15 Hrs TOTAL NO OF QUESTIONS : 100 Click to Print logout Challenges REGISTRATION NUMBER : EXAM DATE : 7-September-2016 EXAM NAME : SSC Examination 2016 TOTAL MARKS : 200 Question 1.Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. दय गय वकप संबधत शद/अर/संया को नए। Bacteria : Microscope :: Moon : ? जीवाण : मदश : चमा : ? Options: 1) Night रा 2) Earth वी 3) Satellite लाइट 4) Telescope रदश यं Correct Answer: Telescope रदश यं Candidate Answer: Telescope रदश यं Question 2.Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. दय गय वकप संबधत शद/अर/संया को नए। LNPR :TVXZ : NPRT : ? Options: 1) FHJL 2) FLJH 3) HFLJ 4) JLHF Correct Answer: FHJL Candidate Answer: FHJL Question 3.Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. दय गय वकप संबधत शद/अर/संया को नए। 27 : 125 : 64 : ? Options: 1) 517 2) 162 3) 216 4) 273 Correct Answer: 216 Candidate Answer: 216 Downloaded from Visit for tons of free study materials and latest exam updates.

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REGISTRATION NUMBER qmathsin EXAM DATE 7-September-2016 EXAM NAME SSC Examination 2016 TOTAL MARKS 200

Question 1Select the related wordlettersnumber from the given alternatives

दय गय वकप म स सबधत शदअरसया को चनए

Bacteria Microscope Moon

जीवाण समदश चमा Options1) Nightरा2) Earthपवी3) Satelliteसटलाइट4) Telescopeरदश यCorrect Answer Telescopeरदश यCandidate Answer Telescopeरदश य

Question 2Select the related wordlettersnumber from the given alternatives

दय गय वकप म स सबधत शदअरसया को चनए




4) JLHFCorrect Answer FHJLCandidate Answer FHJL

Question 3Select the related wordlettersnumber from the given alternatives

दय गय वकप म स सबधत शदअरसया को चनए

27 125 64 Options1) 517

2) 162

3) 216

4) 273Correct Answer 216Candidate Answer 216

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Question 4

For the following questions

Find the odd wordlettersnumber pair from the given alternatives

इस म दए गए वकप म स वषम शदअरसया यगम चनए Options1) Novelउपयास2) Paperकागज़3) Pencilपसल4) Penकलम

Correct Answer Novelउपयास

Candidate Answer Novelउपयास

Question 5

For the following questions

Find the odd wordlettersnumber pair from the given alternatives

इस म दए गए वकप म स वषम शदअरसया यगम चनए Options1) acDD

2) egHH

3) ikLL

4) QSTtCorrect Answer QSTtCandidate Answer QSTt Question 6

For the following questions

Find the odd wordlettersnumber pair from the given alternatives

इस म दए गए वकप म स वषम शदअरसया यगम चनए Options1) 65 - 90

2) 73 - 97

3) 112 - 137

4) 162 - 187Correct Answer 73 - 97Candidate Answer 73 - 97 Question 7Arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary

ननलखत शद को शदकोश म दए गए म क अनसार लखए a Guarantee b Group c Grotesque d Guard e GroanOptions1) a c e b d

2) b e a d c

3) b c e a d

4) e c b a dCorrect Answer e c b a d

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Candidate Answer e c b a d Question 8Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it

अर का कौन सा समह खाली थान पर मवार रखन स द गई अर खला को परा करता ह xy_kx_zk_yzk xyz_ _

Options1) zyxkx

2) zykxz

3) zkxyk

4) zxykxCorrect Answer zyxkxCandidate Answer zyxkx Question 9Find the missing number in the series

द गई खला म लत सया ात कजए 219 211 204 198 189Options1) 189

2) 192

3) 193

4) 196Correct Answer 193Candidate Answer 193

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Question 10If M is the sister of Z Z is the wife of P and Pis the son of A how Z relates to A

अगर M Z क बहन ह और Z P क पनी ह P A का बटा ह तो Z काA स या सबध ह Options1) Daughter-in-lawप वध2) Daughterपी3) Wifeपनी4) MotherमाताCorrect Answer Daughter-in-lawप वधCandidate Answer Daughter-in-lawप वध Question 11The sum of ages of 4 children born atintervals of 4 years each is 60 What is the age of theyoungest child

4 बच क आय का योग 60 वष ह और उनक जम म 4 -4 वष का अतरह सबस छोट बच क आय बाताइए

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Options1) 7

2) 9

3) 10

4) 12Correct Answer 9Candidate Answer 9 Question 12From the given alternative words select theword which cannot be formed using the letters of thegiven word

ननलखत वकप म स वह शद चनए जो दए गए शद क अर कायोग करक नह बनाया जो सकता ENVIRONMENTOptions1) OINTMENT



4) TRIMCorrect Answer OINTMENTCandidate Answer OINTMENT

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Question 13In a certain code CAMEL is written asMFNBD How shall TIGER be written in that code

अगर CAMEL को MFNBD लखा जा सकता ह तो TIGER को उस कोडम कस लखा जायगा Options1) SFUJH



4) SHFJUCorrect Answer SFHJUCandidate Answer SFHJU Question 14If x stands for - + means x divide means + and -means divide then what is the value of the given expression

यद x का अथ - + का अथ x divide का अथ + और - का अथ divide हो तो 175 - 25 divide 5 + 2 x 3 + 10 =

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Options1) 77

2) 160

3) 240

4) 2370Correct Answer 77Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 15If 4 2 = 3 and 8 4 = 3 then 21 7 =

यद 4 2 = 3और 8 4 =3तो 21 7 = Options1) 4

2) 3

3) 8

4) 16Correct Answer 4Candidate Answer 4

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Question 16Select the missing numbers from the givenalternatives

दय गय वकप म स लत सया चनए

Options1) 9

2) 16

3) 25

4) 36Correct Answer 9Candidate Answer 9 Question 17A man walks 5 kilometre towards South andthen turns to the right After walking 3 kilometre he turnsto the left and walks 5 kilometre Now in which directionis he from the starting point

एक आदमी 5 कलोमीटर दण क ओर जाता ह फर दाहन घमकर 3कलोमीटर चलता ह वह बाय घमकर 5 कलोमीटर चलता ह अब वहारभक ब स कस दशा म ह

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Options1) Westपम2) Southदण3) North-Eastउर-पव4) South-Westदण-पचमCorrect Answer South-Westदण-पचमCandidate Answer South-Westदण-पचम

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Question 18Consider the given statements to be trueand decide which of the given conclusionsassumptionscan definitely be drawn from the given statementStatements Life means stresses and strains Stresses and strains have an adverse effect on life Conclusions I Life is not worth living II One should avoid stresses and strains in life

ननलखत म एक या दो व दय गय ह जसक आग दो नकषमायताए I और II नकाल गय ह आपको वचार करना ह क व सयह चाह वह सामायतः शत तय स भ तीत होता हो आपको नणयकरना ह क दए गए व म स कोन-सा नत प स सही नकषमायता नकाला जा सकता ह कथन जीवन का मतलब दबाव और तनाव ह| दबाव और तनाव जीवन परतकल भाव डालत ह नकष I जीवन जीन योय नह ह IIजीवन म तनाव और दबाव सबचना चाहएOptions1) Only conclusion I followsकवल I नकष सही ह2) Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह3) Both conclusion I and conclusion II followI और II दोन नकष सही ह4) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II followsना तो I और ना ही II नकष सही ह

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Correct Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही हCandidate Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह Question 19How many triangles are there in thisgeometric figure

च म कतन भज ह

Options1) 12

2) 16

3) 18

4) 20Correct Answer 18Candidate Answer 20

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Question 20Which of the answer figures best indicatesthe relationship betweenDoctors Nurses Hospital

कौन सा च न नलखत सबध को सही दशाता ह डॉटर नस अपतालOptions1)




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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 21Which answer figure will complete thepattern in the question figure

इस म कौन सी उर आकत आकत क तप को परा करती ह

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 22From the given answer figures select the onein which the question figure is hiddenembedded

द गई उर आकतय म स उस चनए जसम आकत नहत ह





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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 2: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Question 4

For the following questions

Find the odd wordlettersnumber pair from the given alternatives

इस म दए गए वकप म स वषम शदअरसया यगम चनए Options1) Novelउपयास2) Paperकागज़3) Pencilपसल4) Penकलम

