Dowall CV July 2010 · Strategic Planning Infrastructure economics Urban land use planning Urban...

DAVID EDMUND DOWALL July 2010 Work: Department of City and Regional Planning 228 Wurster Hall #1850 University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720-1850 (510) 642-2223 (510) 643-9576 FAX e-mail: [email protected] Research Areas: Strategic Planning Infrastructure economics Urban land use planning Urban economic development and planning Financial feasibility analysis Project evaluation Education: B.S University of Maryland, College Park, 1971 (Economics) M.U.R.P University of Colorado, Denver, 1974 (Regional Planning) Ph.D. University of Colorado, Boulder, 1975 (Urban and Regional Economics) Teaching, Research, and Professional Practice: 1976-present Professor of City and Regional Planning, University of California at Berkeley 1989-present; Chair of the Ph.D. Program in City and Regional Planning (1998-2000); Department Chair 1991-2; Associate Professor, 1982-89; and Assistant Professor 1976-82. Responsible for teaching graduate-level courses on urban land economics, infrastructure planning and policy, and international urban development policies. 2004-2008 Director, Institute of Urban and Regional Development (IURD), University of California at Berkeley. Managed operations of unit promoted collaborative, interdisciplinary research and professional work,

Transcript of Dowall CV July 2010 · Strategic Planning Infrastructure economics Urban land use planning Urban...

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July 2010

Work: Department of City and Regional Planning

228 Wurster Hall #1850 University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720-1850 (510) 642-2223 (510) 643-9576 FAX e-mail: [email protected]

Research Areas: Strategic Planning Infrastructure economics Urban land use planning Urban economic development and planning Financial feasibility analysis Project evaluation Education: B.S University of Maryland, College Park, 1971 (Economics) M.U.R.P University of Colorado, Denver, 1974 (Regional Planning) Ph.D. University of Colorado, Boulder, 1975 (Urban and Regional Economics) Teaching, Research, and Professional Practice: 1976-present Professor of City and Regional Planning, University of California at

Berkeley 1989-present; Chair of the Ph.D. Program in City and Regional Planning (1998-2000); Department Chair 1991-2; Associate Professor, 1982-89; and Assistant Professor 1976-82. Responsible for teaching graduate-level courses on urban land economics, infrastructure planning and policy, and international urban development policies.

2004-2008 Director, Institute of Urban and Regional Development (IURD),

University of California at Berkeley. Managed operations of unit promoted collaborative, interdisciplinary research and professional work,

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coordinated community partnerships, supported graduate education, recruited visiting scholars and organized and hosted conferences and seminars.

2002-2003 Visiting Scholar, Public Policy Institute of California, San Francisco, Ca.

Conduced policy research on infrastructure planning, finance and development.

1990-1991 Visiting Scholar, Urban Division, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

Prepared policy papers on urban land management and participated in international missions to countries in Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America.

Spring 1988 Hines Visiting Associate Professor of Real Estate. Graduate School of

Design, Harvard University. Taught real estate finance and development course and studio, and advised faculty on real estate curriculum matters.

1987, 1998, Land Reform Training Institute, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Visiting Professor, 2000 taught courses on urban land economics and infrastructure. 1985-89 Associate Director and Director, Institute of Urban and Regional

Development. Managed operations of unit promoted collaborative, interdisciplinary research and professional work, coordinated community partnerships, supported graduate education, recruited visiting scholars and organized and hosted conferences and seminars.

1976-present Researcher, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of

California at Berkeley. Principal Investigator for projects related to local economic development, local and regional growth management, urban development and land economics, environmental regulation, and housing policy.

1975-76 Assistant Professor, Urban Studies Programme, York University, Toronto,

Canada. Taught courses on urban economics, planning theory, and economic development.

1975-76 Research Associate, Institute of Environmental Research, Toronto,

Ontario, Canada. Conducted an economic analysis of the Toronto Core Area Plan.

1974-75 Assistant Advanced Planner and Staff Economist, Jefferson County,

Colorado, Planning Department. Developed a plan for the mountain area of the county and reviewed rezoning applications.

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1972-75 Research Associate, John Dempsey & Associates, Denver, Colorado. Conducted market research, developed plans and housing studies.

University Service (Academic Senate and Administrative Committees) 2010 External Reviewer, National University Singapore 2009 External Reviewer, MIT 2008-9 Member, UCOP Global Health School Initiative Planning Committee 2008-9 External Examiner, University of Pretoria, South Africa 2008- Advisor, Infrastructure Center of Excellence, University of Auckland 2007-8 Chair MCP Admissions Committee 2007-8 Co-Chair, GMS infrastructure faculty search committee 2007 External Reviewer, UCLA 2006-7 Chair DCRP Adjunct Faculty Ad hoc Committee 2005-8 Member of Executive Committee, Global Metropolitan Studies Initiative 2005 UC Education Abroad Program Hong Kong Review Committee member. 2004-2010 Chair UCB-Chulalongkorn University Program 2004-5 Chair, Search Committee for DCRP position in international development 2004-5 DCRP PhD Committee Member 2004-6 Academic Senate Committee on Rules and Elections 2004 Chair, Search Committee for CED External Relations Officer 2004 Outside Reviewer, promotion to full processor 2004 Member UC Berkeley Ad Hoc promotion to tenure case 2004 Chair, Department of City and Regional Planning MCP Admissions


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2001-2002 Chair of the Academic Senate of the University of California at Berkeley

(Exofficio member of 32 Senate Committees). (Served 1.5 terms--January, 2001 to September, 2002)

2001-2002 Chair, Ad hoc Committee, promotion to full professor. 2001-2002 Member of the Academic Senate Systemwide Council 2001-2002 2001-2002 Member, UC Berkeley University Relations Finance Advisory Committee 2001-2002 Member, Near-Term Planning Committee, University of California,

Berkeley 2001-2002 Member of the Academic Sentate Novartis Assessment Steering

Committee 2001-2002 Member, CAPRA (UCB Academic Planning Committee) 2000 Vice Chair of the Academic Senate of the University of California at

Berkeley 2000-2002 Co-Chair, Strategic Planning Committee, University of California,

Berkeley 2000 Northwest Precinct Advisory Committee. 2000-2001 Chair, Promotion to Full Professor Ad Hoc Committee, 2000-2001 1999-2002 Member Executive Campus Planning Committee. 1999-2001 Member Committee on Admissions and Outreach, 1999-2001 1999-2000 Chair of the Academic Senate Committee on Academic Planning and

Resource Allocation. 1999-2000 Co-Chair, Advisory Committee—New Century Master Plan, University of

California at Berkeley 1999-2000 Member Research Activity Advisory Board 1999-2000 Member Expanded Enrollment Committee 1999-2000

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1999-2000 Member of the Systemwide Senate Committee on Academic Planning (UCAP)

1999-2000 Chair of UCAP Committee on DANR Review 2000. 1999-2000 Member EVC Expanded Enrollment Committee 1999-2002 Member Space Assignments and Capital Investments Committee (SACI) 1999-2002 Member Deferrred Maintenance Policy Board 1999 Ethnic Studies Barrows Hall Space Equity Study Committee 1998 Consultant Selection Committee Strategic Facilities Master Plan Fall 1997-1998 Agricultural and Resource Economics Review Committee 1996-1998 CUSH Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships and Honors 1996-1998 Truman Scholarship Award Committee of CUSH 1994-2004 Outdoor Art Committee (a subcommittee of SACI) External Committee and Advisor Service 2009 Advisor, State of California, Public Infrastructure Advisory Commission 2009 Expert Witness, Little Hoover Comission 2008- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Infrastructure (India) 2008- Advisory Board Member, China Planning Association 2008- Editorial Board, Public Works Management and Policy 2004-5 Member of Organizing Committee World Bank Urban Research Forum 2003- Member of Land Management Experts Panel; The World Bank 2004 Advisor and Expert witness, California Performance Review 2004 Expert testimony, Caltrans Review

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2003-4 Chair, California Bay-Delta Authority Finance Advisory Panel 2004-5 Government of Switzerland, National Science Board Reviewer 2003 National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Built Environment 2003 External Reviewer, Department of Urban Planning, Singapore National

University. 2003 Member, National Research Council Committee on DOE Infrastructure.

2003 Blue Ribbon Committee Member, SPUR Review of San Francisco Public

Utilities Commission Hetch Hetchy Review 1999-2003 Member, Board of Directors of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy,

Cambridge Mass. 1999-2003 External Reviewer, Government of Hong Kong Research Board 1989, 1990, External Examiner, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok Thailand 1999, 2004 1998-2001 External Examiner, University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Architecture. 2000-2001 Editorial Board, Berkeley Planning Journal. 1996-2005 Member, North American Advisory Board, Urban Studies 1995-2000 Member of the Editorial Board, Lusk Review 1995-7 Member, Board of Directors, PADCO-Real Estate Advisors, Washington,

D.C. 1990-2010 Member, Board of Directors, California Foundation on the Environment

and the Economy. 1989- Member, Board of Directors, Land Institute Foundation, Bangkok,

Thailand. 1989 ULI Advisory Committee on Local Government 1988-97 Member, Board of Directors, Planning and Development Collaborative, Washington, D.C.

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1988 Member, Real Estate Advisory Committee, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.

1988 Member, Faculty Roundtable, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy,

Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1987 Research Committee Member, Association of Collegiate Schools of

Planning. 1987 Member of Advisory Group, Public Real Estate Development, Department

of Commerce, State of California. 1986-97 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of the American Planning

Association 1986-92 Fellow, Urban Land Institute, Member International Council. 1985-89 Member, Board of Directors, California Institute of Technology Exchange, Los Angeles. 1985-2000 Governor-appointed Alternate Member of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. 1983-84 Advisor to Director of the Department of Housing and Community

Development, State of California. 1983-84 Member, Housing Element Review Task Force. 1982-84 Executive Board Member, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. 1982 Housing Action Task Force, Bay Area Council. 1981 Personnel Review Committee, City of Oakland. 1980, 82 Nominating Committee, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. 1981 Treasurer, Metropolitan and Regional Planning Division of the American

Planning Association. 1980-88 Steering Committee: Bay Area Council. 1980-81 Economic Development Advisory Committee: Association of Bay Area


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1979 Housing Task Force: Bay Area Council. 1978 Governor's Task Force on Government Reform (Post Commission)

Subgroup on Land Development and Planning Impacts of Proposition 13. 1978 Land Use Advisory Committee, Biological Sciences Curriculum Studies,

Boulder, Colorado. Service to Scholarly Journals: American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association Journal Berkeley Planning Journal Economic Development Quarterly Environment and Planning Growth and Change Human Security Dialogue Imperial College London Press, Series Co-Editor—Urban Challenges Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California at Berkeley Island Press Journal of Environmental Psychology Journal of Infrastructure Systems Journal of Planning Education and Research Journal of the American Planning Association, Editorial Board (1988-1997) Journal of Planning Literature Land Use Policy Land Economics Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Book Series LUSK Review M. E. Sharpe Nakhara—Journal of Oriental Design and Planning National Science Foundation Oxford University Press Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics (Editorial Board (2006-) Public Administration Quarterly Public Works Management and Policy Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics Regional Science and Urban Economics Regional Studies Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies Scott, Foresman and Company Third World Planning Review

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Town Planning Review Transportation Research Security Dialog United Nations Centre for Human Settlements University of California Press Urban Affairs Quarterly Urban Studies (Editorial Board, 1997-2006) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development World Bank Research Department International Professional Practice Experience: Albania Honduras Portugal Argentina Hong Kong Russia Austria Hungary Saudi Arabia Brazil Indonesia Singapore Canada India South Korea Colombia Italy Sri Lanka Cuba Japan Taiwan China Jordan Thailand Czech Malaysia Trinidad and Tobago Denmark Kenya Turkey Estonia Mexico Ukraine Ethiopia Nepal Vietnam France Philippines Venezuela Great Britain Pakistan Ghana Poland Domestic Professional Practice Experience: Arizona New York California Oregon Colorado Pennsylvania District of Columbia Texas Georgia Washington Illinois Wisconsin Indiana Wyoming Massachusetts

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Recent Assignments: 2010 Peer Reviewer, World Bank Institute, Sustainable Urban Land Use

Planning Course 2010- Senior Urban Planning and Land Market Advisor, Government of Egypt 2009- External Advisor to the Research Department of the Inter American

Development Bank on Housing and Land Markets 2009- Senior Advisor, National Urban Development Strategy, Government of

Indonesia, (World Bank funded) 2008-9 Senior Land Management Advisor, Government of Colombia, (World Bank funded) 2008 Senior Advisor, Integrated Coastal Zone Management Clean Up Plan, Government of Albania, (World Bank funded) 2007-8 Team Leader, Vietnam Peri-urbanization Study, Cities Alliance 2007- Senior Advisor to World Bank LAMP Project, Government of Albania 2005-8 Senior Advisor to the Mumbai Transformation Project, Government of Maharashtra, World Bank. 2006-8 Senior Advisor to the Gujarat Urban Development Project, World Bank. 2006 Urban planning and land management consultant to World Bank on urban infrastructure project appraisal for Danang, Vietnam. 2006 Course Leader, Emerging Urban Trends, Training course for USAID, Washington, DC. 2005-9 A Strategic Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development in Krabi Province,

Thai Public Policy Foundation, Thailand. 2004 Advisor to the Tianjin Urban Planning and Design Institution on Urban

Revitalization and Historic Preservation, Government of Tianjin, People’s Republic of China.

