! ' ' ' 13 U13'.IKr'..!3ea *X-X--X X-X--X X X X X X X X * -5f OUR RATE8 ON TflE W If BASIS7(1*1 RGHL*ATI(9ij* <•#•„•«••»•*•*«* *••* J(. ARE THE OHEAPEBT. -){. •**X"XXX-X-XXXXXXX* DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JER8EY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1882. NO. 61 nnuino m n none n PTJBUSHXBS jm> FBOPBUTIOBS. Ofiot t* BlwhfiU Strut nut Jo:r « m nBHUVtUaT ttVMX- TaaaaMama 4BTHI , ^BViOB. S if 1 - 1 " . : i ooLtno "1 " i, T nrai! 1 " J " " 1 COM... raaaa»ueaAM VKnalSfflsnii mil In. 71 lit 17S 76 ISO CM 10 OO Itraa. HBO SO) It) too 10 00 UM 1100 IIM MOO tarn r««. im BOO 171 ISO tie <eo eoo 17 00 Ian. ITM 6H 900 UOO 11 |M uai 1100 uoo uoo Im 'll 1 SO IK IK aa 1091 UOO Im 10 00 HOC itac DSC 17K (too » •», «17J JO to tec IK 811 10 OO 1>W MOO In. now 17 HO 9! 00 not woo uoo uoo •too uooo »fl> IU ntSU. LWUL ID* nun. •T. T. &EIIUI, DOVER. N. J. Tinning, Plumbing, STEAM FITTING in all Uielr unnonas. W. S. AYBES, Civil *n» Mining Enjlneer, KKNVIL, N.' J. j. OOOPEE, ATTOaMI-AT.LAW, 'jaaaTWl 13O> HOU01TO8 in CHaHGlS.!. i OBaslataeioMHttdliig, OreeJ l l a a ' i Stars, /i»o aonaam.M. D.. ** umuvuomnniu. UP : *M0UUaT III TM TWTMUTC orBiuiuLPmuu oinci r »n»iBiBoiiLBDiU)uio, Q.EO. W. EOWEB, ABCBOTOT, HOBUBTOWI, N. TiiiraOH UAU. 10,. Ornoi onoun suoi, DiT * lim Boiiaa*. W nun Dinati rotti tM of F t l H i MiDioniM, with the largest stock of SaR and Winter Clothing than ever had ie/oie. Pi iocs of Clotting lower than iver hem (ffered be/on. Suits north (8 told at 14. Men's frit Wbnttd SfaB, d#cr«>i styles, dovUe and iHijfe Ji easted, worth HO wUal $8. Men'sJIM Slack Corkscrew and ^detvde Suitt, four different styles, 'xrth |16 sold at tit. Also a fine \mof Boys' and Children's Cloth- ng. .4!so o/w line of Qatti' Fur- Ming Goals, Hats, Caps, Trunks, mix, Undcrucar of (HI description, lo not »i« am! mil at 8. Levrng- m'» Bfore ami KX the latest styles in Tata Befme purclirxsmg clKufarc foe me a call. ' 8.LEVJSCT0S, ' Ipp BAKER OeERA HOUBS, DOVER, N. J. "tamtam. »»ra »«»».' onHM-iaioo*, vaiBT, DOTU.I. <. HOIIL. ' DOTM.B. J. (, a. lOUJtf, ' IOTM anl OHttata to J. j. ucion, DOVM, »• '•. ssssssm O TI1CE O* otmuoio»«» HOOK HO. », BA«& BCILDIHO, D<KU, »• '• Cir»«iitertii.BHl«er, fOB'UIS AT JUi BBUa BIOBSB. PEAROE 4 MONEZ. Carpenters and Buildej* BsasrsSf FLORIST, GOED STBEBT, BOVEB.N. TB0KA3 B SiifSilP m e JT.U Xememtail « raMI tfn-Hog , e « r 2K»i<e <• n VM I*. RICHARDSON & 0OYKTOM CO.'S PERFECT . HOT WATER HEATER I will give a Lndy'a or Gontleman'i Gold Wo toll, with standard moViment, atom winder, item setter, /nil jeweled and keep good time and Tear for lire jeans, with evory $100 WORTH OF GOODS SOLD OR MORE, 'eifeot Steam Heater A Lot or Second-hind Parlor Stovti, food oondlUon sod for Mis at ft bargain, or. nwln or «u kl,,J, will be furnUed at ttfc I l • branch at«»U» glra to Horrli Bt., on. tor from Btackml!, 3ODY BHUESELg OAEPET, per yai only 00 ota. TAfESTBY BBTJ89ELS OAEPET, peryard only 65 eta. IHBEE ThX CABPET, per yard only , 7Sot». ALL-WOOL IKGRAIN CABPET, pot yard only GO ela. PABLOR SUITS IK PLUSH OOVEBINQ, (5 pleoea) only.,.. »9C.OO PABLOE SOTIS IN BTO CO^EBINO, (Spieces) only ... « 00 ANTIQUE OAK BEDBOOM SUITS (8 piowa) only 23.50 ANTIQUE OAK BEDROOM SUITS (8piecoB) only. 27.50 Portland Ranges. Binoe we hare made improremeat in the oven door it las jaat doubled tbe stale of them. Every Portland Range and Parlor Stove v e Bell is guaranteed or money refunded. R, F. JOLLEY & Co., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, MEN'S FURNISHERS. 810 BROAD St. NEWARK, ST. J. LARGEST AHD BEST STOCK In tie SUIa. A CAUTION! Wbenyouart for EalUnUoe'i Expert, be ire vim eel It, Donot aaorpt any ofcasr gallon of cheap Imitation. For sale In a nOdest pttvcea anddaUvaxwt anywbw* 1 the Northern part ol tbe Htato by KANODSE & I O L L E SOVEB, H. J. eorju AOBNIB. , BOTTLERS Of DBS APPLE OIDEB. BE.TiV8 FOBTKB, Bodt and Xlheral.W»t<ri or VTZHT DBSoaipnoir. tw- BATIS'ACTIOH^HJAfiAimiP. FRANK F. »PG»R, JKiR D, L. * W. MOOT, OOVSB, N J. Sods »nd Mineral Waters, SBLTZER, VIOHT, ETC. Aatar rou Einoliliffe's Celebrated Sxtr» B tager, Porter, *o. nBST-OtAB3 OOOC9 A BFEOIAI.TV'. JOHN J. ECEHART, ( S r o a n to Smith ft gcakartj MASON AND BUHiDEB. Contrutebtkan antl matarlali tornkbed ft BOIL.DINO*, BHIDCWS, Kbetbar of BMOK or BTOM. Bbop atarrU street, ne«t toformlrlai E U building, D o r a i " . * . ^ JOflNI ICIHiBT. A FASULI NECESSITY DR. EDWARDS' Blackberry Brandy and Ginger, Qf ad «.B at tbs atom la tnotr <"• o°' GOTO Kanouse & Hoski . Iftua Cimb BtUDat, DOVEB I . >. NUirsjUL YARD COAL. WOOD. GOLD NEW GOODS! NEW PRICES! BUY FOB CASH AND SAVE MONET. GROCERIIW. Minnesota Wour( per barrel BmoksdBiet '_. . [few Currant*, 8 lbs..,. Sow Pram*, 3 lbs . •• -• tten Few, 8tans . > . . . Tew Tomatoes, If cans! .. rewftriEgBeaoOeW "" " iff- r«wClwrrIi».Scaiu.' f.w White Bean., qu»,rt [*w Groan PMS ". ewBelmon |.. .wKeoieral > . TfpTopMllk A EnxnlliiuPoUih ' Cute, Ink.. 'j - Bar Soap Cheap Because It's-Good. TEEMS. 76o. down and 75c. weekly on 110.00 worth, $2.50 down and 7vc. weekly on 26.00 worth. • 4 0 0 down and $1.00 weekly on 50.00 worth. COO down and 1.25 weekly on 73 00 worth. 8.00down and 1.23 weekly on 1O00Oworth. 12.00 down and- 1.C0weekly on 1C0 00 worth. 16.00 down and 2.00 weekly on 800.00 worth. Telephone 580. Elevator to Every Floor. OOD8 DELIVERED FKEE OF 0H4EGE TO ANY PAST OF , TBE 8TATH AtfD OKV. FABE PAID, INOMJDlNa " GOLD WATCH. AXUOS H. VAN HORN, -'•. MV OSIiY PLACE OF BUSINESS IB AT We Cannot Afford offer you sliam or shoddy to' lower tho price. i is pot cheap at any prioe, so that when we say ^r olething is clieap ana name prices as w« do sonii tijnes, we mean oheap Mcanso good. You Cannot Afford llo boy anything but what is reliable. Stick a pin Uorav We are manafaotarers when ^on bny ol ns yoa boy of headquarters, lou'll fuid tbu pruiotple, oheitp Uenusa sood, finely Ultuliated in our Btook o! -*i pflYB 1 AND OHIXDKEN 8 CLOTHING. It oabracea nvorjtliiDR from suits (or the Bmnll ohild up to garmonta for the tallmoat man. The prici pltsaw btwavse they've qnalitj tobaok them. WOT 1R TOIL X W I O\ES THE D0OB. .; NEWARK, N. J. (NEAB PtAJrx STHEKT.) 50 and 852 Broad St.. NEWARK. 5. J. S.RBEMETT, KAltUHCTUBM ASD DBAIJSR » STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES, Tot, c o m a »«i> Ba» t«o» loomo,. Zinc, -' Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Ac. THE GORTON HOUSE-HEATING STEAM SENEBATOB ABPKaiAITT._ MINING MACHINERY MORRIB OOTTNTY MACHINE & IRON Co, HEAGAN a shoe h becoming recognized a guarantee o( its exoeUeaoe in, ylerfit and wear. H; Fall •took ia complete. Aa a atarter I will aention my stock of Ladiea 1 Well*. «.,.» '.V/.'i.'ib lra>,«i»i, vt snrrdt- The Equipment of Iran Nln«t t speeltlty.' JO3.R;WILLIA.MS Mason and Slater, PORT ORAH, If 3 fan tat all kinds of. work { "'° M J ^* lM "°* te '" a My hand sewed welt Waokenphast is supe- rior both in wear, style and oomfort toany sloe in the Stete for the money. "Width A, B, C, D, E; prioe $3 OO My hand sewed'welt Derby Last is a style giving more oomfort for a shoe with a pointed toe than any similar shaped shoe I have ever handled. Width A. B, O, D, E prioe $3.00. - '""^b'mca ir«u Cam mm. o-Ii ie rt>o WANT Wagons and Harness comcix*. ."rta*. K. Mullen, Darn. a OS maanftctaiw Mid 'AuOir to Ununu, li ot ths b"l ate mi whs. nuoattU. (UOSWCU. StSBI. COTB1.M1 M. D. HICKS DOTBB.N.J. My hand sewed welt shoe made ion the New York oommon sense last is equal in comfort to any shoe ever put onthejnarket. Width A, B, C, D, E; prio $3.00. P. O. HEAGAN, Opp. D., I* & W. Depot UuUSEIIOliD GOODS. Be»ttov«l vl* p'ftlw 0 Pinln pla iilatei. s l tin dlppert fi s Caa opanen, , 0r»T7 ttnlnera. Sot OOTBMII itowpem Wuhbulai . Pudding puna . Ti H p , DuitpAUB. T«i or OGITM poU CoipUon CcUnd«ra Ttnipooai, per dot.. Table FlrethoiBla Cork awrawa 10c fie 5a 6c, Be Ho, Do, 12c lOo, ]0o, to. 6o, TBY AND BEAT THESE FRIGES. ,1 raM . . . •fiHKrVUsrV llltoci 1 . FonnuPlwbn, 2lor. GOODS DEUTEEED FBEE. cfe O O . , ILACKWELL BTnB NEXT DOOR TO THE DOVER POST OFFICE ^VTe have mtule our nurae a tower of Irnsi amoug iho DWple for Clothiag that they oaa depend upon it's oheap because good. If it wore not good 1 it not olieip A SaTiDg of Two to Four TODS of Coal using iho O8CEOIA or QUEEN ESTHER BANO]» with teg later altachiwnt AUrge line c! atOTes is stock >a follows: Oanopv. ArtOaBopy, Cram Foni Easter, Citizen, Eroadvay, N B a Florence, ak "sir ITOKE AMD IHOV (TOVXI. Uonar, Uooarcb, Dalsr, Vaailar, rortluil, V.twr, VUrtle. WARREf and TUB DBKMNO BTEAV AND HOT WATEH HEATERS, Plomblq/, Tlnnlof and Staam FtUInf Work doofl 'o all branches. Look afi»7 large atoea- betore paraiadiiK D, 8L ALIEN, Bovor, N. J. QUESTION OF ATTIRE. THE season invites yon toconsider tho necessity of u oliange in clothinR, and tre invite yon to soa our noir lines of teJ . , BUSINESS SUITS, VI e l l S DKBS8 SUITS, * ,- OVERCOATS, For fall and winter ^enr. You will find that we Jiavo more than one export tlesiRnfir and cutter, and that evsn Baitd find OVOIOD&IS as low in prioe as $15, 916, $18, ahow tlie indfllible matka ot saperiot BkiU, fino tailoring, and carry a atjle only attained b) high-olaas ortista and workom. ARSHALL & BALL, 807, 809, 8H, 813 BROAD St., NEWABK, N. J. aa TO TUB LD RELIABLE HOUSE -or- JOSEPH C. JOHNSON phdlsterlng aid rnmlture Work, loun flt., (N«i» m Bmii; DOTW. A SPIJEKDID STOCKOP MILLINERY GOODS far Hprip* and Bunnner wear, a prtttr dfiplay of BOTdUea an MBS. QEO. P1RR, "QKAPPlg,"OlD BOV. M ITRNBT VAST BATS HE BAB BE Bf A VKRT RAD FtLl.HW. Tb-Newark Dtily AdrerUwr- Ud tha /ol- latrtag to soy UoaiUj night of a, young En- gllahmaa who hat mads htmatU Tery obnoaloua to many people ID this to.irn, and wbo on Mver&l oooutoai bad * DMTOW escape Irom getting; bis bead punched for being too fresh " Six aoDttis agotb«r# came to thb town i yooot EogllsfanMa wbo gars tho UADJB a Wia.HtarjBaat, Ultolothea were offloet«i tura and olegovntout, blidrBHl of ILa most pro- nounoed EujUeb chanoter, and be represented Uat he w u engaged innewtpitpcr work la Now York city. Much of hli tinu wu spent ivayJrom town—oatetulbly In tb* city—but bit abode irbll* lien wu with his uncle, WO.RQWH, HfltoWlatamttng tftiuo "• experlenCMin two bflmfapberea, mada motif aoquaintonoei, ud paid marked attenUoa to 4io daugbtar of JoUn Wotlnu-t of Wt. Hopt ftrenue, * For ihtm renBoni tbe people of Dover wen T«7 much latereitod by nporU in tbt N«w York papen ot Urt B*hird»y eTooJog,toits effect that W a . Btarj Bant had tweu anwtfld In that city on tha morning of that day, rbuged with anindling ot the cheapest tort. The de«rlptlon tallied *xaotl; with that of tbe young man who had bean about Porar, HB had been noUoed About tbe Hoffman BOUM on aleoUon nlgbt, ud dettctUe* mogntud a dtoOtfitj between him end the descriptionof ~ Uowwhowa* wanted for many petty i fldeaee gu&ee. He m ttwreloro ghadowed u d no Bat&rdar ooralng arreeted. v On the way to the poUoe oourt he talked free)/ with tbe datwtlmtabout his career, UM tww for two jewi be had been11 bctwwn Eogjaail and America byiHlDdllng iW Irom B big Ec|lUh ibJp builder TlslUug New York, by nprawaODg that ht KM tbt •on of a man Ue latter knew, tad mentlpaed nmnj otbere from whom he bad obtained nusuy. SebtvdUvtdat wTeralDtthobatt hotela In New York and bad been entertained by prominent people of tiatclty. He had oh- Ulnrf aadlence with Un, Frank Leslie by preten4b« to bo the KBof M. B. Braddos, tho norelUt. He Introduced himself la tha Borne chanutor to tha Wlleri, book pubUahen, and KM mtertalned one. night by a member of tbe arm. Dick' ud DouglaH, Branttno. and other flnm were vJotimfwd In a almllai way. la Bant'i picket* we» toutd li»U ot tbi ounce of promloent people, with thalr addre*- ate ( elKtho ploton «t a pretty young lady, on which waa written "Marie IAUIM Bint- hart" When brought baton Jurtlos Byan, uut one of hie tlotJuu wupreeant to pi«w a ccwplaltit, and the Juitloe announced with re- gret that to -wu compelled to discharge the prieoaar, , The young man known to Dover by the MUMname arrived In town on Saturday even- ing, u natty and tuave as ever, Ha laughtd al the whole thing ai a Huge Joke, and told the Dally Advertiser repneentatlTe tost ha w u the Tfettfa ol a asouDdTa. wbo bid bean inuqacradlng In bis muue. Be told with ap- parent reliib how h» had. hlnMeU gooe to. the poUce wurt, and of bli turprlee tofindthat the raaoal who had atolen blfl oam« wu aleo hli counterpart la feature and'drew, Bit only embantafnient wu when he wu aiked how ble double w i l d UT» obtained a ptctun of Miis RfiMhait InhU ooufaitns be ei cl«]med,"Wby, Ioeverhadaplcbjreofberl" Buthanoormd and explained that he bad beard of Mine fallow lnqul>lttg (or him about her, and believed hla double tntut bare paid a ••ftoDowr. AonvInMd tw; body of hla non-partlatpaUon In tfae alFalr, but pranbtd tonake the matter bfotel d b> rtA UM arrerti ol the. n»Bo*nOlobt..waiMked r_ lUe tnornlnt if It kadamsrantatln Ia Ne» Vorit named Win Henry Ban t In return windtfaereplf that I*bad "iu»r«pre« Un bythe name of Bant." From the dti. eription U na if yoang Bant It la believedbe baa tried to work the eoufldeace gamMon people of prominence in Newark, Albert A, Pope, ol Beaton, Ii lending out blanu to " wDege FreeWeo*, rmllroad Freal- dtnU. poetnuuttwi and otben," aikitii them ftlgi. a putitioo and prooore ottier ajgoaturee toaatabUth a dfpartnutt oCroadtoaklai u a cabinet office. The nrowrfty for 1 better roadi Ii towell andenfiood and eo generally ooooidad tUt luiunatit QMIM m Uiat point, bat tbe beet metni of eeoariog wch raa^btheproblamtUtoonfroaUthe people. WtdonotboUaT* that the object aimed for a local matter and might be mada praotlcable a*aBtatapolicy witiiaaintyboardaIn order to eeotm onlfomltf of work, but u the 1m- provemaoti wlO have to be paid for by direct local taxation, the bnrdtn of mpporttig a departmanfc at WaehlotsCan would he toograat for the bemflte derived. A county board ol eeglDeeritoitiperrll«aoddlrtott*«w<tt-koo tberoadi, and UtevwIotMaietitby Uwrarioiu townthtpe cf'the aogteatiou ind Aireettotu •uch boardt might tnaka would be leei ezyec- •Ive and nor* pnotloable tban anything that a board ot engineer* at Waintniton could do. 1 Wawant bettw ma4t,'biitw* eaafetthem from Trentoo better than troo the&atltmal FotudDMuI. Oeo. N. Cox, weat tothe Cochran Hou», Siwtofl, about QM o'clock on. TbMrwUy mom- Ing l*rt, oalled for a room and he retired to Ud, Mmewhat under tha luflutnoe of Uqaor. He did not get up on Thunflay morning. About the middle of the day U n . Deoker, to* landlady, aaw-hlin ihroagt the open door lying oa tbe bed, looIttBg *>«. •>>« tbongbt About time o'clock IA the aftertwnshe again paaMdtbe door, and, looking u, diaooreral him lying on the floor by the atde of the bed. Bbe at oaceaottiied the men ol tbebouw,wbo went to tbe room and found that th» man waa dead, Coroner Jqoob 8. Kemnan and Dr. t. D Ulller wen aiinimoiwd, and a tttorougli o or cauje of death'ware dUooverw). A bottl» wbleh ccntalrjad rye whliky waa ljlog on oni or blm and tb6 cork on Ui6 other. So bis pockata were found betireea seTen and elgbt dollan lamoney, and a latter from Mr. Qeo. Ik*, ol Frankfort towuiUlp, for wbombe bad Iwed doing farm work during thapast Baa- Ballroada' Boor* a Point, - During thernosthof October aU maim were weighed, U» Wtal amount to torm a baiii oa which to compute tb* cotapen»Uoo the i»il- roadi will reoelre for tbe poctal Krvlcedar- Icg the noit four yean. As tbe political can- w u then at itahBigU andtboiuAlli load- ed with camptlgQ Iieeratun, the rallroada willget paid for a good deal (hat they wont hareto carry. Elblo con- ahielii, of " » « a d h t h udsone In tbo December ,, "TbeEflectoIBclmtiao •" ipsclallitt THE OBNTDRY MAOAZINE IN 1B83 It would he liard h r a penon who caraa for good reading to nuke a better investment than ytar'* lubKripdoii (o The Century Uajcazlne. No region fi too remote, penwtoo great, U it will only prodm tbe Ccatorj'a reoden went, TUs U tUe paticy that baa made it, as tbe P«ll Hall Budget, of London, a*yB, " IBj far the best of tbe maga- t!n«i, EoglUb The November Dumber boglos a new relume and contilas tbe flnt etiBptert of a powerful novel of Hew York anxiety, called "Sweet Belli Out of Tuns," wrUteti byMr«, Burton HetTiwD. tho author of "The Anglomanias.' Inthliitorytbefaablonnble wedding, tiieoo- oupaati ol to« boxes la tii» Metropolitan Opera UOUM, tha" unart eat" In the country house arc falturully reflected, and the Uluttn- liou Ij CUarlu Dana UlDeoo, UWt well knotm cnrtooolat, are u brilUent u tlw novel. In ttla Norember number beglni elso a great leriei of papen on "The Bible and Science," opening with " Doee the Bible oo»- talaScienUao S r r o n f byProf. 3hie], Princeton, who Ukes decided ground that tbe Bible does not contain scientific errors of any moment. And wbo muat fnterattngly itatea the cae* from blapolntof view. Otberartlcle* In tola tarlea will Include one In tto December (ObrtBtcoai) Bttmbtr. Study opoa Rellgloua Bellefa." An Important serial of latten that paased bfttween Oenera\ Sherman and hi* brother Senator John Sherman Ia also printed ia No- vember, which number contain* also buttons from tha moat dUtlngubbed writers, (unhiding aauttale by Tamee RuieeU Lowell wbleh wunot quite completed at tbe time of his death. The Buggostlon which BUhop Potter maVee In tbo Hovtmber Century aa to what could be done with the World'a P«Ir Uit wen opened oa Buaday, i* one wblcb aeem* the most pratlcal eolutlou of tbe problem yet offered, Ttte December Ceotury be a great Cbrtitinu number-full of CbrlBtmu itoriw, Obrlitmupoenu ana Christmu ploturea—and In it wiU basin the drat obapUn oC aatrtklog JoTlIfolQ Colorado, "Beneflte Forgot,' by Wolcott Balettler, who wrote "The ttaulahka" wlUi Kuftyard KlpUng. Papen on good roads, the new educational mothoda, and city government are BOOHto pome. Four dollar* will bring you magaelDe for one j u r , and certainly no culti- vated home can afford tobe without It. Bub- tcriben can remit directly to'ttapubUtben, The Century Co., 83 B u t 17th St., Neir York. They iltould begin with November, and iog<t Bret chapters of nil the serlah, Street B*1U Out ol Tune. 1 ' HnaBax Tnomaa Osorga IV. Tbomu, formerly of Haoketta* town, and his uepbttv Wm. II. Woodruff, of tha same place, wire arreeted by Anthony lonutoGk 1 . agents la New Yotk last week lor lolatldg the lottery lawt. Thomu Is Atort of Col. Suiters, andla as foil of chlmtrloal •ohemea at a Democrat ii of joy. He^U the flrtt who tried to Mine tho tunken trawure ship Htuaar, In which icLema be suck thouoandaof other people 1 * dollars aud then ttaxted e, etook turn at Hulcottetowa U> nOeft Shetlwiil ponies. He haofc*wnIn about every kind of btulDees that comes under tba eUtut*, and right alter tha national COQ< paid a doUar and guested wbo wou! dent and It you fueeaed coir«ct)r/ and nearest the majority you would get t50,003va& a num- ber of other priww for olber close gi Antbooy Oonutock got oh to the sbeme and arreated TbomasanA bis clerk. It Ii needleat to say that no prlxea wen paid. Both are out under bail. Tbe great Hew- York physician, BmU, leumtTi &T. D M phydoUr-In-chUC of ths Hew York Lodge and Aaeodatloa Hospital, writes uai "We are uilog Dr, Oreene^i Hervura blood and twrra remedy at tbe Hwpft*. for our petlaflte wf tb good euocess. 11 Other pbyslclani give us tbe eame advice for our people, aud Irom the unanimity o( opinion of the doaton, we a n aamiral that this great and wldelykDowo remedy is jurt wbat ourtdck and lUJTering dtlMW require to Kstore them to health. All tie dooton •ay that It doea cure, and all eufferan from nervousness, weaknaw, poor blood, debility. Btomacb, kidney or IITBT troobles should give ft an immediate trial. We know that It I* a purely vegetable and harmlees remedy, and ourdrugflstsnaveltforsaleattL Another nOee thlug olgreat ooneeauenoa U Ihli, t U t l t b thadlMOTary of Dr. Ureeae, at 83 W. llth Street, New York, who utarenownedipeolal- aa and chronio affeotlona, and ha can be coniultad free at chart*, con* Buy case, personally or by letter. renUon Istinourl ildbAPml- earning To be Openflnndairat,, "At UeregoiarmeeUog of the^World's Fair oomlng. favoring tbe opening; at tlngjatet on Sunday, prVrtdedtUttbamadiliMrybenotniD. Ibe dlnoton say that ae all tbe nations of tbe eartb' have been ttnltad toattend tin fair, ifc would be hlgtly dleconiieoui and Inhospitable to Inform them that they cannot do on Sun- day what tber would do were they at hant, "TM cloalDK of Uie gitfttOttBumUj," eaya tbe weoiuUon, -"meeua tbat thouaodsof nrUaofli and itiecbaaics, to whom the exhibi- tion will b« of iDHtimiLble advantage, wlU notbaabletoatteodit." The directors say tbey are In favor of allow- ing every nation to told wtUiln ths grounds •ach reUftouB eervfoM as Itmay dadra on Sin- day. They also think it desirable that the r e t * should be open to allow visitors from different portions oHtwimloo to' at their TheConJsh Battery, of Hackattttown, drew their cannon up on Buck Hill the day alter electiontocelebrate the Democratfc victory. They loaded It withe three pouud charge and tamped it with moulder 1 ! sand. The cap wu Inserted. In tbe touch-hole and a young man (ram Trtntoa with all UwaddrmotinU artilleryman took hold of the string. One, two, three, there was a derating report and b l theyoungmaltA^ypno tbe ground and the cannon went bowling down Uw hill on a double quick. There was a rook hi the way, tbe resistance was greater than the motnenturaand then waea wreck, but It wasn't tbe rook. Perhaps that is why tbe Cornish Battery didn't take part In tb« jolll- ftU here Baturd&y nigU. ' _Jer#*y Wnteta. T>» Roardjrf L&dy Uanagcnol the VforH's Pair for N»w Jeraj has started a project that will be of particular InUrtet to those Inter* ested lothe llteru-y productions ot New J«- •ey women. Tbey purpoie oompilfag a llat of all women, either native Jeraeylte* or wbo have hsd amtdtnee here fora lenRth of tune, rho have attained any promiaeaoe inUUra- tore. Besides the lUt«a tffort la to be made to secure twit copies of all tbe books those women have had publlBbed.' Tbe oaavan has begun, and all tbe leading llbrarloaof the State and every pondble aouroe of information the subject b being consulted. Anyone flog any lotortafttioa tbftt would tddtothe completnesB of this rooonl ahouli Bond It to Un. Margaret T, Yardley, East Orange, H. J. Fronoonoed SCopeleae, Vet Saved. From a letter written bjlti*. AdaE. Hurd, of Orcton, 0. D., *wt> quote. ""VVa* tattco a bad cold, which eettled on tny lungs, cough set In andfinally terminated In con- sumption, Four doctors gave tn» up. could Uvo but a short time, t g*ye Up to my Saviour, determined if I could not stay with my Crtands on earth, I would suet myftbaeatones above. My husband was ad- vised to get Or. King's Wow" Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gavs It m trial, took In all StatUes; lthaacuredn«( and thank God lam now a wall a&dbeurt? woman. 1 Trial bottle free at Robert KlUgore's Drug Store, Dover, Onun,Hence&Cdi Drug Store, Fort Orwn, and F, N. Jenkins 1 Drug Store, Chester. lATgeslwSOo, and|LD0. Good looks are more Uian skia deep, depeod- - fttwjfchMiUare ing upon ahealthy comliUoa of all the THBI SSeonWdo. Puri or (P«i3. If U.aUverl»lnacyve,you have a Wood, an active Bilious Look, If your ftomach be disordered liter, good sppe* you bare a Dynpoptic Look and If your Bd —the« S e t l S ' a0J9 te ^«^y™h»™«^"icli8dLook. that rive Becure good health and jotuwtll bars good AndtSeao looks. Electric Bitters (• Uae groat alUratlre —•»— an(1 Toni( , acta iurectly on theoo vital organs. |Can* Pimplse, Blotchw, BdUftud gives a good oomplexlon. Bold ot Robert Olgoro's Drug Store, Dover, Onm, Hance £ Co'i Drug Store, Pert Own, anil P. M, Jenkins 1 Drag Store, CbesUr. . Me per bottle. Or ' nti * H«-» Olntmeat K . h tht flnen remedy in t u world. It «1*> ^ajrand Intely cores catarrh. It cum nrondgia and aU diseaaot or disbrdert cenaedliy a terpd rbeumatilin. Cores pllee like magic Cures l i m ©r|MP<i» blood, nothliig can wpaftt -ialt rbenm In the most soothing roumer. " * T ' Cure* Inflamed and granulated eyellde. Cores ,l«tWbT^lBoovefj S l i ttS cowtns and cold*. Can bs taken Internally. tobeiiefltorcnre,yoQnareyonrtnciiiey A positive fpedrlo for pneunoata- Cuts, i a «BB*&. * - .A. Fair.. Tlie Ladios' Aid Society and otters of Bt John's Oburcli; Dover, willfaoMa, fair in tho Parish Home, oa the uth'uidTth, , . Ing, corns and bunions are dlffertnt £rom all «I»; lupeDor to illtinjit has no equal 25c endGOa boxes. eheapest, Bold at Bobert KUlgon'a Comer Drag Store, Dover, If, J, ladies' SumTetl Ylntlxur Oards. lM&mtrtylssat tbt 1. HOW CAW WE OO IT t TRAT IS WHAT IS AGITATING?HR PUBLIC HIND. WE AtL KKOW THAT SOMETHING MUST BOON BE DONE ABOUT IT. HoWTOMEETAOBBATfRISIR AMONG OUR PEOPLE. Something must be dona about It. There Is no doubt about Uut. And that something must be done quickly, or it msy be too late. Dn behalf ot our readers we have mads •out* very important tBTeatigaUoos 'n this vicinity, and we have to report that our ap- prebenatons were oomot and are rabttanti- •.tad by tbe faote. We found that there Is a greater proportion of our townspeople who ar« the vlotluis of some form of nervous or chronic disorders, than ever before In our History. nUaCactbeyoaddaubt,tbattbcee are lucraslng iu our midst at an alarming rate. Feeling tbat sonwUitnn: must be done at onoe Ia the matter, wa nave been inooniut* tatlon and communication with several of New York City's most eminent pfeyatclaiis- ta tbe tmtmanc el oartoui and chronio disease!, surf we give our readers their opinion! end advtoe a* to nowu> effect a cure is these cases. Dr. B. H. Reynolds, one of New York City's ' greatest fpeoiaJfstf, fays unhesitatingly and emplatlcaily: Uie Dr. Greute'tNaavun bloodand nervt remedy inall such cases. I have ntvar, in m practlM of over twenty-live yean, rvootn- ~ a patent xaidlclne. This great no- edy, howsver, cannot be considered under that head, as It Is a physician^ prescription, I havi used It among my patient* and In my moat valuable remedy for the nerraa [ hara erer used." Dr. Henry Feffer, alto o » ot Hew York City's great pbytidsns, saya t •' Tril your alok people to use Dr. Qree&e'a Hervura blood and nerTerem«dy,lbave n*td it In my prsetlae. with wonderful mult*. I hare found It aperfect and complete oore for patients la my practice wbo were suffering Cromill forms of nenou* tronUee, •Ueplesa- nets, headaohw, nervous weakness and de- .Corns County lUtutna. tbe Board of Ctoavtusera of Harris oounty nutlaat FHday at tbe Ooutt lloaas lnHor* rlitown to oonnttfcovotai poUadln ttie oounty onTueadar. Through aotne mistake of tbe Ulerka d Bbctloo In polling dlstricte lo Koa- bury, requannoolc and Cbaetsr townaUpa tlw total vote cast tor Bomsjalie was Botfortb*, Considerable delay eneuad bafon ^ maioritj a. th. DwtoraUa cudldat, for 8utroamUfaa, t w o locMUw!: from »4U!U7. TorBWa Bmtor Sna.', nujortly waa Inseejed trra i n to St», 01 our tllrd iM«w.prlotttaH. of ti. foil TO» oait tor Mcb oindldata. Q.niua, Tb, papnt qflloefauJust lanud to Horn RoWet Morrrtl, of Btuumlt, B. J., winU tb. [*t«]l«e, Chu. 8. Uaj, aO(. F. Utbj, ChMs.i-.Waoi, On.n.wmiAaa, Wm. W. MoColliiiii, luff Sulk, Chu. Brodr. Wn. U, Unit, Aodcra KMKMT, Frrf. KUkwlU «d Chai. BtlUr, a Stw l*wj, a(ahat for.metal ™Un»au,,wUch Us tt. •»!»»• lUuit of ^rumliiMil MllnMul UMU. Ttib Ue liul»«illioroMnlIt«taJbT(k.D..L.*W. BaUn«d,udlid««l«liiiMiM. It will be mmul^tmd »t FotKora. fa.; ud pbeitd h h l t b l BuDunlt, (or tlut pnrpnM 1 Bail. ValQM t h . n a n t at $8CM> I COO. At th. harit« of Ik* damafs nttbT ths Ilnbt.r Compuv .gaharia. dtj of k l E t l i r H O l t PridaTi Cta. R. Turabull w pl I TalMs. Be mU Ikat Ia Ue ojftdoo U» plant nl worth•000.000 rt«i be tojM Itlt lli|il.«l II. nkatsknd to be aa Indlcatto. UU <as Babbar OssMar will ilenmiii itairiaias aaarir or quits s q « l to tlu rain, ol tMr (Hut batte irotted ttai It Is practiaalljr ralwlw, wttlwat-tb. w.t«r poiruoftbePwitlaiulock. ' O. W.AU 916,000.' At tb. rMeoS State Pair afi Trwton* tbe TnnqulllltilanmbadaBaaatlrga.aUblt. Pniione to U» doe. d tb. hlr, tb. Jndfa la tse bores d ^ w t m n t iWtod ttsTnuaiiiuUtr eteble toMtbe bom TU (rooa wa. not. t a m l i t t a time and a Aieaier bnx«bt ntaUUIta Tb. loapKOoa tal hmrtlj M bone UcnA tbe lotfe, breaking hi, tag, and ba now brlap ault ttemin Ua utonnje, SIcUDn, Tboapm ft UoUUtor, for <lo,ooo danusa. Tb. pepen were sorrel on Moadarr--G«Mtte. Kew Je»«r Somlar School AaMolatlon. Tbs fonrtli Meoiial oonveotioa and Wrtj- fourtb KOOJ\ uMHag ot th. N.w Jerat/ SoDd.j6cl.ool Aanotatba m l t a i d a t S m . ark Is tb, HO»FU1. Hetbodbt Charon Wad- Ur sadTonndaj. Meny of tta nort promlnuV dlfioM [u the Btat. ,iw.|Sa»,iit and tie BurcJwe war. of a bllh Mtnrr charuur u d of pnctloti bntflt to taMs «• g«gtd In tub nerolunf work tor tM ohnrca. UMboountrlntbt Bbtu wuentttbidta un •ccndltad dsl>iaM, ejul In Unott .Ttrjrous each countr snt It. toll «9niplW]Mt. If wren bm&tiYboj. can waw out i3 piln. ot .hoss, wortii afcoo a pUr, In a Tsar, and 19 elckl; boy. n a r oat 21 pttn In t o . a » tins, wottwoold tbe.lauw ot.tbs tiaUj bOTSIOMln Umontas It btbonchtadoasn bsttla ol c um Blood Cm» lor au and fan ItttUaaonil Amwo-,t«7.W. rWanbwho nun thdf ban to h. Imiaj can parcban Cactus Blood Car. at Robert silicon's drag at0r.tDorer, H. J. , ;-; - OonnmpUon. Tha most to b, dnadad at all dlKaau ottfln begln,inatlniplBooldltlinp1rsail»3t«l. Ho oooghthonldt. allowed to runa single day without odi!j('.ho!ln«t mndr in til. world, Dr^Hatel Boaeghold Congb Can.' It acu like nude, rtreoglliailng t b . l n v , alHylng aQ Irritation end com, a ooogh where aU ot&wremsdlealeJI. 85a and J0O. par bottle at Robert KOlgortfe drug store. Suoklen'eT Arsloa BdTe. Tbs batf » l w In tij. world for Cnbj, Sorea, Bnnsee^ TTlom, Salt Kuorn, T.T»r Bofem, Ttttar, OuDped Hands, chllblalna, Ooraa,', and Ml 8Un Emotion,, and poitHielJcn™ PSes, oraopaTralulnd. IfiisgTurahtMdto air. perEaot aaijifaetlcB, ormenajrafandao. rnoa twnt^fln'oenB, per box for aah) b. Bobart gfllgor*. Poffr. Pram, rTlnn, BiOo., fort Orm. and 1. B. i»tba.CTie,l«. I have nsed Pr. Desne^ Dyvpe[nlo PiUs for iytpeptU andoorotti»tlon, KTA IOVLA them an eiMllent remedy Cor thoae trouWea; ayd I cheerfully neombund them to anyone iut- feringwltti toe atom. Pastor Borteotoim (W.V) A. M. K. Church. Three. BlsT BamUiia «t Kfc., S9c. BOo, In Udies" Hairy Ribbed Vesk, long iletrta,