Correct Answer Novelउपयास

Candidate Answer Novelउपयास

Question 5

For the following questions

Find the odd wordlettersnumber pair from the given alternatives

इस म दए गए वकप म स वषम शदअरसया यगम चनए Options1) acDD

2) egHH

3) ikLL

4) QSTtCorrect Answer QSTtCandidate Answer QSTt Question 6

For the following questions

Find the odd wordlettersnumber pair from the given alternatives

इस म दए गए वकप म स वषम शदअरसया यगम चनए Options1) 65 - 90

2) 73 - 97

3) 112 - 137

4) 162 - 187Correct Answer 73 - 97Candidate Answer 73 - 97 Question 7Arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary

ननलखत शद को शदकोश म दए गए म क अनसार लखए a Guarantee b Group c Grotesque d Guard e GroanOptions1) a c e b d

2) b e a d c

3) b c e a d

4) e c b a dCorrect Answer e c b a d

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Candidate Answer e c b a d Question 8Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it

अर का कौन सा समह खाली थान पर मवार रखन स द गई अर खला को परा करता ह xy_kx_zk_yzk xyz_ _

Options1) zyxkx

2) zykxz

3) zkxyk

4) zxykxCorrect Answer zyxkxCandidate Answer zyxkx Question 9Find the missing number in the series

द गई खला म लत सया ात कजए 219 211 204 198 189Options1) 189

2) 192

3) 193

4) 196Correct Answer 193Candidate Answer 193

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Question 10If M is the sister of Z Z is the wife of P and Pis the son of A how Z relates to A

अगर M Z क बहन ह और Z P क पनी ह P A का बटा ह तो Z काA स या सबध ह Options1) Daughter-in-lawप वध2) Daughterपी3) Wifeपनी4) MotherमाताCorrect Answer Daughter-in-lawप वधCandidate Answer Daughter-in-lawप वध Question 11The sum of ages of 4 children born atintervals of 4 years each is 60 What is the age of theyoungest child

4 बच क आय का योग 60 वष ह और उनक जम म 4 -4 वष का अतरह सबस छोट बच क आय बाताइए

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Options1) 7

2) 9

3) 10

4) 12Correct Answer 9Candidate Answer 9 Question 12From the given alternative words select theword which cannot be formed using the letters of thegiven word

ननलखत वकप म स वह शद चनए जो दए गए शद क अर कायोग करक नह बनाया जो सकता ENVIRONMENTOptions1) OINTMENT



4) TRIMCorrect Answer OINTMENTCandidate Answer OINTMENT

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Question 13In a certain code CAMEL is written asMFNBD How shall TIGER be written in that code

अगर CAMEL को MFNBD लखा जा सकता ह तो TIGER को उस कोडम कस लखा जायगा Options1) SFUJH



4) SHFJUCorrect Answer SFHJUCandidate Answer SFHJU Question 14If x stands for - + means x divide means + and -means divide then what is the value of the given expression

यद x का अथ - + का अथ x divide का अथ + और - का अथ divide हो तो 175 - 25 divide 5 + 2 x 3 + 10 =

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Options1) 77

2) 160

3) 240

4) 2370Correct Answer 77Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 15If 4 2 = 3 and 8 4 = 3 then 21 7 =

यद 4 2 = 3और 8 4 =3तो 21 7 = Options1) 4

2) 3

3) 8

4) 16Correct Answer 4Candidate Answer 4

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Question 16Select the missing numbers from the givenalternatives

दय गय वकप म स लत सया चनए

Options1) 9

2) 16

3) 25

4) 36Correct Answer 9Candidate Answer 9 Question 17A man walks 5 kilometre towards South andthen turns to the right After walking 3 kilometre he turnsto the left and walks 5 kilometre Now in which directionis he from the starting point

एक आदमी 5 कलोमीटर दण क ओर जाता ह फर दाहन घमकर 3कलोमीटर चलता ह वह बाय घमकर 5 कलोमीटर चलता ह अब वहारभक ब स कस दशा म ह

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Options1) Westपम2) Southदण3) North-Eastउर-पव4) South-Westदण-पचमCorrect Answer South-Westदण-पचमCandidate Answer South-Westदण-पचम

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Question 18Consider the given statements to be trueand decide which of the given conclusionsassumptionscan definitely be drawn from the given statementStatements Life means stresses and strains Stresses and strains have an adverse effect on life Conclusions I Life is not worth living II One should avoid stresses and strains in life

ननलखत म एक या दो व दय गय ह जसक आग दो नकषमायताए I और II नकाल गय ह आपको वचार करना ह क व सयह चाह वह सामायतः शत तय स भ तीत होता हो आपको नणयकरना ह क दए गए व म स कोन-सा नत प स सही नकषमायता नकाला जा सकता ह कथन जीवन का मतलब दबाव और तनाव ह| दबाव और तनाव जीवन परतकल भाव डालत ह नकष I जीवन जीन योय नह ह IIजीवन म तनाव और दबाव सबचना चाहएOptions1) Only conclusion I followsकवल I नकष सही ह2) Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह3) Both conclusion I and conclusion II followI और II दोन नकष सही ह4) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II followsना तो I और ना ही II नकष सही ह

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Correct Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही हCandidate Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह Question 19How many triangles are there in thisgeometric figure

च म कतन भज ह

Options1) 12

2) 16

3) 18

4) 20Correct Answer 18Candidate Answer 20

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Question 20Which of the answer figures best indicatesthe relationship betweenDoctors Nurses Hospital

कौन सा च न नलखत सबध को सही दशाता ह डॉटर नस अपतालOptions1)




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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 21Which answer figure will complete thepattern in the question figure

इस म कौन सी उर आकत आकत क तप को परा करती ह

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 22From the given answer figures select the onein which the question figure is hiddenembedded

द गई उर आकतय म स उस चनए जसम आकत नहत ह





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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 3: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Candidate Answer e c b a d Question 8Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it

अर का कौन सा समह खाली थान पर मवार रखन स द गई अर खला को परा करता ह xy_kx_zk_yzk xyz_ _

Options1) zyxkx

2) zykxz

3) zkxyk

4) zxykxCorrect Answer zyxkxCandidate Answer zyxkx Question 9Find the missing number in the series

द गई खला म लत सया ात कजए 219 211 204 198 189Options1) 189

2) 192

3) 193

4) 196Correct Answer 193Candidate Answer 193

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Question 10If M is the sister of Z Z is the wife of P and Pis the son of A how Z relates to A

अगर M Z क बहन ह और Z P क पनी ह P A का बटा ह तो Z काA स या सबध ह Options1) Daughter-in-lawप वध2) Daughterपी3) Wifeपनी4) MotherमाताCorrect Answer Daughter-in-lawप वधCandidate Answer Daughter-in-lawप वध Question 11The sum of ages of 4 children born atintervals of 4 years each is 60 What is the age of theyoungest child

4 बच क आय का योग 60 वष ह और उनक जम म 4 -4 वष का अतरह सबस छोट बच क आय बाताइए

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Options1) 7

2) 9

3) 10

4) 12Correct Answer 9Candidate Answer 9 Question 12From the given alternative words select theword which cannot be formed using the letters of thegiven word

ननलखत वकप म स वह शद चनए जो दए गए शद क अर कायोग करक नह बनाया जो सकता ENVIRONMENTOptions1) OINTMENT



4) TRIMCorrect Answer OINTMENTCandidate Answer OINTMENT

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Question 13In a certain code CAMEL is written asMFNBD How shall TIGER be written in that code

अगर CAMEL को MFNBD लखा जा सकता ह तो TIGER को उस कोडम कस लखा जायगा Options1) SFUJH



4) SHFJUCorrect Answer SFHJUCandidate Answer SFHJU Question 14If x stands for - + means x divide means + and -means divide then what is the value of the given expression

यद x का अथ - + का अथ x divide का अथ + और - का अथ divide हो तो 175 - 25 divide 5 + 2 x 3 + 10 =

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Options1) 77

2) 160

3) 240

4) 2370Correct Answer 77Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 15If 4 2 = 3 and 8 4 = 3 then 21 7 =

यद 4 2 = 3और 8 4 =3तो 21 7 = Options1) 4

2) 3

3) 8

4) 16Correct Answer 4Candidate Answer 4

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Question 16Select the missing numbers from the givenalternatives