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2004-8 Urban Planning Advisor to Punjab Province, Government of Pakistan 2004 Urban Planning and Land Management Advisor, Nepal Urban Assessment

(funded by the World Bank) 2003-4 Urban Planning and Land Management Advisor to Government of Tamil

Nadu, India (funded by the World Bank). 2003-5 Urban Planning and Land Management Advisor to the Government of Sri

Lanka (funded by the World Bank). 2002-4 World Bank Project Advisor on three-city study of urban land markets in

Brasilia, Curitiba and Recife Brazil. 2001-2002 Project Advisor: Urban Housing Market Assessment of the State of

Mexico, (funded by the World Bank). 2000 Advisor to the Municipality of Havana Cuba on infrastructure finance and

reform. Sponsored by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. 1999-2003 Senior Consultant and Principal Investigator, Infrastructure Policy, Public

Policy Institute of California. 1997-2000 Advisor to the JECOR Program of the U.S. Department of Transportation-

Infrastructure Privatization. 1996-2000 Senior Advisor to the Minister of Communications, Kingdom of Saudi

Arabia. Advisor on privatization and management of state owned transportation systems.

1995-2004 Senior Advisor to the Minister of State, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 1998 Senior Urban Land Economist, designed land market monitoring system

for Caracas Low-Income Barrio Upgrading Project, The World Bank. 1997-9 Advisor to the Thai Public Policy Institute on the urban economic

development of the Eastern Seaboard Region. 1996-7 Advisor to the President of the California State Senate on Economic

Development Policy. 1996 Leader, USAID Assessment Team to City of Sandomierz, Poland.

Evaluated City’s land privatization practices and developed proposal for technical assistance.

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1996-7 Team Leader, Asian Development Bank Retrospective Evaluation of

Urban Development Projects in Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan and Thailand

1996 Team Leader Saigon South Corridor Study, a feasibility study of a

roadway improvement project for the southern flank of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

1995-6 United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Advisor to the

Director General on global urban industrial development problems and policy options. Prepared UNIDO’s Policy Document on Urban Industrial Development for the HABITAT II meetings in Istanbul.

1995-6 Consultant, Government of South Korea: prepared a series of research

papers on urban land management strategies for a Joint East-West Center-Korea Research Institution for Human Settlements research project on unification of North and South Korea.

1995-6 Senior Urban Land Economist, Ethiopia Housing Sector Study, World

Bank funded project based in Addis Ababa. Preparing an assessment of land and housing market characteristics in 10 cities nationwide.

1995-6 Senior Housing Economist, Inter-American Development Bank Poverty

Study of Fortaleza, Brazil. Assessed housing and infrastructure service conditions in the Fortaleza metropolitan area.

1995 Infrastructure Finance Expert, Government of Switzerland and World

Bank funded seminar on Small Town Development in the People’s Republic of China. Prepared report on private sector options for infrastructure financing.

1995 Instructor and Co-course organizer, O.E.C.D. Course on Urban Land

Policy and Taxation, Copenhagen, Denmark. 1994-5 Senior Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs,

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (advisor for urban land policy and infrastructure planning and cost recovery strategies).

1994-5 Advisor to the Mayor of City of St. Petersburg on Urban Revitalization

Policy. 1994 Instructor, U.S.A.I.D.-Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Course on Land

Policy and Taxation for Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgystan.

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1993-94 Team Leader and Senior Economist, U.S. Agency for International

Development, City of Warsaw Urban Economic Development Program. 1994 Instructor and Co-course organizer, OECD-Lincoln Institute Training

Course on Land Management, Copenhagen and Vienna. 1994 Instructor, KPMG-Urban Land Institute course on Real Estate Analysis,

Los Angeles. 1993-4 Principal Investigator, California Policy Seminar. Conducted the first ever

multi-year assessment of California’s Enterprise Zone Program. 1993 Instructor, Urban Land Institute Real Estate Development Course, Los

Angeles. 1993 Project Manager, Ekaterinburg, Russia Land and Housing Privatization

Feasibility Study for U.S.A.I.D. 1993 Expert, Ministry of Construction and Architecture, State Committee on

Land Resources, Government of Ukraine. 1993 Senior Urban Land Economist, Land and Housing Market Study for the

Ministry of Housing, Government of Trinidad and Tobago. 1993 Senior Urban Economist, Short-Term Technical Assistance Mission on

Infrastructure Finance Issues, Government of Hungary, for U.S.A.I.D. 1992-93 Land Policy Advisor, San Pedro Sula, Inter-American Development Bank 1992-93 Land Markets Advisor at Riyadh Development Authority, Ministry of

Municipal and Urban Affairs, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 1992 Team Leader, Short-Term Technical Assistance Mission to Warsaw,

Poland, for U.S.A.I.D. 1992 Team Leader, Short-Term Technical Assistance Mission to City of

Budapest, Hungary, for U.S.A.I.D. 1992 Expert, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna,

Austria. 1988-92 Land Policy Advisor: Urban Management Program, United Nations

Center for Human Settlements, Nairobi.

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1989-91 Senior Advisor, International Programs, Lincoln Institute. 1990 Advisor on Land Management and Policy, Office of Housing and Urban

Programs, U.S.A.I.D., Washington, D.C. 1990 Advisor to the National Social and Economic Development Board,

Kingdom of Thailand. 1990 Pakistan Country Department, The World Bank. 1990 City of Santa Cruz, California: Housing Market Study. 1990 U.S.A.I.D Regional Housing and Urban Development Office, Bangkok Urban Policy Advisor. 1989-90 Office of Housing, U.S.A.I.D.: Study of Jakarta land market. 1989-92 China Country Department, World Bank. 1989 Land Institute Foundation: development of training courses on real estate

finance, Bangkok. 1989 Government Housing Bank, Kingdom of Jordan: advisor on real estate

analysis. 1989 National Urban Development Corporation, Government of Indonesia:

advisor on land acquisition. 1988-9 City of San Pedro Sula, Honduras: land and housing market study for

input to master plan. Funded by U.S.A.I.D. 1988 United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Urban Management

Programme, Land Policy Advisor. 1988 United Nations Development Programme: land market assessment of

metropolitan Karachi for the Karachi Development Authority. 1988 United Nations Centre for Human Settlements: advisory mission to

Peshawar Development Authority. 1988 Division of Water and Urban Development, World Bank: advisor on land

use market studies.

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1988 U.S. Agency for International Development: design and delivery of real estate market research course to private developers, Bangkok and Jakarta.

1988 U.S. Agency for International Development: advisory mission to Amman,

Jordan. 1988 U.S. Agency for International Development, Regional Housing and Urban

Development Office for North Africa and the Near East: preparation of report on land development process, Lisbon, Portugal.

1988 California Coastal Conservancy, Urban Waterfront Program: feasibility

studies for projects at San Francisco's Pier 45, Ventura Harbor, and Ventura Pier.

1987 U.S. Department of State, Agency for International Development:

instructor in land policy and land use training for developing countries, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

1987 Government of Mexico (SEDUE): evaluation of land market effects of

post-earthquake reconstruction efforts in Mexico City. 1987 Markborough California Properties, Inc.: office market demand study. 1987 California Coastal Conservancy: computer-assisted financial analysis. 1986 U.S. Department of State, Agency for International Development:

consultant advisor on land policy issues. 1986-87 Asian Development Bank: land economist assigned to The National

Housing Authority of Thailand, Bangkok. 1986 Workout Consultant to U.S. Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp. 1986 Prometheus Development Co., Inc.: conducted office market research. 1986 Anvil International Properties: conducted office market research and

financial analysis. 1986 Vice President--University of Oregon: consultant on organizing Riverpark

Research Park, a joint development project. 1986 Grosvenor Bus Lines, Inc.: assisted in the development of a bid-for

service proposal.

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1986 Shelter Media Partners, Los Angeles: evaluated financial performance of bid proposals.

1986 Henn, Etzel and Mellon: advised attorneys on development economics. 1985-86 County of Orange, Calif.: consultant to County to advise them on Land

Development program. 1985 Superior Court of San Joaquin County: appointed Court Master to review

County General Plan. 1985 North of Market Advocates, San Francisco: evaluated economic

consequences of a major rezoning proposal for North of Market district. 1985 Perini Land and Development Company: analyzed the financial feasibility

of a major mixed-use development project. 1985 Tosta and Browning: evaluated the impact of San Francisco's proposed

cap of office construction on back-office employment. 1985 Elwin Marg: developed and implemented an acquisition program for the

purchase of an investment-grade industrial property, including complete re-negotiation of underlying leases.

1983-85 Principal Investigator and manager of a ten-person research project on the

Construction and Transportation industries for the U.S. Congress's Office of Technology Assessment.

1983 KACOR (Subsidiary of Kaiser Industries): conducted an economic

feasibility and market study for developing a 100+-acre industrial park in Sacramento.

1983 City of San Jose: developed an economic revitalization plan for Alum

Rock Avenue in east San Jose. 1983 City of Hayward: developed a market strategy for financing the

construction of a parkway facility through the city. 1983 City of Benicia: developed an economic revitalization plan for the First

Street district of the city, and established an assessment district and property owners' association.

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1982 University of California, Santa Cruz: conducted a market and financial feasibility study of a proposed 50-acre high-technology research and development center on the campus.

1982 Sobranto Development Company: assessed the supply of industrial land

in Santa Clara County and evaluated its suitability for high-technology use.

1982 Western Gateway Industrial Team, Phoenix, Arizona: developed an

economic development strategy for promoting industrial development on the west side of Phoenix.

1982 East Bay Municipal Utility District: evaluated several office development

proposals under consideration by the district for its new corporate headquarters.

1982 American President Lines: evaluated several office development

proposals under consideration by Board of Directors for new corporate headquarters.

1982 Chevron Land and Development Corporation: assessed market feasibility

of developing offices in Alameda County. 1982-83 City of Santa Cruz: provided expert witness testimony on economic

feasibility of projects in court case in U.S. District Court. 1982 City of Hayward: prepared a Redevelopment Plan for downtown

Hayward. 1982 City of Berkeley: evaluated a proposal to build a 10-story office and

commercial building in downtown. 1982 Builders Inc. (a non-profit economic development group): developed a

financial plan and strategy for re-using the Berkeley Colgate-Palmolive plant.