Page 1: DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JER8EY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER …'s-Good. TEEMS. 76o. down and 75c. weekly on 110.00 worth,

! ' ' '

13 U13'.IKr'..!3ea

* X - X - - X X -X - -X X X X X X X X *-5f OUR RATE8 ON TflE W

If BASIS7(1*1 RGHL*ATI(9ij*< • # • „ • « • • » • * • * « * * • • *J(. ARE THE OHEAPEBT. -){.



nnuino mn none n


Ofiot t* BlwhfiU Strut nut Jo:r

« m 0» nBHUVtUaT ttVMX-



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»fl> I U n t S U . LWUL ID*



Tinning, Plumbing,

STEAM FITTINGin all Uielr unnonas.

W . S. A Y B E S ,

Civil *n» Mining Enjlneer,



'jaaaTWl 13O> HOU01TO8 in CHaHGlS.!.

i OBaslataeioMHttdliig,

OreeJ l l a a ' i Stars,

/i»o aonaam.M. D..** umuvuomnniu.U P :*M0UUaT III TM TWTMUTC

orBiuiuLPmuuoinci r »n»iBiBoiiLBDiU)uio,




Ornoi onoun suoi,DiT * l i m Boiiaa*. W

n u n Dinati

rotti tM of FtlHi MiDioniM,

with the largest stock of SaR andWinter Clothing than t« ever hadie/oie. Pi iocs of Clotting lower thaniver hem (ffered be/on. Suits north(8 told at 14. Men's frit WbnttdSfaB, n» d#cr«>i styles, dovUe andiHijfe Ji easted, worth HO wU al $8.

&» Men's JIM Slack Corkscrew and^detvde Suitt, four different styles,'xrth |16 sold at tit. Also a fine\mof Boys' and Children's Cloth-ng. .4!so o / w line of Qatti' Fur-Ming Goals, Hats, Caps, Trunks,mix, Undcrucar of (HI description,lo not » i « am! mil at 8. Levrng-m'» Bfore ami KX the latest styles inTata Befme purclirxsmg clKufarcfoe me a call. '



"tamtam. »»ra »«»».'


DOTU.I. <.


' DOTM.B. J.

(, a. lOUJtf,' I O T M anl OHttata to

J.j . u c i o n , DOVM, »• '•.

ssssssmOTI1CE O*

otmuoio»«»HOOK HO. », BA«& BCILDIHO,

D<KU, »• '•



PEAROE 4 MONEZ.Carpenters and Buildej*





m e JT.U Xememtail « r a M I tfn-Hog, e«r 2K»i<e <• n VM I*.


HOT WATER HEATERI will give a Lndy'a or Gontleman'i Gold Wo toll, with standard

moViment, atom winder, item setter, /nil jeweled and guaranteed .tokeep good time and Tear for lire jeans, with evory


'eifeot Steam HeaterA Lot or

Second-hind Parlor Stovti,food oondlUon sod for Mis at ft bargain,or. n w l n or «u kl,,J, will be furnUed at

t t f c I l• branch at«»U» g l r a to

Horrli Bt., on. tor from Btackml!,

3ODY BHUESELg OAEPET, per yai only 00 ota.TAfESTBY BBTJ89ELS OAEPET, per yard only 65 eta.IHBEE ThX CABPET, per yard only , 7Sot».ALL-WOOL IKGRAIN CABPET, pot yard only GO ela.PABLOR SUITS IK PLUSH OOVEBINQ, (5 pleoea) only.,.. »9C.OOPABLOE SOTIS IN BTO CO^EBINO, (S pieces) only . . . « 00ANTIQUE OAK BEDBOOM SUITS (8 piowa) only 23.50ANTIQUE OAK BEDROOM SUITS (8piecoB) only. 27.50

Portland Ranges.Binoe we hare made improremeat in the oven door it las jaat doubled

tbe stale of them. Every Portland Range and Parlor Stoveve Bell is guaranteed or money refunded.





A CAUTION!Wbenyouart for EalUnUoe'i Expert, beire vim eel It, Do not aaorpt any ofcasr

gallon of cheap Imitation. For sale In anOdest pttvcea and daUvaxwt anywbw* 1

the Northern part ol tbe Htato by




Bodt and Xlheral.W»t<rior VTZHT DBSoaipnoir.



Sods »nd Mineral Waters,SBLTZER, VIOHT, ETC.

Aatar rou

Einoliliffe's Celebrated Sxtr»B tager, Porter, *o.


JOHN J. ECEHART,( S r o a n to Smith ft gcakartj


Contrutebtkan antl matarlali tornkbed ft

B O I L . D I N O * , BHIDCWS,

Kbetbar of BMOK or BTOM.

Bbop 0» atarrU street, ne«t toformlrlai

E U building, Dorai".*. ^JOflNI ICIHiBT.


DR. EDWARDS'Blackberry Brandy

and Ginger,

Qf ad«.Bat tbs atom la t n o t r <"• o ° '

G O T OKanouse & Hoski

. Iftua Cimb BtUDat,DOVEB I . >.




Minnesota Wour( per barrel

BmoksdBiet '_. .

[few Currant*, 8 lbs..,.Sow Pram*, 3 lbs . •• -•tten Few, 8 tans . > . . .Tew Tomatoes, If cans! . .rewftriEgBeaoOeW

"" " iff- •r«wClwrrIi».Scaiu.'f.w White Bean., qu»,rt[*w Groan PMS ".ewBelmon | . ..wKeoieral > .

TfpTopMllk AEnxnlliiuPoUih 'C u t e , Ink.. 'j -

Bar Soap

Cheap BecauseIt's-Good.

TEEMS.76o. down and 75c. weekly on 110.00 worth,

$2.50 down and 7vc. weekly on 26.00 worth.• 4 0 0 down and $1.00 weekly on 50.00 worth.

COO down and 1.25 weekly on 73 00 worth.8.00down and 1.23 weekly on 1O00Oworth.

12.00 down and- 1.C0 weekly on 1C0 00 worth.16.00 down and 2.00 weekly on 800.00 worth.

Telephone 580. Elevator to Every Floor.OOD8 DELIVERED FKEE OF 0H4EGE TO ANY PAST OF



We CannotAfford

offer you sliam or shoddy to' lower tho price.i is pot cheap at any prioe, so that when we say

^r olething is clieap ana name prices as w« do soniitijnes, we mean oheap Mcanso good.

You CannotAfford

l l o boy anything but what is reliable. Stick a pinUorav We are manafaotarers when ^on bny ol ns yoaboy of headquarters, lou'll fuid tbu pruiotple, oheitpUenusa sood, finely Ultuliated in our Btook o!

- * i pflYB1 AND OHIXDKEN 8 CLOTHING.It oabracea nvorjtliiDR from suits (or the Bmnll ohildup to garmonta for the tallmoat man. The pricipltsaw btwavse they've qnalitj to baok them.



50 and 852 Broad St.. NEWARK. 5 . J.



FURNACES,Tot, coma »«i> B a » t«o» loomo,.

Zinc, -'Sheet Lead,

Lead Pipe,Pumps, Ac.






HEAGANa shoe h becoming recognizeda guarantee o( its exoeUeaoe in,

ylerfit and wear. H ; Fall •tookia complete. Aa a atarter I willaention my stock of Ladiea1 Well*.


'.V/.'i.'iblra>,«i»i,vt snrrdt-

The Equipment of IranNln«t t speeltlty.'

JO3.R;WILLIA.MSMason and Slater,


fan tat all kinds of. work {

"'°M"°J ^* lM"°*te'"a

My hand sewed weltWaokenphast is supe-rior both in wear, styleand oomfort to anysloe in the Stete forthe money. "Width A,B, C, D, E; prioe $3 OO

My hand sewed'weltDerby Last is a stylegiving more oomfortfor a shoe with apointed toe than anysimilar shaped shoe Ihave ever handled.Width A. B, O, D, Eprioe $3.00. -

'""^b'mca ir«u C a m mm.o-Ii

i e rt>o WANT

Wagons and Harnesscomcix*.

."rta*. K. Mullen, Darn.

aOSmaanftctaiw Mid 'AuOir to

Ununu,liot ths b"l ate mi whs. nuoattU.



My hand sewed weltshoe made ion the NewYork oommon senselast is equal in comfortto any shoe ever putonthejnarket. WidthA, B, C, D, E; prio$3.00.

P. O. HEAGAN,Opp. D., I* & W. Depot


Be»ttov«l vl* p'ftlw 0Pinln pla iilatei. sl tin dlppert fi

sCaa opanen, ,0r»T7 ttnlnera.Sot OOTBMII itowpemWuhbulai .Pudding puna .Ti Hp ,DuitpAUB.T«i or OGITM poUCoipUonCcUnd«raTtnipooai, per dot..TableFlrethoiBlaCork awrawa





raM . . .•fiHKrVUsrV

llltoci1. FonnuPlwbn, 2lor.



^VTe have mtule our nurae a tower of Irnsi amoug ihoDWple for Clothiag that they oaa depend upon

it's oheap because good. If it wore not good1 it not l » olieip

A SaTiDg of Two to Four TODS of Coalusing iho O8CEOIA or QUEEN ESTHER BANO]» with teg

later altachiwnt A Urge line c! atOTes is stock >a follows:


Cram FoniEaster,


N B a



Uonar, Uooarcb, Dalsr, Vaailar, rortluil, V.twr, VUrtle.WARREf and TUB DBKMNO BTEAV AND HOT WATEH HEATERS,

Plomblq/, Tlnnlof and Staam FtUInf Work doofl 'o all branches.Look afi»7 large atoea- betore paraiadiiK

D, 8L ALIEN, Bovor, N. J.


THE season invites yon to consider tho necessity of u oliangein clothinR, and tre invite yon to soa our noir lines of


* , - OVERCOATS,For fall and winter ^enr. You will find that we Jiavo morethan one export tlesiRnfir and cutter, and that evsn Baitd findOVOIOD&IS as low in prioe as $15, 916, $18, ahow tlie indflliblematka ot saperiot BkiU, fino tailoring, and carry a atjle onlyattained b) high-olaas ortista and workom.

ARSHALL & BALL,807, 809, 8H, 813 BROAD St.,





phdlsterlng aid rnmlture Work,l o u n flt., (N«i» m B m i i ; DOTW.


MILLINERY GOODSfar Hprip* and Bunnner wear, aprtttr dfiplay of BOTdUea an




Tb-Newark Dtily AdrerUwr- Ud tha /ol-latrtag to soy UoaiUj night of a, young En-gllahmaa who hat mads htmatU Tery obnoalouato many people ID this to.irn, and wbo onMver&l oooutoai bad * DMTOW escape Iromgetting; bis bead punched for being too fresh" Six aoDttis ago tb«r# came to thb town iyooot EogllsfanMa wbo gars tho UADJB aWia.HtarjBaat, Ultolothea were of floe t«itura and olegovntout, blidrBHl of ILa most pro-nounoed EujUeb chanoter, and be representedUat he w u engaged in newtpitpcr work laNow York city. Much of hli tinu w u spentivayJrom town—oatetulbly In tb* city—but

bit abode irbll* lien w u with his uncle,WO.RQWH, HfltoWlatamttng tftiuo "•experlenCMin two bflmfapberea, mada motifaoquaintonoei, u d paid marked attenUoa to4io daugbtar of JoUn Wotlnu-t of Wt. Hoptftrenue, *

For ihtm renBoni tbe people of Dover wenT « 7 much latereitod by nporU in tbt N«wYork papen ot Urt B*hird»y eTooJog, to i t seffect that Wa. Btarj Bant had tweu anwtfldIn that city on tha morning of that day,rbuged with anindling ot the cheapest tort.The de«rlptlon tallied *xaotl; with that oftbe young man who had bean about Porar,HB had been noUoed About tbe Hoffman BOUMon aleoUon nlgbt, u d dettctUe* mogntud adtoOtfitj between him end the description of

~ Uowwhowa* wanted for many petty ifldeaee gu&ee. He m ttwreloro ghadowedu d no Bat&rdar ooralng arreeted. v

On the way to the poUoe oourt he talkedfree)/ with tbe datwtlmtabout his career,UM tww for two jewi be had been 11bctwwn Eogjaail and America by iHlDdllng

iW Irom B big Ec|lUh ibJp builder TlslUugNew York, by nprawaODg that ht KM tbt•on of a man Ue latter knew, tad mentlpaednmnj otbere from whom he bad obtainednusuy. SebtvdUvtdat wTeralDtthobatthotela In New York and bad been entertainedby prominent people of tiatclty. He had oh-Ulnrf aadlence with Un , Frank Leslie bypreten4b« to bo the KB of M. B. Braddos,tho norelUt. He Introduced himself la thaBorne chanutor to tha Wlleri, book pubUahen,and KM mtertalned one. night by a memberof tbe arm. Dick' u d DouglaH, Branttno.and other flnm were vJotimfwd In a almllaiway.

la Bant'i picket* we» toutd li»U ot tbiounce of promloent people, with thalr addre*-ate ( elK tho ploton «t a pretty young lady,on which waa written "Marie IAUIM Bint-hart" When brought baton Jurtlos Byan,uut one of hie tlotJuu wu preeant to pi«w accwplaltit, and the Juitloe announced with re-gret that to -wu compelled to discharge theprieoaar, ,

The young man known to Dover by theMUM name arrived In town on Saturday even-ing, u natty and tuave as ever, Ha laughtdal the whole thing ai a Huge Joke, and toldthe Dally Advertiser repneentatlTe tost hawu the Tfettfa ol a asouDdTa. wbo bid beaninuqacradlng In bis muue. Be told with ap-parent reliib how h» had. hlnMeU gooe to. thepoUce wurt, and of bli turprlee to find thatthe raaoal who had atolen blfl oam« wu aleohli counterpart la feature and'drew, Bitonly embantafnient wu when he wu aikedhow ble double wild U T » obtained a ptctunof Miis RfiMhait In hU ooufaitns be eicl«]med,"Wby, Ioeverhadaplcbjreofberl"Buthanoormd and explained that he badbeard of Mine fallow lnqul>lttg (or him abouther, and believed hla double tntut bare paid a

••ftoDowr. •

AonvInMd t w ; body of hla non-partlatpaUonIn tfae alFalr, but pranbtd tonake the matterbfotel d b> rtA UM arrerti ol the.

n»Bo*nOlobt..waiMked r_lUe tnornlnt if It kadamsrantatln Ia Ne»Vorit named Win Henry Ban t In returnwindtfaereplf that I* bad "iu»r«pre«U n by the name of Bant." From the dti.eription U n a if yoang Bant It la believed bebaa tried to work the eoufldeace gamM onpeople of prominence in Newark,

Albert A, Pope, ol Beaton, Ii lending outblanu to " wDege FreeWeo*, rmllroad Freal-dtnU. poetnuuttwi and otben," aikitii them

ftlgi. a putitioo and prooore ottier ajgoatureetoaatabUth a dfpartnutt oCroadtoaklai ua cabinet office. The nrowrfty for1 betterroadi Ii to well andenfiood and eo generallyooooidad t U t luiunatit I» QMIM m Uiatpoint, bat tbe beet metni of eeoariog wchraa^btheproblamtUtoonfroaUthe people.WtdonotboUaT* that the object aimed for

a local matter and might be mada praotlcablea*aBtatapolicy witiiaaintyboardaIn orderto eeotm onlfomltf of work, but u the 1m-provemaoti wlO have to be paid for by directlocal taxation, the bnrdtn of mpporttig adepartmanfc at WaehlotsCan would he toograatfor the bemflte derived. A county board oleeglDeeritoitiperrll«aoddlrtott*«w<tt-kootberoadi, and UtevwIotMaietitby Uwrarioiutownthtpe cf'the aogteatiou ind Aireettotu•uch boardt might tnaka would be leei ezyec-•Ive and nor* pnotloable tban anything thata board ot engineer* at Waintniton could do.1

Wawant bettw ma4t,'biitw* eaafetthemfrom Trentoo better than troo the&atltmal

FotudDMuI.Oeo. N. Cox, weat to the Cochran Hou»,

Siwtofl, about QM o'clock on. TbMrwUy mom-Ing l*rt, oalled for a room and he retired toUd, Mmewhat under tha luflutnoe of Uqaor.He did not get up on Thunflay morning.About the middle of the day U n . Deoker, to*landlady, aaw-hlin ihroagt the open doorlying oa tbe bed, looIttBg *>«. — •>>« tbongbtAbout time o'clock IA the aftertwnshe againpaaMdtbe door, and, looking u , diaooreralhim lying on the floor by the atde of the bed.Bbe at oaceaottiied the men ol tbebouw,wbowent to tbe room and found that th» man waadead, Coroner Jqoob 8. Kemnan and Dr. t.D Ulller wen aiinimoiwd, and a tttorougli

oor cauje of death'ware dUooverw). A bottl»wbleh ccntalrjad rye whliky waa ljlog on oni

or blm and tb6 cork on Ui6 other. So bispockata were found betireea seTen and elgbtdollan la money, and a latter from Mr. Qeo.Ik*, ol Frankfort towuiUlp, for wbom be badIwed doing farm work during tha past Baa-

Ballroada' Boor* a Point, -During the rnosth of October aU maim were

weighed, U» Wtal amount to torm a baiii oawhich to compute tb* cotapen»Uoo the i»il-roadi will reoelre for tbe poctal Krvlcedar-Icg the noit four yean. As tbe political can-

wu then at itahBigU andtboiuAlli load-ed with camptlgQ Iieeratun, the rallroadawillget paid for a good deal (hat they wonthareto carry.