दय गय वकप म स लत सया चनए

Options1) 9

2) 16

3) 25

4) 36Correct Answer 9Candidate Answer 9 Question 17A man walks 5 kilometre towards South andthen turns to the right After walking 3 kilometre he turnsto the left and walks 5 kilometre Now in which directionis he from the starting point

एक आदमी 5 कलोमीटर दण क ओर जाता ह फर दाहन घमकर 3कलोमीटर चलता ह वह बाय घमकर 5 कलोमीटर चलता ह अब वहारभक ब स कस दशा म ह

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Options1) Westपम2) Southदण3) North-Eastउर-पव4) South-Westदण-पचमCorrect Answer South-Westदण-पचमCandidate Answer South-Westदण-पचम

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Question 18Consider the given statements to be trueand decide which of the given conclusionsassumptionscan definitely be drawn from the given statementStatements Life means stresses and strains Stresses and strains have an adverse effect on life Conclusions I Life is not worth living II One should avoid stresses and strains in life

ननलखत म एक या दो व दय गय ह जसक आग दो नकषमायताए I और II नकाल गय ह आपको वचार करना ह क व सयह चाह वह सामायतः शत तय स भ तीत होता हो आपको नणयकरना ह क दए गए व म स कोन-सा नत प स सही नकषमायता नकाला जा सकता ह कथन जीवन का मतलब दबाव और तनाव ह| दबाव और तनाव जीवन परतकल भाव डालत ह नकष I जीवन जीन योय नह ह IIजीवन म तनाव और दबाव सबचना चाहएOptions1) Only conclusion I followsकवल I नकष सही ह2) Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह3) Both conclusion I and conclusion II followI और II दोन नकष सही ह4) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II followsना तो I और ना ही II नकष सही ह

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Correct Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही हCandidate Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह Question 19How many triangles are there in thisgeometric figure

च म कतन भज ह

Options1) 12

2) 16

3) 18

4) 20Correct Answer 18Candidate Answer 20

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Question 20Which of the answer figures best indicatesthe relationship betweenDoctors Nurses Hospital

कौन सा च न नलखत सबध को सही दशाता ह डॉटर नस अपतालOptions1)




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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 21Which answer figure will complete thepattern in the question figure

इस म कौन सी उर आकत आकत क तप को परा करती ह

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 22From the given answer figures select the onein which the question figure is hiddenembedded

द गई उर आकतय म स उस चनए जसम आकत नहत ह





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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 4: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Question 10If M is the sister of Z Z is the wife of P and Pis the son of A how Z relates to A

अगर M Z क बहन ह और Z P क पनी ह P A का बटा ह तो Z काA स या सबध ह Options1) Daughter-in-lawप वध2) Daughterपी3) Wifeपनी4) MotherमाताCorrect Answer Daughter-in-lawप वधCandidate Answer Daughter-in-lawप वध Question 11The sum of ages of 4 children born atintervals of 4 years each is 60 What is the age of theyoungest child

4 बच क आय का योग 60 वष ह और उनक जम म 4 -4 वष का अतरह सबस छोट बच क आय बाताइए

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Options1) 7

2) 9

3) 10

4) 12Correct Answer 9Candidate Answer 9 Question 12From the given alternative words select theword which cannot be formed using the letters of thegiven word

ननलखत वकप म स वह शद चनए जो दए गए शद क अर कायोग करक नह बनाया जो सकता ENVIRONMENTOptions1) OINTMENT



4) TRIMCorrect Answer OINTMENTCandidate Answer OINTMENT

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Question 13In a certain code CAMEL is written asMFNBD How shall TIGER be written in that code

अगर CAMEL को MFNBD लखा जा सकता ह तो TIGER को उस कोडम कस लखा जायगा Options1) SFUJH



4) SHFJUCorrect Answer SFHJUCandidate Answer SFHJU Question 14If x stands for - + means x divide means + and -means divide then what is the value of the given expression

यद x का अथ - + का अथ x divide का अथ + और - का अथ divide हो तो 175 - 25 divide 5 + 2 x 3 + 10 =

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Options1) 77

2) 160

3) 240

4) 2370Correct Answer 77Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 15If 4 2 = 3 and 8 4 = 3 then 21 7 =

यद 4 2 = 3और 8 4 =3तो 21 7 = Options1) 4

2) 3

3) 8

4) 16Correct Answer 4Candidate Answer 4

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Question 16Select the missing numbers from the givenalternatives

दय गय वकप म स लत सया चनए

Options1) 9

2) 16

3) 25

4) 36Correct Answer 9Candidate Answer 9 Question 17A man walks 5 kilometre towards South andthen turns to the right After walking 3 kilometre he turnsto the left and walks 5 kilometre Now in which directionis he from the starting point

एक आदमी 5 कलोमीटर दण क ओर जाता ह फर दाहन घमकर 3कलोमीटर चलता ह वह बाय घमकर 5 कलोमीटर चलता ह अब वहारभक ब स कस दशा म ह

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Options1) Westपम2) Southदण3) North-Eastउर-पव4) South-Westदण-पचमCorrect Answer South-Westदण-पचमCandidate Answer South-Westदण-पचम

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Question 18Consider the given statements to be trueand decide which of the given conclusionsassumptionscan definitely be drawn from the given statementStatements Life means stresses and strains Stresses and strains have an adverse effect on life Conclusions I Life is not worth living II One should avoid stresses and strains in life

ननलखत म एक या दो व दय गय ह जसक आग दो नकषमायताए I और II नकाल गय ह आपको वचार करना ह क व सयह चाह वह सामायतः शत तय स भ तीत होता हो आपको नणयकरना ह क दए गए व म स कोन-सा नत प स सही नकषमायता नकाला जा सकता ह कथन जीवन का मतलब दबाव और तनाव ह| दबाव और तनाव जीवन परतकल भाव डालत ह नकष I जीवन जीन योय नह ह IIजीवन म तनाव और दबाव सबचना चाहएOptions1) Only conclusion I followsकवल I नकष सही ह2) Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह3) Both conclusion I and conclusion II followI और II दोन नकष सही ह4) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II followsना तो I और ना ही II नकष सही ह

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Correct Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही हCandidate Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह Question 19How many triangles are there in thisgeometric figure

च म कतन भज ह

Options1) 12

2) 16

3) 18

4) 20Correct Answer 18Candidate Answer 20

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Question 20Which of the answer figures best indicatesthe relationship betweenDoctors Nurses Hospital

कौन सा च न नलखत सबध को सही दशाता ह डॉटर नस अपतालOptions1)




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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 21Which answer figure will complete thepattern in the question figure

इस म कौन सी उर आकत आकत क तप को परा करती ह

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 22From the given answer figures select the onein which the question figure is hiddenembedded

द गई उर आकतय म स उस चनए जसम आकत नहत ह





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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 5: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) 7

2) 9

3) 10

4) 12Correct Answer 9Candidate Answer 9 Question 12From the given alternative words select theword which cannot be formed using the letters of thegiven word

ननलखत वकप म स वह शद चनए जो दए गए शद क अर कायोग करक नह बनाया जो सकता ENVIRONMENTOptions1) OINTMENT



4) TRIMCorrect Answer OINTMENTCandidate Answer OINTMENT

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Question 13In a certain code CAMEL is written asMFNBD How shall TIGER be written in that code

अगर CAMEL को MFNBD लखा जा सकता ह तो TIGER को उस कोडम कस लखा जायगा Options1) SFUJH



4) SHFJUCorrect Answer SFHJUCandidate Answer SFHJU Question 14If x stands for - + means x divide means + and -means divide then what is the value of the given expression

यद x का अथ - + का अथ x divide का अथ + और - का अथ divide हो तो 175 - 25 divide 5 + 2 x 3 + 10 =

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Options1) 77

2) 160

3) 240

4) 2370Correct Answer 77Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 15If 4 2 = 3 and 8 4 = 3 then 21 7 =

यद 4 2 = 3और 8 4 =3तो 21 7 = Options1) 4

2) 3

3) 8

4) 16Correct Answer 4Candidate Answer 4

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Question 16Select the missing numbers from the givenalternatives

दय गय वकप म स लत सया चनए

Options1) 9

2) 16

3) 25

4) 36Correct Answer 9Candidate Answer 9 Question 17A man walks 5 kilometre towards South andthen turns to the right After walking 3 kilometre he turnsto the left and walks 5 kilometre Now in which directionis he from the starting point

