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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CSMRS Building, 4th Floor, Olof Palme Marg

Hauz Khas, New Delhi -110016

HIS-Groundwater Data Entry Software(HIS-GW/DES)

Users’ Manual


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HIS-Groundwater Data Entry SoftwareHIS-GWDES

Users' Manual

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 3

2 Hardware requirements ............................................................................................. 5

3 Installation Procedures ............................................................................................. 63.1 Window settings ........................................................................................................... 7

4 Procedures for working with version 2.04............................................................... 8

5 Features of HIS-GWDES ............................................................................................ 95.1 Major data Items .......................................................................................................... 95.2 Graphics..................................................................................................................... 105.3 Primary validation....................................................................................................... 105.4 Reports....................................................................................................................... 115.5 Export......................................................................................................................... 115.6 Data Analysis and Statistics....................................................................................... 115.7 User Interface Administration and Security Features................................................. 125.8 Data Transfer ............................................................................................................. 125.9 Forms and sub-forms ................................................................................................. 125.10 Data types .............................................................................................................. 14

6 Units and conversions............................................................................................. 156.1 Conversion factors conversion table .......................................................................... 166.2 Calculator ................................................................................................................... 16

7 Operating “HIS-GWDES”......................................................................................... 177.1 Start-up ...................................................................................................................... 177.2 Creating User Name, Password and assigning Permissions..................................... 187.3 Creation and registration of work areas ..................................................................... 197.4 Customising State, District, Block, Taluk names........................................................ 207.5 Customising Drainage Basin/ Sub Basin names........................................................ 217.6 Customising Water Quality Parameters and Screens................................................ 217.7 Management of Masters tables.................................................................................. 227.8 Options....................................................................................................................... 237.9 Fragmentation of Data Base ...................................................................................... 247.10 Consolidation of Database .................................................................................... 25

8 Data Entry/Edit/View ................................................................................................ 278.1 Well Information General ........................................................................................... 278.2 Well Details ................................................................................................................ 378.3 Lithology..................................................................................................................... 498.4 Water Quality ............................................................................................................. 508.5 Water levels ............................................................................................................... 53

9 DWLR Data Handling ............................................................................................... 579.1 Install DWLR .............................................................................................................. 579.2 Import DWLR Data..................................................................................................... 579.3 View, Print, Delete DWLR Data ................................................................................. 589.4 DWLR Hydrograph..................................................................................................... 599.5 Optimising DWLR Monitoring Frequency................................................................... 59

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10 Rainfall Data ............................................................................................................. 6010.1 Add station.............................................................................................................. 6010.2 Rainfall data entry................................................................................................... 6010.3 Import from SWDES ............................................................................................... 6010.4 Monthly rainfall report ............................................................................................. 61

11 Reports...................................................................................................................... 6211.1 General Reports ..................................................................................................... 6211.2 Advanced Reports .................................................................................................. 6311.3 Validations .............................................................................................................. 68

12 Export of Data........................................................................................................... 69General Information .............................................................................................................. 6912.2 Water Quality.......................................................................................................... 6912.3 Lithology ................................................................................................................. 6912.4 Water Level Data................................................................................................... 70

13 Creating Data Backup.............................................................................................. 71

14 Concluding Remarks ............................................................................................... 72

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1 Introduction

Hydrological Information System -Groundwater Data Entry Software (HIS-GWDES) Version2.04 has been developed to facilitate computerisation of historical as well as current data.The version 2.04 is an upgrade to the earlier versions 1.01 – 2.03. The new version hasbeen developed on Access 97 and has number of additional features, matching most of therequirements of the groundwater agencies participating in the Hydrology Project.

The data entry software has been designed essentially to standardise the data organisationprocedures by all the agencies participating in the Hydrology Project. The data entrysoftware has no analytical capabilities; the dedicated software will accomplish this, which islikely to be implemented in the Year 2001. In order to carry out specialised analysis until theimplementation of dedicated software, the data entry software provides facilities for exportingthe data in an ASCII format which is compatible with specialised application software.

This Users Manual is a comprehensive guide to working with the software.

The Hydrology Project (HP) aims to establish a Hydrological Information System (HIS) atagency, state and national level for hydro-meteorological, surface water and groundwaterquantity and quality data. The HIS envisaged, comprises the infrastructure of physical andhuman resources to collect, process, store and disseminate data on geo-hydrological andhydro-meteorological variables. The physical infrastructure includes observation networks,laboratories, data communication system and data centres equipped with databases andtools for data entry, validation, analysis, retrieval and dissemination. The data centresinclude a State Data Storage Centre and Data Processing Centres at the professionalagencies. The state data centre is a storage facility for reliable data sets that are processed,validated and authenticated at the data processing centres. As such, the processing centresare required to include a comprehensive hardware and dedicated software system that willbe able to accommodate all the processing and temporary storage involved.

As part of the establishment of a comprehensive Hydrological Information System (HIS), theHydrology Project proposes to organise the vast amount of groundwater data presentlyavailable either as paper based manuscripts, computerised data related to the piezometersconstruction, ground water levels, water quality results and digital water level data into onesingle database. In order to standardise the computerisation of all available data, theGroundwater Data Entry Software HIS-GWDES-I has been developed and made it availableto all the agencies.

The new version HIS-GWDES is an upgrade of HIS-GWDES-I. The present versionincorporates new features such as facility for appending DWLR data, importing rainfall data,carrying out standard primary validations, organisation of geophysical electrical logging data,and generation of advanced reports. The HIS-GWDES software, customised to therequirement of the users, is made available on CD. The software includes a set-upprogramme that copy’s the files to the user’s computer, registers necessary controls andsets values in the system registry. This enables the user to run the software on a computerwith Windows-98.

The data entry format adopted in this software has incorporated number of additional fieldthat includes all the different tasks taken up by the agencies participating in the HP. Whiledeveloping the new versions all efforts have been made to see that the form layouts and

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methodology of operation of the software does not have marked changes. It is our belief thatthose experienced with the working of the lower version 1.01-2.04 can easily get acquaintedwith the new version after a day’s training. Additionally the updated user manual whichcomes with the new version of the software has been so prepared as to guide the users toget to understand all the additional features on the software on their own.

The HIS-GWDES II (version 2.04) software has number of features including data entry,data append (DWLR and Rainfall), data export, consolidate & fragment data bases,graphical tools, database security, primary validation tools and reporting features(customised and free format). The developers of the software have put in considerableefforts to thoroughly test the routines and formats of data recording.

It is believed that the package provides efficient and powerful facility for standardising all thegroundwater related information collected by the different groundwater agencies in thecountry.

In order to facilitate simple entry, avoiding redundancy, the data entry program has beenorganized by grouping related fields. On initiation, the program seeks general informationdealing with the Well location, followed by the Well type. Considering the type of Well, therequired fields are displayed. The time dependent (water level) data cannot be entered intothe database unless the time independent (general information) data is entered.

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2 Hardware requirements

The minimum recommended hardware and software support necessary for running thissoftware program is

• Pentium with 166 MHz + (preferably – Pentium 200/Pentium II)

• Colour monitor with 840 x 600 resolution

• 32 Mb RAM +

• 1.2 GB Hard disk with minimum 200 Mb free space

• Operating system - Windows 95 / 98

• Access 97 Optional

• CD-ROM drive

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3 Installation Procedures

The HIS-GWDES II software is made available as Compact Disk (CD). The software can beinstalled by following the normal installation procedures by running the Set-up programmeavailable on the directory on CD. The Set-up programme will check the computer and willask a series of questions before it installs the software. If the set-up programme detectsrunning applications that may interfere with the installation, the user is suitably alerted. Onsuccessful installation, GWDES is listed as a programme and can be run from the WindowsProgramme Manager (Start button on the Taskbar). An icon (shortcut) can also be made onthe desktop, which can then be clicked to start the programme quickly.

The installation procedure to be followed is described below:

• Insert the CD.

• Click the “Start” button to open Windows 95/98 menu bar.Choose “Run…” from the menu bar and press ‘Enter’ from thekeyboard or click it using the mouse.

• Enter the full path of the “Set-up” program by typing the pathand name of the folder or by using the browse button.

• Run the “Set-up” programme by pressing“enter” on the keyboard or clicking “OK” bymouse. A message box “Starting GWDESVersion 2.04 Set up…” appears

• Another message follows welcoming theuser to the installation of GWDES. At thisstage the user is warned not to run anyother application during the installation. Theinstallation process can be continued oraborted at this stage as desired by theuser. On pressing the “Continue” button theinstallation process begins.

• The next message box displays the defaultdestination directory, in which the softwarewill be installed, In case the user wish tospecify different directory then the samecan be given by specifying the full path withthe help of “Change Folder” button. Thedesired location of the software installationcan then be confirmed by pressing the “OK”button.

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• At this stage a message appearsdisplaying “Checking for installedcomponents” followed by anothermessage box. This message boxdisplays three boxes with pictures ofpersonal computers displaying options oftypical, custom and compact.

• Click on the button with Typical i.eGWDES will be installed with mostcommonly used options.

• The installation will take a few minutes.Care has to be taken to see that theinstallation is not aborted midway.Successful completion of the installationprocess or otherwise is indicated by amessage GWDES set-up wascompleted successfully or notcompleted as case may be.

Press ↵ Enter on keyboard or click on OK.

The HISGW icon appears indicating the successful completion.

3.1 Window settings

• Display resolution: The recommended resolution of the screen is 800X600.

• Regional setting:The regional setting should be English (British) or English (UnitedKingdom).

• Date and Time format: The short date format should be ‘dd/mm/yy’, long date formatshould be ‘dd/mm/yyyy’ and the time format should be ‘HH:MM:ss’.

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4 Procedures for working with version 2.04

Computerisation of groundwater data using the HISGW/ DES- II version 2.04 calls forcertain preparatory work.

If the groundwater data has been computerised using the earlier version (up to 2.03) thenthe necessary changes that has occurred in the different versions has to be incorporated inthe data structure before it can be read by the new version. This can be accomplished byusing the VersionControl software thatcomes with theprogramme.