Elblo con-ahielii, of " » « ad h t h

udsone In tbo December ,,"TbeEflectoIBclmtiao • " ipsclallitt

THE OBNTDRY MAOAZINE IN 1B83It would he liard hr a penon who caraa for

good reading to nuke a better investmentthan • ytar'* lubKripdoii (o The CenturyUajcazlne. No region fi too remote,penwtoo great, U it will only prodmtbe Ccatorj'a reoden went, TUs U tUe paticythat baa made it, as tbe P«ll Hall Budget, ofLondon, a*yB, " IBj far the best of tbe maga-t!n«i, EoglUb

The November Dumber boglos a new relumeand contilas tbe flnt etiBptert of a powerfulnovel of Hew York anxiety, called "SweetBelli Out of Tuns," wrUteti by Mr«, BurtonHetTiwD. tho author of "The Anglomanias.'Inthliitorytbefaablonnble wedding, tiieoo-oupaati ol to« boxes la tii» MetropolitanOpera UOUM, tha" unart eat" In the countryhouse arc falturully reflected, and the Uluttn-l iou Ij CUarlu Dana UlDeoo, UWt wellknotm cnrtooolat, are u brilUent u tlw novel.

In ttla Norember number beglni elso agreat leriei of papen on "The Bible andScience," opening with " Doee the Bible oo»-talaScienUao Srronf by Prof. 3hie],Princeton, who Ukes decided ground that tbeBible does not contain scientific errors of anymoment. And wbo muat fnterattngly itateathe cae* from blapolntof view. Otberartlcle*In tola tarlea will Include one In tto December(ObrtBtcoai) Bttmbtr.Study opoa Rellgloua Bellefa."

An Important serial of latten that paasedbfttween Oenera\ Sherman and hi* brotherSenator John Sherman Ia also printed ia No-vember, which number contain* alsobuttons from tha moat dUtlngubbed writers,(unhiding aa uttale by Tamee RuieeU Lowellwbleh wu not quite completed at tbe time ofhis death. The Buggostlon which BUhop PottermaVee In tbo Hovtmber Century aa to whatcould be done with the World'a P«Ir U it wenopened oa Buaday, i* one wblcb aeem* themost pratlcal eolutlou of tbe problem yetoffered,

Ttte December Ceotury be a greatCbrtitinu number-full of CbrlBtmu itoriw,Obrlitmupoenu ana Christmu ploturea—andIn it wiU basin the drat obapUn oC a atrtklog

JoTlIfolQ Colorado, "Beneflte Forgot,'by Wolcott Balettler, who wrote " Thettaulahka" wlUi Kuftyard KlpUng.

Papen on good roads, the new educationalmothoda, and city government are BOOH topome.

Four dollar* will bring youmagaelDe for one jur , and certainly no culti-vated home can afford to be without It. Bub-tcriben can remit directly to'ttapubUtben,The Century Co., 83 But 17th St., Neir York.They iltould begin with November, and iog<tBret chapters of nil the serlah,

Street B*1U Out ol Tune.1'

HnaBax TnomaaOsorga IV. Tbomu, formerly of Haoketta*

town, and his uepbttv Wm. II. Woodruff, oftha same place, wire arreeted by AnthonylonutoGk1. agents la New Yotk last week lorlolatldg the lottery lawt. Thomu Is A tort

of Col. Suiters, and la as foil of chlmtrloal•ohemea at a Democrat ii of joy. He U theflrtt who tried to Mine tho tunkentrawure ship Htuaar, In which icLema be suckthouoandaof other people1* dollars aud thenttaxted e, etook turn at Hulcottetowa U> nOeftShetlwiil ponies. He hao fc*wn In about everykind of btulDees that comes under tba eUtut*,and right alter tha national COQ<

paid a doUar and guested wbo wou!dent and It you fueeaed coir«ct)r/ and nearestthe majority you would get t50,003 va& a num-ber of other priww for olber close giAntbooy Oonutock got oh to the sbeme andarreated TbomasanA bis clerk. It Ii needleatto say that no prlxea wen paid. Bothare out under bail. •

Tbe great Hew- York physician, BmU,leumtTi &T. D M phydoUr-In-chUC of ths Hew

York Lodge and Aaeodatloa Hospital, writesuai "We are uilog Dr, Oreene i Hervurablood and twrra remedy at tbe Hwpft*. forour petlaflte wf tb good euocess.11

Other pbyslclani give us tbe eame advicefor our people, aud Irom the unanimity o(opinion of the doaton, we a n aamiral thatthis great and wldelykDowo remedy is jurtwbat ourtdck and lUJTering dtlMW requireto Kstore them to health. All t ie dooton•ay that It doea cure, and all eufferan fromnervousness, weaknaw, poor blood, debility.Btomacb, kidney or IITBT troobles should giveft an immediate trial. We know that It I* apurely vegetable and harmlees remedy, andourdrugflstsnaveltforsaleattL Another

nOee thlug olgreat ooneeauenoa U Ihli, t U t l t bthadlMOTary of Dr. Ureeae, at 83 W. llthStreet, New York, who utarenownedipeolal-

aa and chronio affeotlona,and ha can be coniultad free at chart*, con*

Buy case, personally or by letter.renUon b« Istinourl

ildbAPml- earning

To be Openflnndairat,," At UeregoiarmeeUog of the^World's Fair oomlng.

favoring tbe opening; at tlngjatet on Sunday,prVrtdedtUttbamadiliMrybenotniD. Ibedlnoton say that ae all tbe nations of tbeeartb' have been ttnltad to attend tin fair, ifcwould be hlgtly dleconiieoui and Inhospitableto Inform them that they cannot do on Sun-day what tber would do were they at hant,

"TM cloalDK of Uie gitfttOttBumUj," eayatbe weoiuUon, -"meeua tbat thouaodsofnrUaofli and itiecbaaics, to whom the exhibi-tion will b« of iDHtimiLble advantage, wlUnotbaabletoatteodit."

The directors say tbey are In favor of allow-ing every nation to told wtUiln ths grounds•ach reUftouB eervfoM as Itmay dadra on Sin-day. They also think it desirable that theret* should be open to allow visitors fromdifferent portions oHtwimloo to'at their

TheConJsh Battery, of Hackattttown, drewtheir cannon up on Buck Hill the day alterelection to celebrate the Democratfc victory.They loaded It withe three pouud charge andtamped it with moulder1! sand. The cap w uInserted. In tbe touch-hole and a young man(ram Trtntoa with all U w a d d r m o t i n Uartilleryman took hold of the string. One,two, three, there was a derating report and

b lt h e y o u n g m a l t A ^ y p n otbe ground and the cannon went bowling downUw hill on a double quick. There was a rookhi the way, tbe resistance was greater thanthe motnenturaand then waea wreck, but Itwasn't tbe rook. Perhaps that is why tbeCornish Battery didn't take part In tb« jolll-ftU here Baturd&y nigU.

' _Jer#*y Wnteta.T>» Roardjrf L&dy Uanagcnol the VforH's

Pair for N»w Jeraj has started a project thatwill be of particular InUrtet to those Inter*ested lo the llteru-y productions ot New J«-•ey women. Tbey purpoie oompilfag a llatof all women, either native Jeraeylte* or wbohave hsd a mtdtnee here fora lenRth of tune,rho have attained any promiaeaoe in UUra-

tore. Besides the lUt«a tffort la to be madeto secure twit copies of all tbe books thosewomen have had publlBbed.' Tbe oaa van has

begun, and all tbe leading llbrarloaof theState and every pond ble aouroe of information

the subject b being consulted. Anyoneflog any lotortafttioa tbftt would tdd to the

completnesB of this rooonl ahouli Bond It toUn. Margaret T, Yardley, East Orange, H. J.

Fronoonoed SCopeleae, Vet Saved.From a letter written bjlti*. AdaE. Hurd,

of Orcton, 0. D., *wt> quote. ""VVa* tattcoa bad cold, which eettled on tny lungs,

cough set In and finally terminated In con-sumption, Four doctors gave tn» up.

could Uvo but a short time, t g*yeUp to my Saviour, determined if I could notstay with my Crtands on earth, I would suetmy ftbaeat ones above. My husband was ad-vised to get Or. King's Wow" Discovery forConsumption, Coughs and Colds. I gavs It mtrial, took In all StatUes; lthaacuredn«( andthank God lam now a wall a&dbeurt? woman.1

Trial bottle free at Robert KlUgore's DrugStore, Dover, Onun,Hence& Cdi Drug Store,Fort Orwn, and F, N. Jenkins1 Drug Store,Chester. lATgeslwSOo, and|LD0.

Good looks are more Uian skia deep, depeod-- fttwjfchMiUare ing upon a healthy comliUoa of all the THBI

SSeonWdo. Puri or(P«i3. If U.aUverl»lnacyve,you have aWood, an active Bilious Look, If your ftomach be disorderedliter, good sppe* you bare a Dynpoptic Look and If your B d—the« S e t l S ' a 0 J 9 te ^«^y™h»™«^"ic l i 8dLook .

that rive Becure good health and jotuwtll bars goodAndtSeao looks. Electric Bitters (• Uae groat alUratlre

—•»— an(1 T o n i ( , a c t a iurectly on theoo vital organs.|Can* Pimplse, Blotchw, BdUftud gives agood oomplexlon. Bold ot Robert Olgoro'sDrug Store, Dover, Onm, Hance £ Co'i DrugStore, Pert Own, anil P. M, Jenkins1 DragStore, CbesUr. . Me per bottle.

O r ' n t i * H « - » OlntmeatK . h tht flnen remedy in t u world. It «1*>

^ajrand Intely cores catarrh. It cum nrondgia andaU diseaaot or disbrdert cenaedliy a terpd rbeumatilin. Cores pllee like magic Curesl i m ©r|MP<i» blood, nothliig can wpaftt -ialt rbenm In the most soothing roumer." * T ' Cure* Inflamed and granulated eyellde. Cores

, l « t W b T ^ l B o o v e f j S l i ttS cowtns and cold*. Can bs taken Internally.tobeiiefltorcnre,yoQnareyonrtnciiiey A positive fpedrlo for pneunoata- Cuts,

i a «BB*&. *

- .A. Fair..Tlie Ladios' Aid Society and otters of Bt

John's Oburcli; Dover, will faoM a, fair in thoParish Home, oa theuth'uidTth, , .

Ing, corns and bunions aredlffertnt £rom all «I»; lupeDor to i l l tin jithas no equal 25c end GOa boxes.eheapest, Bold at Bobert KUlgon'a ComerDrag Store, Dover, If, J,

ladies' SumTetl Ylntlxur Oards.lM&mt rtylss at tbt 1.





Something must be dona about It.There Is no doubt about Uut.And that something must be done quickly,

or it msy be too late.Dn behalf ot our readers we have mads

•out* very important tBTeatigaUoos 'n thisvicinity, and we have to report that our ap-prebenatons were oomot and are rabttanti-•.tad by tbe faote. We found that there Is agreater proportion of our townspeople whoar« the vlotluis of some form of nervous orchronic disorders, than ever before In ourHistory. nUaCactbeyoaddaubt,tbattbcee

are lucraslng iu our midst at analarming rate.

Feeling tbat sonwUitnn: must be done atonoe Ia the matter, wa nave been in ooniut*tatlon and communication with several ofNew York City's most eminent pfeyatclaiis-

ta tbe tmtmanc el oartouiand chronio disease!, surf we give our readerstheir opinion! end advtoe a* to now u> effecta cure i s these cases.

Dr. B. H. Reynolds, one of New York City's 'greatest fpeoiaJfstf, fays unhesitatingly andemplatlcaily:

Uie Dr. Greute'tNaavun blood and nervtremedy in all such cases. I have ntvar, in mpractlM of over twenty-live yean, rvootn-

~ a patent xaidlclne. This great n o -edy, howsver, cannot be considered underthat head, as It Is a physician^ prescription,I havi used It among my patient* and In my

moat valuable remedy for the nerraa [ haraerer used."

Dr. Henry Feffer, alto o » ot Hew YorkCity's great pbytidsns, saya t

•' Tril your alok people to use Dr. Qree&e'aHervura blood and nerTerem«dy,lbave n*tdit In my prsetlae. with wonderful mult*. Ihare found It a perfect and complete oore forpatients la my practice wbo were sufferingCrom ill forms of nenou* tronUee, •Ueplesa-nets, headaohw, nervous weakness and de-

.Corns County lUtutna.tbe Board of Ctoavtusera of Harris oounty

nutlaat FHday at tbe Ooutt lloaas lnHor*rlitown to oonnttfcovotai poUadln ttie oountyonTueadar. Through aotne mistake of tbeUlerka d Bbctloo In polling dlstricte lo Koa-bury, requannoolc and Cbaetsr townaUpa tlwtotal vote cast tor Bomsjalie was Botfortb*,

Considerable delay eneuad bafon

^ maioritj a . th. DwtoraUacudldat, for 8utroamU faa, two locMUw!:from »4U!U7. TorBWa Bmtor Sna. ' ,nujortly waa Inseejed trra i n to St», 01our tllrd iM«w.prlotttaH. of t i . foil TO»oait tor Mcb oindldata.

Q.niua,Tb, papnt qflloe fau Just lanud to H o r n

RoWet Morrrtl, of Btuumlt, B. J., winU tb.[*t«]l«e, Chu. 8. Uaj, aO(. F. Utbj ,ChMs.i-.Waoi, On.n.wmiAaa, Wm. W.MoColliiiii, luff Sulk, Chu. Brodr. Wn.U, Unit, Aodcra KMKMT, Frrf. KUkwlU«d Chai. BtlUr, a Stw l*wj, a(ahatfor.metal ™Un»au,,wUch U s tt. • » ! » » •lUuit of ^rumliiMil MllnMul UMU. Ttib Ueliul»«illioroMnlIt«taJbT(k.D..L.*W.BaUn«d,udlid««l«li i iMiM. It will bemmul^tmd »t FotKora. fa.; u d pbeitd

h h l t b lBuDunlt, (or tlut pnrpnM1 Bail.

ValQM t h . n a n t at $8CM>ICOO.At th. harit« of Ik* damafs nttbT ths

Ilnbt.r Compuv .gaharia. d t j ofk l E t l i r H O l t

PridaTi Cta. R. Turabull wp l I TalMs. Be mU Ikat Ia Ue

ojftdoo U» plant n l worth•000.000 rt«i betojM Itlt lli|il.«l II. nkatskndto be aa Indlcatto. UU <as Babbar OssMarwill ilenmiii itairiaias aaarir or quits sq«l totlu rain, ol tMr (Hut ba tte irotted ttai ItIs practiaalljr ralwlw, wttlwat-tb. w.t«rpoiruoftbePwitlaiulock. '

O . W.AU 916,000.'At tb. rMeoS State Pair afi Trwton* tbe

TnnqulllltilanmbadaBaaatlrga.aUblt.Pniione to U» doe. d tb . hlr, tb . Jndfa latse bores d^wtmnt iWtod ttsTnuaiiiuUtreteble toMtbe b o m TU (rooa wa. not.t a m l i t t a time and a Aieaier bnx«btn t a U U I t a Tb. loapKOoa t a l hmrtlj

M bone UcnA tbe lotfe,breaking hi, tag, and ba now brlap aultttemin Ua utonnje, SIcUDn, Tboapm ftUoUUtor, for <lo,ooo danusa. Tb. pepenwere sorrel on Moadarr--G«Mtte.

Kew Je»«r Somlar School AaMolatlon.Tbs fonrtli Meoiial oonveotioa and Wrtj-

fourtb KOOJ\ uMHag ot th. N.w Jerat/SoDd.j6cl.ool Aanotatba m l t a i d a t S m .ark Is tb, HO»FU1. Hetbodbt Charon Wad-

Ur sad Tonndaj. Meny of tta nortpromlnuV dlfioM [u the Btat. ,iw.|Sa»,iitand tie BurcJwe war. of a bllh Mtnrrcharuur u d of pnctloti bntflt to taMs « •g«gtd In tub nerolunf work tor tM ohnrca.UMboountrlntbt Bbtu wuentttbidta un•ccndltad dsl>iaM, ejul In Unott .Ttrjrouseach countr snt It. toll «9niplW]Mt.

If wren bm&tiY boj . can waw out i3 piln.ot .hoss, wortii afcoo a pUr, In a Tsar, and 19elckl; boy. n a r oat 21 pttn In t o . a »tins, wottwoold tbe.lauw ot.tbs tiaUjbOTSIOMln Umontas It btbonchtadoasnbsttla ol c u m Blood Cm» lor a u and f a nItttUaaonil Amwo-,t«7.W. rWanbwhonun thdf ban to h. Imiaj can parcbanCactus Blood Car. at Robert silicon's dragat0r.tDorer, H. J . , ; - ; -

OonnmpUon.Tha most to b, dnadad at all dlKaau ottfln

begln,inatlniplBooldltlinp1rsail»3t«l. Hooooghthonldt. allowed to run a single daywithout odi!j('.ho!ln«t mndr in til. world,Dr^Hatel Boaeghold Congb Can.' It aculike nude, rtreoglliailng tb. l n v , alHylngaQ Irritation end com, a ooogh where aUot&wremsdlealeJI. 85a and J0O. par bottleat Robert KOlgortfe drug store.

Suoklen'eT Arsloa BdTe.Tbs batf » l w In tij. world for Cnbj, Sorea,

Bnnsee TTlom, Salt Kuorn, T.T»r Bofem,Ttttar, OuDped Hands, chllblalna, Ooraa,',and Ml 8Un Emotion,, and poitHielJcn™PSes, oraopaTralulnd. IfiisgTurahtMdtoair. perEaot aaijifaetlcB, ormenajrafandao.rnoa twnt^fln'oenB, per box for aah) b .Bobart gfllgor*. Poffr. Pram, rTlnn, BiOo.,fort Orm. and 1. B. i»tba.CTie,l«.

I have nsed Pr. Desne^ Dyvpe[nlo PiUs foriytpeptU and oorotti»tlon, KTA IOVLA them

an eiMllent remedy Cor thoae trouWea; aydI cheerfully neombund them to anyone iut-feringwltti toe atom.

Pastor Borteotoim (W.V) A. M. K. Church.

Three. BlsT BamUiia «t Kfc., S9c. BOo,In Udies" Hairy Ribbed Vesk, long iletrta,

Page 2: DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JER8EY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER …'s-Good. TEEMS. 76o. down and 75c. weekly on 110.00 worth,

N S W JEBf lEY FIMAHOES.Tbe fallowing u a copy of tba report of Uii

Bl»t* flnanrjM FTMRDIAI) to Governor Abbaby Comptroller Hcppenbetuer at tbe clow tthe fiscal y e w ;


H I ¥ :Dx*» Bin:—I have tbe honor to submit th<

following report oC tbe oQadltlao O( tbe BtatiTreasury At the close of tbe fiscal y e w eud

in bank Oct. SUt, I N l . . . -103.168

NetdiiburaamentadaHas the year ijQStl ti&t M

Balance (n bs.nk Oct Slat, 1H>3,II IBB UBBKUaUTt).

Net diibarwmSDU during tbe

8 f c a l •ppfDrlaUoni, 1BS9,1800,1SVV bad 1393. ftiate House Ini-

u , w«r debt,eio

(afloaUDK itaW)Balance on band Oct. Slut, 18(8,

too Uceiing Cuttt)

Balance on baud Oct. Slat, 1SW,(leu friailatE d*b't 88,700

Balanr* nn band Oct Slat, HJ91,' - - ' - " •JOB.ll&i

016,701.s e a m, FUMD

*MOD*ror8KoniiiroworaoBoot »CH».Increase.

October 8 lull 1W»L. HiJIIs'ftHrilll Vl'lPM*'Oot-ibar airi, l« t t . . B,4S).7l» 85 110,188Tha ca*h In hank to tho credit nf tbe Hcboo

Kuiid October Slit. 1KH. Is $331,974.00.PlIBUc DXBT

Amount nf •' Wrtr Debt" October81st. 1BBI t»7,8(»

Aninuut i>r >' War Dcbk" OctoberSUt, 1H« B31T0P


T U Sinking Fuud o n i tbe State Find, *1UIBCIOM of tba present fiscal year, t i e iof |867<aO0, «blch sum was borrowed fromtb« Bu.w Trraiur? by ibn li.UComin.nloMof the HluklDft Fuud, prlur to April 10i1891, <rhvii the SUUi Trvajuror mumrd ootrol uf thl* fuud a- d.r> d t d bt ]aw,

Tbe uutilic dtjlit b«* b n a reduced KM MO.Tbe sutrmeiit above made In rslation to

tbe school fuud *bow« tbat tthlla tbe fund baibeen charged niib f err large npradttwfor purely educational purpoin, tte »eourtUas it tba fuod bave been Jnore s«d 1116,-13325, and tbat there Is In bank to theendiof the fuod the sum of 1321,074,

Atsonn tfee H&railne.George William Cuitln'a la»t contribution

to the Ka»y Cbslr appears In Uarper'e Maga-•IDA for November. I t Ji e plrt for Cbriitm u . Tbtft number «»>!• Ibe Toluroo ot thinwgmrioe, aod Ibli famltisr department willnow be d hem tin tied. I t w*» started b jDonald O Uitcb«lt—" Ike Mar»el"—la Bfp(ember. 1851, Curtli became oonucaUd «1UIf[ In Ootobor, 1S53, ae jolut editorMJtcbdl, nod took complete cborge of It JiHdrcb, idSfl, »iiica mlilch Ume bo bai been iu•ole oocupniit.

Tbo November Ceuturf ia a notable1»rbolh In tbe fzoellonu or Id matter aoUiebHutjr of fu engra^lngi. The tutwt (ai-porUnt article I* tbo lint of a rorfM" Poet tue Bible contain Scientific Errors,'&ad (• answered In the Kegstire by l'rofL»nlt, of Ptlacoton,

Barpld Frederic, one of the best of tbejoun^er Atnerloan DovelUU, )in§ wiitnovel entitled " Tlia CoppeTbe^d,11 vthlcb Mill1M (tubllibed in ioalnllniauti in Bcribiii

S u e 17111 Eat Trout.Howard P ProLbiogbaai, Deputy Gam

KliU l'rotector ot Morris nni Bums oounUe»,hag written a letter to Itev John Itoxlor, ofKewtoo, ttatlns "that Lolio Hopatcons baabeen slocked th>ea Uaiea nlUi Ltke trout.Tbe lait tlm* HOfiOH y wrltnat were put in t!ilake, BOW* six Tears ago, aod^a yet no rtnultt u been round. It Is my opinion tbat theblack bau kilt the trout. Blick ban vrlllkill on; Hah tbat aw tat In fresh watsr.don't think It worth wbllo to try to put anymoj* kke trout In any ot tbe lakee la theNorthern part of Son Jersey ttiataro lobivb-itad by black bau or OiwefO baaa, ai tbeycannot live In the ratne fraten with the ban.