एक आदमी 5 कलोमीटर दण क ओर जाता ह फर दाहन घमकर 3कलोमीटर चलता ह वह बाय घमकर 5 कलोमीटर चलता ह अब वहारभक ब स कस दशा म ह

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Options1) Westपम2) Southदण3) North-Eastउर-पव4) South-Westदण-पचमCorrect Answer South-Westदण-पचमCandidate Answer South-Westदण-पचम

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Question 18Consider the given statements to be trueand decide which of the given conclusionsassumptionscan definitely be drawn from the given statementStatements Life means stresses and strains Stresses and strains have an adverse effect on life Conclusions I Life is not worth living II One should avoid stresses and strains in life

ननलखत म एक या दो व दय गय ह जसक आग दो नकषमायताए I और II नकाल गय ह आपको वचार करना ह क व सयह चाह वह सामायतः शत तय स भ तीत होता हो आपको नणयकरना ह क दए गए व म स कोन-सा नत प स सही नकषमायता नकाला जा सकता ह कथन जीवन का मतलब दबाव और तनाव ह| दबाव और तनाव जीवन परतकल भाव डालत ह नकष I जीवन जीन योय नह ह IIजीवन म तनाव और दबाव सबचना चाहएOptions1) Only conclusion I followsकवल I नकष सही ह2) Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह3) Both conclusion I and conclusion II followI और II दोन नकष सही ह4) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II followsना तो I और ना ही II नकष सही ह

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Correct Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही हCandidate Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह Question 19How many triangles are there in thisgeometric figure

च म कतन भज ह

Options1) 12

2) 16

3) 18

4) 20Correct Answer 18Candidate Answer 20

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Question 20Which of the answer figures best indicatesthe relationship betweenDoctors Nurses Hospital

कौन सा च न नलखत सबध को सही दशाता ह डॉटर नस अपतालOptions1)




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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 21Which answer figure will complete thepattern in the question figure

इस म कौन सी उर आकत आकत क तप को परा करती ह

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 22From the given answer figures select the onein which the question figure is hiddenembedded

द गई उर आकतय म स उस चनए जसम आकत नहत ह





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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 6: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Question 13In a certain code CAMEL is written asMFNBD How shall TIGER be written in that code

अगर CAMEL को MFNBD लखा जा सकता ह तो TIGER को उस कोडम कस लखा जायगा Options1) SFUJH



4) SHFJUCorrect Answer SFHJUCandidate Answer SFHJU Question 14If x stands for - + means x divide means + and -means divide then what is the value of the given expression

यद x का अथ - + का अथ x divide का अथ + और - का अथ divide हो तो 175 - 25 divide 5 + 2 x 3 + 10 =

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Options1) 77

2) 160

3) 240

4) 2370Correct Answer 77Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 15If 4 2 = 3 and 8 4 = 3 then 21 7 =

यद 4 2 = 3और 8 4 =3तो 21 7 = Options1) 4

2) 3

3) 8

4) 16Correct Answer 4Candidate Answer 4

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Question 16Select the missing numbers from the givenalternatives

दय गय वकप म स लत सया चनए

Options1) 9

2) 16

3) 25

4) 36Correct Answer 9Candidate Answer 9 Question 17A man walks 5 kilometre towards South andthen turns to the right After walking 3 kilometre he turnsto the left and walks 5 kilometre Now in which directionis he from the starting point

एक आदमी 5 कलोमीटर दण क ओर जाता ह फर दाहन घमकर 3कलोमीटर चलता ह वह बाय घमकर 5 कलोमीटर चलता ह अब वहारभक ब स कस दशा म ह

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Options1) Westपम2) Southदण3) North-Eastउर-पव4) South-Westदण-पचमCorrect Answer South-Westदण-पचमCandidate Answer South-Westदण-पचम

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Question 18Consider the given statements to be trueand decide which of the given conclusionsassumptionscan definitely be drawn from the given statementStatements Life means stresses and strains Stresses and strains have an adverse effect on life Conclusions I Life is not worth living II One should avoid stresses and strains in life

ननलखत म एक या दो व दय गय ह जसक आग दो नकषमायताए I और II नकाल गय ह आपको वचार करना ह क व सयह चाह वह सामायतः शत तय स भ तीत होता हो आपको नणयकरना ह क दए गए व म स कोन-सा नत प स सही नकषमायता नकाला जा सकता ह कथन जीवन का मतलब दबाव और तनाव ह| दबाव और तनाव जीवन परतकल भाव डालत ह नकष I जीवन जीन योय नह ह IIजीवन म तनाव और दबाव सबचना चाहएOptions1) Only conclusion I followsकवल I नकष सही ह2) Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह3) Both conclusion I and conclusion II followI और II दोन नकष सही ह4) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II followsना तो I और ना ही II नकष सही ह

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Correct Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही हCandidate Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह Question 19How many triangles are there in thisgeometric figure

च म कतन भज ह

Options1) 12

2) 16

3) 18

4) 20Correct Answer 18Candidate Answer 20

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Question 20Which of the answer figures best indicatesthe relationship betweenDoctors Nurses Hospital

कौन सा च न नलखत सबध को सही दशाता ह डॉटर नस अपतालOptions1)




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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 21Which answer figure will complete thepattern in the question figure

इस म कौन सी उर आकत आकत क तप को परा करती ह

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 22From the given answer figures select the onein which the question figure is hiddenembedded

द गई उर आकतय म स उस चनए जसम आकत नहत ह





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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 7: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) 77

2) 160

3) 240

4) 2370Correct Answer 77Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 15If 4 2 = 3 and 8 4 = 3 then 21 7 =

यद 4 2 = 3और 8 4 =3तो 21 7 = Options1) 4

2) 3

3) 8

4) 16Correct Answer 4Candidate Answer 4

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Question 16Select the missing numbers from the givenalternatives

दय गय वकप म स लत सया चनए

Options1) 9

2) 16

3) 25

4) 36Correct Answer 9Candidate Answer 9 Question 17A man walks 5 kilometre towards South andthen turns to the right After walking 3 kilometre he turnsto the left and walks 5 kilometre Now in which directionis he from the starting point

एक आदमी 5 कलोमीटर दण क ओर जाता ह फर दाहन घमकर 3कलोमीटर चलता ह वह बाय घमकर 5 कलोमीटर चलता ह अब वहारभक ब स कस दशा म ह

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Options1) Westपम2) Southदण3) North-Eastउर-पव4) South-Westदण-पचमCorrect Answer South-Westदण-पचमCandidate Answer South-Westदण-पचम

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Question 18Consider the given statements to be trueand decide which of the given conclusionsassumptionscan definitely be drawn from the given statementStatements Life means stresses and strains Stresses and strains have an adverse effect on life Conclusions I Life is not worth living II One should avoid stresses and strains in life

ननलखत म एक या दो व दय गय ह जसक आग दो नकषमायताए I और II नकाल गय ह आपको वचार करना ह क व सयह चाह वह सामायतः शत तय स भ तीत होता हो आपको नणयकरना ह क दए गए व म स कोन-सा नत प स सही नकषमायता नकाला जा सकता ह कथन जीवन का मतलब दबाव और तनाव ह| दबाव और तनाव जीवन परतकल भाव डालत ह नकष I जीवन जीन योय नह ह IIजीवन म तनाव और दबाव सबचना चाहएOptions1) Only conclusion I followsकवल I नकष सही ह2) Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह3) Both conclusion I and conclusion II followI और II दोन नकष सही ह4) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II followsना तो I और ना ही II नकष सही ह

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Correct Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही हCandidate Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह Question 19How many triangles are there in thisgeometric figure

च म कतन भज ह

Options1) 12

2) 16

3) 18

4) 20Correct Answer 18Candidate Answer 20

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Question 20Which of the answer figures best indicatesthe relationship betweenDoctors Nurses Hospital

कौन सा च न नलखत सबध को सही दशाता ह डॉटर नस अपतालOptions1)




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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 21Which answer figure will complete thepattern in the question figure

इस म कौन सी उर आकत आकत क तप को परा करती ह

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 22From the given answer figures select the onein which the question figure is hiddenembedded

द गई उर आकतय म स उस चनए जसम आकत नहत ह





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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 8: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Question 16Select the missing numbers from the givenalternatives

दय गय वकप म स लत सया चनए

Options1) 9

2) 16

3) 25

4) 36Correct Answer 9Candidate Answer 9 Question 17A man walks 5 kilometre towards South andthen turns to the right After walking 3 kilometre he turnsto the left and walks 5 kilometre Now in which directionis he from the starting point