1982 U.S. Department of Labor: Principal Investigator of a project to assist

localities to enhance their local economies. Past Assignments: 1982 City of Cupertino (Fiscal Impact Assessment) 1982 Broadmoor Homes (Housing Market Study)

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1982 Solano County (Bond Feasibility Study) 1982 Sonoma County (Bond Feasibility Study) 1982 City of Santa Rosa (Housing Market Study) 1982 American Builders (Housing Market Study) 1982 City of Union City (Bond Feasibility Study) 1981 Environmental Science Associates (Retail Feasibility) 1981 Dow Associates (Industrial Feasibility) 1981 City of Fairfield (Bond Feasibility) 1981 City of Cupertino (Fiscal Impact Assessment) 1981 City of Palmdale (Housing Element) 1981 The Rice Center, Houston, Texas (Housing Strategy) 1981 San Francisco Planning Department (Housing Market Study) 1981 Los Angeles Department of Airports (Economic Impact Study) 1981 The Urban Land Institute (Preparation of Real Estate Materials) 1980 City of Sacramento (Housing Plan) 1980 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (Land Market Research) 1980 Pacific Legal Foundation (Expert Witness) 1980 Bay Area Council (Housing Strategy) 1978 Biological Sciences Curriculum Studies, Boulder, Colorado (Land Policy

Teaching Materials) 1978 California Air Resources Board (Environmental Economics) 1978 Evergreen Legal Services, Seattle, Washington (Expert Witness) 1977 Metropolitan Transportation Commission, BART Impact Program, Berkeley,

California Economic Impact Analysis) 1977 United States Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Policy Analysis

(Policy Analysis) 1976 Canadian Institute of Public Real Estate Corporations (Economic Impact

Assessment) 1975 City of Rock Springs, Wyoming (General Plan) 1974 Jefferson County, Colorado (Land Use Plan) 1973 City of Boulder, Colorado (Growth Management Plan) Publications: Books and Monographs: Brazil Inputs for a Strategy for Cities: A Contribution with a Focus on Cities and Municipalities (In Two Volumes) Volume I: Main Report and Volume II: Background Papers. Washington: World Bank, Brazil Country Management Unit, Finance, Private Sector and Infrastructure Management Unit, Latin America and the Caribbean Region November, 2006. (with Emila Freire, Somik Lal, et. al.).

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Making Room for the Future: Rebuilding California’s Infrastructure. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California. PPIC: San Francisco: 2003 (with Jan Whittington). California’s Infrastructure Policy for the 21ST Century: Issues and Opportunities. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California, March, 2000. Urban Governance, Management and Planning: An International Survey. Riyadh: Arriyadh Development Authority, 1999 (with Adib Kanafani). The Warsaw Economy in Transition. Brookfield, Vermont: Avebury Press, 1996. (with Marta Sadowy and Alojzy Zalewski). Transformacja Gosppodarki Warszawy I Jej Perspektywy. Warsaw: EFEKT, 1994. (with Marta Sadowy and Alojzy Zalewski). (Polish Translation) Evaluation of California's Enterprise Zone and Employment and Economic Incentive Programs. Berkeley: California Policy Seminar, 1994 (with Marc Beyeler and Sidney Wong). China: Urban Land Management in an Emerging Market Economy. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank 1993 (with World Bank staff). Promoting Private Sector Land and Housing Development in Ekaterinburg, Russia: A Feasibility Study. Washington, D.C.: Planning and Development Collaborative International, 1993 (with Mark R. Brown and Ernest A. Slingsby). Assistance in Urban Planning for the City of Warsaw, Poland. Washington, D.C. The Urban Institute. Prepared for the Office of Housing and Urban Programs, U.S. Agency for International Development, 1993 (with Maris Mikelsons). Infrastructure Financing and Cost Recovery Options: International Experience Applicable to Thailand, Washington, D.C.: Office of Housing and Urban Programs, U.S. Agency for International Development, 1991 (with John C. Dalton). A Framework for Reforming Urban Land Markets in Developing Countries: Issues and Policy Options, Urban Management Program Policy Paper, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 1991 (with Giles Clarke). The Land Market Assessment: A New Tool for Urban Management. Urban Management Program Tool Paper, Nairobi: UNCHS, 1991, second edition 1995. Reprinted in Spanish: Evaluacion del Mercado de Tierras: Un Nuevo Instrumento para la Administracion Urbana, Programa de Gestion Urbana, Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, 1991.

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Reprinted in French: L' valuation des Marches Fonciers: Un Nouvel Instrument de Gestion Urbaine, Programme de Gestion Urbaine, Washington, D.C.: Banque Mondiale, 1992. The Bangkok Land and Housing Market Assessment. Bangkok: The Land Institute Foundation and Planning and Development Collaborative, 1990. Urban Development and Land-Housing Market Dynamics in Bogota , Colombia. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Monograph No. 038, 1990 (with Alan Treffeisen). China Urban Housing Reform: Issues and Implementation Options. The World Bank; China Environment, Human Resources, and Urban Development Operating Division, 1991 (with World Bank staff). Urban Land Development Study San Pablo Sula, Honduras 1989-2001 Final Report, Volume II, Identification and Evaluation of Alternative Land Development Strategies. Washington, D.C.: U.S.A.I.D.- PADCO. March, 1989. The System of Housing Delivery in the People's Republic of China: An Assessment of Tianjin and Guangzhou. Washington, D.C.: China Division, World Bank, 1991. Karachi Land and Housing Market Assessment. Karachi and Nairobi: UNCHS, 1989. Technology and the American Economic Transition: Choices for the Future. U.S Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. OTA-TET-283, Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, May 1988, pp. 105-114, 222-228. Bangkok Land and Housing Market Study. Technical Report No. 1, Bangkok and Manila: Asian Development Bank, 1987. Technology, Trade and the U.S. Residential Construction Industry - Special Report. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. OTA-TET-313, Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, September 1986. Office Automation and the Implications for Office Development. Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, WP No. 447: Prepared for Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Congress, April 1986 (with Marcia Salkin). The Suburban Squeeze: Land Conversion and Regulation in the San Francisco Bay Area. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.

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Making Regional Planning Work: Proceedings of the Metropolitan and Regional Planning Department of the American Institute of Planners. Urbana, Ill.: Bureau of Urban and Regional Planning Research, University of Illinois, 1980 (with Bruce D. McDowell). Assessing the Economic Effects of Implementing Air Quality Management Plans in California - Final Report Volume III - Analysis of the Economic Effects of Land Use and Environmental Regulations on Housing Markets. Sacramento, CA: California Air Resources Board, 8 November 1979. Articles: “Regional and Economic Development in Indonesia: Issues and Policy Options,” Indonesia Economic Quarterly, forthcoming.  “Evaluating Impacts of Institutional Reforms on Port Efficiency Changes: Ownership, Corporate Structure, and Total Factor Productivity Changes of World Container Ports,” Transport Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, forthcoming. (with SangHyun Cheon and Dong-Wook Song. “Typology of Long-Term Port Efficiency Improvement Paths: Malmquist Total Factor Productivity for World Container Ports,” Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Volume 15, Issue 4, pp. 340-350 (December 2009) (with SangHyun Cheon and Dong-Wook Song). “Urban Land and Housing Markets in the Punjab, Pakistan,” Urban Studies, Vol. 46, No. 11, 2277-2300 (2009) (with Peter Ellis). Improving California’s Infrastructure Performance: The California Infrastructure Initiative,” Journal of Public Works Management and Policy; Vol. 13, 2009, pp. 184-201, (with Robin Ried). “Urban Development and Land Markets in Chennai, India,” International Real Estate Review, Volume 11, No. 2, pp. 142-165 (2008) (with Paavo Monkkonen). “A Strategy for Infrastructure: The California Infrastructure Initiative,” Access, Number 32, Spring 2008, pp 18-25 (with Robin Ried). “Consequences of the Plano Piloto: The urban development and land markets of Brasília,” Urban Studies, Vol. 44, Number 10, 2007, pp. 1871-1888. (with Paavo Monkkonen) “Brazil's Urban Land and Housing Markets: How Well Are They Working?” in Greg Ingram and Yu-Hung Hong editors, Land Policies and Their Outcomes. Cambridge: The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2007.

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“Urban Land Markets and Urban Land Development: An Examination of Three Brazilian Cities: Brasilia, Curitiba and Recife.” Brasilia: Instituto de Pesquisa Econmica Aplicada, March, 2005.

“Land Markets in Brazilian Cities: Lessons from Brasilia, Curitiba and Recife.” World Bank Urban Research Forum, World Bank Research Forum Proceedings, April 2005. ”The State of Urban Research: Achievements, Trends and Priorities,” World Bank Urban Research Forum, World Bank Research Forum Proceedings, April 2005. ”Financing the Future: Rebuilding California’s Infrastructure,” Conference Proceedings Finance: The Critical Link, UCLA Transportation Center, October, 2003. “Land Into Cities: Urban Land Management Issues and Opportunities in Developing Countries,” in Gareth A. Jones, ed. Urban Land Markets in Transition. Cambridge, Mass: The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2003. pp. 1-23. “Reforming California’s Infrastructure Planning and Policy Making,” Access. Spring, 2002. “Introduction,” Berkeley Planning Journal, Volume 15, 2001. “Rethinking Statewide Infrastructure Policies: Lessons from California and Beyond,” Public Works Management and Policy. 2001. “Global Trends in Private Sector Participation in Transportation Finance,” Riding into the Future: Boosting Public Transportation in Arriyadh. Riyadh: Arriyadh Development Authority, October 2000, pp 103-109. “Globalization, Structural Change and Urban Land Management,” Land Lines, January 1999, pp. 4-5. “Evaluacion del Mercado de Tierras: Un Nuevo Instrumento Para la Administracion Urbana,” in Edith Jimenez (editor) Analisis del Suelo Urbano. Aguascalientes, Mexico: Instituto Cultural de Aguascalientes, 1998, pp. 115-208. Land Policy in the United States: A Survey” in Lee-Jay Cho and Yoon Hyung Kim (eds.) Ten Paradigms of Market Economies and Land Systems. Seoul: Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, 1998, pp. 339-369 (with William Huang). “The Price of Land for Housing in Trinidad: The Role of Regulatory Constraints and Implications for Affordability,” Urban Studies. Vol.35, Number 2 (February 1998) pp. 285-299.

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“Designing Urban Land Markets in Russia: The Ekaterinburg Land Privatization Demonstration Project,” in S. Lowney and John Landis (ed.) Fifty Years of City and Regional Planning at UC Berkeley: A Celebratory Anthology of Faculty Essays. Berkeley: University of California, 1998. “Global Shelter Strategy,” in International Encyclopedia on Housing, Beverly Hills: Sage, 1998. “Economics, Financing and Pricing.” Proceedings: Conference on Transportation in Developing Countries. University of California Transportation Center, Berkeley. April, 1998, pp. 37-40. “The Economic Challenges and Opportunities of Economic Globalization,” Building Materials News (India), Special Habitat Day Issue, October 1997, pp. 10-16. “Urban Land Management Reforms in Transition Economies: Lessons for a United Korea,” in Lee, Jeong Sik, Won Bae Kim and Hee-Nam Jung (eds.) The Land Reform Process in the Post-Communist Countries. Seoul: Korea Research Institute on Human Settlements, 1996 (with Annette Kim and Samuel Sherer). pp. 223-358. “An Evaluation of California’s Enterprise Zone Programs,” Economic Development Quarterly. Vol. 10, No.4. November, 1996, pp. 352-368. “An Overview of Private Sector Financing of Urban Infrastructure Services: A Developing Countries Perspective,” Public Works Management and Policy Vol. 1, Number 1, July 1996, pp. 76-87. “The Role of Cities in Developing Countries,” in G. E. Tichy, H. Matis and F. Scheuch (eds) Wege Zur Ganzheit. Berlin: Duncker and Humblot, 1996, pp. 769-786. (with Walter Stoerr). “Urban Development and Housing,” in Emanuel deKadt and William Ellis eds., Cities Divided Against Themselves: The Case of Fortaleza. Washington, D.C.: Social Policy Agenda Group, Inter-American Development Bank, May, 1996, pp. 29-43 (with Ricardo Pontual and William Ellis). “Establishing Urban Land Markets in the People’s Republic of China: Issues and Policy Options,” in Jay Stein (ed.) Classic Readings in Real Estate Development. Washington: The Urban Land Institute, 1996. pp. 418-430 (reprinted from an article in the Journal of the American Planning Association. Vol. 59, Number 2, 1993. pp. 182-192).