In the program menuselect Version control.The version controlmain form appears.Select the HISdatabase file that wascreated on the HIS-GWDES-I (up to version2.03) which has to be converted to version 2.04. Use the Browseoption to locate and select the file to be converted and the path of the GWDES Structure filethat will be on the GWDES folder and has the name of gw-stru.mdb. Click ‘Analyse’ buttonto compare the database with the ‘gw-stru.mdb’ and prepares a list of activities to be done toconvert it to the current version. If desired the user can view the log by clicking ‘ActivityLog’ button. Click ‘Convert’ and the file will be converted to the new format. The ‘Compact’option removes all the temporary tables and compacts the database.

If the data entry is to begin for the first time using the version 2.04 then the followingpreparatory work has to be carried out.

• Organise systematically the different categories of monitoring well data/ piezometerconstruction data / water quality data.

• Consolidate all data entry sheets and reports in the data entry centre.

• Scrutinise the data and classify data under reliable and suspect category.

• Reconfirm suspected data values from field records after visit to the well site.

• Reconfirm values of well elevation, MP (Measuring Point) and well depth.

• Transfer well locations on to Survey of India topo-sheets in the scale of 1:50,000 andreconfirm the geographical co-ordinate values.

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5 Features of HIS-GWDES

The Ground Water Data Entry Software HIS-GWDES II (version 2.04) is an improvementfrom the earlier versions which facilitates fresh entry of the data, import earlier lower versiondata, append DWLR data and integrate the same in a single data base, attach rainfall datafor generate composite hydrographs, hydrographs of multiple wells, generate customised oruser defined reports and carry out data validations.

The software enables record by record entry. This allows the user to input data, review orupdate the individual well information. However for monitoring water level data from multiplewells provision is made for entering data for all the wells in the database from a singlescreen.

The new version comes with increased security features. User levels can beclearly defined. Higher level users (database in-charge) have been providedwith facilities for customising fields containing information related toadministrative boundaries, drainage basins, sub-basins, rock types,geomorphology which appear in combo box. Customisation can be made tothe listed parameters matching the local requirements.

In the fields provided with the combo box the user has to select from the list ofalternatives instead of typing it. One can either type first few characters orselect from the list. Entries other than the listed choices are not available forcommon users responsible for data entry or data editing.

The new version of the software offers facility for storing geophysicalelectrical logging data as well generate bore hole logs. This version alsofacilitates entry of time series water level observations from multiple wellsfrom a single data entry screen. Provision for appending the Digital waterlevel data measured through DWLR to a piezometer record as wellgenerating composite hydrograph combining manual water levelmeasurements, high frequency measurements through DWLR and rainfalldata in a single graph. Manual water level data and DWLR data of multiplewells can be generated as a single hydrograph.

5.1 Major data Items

• Administrative location

• Geographical co-ordinate, altitude, measuring point reference

• Geology and Stratigraphy

• Geomorphology

• Well use

• Command area

• Lithology

• Drill time log

• Water bearing zones

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• Well drilling

• Well construction

• Well dimensions

• Well development

• Geophysical logs

• Pumping test (Step test, APT(Pumping/ recovery))

• Aquifer characteristics

• Water quality

• Water levels

• Integration of DWLR data

Auto sense of all DWLR types

Auto import of data to DES

Separate archive for data

Comprehensive Graphic and Analysis module supported

Data Transfer Session Control

• Rainfall data (also include feature to import rainfall data from SWDES)

5.2 Graphics

• Graphical presentation of litholog

• Graphical presentation of geophysical log

• Graphical presentation of water bearing zones

• Graphical presentation of well drilling/design

• Graphical presentation of drill-time log

• Composite plot of the above

• Hydrograph with facility to zoom, scale, pan, and customise, read data from

graph, trend, season, print, export, etc.

• Composite Hydrograph (Water level/temp/rain fall, manual WL, DWLR data)

• Multiple Hydrograph (Comparative, Superimpose)

• Graphical presentation of catagorisation of depth to water levels

• Graphical presentation of fluctuation of water levels

5.3 Primary validation

• Check for completeness of data

• Water level with reference to depth of well

• Check for well dimension

• Check for well construction data

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• Check for basin/sub basin

• Water quality: Inter parameter relationship

• Water quality: range

• Water quality: Ionic balance

5.4 Reports

(Free format-reporting feature & customised reports:)

• General Information

• Well details

• Water quality

• Water level (tabular/ columnar)

• Lithology (listing/graphics)

• Basic data report for bore wells/tube wells

• Water table data of hydrograph stations and their comparison with any two

previous measurements

• Water level data of hydrograph stations and comparison with N years mean

• Categorisation of water level fluctuations

• Categorisation of water levels

• Trend of water level

• Summarised water level report (min, max and average)

5.5 Export

• To GIS: Arc-view

• To Surfer

• To GWW

• Free format ASCII data

5.6 Data Analysis and Statistics

• Spectral Analysis

• Harmonic Analysis

• Optimal Analysis

• General Statistics

• Run Analysis

• Auto-correlogram

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5.7 User Interface Administration and Security Features

• Three Login Levels with encrypted Password Control

• Super-user Password feature

• Data stored in separate Work-areas with complete Administrative Control

• Option of Creating multiple work-areas from one work-area (User controlled)

• Option of combining work areas selectively

• Option to customise data on the following :

• Administrative Set-up

• Basins

• WQ Parameters and Analysis Methods

• Sequence of WQ Parameters

• Geology

• Geomorphology

• Lithology

5.8 Data Transfer

• Data Transfer in ASCII / MDB format

• Session Log file to provide complete control over transfer

5.9 Forms and sub-forms

The HIS-GWDES data entry software is made up of number of customized forms and sub-forms for establishing relationships, and to provide the users simple data entry screens.Related forms are linked together and can be invoked by the command buttons.

Three levels of forms have been designed.

5.9.1 Well Information-General:

Provides a layout for entering, editing or viewing the time independent General informationone record at a time related to the details on well location, geology, geo-morphology anddrainage system, DWLR installation details and associated Rain Gauge station.

5.9.2 Details:

Provides a layout for entering, changing and viewing, data (one record) on well construction,designs, aquifer type, casing, screen, geophysical logging data, pumping test and the liftingdevices.

Well design:

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Provides a layout for entering, editing and viewing (one record) of tube well designsincluding drilling mud, screen position, gravel pack, grout and seal.

Geophysical Logging

Provides a layout for entering, editing and viewing geophysical logging data and generationof plot.

Pumping Test

Provides a layout for entering, editing and viewing (one record) of Step Draw test andAquifer Performance test data as well as results.

5.9.3 Lithology:

Provides a layout for entering, editing and viewing (one record) depth wise information oflithology, colour, texture and shape. The drill time log can also be entered here. The formprovides option for printing/plotting the lithological details of the current record.

5.9.4 Water Quality:

Provides a layout for entering, editing and viewing (single/ multiple records) of water qualityanalysis results. In this form the user can add number of records to one well as well as carryout entry of information for several wells. Customisation of water quality entry screens is anoption made available. The form provides option for printing the water quality results of thecurrent record. The data can be validated here. There is option for the time series plot of theparameters.

Additional Water Quality:

Provides a layout for entering, editing and viewing (single record) of specialised water qualityparameters (trace, heavy, bacteriological, organic etc) not part of the regular analysis. .Customisation of this data entry screen by choosing the required parameter from a library ofgiven parameters is possible.

5.9.5 Water level:

Provides a layout for entering, editing and viewing time series (single & multiple wells)monitoring water levels. In this form the user can also view the water level hydrograph andprint reports.


The form provides scope for appending, organizing DWLR data and incorporating rainfalldata for generating composite water level hydrograph.

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5.10 Data types

Entries in the different fields are based on the data type assigned to the field. The operationsthat can be performed by the different fields are related to the data type. The different datatypes considered in the program are:


Dates to be entered as date-month-year (dd-mm-yyyy). The software checks for validdates.


Time to be entered only as four-digit number representing twenty four-hour clock to thenearest minute. Entries before “1000 hours” should be preceded by a zero.


Both real and integer values can be recorded. Defining the total numeric length and thenumber of decimal places wherever required validates the numeric field.


Alphanumeric string of text can be stored. Strings are validated to permit mixing of upper orlower case and/ or numeric characters. The length of string is defined in select cases wherethe input has to correspond with the length.


Memo is provided for recording ad-hoc text information for supplementing certain fieldinformation. The memo is only a screen facility and does not find use in query.

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6 Units and conversions

The data entry program has standardized the units for the relevant fields. All agenciesshould adopt the program default units. The conversion factors from the different units arealso made available. This facility will avoid the practical difficulty in manually converting thedata available with the agencies into common standard units. The standard units for depths,dimensions, time, pumping rates, transitivity, chemical analysis etc. appear in the screenagainst the fields. The data entry operator is expected to enter the data in the unitsmeasured.

Field Default units

Well dimension (Open Wells) Meter

Diameter of bore Wells/ tube Wells Mm

Elevation of Ground Level (MSL) Meter

Aquifer thickness Meter

Depth to water level Meter

Total depth Meter

Casing depth Meter

Screen length Meter

Grout length Meter

Casing diameter Mm

Screen diameter Mm

Gravel size Mm

Gravel volume cubic meter

Discharge cubic meter/ hour

Draw-down Meter

Well Efficiency Percent

Aquifer loss Percent

Well loss Percent

Duration day, hr, min.

Specific capacity cubic meter/ hour/ meter

Transitivity square meter/ day

Leakage factor Meter

Electrical conductivity microsiemens/ cm

Chemical parameters mg/l

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6.1 Conversion factors conversion table

1 inch = 25.4 mm

1 meter = 1000 mm

1 feet = 0.3048 meter

1 lt./ sec = 86.4 cu m/ day

1 lt./min. = 5184 cu m/ day

1 gpm = 5.45 cu m/ day

1 cu inch = 0.00001639 cu meter.