एक आदमी 5 कलोमीटर दण क ओर जाता ह फर दाहन घमकर 3कलोमीटर चलता ह वह बाय घमकर 5 कलोमीटर चलता ह अब वहारभक ब स कस दशा म ह

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Options1) Westपम2) Southदण3) North-Eastउर-पव4) South-Westदण-पचमCorrect Answer South-Westदण-पचमCandidate Answer South-Westदण-पचम

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Question 18Consider the given statements to be trueand decide which of the given conclusionsassumptionscan definitely be drawn from the given statementStatements Life means stresses and strains Stresses and strains have an adverse effect on life Conclusions I Life is not worth living II One should avoid stresses and strains in life

ननलखत म एक या दो व दय गय ह जसक आग दो नकषमायताए I और II नकाल गय ह आपको वचार करना ह क व सयह चाह वह सामायतः शत तय स भ तीत होता हो आपको नणयकरना ह क दए गए व म स कोन-सा नत प स सही नकषमायता नकाला जा सकता ह कथन जीवन का मतलब दबाव और तनाव ह| दबाव और तनाव जीवन परतकल भाव डालत ह नकष I जीवन जीन योय नह ह IIजीवन म तनाव और दबाव सबचना चाहएOptions1) Only conclusion I followsकवल I नकष सही ह2) Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह3) Both conclusion I and conclusion II followI और II दोन नकष सही ह4) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II followsना तो I और ना ही II नकष सही ह

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Correct Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही हCandidate Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह Question 19How many triangles are there in thisgeometric figure

च म कतन भज ह

Options1) 12

2) 16

3) 18

4) 20Correct Answer 18Candidate Answer 20

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Question 20Which of the answer figures best indicatesthe relationship betweenDoctors Nurses Hospital

कौन सा च न नलखत सबध को सही दशाता ह डॉटर नस अपतालOptions1)




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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 21Which answer figure will complete thepattern in the question figure

इस म कौन सी उर आकत आकत क तप को परा करती ह

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 22From the given answer figures select the onein which the question figure is hiddenembedded

द गई उर आकतय म स उस चनए जसम आकत नहत ह





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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 9: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) Westपम2) Southदण3) North-Eastउर-पव4) South-Westदण-पचमCorrect Answer South-Westदण-पचमCandidate Answer South-Westदण-पचम

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Question 18Consider the given statements to be trueand decide which of the given conclusionsassumptionscan definitely be drawn from the given statementStatements Life means stresses and strains Stresses and strains have an adverse effect on life Conclusions I Life is not worth living II One should avoid stresses and strains in life

ननलखत म एक या दो व दय गय ह जसक आग दो नकषमायताए I और II नकाल गय ह आपको वचार करना ह क व सयह चाह वह सामायतः शत तय स भ तीत होता हो आपको नणयकरना ह क दए गए व म स कोन-सा नत प स सही नकषमायता नकाला जा सकता ह कथन जीवन का मतलब दबाव और तनाव ह| दबाव और तनाव जीवन परतकल भाव डालत ह नकष I जीवन जीन योय नह ह IIजीवन म तनाव और दबाव सबचना चाहएOptions1) Only conclusion I followsकवल I नकष सही ह2) Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह3) Both conclusion I and conclusion II followI और II दोन नकष सही ह4) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II followsना तो I और ना ही II नकष सही ह

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Correct Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही हCandidate Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह Question 19How many triangles are there in thisgeometric figure

च म कतन भज ह

Options1) 12

2) 16

3) 18

4) 20Correct Answer 18Candidate Answer 20

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Question 20Which of the answer figures best indicatesthe relationship betweenDoctors Nurses Hospital

कौन सा च न नलखत सबध को सही दशाता ह डॉटर नस अपतालOptions1)




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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 21Which answer figure will complete thepattern in the question figure

इस म कौन सी उर आकत आकत क तप को परा करती ह

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 22From the given answer figures select the onein which the question figure is hiddenembedded

द गई उर आकतय म स उस चनए जसम आकत नहत ह





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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 10: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Question 18Consider the given statements to be trueand decide which of the given conclusionsassumptionscan definitely be drawn from the given statementStatements Life means stresses and strains Stresses and strains have an adverse effect on life Conclusions I Life is not worth living II One should avoid stresses and strains in life

ननलखत म एक या दो व दय गय ह जसक आग दो नकषमायताए I और II नकाल गय ह आपको वचार करना ह क व सयह चाह वह सामायतः शत तय स भ तीत होता हो आपको नणयकरना ह क दए गए व म स कोन-सा नत प स सही नकषमायता नकाला जा सकता ह कथन जीवन का मतलब दबाव और तनाव ह| दबाव और तनाव जीवन परतकल भाव डालत ह नकष I जीवन जीन योय नह ह IIजीवन म तनाव और दबाव सबचना चाहएOptions1) Only conclusion I followsकवल I नकष सही ह2) Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह3) Both conclusion I and conclusion II followI और II दोन नकष सही ह4) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II followsना तो I और ना ही II नकष सही ह

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Correct Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही हCandidate Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह Question 19How many triangles are there in thisgeometric figure

च म कतन भज ह

Options1) 12

2) 16

3) 18

4) 20Correct Answer 18Candidate Answer 20

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Question 20Which of the answer figures best indicatesthe relationship betweenDoctors Nurses Hospital

कौन सा च न नलखत सबध को सही दशाता ह डॉटर नस अपतालOptions1)




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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 21Which answer figure will complete thepattern in the question figure

इस म कौन सी उर आकत आकत क तप को परा करती ह

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 22From the given answer figures select the onein which the question figure is hiddenembedded

द गई उर आकतय म स उस चनए जसम आकत नहत ह





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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 11: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Correct Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही हCandidate Answer Only conclusion II followsकवल II नकष सही ह Question 19How many triangles are there in thisgeometric figure

च म कतन भज ह

Options1) 12

2) 16

3) 18

4) 20Correct Answer 18Candidate Answer 20

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Question 20Which of the answer figures best indicatesthe relationship betweenDoctors Nurses Hospital

कौन सा च न नलखत सबध को सही दशाता ह डॉटर नस अपतालOptions1)




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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 21Which answer figure will complete thepattern in the question figure

इस म कौन सी उर आकत आकत क तप को परा करती ह

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 22From the given answer figures select the onein which the question figure is hiddenembedded

द गई उर आकतय म स उस चनए जसम आकत नहत ह





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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 12: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Question 20Which of the answer figures best indicatesthe relationship betweenDoctors Nurses Hospital

कौन सा च न नलखत सबध को सही दशाता ह डॉटर नस अपतालOptions1)




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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 21Which answer figure will complete thepattern in the question figure

इस म कौन सी उर आकत आकत क तप को परा करती ह

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 22From the given answer figures select the onein which the question figure is hiddenembedded

द गई उर आकतय म स उस चनए जसम आकत नहत ह





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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 13: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 21Which answer figure will complete thepattern in the question figure

इस म कौन सी उर आकत आकत क तप को परा करती ह

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 22From the given answer figures select the onein which the question figure is hiddenembedded

द गई उर आकतय म स उस चनए जसम आकत नहत ह





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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 14: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया





Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 22From the given answer figures select the onein which the question figure is hiddenembedded

द गई उर आकतय म स उस चनए जसम आकत नहत ह





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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 15: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Question 22From the given answer figures select the onein which the question figure is hiddenembedded

द गई उर आकतय म स उस चनए जसम आकत नहत ह





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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 16: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 23A piece of paper is folded and cut as shownbelow in the question figures From the given answerfigures indicate how it will appear when opened

नीच दशाय च क अनसार कागज को मोड़कर काटन तथा खोलन क बादवह कस उर आकत जसा दखाई दगा

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Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 17: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया





Correct Answer

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Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 18: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Candidate Answer

Question 24If a mirror is placed on the line MN thenwhich of the answer figures is the right image of the givenfigure

इस म यद एक दपण को MN रखा पर रखा जाय तो द गई उरआकतय म स कौन-सी आकत आकत का सही तबब होगी

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 19: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया





Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 20: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Question 25In the question a word is represented by onlyone set of numbers as given in any one of thealternatives The sets of numbers given in the alternativesare represented by two classes of alphabets as in twomatrices given below The columns and rows of Matrix Iare numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II arenumbered from 5 to 9 A letter from these matrices canbe represented first by its row and next by its column egG can be represented by 01 and P can be represented by10 44 etc Similarly you have to identify the set for theword BARK