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“An Overview of Private Sector Financing of Urban Infrastructure Services,” in J. Burfield , Di Xu and Songsu Choi (eds) China Small Towns Development. Beijing and Washington: The World Bank, 1995, pp. 29-38. "Urban Residential Redevelopment in the People's Republic of China," Urban Studies, Vol. 31, No. 9, November 1994, pp. 1497-1516. "The Role and Function of Urban Land Markets in Markets," in Proceedings of the International Seminar on Land Policy, May 1994. Kiev, Ukraine (in Ukrainian). "A Framework for Reforming Urban Land Policies in Developing Countries," (with Giles Clarke). Urban Perspective, Vol. 4, No. 2, February 1994, pp. 4-6. "An Overview of the Land Market Assessment Technique," in P. Ward and G. Jones, eds., in Methodology for Land and Housing Market Analysis, London: University College of London Press, 1994, pp. 24-43. "Urban Redevelopment in the People's Republic of China," Housing Finance International, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1993. pp. 25-35. "Establishing Urban Land Markets in the People's Republic of China: Issues and Policy Options, Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 59, No. 2, Spring 1993, pp. 182-192. "From Central Planning to Market Systems: Implications of Economic Reforms for the Construction and Building Industries," Housing Policy Debate, Vol. 3, Issue 4, 1992, pp. 977-994. Reprinted in: Housing Finance in Turbulence. Edited by Michael Sudarskis. INTA-AIVN Seminar in Krakow and Warsaw, Poland. INTA Press, June 1992, pp. 151-168. "The Benefits of Minimal Land Development Regulations," Habitat International, Vol. 16, No. 4, 1992.

"The Benefits of Minimal Land Use Regulations in Developing Countries," Cato Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1992, pp. 413-423. "The Price of Land for Housing in Jakarta: An Analysis of the Effects of Location, Urban Infrastructure and Tenure on Residential Plot Prices," in T. John Kim, ed., Spatial Development Policies for Regional Development: Indonesia, Avebury, 1992. "An Overview of the North American Housing Production System," in Proceedings of The World Bank, Economic Development Institute, Symposium on Housing Policy Reforms in Eastern and Central Europe, Washington, D.C.: 1991.

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"Land Value Changes and the Impact of Urban Policy upon Land Valorization Processes in Developing Countries," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 15, No. 4, 1991, pp. 623-628 (co-author). "A Second Look at the Bangkok Land and Housing Market," Urban Studies, Vol. 29, No. 1, 1992, pp. 25-38. "Comparing Karachi's Informal and Formal Housing Delivery Systems," Cities, August 1991, pp. 217-227. "Less is More: The Benefits of Minimal Land Development Regulation," in Proceedings of the Conference on Regularizing the Informal Housing Sector, Washington: U.S.A.I.D. and the Cooperative Housing Foundation, 1991. Reprinted in: Regularizing the Informal Land Development Process. Office of Housing and Urban Programs of the U.S. Agency for International Development. Washington D.C., September 1991. Vol. 2, pp. 9-20. "The Price of Land for Housing in Jakarta," Urban Studies, Vol. 28, No. 5, 1991, pp. 707-722 (with Michael Leaf). "Spatial Transformation in Cities of the Developing World: Multinucleation and Land-Capital Substitution in Bogota , Colombia," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 21, No. 2, 1991, pp. 201-224 (with P. Alan Treffeisen). "The Karachi Development Authority: Failing to Get the Prices Right," Land Economics, Vol. 67, No. 4, November 1991, pp. 462-471. "Public Real Estate Development: A New Role for Planners," Journal of the American Planning Association, Autumn 1990, pp. 504-512. "Making Land Development Work: The Process and Critical Elements for Success," Real Estate Finance, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1989, pp. 15-26. "Bangkok: A Profile of an Efficiently Performing Housing Market, Urban Studies, Vol. 26, No. 3, 1989, pp. 327-339. "The Land and Housing Market Assessment: An Important Tool for Increasing Housing Delivery in Third World Cities," Habitat International, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1988, pp. 135-149. "Office Market Research: The Case for Market Segmentation," Journal of Real Estate Development, Vol. 4, No. 1, Summer 1988, pp. 34-43.

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"Land Use Policy in the United States," in Graham Hallett, ed., Land and Housing Policy in Europe and the U.S.A.: A Comparative Analysis, London: Routledge, 1988. Also reprinted in Cities, January 1989, pp. 153-181. "Back Offices and San Francisco's Office Development-Growth Cap," Cities, Vol. 4, No. 2, May 1987, pp. 119-127. "Public Land Development in the United States: How Local Governments Are Developing Real Estate Projects to Increase Revenues," Journal of Real Estate Development, Vol. 2, No. 3, Winter 1987, pp. 19-28. "PLEC Capacity and Distribution," in J. Thomas Black, Kelly Roark, and Lisa S. Schwartz, eds., The Changing Office Workplace, Washington: The Urban Land Institute, 1986, pp. 113-118 (with Marcia Salkin). "The Setting For Change," in J. Thomas Black, Kelly Roark, and Lisa S. Schwartz, eds., The Changing Office Workplace, Washington: The Urban Land Institute, 1986. pp. 1-16 (with Kelly Roark). "Households, Jobs and the Built Environment: Prospects and Policies for the 1980s," in Joseph Dimento, LeRoy Graymer, and Frank Schnidman, eds., The Urban Cauldron, Boston: O, G and H, 1986, pp. 49-70. "Planners and Office Overbuilding," Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 52, No. 2, Spring 1986, pp. 131-2. "Metropolitan and Fiscal Policy: The Record of 40 Years," Urban Studies, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1986, pp. 1-9 (with Jesse Burkhead, Charles L. Leven, Anthony H. Pascal, and Leland S. Burns). "Endangered Species: San Francisco's Back-Office Employees," Urban Land, Vol. 45, No. 8, August 1986, pp. 9-13. “Land for Housing: Developing a Research Agenda,” Edited by Kelly Roark. The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, with the Urban Land Institute, Monograph #85-3, 1985. "Applying Real Estate Financial Analysis to Planning and Development Control," Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 51, No. 1, 1985, pp. 84-94. "Effects of Tax and Expenditure Limitations on Local Land Use Policies," Perspectives on Local Public Finance and Public Policy, Vol. 1, 1983, pp. 69-87. "The Effects of Economic Policy on Patterns of Land Utilization," in Judith de Neufville, ed., Land Use Policy: The Hidden Agendas, pp. 17-18, Plenum Press, 1982.

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"The Suburban Squeeze: Land Use Policies in the San Francisco Bay Area," Cato Journal, 1982, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 709-733. "Land-Use Controls and Housing Costs: An Examination of San Francisco Bay Area Communities," Journal of American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, Spring 1982, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 67-93 (with John Landis). "Reducing the Cost-Effects of Local Land-Use Controls," Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 47, No. 2, April 1981, pp. 145-153. Also reprinted in Frank Schnidman and Jane Silverman, eds., Housing Supply and Affordability, Washington: The Urban Land Institute, 1983, pp. 81-89; James A. Carr, Land Use Issues in the 1980s, Rutgers: Center for Urban Policy Research; 1984; and in Douglas Porter, ed., Growth Management: Keeping on Target, Washington: The Urban Land Institute and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 1986. "Effects of Environmental Regulation on Housing Costs," in Donald G. Hagman, Public Planning and Control of Urban and Land Development: Cases and Materials, Second Edition. Minneapolis: West, 1980, pp. 464-465. "Methods for Assessing Land Price Effects of Local Public Policies and Actions," in J. Thomas Black and James E. Hoben, eds., Urban Land Markets: Price Indices, Supply Measures, and Public Policy Effects. Washington: The Urban Land Institute, 1980, pp. 161-183. "An Examination of Population Growth Managing Communities," in Policy Studies Journal, 1980, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 414-427. "How Ineffective Policies Gain Widespread Acceptance," in Neal Roberts and H. James Brown, eds., Property Tax References for Agricultural Land, Montclair, NJ: Allanheld, Osmun and Co., 1980, pp. 119-131. "Local-Regional Planning Conflicts: ABAG's Compact Growth Plan and Its Effects on the Regional Housing Market," in David E. Dowall and Bruce D. McDowell, eds., Making Regional Planning Work: Proceedings of the Metropolitan and Regional Planning Department of the American Institute of Planners, 1980, pp. 32-47. "U.S. Land Use and Energy Policy--Assessing Potential Conflicts," Energy Policy, March 1980, pp. 50-60. "The Effects of Land Use and Environmental Regulations on Housing Costs," Policy Studies Journal, 1979, Vol. 8 No. 2, pp. 277-288.

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"The Direct and Indirect Effects of Environmental Regulations," Proceedings of the Conference on Real Estate Outlook in California, May 17, 1979, Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics. “Local Growth Management Objectives," in Robert G. Dyck and Bruce D. McDowell, eds., Getting It Together in Regional Planning, Urbana, Ill.: Bureau of Urban and Regional Planning Research, University of Illinois, 1979, pp. 43-51. "Effects of Environmental Regulations on Housing Costs," Council of Planning Librarians, No. 6, May 1979 (with Jesse Mingilton). "Fiscal Impact Rationale for Growth Management," Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 12, No. 2, July 1978, pp. 83-94. "Trade-off Surveys in Planning: Theory and Application," Environment and Planning, Vol. 10, February 1978, pp. 125-136 (with Joseph B. Juhasz). "A New Methodology for Citizen Participation in Land Use Planning," in B. McDowell, ed., Innovation and Action in Regional Planning, Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1977, pp. 226-236 (with Joseph B. Juhasz). Reviews: Infrastructure Finance: The Business of Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future. Neil S. Grigg. Public Works Management and Policy. Forthcoming. Urban Development in Post-Reform China: state, market and space, by Fulong Wu, Jiang Xu and Anthony Car-On Yeh. China Information. (2007). Illegal Cities: Law and Urban Change in Developing Countries, by Edesio Fernandes and Ann Varley (eds.) in Urban Studies. Vol. 36 (1999), No.10, pp. 1819-20. The Mega-Urban Regions of Southeast Asia, by T.G. McGee and I.M. Robinson (eds.) in Urban Studies. Vol. 35 (1998), Number 4, pp. 787-788. Urbanization in Post-Apartheid South Africa, Richard Tomlinson, in Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 60, No. 2, Spring 1994, pp. 267-277. Low-Income Housing in Bangkok: A Review of Housing Sub-Markets, edited by Kioe Sheng Yap, Bangkok: Asian Institute of Technology, in Third World Planning Review, Vol. 15, No. 1, February 1993, pp. 95-96.

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America's New Market Geography, by George Sternlieb and James W. Hughes, eds., in Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol. 11, No. 2, 1992, p. 106. American Development Control: Parallels and Paradoxes from an English Perspective, by Richard Wakeford, in Land Use Policy, Vol. 8, No. 3, July 1991, pp. 260-261. Situations and Strategies in American Land-Use Planning, by Thomas K. Rudel, in Environment & Planning, Vol. 23, No. 3, March 1991, p. 455. Detroit: Race and Urban Development, Joe T. Darden et al., in Urban Studies, Vol. 27, No. 4 (August 1990), pp. 605-606. The Revolution in Real Estate Finance, Anthony Downs, in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 483, September 1987, p. 226. Land Growth and Politics, John M. DeGrove, in Environment and Planning, Volume 18, No. 2, February 1986, p. 284. Urban Housing in the 1980s: Markets and Policies, Margery Austin Turner and Raymond J. Struyk, and Housing Policy: An Introduction, Paul N. Balchin, in Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol. 5, No. 1, Autumn 1985, pp. 67/68. The Environmental Protection Hustle, B. Frieden, in the Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 45, 1979, pp. 344-346. Windfalls for Wipeouts: Land Value Capture and Compensation, Donald Hagman and Dean Misczynski, in Ecology Law Quarterly, Vol. 8:187, 1979, pp. 187-202. Land Policy and Urban Growth, Haim Darin-Drabkin; Land Use Control: Evaluating Economic and Political Effects, David E. Ervin, James Fitch, R. Kenneth Godwin, W. Bruce Shepard, and Herbert H. Stoevener; Economics and Land Use Planning, A. J. Harrison; and Speculation and Monopoly in Urban Development: Analytical Foundations with Evidence for Toronto, J. G. Markusen and D. T. Scheffman, in the Journal of the American Institute of Planners, Vol. 44, October 1978, pp. 470-473. Zoning and Property Rights, Robert H. Nelson, in Journal of the American Institute of Planners, Vol. 44, July 1978, pp. 353-354. Urban Nongrowth, E. Finkler, W. Toner, and F. Popper, in Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 44, January 1978, pp. 105-107. Property Taxes, Housing and the Cities, E. Peterson, Arthur P. Solomon, Hadi Majid, and William C. Apgar, Jr., in Journal of the American Institute of Planners, Vol. 42, July 1976, p. 364-366.