1 cu cm/ sec = 0.0864 cu m/ day

1 cu m/ hr = 24 cu m/ day

1 sq. m/ sec = 86400 sq. m/ day

1 sq. ft/ day = 0.0931098 sq. m/ day

6.2 Calculator

On line calculator has been provided to convert the data from one unit to the different whileworking with GWDES. To convert the value, enter the data in the respective field and clickon the calculator button, while the cursor is still in the same field. Then highlight the unit inthe calculator and click on transfer button.

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7 Operating “HIS-GWDES”

7.1 Start-up

The pre-requisite skills for working with HIS-GWDES II is essentially, familiarity with hydro-geological, geophysical and waterquality work along with basic computerskills. The software is user friendly andcan be mastered easily by technicalstaff with adequate field exposure. Thesequence of different operations whileworking with the software isdetermined by the specific task to beaccomplished during that loginsession.

The HIS-GWDES operation can beinitiated clicking the GWDES icon onthe desktop (screen) of the computeror using the 'programs' folder in thetask bar.

• Click “Start” button and the‘Program’ folder in the task bar.Then click on ‘GW Data EntrySystem’.

• The login window appears. For thefirst login after the installation of thesoftware type


(The administrator can delete thisinitial user profile, if desired, andnew profiles can be created foruser authorisation).

• Select ‘Sample’ in the Selection (Work Areas) box.

• Click “OK”

• The main switchboard appears. Ithas got 4 buttons i.e. Dataentry/edit, Reports, Export and Exit.For the user level 1, one toolbaralso appears at the top with thefacility to create new user, changepassword, create/register workarea, customise WQscreen/parameters, set global

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options, fragment and consolidate database.

7.2 Creating User Name, Password and assigning Permissions

In any field (unit) / head office number of technical personnel are likely to be involved withdata entry/ report generation/ data analysis work using the Data Entry Software. Thedifferent users need to be having different passwords and user levels, matching their tasks.The data centre in-charge will be responsible for assigning User name, Password and Userlevels. All the login names, passwords and user levels have to be systematicallydocumented and made available to the office in-charge. The login names, passwords anduser levels should be modified only when necessary and with the permission of the office in-charge. The customisation of optional fields should preferably be taken up at the agencylevel and at the unit level, only wherever required. All local customisation carried out has tobe systematically documented.

Every time a user opens the software the programme would know the user based on thelogin Name and password based on which level of permissions is granted.

The administrator can define the user profile, and new profiles can be created for userauthorisation.

7.2.1 Users

In the tool bar choose Users

The user screen appears. Enter the new User Name and Password and choose the userlevel. Record the same in a diary against the name of the person. There are three fieldsrequired for defining the profile of a user area as below.


This field is for indicating the name assignedto a user. This is displayed on the screenwhile entering and is not case sensitive. It isadvisable to keep the username as short anddistinct as possible so that login can be doneswiftly.

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It is the code of up-to 10 characters, used by the user to be able to work with the software.

User level

Three user levels are possible. Level 3 is for the users who are given the right of onlyviewing and reporting the data and not to make any entry or editing. Level 2 is for the userswho are given the rights for all data entry and editing and reporting options. Level 1 is fordatabase manager who will have additional rights and responsibility of maintaining workareas and user definitions.

While assigning user levels it has to be ensured that the Level 1 is assignedto only one person in an office and for the general users who will be referringthe data base, analysing data and generating reports Level 3 has to be given.Level 2 should be assigned to limited number of personnel involved with dataentry and data editing. In normal circumstances when there is no data entrywork it is advised to login in as Level 3. There should be at least one userwith level 1 accessibility to maintain the database.

7.3 Creation and registration of work areas

Work areas define the organisation of the database. The data pertaining to different districtsshould be organised in separate databases, which are referred to as “Work Areas”. Anynumber of work areas can be created and maintained. The option fordefining, editing or deleting the work areas is given only Level 1. Definingand maintaining work areas is accomplished by selecting Work Area onthe tool bar. This willinvoke the “Work AreaDefinition” form


This is the name of thefile in which all the datapertaining to individualwork area (district) isstored. The structure ofthe file is that of an MSAccess database file andtherefore an extension “.mdb” is given at the end of the filename. The filename can be anyacceptable set of characters for filename in Windows 98. Using the button besides the inputbox to browse the external database file that is to be viewed using the GWDES. This fieldcan’t be left blank. The blank field is named as ‘Blank.mdb’ by default.


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This field is for indicating the full name or description of the work areas and does not haveany limitation of length of description. This description is given in such a way that the workarea can be conveniently recognised and the details of the database mentioned

Short Description

This field indicates the short name or description of the work areas. This description is givenin such a way that the work area can be conveniently recognised.

After making the entries in the three fields click on the Create/Registerbutton

If the file is a new one, then the confirmation ‘File created”appears and if the file already exists then it only registersthe database. On registering the database a confirmationmessage appears as a screen

In case an existing HIS database is being imported then the file name and descriptions shouldbe entered, and on clicking the create/register button the existing database gets registered andthe file appears in the work area selection combo of the login form.

7.4 Customising State, District, Block, Taluk names

From the main switch board Click on the‘State/D/T’

A screen will appear that displays threelevels of administrative boundariesState, District, and Tahsil/ Taluka orBlock/ Mandal. Authorised DataManager can do the classification andidentification of these boundaries fromthis screen.

All the States and the list of all districts inthese states are included in theprogramme. It is recommended that anychanges made in the administrativeboundaries is carried out at the headoffice level like state head quarters andregional headquarters. At the lower leveloffice the customisation should belimited to entry or editing of names ofTahsils, Taluks, Mandals, Blocks.

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7.5 Customising Drainage Basin/ Sub Basin names

From the main switch board Click on ‘Basin’

A screen will appear that displays three levels of drainage basin hierarchy Main Basin, SubBasin, and Minor Basin/Watershed. Authorised Data Manager can do the classification andidentification of these boundaries from this screen.

For all the different drainage basins the relevant sub basins and authorised Data Managerscan enter related watersheds in each of the states

7.6 Customising Water Quality Parameters and Screens

7.6.1 Water Quality Screen

From the main switch board Click on the Customise WQ Screen

The Water Quality list form appears

All the parameters in the order of their appearance inthe water quality form will be displayed. If the order ofappearance of any parameter has to be changed thenplace the cursor over the parameter and use thearrow keys to move it move it up or down as desired.All the parameters against which is seen willappear in the form. If any parameter need not bedisplayed then click in the display box to make it blankand the parameter will not appear in the water qualityform.

7.6.2 Additional water quality parameters

The additional water qualitysub-form provides a screenfor entry of water qualityresults of metals, heavymetals, organic, chemicaland biological parametersnot listed in the standardWater Quality form. Anexhaustive catalogue of 54parameters is listed forselection from which amaximum of 20 parameterscan be selected in one sub-form. The type and order of entry of the parameters can be customised based on the userrequirement. The customization of the sub-form cannot be changed for each well. It is

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recommended that customization of the additional water quality sub-form be carried out atthe laboratory level (for one or several districts).

Only users Logging on User level-I can customize the ‘Additional water quality parameterscreen’. For invoking the additional parameter screen click on the additional water qualityParameter from the main switch board. The water Quality – Other Parameters form appears

Two windows appear. The left side window titled 'Unselected parameters' displays anumber of parameters from which relevant items can be chosen. The right side window is anempty window that would accommodate all the parameters that needs to appear in the sub-form. To begin with the right hand side window should be empty. To make the box emptyhighlight any parameter appearing in the right hand side box and click on the < button. Theselected parameter is automatically shifted to the left-hand side window. Repeat theoperation till the right hand side window is empty. Multiple selection of items is not possible.

For customizing the additional water quality sub-form identify the desired parameter from thecatalogue (unlisted parameter) list and click on it. The selected parameter is highlighted.

Click on> button and the selected parameter will move to the right side window. Repeat the process until all the desired parameters are seen on the right hand side window.

Ensure that no parameter for which the results are available is left out. Entries other thanthose listed in the catalogue will not be accepted

For unselecting any parameter highlight the parameter and then click the < button. Once all the desired parameters are selected click the close button. This process will automatically create the additional water quality sub-form.

7.7 Management of Masters tables

For the management of master tables click on ‘masters’ button. The default settings aregiven in the ‘gw-mast.mds’ database inthe gwdes directory. After customisingthe master table, the user can export itto a external file for backup or to copythe settings in another computer. Toexport the master tables select theexport tab and give a file name beforeclicking export. The user can import external settingsor the old settings (in case of newinstallation) by selecting the import tab.The user has the option ofincorporation all types of externalmaster table or can select few types bychecking on the desired boxes. Theuser import can be appended to the

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original setting or it can complete replace the original setting.

7.8 Options

This is a global option that facilitates viewing and analysis of select data. Click on this tool toset the global settings to be used during the operation of the database. Here the sortingsequence up to three levels, global filtering, monitoring months can be set. The pre-monsoon and the post-monsoon period can also be defined here. A check box has alsobeen provided to filter out the wells those are not currently monitored. The settings are activein all subsequent operation.

7.8.1 Sorting

Here three fields can be identified on which the datacan be sorted. The sorting order can also be definedhere.

7.8.2 Filtering

The database can be filtered as required by the user. Example: It the user wants tosee/analyse the data of the ‘Alluvial’ wells, then select ‘Geology’ in the left side of the filterkey box. Now all the available geology inthe database will be displayed in thecombo-box. Select ‘Alluvium’ from thecombo and close the option form. Similarlyfiltering can be made on District, Block, Tahsil, Mandal, Taluka, Village, Basin, Sub-basinand Well type

7.8.3 Monitoring wells

Put a check in the box to view/edit only the wells that are currently monitored. Any well thathas been discontinued for monitoring but the data is still in the database, then it will not bedisplayed or considered for furtherprocessing. Clear the check box to view allthe data.

7.8.4 Monitoring months

Insert ticks ( ) for the months, in whichgenerally the water levels are manuallymeasured.

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7.8.5 Setting for monsoon months

Enter the start and end months for pre-monsoon period and those of post-monsoon period.