ननलखत म वकप म दए गए सया-समह अर क दो वगारा दशाए गए ह जस क नीच दए गए दो आह म ह आह I क तभ और प क सया 0 स 4 तक द गई ह और आह II क 5 स 9तक इन आह स एक अर को पहल उसक प और बाद म तभसया ारा दशाया जा सकता ह उदाहरण क लएG को 01 आद ारादशाया जा सकता ह तथा P को 1044 आद ारा दशाया जा सकता हइसी तरह स आपको दए शद BARK क लए समह को पहचानना ह

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Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 21: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) 32 55 69 24

2) 32 03 66 57

3) 67 42 66 00

4) 23 30 66 97Correct Answer 67 42 66 00Candidate Answer 67 42 66 00 Question 26What is the maximum number of days ofemployment a rural poor would get under MGNREGA

मनरगा ( MGNREGA ) क अ तगत कसी ामीण नधन य कोअधकतम कतन दन तक रोजगार मल सकता ह Options1) 180 days180 दन2) 120 days120 दन3) 100 days100 दन4) 90 days90 दनCorrect Answer 100 days100 दन

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Candidate Answer 100 days100 दन Question 27Scheduled bank is a bank which is hellip

अनसचत बक एक ऐसा बक ह जो hellipOptions1) Nationalisedरा यकत हो2) Not Nationalisedरा यकत न हो3) Based in foreign Countryसर दश म थापत हो4) Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCorrect Answer Included in the second schedule of RBIभारतीय रजव बक क सरी अनसची म शामल हCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 28Black soil is also known by which of thefollowing name

काली म ओर कस नाम स जानी जाती ह

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Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 23: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) Khadar Soilखादर म2) Bangar Soilबगर म3) Alluivial Soilकछारी म4) Regur soilरगर मCorrect Answer Regur soilरगर मCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 29What is the name of the book written byPanini

पाणनी ारा रचत प तक का या नाम ह Options1) Mahabhashyaमहाभा य2) Mitaksharaमतार3) Madhyamika Karikaमायमका कारका4) Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Correct Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायीCandidate Answer Ashtadhyayiअ टा यायी Question 30Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan

ख खा न कौन-स राजवश का ारभ कया थाOptions1) The Sayyidsसयद2) The Lodhisलोधी3) The Rajputsराजपत4) The KhiljisखलजीCorrect Answer The SayyidsसयदCandidate Answer The Sayyidsसयद Question 31The instrument used for measuring airpressure is called hellip

वायदाब को मापन क य को कहत ह

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Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 25: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर2) Barometerबरोमीटर3) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर4) ThermometerथममीटरCorrect Answer BarometerबरोमीटरCandidate Answer Hygrometerहाइोमीटर Question 32Gustation refers to the sense of which of thefollowing

वादन स आशय न नलखत म स कस स ह

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Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 26: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) Smellसघन2) Hearingसनन3) Tactile पश स4) Taste वादCorrect Answer Taste वादCandidate Answer Taste वाद Question 33Intensity of any wave is proportional to whichof the following

कसी तरग क बलता उसक न नलखत म स कसक अनपात म होतीह

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Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 27: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) amplitudeआयाम2) Square of amplitudeआयाम का वग3) Square root of amplitudeआयाम का वगमल4) Cube of amplitudeआयाम का घनCorrect Answer Square of amplitudeआयाम का वगCandidate Answer amplitudeआयाम Question 34In the following list of devices which deviceis used in network layer

य को न नलखत सची म स नटवक लयर क लए कौन-सा य य तहोता ह

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Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 28: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) Repeatersपनरावतक (रपीटर)2) Routerराउटर3) Application Gatewayएलकशन गटव4) Switch वचCorrect Answer RouterराउटरCandidate Answer Routerराउटर Question 35NTPC is a Central Public Sector Enterprise inwhich sector

एनटपीसीएक क य लोक उम ह जो न नलखत म स कस स स बधत ह

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Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 29: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) Educationशा2) Health वा य3) Powerवत4) TransportपरवहनCorrect Answer PowerवतCandidate Answer Powerवत Question 36Which State government has launched theSmart Village Programme to improve public facilities invillage

कस रा य सरकार न ाम म सावजनक सवधा म सधार लान कउय स माट वलज ोाम का श कया

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Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 30: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) Maharashtraमहारा 2) Rajasthanराज थान3) Odishaउड़ीसा4) GujaratगजरातCorrect Answer GujaratगजरातCandidate Answer Maharashtraमहारा Question 37Rodrigo Digong Duterte emerged winner in2016 presidential elections of which country

कस दश क रा पत क 2016 क चनाव म रोग डगाग डयट न जीतहासल क

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Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 31: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) Mexicoमसको2) The Philippinesफलप स3) Spain पन4) SingaporeसगापरCorrect Answer The Philippinesफलप सCandidate Answer Singaporeसगापर Question 38What is commonly known as white plague

वत लग को आमतौर पर कस नाम स जाना जाता ह

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Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 32: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) Typhoidटायफाइड

(आ वर)2) Malariaमलरया3) Tuberculosisय रोग4) Plague लगCorrect Answer Tuberculosisय रोगCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 39What are gilt-edged securities

ठ तभतया या ह Options1) Securities issued by the multinational companiesबरा य क पनय ारा जारी तभतया2) Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतया3) Securities issued by the private sectorनजी ारा जारी तभतया4) Securities issued by the joint venture companiesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया

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Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 33: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Correct Answer Securities issued by the Governmentसरकार ारा जारी तभतयाCandidate Answer Securities issued by the joint venturecompaniesसय-उम क पनय ारा जारी तभतया Question 40In whose consultation does the Presidentconvene and prorogue all sessions of Parliament

रा पत कसक परामश स ससद क सभी स आयोजत और थगतकरत हOptions1) The Speakerअ य2) The Prime Ministerधान म ी3) The Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition inLok Sabhaधानम ी और लोकसभा म वरोधी प क नता4) The Council of Ministersमी परषदCorrect Answer The Prime Ministerधान म ीCandidate Answer The Speakerअ य

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Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 34: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Question 41With which religion is Kaivalya associated

कव य कौन-स धम स स बधत ह Options1) Buddhismबौ2) Jainismजन3) Hinduismह 4) Sikhismस खCorrect Answer JainismजनCandidate Answer Jainismजन Question 42Bauxite is used as raw material by whichindustry

कस उोग ारा बॉ साइड क च माल क तौर पर इ तमाल कया जाता ह

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Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 35: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) Aluminiumए यमनयम2) Ironलोहा3) Steel टल (इ पात)4) GoldसोनाCorrect Answer Aluminiumए यमनयमCandidate Answer Aluminiumए यमनयम Question 43The large collection of stars dust and gasheld together by gravitational attraction betweencomponents is known as

घटक क बीच ग वाकषण ारा भारी माा म एक साथ एक ए तारधल और गस को या कहत ह

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Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 36: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) Clusterग छा2) Atmosphereवायम डल3) Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)4) Sun FamilyसौरपरवारCorrect Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा)Candidate Answer Galaxyमदाकनी (आकाशगगा) Question 44Thermal electricity is generated by usingwhich of these

न नलखत म स कसका योग करक ऊ मीय वघत पदा क जाती ह Options1) Coal only कवल कोयला2) Coal and Natural Gas onlyकोयला और ाकतक गस3) Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयम4) None of theseइनम स कोई नह

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Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 37: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Correct Answer Coal Natural Gas and Petroleumकोयला ाकतक गस और पोलयमCandidate Answer Coal only कवल कोयला Question 45When iron rusts its weight hellip

जब लोह म जग लग जाता ह तो उसका वजन Options1) decreasesघट जाता ह2) increasesबढ जाता ह3) remains the sameवही रहता ह4) first increases and then decreasesपहल बढता ह और फर घटता हCorrect Answer increasesबढ जाता हCandidate Answer increasesबढ जाता ह Question 46The driest location on Earth is in whichcountry

प वी पर सबस श क थान कौन-स दश म ह

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Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 38: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) Kenyaक या2) Chileचली3) Congoकागो4) LibyaलबयाCorrect Answer ChileचलीCandidate Answer Kenyaक या Question 47Which leader of British Labour Party wasrecently elected the first Muslim Mayor of London