The u«w school building In the Lyndhurstdistrict between that village and KinEtlftnd,was lait week tha swas of an outrage thatwill Insure tbe psriMlniton, If caugbt, tbe bestpenalty of tbe lair. Somebody entered tnebuilding In tfae night time, aoited the fl«r,tilled tfae blackboards with cbsMns BenteDOM,rifl-d the teachers' (leaks, and tore up a copyof the Bible and the school's beautiful Aueri*oanSaR. The townsbfpaodichoolauthoritiesha*s offend * reward of |2C0 fortbe capture

•Tin F l a U Bluppea.Tbe flrab »P«1IUHD of Atuarloan lla plate

tarnrd out from the Jfomwooi A Co. workila £ lmbetb w*t iblpped to lodbupolJ* Krf-dsyoonelgoed toaflrmloUiatpIao*. Tbatiop k U traa loaded on c a n la tbe afternoon andwlghed V0.W0 paunde. This' eoadualntj

M D*** tba Morcwooil r*nn mwn uu4itc#dand tba* urtlr advent will ba a War btnllt toEUi.betb. T b a i d J t j k i i d d lto In forceof workmen. Thleliaotpybllahfdai a political point

She H i t Him With Brloa-cCantractor l»aao Moon appaarvd bafora

Jiutlo. Kelly on TbarvUj aod compUMd othis wife Ro-^nna, Ha Mid that hie id*In Efac ur fct ln-r bantii and that tbe> irpeat-•dly aiaaulud fatnt with bricks or any otherhandj mintllm. A J**r tu- two'afatb*wan nrrrsiKl «i>ri attbe tlntDab*«a»dfoUr»<lmentally unsound. AnotterrtimiDaUufl will1M made u t u h u mental rondhloa, with aview to sending her to Horrti Pialas If ah* 4afound insane.

Fatal S h o o u n r Accident,JamM Trlpp, or Uotiistawn, • • • I D the way

of a cbarga from the gun ol a, eonpaitlonWedne»day of last week and ncelved aIHgbtful wonnd iu the thigh. Artorlra warecut and prof DM ble*dlng followed) wbkn waa•Vipped by bla companion* ai well u it could*be dime tiy a tourniquet. Ha was taken toU s boms and after mstl*Ipg medical attao-tloo was seat to AU Boul*1 Hotpital, wb*r* bedied the MiinanJgbt.

rltaung snnffa.Btrons caustic so-iDtlons," creams,1'balmtf, and thelike—jou d r a t ,Thoj may, pcr-

•- HQI^ uut irhejtCatarrb !• driven from tha bead by ttidtwvi^^i*a • i i innt1 i l . i l . - * - la - -• * _ KAAIW^.



IT in TIUK W s hooKiin THE lUrriit



ITbet li tbe matter I"Why do so many people, Hke Senator

Plumb, ftwstor Zsch Chandler, "Ray aud HecretarjsWlndluun drop sidead.

Only what U tba ras.tUr with thiUpon thpusauds of others, brsia and nerexbauftion from overwork, fret and woiand tlio csrea rad anxieties of tbe puibiand bustling s«o In which we live, and whlolInally end In the dread paresis, Insanity

heart failure, nervous prostration and suddeidaatb.

Uen without number are straining tbeiibrains and utrvmu lysUrai ID tbe taad rantitter tortun* ami lama, and nbaiuUug tinerrous snd pfajaioal energies, until sleepnlghU, f«Uicc power, ootnplet* nervousbaastlon, paraljila, Inssunlty or death must txtha iutvlCabla end UUUM belp from sonsou roe 1B received.

ThotiMDds of womm are overworked, ttwisted, -worn cot In nerve force asd pow

I they feel tired all tbe time. ClerUmstudents, meabaDlca and laborer!, from closeconfinement, long Hours, strain uponoerrea, dissipation or other causes, are totheir vitality, and becoming nervousphysical wmka,

You, reader, are rushing on blindly to idestruction. You are warned every day MHevery bour of your impending doom. HowBy thcao strange aenMtliins, tbat dull, dirty•ltd bed freUuc bead, that raUesMHU, Irritablllty and nervous nee* ; by those moreUrn alprpleaa nl«bt*>, from wblcb you w(tired and untvfmned; by tbe * » k , (ran-kling, cold limbs, by tfae Ian go tir and senof nerroua sod pUy«!cal eshauttloa wblcbgrow upop yon mor* and more. These idancer ttgaalt, and not to heed them (a thefolly of a fool.

tUfBV, XtQ,TVbat Is to be done f Tbu nnswor Is plain

enough. Votiara toelcg jour nerve foma&dpon-fr, and running down In strength, oond vitality. Whatever will micro ihla lostklrength anil vigor to tbe brain and lienKill put you (wain In sound health endstrength. This Is precisely nbat Dr. Grcetie'iHerrura, tbe groat blood, brain and nerri

will da. As R t«stoTer offorce, a bultJer up of nerre power, rl^or andenergy, this wonderful remedy boa no equaltn tbtt world. Vtm o n have no ideayou try It or Ite marvellous toning, strength-ening and invigorating effects, its beneficial

id healthful action as a brain endnstorative. I t Is jiuwly vegetable and pot'fectly harmless, and can be purchased nt any

raggltta for >1.Read what It did for Andrew II, Olnoy,

K,q,ofGiDaon,H. V.* 1 was bralttn down with nervous and

physical ^rostratloti.*' he says, " before usingDr. Qreeoe'e K«rvuia blood waA nerve remedyu d life w u a burden. Ka<rUfeliaJoy.andaleep Is a luxury compared to it before takingHerruJB, I nllsb my food, and ray nervous-

s boa left ma t to has the uumbuess.wish I could Bhnut loud enough so all theworld could near, and tell tbem the good thiswonderful m«dicln» b u done (or me, It hnmads me from a weak, trembliof, nervous,lrrlUble man, to one wbo feels, bo Is on theHighway to long yean of btalin and bappi*M M through Or, GraaoVe Ntrvura blood aDerfe n m t d y and the blrr-lug of God,"

Can yon do better than to uw It |Especlallv M It U c o t * patent medldne,

but the prescription and dlscoTcry of tbeemlDBtit pbyalciao. Dr. Greene of 85 Westl l i h street, Hew York, tha moat snnweifulepeolallst Is tbe cure ot nervous and chro&lediseasMlntbiiooutitrf. Hecanbeoonsnlwlfree, pNDnulty cr by tetter.

Dr. Hales S o w f c e i a OlAtma&tIt the flaeat mnedy In tbe world, It aba>latetv oures eatarrb. It coree neuralgia and

l C U Uk t CCuraa pUee Ua* aeglo.aaJt rtMon In th* acmt -wotblni manner.

lanatned and granulatol eyelid*. Curasaandoolds. Can b» «iksa (nternaUj.

A positive; •pedflo for f>b«amoola. CUM,brnlass. bunw, csUblalaa, aacwof kog stand-tag, earns and bunions a n cmrvd quicklydlfferaiit from all else; superior to all e l se; ft

•L «o.and6Oo boxes. LarseaiieBold s t Robert KUlgore^ Oomcr

'nig State, Dover. H,J

I was vary ranch troubltd with (adlgeatloa,riExlorgas tn iintnarVi, and acnvnew eniMai

n y bowsli. I med Dr. Deant'a DyspepsiaPills and experienced almost Jmtnedlaie relief,ami very soon w u entirely cured.

i QKWQE 8 . WOOD,Baggage Agt. P. R. K., Bord«&townt S. J.

Exwlalor Prenand Bui iwh«t Honr for pan.oakec, ready la a wink—moat delicious andbealttay. K. Stopnena ot Co.


•ootUng, cleansing/ nod hocHot only Catarrh Ttaelf, bat•obo, Cold la tbe Head-«I1 tho trouU.may cause Catarrh cr may coma from. —

There1! oltior a perfect nod penaanentcere, no mntlorliow bad jour c u e r *bow long Handing— or th

Too proprietors of Dr. Sage's Bomsdy, Inperfect good faith, ngree and ccntnot to g i nyou oao or tba other.

K o w Try Thia,I t will cost jou nothing and will eowly do

you good, It yon have a Cough, Cold, or anytrOQbla with ThroaU Cbott or Long*. Dr.King's New Dlscorery for Coaiumptlon,Oougha and Colds la guaranteed to give relief,i * money wtU be paid back, Bnfferen IromLa Grippe found It just the thing and underIts use bad » speedy and perfeot rTry a Mmple bottle a t our expense and learn

l J g tbottle* free at Itobert EUIgon^ Oruf Store,Dow, Oram, Hanoedt Go's Drogetow, FortOr*m, and P. K. JenHns' Dmg Ston, Cbester.h M t i t l

>n*S Ax&lt* toft*.Thi beet a s ln In the world for Cote, flOEW,

Bnuasft, Ulosn, Bait Bbeom, FWvar Sane,Tetter. Cbapped Hands, Collbklas, Cora*,u d all Sldii EmptiMia, and pcsittnly oanefOee, or ao pay required. ItlsgDaraatMdtot4re perfect eetUtactloo, or OOBBJ refnoded.FriMtweoty-Qv* cent* per bst.. I a r a a > b }Bolvrt s011tors.DoT»*,Oi«ai,Hanoe&0(».,Tor* dram, and F "» * iiailiw ClfcanMi.

1100, and on gattfngnurrisd lost a week, paidIS SO tor tv xurrUga VUxam, ind" »T 00 to toajDlnlstar, aod atter that paid | U a w«k forboard, and 18 a week doctor billa for his alek,wif«, maa $t tot medldii*, how long wooW It

taa Blood Cart for hi* wtfef RobsatKili*( o n , ot Dorer, seUs Cactu filood Cote andfiiowUyouHlaboDlit.

THE QUESTION OF yALUE•tth w l i our first thought l n gathering to-

-Bther a ttock of goods for our enrtomtn.

1 Our fine dlspla/ rf Ladles', Ulnei* andOhildnn's

CLOAKSare ot tbt hlzbeat style*, linked with the low.est prloea. Our line gf Fall u d Winter gar-ments are entirely tw», having b«en made forthis eeaaon'i bmlnea*. The atock oomprlsM»U that Is rich, nobby and deoU-abld, botit liimported ganoenta voA thoee made by theleading manufacturer of this country. Weshow many unique and confined s t j lea not tobe found, elsewhere.

Oaxtoents for Women fS 00 and upward.For the Miss 13.00 and upward.•We also exhibit an exoeptlonallj Eta Una of

Infants1 Clothing.FartlcuUr etteaUoa la ceiled t o onr Ont-

flttlng Depaitmeat tor U I N M , Children andInfant.. .

Children's Bolts and Boys' KIIU mads to

& Drake,777 fie 77g Broad St.,


HOUSE FOR HBNT.April lit, :B»,n,whoiu



Duplex AutomaticSteam Heaters,

Duplex UUam and Hot Water Hesters. Th«y- mads ot wrought boiler Iron, faftveoop-

iafla, t.o.4 olauu auperiorltj in tht let--..Injrpobtai BrBBteoa&omrliafneU Hiai

pUol.j of cttBitrcotion I No tu<a««es»it)loints I No Ions BUM or heating surface dUB-

Oftlt U kw-p clean I E w y b> m u a j t ' l Mtoo*l to lift to the top of a laig« mifasia*PerfHteaTetj

AU Madi of PLumblag, Boollng and 6bs*1Iron Work Batisfaowry uiaouted. In alook -att times SKWBS »od But Mr F u r n i m of eve.desortptfon; Hsrdwsre, Out lory (Tin-tran. Oi<Olotht, Csipfii, etc. LublRB and SoraatoiOoal. itaifi, F»fnt>, Oils, Vatroauk'e 0 *~ I'd Uu'ihar Banknt Ohiln Pnmps,

ARNDCar. Sussex and Blackwell SU,


PROVISIONSof the best fradea; also

Plllsbury's Best Brand

of Flour,F £ E B . ORAIIf . B1TTTBB

OHEEBE, EQGB, ate .Btmugcrs visiting Dover are Invited to call

and examine my good*, Popular prioee placeUaam wiibin tbe reach of thoee whoee meansAre limited, and my lino assortment cannotTail to plooso and aaOBfy the most crlOoa]buyers. Joan AUKDT,



I to-be jiItMure to tmnounte nnotber weekof Bpecla] bargsloi. Isball offer tuch unan-swerable arguraenti as no bouse can matchspecialties Leaders to check tho Insane andcriminal practice of walking taoiuy [or t i epaltry consideration of a little credit Visitour itore and get a for taste of our prloMwhich win teach you In tba silent logia oftroth the [llfforeace between tba cash andcredit ijaUm—between tbo right and wranf,lUftpcctluty eubmUtedtotbecatb tradeonly.

H. E. tireengrass,




rimmed Hati and BonnetsTrimmed Hats 1125 op tn all price*. Vn

trimmed Mm &Ua. to M00, all tha lafaat

Ttimmlnif*. FatOT F«»ttWT» aslow •• 25c Our flenta' Haul

awscbaaper. ' '



O»« door from Bl«kwilO DOVEB, H. J.



OL1» C B U h C H P R O P E R T Y ,

Comer of Blackwell and Prospect Sta., foi1

This la a verj good locatloa mai willbesoiafttaamcrlnce.

W« altti btiit f> BUALL FARM for ••>,cousin!* of about 13 acres of Uad, good

illdlags and all in good«rder. Prbe (1.SO0.INSURANCE AND ENGINEERING,WSX BuaDwa, DOVER, M, 3.


P. P. Ula< II. - - Proprietor.

OU W l m U t a . . .ood Stirr Ied and Loce^ TIITTH1. Hair, PI*T*

ir, Cement, Front and' Coounoo Brkk,•jg, Stop*, Curbing. Bills, Slate Ma*


W M . B . WOOD'S



ish, Fruits and Vegetables,Qoods, Butter, ..

E00H8T0 1KTiltabU for m. unatl family awl at infeiembi

and uiy, Boqulre ofJAMErf MALONKY,

Wanvn Utw. Dant.) r U n . t t H Haloner. oa.tta ^r imUT

sear St. IIaty4 Chun*.

FOB SALS,The iMQai, bam and lot CD Prosptrt riiasAetb0beadiifCbestnotati>eC. ALotbeatan

j s y yreared not havingtried it bejore. i ti s f i l 4 l


from ui and yon will get a ftnt-ciiia lottro-mimt t t a law price on vtvy m y payment*,and w« are always here should you wmnt to

i. ThtmOnftTjoUB»»d».ui misantntot*d in our town and beneflu you as

well. We guarantee to tell you a



Mathushek Piano,lother^W.&w'

BtOtL.a neir or|D0, or

Targasi" atock of B*ooniJ-h*ndtana this tide o l Haw York,

irontjl^OnlrSucta. n r WMK for a

9nr nunlh for » u w pkso.Wabara tlM laiiart atock o

dWabara tlM laii

PUUM aad ornoa tu> aid.S!5bw. ai» aS3ii| nts low.

Hanoi and t t a d dOcoaudmtia.

Orgia iud Huu MT« Co.SOVXH.H.J.


8K0B6B E. V00BHEE8.


l l l U m V O B M I O Matiia1, Ilaekaallka',Oaanaoton1, 1I1IIIB« u d Muaouiaran' Sap.Him, Falak. Olla, au.


Sasla ud I<rUU»n, BUM asd Boalu. BlDr-olea, IWeniM.niblaalko<'a and Sport*

aua'l Ogoct, HoaaskaaplBS Quails..



Ponlujuij Hixlalu s.l l lM. i l » . fulllio. of Moat Safbi, Battintavin aad WahnOoolen, BabT OwnixM, «fo. . , •

AMDI of aloma Md adlotauu, oowUa. of1b. Olirai ObllM Ploi/klioTomo Bamw,ta i l . Wtari OulUntan, W.ilv A, Wml

aadTreadllorHFownuQQlaerj, aasttaBer« flinma Fallm,


iA' : ormotaunam*. :~.:,\;r;,'.


Asinleu Ktiitmigk1Urtaltt andI h b i Orautnjr mtk, ~

SUtuiy, Kufliaia

Ewditonii, Lot Indonni; to.

All* WOBX.AXD tfiTMBHT. 0 * 9W» BHT

- r a i q B i L O W . .••••', •"

rConanltI»bafaMpiin]liaalDK. It will

L H a u l BT. AMO

' vlto>jaiaTgw>, H. i.'


Central RailroadOP NBW

i m TABUI IH srraoT OCT. 11TH, u n .


For Now Yort, Newark and Eliz-ateth,at6:45,10:41, A.K.; 8:40,r. M. SUNDAYS, 5:62 p. H.

For PhiMolphia at 6:45, A. i t8:43,'P-«.

For Long BraDah, Oman Orove,Asbmy Park and paints on NewYork and Long Brasoll Eailroaiot 6:45,10:44 i . l £ ; 8:43 p. u.

For (01 BtoUona to High Bridgeat 6:45,10:44 A. H.; 8:13,5:52 p.SONDAYB, 5:63 P. M.

For Iiake HopatoonK at 6:45,8:47, 10:11 A. • . ; 8:13, P. K.

For all stations to Edison, 6:46,8:47 A.M.; 3:43 r. M.

For Bockawav at 9:10, 11:17, i .i t ; 12:10. 4.-O5,6:17,7aop.K. Sm-

>AIB, 4:18 r. x.

For Hibernia at 0:10 A. K.; 12:10,:il5 P, ». BCNDATS, 4:16 P. K,

Vor'EaaianrAHeaUnm and UaaohChunk at 6:45 A. at.; 8:43, S.S3,P. U. BtJOTATS. 6.S2 V. U.

I*ave New York at CflO, 8.45,

Leave Bockaway at 6^7, 8:1C,10:37 i, u; 3:46, 8:36, 5:14, p.SraiiAiB, 6:44 P.M.

Leave Port Oram at 9.-O5,11O0,:13 i. M.; 4*0, 6.11, 7:15 P.

SOSDATB, 1:11 p x.eftTo Lake Hopatoongut 10:82,

a. M,i 5:40, p. M.lieaTe High Bridge at 8.05.10:8

i . K.; 8:00, (klfi p. K, SOMniTB, Sflllp.K,

3. B. OLHiUSEH,Gaol duub '

' •""* H.P.BALDWQI,Gen. Pass. Aft



Ifepot In 2few Torlt, foot of Baralaf Bt and


Uoidunouia UoiraAr(Jnin SHh, lflffl.



•AST BOtJKD. A. «. WEST BOIDID, Ju M,uffaJo expraes* B;3S«KVKO «xtjrvw* 0:10

_bioglODOiuTalo expBallon expr




: aoooot.a express*a luail,

- --Jtui'nBi,],*9uror acoom.

Joveracoou.Milk ezumui* .iutoaaUUJkezp

lo aspmelV,r eznresa, 10;ust'n epX* 11;

naipnal.iton ezDL*Uoranton exp, 6;

Q'KettfltoWQ tap. tDover express 7:

•Via. Boonton Brunch.

W&hlflgCotiepI. DMBulTalo expreet* B:6lBuiralo expne.* V:!.Dover aewm. 111:10B t r l * 1 0 . - pow lur

Hotue In livrria-


Dot.r. M0-M k.».l:«i ••8114 '•11:20 " :13:15 f. M.t : U M

0:00 "


11:68 •• P.M. lOO <•S:4S " .:1S

j«taa IB my baiids, Ipuullo vendus at Me

OWB, fl. t l . | «1L0NDAY, toe 88th day of NOV&UBSK

next, A. D. ISO, betw*en tha bour* ot Vi M,and 6 o^ock K A, thut li to m<, at ti o'olueKIn tte aUtu-uoua of said dnyt all ibm trnotor putwl oi laud ana p.t>uiw*> nuralnaiiefparucuiarly duscrlbedi nuuttw, 1JIUK*U4 i»-in_ in uw lownubit' uf Kauaulbn, lu tneLkHMtjU! Uwrts aod Bwu> ui M«w Jwtejr.Uc-lnulug *t • iwap ol .touts It DMti. Uw

l l b O l > i t L dlnulug * t • i w p . o u

Ujiid curlier i l a lot wbiOi,l>afi(t LTowurld^otnuotmma ot Aarvn Mevkor aud Juaniw. fau

l d l U l i b p b r ' X u u > ' llua;' Uwnos5:«8:507:83B:«0



AI l:«0. ISO. IM: 1KT, »:C0, '.SO*. 10:10,

1:10, «K». 7:»*. 8:00', B:(U and I«C* >. I*via. Boomon firasoli.

CHESTER BRANCH.Vesfuanf. Aaffamt,l .K. r.kt. P.M. • l.K, P.M. r.M10:33 SiOG 8:17 Cbestei 7;M UiOO 4ilD10:93 S:fi7 6:00 Burton 7:83 19:01 4:1"fr.13 3:63 B:l)4 ironU 7:87 13:1! 4:W

IChOa 9:47 E:69 Suoossnnna 7:tlt 13:11 4:14B:fia 3:t3 &:&& MeCalnsvllle 7:45 ISrM 4:106:40 9:S5 B;I7 Port Oram 7^5 13iM 8:WBJS 9:30 fi:4» Dover 1:00 13:15 B.-OI

t'jva Bspreu sUtpc l i Pwtt ai 7:U i . « . ; golag Weit »l




sussaz SXBUT. navwt,«.».;

itoakal win tia tan « m q t u a t i

IBM, and uld 11 llTjfiK pitaaa. Oali IM «

in« B J atMk u i pilaH.' I S |0QO

: THoa. riamia


Masons and Builders,DOVIH. ». jr.


'- '.6Eor o iBnoai ' sno i iT ,^ :':'>£

•U BKXT TO B.i U « . * . ' l i ;'.';-•.


J; J.". VitKBia*i>iSi


tno Usbt'ataUaa. BaLYrian« ttaain tar..t^-. _ . 1 . flu— na^^n ba

BEKRIFF'8iioBStM Ctnccrr Cotmr.

Etepbeo P. Briitrt w Davtd King. BircntloocaOontnwut. ReWrpaWe o n o b e r Term,A. B . 1868.

! UaBLOlf PlTVKTa Atty .O Y TtRTTJK of ffaaahova (rtntrvt writ t )f ) niedlwrt«dBD(tdMI«rnyl,IhaTi>1»*l*dponandatiall*XQ>v» t<v »*!• »t PuMIc ven-O* at the fUM*Htn> oBru at the Court Bouse UA** (ii ttwclty of Uorrtilown. V 3

Wit, A p*WMD0ft»W

a JKUKCTJnrr J Wll-nn unniplilnant, •0(1

p*WlU C H«tM and W^lls U DsW, ds-tmAtM*. Ff fa f ir mtn i f murtcssjA . 'DPMnt-t" Krtuniablo t*j february Term. ( ]

U 0 S P \ Y rim mtfa (Is* of NOVEMflEB_ _ - , . - { - H*A A W ISrJ hPt-^QtheflnUTWnriSM

eat of lbs (tefndast darld Kins;, in and to all *rd S *>V)ivtsra* tnot* tjr p a w l * nl land and pt*mir*>. In i t* niu

' 1 i « and b-ian In tbe fcumsbin nf twn-.hlM., oaanty of Herri* and PUt« r.r New ' "

p M fharfstriMTatSmnnf*»Ji<1»iT all Th" UPrtfffCftadn mirt r><* that c*r**\n tract or" nrnnlra- ' "

iDt. BettluDfiv

r View avenne oor bnn*dradutdflttyferttoa o^n«r of • If* b w ofnnt oennyad or said Ootdale and wire tn• • " ' i r ; tbence W enuta parallel with. . ^ iatrMtaDdaf(in( ib« line nf said8P£MT lot one hundred feat; tbntfe [SI MJrtpamlM with Pair Vlsw aTenua TOI nuivwand fifty faet to tb* weat Una of FequannnckstrMtt tbema [4] north almw thtt wot Hueof PMnaoDookstnat ons hnndrwi fe*t totbe-'—-'L -'—'— omtati.init flltamithntuafH

; Mnf ihat»aiB.s>id(isjidto

d a* fnllnwN: 1 tWUrt* d*tr>(ibx1 MHi*t* Itintf and tww et • ariut In Jn thi. To-mMp nf Hmrhiirr In the rmu•twetuhwetbelrf Mnrrtoard Htnt* "* B P - J » W B>j

1 ^ ^ " " ' 1 r "

oJosecfaTIBUh»rlffnr tbe wunty of

A D IS89

.. rlffHarris and Blai* of N«ir J r s y . *rdated 111* »>rs*t*tntfa«]«r or Hay, A D. IS89.apd m»n)*d In tb* Morrit rounrj Olsrk'sOflioa, reootd of d*d-. u«S<- &U, &

TtwHeooni* Lot B*gLniiug >c Htune b*«p,batBg the s*o»Kl oorow nf » Int owned bjDnulsOrcamM-t tfaenos £1] Booth fifty ttwe

miub wet thirty chainsIn tb« llos of

m th

DenulsOrcamMt tfaenos £1]depvea and tfalrtv minubw wand ait7*iahtlnketoa poi

Imn*on: tho-..* m sand f«rty mlnutrs

&&n»*Mr&™*'iM -iWiiii ilUurgaAtotmttUithTMiieaTe

minniM wtn ton* chains andlinks to a point still in th« Une nl said KUIYSPktt; tbeuoe M) ntirth fifty four drgrwa andfifty nuuuioi east tinrtj-nlaa cb«lns at>dtwenty nxbt links hi asoUifr ourtn-r In noidDennis Craamer lot; tbeuoe [A] along wldOnamar lot norih t<r«niy-elgbb aes>«ra audfora-fiTe miuntea west twu upaiusMidi-lxttix Unks W tfee place of betllnniuBt cuntalni

rdiPl to a furrey and maf Uwr«uf o uBut Jtnkin* uf Uover aloiBMttdW, a1|tG ustm and saveutt-MK

u of an aort>, hue a « w deduouugm a tr*ot of atxty elx huudndibs ot

an «ore cunvevHl by tb-s*Kl WlUlani K Kand wltt to &lw*rd AVatfra bj a*eHay 13tb, 1OK aid rec^deJ In HurrbiCittk'.UOtob twuk FTui U»^».potfco.1 there' rtmalm to b» vouvt-yM

r y n o e but eight i t r d aud twuli« an sum BHIIK tbe iw

iuutyp elf,

noe gi« an sum,d b J b

dK tbe i

bdUu i« an sum, BHIIK tbe iwu p

onvf>ed b> Ju«fpb D, £ing by Junu ^ n o i ,by deed daud tb« I£9d day uf Outvbor, A. U,1SH9, aud reoutdttf In tbt tfurrls ' ouutyCork's Offloa raouid of dwd*. \***n W1,

Ibm Ttuiti Tr-rt. BftKittutuu at »di Ib w t l » vt fetiw

Ibm Ttuiti Tr-rt. BftKittutuu•lauding on Iba w « t *lt» vt fetiwuim oistrwt; oil a ouutwr u u i h throe arm a n nutinn* hundred abd aavHiiiy^ive lset i n m u tioatJi-»t*t€Jomw ot iVtjuiuinuOit null Hveur-laud sutnu-, UfiiJg aW> a uuriiHr "f »IuL Oltaud l a u o f Jctm HasMiker ! thwiot rujn.lltdI] al'>ng • Hut uf kwiu Mttw-kt-r tunUi tlajttty.