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Reports and Working Papers: Urban Land Markets in Latin America: Opportunities for Improving Availability of Affordable Serviced Land for Housing. Washington: Inter-American Development Bank, 2010. Law on Territorial Planning, Adopted by the Albanian Parliament, May 2009 (drafted with Marin Bicko). Scaling Up Best Practice Planning of Peri-Urban Areas: Recommendations for Vietnam. Washington, DC: Cities Alliance, 2008. Vietnam’s New 2020 Urban Development Strategy: Issues and Opportunities for National and Local Government Institutions. Washington, DC.: Cities Alliance, 2008. Recommendations for the Strategic Planning of Peri-Urban Areas in Danang. Washington, DC.: Cities Alliance, 2008. Improving California’s Infrastructure Services: The California Infrastructure Initiative. Berkeley: IURD Working Paper. March 2008. (with Robin Ried). Transaction-Cost Economic Analysis of Institutional Change Toward Design-Build Contracts for Public Transportation. IURD Working Paper 1006-09, December 2006 (with Jan Whittington). Urban Land and Housing Markets in the Punjab, Pakistan. Washington: The World Bank Infrastructure and Energy Department, South Asia Region April, 2006 Urban Land, Revenue Mobilization and Service Delivery in Sri Lanka. Background study prepared for the South Asia Infrastructure and Energy Department, the World Bank, June 2005 Transit-oriented Development: Principles and Prototypes. Tianjin: Tianjin Urban Planning and Design Institute, Tianjin China (with Harrison Fraker, Tom Lollini and students), June 2005. A Strategic Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development in Krabi Province, Thailand. Bangkok: Thai Public Policy Foundation, June 2005 (with Karen Chapple and students). Tianjin Urban Conservation Strategy: Leveraging Cultural Assets to Promote Economic Development and Quality of Life. Tianjin Urban Planning and Design Institute, December 2004.

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Strategic Urban Land Management for Lahore Pakistan. Prepared for the Government of Punjab, October 2004. Urban Land Markets and Urban Land Development: An Examination of Three Brazilian Cities: Brasília, Curitiba and Recife. University of California, Berkeley, IURD Working Paper 2004-03, June 2004. (with M. V. Serra, Diana Motta, and Michael Donovan). Nepal Secondary Cities Services AAA: Urbanization and Service Delivery in the Context of Decentralization. Prepared for the World Bank, July 2004. (with Patricia Annez, and Isabel Chatterton). 2004

Sri Lanka Urban Land Management and Policy Issues: Summary of Mission. Prepared for the World Bank, June, 2004. Bay Delta Authority Draft Finance Options Report: Report of the Independent Review Panel. June, 2004 Tamil Nadu: Improving Investment Climate. Report prepared for the World Bank, May 2004, (with Lili Liu, and others).

Análise do Mercado de Solo Urbano no Distrito Federal e Entorno. World Bank, IPEA and SEDUH 2003. (with Vitor Serra, Diana de Motta, et. al.) Análise do Mercado de Solo Urbano em Curitiba. World Bank, IPEA, and IPPUC, 2003. (with Vitor Serra, Diana de Motta, et. al.) Análise do Mercado de Solo Urbano na Regiao Metrõpolitana do Recife. World Bank, IPEA and FIDEM, 2003. (with Vitor Serra, Diana de Motta, et. al.) Karnataka Urban Reform Project Terms of Reference: Strategic Urban Land Management Pilot Project. Prepared for the World Bank, November 2003.

Chennai Urban Land Market Assessment Study Design and Scope of Work. Prepared for the World Bank, June, 2003. Coimbatore and Tirupur Urban Land Market Assessment Study Design and Scope of Work. Prepared for the World Bank, June 2003. Urban Housing Sector Reform in Brazil: World Bank Policy Note, September, 2002. (with Milla Freire, Douglas Diamond, Bob Buckley and Marja Hoek Smit) Estratégia para Melhoria das Áreas Urbanas no Brasil—Bloco C Estudios sobre Mercado Terras, Termos de Referência Estudios sobre Mercado Terras em Metropóles do Brasil—Recife—Brasília--Curitiba, Washington and Brasilia: Cities Alliance—Banco Mundial—Habitat/LAC—IPEA August 2002.

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Brazil Urban Land Market Assessment Study Design and Scope of Work. Washington, DC: World Bank and IPEA July 2002.

UC Berkeley Strategic Academic Plan, Office of the Chancellor, June, 2002. (Vice Chair of Strategic Planning Committee). Blue Ribbon Panel for the Review of the SFPUC Program to Improve the Reliability of Water and Sewer Systems, May 2002.

Railroad Policy Results and Options, Review of World Bank Railroad Feasibility for the Ministry of Communiciations, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, September 1999 (with Adib Kanafani) Privatization Strategy for the Transportation Sector. Prepared for the Ministry of Communications, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, December, 1998 (with Adib Kanafani). Privatization of the Transportation Sector: International Trends, Prepared for the Ministry of Communications, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, October 1998 (with Adib Kanafani). Privatizataion Strategy Issues Prepared for the Ministry of Communications, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, October 1998 (with Adib Kanafani) Privatization Strategy Issues. Prepared for the Minister of State, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ( with Abid Kanafani). Strategies for Attracting Investment Capital, Prepared for the Minister of State, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, July 1998 (with Adib Kanafani). The Economic Council: A White Paper on the Formation of an Economic Council for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1999 (with Adib Kanafani). Thailand Eastern Seaboard Regional Development Study. Prepared for the Thai Public Policy Institute. May 1998 (with Skidmore, Owings and Merrill and Graduate Students from UC Berkeley’s Department of City and Regional Planning). . Caracas Urban Land Monitoring System. Prepared for the World Bank, 1998 (technical report). Making Urban Land Markets Work. Prepared for the Global Urbanization Unit of the World Bank, 1998.

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Synthesis Report: Impact Evaluation of ADB Lending and Technical Assistance in the Urban Development and Housing Sector. Washington: PADCO for The Asian Development Bank. 1997. Indonesia Country Report: Impact Evaluation of ADB Lending and Technical Assistance in the Urban Development and Housing Sector. Washington: PADCO for The Asian Development Bank. 1997. Malaysia Country Report: Impact Evaluation of ADB Lending and Technical Assistance in the Urban Development and Housing Sector. Washington: PADCO for The Asian Development Bank. 1997. Pakistan Country Report: Impact Evaluation of ADB Lending and Technical Assistance in the Urban Development and Housing Sector. Washington: PADCO for The Asian Development Bank. 1997 (with Robert Merrill). Thailand County Report: Impact Evaluation of ADB Lending and Technical Assistance in the Urban Development and Housing Sector. Washington: PADCO for The Asian Development Bank. 1997 (with Robert Merrill). Summary Report: PR 15 and PR 34 Corridor Improvement Pre-Feasibility Study, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. PADCO-REA: Prepared for Central Trading and Development, Taipei. November, 1996. Traffic Analysis and Forecast Report: PR 15 and PR 34 Corridor Improvement Pre-Feasibility Study, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. PADCO-REA: Prepared for Central Trading and Development, Taipei. November, 1996. Survey of Existing Conditions in the PR 15 and PR 34 Road Corridors: Pre-Feasibility Study of the PR 15 and PR 34 Corridors Improvement Projects, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. PADCO-REA Prepared for Central Trading and Development, Taipei. November, 1996. Alternatives Report: PR 15 and PR 34 Corridor Improvement Pre-Feasibility Study, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. PADCO-REA: Prepared for Central Trading and Development, Taipei. November, 1996. Report of Mission to Assess Feasibility of Providing the City of Sandomierz, Poland with Technical Assistance on Strategic Land Management. Washington: PADCO. 1996. ( with Barbara Sakowska-Knapp). Ethiopia Land and Housing Market Assessment. Prepare for the Ministry of Works and Housing, Government of Ethiopia and the World Bank. Washington, D.C. PADCO. February, 1996.

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Global Strategy for Promoting Urban Economic Development: Preparatory document for the participation of UNIDO in the HABITAT II Conference, Istanbul, June 3-14, 1996 (with Walter Stoehr). Cities and Economic Development: A Developing Countries Perspective. University of California at Berkeley, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, Working Paper Number 669, 1996. Land Policy in the United States: A Survey. University of California at Berkeley Institute of Urban and Regional Development Working Paper Number 660. (with William Huang), 1996.

An Overview of Private Sector Financing of Urban Infrastructure Services. University of California at Berkeley, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, Working Paper Number 653, 1995. The Price of Land for Housing in Trinidad: Implications for Affordability, University of California Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics Working Paper Series, Number 95-234, 1995. (with Ayse Pamuk) Promoting Market Based Urban Development In The City Of St. Petersburg: A Preliminary Technical Assistance Proposal. St. Petersburg, Russia, PADCO-Real Estate Advisory Services, 1994. Pilot Feasibility for Redeveloping the Trade Enterprise for Fuel and Building Materials Site, Warsaw, Poland. Washington, D.C., U.S. Agency for International Development (with Barbara Sakowski-Knapp), July 1994. Reprinted in Polish: Pilotazowe studium przedinwestycyjne projektu readaptacji terenow. Przedsiebiorstwa handlu opalem i Materialami Budowlanymi. Warszawa, lipiec 1994. Land and Housing Market Study of Trinidad and Tobago. Port of Spain: Ministry of Housing, Government of Trinidad and Tobago, 1994. Riyadh Land Market Assessment. Riyadh: Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, May 1994. Evaluation of California’s Enterprise Zone and Employment and Economic Incentive Programs. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley (with Marc Beyeler, and Chun-Cheung Sidney Wong), Working Paper No. 614, April 1994.

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Designing Land and Housing Markets in Russia: The Case of Ekaterinburg. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 600, November 1993. Establishing a Framework for Municipal Technical Assistance in Infrastructure Finance in Hungary. Washington, D.C., Urban Institute, October 1993. Improving Construction Industry Performance: Issues and Opportunities. Berkeley: Institute of Business and Economic Research, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 94 -220, September 1993. Assistance in Urban Planning and Development: Report of Field Mission to Budapest, September 25 to October 9, 1992. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute, 1992 (with Katherine Mark and Ivan Tosics). Improving Construction Industry Performance: Issues and Opportunities. Prepared for the First Consultation on the Construction Industry, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna, Austria, 1992 (with Larry Barone). Juarez: Urban Issues Survey. Washington, D.C.: Urban Development Division, The World Bank, 1992 (with World Bank staff). Urbanization in the Developing World: Current Trends and Need Responses. Hearing Before the International Task Force of the Select Committee on Hunger, House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, November 1992. From Central Planning to Market Systems: Implications of Economic Reforms for the Construction and Building Industries. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 545, October 1991. Beach Flats Development Feasibility Analysis. Oakland: State Coastal Conservancy, Urban Waterfronts Program, October 1991 (with Marc Beyeler, and David Alumbaugh, and CP 215 students). Shelter for Low Income Communities: Project Preparation: Ten Urban Areas in Pakistan. Islamabad: Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Ministry of Housing and Works, National Housing Authority, July 1991, (with G. Erbach and Iqbal Kalim). The Tools for Financing Infrastructure. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 540, June 1991 (with Stephanie J. Blackburn).