7.8.6 Defaults

Here the user can set the default Agencyand state name, so that it is not required toenter these values during entry of everywell. Here the month for the beginning ofhydrogeological year can be defined. Herethe time limits for two consecutive waterlevels can be defined to get thediscontinuous graph, if the actualmeasurement exceeds the defined limit. Inthis case (as shown in fig) the hydrographwill not be continuos if the time differencefor two consecutive measurements exceeds12 months.

During processing, the user may like to prefer DWLR data to manual water level where bothare present. This also can be defined here.

7.9 Fragmentation of Data Base

The program enables the user to copy selected records from a database and organise themas separate database. In this process the records moved from the original database will notbe deleted.

From the main switch board click on Fragmentation in the toolbar of main-switchboard.

The Fragment-Database formappears, displayingthe well no, village,well type, district andgeology. Highlight therecord that has to becopied to form a newdatabase. To selectthe individual well holddown the ‘Ctrl’ key andclick on the well. Thenselect the data itemsthat is required to becopied and specify thetime limit for the timeseries data. After thatgive a valid filename and click on the fragment button.

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7.10 Consolidation of Database

The program enables the user to append records from a HIS database and integrate themwith another database. In this process the records are copied from the original database willnot be deleted.

From the main switch-board Click on ‘Append’.

Now select a gwdes databaseusing the browse button. Theleftmost list box displays allthe wells in the currentdatabase and the next list boxshows the wells available inthe new database that hasbeen selected to append. Nowhighlight the wells in thesecond list box to append inthe main database. After thatcheck the data items for thosewells. Then user can specifythe dates for the time seriesdata. The duplicate data i.e.the records already availablein the main database can be handled by ‘Ignore’ or ‘Overwrite’ option. Before appending thedatabase ensure that the water quality additional parameters selection in both the databaseis the same. Once the wells and the related data items are identified click on ‘Consolidate’.

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8 Data Entry/Edit/View

In the ‘main switch board’ click on to open the Well Informationgeneral form, from where all the subsequent forms are accessed.

8.1 Well Information General

Well Information-General form is the first data entry form and the user has to enter details inthis form before moving to other forms. Depending upon the well type, different well designforms would appear. The mandatory fields are marked with the bold(black) labels.

The list-box in the left side displays the well number of all the wells those are selected in thecurrent workarea and filtered. Any well can be directly navigated by highlighting the desiredwell in the box. The display of ‘well no’ and ‘location’ in this list box can be switched byclicking at the bottom scroll bar of the box.

8.1.1 Tool bar on the Well Information-General form

Well Details, Lithology, Water Quality and Water Level

The toll bar on the Well Information-General form has 4 navigation buttons for enteringinformation on Well Details, Lithology, Water Quality and Water Level data. These buttons

help in conveniently and swiftly moving between forms.

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Find Record

This button helps in searching any record from the database. Place the cursoron the field for search. Then click search button. Now the search ‘dialogue box’appears on the screen. Type the proper search criteria and click on find to locatethe well.

Add Record

New records can be created after clicking this button. After entering a valid wellnumber and a valid well type, a blank data entry form will appear.

Save Record

Periodically click this button to save the entry. However systematic closure of theform also saves the data.


The report button is available for printing user-defined report. Here the user candefine/select the fields, arrange in a desired order and set the heading names.The different sorting and grouping can also be performed here.

Composite plot

Composite plot is available for plotting graphical the well log, electrical log, water bearingzones, drill time log, well assembly and the latest water level This option is available for tubewells and bore wells only. Please note that it is essential to enter the litho-log to get this plot.

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This button enables closing of the active form and returns to main-switch-board.

The different entries to be made in Well Information General form is as follows

8.1.2 Well no. and Well Type

Well no:

Enter identification well number/ code number assigned by the agency responsible for datacollection in the input box. Once a well number is entered it cannot be edited. This is anmandatory field.

The Well number is an alphanumeric string.

If the Well number entered already exists the programmed does not accept itindicating presence of earlier record, two records cannot be created for the samesite

Well type

Select the correct well type from the combo box. The different well types are Dug well, Dugcum bore well, bore well and Tube well. This field is mandatory.

• Dug-well

These are the hand dug groundwater structures constructed to tap mostly the phreaticaquifers. This term includes all wells described as hand dug open wells, large diameterirrigation wells, collector wells, and infiltration galleries.

• Dug cum bore-well

Vertical in-well bores drilled from the bottom of dug-wells to tap the deep unconfined/semi-confined/ confined aquifers or lateral bores drilled to route the vertical flowsthrough a conduit into the storage portion of the well.

• Bore-well

These are the drilled wells in hard formations having casing pipe placed against thecollapsible formations, underlain by an open hole against the hard formations. Thesewells do not have a well assembly.

• Tube-well

These are the wells drilled in soft formations having well assembly for the entire depthhaving one or more screen assemblies. Filter point wells to be considered under thiscategory.

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Entries other than those listed above will not be accepted. Piezometer is notconsidered as a well type. It should either be a Bore-well or Tube well. Oncea well type is entered it cannot be modified.

8.1.3 Administrative Location

In the adminstarative location the Agency name, State, District and the Village is mandatory.


Type the name of the agency responsible for gathering and entering the information (e.g.:Central Ground Water Board Southern Region to be entered as CGWB SR ) in the input box.


Click the scroll button to choose the state in which the well is situated from the options listedor type the first few characters.

Entries other than those listed above will not be accepted


Click the scroll button to choose the district in which the well is situated from the optionslisted in page 18 & 19. The system will display the districts of the selected state only.

Tahsil/ Taluk

Type or Click on the scroll bar button for entering the name of the applicable administrativeboundary.

Block/ Mandal:

Type or Click on the scroll bar button for entering the name of the applicable administrativeboundary.


Type the name of the main village in which the well is situated in the input box. (Not to beleft blank)

This field will not accept numeric values. The local hamlet names orstreet name should not be recorded here.

Standardise the spellings of the village names for use by all theparticipating agencies in the Hydrology Project.

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Type the name of habitation in which the Well is situated in the input box provided.

When the hamlet and village name are the same repeat the entry.


Type the North geographical co-ordinate values as read from Survey of India topo-sheets inthe scale of 1:50 000, e.g. 180 05’ 15”. Anything going beyond the limit of the country will notbe accepted.

This field will accept only numeric values.


Type the East geographical co-ordinate values as read from Survey of India topo-sheets inthe scale of 1:50, 000, e.g. 650 05’ 15”

This field will accept only numeric values.

Toposheet number

Type the Survey of India topo-sheet number in which the well is located when transferred toa map of 1:50,000 scale. e.g.: topo-sheet number 57 K/12 to be entered as 57K12 in theinput box.

The locations of all types of wells in the database are to betransferred accurately on to the topo-sheet. Based on this ametricated value corresponding will be assigned to the well giving ita unique identification no.

Survey no

Type the survey number/ khasra number of the well location as available in the village landrecords.

Grid E

To be lefts blank for entering the (UTM) linear metricated Easting value correspondingto longitude values.

Grid N

To be left blank for entering the (UTM) linear metricated Northing values corresponding tolatitude values.

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Measuring Point

Type in the input box the height of the measuring point (MP) of the well with respect toground level. Please note that if the field is left blank then the DWLR data can’t be importedinto the well. With a blank height of measuring point the water level entry with reference tothe measuring point will not be functional.

Usually MP is the top of the cement/stone lining for Dug-Wellsabove the ground level at the Well site from where the water levelmeasurements are taken during regular monitoring. In case of tubewells and bore wells it may be at the top of the casing. This is to beentered in meters.

This field will accept only numeric values.


Type in the input box the ground elevation in meters measured at the well site in reference toMean Sea Level (MSL).

Mention whether Reduced level (RL) values were from geodeticsurvey or through extrapolation from maps. Measured Reducedlevel values to be validated from elevation contours represented intopo-sheets.

Owner’s name

Type the name of the person or agency on whose land the well is situated and is recognisedas the legal owner.

Well use

Select and click the scroll button to choose from the options listed

• Monitoring: Piezometers/ Dug-Wells used exclusively for monitoring waterlevels/ water quality.

• Public Supply: Bore-Wells/ Tube-Wells/ Dug-Wells serving drinking water/washing needs of the local population and cattle.

• Irrigation: Bore-Wells/ Tube-Wells/ Dug-Wells for irrigating wet or dry crops/gardens/ plantations for whole or part of the cropping periods.

• Industrial: Bore-Wells/ Tube-Wells/ Dug-Wells that cater to cottage/ small/medium/ large industries for industrial/ drinking/ washing needs.

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• Domestic: Bore-Wells/ Tube-Wells/ Dug-Wells privately owned used forsupplying water to individual families/ private institutions for drinking water/gardening/ washing requirements.

• Exploratory: Bore-Wells/ Tube-Wells/ Dug-Wells owned by the government/private agencies constructed with the specific purpose of understanding thedisposition of the different aquifers, quantity of water available, aquifercharacteristics and the chemical quality of waters.

• Abandoned: Wells with usage permanently discontinued.

• Piezometre: These are the dedicated bore-wells / tube wells used for monitoringwater levels and water quality.

Well location:

Type the detailed description of the well locations. This is only a screen facility for referenceand can not be used in queries.

River basin:

Click the scroll button to choose from the options listed

Sub basin:

Click the scroll button to choose from the sub-basin options listed.

Minor basin/ Watershed:

Type the name of the local drainage or the watershed where the well is located.

Rock formation:

Click the scroll button next to the input box and select from the listed options the rocks asseen exposed at the surface in and around the groundwater structure or extrapolated from astandard geological map (e.g. GSI map). In case of more than one rock type is encountered,the predominant variety influencing the hydrogeology should be chosen from the listedoptions. Additional entries can also be made in the list

Alluvium Charnockite Basalt Anorthosite Granite Red Bole Intrusive Gneiss Rhyolite Conglomerate Gabbro Greywacke Sedimentary rocks Granite Gneiss Pegmatite Sandstone Schist Ultra basic Sandstone Tertiary Schist-Chlorite Vein quartz Limestone Schist-Hornblende Intertrappean

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Laterite Schist-Mica Khondalite Shale Basic intrusive Slate Phyllite Metamorphic rocks Quartzite


Type name of the stratigraphic unit represented by the formation.