vdl<ltfc*»»eMlO*i'bUUOItdlH%t,vidl<lt»tfc*»»eMlO*i'>bUUOItdlcorner oi tho saai*; i tem* M w

t l t > o n >« t lu LUT l o i

id load WIUIU tiiL>-mn•rttts t s n oue buuii'd «na »J*i»n !W(ntk)tlW OI M>la i-tquKUUuOK l U w l(fl sJubt; ttti wcbi -iju oi wtta * .qwnat « • utuxuiwllv lud uut uuni>•rwes »«•! u t u :

I tteuij Iwt toU | g * , «x*.ui».i»»»UiuutUHl aul nit/ M|uui0 Imt, iJcttJK t•emu l u d auu ineuiiot* ouuvtijtO by v. aiuK JCms and »i\v hi Jowpn t>, K-i* t>j UI

'"-- j— "• April A i loll, -OHMl UK> IBtO d*Vrsuurdwi in me i lwifl UI 1 s WU,Ut3

Artlfiatnn «hnTe i • m e <• (tfw ftmHh Jin- *l»en tn In* dP p W l l b» Hufrh H .tm« sod wW» <J«»M

isth. A. D 18T5. end mvirtirf In E It,1 t H ( r U t v nni«X*«B8T finDM<1«tarH<nT(irpUTitv nni«X«B8T fi

Ktrrullne' MM llrw MUttwwBterlr to raidi». ani f « w ihmi« rmnUn nwtb Ht*.ri*rw « « t t/i Uic hivlnnlns nf tba fifth

>nrw tn ^ H A<*a tb«nm with thnt CnOrterfh flftf *laht divivM «ntt t«ol»e chains4 flfty'llsika th««i fli nirth fiftT fnurtpvm -««t t»o chain* and *>tsnty llubi t

) ntirth *a<ri>titM>n d*grwM mvt fnnrt thwoa (rj nnrth *lov#n d«w*« west

ct<«<n* bi Uahlon D CanHnld's Ifnej.m h t <b W M *™»

flft««< »«.DU'»». «»* '"nr «bafn> and r

^«T./tIir»»*r™tti« and thirty four linksurn (P) nrtrlb ilfty ».* d - g r ^ •>«* ""««u . « Va«t t trMCboloi and fl'tr Bdks.»|fl)iif>rth thirtj «trw« df«r«e*tand/fir!*•• ro(n»t«« * f t .t two clmlns , t t fuw (10)tb fifty 'tin-*, d ivprs und fnr« flvft mln

nt*»rant' tnmr rteli.*«n*t se»BDly-fow HUMIhi-nrt- <11) north tLlrtr five d*sree« and f"i»-tr-flve minutes w*«t eight cb»lr-s aivl fiftytfnk. i ih'nm (1J) ti'Vih flr» H«e diirec*

* n cliaio* U> two marfcid cbfwtant.. . _ . ftiT tin edge of ttia On«t rood »th*nrt> (IS) north ifafrty se'i-Dthontihw#cha,ni«BTid»vfnt»rock by ttaa|ih>nf (Itafopwald pmi*._bBJc

0 O., RDd<«l»b Dlelrlnsnn UDUOP (Is) BOdtbnt tr -wan d'vraM na*c ui ibe wenUrlv llu*ft tbe tfr.n>mt*ntloned Old Lake Vie* Rosdand thmoe alnns tL« some tbe iwrerat cwunes

' BOuUiw«terJr u tba plaw cf be(ln-

r j i l r s n u t . . — . — .rn unld hr lliB M H LbarlM O C*n>p-

.- - „ Blp>i»'d H Bus*e» b j d^d bearinfd*t* the SOfh tliy of Uarcb ittW, and '

iiUrl of t " 6 J* tAlm \iSw lVvViwrt.MVfiwnB'-akeM-IIle Htsil n to Mi unt Arlfiicton,•b»rr> tb« utnn In Int»rsi»cied by tue fuuttalino givon In the dml bt Mid Uampbell byTIiiKh Rnlmri ard wire d«'«i Dto. 1 8 * . A.D. I87S, ai d r#onrd-d in K fi of " ' '

If BO Kid vonr name ond uliliea, ao4 m i r e by sebuB mail ntindnnidy lllmtroted Catalogue mth fnces. 'fcnai, elc of


J High Grade.


Tbe "OPERA" Piano.dumiili/y ""I rut, powerful «d plto

Manufactures.JPEEK & SON,

ins na<d II ii


8H£BIFF'B SALE,lit CBANCiKr or ^Bff J iuasr .

BttwMn Fbvbe J. Cor v ia und Uumtwl)unbani| Bxtcutun ot £ d m iJi l !

d c m lceased, cumfbridle, I M M Ihittlmdga, J«tkhiuldf and Augustus W, Cutlur, duU U , Pi, IK. lur-Mtlu of mi-rt^aftod iJtem-ISM. Itdtnrnable wPebruarj 1mm, A. i*.l tm. J. H. KxiauBOiitt, ool'r.ify virtue of tbe above BULMI » n t ol tieii

j«taa IB my baiids, I sbaU u p o w lur salo atC H I l i i

I sbaU ue Court


niug ibeiiDa iij uutrita tUhtdwrwa airaiauM'B m i ttvs abaiiu, taeuoa \fonyii** difn-m e«st one. otwlu -


DoribWJ'l>'>liaOt«i*<aMW)*BttlOmtj-dfe Jink* j ineuwi (9 u

_at|[inM oa*e (iiMioliaUi suxl iMmie Leajj | tbeucv W *"*Ut ai

two lUka toi ttw bealaulng ourntr ol „ .taaaaand four bandied ana site-.. Urae ladtour , bunaitd k« aeru* teurued bj laaaq

'1 mod ncmtMl M f m * Aaboy, Inll .pe^noitbauw^aoutfe ,

«4MiT«BS WUlt UUU» wound .iiwp rt

Urt • his »"a* Deivisl TrU H>d M t K B w a n a w t i

|-idi dtgraw wrst *)•>•

r JwB, talusIrawbrtufaUlt , i>VSo

tte Hswioc u( laud Maiowfa^Ml ta <jatb*ru» U.(tWa>l<IUa«iaAnuw. .-, ., trofetnaw and ulrsy BUVK

iteflVMtUoonaiiwauid MCIJ linka \ tb—es' UL/ d*fR«* *** aevati eaaiue mxl U t y

s;;ta««i(s> (IH) s u u u taln>-iturw ttagrUl t j mmutw *as* tttln^tarM okwiiw i^ / h i u w w - i t a r e w o a j uau*; U M S M

- 'sgraw awl Uutty ttUiiqwaM>d Hl.j HT» liuaa lo n>t

4,Vi*laliJl£aa> ^ * ^ t t f Atta/aja^

. 1 u u s»uan4ia» «C au

»utHmmm»*vami&tM asud A S V M Cant

ay. 'AbutUM J* Kuaj, AdibkiuuMur u( Juaw1U>>». •»k*tWiJ(iUti Mid Itaat (rUtBj OUB uf Slrid

; Gko. MoCraoken.


hraim« TDUB PupraBTT WITH •


. Deeds for. . , . . . . , vat, &c bj»it*BdsoithMsuirlv t*i said road and

friiro Uieiu rt in nine nnrtn flrty^ie dnense•rat tn the h»sini tvg of the Hi Lb nmrsa In•aid d*Ml tJidicta with that nrtiiraa norUi

'tj-*Iiiht d grw* w«*t to a point when sl>«n cbsliio will reach mxenti'Itii HUUIK tbe>nv«nieiitl > d t « i *UfW* frori tiir * ^b-fffiitiliiR IbPIPr- rnonlnv DU-th«

iTtAll-l wltt) raid O d Ukit Vl«->pinb«tn*t itifiiiva' u hfanrorlv*udi>*r«liel[th wuld flraL t<*(i llit-tt r*sn(»*ttvKti' nutMU

__n |BHt.. . h o --•.l .Hv Una of s Id 6 d LakeVintr Hi«d M d t fi co olouit ttm imtiir s»ui|i«p»b>rly «(xt»n ct«ti« to tho \Uem or b* » i d I uvJi>KarttTdntuc i « tb» last

rttjtiry urr, i t o u i_ _ d »hkb i*Oi>n««>f<(

Ui tbo i«ity i f tb» •*•!> i il .*•••> t o Utta fli • aBfji« A p»rt f »h*> en«if IDBIIMM O> u*«y d

I dBtni .pf. Ittib J87B MIKJk < V gr Ilet Js h r Huril*

O-onty, |niicn'&ni A. ." J - -fat* Mine in-ralm-B ctmvejpl tu De

wire by dw*i brwrnii

ty of Urnlu Boi* t . _



ld i

t b t l r l i t t i i > t t U uht* MtU d a y vt M u r e b , |tUUt

8HERIFF'S SALE.Nxw JSHticr HtrpBlUK CoyitT

ilirrit Couoty, Otrsr JtlTery vs. NaihanD I T U . In ra<w Pt fa d- bunts «t mrtbH^turnable m-hi ~ - - - - -

Btursable "Vhruni) Trrm A D 1HH

O8Ofc.n Jsvrxny A u ' y . p i r Hr virtue < r rim abii*o butsd - n t hi me'dlrrcmd HUU delivered, I Have le'lfd on

city ctMuniBhjwn. ouUQrNaw J«rsej ,oaHONDA'S tbe Hth day of NOVEMBER

o u t , A. D. IBM] at two »<c|nok In the afterm o of mid day, all (be rtghft Ada and to-aaTlihefo'i " " * ° • - • • * - * l < o -

•J>lus;«of H[»ris,mate o

Uegiiiulitg at n cimuiut trMatutdlut atbuut-1 ubatua to ttn> eaaiwatil f ruin i b s H a t c c t -

ung river uiarttrd un fwir aMea. and run*g ibeiic« iij uutrita tUhtdwrwa ai d fldfra

ttonaeUtj-l ow




Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c.' BRkCKET AND U(K)l .U«WINQ DONE TO ORDER. *


an", ttafr •"•> «»1 • " k.™ It aoaanad and Ioa*«l w\tymt ihnnUiw

C m M ' S CELEBRATED Offi*i i f HJgM,• , . • H O T I C K . " ,

.In roiiMiiM to a large nuuiljir of 'nvrniu made by patrom in UovornnilVMInltr, H « m COBNISrT* CO., bateopined a branch wnreroum In elinnro uithtlr local reiireietitaUte, Mr. JOUSTitJ nAl.ltYMPI.E, at No. O DltlCKUIiOOKi DOVliR, N, J., n here a cliolco

.*~ — , , , n j ^ . u 4 m m w U I !„, o u>lcw. Mr. Palr^mplewill bo lu attendanceto rfiLftlto orders niid • , • - iexhibit luntrainonts. """° ¥'n oo

MMUHUIIFMIOI Eii) psjmmHui lml| ill imitilt.ItM, * . HBir MllrNIi KalMiAlMg IIRNlUHn

.riitkad Dafrrsiftls, *' AADiJICill Si AA



iracta tit lam! au! prwu. R^fadaa 1» mr hand.. I aaall JSP".. I *;l,ttbeT,,»ulii|,if B » - Mla«(a*abUo Vapilaaaatba Uo«rt Huiiw ia

.JV a » *ai .^.^.^^a^ B» ^.^^# - ~w--~— - .

r Jatvej HontMown, Hew Jenay, onAY, tte awh (WJ oi* MOVEJIBEft- --• paptJtakoaMoftwelve

M «k«ci«io«y' dd*y,«iriturn

sud wife fci Baxi*b»s KaVw taeIUMOIsrWuid, aoum

(waits tkatM U d M|lBt* euraw

aounde.gitaa byIsaittew

O. , (via IDitW uu Ouitn Bt luta 4,0,B6,.bv,luiall>wiJiMiuct.iuU to Xna. P.V»»ut:s. Jyi ui UUMU Bt, w lejsttrunt, nut

yul^tim tn. wjid m ttaivtus. Itavte,I " V.HL.IB 1 I BablB ^tjt I.*B»M.. tTJ lat ahaft|i» ulKiaua

IV Mid II) ua JUU>yu | l U «) iu «(

I M l - t u u V o u m B" ~ On iUUi ML., •

J M U I W U M I . M . W K . , lutjtu. l i t *Luiun Hi., muta 1*1 O H. t%um • Im Au T uu

hir i*e wtmtimrnxkn tm»»x uwsuwuwl tu Iba•aid iswairtMuHM amid tiyruuK. d y a t a




WtU V uu Jl« ii b L . suM 10 •Jutiu Hikdlay : Iu4



Csrpentets ind Builders,

ror «ai d l l * . «.at»MtnikM

ihXtl tUOlBan'l ant OD I «M» r

t f jand.OOka and ibap on nackmll Bt, o u t t

Dovar.Lauiljfr Ooafmaj^ MiUB:R.Wiioox A I B m i



™ -«^. — > w . | mtwwi ..aaiia ui

- • tbtiabscriber.unurieforeuitmoa.&a tt .^e dtie ot Mid ordtrt u d Z

In Chftncwy of N«wL1*L H*M»». Emm* L ( s

*n Axfort H-rvny IW* li n«r%,w.hUw,f ,» omnfl H*r«PV J r . J h n W

Xdd* John W TMriy.Jr.Hartey A.Bddr,Hsvmond ft Ertir

Y f a n f . r d » f 0* the Court if Phun

th* ,VtoM>r lOfVW«l*i<n« |<t e m ptlVN at* rUfMirini M Alt «•« rtfinlr*! Mf B sr, Dl-fl M M w «r rf-mm* to »h* h|ll nf

M ivimt Ifllnmiii- nn • r b»tnt* th- (I h riar nlh th id h11 ill be tak«a

M M ivimt Ifllnmiii nn • r b»tnt* th (I h ria(Vetnhw pott, p th- mid h|11 will be t

« * pawlilrm nf »*r

of New

fn i. .. _ „ , of wMrk mh* *f»bw>r ID p*H- *wr*h J DuS, rUlaad And ynn fi*^*- *. L ar-1 rri Rurvoy end Klla*fl H w

( A &.dy»r»f*tSma4n'M«o(lwr4i of v»u ar* ttMD** >n o^Rf

mm. in mid lands, »< bHi*«t-law ot Barab J .Iitiff d**iisapsBi tvr f*'tipf WIMC >

a%nd I Q ^Bdma L Hsr^eT. wff^ nr fl*iiiI Hatvty,.VKl.Dor«rj Bt«r»w,wlf«nw J * o* ' nl m m f , am MU)I mma lUiWUnte,

j t s T(\II f se(^*Q of or B^*,^HI "o w)f M b « t « i i M l of diw«r ID »o much nf P I Mtand-> u ynoT rMpMrtiv* bnabuid* a w M m l

Aw* rna, Jt*n W B4df. • » made n J * . ' .ftidMk tMoaiw V M in w mav rlaim tn h i \

Estate of 1 taiitriocte Prted.

1 Fttmant to tbe nriar of the Burmpte ofU» County nf llnnri., made n« UM thirdday at October A D on* tbnaaatMl sirht•UMtred and ctMtyJwtv, nottoa fa h « * y

*tiv claims ac*Iost th«M) UU offtba Ooatity

tren to al p w u u b a t i v claims ac*Iost h«wdatanrCnarTottaPfaM) UU of.ftba Ooatityrtf Hnsrlk. dee*a*sd. to fcneafat t U aatna, rn-rfer oath or aSrmatf^a, to to* sahaerihsr, on

t>auadff«l,tl,Hqt lnW i« iin|r* l» hsrmy «W» to

n<fai.TFn.rC'-,iin s«*i et th M U *aiW Hir-b U*i.tlbtDonntrofll*fnf,

n|niin>siittha hts cW»r«tk« J

A«v it! Jflcf. nrsl feeiis; B or, moniLe ^fte rl»U • sala nrd-r I *D4 M* orertit^

-•V r i n r t o h H n . l a - M •llnbUuU<.i I M I .•Mm, NMlyr nstb "r tO'foa lint •Uhm, HMUme»n'tnttMi fll t* ftn*^t bw'rf nf K B '

5"" ^ l F '

Notiea of

of <«ltlrimiii,\\JTotioelnbfrely p.^vmtHnirwunn

tha rahaDribrr, Adrol-H^mTOr .,f W|l|l.m

HEATIKG HOU fiS WITH STEAM r o i f e i ^ ;lMMSslt.ssVaaals^sjswi-a.1^ •»4«»yT.mlloWlelWrtMt"wlij. '^ ~ ' ' " "

A8K any of Our Customer* How they Like the Popular A l J B U R N . • / '

Jobn K. Cook, J ' »• • J JEaaj "'Won Boasiud, «KooUwm' flj \ -

John O. Groff,K W: illouer,

D l J.;a DlJuon,K H H,.wall, ^W 7 I nbgll,


K H H,.wall,W.7.-I. KlinbB l Hll J

Kgll,B.nrael Hill, Jr.Dr. DdniiBtt,B B'Pnl],C t Ob

WBABB vrum jop ora;, , ,; CfBmSHEDFEBE:

J9HNSTON'S SONS, Washington, i

Page 3: DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JER8EY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER …'s-Good. TEEMS. 76o. down and 75c. weekly on 110.00 worth,





jOBE ERA.nwtsHiai imi iusit ii

S i n IB0FBOI0B8.Offlm os- Blaokmll BtiMt'ntxt d»:r

to tin lUtlonal Union Buk.

n u n o» anuaBimoir nrviii-O n Taia 13.00BixHoanu LOO



W. S. A T R E S ,

Civil anil Mining Engineer,

BXNVIL,, N. 3.



Ofto» la tk. T«M BlUdlai,

DQV8E,«. J

I U O o.mum,«. D..


orrioi i T U r u n HOTEL BCTLDIKO,

Datn. »• J.


. J.Tauwnwl O»u. 1W.

Ornoa orroun Diror,DIT ft Bmni B<rajn»».

l DBD08I

IBIX B i n or PATE

the laigest stock of Fall andWinter Clothing than tee ever hadbefore. Puces of Clothing lower thanver bten offered before. Suit) worth'0 sold at 14. Men's fine Worstedfait, all different styles. dmiiU, and•njhhmslcd, tmrth »1O sold at 18.llm Men'sfineBlach GmUcrew and

tiwlc Suits, four different styles,H O m W a f | U . 'Ait a fine

ine of Soys' and Children's Cloth-ny. Mm a fine line of Qenta' Fur-

19 ffoodj, Ilato, Capt, Trunk),halites, Underwear of all description.?o not miss awl oaU at 8. Laving-

L'H store anti set the latest style* mlate. Before pvrcliosing eUetchetefee me a mil.


DOVER. N.J.fetU *l *he

WOOABTOKl BEOT «TOBi,0 1 . J .L. TalbOB. . • • • FroprUlor.

osnma JULDO».

n o w . »• '•


OM. gUOTlUr «•> »»•«•» • " »

' DOT1B.B. J. ,. . . . . FBOMBTOI.

Hofae. u s Oairlataalolafc




»OO» SO. a, " • » « BDItWHO,DOTU, »• '•

25- — • tji

rtr I

vaotABt t tnui .


Carpenter and Bulldar.



PEARCE 4 MONEZ.Carpenters and Builder*

K S B S S F S S ?


tmtftrtur Smut <« tv * M fftt


HOT WATER HEATER£ • nahe, HO •melt, noiutt, M M**/l» Manage •» « c m o • 5

ar. iDOVER. N. J.

'inning, Plumbing,—AHD—

STEAM FITTINGla all Uwlr brauohaa,


'erfect Steam HeaterA LOT OV

Second-hand Parlor Stovti,i loud condition and for a*le at a barvatoo>.> ol ill kliid, will b. funaWiid atirt notice FartlcuUr attention girtn toa brtDCh.Borrlaat, one door from DlKkw.ll.

I will glvo a tody's or Gentleman's Gold TVntoli, with StandardioY«mont, stem vindor, stom sellor, full j'oweled and guaranteed .to:eep good time and wear for five j t ore, with e?ory


TA?E8TRY BRUSSELS OAREET, per yard only. 65 ota,

THBEEPLT OAItrET, per yard only 7Got8.

ALL WOOL INGEAIN OA.EPET, per yavdorJy 60ot».

PABLOB SUITS IN FLUSH OOYEBING, (5 pieces) only.... f 95.00

rAELOE SUITS IK BUG COTEniNG, (6pieces) only . . . . 46 00

ANTIQUE OAK BEDEOOM SUITS (8 pieoes) only 23 50

ANTIQUE OAK BEDROOM SUITS (8 pieoes) only. 27.BO

HERE WE ARE AGMH Portland Ranges.linoa we have made improvement; in the oren door it lias just doubled

t ie u l e of them Every Portland Eangs and Parlor Storewe sell w guaranteed or money refunded.




81O BROAD St.EWAttK, N. J.


A C A U T I O N !

the NortiMrn ptrt * Uw Htate by



emra POBTBB,

BodA andor arntr



Ain> B o m n or

Bodft and Mlnferal Waters,BBLTZBB, V1CBT, EIO.


Hlnohliffe'i Celebrated Bxtr»B Later, Porter, lie.




B C 1 1 - D I N G - , B R I D O K 8 ,

wustbsr at BRICK or BTOBaC

Xa& bulldju;, Dorv, JT. **.




Blackberry Brandyand Ginger,

I3y Bold « t"» Stora lo

GO TO^Kanouse & Hosking's

DOTEB > . J. ' '





Bmt HlnuBwt* Flourj |jer barrvl i.BMt BagAr Cani HiMu

adB '

Cheap BecauseIt's$rood.

7Co. down and 76o. weelly on $10.00 worth.12.00 down and 75o. weekly on 25.00 worth.- 1 0 0 down and 11.00 weekly on 60.00 worth.

6.00 down and 1.25 wmldy on 75.00 worth.8.00 down and 1.25 weekly on 100 00 worth.

12 00 down and 1.60 weekly on 1H> 00 worth.1C.00 down and 2.00 weekly on 200.00 worth.

We CannotAfford

Telephone 580. Elevator to Every Floor.OODS DELIVEBBD FEEE OF OHAEQE TO ANT FART OF



You CannotAfford



~ NEWARK, N. J.( N E A H PLAME S T R E E T . )



FUBNAOES,Tm, Covm An R o n [aoi BooniQi

Zinc, -Sheet Lead,

Lead Pipe,Pump*( Ac.



HEAGANon a shoe i» becoming recognizedas • guarantee of its exoelhnee instjterflt and wear. MyFaUatookia oompleto. Aa a starter I willmention my stock of Ladioa' Welts,



CORN»B PUMPS, «•«»!• at• lule .

aSAMMHO u « PDiajBVBitalf •B

The Equipment of Imp•Inn » .peolanyr

ndWcriu, >t DOVgtt, H J. i

JOS R. WILLIAMS,Uasoa and Sletter,

FORT OBAH, H. J.Gcatnot* Ukm tor ill kind, of work la

•lite lS?!r b S t a i i l tM M nutrWi

My hand sewed weltWaukenphast is supe-rior both in wear.styleand comfort to anyshoe in the State forthe money. "Width AtB.CD.E; prioe$3 OO

My hand sewed weltDerby Last is a stylegiving more comfortfor a shoe •withpointed toe than anysimilar shaped shoe Ihave ever handled.Width A. B, 0, D, Eprice $3.00. -


Wagons and HarnessOOKSULt*

TUM. K. JMallen, Dover.

Kniiau, Button, lutilt,*tnd •& work In Kubla « d Oaslte. AU wort

at Uu bM> orOsr u d piini XMMuUtiBIiiflKWKUJ RtAOT. DOT IB,V. i

M. D. HICKSof Watchas, Clock* BDrer-


My hand sewed weltshoe made on the NewYork oommon senselast is equal in comfortto any shoe ever paton the market. WidthA, B. C, D, E; prioe$3.00.

P. O. HEAGAN,Opp. D., L. & W. Depo

raw Currtata, a JIM.r l T n i b

Few TORIUOH, 8 u n rF atr(j]£ Bead, 3 ^BIU..

Una Bwnt, 3 cafiar t f t n S M u J

[ewHactml . . . . , •Top Milk. . . X .

• f t Ilk[•B&rBotp..


HOUSEHOLD 60008.p ( plates

rioluplaplate*L u g e Uu tlippenNutmeg GnteroVejeUblo " ,U D openenGr»vj itiilntrB.3 q t ooTend ateirpaciW h b fPudding pamTlnpalUUustpwu.Tea or OOITM pot*Caipidort ;ColADdera .Tea ipoonB, per doi...TaWa " " "

Cork K r e m . . . . . . .Large dlnn«r pallal d l hg p ?U r g e frrlcg'uaiu..




. ; •? ; . . . .OslsrOonipoiUMl . .

70oWo. f n d l u i E m u U o o . .

. Wo. l)r OrHH»'« Nerrura . .. . (Uo. drier'. Little FDII

. . ?0t, llAlir, Ualr Rea39o. Atwood J31ttan. .

. . . . 60&; 850.

. . . . 15c



(0ood.j,',We have made our name a town of truat amoig thts

people for Clothing that they oan depend upon.{It'a oheap became good. If it were not

wpnld not oe olioip.

epend upon,were not good it

fd"iTo offer you sham or shoddy to'lower tho prioe,

Tfash la not oheap at any prico, so that when we sayobr olethlng la ohonp and name prices as we do some-Utoes, wo mean ohoap because good.

XTo bnr anything but what id reliable. Slick a pinliore, wo ore mannfaotarera when you birr of tu yonbuy of headquarters. You'll find this principle, ohonpbceitiHK* good, finely illntfintad iu our slooV of

- J\ . POY8' A N P OHILDBEN'S CLOTHING.Ii embroooB averjthing from suits for the small childap to garment* for the tallraoat man. The pnoesplomre because they've quality to bnok them.

50 and 852 Broad St., NEWARK, 9 . J.