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The Land Market Assessment: A New Tool for Research and Policy Analysis. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 534, April 1991. Less is More: The Benefits of Minimal Land Development Regulation. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 531, February 1991. A Tale of Two Cities: A Comparison of Karachi's Informal and Formal Housing Delivery Systems. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 530, January 1991. Establishing a Land Market in Shanghai: A Discussion Paper. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 529, January 1991. A Second Look at the Bangkok Land and Housing Market. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 527, November 1990. Spatial Transformation in Cities of the Developing World: Multinucleation and Land-Capital Substitution in Bogota , Colombia. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 525, October 1990 (with P. Alan Treffeisen). The Price of Land in Jakarta: An Analysis of the Effects of Location, Urban Infrastructure, and Tenure on Residential Plot Prices. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 519, May 1990 (with Michael Leaf). The Karachi Development Authority: Failing to Get the Price Right. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 513, March 1990. Population Growth, Land Development, and Housing in Mexico City. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 502, October 1989 (with David Wilk). The Price of Land for Housing in Jakarta: An Analysis of the Effects of Location, Urban Infrastructure and Tenure on Residential Plot Prices. Report prepared for U.S.A.I.D. Housing and Urban Development Office, April 1990 (with Michael Leaf). Urban Land Policy Issues in Asia. Discussion paper prepared for U.S.A.I.D. Third Annual Asian Regional Policy Seminar, May 1990.

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Yogyakarta Housing Market Study. Jakarta: National Urban Development Corporation and PADCO, July 1989. Public Real Estate Development: A New Role for Planners. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 495, March 1989. Making Land Development Work: The Process and Critical Elements for Success. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 494, February 1989. Bangkok: A Profile of an Efficiently Performing Housing Market. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 493, January 1989. Ventura Pier Development Analysis Report. Report prepared for the City of San Buenaventura Department of Parks and Recreation. Oakland: California State Coastal Conservancy, August 1988 (with Joan Cardellino and Marc Beyeler). Making Land Development Work: the Process and Critical Elements for Success. paper prepared for the U.S.A.I.D. Regional Urban Land Workshop of the Regional Housing and Urban Development office, June 1988. How to Assess the Effects of Government Policies and Actions in Land and Housing Markets. Memorandum prepared for World Bank Water and Urban Development Division of the Infrastructure Department, May 1988. Ventura Harbor: Channel View Point Development Analysis. Report prepared for the Ventura Port District. Oakland: California State Coastal Conservancy, February 1988 (with Joan Cardolino and Marc Beyeler). The Land and Housing Market Assessment: An Important Tool for Increasing Housing Delivery in Third World Cities. Paper prepared for the UNCHS International Seminar on Land Development for Housing, December 1987. Improving the Suburban Landscape. Issue paper prepared for the Urban Land Institute Mid-Winter Leadership Meeting, February 1988. Public Real Estate Development Manual. Berkeley: Institute of Transportation Studies and Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. UCB-ITS-WP-87-13, September 1987 (with Linda Gardner and Victoria Greene).

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Bangkok Land Management Study, Technical Report No. 8: Northern Corridor Land-and-Housing Project Feasibility Study. Bangkok: Bangkok Land Management Study, August 1987 (with Ballobh Kritayanavaj). How the 101 Second Street Project Satisfies the Economic Need Criterion of San Francisco's Office Growth Limitation Ordinance. June 1987 (with Patrick F. Mason). An Evaluation of the Residential Land Market Effects of Housing Reconstruction Programs in Central Mexico City. Report submitted to Mexico SEDUE Institute and Renovacion Habitacional Popular, May 1987 (with Manuel Perlo Cohen). Evaluation of the Riverfront Research Park. Report submitted to the City of Eugene, Oregon, and the Vice Chancellor of the University of Oregon, March 1986. Phase II Report Orange County Real Estate Revenue Study. Costa Mesa, Calif.: Deloitte, Haskins and Sells, June 1986. Economic Assessment of Columbus and Marin Savings and Loan Association's Partnership Options. Memorandum submitted to U.S. FSLIC Workout Team, June 1986. The Impact of Technological Change on Residential Construction: The Case Study of the U.S. Manufactured Housing Industry. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 449, April 1986 (with James Lynch). Critique and Correction of the Planning Department’s Analysis of San Francisco’s Need at This Time for Back-Office Space. Memorandum to San Francisco Planning Commission, April 1986. Back-Offices and San Francisco's Office Development Growth Cap. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 448, March 1986. Submissions Under Sections 309 and 321 of San Francisco Department of City Planning Code: 299 Second Street. San Francisco: Prometheus Development Co., February 1986 (economic and market justification portion). Submission Under Sections 309 and 321 of San Francisco Department of City Planning Code: 524 Howard Street. San Francisco: 524 Howard Street Associates, February 1986 (economic and market justification portion). Evaluation of the Adequacy of the General Plan of San Joaquin County. Report prepared for Judge Nels Fransen, Superior Court of San Joaquin County, October 1985 (with Robert Cervero and Richard Cowart).

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Valuation of Harvey "Skip" Berg's Interest in Block 331 Project. Memorandum prepared for Theme Resorts Incorporated for submission to Marin County Superior Court, June 1985. North of Market Rezoning: Assessments and Recommendations. Memorandum prepared for North of Market Advocates, January 1985. Households, Jobs, and the Built Environment: Prospects and Policies for the 1980s. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 426, June 1984. Case Studies on Property Development: Richmond Hilltop Shopping Center. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 413, October 1983 (with Dena Belzer). Case Studies on Property Development: Orindawoods. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 414, October 1983 (with Michael Smith-Heimer). Case Studies on Property Development: Mandarin Grove. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 415, October 1983 (with Michael Smith-Heimer). Case Studies on Property Development: Embarcadero Center. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 416, October 1983 (with Pamela Stone). First Street Economic Revitalization Study, Benicia, California. Report prepared for the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Benicia. San Francisco: The Land Economics Group, September 1983. Sacramento Metropolitan Area Market Analysis for the Kacor Property. San Francisco: The Land Economics Group, April 1983. City of Santa Cruz: Real Estate Development Strategy for the Sky Park Airport Site. San Francisco: The Land Economics Group, April 1983. Case Studies on Property Development: Boerum Hill. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, Working Paper No. 396, January 1983 (with David Shiver). University of California, Santa Cruz: Market and Financial Feasibility Study of the Proposed Research and Development Center. San Francisco: The Land Economics Group, December 1982.

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Case Studies on Property Development: Oakland Sale-Leaseback of Municipal Facilities. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 392, November 1982. Case Studies on Property Development: Industrial Development in the Portside District. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 390, September 1982 (with Noreen Ambrose and Ezra Rapport). Hayward Downtown Study, Volumes I & II. San Francisco: The Land Economics Group, September 1982. Oakland Office Market Feasibility Study for American President Lines. Memorandum prepared for American President Lines. San Francisco: The Land Economics Group, August 1982. Case Studies on Property Development: Seal Beach Coastal Development. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 389, August 1982 (with Daniel Miller). Case Studies on Property Development: Alta Bates Hospital. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 388, August 1982 (with David Shiver). The Suburban Squeeze: Land-Use Policies in the San Francisco Bay Area. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 352, August 1982. Economic Development Strategy. Report prepared for the Human Resources Department of Maricopa County, Arizona. Berkeley: TEM Associates, June 1982 (with Tim Campbell and Pamela Stone). Berkeley Colgate-Palmolive Plant Reuse. Memorandum prepared for Builders, Inc. San Francisco: The Land Economics Group, May 1982. Market Feasibility Study for Mortgage Revenue Bonds Issued by the Salinas-Monterey-Marina Housing Finance Agency. San Francisco: The Land Economics Group, May 1982. Economic Analysis: City of Cupertino General Plan Amendments. San Francisco: Questor Associates and The Land Economics Group, April 1982.

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Market Feasibility Study for Mortgage Revenue Bonds Issued by the Livermore-San Leandro Home Financing Authority for Units in San Leandro. San Francisco: The Land Economics Group, April 1982. Market Feasibility Study for Mortgage Revenue Bonds Issued by the Joint Powers Authority for the Cities of Hayward and Union City. San Francisco: The Land Economics Group, March 1982. Financial and Economic Assessment of the Korman and Ng Proposal to Develop the Golden Bear Property. San Francisco: The Land Economics Group, March 1982. Market Feasibility Study for Mortgage Revenue Bonds Issued by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Fairfield. San Francisco: The Land Economics Group, November 1981. Housing Element Update for the City of Palmdale. San Francisco: The Land Economics Group, September 1981. Multi-Family Housing in Clear Lake City. Report prepared for Friendswood Development Company, Houston, Texas. Houston: The Rice Center, July 1981. The Effects of Tax and Expenditure Limitations on Commercial Development. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 349, May 1981 (with Daniel S. Miller). Private-Sector Strategies for Solving the Bay Area's Housing Problem. Prepared for the Bay Area Council's Housing Task Force. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 344, March 1981. Community Impact Analysis: The Palm Desert Shopping Center UDAG Proposal. Report prepared for the U.S. HUD, July 1980 (with Michael B. Teitz). Methods for Assessing Land Price Effects of Local Public Policies and Action. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 316, January 1980. How to Deflate Housing Costs. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 304, April 1979. Theories of Urban Form and Land Use: A Review. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 295, September 1978.

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Mapping the Land Use and Energy Policy Terrain: Land Use and Energy Conflicts. Berkeley: Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper No. 290, August 1978. Urbanism and Energy in Developing Regions. Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, March 1979 (with Richard L. Meier and Sam Berman). The Identification of Key Land Use Issues for Environmental Policy Analysis. Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Policy Analysis, September 1977. Exploring Options for the Future: A Study of Growth in Boulder County. Vol. V, Optimum City Size and Public Finance Component. Boulder Growth Study Commission, August 1973 (with Nicholas W. Schrock and Larry D. Singell). Media Coverage Sept 2009 KCBS Radio,” A bridge to nowhere.” Feb. 2009 KCBS TV, “Impact of Economic Stimulus Package on California’s

Infrastructure.” March 2009 KCBS Radio,” Infrastructure, Jobs and Economic Recovery.” March 2009 Featured in USA TODAY, page one article on the economic impact of

President Obama’s Stimulus Package. Sept 2004 NBC Chanel 11 Interview on Disaster Planning Invited Presentations: June 2010 Lumpy, evolving and constrained: urbanization and regional economic

growth in Indonesia, Office of the President, Government of Indonesia Dec. 2009 A Roadmap for Positioning Indonesia for Accelerated and Inclusive

Economic Growth Regional and Urban Development: Urbanization, Agglomeration and Competitiveness, Jakarta.

May 2009 Impact of the Economic Stimulus Package on the City of Oakland,

Oakland Partnership, Oakland.

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March 2009 “California Infrastructure Issues and Opportunities,” California Foundation on the Environment and the Economy, Napa.

Feb. 2009 California’s Infrastructure Challenges: Testimony before the Little Hoover

Commission, Sacramento. July 2008 “Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Procurement,” First French-

US Seminar on Transit Financing, Lyon, France. July 2008 “Improving California’s Infrastructure Systems: The California

Infrastructure Initiative,” California Association of Consulting Engineers, Oakland.

June, 2008 “Infrasructure Financing Options for Local Governments,” Urban Land

Institute Local Elected Officials Leadership Conference, Berkeley. April 2008 “Recommendations for the Strategic Planning of Peri-Urban Areas in Danang”, Danang People’s Committee. April 2008 “Vietnam’s New 2020 Urban Development Strategy: Issues and Opportunities for National and Local Government Institutions”, Hanoi, Ministry of Construction-Vietnam Urban Forum. March 2008 “Improving California’s Infrastructure Services: The California Infrastructure Initiative.” Sacramento: Keston Institute. Jan. 2008 “How Performance Based Infrastructure Works and How It Can Be

Applied to California,” Sonoma: California Foundation on the Enviroment and the Economy.

Oct. 2007 “Pros and Cons of Public Private Partnerships,” Silicon Valley Leadership

Council, Sunnyvale. June 2007 “ Peri-Urban Land Development in Asia,” Ministry of Construction,

Government of Vietnam, Hanoi. Nov. 2006 “Urban Planning and Land Market Research”, Academy of Architecture,

Mumbai. Sept. 2006 “Redevelopment and Resettlement—an Asian Perspective.? World Bank

Workshop on Resettlement. Bangkok. March 2006 “How well are Brazil’s Urban Land and Housing Markets Working?”