टश लबर पाट क कौन स नता को हाल ही म ल दन का थम मलममयर चना गया

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Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 39: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) Sadiq Khanसादक खान2) Ataullah Khanअताउ ला खान3) Firdauz Zaidiफरदौस ज़द4) Karim Shaikhकरीम शख़Correct Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खानCandidate Answer Sadiq Khanसादक खान Question 48Lady Ratan Tata Trophy is related to whichgame

लडी रतन टाटा ॉफ कस खल स सबधत ह

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Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 40: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) Basketballबा कटबॉल2) Hockeyहॉक3) Kho-Khoखो-खो4) CricketकटCorrect Answer HockeyहॉकCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 49Which instrument is used for measuringhumidity of atmosphere

वायम डल म आता मापन क लए य त य को या कहत ह Options1) Barometerबरोमीटर2) Anemometerएनीमोमीटर3) Thermometerथमामीटर4) Hygrometerहाइोमीटर

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Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 41: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Correct Answer HygrometerहाइोमीटरCandidate Answer Barometerबरोमीटर Question 50Pankaj Advani is associated with whichsport

पकज आडवाणी का नाम कस खल स जड़ा ह Options1) Billiardsबलयडस2) Boxingबॉसग3) Cricketकट4) Badmintonबडम टनCorrect Answer BilliardsबलयडसCandidate Answer Billiardsबलयडस

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Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 42: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Question 51Find the least number which must besubtracted from 18265 to make it a perfect square

वह यनतम स या ात कजए जो 18265 स घटाय जान पर और उसपण वग बना द Options1) 30

2) 38

3) 40

4) 45Correct Answer 40Candidate Answer 40 Question 52A and B together can do a piece of work in 36days B and C together can do it in 24 days A and Ctogether can do it in 18 days The three working togethercan finish the work in

A और B मकर कसी काम को 36 दन म कर सकत ह B और Cमकर उस 24 दन म कर सकत ह A और C मलकर उस 18 दन मकर सकत ह तीन मलकर काम कर तो उस कतन दन म परा करग

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Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 43: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) 8 days8 दन2) 16 days16 दन3) 30 days30 दन4) 32 days32 दनCorrect Answer 16 days16 दनCandidate Answer 16 days16 दन Question 53Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 21cms and 20 cms The diagonal joining the end points ofthese two sides is 29 cms The area of the parallelogram(in sqcms) is

एक समातर चतभज क दो आस न भजा 21 समी और 20 समी कह इन दोनो भजा क सर को जोड़न वाला वकण 29 समीह समातरचतभज का फल कतना ( वग समी) होगा

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Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 44: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) 240

2) 120

3) 210

4) 420Correct Answer 420Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 54A dealer marks his goods 20 above costprice He then allows some discount on it and makes aprofit of 8 The rate of discount is

एक वता अपन सामान पर लागत म य स 20 अधक म य अकतकरता ह उस पर वह कछ छट दता ह और 8 का लाभ कमाता ह छट कदर या ह Options1) 42) 63) 104) 12Correct Answer 10Candidate Answer 10

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Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 45: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Question 55Sum of two numbers is thrice theirdifference Their ratio is

दो स या का योग उनक अतर स तगना ह उनका अनपात या ह Options1) 12

2) 21

3) 31

4) 13Correct Answer 21Candidate Answer 21 Question 56The average age of 36 students in a group is14 years When the teachers age is included in it theaverage increases by one The teachers age in years is

36 छा क एक समह क औसत आय 14 वष ह जब उसम शक कआय शामल कर द जाती ह तो औसत एक बढ़ जाता ह शक क आयकतन वष ह

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Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 46: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) 31

2) 51

3) 36

4) 50Correct Answer 51Candidate Answer 36 Question 57A dishonest dealer professes to sell hisgoods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for thekilogram weight His gain in percentage is

एक बईमान वता अपना सामान लागत म य पर बचन का दावा करता हलकन कलोाम वजन क बदल म 875 ाम क वजन ( बाट ) काइ तमाल करता ह उसका लाभ तशत कतना होगा Options1) 172)


4) 14

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Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 47: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

Question 58As salary is 50 more than that of B ThenBs salary is less than that of A by

A का वतन B क वतन स 50 अधक ह तो B का वतन A स कतना कमह Options1) 502)



Correct Answer

Candidate Answer

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Question 59Speed of a boat along and against thecurrent are 14 kmshr and 8 kmshr respectively Thespeed of the current is

एक नौका क गत धारा क साथ और तकल दशा म मश 14 कमीघ टा और 8 कमीघ टा ह धारा क गत कतनी ह Options1) 11 kmshr11 कमीघटा2) 6 kmshr6 कमीघटा3) 55 kmshr55 कमीघटा4) 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCorrect Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटाCandidate Answer 3 kmshr3 कमीघटा Question 60If the simple interest on Rs 1 for 1 month is1 paisa then the rate percent per annum will be

यद Rs 1 पर 1 माह का साधारण याज 1 पसा ह तो वाषक दर तशतकतना होगा

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Options1) 10

2) 8

3) 12

4) 6Correct Answer 12Candidate Answer 12 Question 61If ab + ba = 1 then the value of a3 + b3willbe

यद ab + ba = 1 तो a3 + b3 कतना होगा Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 50: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Question 62If p = 99 then the value of p(p2+3p+3) will be

यद p = 99 तो p(p2+3p+3) का मान या होगा Options1) 999999

2) 1000000

3) 1000001

4) 999998Correct Answer 999999Candidate Answer 999999 Question 63If a-b=1 and a3-b3 = 61 then the value of abwill be

यद a-b=1 और a3-b3 = 61 तो ab का मान या होगा Options1) -20

2) 20

3) 30

4) 60Correct Answer 20

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Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 51: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Candidate Answer 20 Question 64

Options1) 2a-b

2) a+b

3) a-b

4) 2a+bCorrect Answer a-bCandidate Answer a-b Question 65The point where the 3 medians of a trianglemeet is called

उस ब को या कहत ह जस पर एक भज क तीन मीडयन मलत ह

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Options1) centroidक क2) Incentreअतक 3) Circumcentreपरक 4) orthocentreलबक Correct Answer centroidक कCandidate Answer centroidक क Question 66∆ ABC a right angled triangle has angB = 90degand AC is hypotenuse D is its circumcentre and AB = 3cms BC = 4 cms The value of BD is

∆ ABC एक समकोणीय भज ह इसम angB =90deg और AC कण ह Dउसका परक ह और AB = 3 समी BC = 4 समी ह तो BD का मान या ह

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Options1) 3cms3 समी2) 4 cms4 समी3) 25 cms25 समी4) 55 cms55 समीCorrect Answer 25 cms25 समीCandidate Answer 3cms3 समी Question 67∆ ABC is an equilateral triangle and D E aremidpoints of AB and BC respectively Then the area of ∆ABC the area of the trapezium ADEC is

∆ ABC एक समबा भज ह और DE मश AB और BC क म य बह तो ∆ ABC क फल व समल ब ADEC क फल का अनपातकतना होगा

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Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 54: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) 53

2) 41

3) 85

4) 43Correct Answer 43Candidate Answer 41 Question 68

Options1) 75deg

2) 30deg

3) 150deg

4) 105degCorrect Answer 105degCandidate Answer 105deg

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Question 69

Options1) 1

2) 0

3) -1

4) 2Correct Answer 0Candidate Answer 0 Question 70If x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ and z=aSinθ then the value of x2+ y2 + z2 is

यद x=aCosθCosΦ y = aCosθSinΦ और z= aSinθ हो तो x2 +y2 + z2 का मान या ह

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Options1) 2a2

2) 4a2

3) 9a2

4) a2

Correct Answer a2

Candidate Answer a2

Question 71A 16 m tall observer is 45 meters away froma tower The angle of elevation from his eye to the top ofthe tower is 30deg then the height of the tower in meters is

(Take radic3 = 1732)

16 मी ल बा एक क कसी टॉवर स 45 मी र ह उसक ख सटॉवर क शीष तक उ नयन कोण 30deg ह टॉवर क ऊचाई कतन मी होगी

( माना radic3 = 1732 )

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Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 57: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Options1) 2598

2) 2658

3) 2758

4) 2798Correct Answer 2758Candidate Answer 2758

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Question 72The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the below poverty line population of the village X is12160 then the population of village S is

यद गव X क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद 12160 ह तो गॉव S कआबाद कतनी होगी Options1) 18500

2) 20500

3) 22000

4) 20000Correct Answer 22000Candidate Answer 22000

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Question 73The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