The Newark Dally Advertiser bad tbe (ol-tttlng to say Monday night of a. youas Ka-

gllibmanwhohatniadeblinaelf vary obnoxiousto many people la thti town, and who onseveral occasion* bad tv narrow sacape fromgutting his head punched for being too froth:"61z months ago there cam* to this town ayoung EngliibnAii who gave th* name otWm. HanryBaot HlaolotbaaweraotOtw tex-ture «n<l elegant out, bli drawl of the most pro-nounced UngUsh character, and be representedtbat he waa engaged In twwtpaper work laHow York city. Much of bis time was ipentaway from town—ceteiulbly la the city—buthis abode while 'ben w u -rrith bis uncle,~~>, Borne, Hs told tottinatlag tolas of bla

BriBQcnln two hemispheres, made taanylaintanoe*, and paid marked attention to

the daughter of John Rtmbut of Mt. Hopeavenue,

For these rMsom the people of Dover werevery much Interested by reports In tisflewYork papers of last Saturday «v«o4nB, to theeffect that Wm, Henry B*nt bad been arrestedIn that city on tho morning of tbat day,ctuurged vrith iwlodlios ot tha cbenpestsort.Tfas desorlpUon UUIod sxaotlj with that ottbt young nun who bod been about Dover,He had been noticed about toe Hoftoan Bouseon election night, and detectlm reoogatud asimilarity between him and the dwcrfptlfm ofa fellow who waa wanted for many petty oontBsUiKMt Jtunat. H« was tlunfora tbadowadand no Saturday morning arrested, '

On the way to the police court be talkedfmly wttb the dettoUvei about his career, andtold bow foe two yean b« had been livingbetween England nnd America by swindlingoa both aldea of the Atlantic. Bo bad borrowed£SQ from • big &p|Uih ship biNew York, by representing tbat he WM tbeson of a man the latter knew, and mentionedmany others from whom be bad obtainedmoney. He bad lived at several of ths besthotels In New York and had teen entertainedby promluent people of ibat city, Ue bad ob*taltwd audience with Mrs. Fruit Leslie by

Hiding to be the son of I t E. Braddon,the novelist. He Introduced himself la thesaiw character to tbe •Wileva.bookpublUhert,indwaaentertaiool one nlgtt by t, merobw

of the firm. Pick' and Douglass, BreaUno,and other firms were victimised in a similarway.

In Bant's pooketa1 were found Utta of thanames of prominent people, with their addrea*sea i aim tbe picture of a pretty young lady,oa which was written " Marie Loultt Etna-hart." When brought bafore Joatlee Ryan,not one of bis victims was present to prtws acomplaint, and the Juitloe announoed with re-gret that be waa oomtwlled to dtKbarge theprisoner.

Ilia Toung man koonu to Dover by tbeuoa name arrived ta town on Saturday even'

lug, as natty and suave as ever. He laugbedat the whole tblng aa a huge joke, and toldthe Dally Advertber nprcseutuUre tbat bewaa tho victim of « aoouodnl who had beeouuquerading In bis name. He told with ap*

parent relish bow ho bad < blnueU gone to tbepolice court, and ot bis surprise to find thatthe raws! who bad stolen bis name was alsobis counterpart la feature and dress. Illsonly tmbarrmment was when he was askedbow his double oould have obtained a Btotun.of MIM Rlnahart, In bis oonfuslng he ex-cUlmed, "Wby.IftayerhAdapictQreofberl"BattMrscovervd tod eipWtfd that he badbeard of some fellow inquiring for him abouther. and believed fats double must tave paid aib l t toUom;

Bub was apparently satisfied that ha badMnvtaotd everybody of his non-partloIpaUonlo the affair, but promised to make tbe matterabsolaulyckarbj caminii tbs aneatd tha,

1 Saving of Two to Four TODS of Coaloalng tho O80EOLA or QUEEN ESTHBE BANGK8 witt reg-

ister attachment A largo lino of ttovoa i s stock an follows:

g p v o n N e wYork nan«d Win HMuryBaat, Innturnwaswind tfca nntr ttet It bad "no nprasenttvt i n by Uw name of Bant," From tbe dd-

l U l f B l l

lanopj.A n Canopy," Ctatt Fortune,


rjher, vKeomore,'

X t t l

Broadvay.Now Broadway.

Aigand.' Pnrlio,


Royal Argani],Eoyal Binggold,

, Pena Royal,




Home Argaiid,Dandy.

•TOftC AMD I H O F 1 T O V » <Hnasr, lionaroh, Daliy, Honday, Portland, Uetaor. VidetU

FULLBIX k WARREN and THB OUNHtNO BTEAU AHD HOT WATER HFA.TF.RS.Tfnnlng and Slaatn VitOag Work done In all braochea.•y large stook betcn pcrenailriff

V. 8. ALLEN, Dover, N. J.


THE season inritea you to consider the neoessitj of a, ohangeio olotblng, and > e invite you to see our sow lines of


For fall and winter wear. You will find tliat .wo liavo morethan ona export taiitner and catter, and that even Suite andOv«rooatB H B W i n price as $15, $16, $18, show the indeliblemarks o( superior skill, fine tailoring, and carry a Etyle onlyattained by Eigh-elass artiats and workore.

ARSHALL «fc BALL,807, 809, Sll, 813 BROAD St.,




rtaring cai Tnrnltnre ork,

tn, (HiAira Rrvia), Dow


MILLINERY GOODSfor Pprlngaad Summer mar, oonsbting of •pretty dlmUy of Bon.tlei and n««ib .MIn BPIU5O BONNETS and HATS, whfe_will GftUgbt all tha ladles. OaD at oaeeaadobtain tfae advantage of a good selection,

MBS, QEO. FARIt,Fort Own, If, J

Mmtimt u s he asid Dtr»pr*«ntatJf • of tbt Bottoa Qtobe.

n»a Bnton Okbs m i

p y t Thas tried to work taaooafldeace gtm« onpeople of promliMDoB In Newark.

Albert A. Pops, at Boiton, ts Mndiogblanks to "oollaffsFrasldut*, railroad Prwl-dents, poatmaetan and others,*' aikiogUwuto %lf* % petition aod procure ot*»» signatureatoastabllaba department ofroadmaUnc aaa cabinet ottos.. Tba neonadty for bettorroad* la so well understood and so generally'

w M that argument Is oMbM on tUM,pdot, bat tie bert means of (eenring tucbroadi Is the problwn that confronts (ha people.W« do tut bcUars tint tto object aimed lorcam ho had through a national bunau. It Uc :ootJ matUr and mlubt be made practicable« • BUta policy with oonntjboardi In ordert o n n uniformity of work, but as tin Im-p W u o b i will bars to be paid Cor by directloos] taxation, tbe bnnlen of ropporting md t o t t W h j V W b t o t

forthebeneflta Jerired. A ooonty board oreogliiMn to snpervlM «od direct tie work ontbt. roads, aoJ Ujetndowamentbymevarioufltownships of tha sugtsattooi' and dlreeUontsuch boards might maka would be lees supec-slte and more ptiutloahla than anything thata board of •nftne*** at Waabimton oonld do;We want better roads, bat we oangetthemfrom Trenton better than from th« nationaloapttai. •'• • ---m ^ -

. Pound Dead.Qeo. H. Cox, wsrt to tbt.Cocbran House,

Nswton, about one o'olookoo Thursday morn-fof last, oallad for a room and ha retired tobed, sdmewhai nodur tha Influence of liquor.He did not (*t up on Thursday morning.About tha middle of the day lira. Decker, thelandlady, saw him through tha open doorlying on tba bad, looking alck, u abe thought.About three o'clock In the afternoon she againpassed the dior, and, looking to, dtaoovendhln lying on the floor by tbe aide of tbe btd.Bh« at onos iwUaed t U m«n ot tba boose, whowant to the room and found that the man wasdead. Coroner Jaoob B. Newman and Dr. L.

[lilt? wen mtaunoned, and a thoroughexamination made,' bnt no marks of violenceor cause of death .were discovered.' A bottlewhich contained rye wblskj waa ljlog oa oneaide or him and Uu cork oatiw other. Iablspockets were found between seven and eightdullars In money and a letter from Mr. Qeo.Roa, of FnuiUord towmuip, Cor whoa, be badbeed doing farm work during the past Bum-mer. •

BaUroada' Score a Point.During the month ot October all malli were

weighed, tbe total amount to torn a bails onwhich to compute the compotuatloa the tall-roads will receive for the postal aervlco dur-ing the next touryeara. As tbe political can-• u s WM then at ttthtlgbt amUae nulls load-ed with campaign literature, tin railroadswill get paid for a good deal tbat they won'th m to carry. -

not modo fromtbeoQtsJda. Pureblood, OOB active


THK OEHTtTEY MAGAZINE IK 1B93.Jt would be hard lor a ponon wbo care* for

good reading to nuke A bettor invutmeutthan a year's subscription to The CenturyUasazlne. No region ti too remote, no ox-peosa too great. If it w ill only produce whattha Century'* readon want. This fa the policytbat has made It, a* the l'all Hall Budget, ofLcndon, mys, u By. far thu beat of the m&ga-alnm, EDglUb or American."

The November number begins a new volmand contilns tlie fint obaptera of a powerfulnovel of New York society, called "BweetDolls Out of Tune," written by Mrs. BurtonHarrison, theautborof "The Anglomanlics,'In tbts story tbe fAibionablo wedding, tbeoo-lapante of the boxee Id the JI«tropollt*viiOpera House, ths " imart let" In the countryhouM are fatUifutly reflected, and tbe Illuttra-tlons by Clu»lee Dma* OlbMD, Life's K<"known cartoonist, are as brilliant as ihenoTt

In this November number begins alwgreet series ol papers on "Tbo Bible andBolenoe,"opening with "Doestbe Bible con-tain ScIeotlBo Errors r by Frof, £bfeIdJ, ofPrisceton, wbo tak« decided ground tbat theBible don not contain soleaUSo errors ol t o ;moment, and who must Interestingly statesthe case from bis point of vleir. Otberarticle*In this series will Include one in tbo December(Christmas}number. "TbeEtfectofScfentlOa

tud/ upon Religlom Beliefs."An important series of letters tbat pasied

beUeen Qeneral BLvermaa and bli brotherSenator John Sherman Is also printed ID No-vember, which number contains also oontri-buttons from tbe most dlsUngulabed writers,Including an article by James Russell Lowelltwhich wai not quite oompietod at the tuns ofhi*death. ThesuggeitlonwhlchBlahopPottermakw la tho November Century u to 'oould be done with the World'* Fair If Itopened on Sunday, Is on* wblcb w m i themort praUcal aolutlou of tbe problem yetoffered.

Tbe December Century Is,to be a greatChrfetmai Dumber—full of Chrjitmu atoriee,ChtUtrans poems nud Chrlatmai'plotarw—andIn It will begin tbe first chapters ot a tUiklngnova! of life In Colorado, "BenellU Forgot,"by Wolwtb BaleaUer, wbo wrote. " TheNaulahka " with Budyanl Kiyltng.

Fapew on good roads, tbe new educationalmetttodfl, and city gorernment are soon tooonw.

Four dollari will bring you this splendidnugatlne for one year, and certainly no culti-vated home can afford to be without It. Bub-scrlbora can remit directly to the puuluben,Tbe Century Co., 83 Bast 17thSt., New York,They should begin with November, and so getflrrt chasten of all the asriata, Including'* Bweet Belli Out of Tune."

Kuaau Tbomu Axreitetl.George W. Thomas, formerly or HackotU-

town, and Ills nepbsw Wm. II, Woodruff, oftub same place, were arrested by AnthonyComitoclt'a agents la No* York last week forviolating the lottery laws. Tbomaslsasortof Col. Sellers, and is as full of chimerical

nuaata. Democrat ti of Joy,first who tried to raise the minitreasure ship Hussar, in which lulieme heiunktbouaandiof other people** dollar* and tbenstarted a stock furm at Backettstown to mleeShetbnd ponies. He has been In about ererykind of biulneai tbat comes under the statute,and tight after the ca.tlQaa.1 eoimntloa heatart»daEU«slugschenwinN«wYorlr. Youpaid a dollar and guosaed wbo would be Presi-dent and if you guotttd correctly,, and neareattbe majority you would get #50,000 and « num-ber of other prlua for other dose guenoa.Anthony Cotwtock got 'ott to tbe sheme andarretted Thomas and bl» clerk. UlaMedleaito say tbat no pritea were paid. Both menare out under ball.





Something mast be done about It.There It oa doubt about that.Ani tbat •omatblng must be dose quickly,r It may be too late.Oa behatf ot our readers we have made

some very Important Investigations in th(avicinity, and we have to report tbat our ap-prehenriens were correct and are anbttantl-«tad by tha facta. We found that there la agreater proportion of our townvpaople whoare tba victims of some form of nervous orchronic dltordere. than aver, before In ourhistory. It Is a Coot beyond doubt, that thesediseases are Increasing In our midst at anilannlng rate.

Foiling that (amethintt must be Ion* atonoe (n tbe matter, we have been lo consul-tation and communication with several ofN«w York City's moot airtwat pbyddan*-all •peclalUta la tbe treatment of oervoueaad chronic dtt^-wi. and we give our readerstheir opinions and adrloeas to bow to effectacureln theaWOMBs.

Dr, 8. U.Beynoldi, one of New York City's 'greatest specialists, says unheritattngir and

To he Open Sundays.'At tie reguiaf meeting of the World's I

py" Use Pr. Greana'iNeaTora blood and oarve

remedy In all such ernes. I bare nerar, ID ap t i t over ttrenty-flva yean, recom-mended a patent madloint, . Tbia gnat rem-edy, howuer, cannot bs oouadend undertbat bead, as It ts a pbyiician'i pnccripUon.I bava used It among myps>UraUMtd to myfamily, And I uoheaJtatlnjIy prooouaos) It themoat valuabltt nmsdy for Uw nervei I haveever wed."

Dr. Henry Paffer, also C M of H*w YorkCity's great pbytlciatii, says:

" Tell your sick puejte to usi Or. Qrasoe's[ervun. blood and ntrvanmtdy, I have mad

It in my practice with wonderful remits. Ihave found Jt a perfect and complete eon forpatients ta my practice who vere differingfrom all forms of narrows tronblaa, ibaptiaav

d nervous weakness and de-bility."

The great Haw York phjiloUn, EmllK«umer, M. D., physldap-[n-«hlef of th» NswYork Lodge and Association Hupltal, writs*uai " We arc utiog Dr. Greened Kervurablood and nerve remedy at the Hotpltal (orourpatlente with good succesa,*1

Other phydciaas gave ui the same advicefor our people, and from the v&aulmlty ofopinion of the doctors, we are assured ttatUils great and widely-known i-aratdy Is Justwbatourslck and suffering dUntui requireto restore them to health. All tba dootorasay that it doea cure, and all sufferers fromnervousness, weakness, poor blood, debility,

or liter trottWwthcuM HT»It an immediate trial. We know that It li apurely vegetable and uarml«at remedy, andour druggist* hava It for sale at I t ' Anotturtblng of great cotuequeno* Is tbls, that U (atheillicovary of Dr. Qr*soe, of 95 W. llthatrwt, Wiw York, who Ua rmomwd spsdal-tet In curing namms and. ohronte •fftotlacj,and be can be conniitad free, of ohargt ooa*earntos; any caw, penwcally or by letter.

K o m i Oountr Beturns.Tha Board of Canvasssn of Xorrb county

met last Friday at the Court HOOM In Mor-riatowa to aount th« votaa polled la tba,»oatyon Tuesday. Through some *"l"*fh* of UwClerks of Election In polling dlttnolB In Root-bnrj, Peqiuuuiock and Chester townships thatotal vote east tor Surrogate was not fovtb-

CoMtdemfal* delay ensued bslon

Ue Is Vta atotnaca, kidney o

Fair oomlog.

favoring the opanlnglittire gat#e on BiprpridedtbatthemaohlnerybenotniD, Thedirecton say that as all the nations of theearth hare been Invited to'attond the fair, It


Ffcro* Golden M«U«1ffrot and rorerocst and a

""* ^ffiSJ^iVSiSiHs:

all dleeaaM or diaorders cauaad'by a torpidliver or impure blood, nothing can *pial It

to benent or cure,

you get


to toform them that they cannot do on Sun-r what they would do ware they at borne,Tbe closing of the gates on Sunday," aayi

the rtwoluUon, ."meona that thuusanda ofaitbaiuaad mecbanlos, to whom the exalt*tlon will be aflnestlmeblfl advantagg, wiltnot be able to attend It."..

The directon say they are In favor of allow-ing every nation to bold within me groundsaucnnil|ioas service* as itmayderfreoo Son-•tar, Thitr also think IE desirable that thegates should to open to allow vUlto'rs Iromdifferent portlonaottbeunion tomwttQClallyattheifSUteliundlngs. : •:-.

' . . Bmashed Tbelr Oannon.' 'TliBComlsh Battery, of Hackettstown, drew

tbelcoannon up on Buck Bill tbe day afterelection to oelebrat* tbe Democrtfto viotorf,They loidvd It with a three puuud cbarge u dt a t u ^ it with moulder^ sand. The cap w uInMrted In tbe toucb-bole and a young manfrom Trenton with all tbe address ofan oldartilleryman took bold of the string. One,two, three, there was a dWeaJnf report andUw young man with the tfrlng lay proatrate onthe ground and the oannon went bowling do wntbe hill on a double quick. There was a rookIn tho way, the'* wu greater thanthe momentum and there was a wreck, but Itwasn't the rook. Perhaps that. Is why tbeCfwolab Battery didn't take psrt ID the jolli-fication here Saturday night

-Jensey Women Wntvn .The Board .pt Lady Managmaf the World'.

Fair for New Jersey hasitarUd * project thatwflibeof particular Intereel to thoea Inter-eated In the Utenry prwl-jctloa» of Kew Jer-sey women. They purpose compiling a listof .til women, either satire Jeraeyitee or whobave had a residence hen lor a leojrth ol time,who have attained any prominence In. litera-ture, Beeidw the Ilit an effort Is to be madato secure two copies of all tbo books thesewoman nave bad published. Ttiacuivawhajtbeenb«gua;anda]Uhel«adlnglIbrarj«aortheBtaW and every possible touroeof Informationon the subject le bttng consulted. Anyotwhaving any inf ormatloa that would add to tbecompletnesa of this record should wild it toMrs. Margaret T.Yardley, EaitOnmgo, N. J.

PronoaaMd Hopeleao, Yet Saved.From a letter written by Mr*. AdaE. Hurd,

of Groton, B. D., we quote t "'Wwi tekenwith a bad cold, which settled on my lungs,cough set In and finally terminated in con-sumption. Vcui doctors gave me up,I could live but a short time, I gaveup to my Baviour, determlnod if I conld notetay with my Mends on earth, I would meettny absent ones above. My faiubaad WM ad-vised to get Dr. King's New' Discovery forConsumption, Coughs aad Colds, I gave It atrial, took. In nil SIMAUBB; ttbascured me, andthank God lorn now a well and bnrty woman,'Trial bottle free at Robert Elllgore'a DrugStore, Dover,Oram,Hai]ce&Co^I)rug&Uire,Fort Oram, end F, N. JTenklna' Drug Store,Charter. LargeitsBWtt, and|1.0o.

Good looks ore moro than nldn deep, depend-ing upon a healthy coniUUon of all tho vitalorgans. If tha Liver bo Inactive, you have e,BOIous Look, If ycur ttomoch be dlaorderedyou have a Djepoptlo Look and If your KidIIOTB bo afTectcA you b&vo a Flncned TaToV,Becuro good health and yoiijwlU have goodlooks. Electric Blttera is tbo groat alterativeami Tonlo nets tUreotly on these vital organs.Cures Pimples, Blotches, Bolls and gives agood complexion. Sold at Robert Killgore1!TJrug Btore,^ov0r,Orm]3, Sonoo£ Co*s Drug

Store, Chester, sou, per botUo.

Or. Kele'a Household Olul(a the flaeot remedy in tbe world, It abso-lutely cant catarrh. It curea neuralgia andtbeamattinu Cora pflea Uk« tnaglo. Cone

;salt rheum in the moat soothing manner.Cures Inflamed and granulated eyelids. Curt*coURba nod colds. Cut be taken Internally.

" ' Cuta,

Tba 1MM Aid Society u d oliors of S iJohnV Cbiuvb, Dover, wtllboldAfalrintlieFarbh IXOUM, on th. «enlng ot l>woiubM-« l 4 7U

ar« caral qulcUfd l f f e n ; phunpeqiuL SSo.uidC0b.bbsM.duspest. Bold at Robot KUlgorrt ComerOrus Bton, Oovet, K, J.

^ pthat ^feraoaV majority aa tha DaoooraUooaodtdate for Surrogate has boea loeMaaadfro»8M t©S47. For Btato Soaator Draka'emajority-was inefssaed fron 438 to 319, onour third page w* print it table of tbsf nil votecaat tor eaob candMat«.

Jl.aUoaO.nitt,.nup.toatojno.bu Juat laud to V a n .

Bolmtiroiml,oC Summit,N..I.,!,bolilt., Cbu. a D»r, * * ". UU>T,Wood, Ow. ft. WlUluu, Wm. W.

, Ima* Vmtu, d m Bndt, W«i.B. Inlt, Aodnir l a n e , F™d. KWtwIuud Obu. BMto, ot Haw l*wj, ml u i i d O U ( b t t

,• n t at pranlnet n l l i i td DMO. TUi I Ut u mm u o r a i | U r M M i i 7 U i D . , i j . * w .l U I I m d . u d U l K U d . n o o m It willb.mtnofMtand »t FOIMOWB, Vt. i aad filiotdonUMmartorlira ompMf tolMCaniMdatSmnnlt, for Out p m p « i ; - B « b .

• — ; ^ m * — —v.taw tb. ruat it taoo,ooa.

Atth. titlniot Ha duam aultbr U»lutlarBnbtar Coopwr'aidaiktatolr/ of

E lFrldv, Oao. R, TunibuU w u Intratootd as•a uiarJt in n l i m H, mU OM In Utoplatoo Ikt ptaat M worth aOM.OOO wha IxI m p n M l t l K t h c k a l w . T k k h M h n dto l» «n Indlomtloii Hat Ua Rabbwr OmfmjwiU dtotud dwn^rH muty or4a(ti»qaal totbsnltuottlatriitnit emttmtrmttkjl ItU pmotimny nliMka without tfc, wtUrpower ot the F«iuuinodk. '

At tba raant Stat. l U r at Traitoa. tb .lllll b b l l l a » A U '

pMTlouito(h«clo«of*«fUr,ta«Jodg»»*lntbe hone department vWtad tke TTawraHlltystable to as* the horsao. Tbe groom WM not

rat attb»Um» md a stranger broughtout tbe stallion. Tbe InapeoUcn ha* baldly

itemMdwbett tbe horn kicked the jo** ,king bis leg, and be now briikg* n i t

through hi* attonwyt, Dlckson, Tbompaoo. (fc" "looter, for |10,0OO datnsgw. Tbe paper*were" wrred on Konday,—Oawtte.

W»w Jeroair Sunday School Aaaoclatloa.The foortti Uannal eooventlon and tkfrty-

(ourOt aonoal nmttng ot tt» Saw Jerseylander School Atswdatlon was bald at Haw-ark la the Roesvm Methodist Charob Wed-wedty and Thursday, Uany; of tot mostprominent dlvlnea la the State w t n ptwsctand the axerclaas were ot a Ugh litsmiycbortcUr and of praaUcal Uneflt to thorn ea-

_ d la thla reomlUog work .or tbe ckwrch.BMCII county in tt*e State was entitled to Uu

rt lu lollo

U seven healthy bftya can wear out ti pairsof ahoee, worth fl.W af*ir, lo • y«*r, and 12doUy boys wear but 2t pain In tbe aainetime, what weald the .fattier of tbo sloklyboyi loae In 13 month* it be boogUfldoMnbotUet ot Cactus Blood Cure tor • » tvad gat*I t h l s M u t Answer,IOTA), ttsretifaiwbowish tbetr. boys to be beslthy can parchsunOectus Blood Curs at Robert KUgoro'B drugstore,Dorer,V.J. . - . . . ; ' •

The moat to be dreaded of all diseases oftenbegins in a simple cold, simply bogleoted,' Hocoogh should be allowed to run' • ilngle daywithout using the uoeet remedy In Uw world,Dr.-.Hale1" Bousebold Cough Cure.'*»actelike magic, strengthaalng tba lungs, aliajlngall Irritation and cuna a ooogh when all -otberreaedlearsil. 85a and (Kta. perbottloa t l r t d r t i

Baollenis AnOo* fclv..ll»e bet* salte lo the -world for Coto, Borem,

Brutaea, UlecTw, Bait Rtwun, Fffv** tSorae,..Ibtter, Chapped Hands, Cbilblaltk*. Ooma,and all Skin Eruptions, and poVdtiraly onrasFiles, or nopayreqiilred. HUguaiabtoaitogive pBrfaot saUs&utiou. or money reruoded.Fricv Iwenty-flrt ocntt par box. , Fur aals byBobart gUlgore. Poysr. Orant, Hsiiw & Co.,PortQranuandT»K.Ja»fclpa.<Il il i.

I have used &ri Deane'1* Dyapepriu Pflli fordyipeptla and constipation, aad ftnmd thenan ezoellatit remedy for those troublsa; andI cheerfully recommend them to anyon* mf*feriog wltb the atov*

Putcr Bordentown (If. •?,) A. M. E, Cbunb.

Three Big- Barvataa at 36*., D9o, (Wo,'

Vy H gat tke Dorar Jlasar ot it Ti, Qrlous.

Page 4: DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JER8EY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER …'s-Good. TEEMS. 76o. down and 75c. weekly on 110.00 worth,

The Dover Printing CompanyPUBLUKXU WO P

Friday, Nov. 18, 1892.

Tbo brotherly affection that Morristowneditors hftt e for one anoiher Is quite touching.

Our trionde the enemy will find that It ismuch pleflBauter to be the markSQua Ithe target.

It Is at the close of a presidential campaignwhen tbo fool-killer realizes what a large con-stituency he LAB.

In every city, town and village of this Undtlio subject for political (peculation ** " Who'llgot tho post oillce)" And the DemocracyamwBB in chorus " I would like to."

Tbe silver dollari of lTtS, 1838, 1639, 1K\nnd 1&!W, ore worth #25 each, while that of1657 )* valued at | | 5 According to specificvalue those of JS&j t in worth OSJtf cents.

A gnod many [*ople fi country willthink more of 1'mldent Cleveland thsoomlngterm than through bla lot-mer admlaiatxaticbecause ot the lnUij io the White Bouse.

j , B 1'ri.lilb.tlon candidafor CODgreu in thii district comaj up atnlUatiunder deftat. l ie ]» a good " mixer" and hua peculiar faculty of making friends, and toIbis cau 1M ascribri] tbe large vote be receiretover tbe rest of the candidates oil Us ticket

Tbe Republican partj In still In bUBinesa. IIh u been eTerlBRtlnglr walloped, but notAcJhilate*), and those exubewho are ffeejilog gjiujwUje"poor old party " would better putlhe screw*OQ thtlr lachrymal ducts for they will warnil tbelr tears for mourning before long.