Brasilia: Ministry of Cities.

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April 2005 “Land Markets in Brazilian Cities: Lessons from Brasilia, Curitiba and

Recife.” World Bank Urban Research Forum, April 2005 Plenary Speech, “Urban Research Trends and Issues,” World Bank Urban

Research Forum. Feb 2005 California League of Cities, California Infrastructure Issues, Annual

Leadership meeting, Novato. Jan. 2005 “Making Lessons Count,” Berkeley Program on Housing and Urban

Policy, Annual Conference Nov 2004 Strategic Urban Land Management World Bank Urban Seminar Series. Oct 2004 California Infrastructure Challenges, Fisher Center Advisory Board

Meeting, Pebble Beach.

Sept 2004 “How cities are utilising new strategies, new solutions, new technologies to change and grow,” 28th Forum mondial du développement urbain, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

June 2004 “Linking Urban Planning and Historic Preservation,” Pacific Rim Council

on Urban Development, Nanjing, China. March 2004 “Making Room for the Future: Rebuilding California’s Infrastructure,”

School of Policy, Planning and Development, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.

Feb. 2004 “Assessment of the California’s Infrastructure,” California Performance

Review, Sacramento Feb. 2004 “Investing in Calfornia’s Infrastructure, Looking Forward,” Half Moon

Bay, California Foundation for the Environment and the Economy Dec. 2003 “Urban Land Management Research Needs,” World Bank Annual Urban

Symposium, Washington, DC. Oct 2003 Financing the Future: Rebuilding California’s Infrastructure, UCLA. Oct 2003 “Using the Land Market Assessment to Gauge Urban Development

Patterns,” Department of Geography, University of Madras, Chennai, India.

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Sept 2003 “Urban Land Market Research in Brazil,” Brasilia: IPEA. March 2003 “Making Room for the Future: Reforming California’s State-Level

Infrastructure Policy Making, California Center for Regional Leadership, Sacramento, Ca.

Dec. 2002 “Why Urban Land Management Matters,” World Bank Annual Urban

Forum, Washington, DC.

Nov. 2002 “California’s Infrastructure Crisis and What Policy Makers Should Do About It,” Public Policy Institute of California, Irvine, Ca.

May 2002 “UC Berkeley and Tidal Wave II: Coping with Enrollment Growth”

League of Women Voters, Berkeley. March 2002 “Urban Land Management: An International Perspective,” University of

Sao Paulo.

June 2001 "Infrastructure Planning and Policy Making in California," Tottori University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tottori Japan.

May 2001 "California's Infrastructure Challenges," California Foundation for the

Environment and the Economy, Annual meeting, Napa, California.

Feb. 2001 “ Making Room for the Future: California’s Infrastructure Issues and Opportunities,” National Association of Business Economists, San Francisco.

Feb. 2001 “ California’s Infrastructure Predicament,” Fromm Institute, University of

San Francisco.

Feb. 2001 “Making Room for the Future: Infrastructure Policy in California,” Public Policy Institute of California, Sacramento Policy Workshop.

Nov. 2000 "Economics and Finance for Infrastructure Development," International

Center for Land Policy Studies, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

October 2000 "Role of Private Sector in Financing and Operating Public Transport Systems: Global Overview,” Ariyadh Development Authority, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

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June 2000 "Options for Redevelopment and Infrastructure Finacing," Municipal Government of Havana, Havana, Cuba.

August, 1999 "Infrastructure Challenges in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf," All Fallah

Program, UC Berkeley.

July 1999 "New Models of Urban Land Management in Asia," Asia Pacific Research Center, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California.

April 1999 "Economics, Financing and Pricing" Conference on Transportation in

Developing Countries, University of California at Berkeley.

Nov. 1998 "Land Into Cities: Urban Land Management Issues and Opportunities in Developing Countries," Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Pasadena, California.

Nov. 1998 "Urban Land Economics and Infrastructure Planning," International

Center for Land Policy Studies, Taoyuan Taiwan.

August 1998 “Urban Land Management Strategies for Economic Development,” Instituto del Conurbano, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Buenos Aires, Argentina

August 1998 “Using the Urban Land Market Assessment,” Universidad de Belgrano,

Buenos Aires, Argentina. Feb. 1998 “Making Urban Land Markets Work,” World Bank Conference on Urban

Economic Development Policies in the 1990s, Global Urbanization Unit, Washington, DC.

January 1998 “Options for Developing Housing for the Eastern Seaboard Development

Zone,” Thai Public Policy Institute, Bangkok.

Nov. 1997 “The Land Market Assessment: A Retrospective Assessment,” Lincoln Insitute of Land Policy Conference on Urban Land markets. Cambridge, Mass.

October 1997 “Urban Land Markets in Developing Countries: An International

Comparison,” Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

May 1997 “The Role and Function of Land Markets.” OECD Training Course,

Tallin, Estonia.

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May 1997 “Evaluation of ADB Urban Development Projects: A Retrospective Assessment,” Manila: Asian Development Bank.

Dec. 1996 “Strategies for Improving Traffic Flows in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.”

Presentation to the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City.

October 1996 “A Retrospective Assessment of Malaysia’s New Towns and Regional Development Programs.” Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur.

October 1996 “Review and Assessment of Indonesia’s Integrated Urban Infrastructure

Projects in Bandung, Central Java and Medan.” National Planning Agency, Government of Indonesia. Jakarta.

October 1996 “Land Markets in Transition Economies.” USC Department of Urban and

Regional Planning. Los Angeles.

October 1996 “Urban Land and Housing Markets in Trinidad and Tobago,” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Detroit.

August 1996 “Urban Land Management Reforms in Transition Economies: Lessons for

a United Korea.” East-West Center- Korea Research Institute on Human Settlements Seminar, Honolulu.

June 1996 “Strategies for Promoting Urban Economic Development in Developing

Country Cities,” UNIDO Forum on Economic and Industrial Development, Vienna.

June 1996 “The Role of Cities in Developing Countries,” ILO Sponsored Forum at

HABITAT II, Istanbul.

March 1996 “The Practice of Land Use Planning in Market Economies,” Urban Planning Institute: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Nov. 1995 “An Overview of Private Sector Financing of Urban Infrastructure

Services,” Beijing: World Bank-Government of Switzerland Sponsored Seminar on Small Town Development.

October 1995 “Cities and Industrial Development: The Challenges and Opportunities of

Economic Globalization,” UNIDO Conference on Global Strategies for Promoting Urban Economic Development, Vienna, Austria.

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August 1995 “Land Policy in the United States: A Survey,” East-West Center Conference on Comparative Study of the Systems of Market Economy and Land Ownership/Use. Honolulu.

October 1994 “Assessment of Warsaw’s Track-Record of Attracting Foreign Direct

Investment,” Warsaw-St. Petersburg Joint Seminar. Warsaw.

October 1994 “Creating Urban Land Markets in Transition Economies,” USAID Workshop on Land Policy in Armenia, Kazahkstan and Kyrgystan, Cambridge, Mass.

July 1994 “Promoting Economic Development in Warsaw , Poland: Lessons for St.

Petersburg, Russia” Seminar on the Future of St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg, Russia.

June 1994 "Urban Land Markets and Privatization," OECD course on Urban Land

Policy in Transition Economies, Copenhagen, Denmark.

June 1994 "Economic Transformation of the Warsaw Economy: Implications for Planning and Urban Development," City of Warsaw Conference on the Future of the Warsaw Economy.

June 1994 "Designing Urban Land Markets in Russia: The Case of Ekaterinburg,"

University of Maryland Graduate School of Public Policy, College Park.

April 1994 "Testimony in California Enterprise Zones," Public Works Committee, California Legislative Assembly.

April 1994 "The Transformation of the Warsaw Economy," Office of Housing and

Urban Programs, U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C.

October 1993 "Designing Urban Land Markets in Russia: The Case of Ekaterinburg,"

Philadelphia: ACSP Annual Meeting.

Sept. 1993 "The Impact of Urban Planning Controls on the Housing Market of Trinidad and Tobago," Government of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain: Seminar sponsored by the Ministry of Housing.

May 1993 "The Role and Function of Urban Land Markets in Market Economies,"

Seminar on Privatization of Land in Ukraine, sponsored by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, State Committee on Land Resources, and U.S.A.I.D.

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April 1993 "An Assessment of San Pedro Sula's Land Market," Inter-American Development Bank Seminar on Urban Land Policy, San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

April 1993 "Using the Land Market Assessment to Improve Urban Land Policy in

Trinidad and Tobago," Keynote address at International Housing Seminar, Ministry of Housing of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain

April 1993 "Land Privatization Efforts in Ekaterinburg," Russia, Office of Housing

and Urban Programs, U.S.A.I.D., Washington, D.C.

January 1993 "How Urban Land Markets Work," The Urals Academy of Social Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia.

October 1992 "Urban Residential Redevelopment in the People's Republic of China,"

Annual Meeting of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Associates, Redondo Beach, California

Sept. 1992 "Urban Land Reforms in China," Metropolitan Research Institute,

Budapest, Hungary.

Sept. 1992 "Urban Land Reform in China: Lessons for Eastern Europe," Office of Housing and Urban Programs, U.S.A.I.D., Washington, D.C.

June 1992 "Measures to Lower Land and Housing Costs: The International

Experience," International New Towns Association Conference on Housing reforms in Poland, Warsaw.

March 1992 "Structuring Urban Land Market Assessment Studies," Technical

Cooperation Division, United Nations Center for Human Settlements, Nairobi, Kenya.

Feb. 1992 "Land Into Cities: Urban Development in Developing Countries," Lincoln

Institute of Land Policy, Seminar Series, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Nov. 1991 "From Central Planning to Market Systems: Implications of Economic Reforms for the Construction and Building Industries," United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 2nd Conference on the Building Materials Industry, Athens.

Nov. 1991 "Urban Problems and Issues in Developing Countries," Testimony before

the Select Committee on Hunger, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.

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Sept. 1991 "The Land Market Assessment," Lincoln Institute International

Conference on Land Policy, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

July 1991 "Land Market Research Methods," Workshop on Land Market Research, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, England.

May 1991 "The Tools for Financing Infrastructure," Lincoln Institute-Government of

Mexico City Conference on Urban Land Policy, Mexico City.

May 1991 "An Overview of the North American Housing Production System," World Bank-Caisse des Depots et Consignations Seminar on Housing Policy Reforms in Eastern Europe, Prague, Czechoslovakia.

Feb. 1991 "Bangkok's Real Estate Market," Pacific Rim Real Estate Conference, San


Feb. 1991 "Reforming Urban Land Markets in Shanghai," Seminar on Economic Restructuring in Shanghai, sponsored by the World Bank, the United Nations, and the Ford Foundation, Shanghai.

Nov. 1990 "Taking a Second Look at Bangkok's Land and Housing Market," Seminar

on Urban Development to Mark the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of Planning and Development Collaborative, Washington, D.C.

Nov. 1990 "Less Is More: Lowering the Cost of Land Use Regulations in

Developing Countries," U.S. Agency for International Development Seminar on the Informal Sector, Washington, D.C.

October 1990 "Jakarta's Land Market," Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning,

Austin, Texas.

October 1990 "Spatial Transformation in Cities of the Developing World: Multinucleation and Land Capital Substitution in Bogota, Colombia," Committee on Taxation, Resources and Economic Development (TRED), Cambridge, Mass.

October 1990 "Using Taxes as a Tool for Land Development," Lincoln Institute of Land

Policy Roundtable on International Programs, Cambridge, Mass.

August 1990 "Housing Policy Issues in Bangkok," Briefing to the Housing Policy Subcommittee of the National Economic and Social Development Board, Government of Thailand, Bangkok.

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August 1990 "Land Market Assessments," Asian Institute of Technology, Division of Human Settlements Lecture Series, Bangkok.