Click the scroll button next to the input box and Select the regional landform characteristicsinfluencing the groundwater occurrence and movement from the options listed-

Additional entries can be made in the list by clicking the 'add' button placed in the right handside of the input box.

• Alluvial plain: Formed by extensive deposition of alluvium by major riversystems. Flat and gently undulating surface made of gravel, sand, silt and clay.

• Buried pediment: Pediment covered with thick weathered material or alluvium.

• Denudational hill: Formed due to differential erosion and weathering. Stand outas mountains and hills.

• Deltaic plain: Flat gently sloping plain/ gently sloping large area formed at theend of river cycle. Composed of river borne sediments mostly alluvium.

• Flood plain: A flat surface adjacent to a stream/ river, subject to flooding andmade of gravel, sand, silt.

• Laterite upland: Laterite occurring as capping. Highly elevated flat land.

• Pediment: Gently sloping smooth surface of erosional bedrock between hill andplain strewn with detritus.

• Piedmont: Constitutes boulders, cobbles pebbles, gravel, sand, silt and clay ofvarying lithology. Formed by coalescence of several alluvial fans by streamscovering large areas at the foothills.

• Pediplain: Coalescence of pediments marked by a large area.

• Valley: Constitute narrow zones between hill ranges, constitute boulders,cobbles, pebble, gravel, sand & silt.

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• Sand Dune: Formed by extensive deposition of wind borne sediments.

Local morphology:

Click the scroll button next to the input box and Select the local landform characteristicsinfluencing the groundwater occurrence and movement from the options listed. The optionslisted are the same as for regional geomorphology. The regional and local geomorphologyneed not always be the same. Additional entries can be made in the list by clicking the addbutton.

Land use

The user can select the land use type from the combo.

Command area:

This is a Yes or No option. If Yes click the toggle button and (b) appears which wouldmeans that the well location is within the command area of a surface irrigation source and ifNo do not use the toggle button.

Name of command:

Type the name of the command area, if the earlier option is Yes.

Surface water influence:

Click the scroll button next to the input box and Select from the listed options to indicate thenature and intensity of surface water bodies (canals, tanks, and rivers) and their possibleinfluence on to the groundwater system.

High Marginal Medium Low Nil

Install DWLR

The HIS GW-DES is provided withfeatures for maintaining the masterrecord of all the different DWLRinstruments operational in theoperational jurisdictions of theconcerned data centre (district,division, region, state). Theinformation stored relates to the manufacturer, instrument number, and date of purchase,piezometer in which installed, date of installation and date of removal (if applicable).

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In the Well Information general form Click the DWLR add button

A form appears which can maintain the master informationof all the DWLR’s installed in the operational area underconsideration (district/division/ circle/region). Makeappropriate entries and close the form.

Click the Install DWLR button

Log –DWLR formappears. Choose theappropriate DWLRnumber form the combobox and enter the Date ofestablishment (If a DWLRis replaced with a new DWLR this could also be added to the second line). The form shouldbe closed after placing the cursor in the line after the last entry.

The DWLR install field will then display theinstrument number and the make of theinstrument indicating that the DWLR data can beappended. (The procedures for importing theDWLR data is discussed separately in the chapter 7.4.2.)

Additional information:

Type any text for supplementing the field information. This is only a screen facility forreference and cannot be used in queries.

Site Identification is a code that will be generated automatically bythe program for each record, based on the entries made in selectinput boxes (i.e. toposheet number, the Grid E, Grid N values, andWell type). This code will be unique to each well. The database filewill be indexed according to this code. The Site ID is an elaboratecoding procedure and is not operational presently in the absenceof metricated geographical co-ordinates.

Monitoring Period

Here the time period in which the well has been monitored can be entered. The ‘from’indicates the beginning of the monitoring and the‘to’ indicates when the well has beendiscontinued for monitoring.

Water Quality Information

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Here the WQ monitoring type as well as the waterquality issue of the well can be entered here. Thedifferent water quality monitoring types are‘Baseline’, ‘Trend line’, ‘Surveillance’ and ‘Trend-cum- Surveillance’. The different water qualityissues are listed in the combo.

Rainfall Station

A Master Rainfall form appears which can maintain the master information of all the rain-gauge stations in the area. Enter the Village names where the rain-gauge stations arelocated within the current work area. After that select the influencing rain gauze station fromthe combo box. The actual rainfall data will be entered in another form for the different rainfall gauging sites(Chapter 7.4.2)

8.2 Well Details

The DETAILS button enables the user to navigate from the General form to the well designform for entering the well dimension and design details. Depending on the Well type therelated form appears. Three layout forms have been designed for entering data related to:

Dug-well Dug cum Bore-well Bore-well Tube-well

8.2.1 Dug-well Details

If the well type is a Dug well then the data entry screen for entering the well constructiondetails is different from a Dug Cum ore-well, ore-well and tube well. From the Wellinformation General Screen click on Details

Well length:

Type in the input box the maximum outer length of the Dug-well for rectangular/ squarewells.

This field will accept only numeric values up to second decimal.

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Well breadth:

Type in the input box the outerbreath of the Dug-well forrectangular/ square wells.

This field will accept onlynumeric value up-to seconddecimal.

Well diameter:

Type in the input boxes theouter diameter of circular Dug-well.

This field will accept only numeric value upto second decimal.

Total depth:

Type in the input box the total depth of the excavated portion of the Dug-well.

This field will accept only numeric value up-to second decimal.

Water bearing zones:

Type in the input box the depth of the water bearing zones

Refers to the thickness of the different aquifers encountered in theWell, which may be tapped in part or all.

Provision has been made for the entry of the thickness of amaximum of eight water-bearing zones. If there are more than 8water-bearing zones then details may be entered in the additionalinformation column.

Aquifer type:

Click the scroll button next to the input box and Select from the listed options to indicate thetype of aquifer met in the well.

Phreatic Semi- confined Confined Flowing

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Depth of Lining:

The depth to which the well has been lined can be entered here. The entry should be inmeters below the ground level

Lining Material:

Enter here the material that has been used for the lining

Lifting device:

Click the scroll button next to the input box to select the type of technique used for bailingthe water from the well.

Animal Drawn Hand Pump Bucket & Pulley Solar Energy Diesel Engine Wind Energy Electric motor None

8.2.2 Dug cum Bore-well Details

If the well type is a Dug cum bore-well then the data entry screen for entering the wellconstruction details is very much similar to dug well with an additional input box for enteringthe in-well details. Fromthe Well informationGeneral Screen click onDetails

In well details:

The details of in-welldrilling including depth ofdrilling, diameter and thetype of in well drilled, fromthe bottom of the openwell can be entered here.

Type of Inwell:

Select it from the combo box

Vertical in-wells are bores drilled from the bottom of the Dug-wellperpendicular or nearly perpendicular to the ground surface.

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Lateral in-well bores are bores drilled parallel or nearly parallel tothe ground surface.


Enter the diameter of the inwell in mm.


Enter the depth or length of the inwell in metres.

8.2.3 Bore-well details

If the well type is a bore well then the data entry screen for entering the well constructiondetails is different from dug well and tube well. From the Well information General Screenclick on Details

Drilling Started on:

Type in the input box the date on which the drilling began.

Drilling finished on:

Type in the input box thedate on which the drillingwas completed.

Drilling agency:

Type the name of the drillingagency in the input box(drilling company/ contractorresponsible for the wellconstruction).

Drilling rig type:

Click the scroll button next to the input box and Select the type of drilling rig employed forconstructing the well from options listed.

Augur drilling Rotary Hand drilling Cable tool Jetted Calyx Percussion

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DTH Reverse rotary Diamond core Odex

Drilled depth:

Type the total depth drilled (refers to total depth measured from ground level to which thebore well was drilled and lithological data collected) in the input box

Completed depth:

Type the depth of the well upon completion.

Water bearing zones:

Type in the input box the depths of the water bearing zones

Refers to the thickness of the different aquifers encountered in theWell, which may be tapped in part or all.

Provision has been made for entry of thickness of a maximum ofeight water bearing zones.

Casing type:

Click the scroll button next to the input box and Select the type of casing employed forconstructing the well. Choose from options listed. Enter the casing diameter, top and bottomof casing in the box provided. Enter the details for the naked bore also.

Fibre glassMild steel Galvanised iron PVC Low alloy steel Stainless steel

Uncased/ naked

Development method:

Click the scroll button next to the input box and Select the type of method employed forcleaning the well (refers to the means employed in cleaning the well for removing finermaterial from the aquifer, allowing water to enter freely into the well). Choose from theoptions listed:

Air liftingMechanical surging Back-washing Over pumping

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Bailing Surge block Disinfecting Explosives High velocity jetting Chemicals

Geophysical logging:

This is a Yes or No option. IfYes click the toggle buttonand (b) appear, which wouldmean that geophysical loggingwas carried out in the wellprior to designing, wellassembly. If No do not use thetoggle button.

Geophysical loggingdetails:

The details of the probes used, interpretations if any, in the geophysical logging can beentered in the box provided. This is a memo and cannot be used for query.

Logging data:

The geophysical electricallogging data and the gammacounts of the related well,digitised at a close interval,can be entered and thegeophysical electrical logcreated.

Click on the Logging Data thedata entry screen appears

Enter the logging parametersand the field data.

Click on the Plot button toview the geophysical electricallog.

Now the log data is plotted in two panels. By default, the left panel displays the SP log, butthe user can switch to Gamma. Similarly, the right panel displays the N-res by default, whichcan be changed to SPR log. The ratio of the left and right panel can be changed by setting

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the ‘left panel ratio’. The user can take the printout in colour save mode by selecting the‘Black and White’ radio button.

The log can be exported to different graphic format or can be copied to the clipboard byclicking on 'Export ‘ button.