Now that tbe result cf the election can bestudied tram tbe uillrful returns, all it's andandi end contlugenciua that didn't connect mbrushed aside, and tbe bald fact remalD* thatthe people wanted a change of iodustrial andcommercial coudttioUN and they made it, ID SOfar u placing in power the political partithat promised diededredchaiigM.BOonoerned.W h h U

pWhether Uie promises wdetermined.

ll ba hept l» jot to be

The Georgia l*giilature h u already poisedB memorial requeetlug tbe Democrats in Congress to repeal the 10 per cent (a* on Btatebanks. A good maar of tho Oeorgla BOOSchivalry are on their uppers, and that 10 percent tax Is declared uucouitltuUoaat tad con-trary to the divine doctrine of Btate Rightsand latteries from a Southern standpoint,Tbore are a great many people who bold obll-B&Uasi ol tlie South who hope and not with-out reason if tbe bank tax is repealed, torealize on their holdings.

At the Ctamltev of. Commerce dhunr Tues-day night Cbaunce; Depew said : "Mow 1nay to my frleuds again that having iron theelection upon phrase and fable they tauntturn ibat phruae into statute nud that fableinto law," Tbo Democratic party hu won asplendid and a retuarkatjle victory, and theywon it because their continued roiterttion of"pbnue and fable"lind Iiutllied a doubt intotbe niiuus of a great number of the working-men of tha country, concerning tba beneflUof a protective tariff, and a man la doubt Ismore tban half convinced. Tba conditionsthat created that doubt must be changed soas to prove It n fact or tbe man will «o Uckto Uls old &1I«glance, Tho Democratic partymust nbow that they can lower the price ofcommodities without affecting waged or tholrptvons of victory will be turned to songs of

TUls township has btoi) severely ditictiedbecause It did not give a atralglit Republicanmajority for each of the nomicooa ot thatparty. If o jrltles nil] study the returnsthey will Cud that nearly every lowtublp IiIII© county ran tip aud down tbe politicalgamut and bestowed herfavon without muchregard to politic* or party loyally, and thathu't the fault or tuo leaden so much As of theindividual voters. Tbe man with hliwvsr-efgntj under his bat wu abroad in ths landthis ;oar and to him can be Merited the Re-publican dluoitor, Lot only In Bandolpb butthroughout the wtiola country. Randolphgave a good majority for three of the RapubH-can candhl&tos, and that U more than can beaald of some ot tbe utber townships wblnb tbeRepublican uomintea bod a light to btllerawould support thriii lojally. The scripturalInjunction ooncemloff tbe mote and tl«be«mapjilyi sduilrobly In thfa COM.

Tbe BncfcetUkiwu Gamtt* names John ItMcFawsoQ Cor t caUnet portfolio, and It lojalparty service and dlatlnguiihed ability areconsidered as quaMcatlons lor polities! ad-Tanoeroeutuiider the incoming admfalitraOonNew Jerseys senior Senator ia entitled to (behonorable dit<UucUon for which tbe Gaullenames him, A'l JcreejiuoB would be proudto bare one of tier sons called into the councilsol tbe chfet executive, and BanatorMcFnenonwould represent the Btato with honor andability. But In such an event there would betwo United Stale* 8enaUra to elect and thanUlittMiluliood that Leon Abbrtt could bekept oat ot DM of them. Thft people wouldrather deny tberoeelres the distinction ofgiving tbo title becmary to UcPhenon thanto Buffer tbs disgrace of adding Senator toAbbott. Tbe decent element hi tbe party canpet baps keep tilm out If there Is bat oneTacnncr, but It will be impowiole with two,

Hadn't Ttme to Finish.John Qulmb; baa been running the Fleury

form, at CclllDivllle, near Uorriatofft), foraotne tlmepaatand thlayearhemlseda Urgeprop of coni on tho property. It wu cut andstocked qp la otocttt, but Quimby was takensiok before be had a cbaoos to cart it to bitbaro. Uut Saturday night a, jooog boynamed Ulrica happened tobepaaainglheplsoeaaS saw itaree men loading the corn on • -wagonto which was attached two hones. Think,ing there must be something wrong he ranacroaa tbe field to see who the men were. Thethieves jumped Into their wagon and droverapidly away taking what corn they badwith them Tbe entire neighborhood waaarouaed and a search waa instituted. If tbethieves bad been caught tbey would have re-ceived a taata of Jenev Justice. Ulrica, Mf/ahe can Identify tbe borMa and wagon M> thereU b U U ftbMbtaUt

aalolda a t Hadiion.The Madisou correspondent of tht Newark

Evening Revre he-d the following to say onUondays "Thebodyof RoawCelestlna, vfbodisapptftied in a mjaVeriom manner Irom thehouse of har employ or, A, IlattI, on Waveriyplace, lost 'Wedneeday night, wa* found onSaturday afternoon in Burnett's pood, cornerof Cook twd Bidgedale nrennea, by DaytonCramer, a fifteen-year-old boy. Justice Bath-bun was notiDed at onoe and speedily Mnt

. word to tho frlandi of tbe deed girl. CoronerEnghaon, of Morrfntown, viewed the remains,but It It not anticipated any inqnast will beheld, as there la no doubt of the case bting oneot itttclde.fta the woman bad frequently Bta>t«dshe was tired of life ' and had picked out tbeplact where her body wouWbelottfid.1"

At tbe convention of tbe New Jersey B, 8.Association yesterday, Secretary Fergnunreported that all tbo counties were organisedexcept Mercer. Treasurer Pattern reportedthat he had reoelved from the Far ions conntlet, In sums ranging from |15 to $800,•9,54171 j collection at Contention, *3CS 60 (*traulerred from loan fund said special forInternational Convention. S7U.40; total,•7,6TaO3. Expendltuxw were: Balarlee, J*,-8W; tnTaUna;Bxu«naes,«T03.2t.; loddentsis,postage, &c, H,8tt>.81, International Con-vention, « 3 0 ; expenses last triennial, 156.25;total, »7,050.35.

ODD ol the rrporU began "Dear Brothers/As soon u tba reading of It tarmlnitad •sUter arosa and Bald:

" I object. Ladies are ban and w«ot to berecognized."

It was accordingly resolved that due raoof-nltlon should be extend ad to them. Tbe con-vention do»ed last night.

Odd TeUowa' Grand X*xU*.Tbe Oraud Ludge ol Jfow Jersey of the In*

dspradooi Order of Odd Poliowa met In Trsn-ton, Weda*tdaj( *u>d Grand Beeretary LewisPkrltort In tne Kaiiiacal report, staow thatthe number of active members lo the GrandLodge Is 83,048; tba number of members, otl»Mt wpwrt, SU.S03; inltUted during the ?tmr,1,143; adwlMad by card, 06; nlnitatad, 98",total, 23,407. from which is to M deductedwiutdiawn by cord, 12J; expelled, 8 ; dc-oauad, HBl ; suipeoded by cause, 30; droppedtaruoaiAjia»Dlolt\ite,SiSS, laoreuedtotalimmbmhlp, bfU; number of members n *lloredf Ofiut; relief paid to memben, tfll,13?;ptld for U« binmi vt UM dead, — ". M . . — x n i a i H . < a i.

PORT 2CO&RIS.Well, goodbye 1 The Democratic club

Port Morris a n going to give us a banquet atLatks End Hotel for a starter and furnish tsteam tog to tow m up the river. Does thainow famous river join the Morris Canal any-where* If so, whan 1 Mnch obliged, gentle-men. We can do no Woe tban lurnlih thteanal boats anyway. Don't crow too loutthough, wt may be hack is four year*. Meanwhile it will be jolly to lay book and see yofellows do all Uw work. I hope when wcome back our brakemeo will be getting F3.O0a day and roatt beet; that editor Joa Pulitzerwill share his proflU with hli printers untleach of them can give his check for canipoigipurposes as easily as Joe can, aud that eacparticular printer may own a gullied domelike the World office. It will he nice to

you make eacb particular worker iu HUUJIstead lire In a palace somewhere like AndrewCamegle and Mr. Fbipps; to watch tbe pro-cess by which you aru going to (nabe the ricepoorer and tbe poor richer; to look on and se«you make the poor down trodden laboringmas, wbnm you »love, emilllonaiM like JayGould or John Jacob Artor; to aw youkuook tbe KcKluley bill all tosmaib loitoaduf, ehotjUng holus la it. *, to olwovve bow youare going to pnvent the Western farmers,poor fellows, from giving aew mortgagu ao~ " farms and helping tbem to raiM tha old

. how you are gains to make Americantin under free trade end develupe the otheindustries of tbe country, Jf tbe augel uDeath dun't come after ui before then we tvlllearn socie tiling during tbe neit fuur yeariIf when we com* bach tbe countr/ Is inurprosperous tban It la now; If, aa I heard ibraiemsn say tbe otbtr day, wages are blgberand eluding and other Decennaries of life andwhiskey «nj cheaper than they are now wewill all be Democrat*; but if not than it willgo hard witbyou, How will you like to bft'ill the strikes in the next four years laid ai

yuur door no matter ifb«th» jou have a

to father oil tha tloa at tin neit tour yeaguilty or not guilty. I t was well enoughlie back In your chair and say '• You can'tto the Republican party for the la*t thirtyy«»rs to Bver; nieuure of their*. It Is ulce tubo a party of negation, You may find beingw. pOkltirn party a dliTerent thing. Do fourprettiest bojs, wliiie you have a chance foryou chance don't come of ten. We will vratcbyou with a field glast from afar. Ho look>ut I

Are you going along t No need to worryibcut what itruck us. I reofcon we did nothave votes enough and that Is about tbe slieof it, but It don't matter. The Republicansare not going to commit suicide or organise arevolution simply because iney nave Been de-feated twice to w r t y jbars,

Tbe Democrats of Stanhope are going tohave a big JaLltflcitlon la honor at tha eveutand I hear they have been uklug the Repub-licans to contribute BOIU«thing (a tha way ofaab for lh> privilege of attending their oirauneral. Cberlie Herrlek BOJB lie gave halt a

dollar Just for the cbeek. I am told they evenasked him to lllunifDate tali house aud landthem his bares and be told them he guessedhe would more into the barn and they coulddo as they plaased with tbe boute and bone*.

It watt Albert Pike I think who was quotedby It. Bbelton Makemle In to* I'bilarielpblaProas when Jobu Vf. Journey uwd tu o'wu Jtis saying;"A gentleman from Arkansaw not long ago

'tin saidWaked up one pleasant mcrnlug to find that

he was dead,'1

but be only wanted to come back to Wash-ington and have one wore »prc* at JohnnyCoylo's; be had no ambition to attend bis own

, thought I as d g ryut just Imagine, toe boys ol W-day Uretetog

ikolusedtol 'Koul^notsmokemany cigarsl k h h d t h t y t h u h

Oar Port Morris Democrats are gonoroUBI contrast with tlie Stauliope. fellovte. Thej

propose to give lisa, banquutat Hopkins' LakeEnd Hotel to start on aud hire a steamer totow us up the river. Nothing small aboutPort Morris men, Democrats or Republican*.I belong to the Morris & K m i KmplojWMutual Benefit Assodatloo, however, and am

3t afraid of being burled by tbe Democratsor tbe town when tbe Angel of Doatb comestUsr me.Did you BOO tie explanation tbe Gun gavele other day ot how tbe free trade plank

came to bo in the Demooratio platform fThere wilt be some high old hair pulling: overthat plank yet when Henry tTatteruo.i andblft Max-eyeil gouueu undertakes to Tip up theMcKinJey bill root and branob.

Let me MO the Republicans car. led Miinoand Pennsylvania did they not I It was theWorld's thirty-four thousand dollars, thatcarried the West. I did not know they couldbe boughtsocheapoutmere, Aadnaw adieuto politics for four years, In tlie mean tlmodon't forget tbe education, I remember thegood old Democratic tlmo wben laborersworked for seventy-are Dents a day and paidtwenty dollars a month for board. When theboarding Mrs. used to go to the store andorder "butter for boarders and a pound forJack" (her husband). I spent three year*learning a trade and got fifty dollars for thefirst jear; one hundred dollar* (or Ue aecondjNir mri ODB bundrnd >wt f»*j> tor *>» «.ttdrear, I thought I was doing very welljoo.

like . _nor drink much whiskey on that pay, though,buc I got along some how. And now a truouto politics for four years more. Let us Ratback Into the old ruts and go along aa uaual,U they will let us.

nelson titark. brakeman, who pulled bisfoot through a guard n i l a week or BO agoand (polled his shoe has been confined to hisUOUBS ever etace with a sore foot, but be Ugetting along better than was expected.

Petsr Uowery's engine baa got buk fromKlngsland shops with a atndgbt st«ck Ilka theCentTRlRtilrowlorifiwJerseyanglaos. Youcan tell bar amonf aU our freight euginee andtbey pay she ii • diliy.

I am sorry to say that Oscar Shernoa Isrerj aiok as I write and It not expected tolive. Be Is a son of track foreman Bherooe,of Stanhope, and one ot tbe young men whoby his diligence and MRantlon to bis businessba* lately been promoted to Ue right handaide of the cab.

The Methodists or BUnhopo had a festivallast Wednesday and Thursday nentaga.

The V. P. 8. C. E wan to have bad a•ocUl»tU*eTttSd«iH»D(A.U.J(mea "conglast Tuesday night but It rainedbut know wbetbai tbej did or not,

it passing Mr. Knight's botel the otherBigot and could not contrive what be. wantedivithsoi&KQylogiiiB I Kif alDug by bis loabous*. When I atked him If be was going tostart • saw mill he said "Wo. Hr.Olover waegoing to replace tbo logs In hla Icehouse." SoJohn VL has a bran new Ice bouse or an oldIce house made over.

How about tnat new railroad from Stan-hope to Budd's Lake I

The new drive between the Lake EndHotel and Reesonsr1* Bow Is finished In spots.I t will be » nice drive when it is completed.

Railroad Taxation.The titate Board of Assessors has just c

pleted its valuation and dssesuraeuta of therailroad and canul property o( ttita State farthe year Itisti, anil it BUOWB the gubiitantlnl Iirease o?er the Tuluation of last year to be•7M7,m.W. Tax Tor State uw, 3T,r;iO,50 ;

tax far local uses, ; ,blU..">0 i iucrcneo in totaltax, 77,m.O6.

l'he Lackawuimtt, lucludlug the LI. & K.Division, pays |3n,ltf?.a3; tlie Central, $30.',-DC500; tbe Fenneylvuilla, HM.UlO.OSi LeLJgLValley, f 185,750 10 ; N. Y., Susqubanna &Western, tS(l,03i Bti. All lue railroads in tboState pay in taxes, *1,4(19,078.21.

l*euer& remaining uuclatmeftin the Pout OOIn« at Dover, N. J

DOVKB, H. J., Hov. ISth, 18W3.JOB. Brooks, Henrr L Cliamberloin,Ulu Mar} OWver, Fred, HBDVUIBMU,Jai. Moeer, T. O Uullivan,lUib't J. Revnoldi, Frank J Blrinen,Andrew Winter., J. C. Tbori) & Co,

Jerry Taylor.To obtain any of the above letters Bay "ad-

'ertlsed" and give daw of this liBt.D. H. ALLKN, P M

KOKBIS PLAINS,IUV. VT. W. Halloway preached at Dover

last Sunday In the church ever wblch his sonpresldM.

The young people's meeting waa led by MliaA. M. Weal, ot Beaver, Fa., l u t Booday, Shegave us a very Interesting talk.

Mr. George Looker has bean mining quitea number of his chickens lately. We advlnepeople to keep their ben coope .

Kr. Stewart Nelson w u very unfortunateIn todug his only hw*e Uat weeku Tht honebroke two of Its leg* on tbe itobaihot.

ec Ttonger and bad

j ba ihot.Miss Blancba Linker b u returned to ber

horns at Bcmnton, Fa. Ube h u been spend-ing tha Summer with her annt Hn. Clover.Bhe will be greatly missed by the large num

er of frlands she made while here.Qalte a number of tbe Morris plains peopleave gone to New York to spend the Winter

_jaaon, Among them are Mr. and Mrs,Austin, Mr. Mid Mrs. Robert UoCurdy, D,H. UcAlpln, Mr*. P. H. Ballantine and daugh-

in.The Columbian Tea held in tbe church Oc

Thursday evening was a toroplel* ouocess.Tbe church was brilliantly Illuminated andhandsomely uecorated with start and stripes.The young ladles and gentlemen appeared Intbe coctomtaot tbe olden time *&d tbe ntcmend stripes were profusely used. Tho tabletwen laden with good thlngi sod their auoCAM was beyond their expectations, Wiwish to thank tbs people for contributing: «generoualy. FKUX.

0Mcstn. Tbeo, Uwatv and. Wei. Utttuott, of

Washington, D. O, ware home for election.Ur. P. a t Cbaraberiin sold a line Hatev

organ at Xronla, kat Saturday. This is flee latwo weeks.

Mr. F. 17- Jenkins Is •ellin* a goodly num-ber of Mason & Hamhn organs, too, Competltioa Is the lifs of trade.

P. N. Jenkins bos competed his »a l offlcewith bis drug store by a talegnph line. Fred.has purchased of *r sevmty car loads of cosj.

Mrs. Frank HMrtrandt was stopping atistlUtown lost Sunday.

Want to purchase any aensi Ho roostersfor sals Ths Index got them all lait weofc.

Mr, Sea S. COOOTST is painting In Dover,About twtlve csuxtldates for poatmsster

bar* alremdy. Mr. Bosklng k *n Bxtnordl-nartliy good postmaster and h u given entire

• - - • _ . _ — -• change!C. KOTLS.

BaUstSAtioa, why msJn «nj ehani

WOOPPOBT.Tha coon oa our flag poto Is tUU there, and

but for the sJsetimio7tIia doctor would b a n

The*la»t starm waa vtxy aocapbible Is t abaction and qulated pome what U» feara ofthose wbo tbonght Wintar mlgtit ml In witb-

E*v. llr. UacBeth prtatbed Stmda7tbe text la One thfrg tfaou

Sfl,tr*ioassso(Ulo*sitjiiongustcut sofarf ri m

pld f W , Sfl,tr*ioaso(tjtsJ relief, llflJ.017; suuiQal receipts, |WI,- M t o f assricrai nsmrs.532 ' Hontfcf Unowbtoom«aU*orite ptittniB.

SUOCASUNWA.Onr VT3Uge h u grown quiet agnln ula(

ezcltiuK cau.[K.lgii isoTer.MlBi Miouie Byrem tms leturued hoiu<

after a long abtence.Master AHwrt Slar.U U Httviiilicg school in

Blalrotoff-n.Several ol our ladies alt*udud tue Hlaaion-

ary Convection held In Orstige '«*t waelt.He. find Urs. Lluj'ii tro\n Waablngtoli, I

C, ore viaithig Dr. titoddurd.Tu«bda,s>'ti rtilu wot ju»t ivliat we HWilod I

fill the empty ndla. B.

Mrs. Fiatur Hpeowr, tif Berkshire Valley,hot been visiting tier parent*, Mr. and MiWilliam tiultna, of tula placo. Ibis weoK.

Mrs K. C Btiaw, vt tblg place, lias beenvUlting relalivei anil triauds at IJ orris towntbs pant week

Ur. Prank Sb»w, nf Xt,h,T,-, Is vbiting V Sliaw thla wtwk.

iliss Uom Slump! baa guoo lo Ken Yorkto spent thv WluUir.

UUs t a n a Uwtor, ot rtitersou, u u itowo tHundaf mid ilouJoy ut thla week.

The Uethndbt puopb ara liuUlug very iiterMtlnif moetlujn in ttiuir church. Taov at

rxll clud

e (jtoco ibtwu

itwrof TOUOK p^'plo «'teoded tliu " tiup tiud I-Y™ ,Si~ * Volluj ilutol uu Wttl'iiMdaj'ing.

Jatnra tfndpan, a Iiepubllcau, and AbrahamPar-call, a Dnmowa', 'wtl, of tuU plucp, tuaditbii ajjrecuiiiut: That if [71evulaud wttr<elected Eniimu sbould wheel Purmll lu a•*bwl burro if from K'jLTUHUUim nruuini ti;

id tiaok I J BuiH'-amiDiia ogutsi, a tiUtance of K>JJ' miles, If Hm-ruwu w«r

Parcull tiuuuid wuwst Euilwiu itie ouiadUtance. Ou TutMiay evunf ug ililn mifw-in-uwaa carrlod out ; aud at Uluvtiuuit u«tect«<Euduan bad to wueel VarcM a>ouad tUblock. I t took him one buur aud UfUwu

ilnutaato perform tba UHIC. The bc>tt au-afpated a gre«i Uaal uf /uu uut ot tbe •' Ittulow," but itiu dtvuulilug rutn **l»>ilt U it all.VVasbliigUju Corny Uu b, 1', U. ti, uf A. wl

rebeut the (jucouauuiia iiubllc nubuul wuba ver)1 baudooine Hag on ThaiiUNglvIiii, Daj-Hov. 3jtu. i lr . E. £. Totter, of I'orl Orauiwill make the preutmtatlou udiiruw und Rev.Hr, PricVetC will receive the HUB far tba trui

Ecbuol. Ttie wtiulars of thuBcfaoo. will gite a I roe enteruiuinent at tbusame time. The eierclsoii will be bold in tbeafternoon. All areiuvltwl toatteud

r.A Narrow Escape.

On"Wedowlay night ot last week, eajflFrenebtown Star, about 10 o'clock, as O.Btryker, of Tumble, was raturuing home fromPoint Pleasant, waiklugon the railroad track,ie Bat down to reat, carrying a load uf pru

visions, wben from having atUmdtMi a politicalmeeting tbe night before he LocaDIa drowsy,and waa SQOQ taking a uny. About that Uia through frelgh train came down, runnlitnut thirty tuttee an hour, tbe speed ol which

could ba (darkened but little when It struckhim In the hip ami burled him JOWD tb* rlv»rbank. Tbe crew rejwrttd at Dyram \bad happened ; that mine sweet potatoes bed

found in tbe *sh pan, aud they hedfound a hat. Aa thoao who went lo search ofUaok expected to find him badlj Injured, thevwere eurpriBed to find him scrambling up tinbaiik guthorlng togutlier bin provialonB. Ombaud bad been cut lu the jialm, and bo eald be

felt like Ufing " as Uu wont on biBimlck trlndown tbtt bank.

HENRY W. MILLER.Vice-President-AURBLIUH B. HULL.Becrotary and Treasurer—H. T. HtTLL.


Henry C. Pitney, Henry W. Miller,O. Marsh, Aurelfus B. Hull,

Philip 11. Hoffman, John O. Boatty,ChaB.V.Hwan,M.D. Paul BeTore,

Edmund D, Ualaoy.

ABSETU.July 1st, 1H02 fl.3.'ll,MO,O0

UABILITIEa.Due depositors $1,HB,8J7 UlInterest Dlvldmidcredited July .Nt,I8ff2... 16.fiC3.TT

Surplus.. ' l!j5t1Uii7l

Inlcrutit la tlwlared and paid la January andulr vt each your from tbe jiroflU of tbe pre-l»UB six UiOUtlis' bUiSriKW.Uepoelts moilu on or Wfow tbo Sd days of

anuiiry, April, July oud October, draw iu-torcitt from tlie let days of wild montbs to-specUrcly.

JUNKINO HOUHM.9 A. it, to 4 V. ii. ilatly, except Baturday.

Baturdoya from V /.. «. to 1- U. (noon) andfrom 7 to « P . W.

SATJC OP.._. .



$100 to $9001LOCATED ON

Park and Mountain Aves. and Vicinity,

Blackwell and Union Sti. t

Richards %nti Myrtle Avet>,

Lawrence St and on Ford Ave.

Near St, Mary't Church.


Also » "Very fine, utoro property n» Blmck-well BtrtMt at a harftalo. If you <*ant to buywe thins: ire can show you wwcthlae that





DOTES, V. i.

FOR SALE.The two itorv frame shingle roof building

located near the Dlckennn mine on Miafaill, known tu tha "Bee Hive'1 house. Foi

SlfKimDover, N. J

D0VEE, N. J.



CARROLL JOHNSONIn his ntBgnlBcent soentc production






ADMISSION, ' • - SScta.

RESERVED BEATS, • • - BOc and 75c

on rale at K1!.-


Poar Omti, N. J-, Kor. 17th, IBfft,Patrirk O'ft'iurke,' Thos. Heuneuy, Jr . ,**-- J — John Donaldson,

TUowas Grimef,Jan. Hanoigan,Peter Hellerber,J. Uodlker,Mrs. E Atmstroug,, I'atrick tilandy,idiloL-k, James House.

fontHalu any oflbo above letters iiy *'i(lined" tn<l RlTt> dnlooftbli lut.


DavidNat PunaUUe,Wm. iisun,Ed. UcM&ntemBJ>,Frederick young,Jnbn Adaisnu-lp,Frank Baterwnti,ilarUo I

REMOVAL.I ivill rvnicve to nif new ttoro, now ooou

i>I«l by tt,D H. H. Barry Hardwom Co , aboutU^pt.'uiU>r LVtb, and n-Jll open thore with a

f g x l iuf g



I1. O. UOX ItW, DOVER, N. J.

LUMBERmay tw fomt'l In my yard. I beep toy swell |irfiui!UMl IDS wmiutr anil yprice* uro n-uwiDotil'-, kVbfii jou ore i>u> Eggive nic H cull buCuru jiliciog your (|rdtsr.