July 1990 "The Price of Land for Housing in Jakarta," National Science Foundation,

University of Indonesia, Conference on Regional and Urban Development, Jakarta.

May 1990 "Using the Land Market Assessment Tool for Improved Urban

Management," Donor Meeting of the Urban Management Programme (IBRD, UNDP, ODA, CIDA, OECD, GTZ, DANIDA, Governments of Italy, Spain, Switzerland), Paris.

May 1990 "Urban Land Policy Issues in Asia," U.S. Agency for International

Development, Regional Policy Seminar, Chiang Mai.

May 1990 "Using the Land Market Assessment to Improve Land Market Efficiency in Mexico City," Lincoln Institute Seminar on Land Use Policy in Mexico, Mexico City.

Feb. 1990 "Direct Foreign Investment in Real Estate in California," Pacific Rim Real

Estate Conference, San Francisco.

April 1990 "The Bangkok Land Market," 3rd International Shelter Conference, Washington, D.C.

January 1990 "Housing and Land Development Reforms in Tianjin," Urban and Rural

Construction Commission, Guangzhou Municipality.

Dec. 1989 "The Use of Market Research for Land Development," National Urban Development Corporation, Jakarta.

October 1989 "Real Estate Financial Analysis," Land Institute Foundation, Bangkok.

October 1989 "Giving It Away: The Land Allocation Process of the Karachi

Development Authority," Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Portland, Oregon.

August 1989 "Public Real Estate Development," Seminar Sponsored by the Urban and

Rural Construction Committee, Tianjin Municipality, People's Republic of China.

July 1989 "Perumnas' Land Acquisition Experience," National Seminar on Housing

Policy, Jakarta.

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June 1989 "Housing and Land Market Issues in Jakarta," U.S.A.I.D.

May 1989 "Public Real Estate Development: A New Role for Planners," American Planning Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta.

Feb. 1989 "Real Estate Feasibility Analysis," Government Housing Bank, Amman,


August 1989 "Market Research for Housing Development," Real Estate Institute, Indonesia.

October 1989 "Real Estate Financial Analysis," Land Institute Foundation- , Bangkok.

October 1989 "Giving It Away: The Land Allocation Process of the Karachi

Development Authority," Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Portland, Oregon.

June 1989 "Housing and Land Market Issues in Jakarta," U.S.A.I.D. Asia Regional

Policy Seminar.

May 1989 "Public Real Estate Development: A New Role for Planners," American Planning Association Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.

Feb. 1989 "Real Estate Feasibility Analysis," Government Housing Bank, Amman,


August 1988 "Market Research for Housing Development," Professional Development Seminar, Real Estate Indonesia, Jakarta.

July 1988 "Urban Development Project Analysis," Taruma Negara University,


July 1988 "Market Research for Housing Development," Professional Development Seminar, Land Institute, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.

June 1988 "Making Land Development Work: The Process and Critical Elements for

Success," U.S.A.I.D. Seminar on Land Development, Lisbon, Portugal.

May 1988 "Market Research for Housing Development," U.S.A.I.D. Seminar on Housing, Amman, Jordan.

April 1988 "Briefing on the Bangkok Land Market Study," World Bank, Washington,


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April 1988 "Public Real Estate Development in the United States," Real Estate Development Advisory Committee Meeting, Harvard University.

March 1988 "Using Land Market Assessments to Inform Housing Policy," Office of

Housing, U.S.A.I.D., Washington, D.C.

March 1988 "Land and Housing Market Dynamics in Bangkok," Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Seminar, Cambridge, Mass.

Dec. 1987 "The Land and Housing Market Assessment: An Important Tool for

Increasing Housing Delivery in Third World Cities," UNCHS Seminar on Land Development for Housing, Peshawar, Pakistan.

October 1987 "Public Real Estate Development: A New Role for Planners," Growth

Policies Forum, University of Texas, Austin.

August 1987 "Housing Market Conditions in Metropolitan Bangkok," Government Housing Bank of Thailand.

August 1987 "Housing Supply and Demand Trends in Bangkok," Second Conference

on the Bangkok Land Management Study, National Housing Authority.

July 1987 "Land Policy Issues in Urbanizing Areas," Land Reform Training Institute, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

June 1987 "How to Conduct a Land Market Study," Annual Training Seminar for the

National Housing Authority of Thailand, Bangkok.

March 1987 "How to Structure a Public Real Estate Development Program," UCLA Extension, Sacramento.

January 1987 "Preliminary Findings of the Bangkok Land and Housing Market Study,

Bangkok Land Management Study First Seminar.

October 1986 "Planning for a Changing World," Keynote Address, Joint Meeting of the Texas and New Mexico Chapters of the American Planning Association, El Paso, Texas.

July 1986 "Public Land Development in the United States," World Congress on

Land Policy, London.

June 1986 "Economic and Financial Analysis for Structuring Joint Development," UCLA Extension, Oakland, California.

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January 1986 "Structuring the Process and the Land Development Entity for Successful Joint Development," UCLA Extension Program.

March 1986 "Emerging Real Estate Trends in Southern California," Deloitte, Haskins

and Sells Real Estate Conference, Costa Mesa.

October 1985 "California's Future Trends: Demographic and Economic," California Transportation Commission Meeting, Monterey.

Nov. 1985 "The Suburbanization of Office Development," Association of Collegiate

School of Planning, Atlanta, Georgia.

June 1985 "Real Estate as an Investment Product for Credit Union Service Organizations," First National CUSO Conference, San Francisco.

June 1985 "Financial Feasibility for Land Development Agencies," International

Conference on Land Development Agencies, Venice, Italy.

May 1985 "Economic and Financial Analysis for Planners," Visiting Speakers Series, Department of City and Regional Planning, California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo.

May 1985 "The Future of Downtowns," Department of City and Regional Planning,

California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo.

May 1985 "Urbanization in California: Past Patterns and Future Trends," California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.

March 1985 "Unlocking Gridlock," General Assembly, Association of Bay Area

Governments, Oakland.

Dec. 1984 "Managing Growth in the Tri-Valley Area," Joint Meeting of the Pleasanton-Livermore Chambers of Commerce, Pleasanton.

Nov. 1984 "The Suburban Squeeze," Building Industry Association, San Jose.

Nov. 1984 "The Costs of Growth Control," San Mateo Development Association,


Nov. 1984 "Linking Land Use with Transportation," Mobility Problems for Major Metropolitan Areas, sponsored by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Los Angeles.

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Nov. 1984 "The Future of the Construction Industry," Lincoln Institute Seminar, U.C. Berkeley.

October 1984 "The Suburban Squeeze," Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning

Annual Meeting, New York.

October 1984 "How Should Professional Practice Be Used in Promotion and Tenure Decisions?" Annual Meeting, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, New York.

October 1984 "Planning for the Future," on Panel Honoring the Work of Harvey Perloff,

Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Meeting, New York.

October 1984 "The Changing Economic Structure of San Francisco," Annual

Conference of San Francisco Forward.

July 1984 "The U.S. Construction Industry," Seminar for the Ecole Nationale Des Ponts et Chausses, Berkeley.

June 1984 "Toward a National Housing Policy," The National Housing Conference,

San Francisco.

May 1984 "Designing a Trigger Mechanism for Controlling Development in the Coyote Valley Area," Hearings on the Horizon 2000 Plan, San Jose.

May 1984 "Households, Jobs and the Built Environment: Prospects for the 1980s,"

2nd Annual Donald G. Hagman Memorial Seminar, UCLA.

Dec. 1983 "Survey of Land Price Inflation in California," Lincoln Institute Seminar on Land Price Inflation, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

October 1983 "Teaching Real Estate to Planning Students," Annual Meeting of the

Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, San Francisco.

Sept. 1983 "Report on Berkeley's Real Estate Program in the Department of City and Regional Planning," Fall Meeting, The Urban Land Institute, Miami, Florida.

July 1983 "Using Case Studies to Teach Real Estate Development," School of

Business Administration, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

April 1983 "The Future of Regional Planning in the United States," Annual Meeting of the American Planning Association, Seattle, Washington.

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Nov. 1982 "The New Era of Capital Finance: Advice for Municipalities, Developers

and Underwriters," Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Conference, Los Angeles.

October 1982 "Modifying Plans and Designs to Reduce the Capital Costs of

Development," Southern California Association of Governments Workshop on Infrastructure, Los Angeles.

Sept. 1982 "Statewide Housing Supply: Emerging Supply Constraints," California

Business: Realities/Prospects, University of California at Berkeley.

April 1982 "The Incidence of Fees and User Charges on the Homebuyer," University of California Extension Program on Financing New Development, San Francisco.

May 1982 "The Effects of Environmental Regulations on Housing Costs: The

National Evidence," Annual Meeting of the American Planning Association, Dallas, Texas.

May 1982 "The Deregulation Hustle: How Important Are Local Land-Use

Regulations in Causing Housing Inflation?" UCLA Public Policy Program Conference on the Real and Unreal State of Real Estate.

May 1982 "The Suburban Squeeze: Land Use Policies in the San Francisco Bay Area," Cato Institute Conference on New Federalism and the Cities, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

July 1981 "Alternatives to Inclusionary Zoning," Building Industry Association,


June 1981 "Future Quality of Life in the San Francisco Bay Area," California Tomorrow, San Francisco Bay Area 2000 Conference.

June 1981 "Housing Problems and Policies in Berkeley," Berkeley Property Owners


May 1981 "Growth Constraints and Housing Production in California," Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics, Real Estate Outlook Conference, University of California.

April 1981 "Use of Fiscal Impact Assessment Models," Contra Costa County Board

of Supervisors.

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Nov. 1980 "Land-Use Controls and Housing Cost: An Examination of San Francisco Bay Area Communities," 27th North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Nov. 1980 "Keynote Address," California Society of Certified Public Accountants,

San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Newport Beach.

May 1980 "City Planning Education at Berkeley," California County Planning Directors Association, Lake Tahoe.

February 1980 "Methods for Assessing Land Price Effects of Local Public Policies and

Actions." HUD-Urban Land Institute Conference on Land Price Indices, Washington.

May 1979 "Effects of Environmental Controls on Real Estate Markets," California

Real Estate Outlook, Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics, University of California at Berkeley.

April 1979 "Effects of Development Controls of Housing Markets: A Look at

Canadian and U.S. Cities," Council of University Institutes of Urban Affairs, Toronto, Canada.

March 1979 "Consumer's Stake in Environmental Protection," American Planning

Association, Miami, Florida.

Nov. 1978 "Effects of Proposition 13 on Land Development and Planning," College of Environmental Design, University of Colorado, Boulder.

Sept. 1978 "Local-Regional Conflicts: The ABAG Environmental Management

Plan," American Institute of Planners, New Orleans.

July 1978 "The Planning Process," Intertribal Council of California Leadership Training Session, Shingle Springs, California (with Roger Montgomery).

May 1978 Expert witness, Environmental Control Board of Everett, Washington, on

behalf of Evergreen Legal Services, Seattle.

Dec. 1977 "The Planning Process," United Indian Planners Association, San Francisco, California (with Roger Montgomery).

October 1977 "The Rationale for Growth Management," Annual Meeting, American

Institute of Planners, Kansas City, Missouri.

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April 1977 "An Examination of Growth Management," Annual Meeting, American Society of Planning Officials, San Diego, California.

March 1976 "Central City Slow Growth: The Toronto Experience," Annual

Conference of the Council of University Institutes for Urban Affairs, Atlanta, Georgia.

February 1976 "Perceptions on the Role of Planning," at the Ministry of State for Urban

Affairs Conference on Information Technology and Urban Governance, Ottawa, Canada.

Nov. 1975 "Public Land Ownership and Urban Growth," at the U.N.-sponsored

Public Land Ownership Conference, Toronto, Ontario (with Larry S. Bourne).

October 1975 "A New Methodology for Citizen Participation in Land Use Planning,"

Annual Conference of the American Institute of Planners, San Antonio, Texas (with J. B. Juhasz).

May 1974 "Computer Assisted Decision-Making and the Planning Process," at the National Science Foundation Conference on Urban Technology Systems, Technology Agent Orientation Program, Boulder, Colorado.