Pumping test done and date:

This is a Yes or No option. If Yes click the toggle button and (b) appears which wouldmeans that the pumping test was carried out in the bore-well to calculate the efficiency aswell as compute the aquifer parameters. If No do not use the toggle button. If pumping testhas been conducted enter the date of the test.

8.2.4 Step draw-down test

Click on the button to get the screen for typing the results of the step draw down test.

No of Steps:

Type in the input box, number of times the discharge was increased during the step drawdown test.


Type the discharge value in the input (refers to the constant rates at which the bore-well waspumped for the different steps as part of the step drawdown test).


Type the time period for whichthe discharge was maintainedconstant during each step.


Type the maximum drawdownrecorded at the end of each step.

Hydraulic state:

Click the scroll button next to the input box and Select from the given option whether thesystem reached steady state or unsteady state at the end of each step.

Specific Capacity is automatically computed and displayed on entry

of discharge and drawdown values.


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Type the formation loss as percentage of the total drawdown in the input box (refers to thedrawdown component due to laminar flow of water through the aquifer or formation as part ofstep discharge test. Formation loss expressed as percentage of the total drawdown referredto as well efficiency).

Well loss:

Type the well loss as percentage ofthe total drawdown in the input box(refers to the loss of head due to flowthrough gravel pack and screen). After making all entries close the form

8.2.5 Aquifer performance test

Click on the button to get the screenfor typing the results of the aquiferperformance test. Pumping well information


Type the maximum drawdown recorded in the pumping well at the end of the aquiferperformance test.


Type the computed transmissivity value.

Storage coefficient / specific yield:

Type the computed Storage co-efficient/ specific yield value. A confined/ leaky confinedaquifer will have only storage co-efficient. An unconfined aquifer has both.

Observation well data:

Based on the number of observation wells that have been used for monitoring the waterlevels during the Aquifer Performance Test entries can be made on the water levels and theresultant computations carried out from the data.

Radial distance:

Type distance of the observation well from the pumping well in metres.

Drawdown in observation well:

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Type the maximum drawdown recorded in the observation well at the end of the aquiferperformance test.


Type the computed transitivity value from the observation well data.

Storage co-efficient/ specific Yield :

Type the storage co-efficient / specific yield value as computed from the observation welldata.

Leakage factor:

Type the computed leakage factor if it is a leaky aquifer. (The leakage factor is a measure ofthe vertical percolation through the semi-permeable layers above and below the aquifer. Alarge leakage factor means the leakage is insignificant. It is the square root of the product oftransitivity and hydraulic resistance. Hydraulic resistance of the semi-permeable layer is theratio of thickness to hydraulic conductivity).

Drainage factor:

Type the computed drainage factor if it is an unconfined aquifer (refers to the significance ofthe delayed yield).

Close the form after all the entries are made

8.2.6 Pumping Data

Click this button to enter the timeand water levels data in pumpingwell as well as in all the threeobservation well. The draw-downwill be automatically calculated.

Rate of discharge:

Type the discharge rate at which thebore-well was pumped for the entireduration of the Aquifer PerformanceTest.

8.2.7 Recovery Data

Click this button to enter the time and draw-down data in pumped well as well as in all thethree observation well during recovery. The residual draw down will be automaticallycalculated.

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Rate of discharge:

Type the discharge rate at which thebore-well was pumped for the entireduration of the Aquifer PerformanceTest.


Type the total time in minute for whichthe well was pumped at a constantdischarge rate

8.2.8 Tube-well details

If the well type is a tube well then the data entry screen for entering the well constructiondetails is different from dug well and bore-well. From the Well information General Screenclick on Details.

Drilling started on:

Type in the input box the date on which the drilling began.

Drilling finished on:

Type in the input box the date on which the drilling was completed.

Drilling agency:

Type the name of drilling agency in the input box (drilling company/ contractor responsiblefor the Well construction).

Drilling rig type:

Click the scroll button next to theinput box and Select the type ofdrilling rig employed forconstructing the tube-well fromthe options listed:

Augur drillingRotaryHand drillingCable toolJettedCalyxPercussionDTH

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Reverse rotary Diamond core Odex

Drilled depth:

Type the depth drilled (refers to total depth measured from ground level to which the tube-well has been drilled and lithological data collected) in the input box.

Completed depth:

Type the depth to which the tube-well has been completed and the well assembly lowered.

Drilling fluid:

Click the scroll button next to the input box and Select the type of drilling fluid employed forconstructing the tube-well from options listed:

Air Bentonite clay Foam Polymer Water

Porous zones:

Type in the input box the depth and thickness of the granular zones encountered whiledrilling.

Enter the nature and thickness of the granular/ porous zonessaturated /unsaturated encountered in the Well, which may betapped in part or all.

Provision has been made for entry of the thickness of a maximum ofeight such granular/ porous zones. Additional zones if any can beentered in the additional information column.

Pilot hole details:

Type in the input box the different diameters and depth of the pilot hole.

Reamed hole details:

Type in the input box the different diameters and depth of the reamed hole.

Geophysical logging:

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Same as for Bore-wells (refer page 40)

Pumping test done:

Same as for Bore-well (refer page41-44)

Well Design

On completion of all entries clickon the Well Design button on thetool bar. The screen for enteringthe well design details appears.

Casing Type

Click the scroll button next to the input box and Select the type of casing employed forconstructing the well. Choose from options listed. Enter the casing diameter, top of casingand bottom in the box provided:

Fibre glass Mild steel

Galvanised iron PVC Low alloy steel Stainless steel

Screen Type:

Click the scroll button next to the input box and Select the type of screen employed forconstructing the well. Choose from options listed. Enter the screen diameter, slot type, slotsize, open area and the different screen positions in the box provided:

Fibre glass Mild steel Galvanised iron PVC Johnson screen Low alloy steel Stainless steel

Development method:

Click the scroll button next to the input box and Select the type of method employed forcleaning the well (refers to the means employed in cleaning the well for removing finermaterial from the aquifer, allowing water to enter freely into the well). Choose from theoptions listed:

Air liftingMechanical surging

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Back-washing Over pumping Bailing Surge block Disinfecting Explosives High velocity jetting Chemicals

Gravel pack:

Type the total volume of gravel used for gravel pack, the size of the gravel and the gravelpack position.


Type the nature of grout employed in the well design and the grout position.


Type the nature of seal employed if any, for sealing the well and its position.

After making all relevant entries Click on the Close button on the toll bar to get back to tubewell details and click on Close to get back to well information General form.

8.3 Lithology

From the WellInformation–General form Clickon Lithology buttonon the tool bar toinvoke the dataentry screen whichwill facilitate entry oflithologicalinformation. Thisform accepts alldetails for entering the drill-logs for different depths.

Rock type

Click the scroll button next to the input box and Select the type of lithology met with fordifferent depths during the drilling. The entry is not limited to the list only. The user can enterbeyond this list or can place pre-fix or suffix to any of the selected rock type.

To customise the list of rock types in the combo list double click on theheading Rock Type and make necessary changes.

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Click the scroll button next to the input boxand Select the colour for thecorresponding lithological formations fordifferent depths. Choose from the listedoptions or list them.

Typical colour of therocks met in the areacan be organised as alibrary in the list box bydouble clicking on thetitle box header


Click the scroll button next to the input boxand Select the texture for thecorresponding lithological formations fordifferent depths. Choose from the listedoptions.

Typical texture met inthe area can beorganised as a library inthe list box by double clicking on the title box header


Click the scroll button next to the input box and Select the shape of the drill cuttings for thecorresponding lithological formations for different depths. Choose from the listed options.

Typical texture met in the area can be organised as a library in the list boxby double clicking on the title box header

Drill Time:

Enter the penetration rate i.e. time taken to penetrate 1 meter in the current lithology. Theentry should be in the HH:MM:SS format.

Graphical presentation of litholog and drill time:

The entered litholog and the drill time log can be plotted graphically by clicking on theLitholog button of the tool bar.

8.4 Water Quality

Water quality analysis results, both time independent (one time) and monitoring (timeseries), can be entered by invoking the Quality button provided in the tool bar of WellInformation – General form.

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In the water quality forms the data input should be limited only to positive values. The defaultunit is mg/l (assuming that for fresh water ppm and mg/l are used as synonyms). There is afacility for converting from mili equivalent to mg/l and vice versa by invoking the show meq/lbutton.

The parameters listed inthe main water qualityform includes:

Sample ID:

Type the identificationnumber (numberassigned by themonitoring agency to thewater samples collectedfor quality analysis). Thisfield should be left blank.

Sampling date:Type the date of watersample collection in theinput box.

Depth of sampling:Type the depth of the water-yielding zone, which is represented by the water sample.

Lab ID:Type the identification number of the water quality laboratory where the sample wasanalysed.

Analysis date:Type the date on which the water sample was analysed in the laboratory. By default thecurrent date appears in the box.

8.4.1 Parameters

Colour:Type the colour of the water sample at the time of analysis.

Odour:Type the odour if any, in the water sample at the time of analysis.

Temperature:Type the temperature of the water sample as measured at the time of collection.

Turbidity:Type the Turbidity level of the water sample at the time of analysis.

pH:Type the pH as measured in the field.

EC (Electrical Conductivity):

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Type the Electrical Conductivity in micro-mhos as measured in the field.

Total Hardness:Type the Total hardness (as CaC03) as measured in the laboratory.

Alkalinity:Type the Alkalinity value as measured in the laboratory.

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)-Calculated:Type the TDS value calculated from chemical analysis (major elements).

Total Dissolved Solids (direct):Type the TDS obtained through direct measurement.

C03:Type the Carbonated value as determined in the laboratory.

HC03:Type the bicarbonate value as determined in the laboratory.

Cl:Type the Chloride in milligram per litre value as measured in the laboratory.


Type the Sulphate value as measured in the laboratory.

N03:Type the Nitrate value as measured in the laboratory.

Ca:Type the Calcium value as measured in the laboratory.

Mg:Type the Magnesium value as measured in the laboratory.