The ratio of the below poverty line population of village Tto that of the below poverty line population of village Z is

गव T क गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद तथा गवZ क गरीबी रखा सनीच क आबाद का अनपात कतना ह Options1) 1123

2) 1311

3) 2311

4) 1113Correct Answer 2311

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Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Page 60: Downloaded from www.… · 6ZJXYNTS 8JQJHY YMJ WJQFYJI \TWI QJYYJWX SZRGJW KWTR YMJ LN[JS FQYJWSFYN[JX दये गये वकप मसे संबधत शद अर संया

Candidate Answer 2311 Question 74The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

If the population of the village R is 32000 then the belowpoverty line population of village Y is

यद गव R क आबाद 32000 ह तो गव Y क गरीबी रखा स नीच कआबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Options1) 14100

2) 15600

3) 16500

4) 17000Correct Answer 15600Candidate Answer 15600

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Question 75The following pie chart shows proportion ofpopulation of seven villages in 2009 Study the pie chartand answer the questions that follows

न नलखत पाई-चाट म 2009 म सात गव क आबाद का अनपातदशाया गया ह पाई-चाट का अ ययन कजए और न नलखत न काउ तर दजए

In 2010 the population of Y and V increases by 10each and the percentage of population below poverty lineremains unchanged for all the villages If in 2009 thepopulation of village Y was 30000 then the below povertyline population of village V in 2010 is _____

2010 म Y और V गवो क आबाद 10 बढ़ जाती ह और सभी गवोक गरीबी रखा स नीच क आबाद का तशत अपरवतत रहता ह यद2009 म गव Y क आबाद 30000 थी तो 2010 म गॉव V क गरीबीरखा स नीच क आबाद कतनी ह

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Options1) 11250

2) 12760

3) 13140

4) 13780Correct Answer 12760Candidate Answer 12760 Question 76In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which best expresses themeaning of the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it


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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Question 77In the following question out of the fouralternatives choose the word which is opposite inmeaning to the given word and click the buttoncorresponding to it

INTANGIBLEOptions1) ETHEREAL2) CONCRETE3) INSUBSTANTIAL4) ABSTRACTCorrect Answer CONCRETECandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 78Four words are given out of which only oneword is spelt correctly Choose the correctly spelt wordand click the button corresponding to itOptions1) Pontifical2) Pontiffical3) Pontifecal4) PontificolCorrect Answer PontificalCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Question 79In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

I always enjoy (A) to read (B) books (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer BCandidate Answer B Question 80In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Variety (A) is (B) spice of life (C) No Error (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer CCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Question 81In the following questions one part of thesentence may have an error Find out which part of thesentence has an error and click the button correspondingto it If the sentence is free from error click the No erroroption

Neither of the scout leaders know (A) how to trap wildanimals (B) or how to prepare them for mounting (C) NoError (D)Options1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer ACandidate Answer B Question 82The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

We can __________ see anything in the dim light

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Options1) badly2) scarcely3) fairly4) ratherCorrect Answer scarcelyCandidate Answer scarcely Question 83The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

Few countries can __________ India in variety colour andthe richness of dance formsOptions1) compare2) rival3) perform4) prevailCorrect Answer rivalCandidate Answer rival

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Question 84The sentences given with blanks are to befilled with an appropriate word(s) Four alternatives aresuggested for each question For each question choosethe correct alternative and click the button correspondingto it

The scheme allows students from different countries tocommunicate __________Options1) each other2) with each others3) themselves4) with one anotherCorrect Answer with one anotherCandidate Answer each other Question 85In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Straw in the windOptions1) A light-weight object2) A lucky charm3) A game that kids play4) An indication of what might happenCorrect Answer An indication of what might happenCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Question 86In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Face the musicOptions1) Be applauded2) Be ridiculed3) Be punished4) Be dismissedCorrect Answer Be punishedCandidate Answer Be punished Question 87In each of the questions four alternatives aregiven for the IdiomPhrase Choose the alternative whichbest expresses the meaning of the IdiomPhrase andclick the button corresponding to it

Curry favourOptions1) Seek impartial judgement2) Seek favourable attention3) Prepare a dish4) Attract attentionCorrect Answer Seek favourable attentionCandidate Answer Seek impartial judgement

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Question 88Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

A brief or short stay at a placeOptions1) Solitude2) Soiree3) Sojourn4) SolisticeCorrect Answer SojournCandidate Answer Solitude Question 89Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

That which can be believedOptions1) Miraculous2) Creditable3) Credible4) GullibleCorrect Answer CredibleCandidate Answer Credible

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Question 90Out of the four alternatives choose the onewhich can be substituted for the given wordssentencesand click the button corresponding to it

One who is indifferent to pain or pleasureOptions1) Eccentric2) Philosopher3) Fatalist4) StoicCorrect Answer StoicCandidate Answer Fatalist Question 91A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

Knowing that the area was prone to earthquakes all thebuildings were reinforced with additional concreteOptions1) On being prone to earthquakes2) Having been knowing that the area was prone toearthquakes3) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes4) No improvement

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Correct Answer Since the area was known to be prone toearthquakesCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 92A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

I will not buy some mangoesOptions1) a little2) much3) any4) No improvementCorrect Answer anyCandidate Answer a little Question 93A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

He would surely assist me if I had requested him to do so

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Options1) would surely assisted me2) would have surely assisted me3) will have surely assisted me4) No improvementCorrect Answer would have surely assisted meCandidate Answer will have surely assisted me Question 94A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

The alarming report of the plane crash left everyone in astate of shockOptions1) alarmed report2) alarmed reporting3) reported alarm4) No improvementCorrect Answer No improvementCandidate Answer reported alarm

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Question 95A sentencea part of the sentence isunderlined Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpart which will improve the sentence Choose the correctalternative and click the button corresponding to it Incase no improvement is needed click the buttoncorresponding to No improvement

We were not the wiser after hearing the explanationOptions1) none2) neither3) nevertheless4) No improvementCorrect Answer noneCandidate Answer [ NOT ANSWERED ] Question 96A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the greatest pleasure this side of the lakeOptions1) A secret farm2) The Jamun tree3) Feasting on the branches of the Jamun tree4) Labourers looking away when the children came to digand eat

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Correct Answer The Jamun treeCandidate Answer A secret farm Question 97A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night before

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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pickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What was the second coolest thing about the JamuntreeOptions1) Shaking down the berries for Mirchi2) There were parrots nesting in the tree3) Selling parrots in the Marol Market4) Capturing parrots in the treeCorrect Answer There were parrots nesting in the treeCandidate Answer There were parrots nesting in the tree Question 98A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kalu

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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and Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for theirsquawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

What did Sunil think of parrots

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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Options1) That they should be captured and sold2) That they had been abducted in the night3) That they should not be captured and sold4) That they squawked every morningCorrect Answer That they should not be captured andsoldCandidate Answer That they should be captured andsold Question 99A passage is given with 5 questionsfollowing it Read the passage carefully and choose thebest answer to each question out of the four alternativesand click the button corresponding to it

Another marvel on the far side of the lake was a little farmthat felt like a secret in the city Some of the gauntKarnataka labourers even looked away when childrencame to dig and eat But the greatest pleasure this sideof the lake was the jamun tree A few months back Kaluand Sunil had a feast in the branches shaking down a fewberries for Mirchi

Thats when they came to know the second-coolest thingabout the jamun tree There were parrots nesting in itSince then some other road boys had been capturing theparrots one by one to sell at the Marol Market but Sunilhad brought Kalu around to the belief that the birdsshould be left as they were Sunil listened for their

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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squawks each morning to make sure they hadnt beenabducted in the night

Kalus expertise was in the recycling bins inside airlinecatering compounds Private waste collectors emptiedthese dumpsters on a regular basis but Kalu hadmastered the trash trucks schedules The night beforepickup Kalu would climb over the barbed-wire fences andraid the overflowing bins

Kalus routine had become known by the local policehowever He kept getting caught until some constablesproposed a different arrangement Kalu could keep hismetal scrap if hed pass on information he picked up onthe road about local drug dealers

How did Kalu manage to raid the airline recycling binsbefore they were emptiedOptions1) He was an expert2) He jumped over the barbed wire fences3) He had mastered the trash trucks schedules4) He worked at nightCorrect Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedulesCandidate Answer He had mastered the trash trucksschedules Question 100A passage is given with 5 questions

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