Dow corning donghoon chang


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Transcript of Dow corning donghoon chang

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Donghoon Chang


The Social Marketing Strategy

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Introduction Key Figures Xiameter Dow Corning on YouTube Dow Corning on Twitter Google Adwords Benefits of New Media More Suggestions

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Company Introduction

Head quartered in Midland, Mi. A global leader in silicones, silicon-based technol-ogy and innovation, Dow Corning offers more than 7,000 products and services via the company’s Dow Corning® and XI-AMETER®

More than half of Dow Corning’s annual sales are outside the United States. This fact emphasizes the importance of their usage of social media

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Key Figures

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Xiameter is the Distributor of Dow Corning.

Customers can make an online purchase of the Dow Corning products through the Xiameter website. (

Currently, the website only supports 4 languages. They should add more to get more consumers from different country.

Website should also sell smaller amount of products to individual consumers who only needs small portion to do per-sonal business.

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Dow Corning on YouTube

Dow Corning has their own YouTube channel that shows videos of everything going on in the company. They should add more cre-ativity to the video so they can have more subscribers such as animations or the abbreviated version of their manufacturing process. They only have 66 subscribers which is relatively less number compared to the size of the company.

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Dow Corning on Twitter

Consumers and companies can follow Dow Corning @dowcorning on Twitter page.

Dow Corning announces new product release and company news on their Twitter page which is the fastest way to in-teract with their clients.

Dow Corning twitter page should look for their future employees on their Twitter page. Followers can check their message and respond immediately if they are inter-ested in positions at the company.

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Google Adwords

Dow Corning should use Google Adwords to save their advertising budgets spent on other media.Google Adwords which is based on CPC (Cost Per Click), is rela-tively economically efficient since the company only has to pay for the clicks their web page has been clicked by the viewers. So if someone searches silicone in Google, copy with “The World Wide sili-cone products company in Michigan” will show up with the address of Dow Corning and Xiameter.

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Benefits of New Media

Dow Corning will be able to sell their product more efficiently to the small clients by customizing the Xiameter website which will allow individual users to login and purchase Dow Corning products just like how they shop for clothes

YouTube and Twitter page of Dow Corning actually allowed the inter-action between the company and their clients world wide. The com-pany should be able to reach the potential consumers if they show more of their creativity in their videos and invest on Google Ad-words.

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More Suggestions

More variety of New Media is needed to ap-proach potential consumers.

Events should be held to promote the new products.

Should interact with more consumers world wide using the local social media other than YouTube and Twitter.

Dow Corning Facebook is necessary. Youtube channel needs to become more cre-

ative in order to get more consumers sub-scribed to the channel.