Na: Type the Sodium value as measured in the laboratory.

K:Type the Potassium value as measured in the laboratory

F:Type the Fluoride value as measured in the laboratory.

Fe:Type the total Iron value as measured in the laboratory.

Si:Type the Silica value as measured in the laboratory.

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8.4.2 Additional Parametres

Click on the additional parameters button to view the screen for input of additional waterquality parameters. (Details already explained in chapter 6.6)

8.4.3 Tool Bar on the Water quality form

New Record on the tool bar facilitates entry of multiple water quality results from a singledata entry screen. Screen.

Delete Record can be used for deleting any record.

Generation of X-Y plot of any water quality parameter (having multiple water qualityanalysis results) is possible by placing the cursor in the concerned field and clickingon the graph tool bar. Maximise the graph to get the full menu.

8.4.4 Show/Hide meq/l

This button allows displaying or hiding the value of individual parameters in meq/l. From themg/l it automatically converts to the meq/l value.

8.4.5 Ionic Balance

On click of this button, it sums all cations and anions and then checks the ionic balance.Apart from this it verifies the Sodium and Chloride balance, TDS and EC balance. IT alsochecks the presence of CO3, where pH does not exceeds the limit

8.5 Water levels

Click the ‘Water Levels’ in the Well Information – General form. A screen for entering themanual water level measurements appears. The time dependent water level data (timeseries) cannot be entered into the database unless the time independent (Well history) datais entered. The time independent data entry is limited to the records of time independentdata available in the database. New records cannot be created exclusively for timedependent data.


Type the altitude of theground level at the wellsite (relative to Mean SeaLevel) based on themeasurement carried outusing surveying

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equipment. This is same as the value entered in the ‘altitude’ field of ‘Well-information-General’ form


Type the date (dd/mm/yyyy) on which the water level measurement was carried out.


Type the time at which the water level measurement was carried out.

Height of measuring point:

Type the height of the reference point above ground level at the well site from where thewater level measurements are taken during the regular monitoring. The MP is usually the topof the casing for bore / tube Wells and the top of the cement/ stone lining for open Wells). Bydefault the MP entered in the ‘Well-Information’ form will appear here.

Depth to Water level:

Type in the input box the depth to static water level in metres (static water level-notinfluenced by withdrawal of groundwater in the vicinity) as measured from the ground level.

Entry for dry well: When the well is dry enter the date and time andbring the cursor to the water level field and press alt+D (during which thefield should be blank).

Flagging of suspected data: The water level more than the depth of thewell are flagged with a prefix red triangle.

Reduced water level:

This is a computed field, which will automatically display the water level reduced to MSLconsidering input in the elevation and water level values.


Click on the memo input box for recording ad-hoc text, supplementing the field information (ascreen facility, for reference only).

8.5.1 Tool bar in Water Level Form

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8.5.2 Hydrograph

Clicking the ‘Hydrograph’ button on the tool bar can generate Hydrograph of the water leveldata.

The hydrograph canbe organisedseason wise andperiod wise. Thegraph also insertstrend lines for pre-monsoon, post-monsoon and allavailable datawithin the selectedperiod. It alsodisplays theequations of thedifferent trends. Anycombination ofgraph, trend linesand equations canbe displays byclicking on differentcheck boxes. The rainfall data can also be displayed as bar charts. Once the rainfall isplotted the option for displaying it as monthly or daily appears on the tool bar. The sum of therainfall for any selected period can also be calculated using the sum button. By checking onthe missing data point check box the time at which water level data is not found in thedatabase are highlighted. By clicking the left button of the mouse on the water level graph(on the line itself), the water level and the date of measurement, as entered, on that point willbe displayed. If the user clicks on the limb i.e. in between the two measurements, then thefirst point is displayed. Similarly the value of the rainfall can be obtained on the rainfall graph.

The graph can alsobe madediscontinuous, if thetime between thetwo consecutivemeasurementsexceeds thespecified limit. Toset this limit use theoption>defaults inthe mainswitchboard tool-bar.

The user is allowedto rotate, move, andzoom the graph.The graph can be

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viewed as 3D by clicking on the 3D button and then clicking the left mouse button anddragging out. The design button allows all types of customisation of the graph. All thecustomisation can be saved in a template and can be applied directly to the otherhydrographs.

The B/W check box allows taking print out of the graph in black and white.Hydrograph of themultiple wells can be generated using the ‘Reports’.

8.5.3 Water level Multiple entries

Water level measurements carried out from number of monitoring wells as part regularmeasurements can be entered from a single screen. Click on the water level multiple entrybutton on the tool bar. On invoking this button a new form appears displaying all the wellsafter applying the global filter in the specified sort sequence in the left.(The filtering and sortsequence are defined in the main switchboard by clicking the option button). Facility ofentering the water levels below MP or below ground level is possible through this form. Theform also provides facility for moving automatically to the next well after entry of water level.

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9 DWLR Data Handling

The HIS-GWDES hasfeatures for incorporatingthe DWLR data to be partof the HIS database. Thedata import is expected tobe from the desktop PCand not from the palm topor the hand held terminal.All field DWLR data haveto be systematicallyorganised in the desktopbefore appending to HIS-GWDES. The followingprocedures have to be adopted for appending the DWLR data. Appending of DWLR datahas to be carried out for one record at a time.

9.1 Install DWLR

In the Well Information general form ensure that the DWLR details related to make and theinstrument number is entered. The height of the Measuring point (MP) also can not beleft blank.

Enter the entire DWLR list in the DWLR-master using the ‘add DWLR’ button.

Click on the Install DWLR button to assign the installation of a particular DWLR in the activewell. Here only select the DWLR number from the combo box and add the date ofinstallation. The DWLR installation history of the well can be maintained here.

9.2 Import DWLR Data

Click on the Water Level button and in the Water level form click on the Import-DWLRbutton.

The DWLR Data import form appears. Define the path and DWLR file name from wherecontains the data as a text file. Alternatively use the Browse button to locate the DWLR datafile. Reconfirm the DWLR type is same as displayed. This can also be changed if required byclicking the desired check box. Once the file name is selected the contents of the file can bereviewed by using the View Data file button. During the view any change made in the datafile will not alter the contents in the original file. The files selected for appending should beonly in ASCII text format. If the data is in binary format convert it to text format using theconversion program which comes with the DWLR. (eg; Data Manager for in Situ). Beforeappending the DWLR data ensure that the correct file is selected for the corresponding well.Please check for the correct header information for the Greenspan. After the selection of theDWLR data file click the ‘Continue’ button.

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The next screenappears for confirmingthe type of data in thedifferent channels,reference level, date &time format, totalnumbers of recordsand DWLR serialnumber. Thisinformation is drawnfrom the data file. Theuser can makechanges in thechannels, data formatsor can abort if theDWLR does not matchwith the current record.The data file can alsobe viewed using theView Data File button.After confirming thedata is correct thenclick the continuebutton. A screenappears indicating thecreation of a table, ifyou importing the datainto the well for the firsttime. Now before theactual import the datawill be displayedgraphically. The graphfor the current data and previous data will be displayed in two different colours. Click onimport to store the data permanently in the HIS database or abort to discontinue theoperation. It will append the data to the database after checking for the duplicate.

Please do not leave the height ofmeasuring point blank

The data import will take place and after completion of theimport a confirmation screen appears giving details of thenumber of records imported.

9.3 View, Print, Delete DWLR Data

To print, view or to delete the complete DWLR data or particular portion of the Data click on‘Data-DWLR’ button.

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9.4 DWLR Hydrograph

Composite Hydrograph

The software offers facility for generating hydrograph of DWLR data. Optionally a compositegraph can also be generated by incorporating the manual measurements and rainfall data.For generating the hydrograph from the Water Level form Click on the show graph button.

The hydrographappears

Features areavailable to viewthe graph as three-dimensional graph,zoom data for aselected period,print the graph,rotate the graph orsave the graph asan template. Therainfall bar chartand manualmeasurement calalso displayed inthe graph.

Hydrograph of the DWLR data from the multiple wells can be generated from the ‘Reoports’.

9.5 Optimising DWLR Monitoring Frequency

The Hydrology Project-TA has specialised software called as DWLR-Analyst that can beused for the analysis of the DWLR data. The software has provision for discretizing the timeseries water level data, perform moving average, carry out spectral analysis, harmonicanalysis and optimal frequency analysis for differentiating the repetitive cyclesrepresented by the data and identifying the relevant cycles that needs to be regularlymonitored. There is provision for General Statistics and Run analysis. Details of theDWLR-Analyst software are beyond the scope of this manual.

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10 Rainfall Data

For understanding the influenceof the rainfall on the water levelfluctuations rainfall data fromneighbouring rain gauge stationscan be entered and the rainfalldata incorporated along with thewater level hydrograph. Thesoftware provides provision forkeying in the rainfall data or copyand paste the data from aspreadsheet or word document.

10.1 Add station

To add a rain-gauging station Inthe Well Information general form enter the Rain-gauge station location name and thegeographical location in the Master -Rainfall Station. Select the rainfall station name from thecombo box in the active well.

10.2 Rainfall data entry

In the water level form click on Rainfall button on the tool bar the rainfall data entry formappears. On the left hand side all the rain-gauge stations registered in the database willappear. Choose the relevant rain-gauge station influencing the well under consideration.Enter the rainfall data or move the data from an existing file.

10.3 Import from SWDES

Rainfall data can also be directlyimported from the SWDES. In therainfall data entry form click onthe Data from SWDES button.The rainfall import form appears.Open the SWDES data filecontaining the rainfall data. Onthe left hand side all the rain-gauge stations registered in theSWDES database will appear.Highlight the rain-gauge stationcontaining the data. On the Rightside identify the rainfall stationinto which the data is to beimported. Enter the period forwhich the rainfall data is to be imported, All data for the given period can be importeddirectly, or optionally the null and zeroes can be avoided. On clicking the Import button thedata is imported and on completion the records imported and duplicate records displayed.

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10.4 Monthly rainfall report

Click on the monthly rainfall report in the rainfall data entry form. Input the start and end yearfor the report and then click on print.

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11 Reports

Click on the Reports button in the main switchboard. The report screen appears. Threeoptions are available which includes General Report, Advanced Report and ValidationsReport.

11.1 General Reports

The General report generatesreport of data available in thedatabase related to locationdetails, well design,construction details and waterquality analysis report. Thereare ten different general reportsincluding the two multiplehydrographs. The reports are;

General Information

This lists the administrative location, geographic location, basin and well types of all theactive wells of the current work area as selected through global filtering option.

Dug well detail

This button prepares a list of all the dug wells along with its dimensions from the database.

Dug cum bore-well detail

This button prepares a list of the entire dug cum bore wells along with its dimensions fromthe database.

Tube well detail

This button prepares a list of all the tube wells along with its dimensions from the database.

Bore well detail

This button prepares a list of all the dug wells along with its dimensions from the database.

Water Quality (meq/l)

This button prepares a list of all the records of water quality entered in the database in mili-equivalent per litre. However the filter applied in the global setting are applicable here.

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Water Quality

This button prepares a list of all the records of water quality entered in the database in mg/l.However the filter applied in the global setting are applicable here.

Hydrograph of multiple wells

Hydrograph of multiple wells pertaining to the same time period can be generated here. Onclicking this button a list box will appear displaying all the well numbers of the current workarea. Highlight the wells for which you interested to generate hydrograph. Then enter thestart date and theend date(dd/mm/yy)and select theseason. Click ongraph to view thestacked Hydrographof all the selectedwells. The ‘ctrl’ and‘shift’ buttons canbe used whileselecting themultiple wells.

By default all thegraphs will fit to the‘Y’ axis. To displaythe graph withequal scale in the ‘Y’ axis, check the scale box on the top. To superimpose all the graphsclick on the superimpose button. To add trend lines in the graph check the ‘trend’ box.Check the ‘zoom’ to maximise the graph.

DWLR Hydrograph of multiple wells

The above multiple graph can be generated for the DWLR data by clicking this button.

11.2 Advanced Reports

Advanced report providesthe facility to generatecustomised reports aftercarrying out analysis ofwater level data. All thedifferent reports come with the tool bar providing facility to transfer the report as a Worddocument, Excel spread sheet or as an ASCII file. Typical advanced water level reports areenclosed. The report header can also be set here. On clicking this tab the system will takefew minutes to organise the data. After that the user can select to generate report using onlythe manual water levels, only the DWLR data or using the both. The user can set the priorityto DWLR or to the manual reading in the ‘option’ in main switchboard depending on thereliability. In catagorisation reports the user can also generate graphical output.

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Water level fluctuation in Hydrographstations

This report allows the user to compare thewater levels of a particular measurementwith any two previous measurements. Thedata can be exported to an ASCII file alongwith the co-ordinates by clicking the export

button in the tool bar.

Water level fluctuation including ‘n’years means

This report allows the user to compare thewater levels of a particular measurementwith any two previous measurements andwith mean of last ‘n’ years of the same

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season. The number of years for the mean can be set from the form. The form also allowsthe user to set the minimum number of data for the consideration for calculation of mean.

Water level fluctuation from mean

This report allows the user to compare thewater levels of a particular measurementwith the mean of last ‘n’ years of the sameseason. The number of years for the meancan be set from the form. The form alsoallows the user to set the minimum numberof data for the consideration of the well forcalculation of mean.

Well frequency for different ranges of water table

This report allows the user to group anddisplay the depth to water levels for aspecified month in different depth ranges.The user, to suit the area specificrequirement can modify the default depthranges. The groping can also be donedistrict-wise, Block-wise, Taluk-wise, Basin-wise or Geology-wise. The month entryshould be in the ‘mmm-yyyy’ format.

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Categorisation of water level fluctuation

This report allows the user to group anddisplay the depth to water levels fluctuationin two specified months. The user, to suitthe area specific requirement can modifythe default depth ranges. The groping canalso be done district-wise, Block-wise,Taluk-wise, Basin-wise or Geology-wise.The month entry should be in the ‘mmm-yyyy’ format.

Categorisation of change in water levelwith respect to ‘n’ years mean

This report allows the user to group anddisplay the depth to water levels fluctuationin a particular month with respect to themean of last ‘n’ years. The user, to suit the

area specific requirement can modify the default depth ranges. The groping can also be

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done district-wise, Block-wise, Taluk-wise, Basin-wise or Geology-wise. The month entryshould be in the ‘mmm-yyyy’ format.

Ground water level trend

The user can generate report for the waterlevel trend between to specific period. Theseasons can also be defined here. Afterpreviewing the report, the data can beexported in an ASCII format along with theco-ordinates (decimal degrees) by clicking

on the export button for further processing in other software like Surfer or GIS.

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11.3 Validations

This is a facility that enables theuser to systematically organisethe database. This report printslist of records not complete,detect data entry errors, fieldsthat have data mis-match,computes the ionic balancebased on the water qualityanalysis results and identifies therecords with erroneous results.Based on the print out theerroneous records can becorrected. The different validationreports available are:

• Check for completeness of data• Well types and dimensions• Check for drainage basin• Incorrect entries of drilling information• Chemical analysis data

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12 Export of Data

GWDES –II provides the facility forexporting water level, water quality andlithological data from the GWDESdatabase as an ASCII file.

From Main switchboard Click on theExport button.

The Export form appears.

12.1 General Information

Click on the 'General Info.' The generalinformation export from appears. Give afile name and click on export. Theexported data can be used to import bydifferent packages or can be used with theGIS.

12.2 Water Quality

Click on the Water Quality button. Thewater quality export from appears.

Type the full name and path where the filehas to be exported e.g.: If Nlgnd waterquality data is being exported foranalysis by GWW then if the file name isbe like nlgndwq then the path will read asc:\gww\nlgndwq.chm. The extension of .chm is to be given for water quality data files inGWW software.

After typing the path click the Export button

The water quality data will be exported to GWW folder as an ASCII file.

12.3 Lithology

Click on the Lithology button. The Lithology export from appears.

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Type the full name and path where the file has to be exported e.g.: If Nlgnd lithology data isbeing exported for analysis by GWW then if the file name is like nlgnd then the path will readas c:\gww\nlgnd.lth. The extension of .lth is to be given for lithological data files in GWWsoftware.

After typing the path click the Export button

The water lithology data will be exported to GWW folder as an ASCII file.

12.4 Water Level Data

Click on the Water Level button. Thewater level export from appears.

Type the full name and path wherethe file has to be exported e.g.: IfNlgnd water level data for the year1998 is being exported for analysis byWin Surfer then if the file name islike nlgnd98 then the path will read as c:\Winsurf\nlgnd98. dat The extension of .dat is to begiven for data files in Win Surf software.

After typing the path click the Export button

The water level data of 1998 will be exported to Winsurf folder as an ASCII file.

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13 Creating Data Backup

The software automatically saves the data on moving to the next record , however it isessential to create a backup copy of the data in a floppy disk, CD or tape cartridge.Precaution is to be taken for closing the program systematically.

It is recommended that all databases be backed up regularly (preferably after data entrysession) on the same computer in a different name using the copy command or WindowsExplorer. Additionally, an off-line backup be maintained software is available and convenient.

The file to be backed up is the file related to the operational area. In the example shown isthe file of Nagpur district data of the state groundwater department named assnagpur.mdb. If the DWLR data is imported into the database then it will be stored in aseparate file with extension .mdd. In the given example it is snagpur.mdd.

When data is moved between different offices (district-region or region – State HQ) only the.mdb and .mdd files have to be copied.

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HIS-GWDES 2.04 Page 72

14 Concluding Remarks

The data entry software HIS-GWDES, is a user friendly groundwater data entry software,which is by now familiar to all the groundwater agencies participating in the HydrologyProject. The software has enables the organisation of groundwater data under one format.The data computerised includes historical data, piezometers data, water quality data,manual water level measurements, DWLR data and rainfall data. Additionally data onborewell/tubewell, constructed as exploratory well, deposit wells, monitoring wells forspecial studies/projects and drinking water programme also need to be computerised. Thedata (mostly static information) contains valuable data on geology, lithology, drillingconstruction, well design, pumping tests, geophysical logging, water level and water qualityanalysis results. Computerisation of the additional data using GWDES should be taken up byall the agencies. The incorporation of this data along with the observation well data &piezometers data (water level, water quality) will enhance the quality of the data base andimprove the understanding of the groundwater system.

The dedicated software package for groundwater data processing centers customized to theHydrology Project specifications is getting delayed and its implementation is likely to take afew more months. Till that time all the varieties of groundwater data available with all theparticipating agencies should have not only been computerized but primary validationscompleted and made ready for incorporation into the HIS data base. The computerized datawill then be transferred to the dedicated software package for carrying out all interpretations,analysis and generation of maps. The dedicated software package will also have the samescreen layouts as the data entry software. This will ensure easy adaptability for the users ofthe software.

The GWDES comes with features for analysis of water level data using the advanced reportsfeatures, generation of composite hydrographs, multiple hydrographs, composite well logs.The GWDES data can also be exported as an ASCII file for generating water qualitydiagram, contour map, well sections and cross sections. All these features can be used togenerate standard reports as well as generate graphs, charts and maps for validating thecomputerised data.

If the users have any question about the Groundwater Data Entry Software it is advised tofirst look in the user manual. Questions can also be sent to the Hydrology Project at Delhion our email [email protected]. The Data Processing Experts would be visiting allthe agencies for installation of the software as well as providing basic skills in running thesoftware, organising the computerised data and attend to problems that would be expectedfrom time to time.

It is advised that all agencies identify skilled technical staff with adequate experience oncomputers, who can be trained as the trainers of the agency. These trained personnel in turnwill be responsible for the installation of the software in the different Data Entry Centre’s.They will also attend to problems related to the understanding and using the software,systematically organise the computerised data from the different Data Entry Centre’s andgive training to the personnel in the use of the software.