Any one wteling hU eervices *tll pltftso lekve[belr urdor at tbe



By virtue of on oOrphaiiH1 C Wt< mOulobur, 18;F, ttioMot'iitortf tl hut


SALE OF LAND.ui order of Uio Morris County

tlio third dav of., .._ JQV, Albert r ry ,

the lo»t«HI nud tcKtainent of AnnKin;;, 'lewnw-d, will soil nt public vend no a tIh.- 0'iiirt Hnuw in J tori-Is Io«-n, ouMONDAY, tho liitlt dny of DECEMBKIt,

A. D. 18!O, botwi«u tlio hours of 13 o'clocknoon nnii live o'ulrtck In tlio afMruoan, that INIt)tx\y Hi \ha litmr ot ttvn oclofk in tha oftur-tiuuii. ull tliftt [-nrlulu iruct of innd eltuatu luUiol<inu,l)iilor Ittuxlolpli, la tku CQUtitv ufMai ris und HtaUt <>r Now Jmwj , which ii do-tcrl'inl in a tk-ctl of coiivoyuoco made byJimiL-a H, Hilr-y hi tho sold Ana Khig, <1 tedA|.ill iHli, lm, and recorded in tbo MorrisCuuuty (JU-rk'B OHlca, la Book U 0 of Deeds,

i i!17, utc,, and <B ]iart of tlio fifthnrlbtsd In a dood from John L. Dun- (

.others t« Harriot McCombs, datedSInralt INJtli, Iftj8, nnd record«1 In tho HorriaCounty Cl«rk'a OiBce. in Eooit N 4 of Deodx,on imfjtw liO, uie, nud bug m at tho Unit sornsrof tin) HHld (irth lot, nud rune thence olonetho iln*t lino thereof m the needle traversedIn Mny, lSlK, (I) north forly-three aud three-fiunTLuriduga'HiaGaBt one chain nnd seventy*llvi'lInkNtonKUiko and stems In said lino[2| north tlilrty-olgiit and otio-half deiive*t live chains and nfty-elglit llalu -jtako in tho road u it notv runs, leading fromPort Onun to James UcConoa^, US) southfifty-four decrees west one chain and sov~~*llvu ttukH to a fitako (or a corner Bi\d la

losiiiS "no oi BUIU in in tract; tnoiiuu BJODIO saino the iirwt'iit bearing (May, 1805,lurcoi H) Euutu tii.rty-e.ft.itand ona-halt uo-rmmeaht flvo chalnfl and soventy-twolinksi tlio heijliining, eoiitninlng one acre of lotiori) or lew.Excepting, however, (.certain lot which wi

conveyed by Ann Klug and Patrick Klnaf hiiiiubniid to Albert Try. by doed dated Oct.

Till, I8W!. mill rouordwl In. uie MorriB Count)CIIM k'M Oillce, In IJook D 11 of Deeds,1K> etc.

i November lltli. 1HB.ALBEItT FRY,

Cxtvutor, &c, of Ann King, dae'd,

AN 0BS1NANCE'o odojjt the NUrvey and map of that partfouof Mount Uopo Avenue which ruiu UcFar-Ian btreot easterly to tlin corporation I'no,Biid to provide for tbe Ming and recordingD( said survey.

PASSED KOV. Hth, 1692.I'UEUBAfi, That portion of the street namedan the map herein referred to as MountHojw Avenue wblch runs from tbo int«r-u>clhn fit RAM Mount Hope Avenue withMcIWJaii atrfet eftitcrly tu tbe U'lrporatlnnl|tic. haB l»en oiwoed by tho owoern of thelnnil ovrr vtWoh W>li\ Btrort runa Bud b&Bborn rinllcabMl to the publfn by dimh ownera by (wrtnttting tbe nublti to av> tha game;

Vn'eHKAB. The Common Round!, by reaolu.tlou jmswd Heptom>wr VJtb, WVO. did ord»ra Biirvoy to 1M tuado of sdld portion of BAIO*etreet, wlilch rarvav Una beim modn »na t»shown cm a ma]) mnila by Ira D Coo, proline, rice Town Riirvoytu- nf Dover, datedOntnlii»r liith. A D. ISO; thereforeRKU. 1. U o . I t J ^ . * ' ' ^ ^ *l£. KHSFftrJfe

?"1).?v'er("TlM.t wM Burveyond ranp ba audlin Bomn In hereby ortnjJtrd aud approved.

8KC. 1! Au>) be It further ordained, Tbat•aid map with a written detorlptlon of eatd.Lirver cm "I- d lu the o(Hoo o[ tha Clerk of theCnuntr of Morris and recorded In tbe book ufrecoidjofroadaond highways for Mid ooun-tc lo accordance with the provlsloni ol tbe10th section of an not entitled "An act t o '

Kirale Dt«*r," approved April 1st, Vthat a. duplluata oopy of aald map be Mud

la tbe t>fti<* of the Town ^lerk.SEC 8 And be It further ordained, That

when aald map and survey shall nave beentiled bud recorded a* provided for by tb« *eo-• <ud pwtlon of thin OMllnatiOB that portion ofMount Hope Avenue hbona on satit map aamiming from the lutt-ra-ction <if axld MountHoiwAvei.UB wltb McFarlan atreet eaatetiytu tbe corporation linu, shall be dwmtd am

Veti aa a jjubllo Btreat or highway aud iliall.made, malnuilDed and tr«at«xlaasUOtt to

all rwpeoti.HORACE L. DOBHAK, Mayor.

Attest;—Jos V. BAKXR, Clerk. 6t-Sw

MASTER'S SALS.nottv«-n Mary F. Rtfckle, comnlalnRnt, and

Jiilin I-:, Hticklodiid othora,defendanU. On1)111 forpanJtiouand ordor for Rale.

KDUUND D. HALBEY. Sol'r.Ily virtue of an order made by the Chan-

cllor at tlw State o( Now JurBey, lathe rauwibovo dtAtotl. Ixmring date tuo second day oifovoiiitiur, A. D. Ibfe. I. Goo. Walker Jan-tins, olio of tho Srwdai Hastors of tlie Court

of CJinmrL-ry of arid Stnte, will sell at publicvernhiD In tho litt'lifst bidder, nt tlio CourtHouse nt Morrietoivn, onMONDAY, the iftth ilny of BECEMBEH.81ft, het<m.<ii tlio bniti-s of twolvo and flvotVIoutc, that is to eay at tu'a o'clock ill theifUM'iioon of Bald dny, nil that certain tract>f Inud Bitiiute, tying nnd being Iu tbo Toivn-}]|II of Hocknwtiy, lu tbo Coiiuty of Morrisml 81 nto of Now Jersey, being the sonio land

i\u*l tttt'intsMt ivljicU wuro conveyed to AnnaKtiefiiu liy Kniniiel 8. llt'aeli, AdmlnJrtrator

drL'o Kiii-klcs iutiinr, dw»(uwdt by doec"" ' 'L<" nud rwwrdod In (IK

f Dwklg, In Book D 8,known os the home-

loorne Htickle, junior,tluc'd.) mid Uuttwl and bouuded as (OIIOWB,to-wii; " Dudiitilim nt an elm tree, a comeruf KaiiHicI S BeiicliV In ml, uu the soutlieaHt' ' ot (lie Denver broufe.nnd la tlio ' " '... jor i»r a trout of fifty <£m« of la.,,.

Uwreo HKviau taught uf fn.inb Halt; thencemiming (1) north forty-one <loKrces west thir-ty cliiiiiifl crossing Nifd brook to a large white

' tree ; tliunco (ii) north Ilfty-sovon dDcreescloven clinlns tivcniy-iiino links to a Leap

uf stcnos ou tha 6outh slilo of tlio road leadingfrom wlioro tlio said Ooorge Htickle, J rdee'd, lived to the wild Samuel B. Beach'sIheimo (a) north forty-three negroes wealUUrty-oiie chains und eighty linke ; thonco (4north forty-live rtugrcos cast vloveu chainstheuco (fit south forly-thi-eo degrees coat tblr-ty-tour cluiUw a»d flftj l.tihs more or Ices toa corner which Ktnnds ou a course of norththirty degrees cart distant thirty-four Utiks'rom tlie moat northorly corner of tlio dwell-ing house wliuruln the said Ooorgo Stickle,J r , uoe'd, lived, Itaia w.iure.u the w.lil Anna

"^-•-•- ijvoB, null ^liloh HOB built byeast"

said Samuel S. Bcnub's land; thoiice (H) alonglity lliio and toundud hr tlio satno Boutliwcst-orly to tlio ]!)acc ot loginuing, containingouo liuudral ecros be tho same more or leesOut of the aliovu tract hereby conveyed areto bo deducted a tract ot about ono aero whichtlio said Anna Btfckle sold aud convoyed toouo Joseph Mills, bv'dpod dated on or aboutthe eighth day of Martb, 1STI, and recordwIn tha Morvb Countv Record or Doeda, iuBonk C 8, on pages 2B2, and also a tractabout thirty ooi cawljicb tlio said AnnaBllcl..wild nnd conveyed tci Euwio P. Merri;t, Cons,P. Rosa uud JmncB ward TIcbenor, by deed" ltd on or nbout )fiay 8flth, KT3, and re-

nk-d ID tho MorrlnCounty Record of Deeds,Book Q S, an pug™ 1WJ, fco , .noluuinn the

erot Elizabeth Utitlvlla tbe said premleee.Itb, Itifh)

LKEn JENKINS,Dated November]


Misg and Loan Association.Mealing Third Tueidav Evening of Each Month, at Smith & Jtnklnft' Otfbe, Natloni

Union Bank Building, Dovsr, N. J. r I -


RECEIPT8.InTrcamuTotlnstnsport t -i.TKME!

» K " " ,

INTEREST,; ; A « 8 t f i D . . . : : : . : : : : : :


Initintiou teesLoans reiiald durlug year.. . .

I/miiB uu Hands tuul Itortgiigcs iwflast report Nl,837.flO

vm on Bonds nnd MoiignRPH nttills dato...'. *TJl,21J.8O

ins ou Stock Security per lastreport , $0,804.00

uis on Stock Security at thisdato . . . . ." 11,471,00

tTnpnid Dues


Unpaid PinesInterest to NoFombcr 1-1, o

Ti-cosurct'ft Ixdanw .\ 1,132*20


DISBURSEMElfta.Tolalojpearesforth6jear...J...I 250.D5Loans on Dmids and Mortgag^,.. 81,003.14


LIAB1UTJES. . \,M Hlmrca "A" Soricfiat »d0.B8140 «»,»,(OlfiBhores ]|B^BorIt«atfcSl.(O . 10,0.1

\5» Blrnres " D" Serloaftt#44.411 9,'Xi',ia i Shares "E"Sei-i»nt«13.00Duo on Loon No. 100.Advance jiuynioute.


Bliares Pledged

for Loans ou

BltcV. Mortgage.




Whole Number ot Members, KS l Mele, 2S5; Fcroole, Gi; F i m » ana Corpcnitk &Gain for this year equal to about 0 and uiroe-teaths per cent, on -Uie Invetunent t u eaverage time Invested. Itcspcct fully Gubmltted,

Audited and found correct: .. .-OEO. D. MEEKER, 1 • • "OEO. E. JENK1NR, }-ACDITOIW. , ; " .ED. L. rETTY, (

Dover, N. J., Norerobur HUi, 1603.


07P1OSB8 J *• ' Vice President,



STOCK FOR BALE TO BORROWERS AT EVERY 3IEETIH6.Mrmtor* oro enUUed to borrow WHAT TamrnAVsrAiDiiiAflnoiaby atmply pit n i

U U ^ u r U j . tlwwjWIMC(u1beobt<dnodiit«ayUiaeo^ftp^^




We are reoeiving daily our stock of Ooats, Jackets. &o., all the latest styles, for Ladies.Misses and Children. Please call and examine them before making your purohases.




ever seen in Dover is now on our coun-ters. It contains nil the latest ctjles

and shades in




TAYLOTBROSSussex Street Dover, N. J.


Factory at Flanders,. l»hlob plan on

FISHEE HARNESSwlllhemrterbemaiiufiatured. Any panoo oab*aFist«r HSXDM udnotBodinf itsat-

y i » c t o y « » U » l « p iartlolo la the way ol Flstor tUrnssi will ba sola bflnaftcr, sj bston, with f,th»t It tril] giro entire satisfaction. . ' - •

CITY MARKET.B. H..B0WBFK. • Proprietor.

I tk . public UutL mtltbeLoTTKSrlinit i iM I l v

noulret^waretif nth cuttotno*. I t m t a l lalike. iKlrnKlztMiiouDcwtotheixraodavdlwBTi IIMP tho neit ol everything In my UM,



ETOUKuxnc LAHTI AlNt^RTTITHitui VBO-U ' b L B r t t Itai G1 e • call

Dover, and Tlotnltj, cat Joa H Dlckenon, w

D&I ana B . vritts, Morrl* BL, Dover. Alsoa t the Btnre of John Do-Dittf, Fort Oram.

ETOUKuxnc LAHTI AlN^RTTITHU''AbLBrt tu Ita ir IMBOD, G1>Banil he tyiutluced that thla in theijj

M-lm .. "

A. Q. BUCK• ruorroai.;'

Fainter, Deoorator. Oralnerand Paper Hanger.

aoA at all.orteMialtT BbaD OD 8n*. X

1 1 * »

K an*. X alraal, m Mic «tn*l »• TaoJarreer. t

Fine Bologna Sausage.


NEW STOCK OF HATS,trimmed *ml untrimnw!, so whW, UM » « « H

lira. Altai, «h« has h


ciLU irrnrnos TO THJ rou/omra:

m6%pb»mt8 to M^niint my frienii!wiihthufaot that thor out bare teeth eitt«ot»d::witltoat pun by the w of Dr. Jcwop's b u n tAiUKttiefio at the offioe of Dr Fwemnn. DoTor

•V - , - • M B AXDMRS T m o . F . Bngr.;;: - - ' •Putt Morri., N. J.,Oot 81»t, 1893.

J ^ the "Lood Annsthetio *t Dri FieeniMi1.offioo and be oonvino«d that it ia all that ui claimed -•otit ME Paasoii OooraB, • : , ; : "

AadoTer, N. J , Oot a t h , 1892.::

.u It ."?1

o l"M f a"'. r e < l o n i o? i ! !"1 tta "Xooul Anaa-thetio" for extracting t«eth • r -,

• ' " • MBS^ J. P . LufoOTEOx • '' ; ? '-"%:- Mt Hope, N.J.,

D**VMEBastin>7]mnan>: ••::^~:/r-':\'^:fD«AB Hn»:-l am K> weU pleased with the use

of the Iioool Ausstbetio in bans* teeth extractedtoM you have my pwmiuion to t u e u r same anr" 'w»yyouplea«M referwroe. , - •••••••.•• •••'•

. M a a S u r r a E . H m a u / '•'•':'' • •• ••'•'". '••*•'•• '••. Oherter, N.;Ji Oct. 16th, 1892.•'

f. DR. R 0 V R E E L A N D , ^after tea yeanexpeiienae, having & well knownMprtation for extracting tooth, Has aocepted a.i-pooitioa with Dr. Freeman. : ••• V :•

D a FBEEMAN has the exclusive/right to ".U&Pr. Jewop'a Local AnaestheUo; . : < , : « ;

J. Hairhouse,Diamonds, Watches, Clocks^;?

8pooticlat and Eye G I I I M * V :6«l(r Mnt] W <Hetded Cuet, Wedttlni «nf Birthday Preiinti.


- • • . stUI oaa t lauai toUonol tayapadaitals. ^;' ! ' " - ^

Waichei Sold; on Instalments.




Page 5: DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JER8EY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER …'s-Good. TEEMS. 76o. down and 75c. weekly on 110.00 worth,

Friday, Nov. 18,1892,B U M u t a fustooos u Doier, S.


- nssGcsKoaAt Sakar Open Betas

"itauk«Mat out ftoretar.

, XTfeBdeatTnaton. .' Tbs EdlKO C a x m t i t t l w worts atOttfsti• B*T» been that OOWB. i

-lisa Baltlmora * Ohio Hallnea< Uc been

a prajMuasIou ot Irost or*.i< Q»orieI>rtrorth*«Ueciaivo*fl-*l» Mter^ carrier lu ti>« ICwrlatewn poet office.l-:~- Tbs qnarttrjy report ot Uf» Oountj Uolleo-<r tor will be Iomd on our fourth paja.: - H-T j . M H L u W b u W s ^ t b e p a i. ale of tbe Andom PnabywruD Church.

; > p W H « 7 TIn Ooi.ieoantj aad Ike eodsllsu eiakt.

m k e r i r a h l> in peor ebapa, U» drom:•mini almost; storpsd lie |ronn.

- . 1baereekofl*a;es-Ior yooiif nhmbbslliir' oosarndli all ths MurMosra ciirobe. tali

• ; : . ' w e * ; ? . ' - V • . • ; : • • , • • : . . • r ' • . " . •

I Xr.JaB BHaiabhotir, of this baa.. • beta appointed a Scorerae Court Cornicle*IJ1. elooer. • ... - . •' - - . • ' • . . . . - . :. Oerds a n m l for,' tta weSdlnsrof Mr. jee,

i? IVdrlck.of 'Oner, ant I l ia H » i Du»; ,K w - M o n • ; • • - ••;••• -

Hr. HoM W.H«l>e.,oJHIspta<»,leipai»lX • oonpu ol matt wilb Mi Heter at Forti-

V ., Btnr. Ur. Edwards bu fami •ppoanUd a*L .(Wamt rector of Uu, Chturcb of ttuBiliniiir;-, in Mofristetrn.K- Th# Ladies' Aid Society ot BL John's par. Ish will bold a lair on the t m l o s s at L*oem;>!Jhiir«tban4m . > , •/ • .;. ' •"

• 14>.atKlBtn.J.O.HaT»«i*,ot Ocekei-lown,.. - b i n INW * lalUng \k$irmx, Mr. M. 0. Hanoi,

of Prospect stm*. ". - . . , . •TbeKJtUtJMjHos«Cooipaiiy,o.N«wUx],

wiD bold their eighth animal reception ouTLinkstitiDjSTeolM:,

Adoasn or1 man Stanhope Democrats are' selves tollt Dr. NeUW.ipl.vM

. Thita areaiinmbar of ouea or scarlet feverIn Jereey cur, and iMniniravafMnof Ita•preadlnilotoanerpUemle.

John Howty, M-Fmideot ot tbs Adams.- Krprees Company, dfetlat Us appwtmmtiii.-.' D-Jmonioo'i Nsw York Monday,: ,ft;': i MwfcJn Hiffinn'm. struck by* twin «,«S? iMtaoU, WWat ih* .fourth atraet onsslufV lo HarrUoc WettDaeday aitbt

' ' qoBvanfon at the imstinn ot UMafc»rttowiBalrattM Arnj oorpa.

V. AboQ.sii.jr frisnd#clMr, aad Mrs, Win.,; Smith, of ICt' Hope avenue, f a n them a rur-(..priMputroaHondajfnalvkst. .p The BlairttowB Demcw-et. celebrated their**-•'-*"• o n W f d i m t a y b T ^ b ^ u p a b a n -

P.'O. a o f A., trftbls_ ; »U1 prssisBt U M Soeeaeuniw public• ^ W » b a t t H o o ^ » » W i ' l o « » V - .

'#&"«*>• D»^«>rato patrictt:h«re alreadyV4*Fucapa^axT«W0dUi«4raMrftoMrTa

atwtrc^tTyaspnil.aaite. otBUnbett.•^IhtrUsj tbf Winter nuotbi tomperanoe

1 laaetlntf will ba MA la ProUblllon

rtBwu, of Germ* Valley, hea beand Qnwd Jaissor Warten off tbe Grand

eat fl* the Ham Jeney Odd fUlo **,V Wttfciaj, FreaUeW of tt» O WHSJUH IimUise. nf nsjjswmmm,

lievaias^toHtrllJBBanaw Ycffc.uep.ta,,_ eatKoniats tn

sWtMwl trosaWedMSfcr Bight till (to-i l ftoo.W.^«or»li atoo eeJabrt*

• hired

aonor ae If teelri had baas

B l o b . , of Morrieeowa,tkeaUllloaiwnmttmnr, aoM Utr bead of

Deaa,«hl*lUsr,wto»ysBtrtosj>ly. . . ••tromUkas.bilk.BtesBlemk•storatWreMraad Melay, udaaldbs badtaaaUOsaada. . • : • - . : • : ; . . : • . " v - • ••.•".:..•-

AlxybytWaaaseofOaaewaepUylacwMinttnaMtcwasalolptts park KoarUy. and

HkeW It, lbs oharnw atrlUaa; Uas U thek t b d ; : ;

T r t l a n «j antoeiaarrteeMtbenrslU m. Ckank »»)«.••«.'. tdoraee by Bar

!f Dr. Hallowaysad IUv.njoaaaa Ball of Grace|0Wali:'AII*Hd \

u t^Wiaj avsrysiu bss started aarssabfbns Una freea Ike railroad depot to Oe; Konaam Usjdk c | la. t o n <:<''.' ..v . Mr. H. a tat TwoeeUey will give a bar.*-:laae»atMapaaaa near MiHeoei csnaaarea-l.a»«eslt»v. SOoa. llwulbele»Uadla«eoe(el?svwrtoftfc.«alUt

D M i a aid o( Use Brook-1 fieri was Md la (to.BtfU'

.,_ m<*t*KtouT*ol*mV**mme,lnU<a-' r i m ^ o B W a d M s s ^ i X t a n o o n , - •••..:•: A I^lkd^pUa sm*n wko tkeae u d repairs,..sliHs.l»sl has t, small eto u t e OK electricv-tattol We toldoor. whjc* mde:\IlYoa. l»Wla»b«t»cs. aid HI press your pasta."b^nnirni ini i i1i.ilOormlsi.hMI

, a «<mr«<»U c k ^ borlem«°a;b' btrtlsBWwaUetcbe op abort nJe row.

n of the Kadleon T . V . 0. A.. . _rJB Id,Wlosaf dawM to-mor-f row .dfii nad«r ttw dlrnttoa ot Andraw


y , y vBoard ot Mlaalcca to lha Haw

. alar«.rsdoa"JtralmMuatoae»lnrTabb auaaorial Cbapsl, Madiaan, on Toaalay

aebeeoaocj'lesokare," saya' cna ofi b > Torkpsfsrs. TbM'e wrorj,.a eataite. large ss»agb to support»wltaout beooaslag - ^

* * < ! * * • • ' • - • : • • - - : . • • . ;

i of tae mm; train arriving ban* 9,15 broke down Friday night, and polled

atas yard onto! the way end bot» trainsToacMoQtasanglaeoltbeeeooridlraiii.• qnlta eoms Urns baton the big train

d w d do« ram Uroath Boonto•ad Ml Josrn H. D«sMSd mad

• Yo<a« IiHkttsTl«bdt«tosas«dMil sftsostlM In ivdnvmobta aod Dor-Mb>KpTO..fNtU«t In lb» Faatnr Ia-

i , N t F . Y o r k . ••;.'(••.-,•• • V'-.-"-'1 .:' alW»ooo at 0 o'clock Frank

i will wheel OormUw,He*Jin from(to* BtMarj1. Chore* to Port Oram

i:sMAliip«ymMBt of an •»»»««. wa*f*.irortOmaDi^aOJiT-wIJJmaiThatttef t f i t o p n o s M f a D . ; :••.•-..•-.•••:v.'^vv • •

• iw'Uwwo, .o( Dow, and lobs'i,of Port OfMB, in«awuUd UM Dorer

I as Ua •iMtim of UM GrandI al Tnrtm Toa«te]r. •!-* *">•

• waaar^««irtsdW*»VttDa^ty«raod

• > B W * * ^ M I V . ^ 1 ; I \ " - : : ' - "-:•""tas«tiel^^iad«Mviu>d

• IIMSM Aj;lasaat Ifarrk PUin* byiKnratt. XtMWtstrneanadMtMiiaiI tko Boatfam «md rf;:«• laatitaUoa.

7 1 * . mmotomj rf Un la tha a*rjlum aKtifi wW to haU caTWksflTior

* w«« rnWiifoftiMd but. wsak'ln s«Unfr,T.F.Chaajb*rs,cfO«imnValleT1

daoaU to tbtt HodLawsj c*orcfi.

imHsvUmbar, v j m t t i i l m ,to was iarltsd to pniuh for ow JMT.

d u d Mra. Cbaa, B. Or*iaelcs«d thalrBionlBRa^tOaa on W*dassda.r, and

ttncsnaxl so thsO Saw York dqr boms,. W e * flit* sttlwt,Manhsmn' Sqnara,ttmsj-ITS mneh |4ssMSd!tritb UMIT

• i(t. Bar. T. A.B>arksy,D. D., Bishop" siTlelisd 81. Joan's pariih In IMe

Tedaeeday. An Impreesire serncantasosmrob In tba evening when

psdnlililatsrsd tbs rltsdf eoonrma-'D'adaasotanaiparsgiaiajd afterwards

Tows ban rolotd Uu ba&Un( la Aliamoob; townsblp, Warran oouoty.

Dr. Ftmnk BUM. bw twld bis placs oa'Monntaln road, Uorrlstown, end willleaitpwn. •

It b said tbat a Hackattatowa Ikernnanwu.Uk Jmt i wntflfoTer tho rauUol theatettos. . .

APnttUiawonunliMcicratlleoiiDbiyears old Is which sonaty-iitne children ba<tManrooked.

Iba Oormaa-ttyiQ loot n e e at Backrtte-town oast Thursday afternoon will draw allU» sport* trom this aeoUon.

Brodi tod Hoffmin the two burgtan wbroke jail at Flemtogtoq l u t week have beanMptond at Blmlra, I?. Y.

The Rockaway and HlberhU gun dub ha<oompleted arrangtmenU for a shoot

bauvksajtvlag Daj at Rookaway.Only a taw cases of scarlet fever prevail

Beifldow at prenat The sonooln havaopened Hid are running on full time.

There are a good many men who will thaw turkey tm Tbtnfc«t«ing dloon l>eca\

lien w u an election last ww>k, ' .Wm. B Lord, O* Vtnrrlmtttwa, who was so

aeftrel/hurt oa Oet SOcbtfaathBUy.i•elonB tor HTare.1 d»ys, Is dnwly tt^te

Mr. N, O. Davenport, of BnrV«htra VattejkohranaduilttBd to the bar, btving pi

a "moonatful examination •tTroaton tha firstof month.- Ur, Cbttrlw LnrrJi. tbfl pUuo tuner, will b«

Dover about the DOtli, and anynne D«4ltirhis nervioMi will be aocommciUtad by IWTIIword at this oiBeo. * • ,.

It U said UM Knokaway Manaf«o(nriojConmny ezpeot to malt* 0000 WhertyblOTcles the ominp; fear, wMoh It doubh the

auyone i|les la Bockaway tha BeoorcOlas IU lls« at half rant. The Record'•»dsmtly beliavee In honoring Its' supportersmorejhan tuUooal dlgnatarlos.:

A larg« barrack, stored wlthliay, on the W.0. Latbrop fartn, atDenvllls, was aooldentally set on lira by some small children lastweek, Ion about right hundred dollars.

The only flftht caused by a dlscnaiion ofpolities in Phllllpcburg was between twowoman at tbe silk mill there. When a womanstarts In to be brutal she can gl?e a manpoints.

Judge William D. Daly, ot Hoboken, whoaa ileoted Senator for Hudson county

strikra wttb apoplexy on tii« bandfa Friday,and Ids lifa wai sayed by the fortnnat*presenceotapbjfilotaa.

A portrait of Hon. John I. Blair has beenadded to tbe group of promlueot men in theparlor* of tho BUM Reform School. ThdAd-

eays It forms an incentive to poor lads,considering Ur. Blair's early struggle In bisloutb. ; '

Rev Dr. Robert It. ProudBt, of New Yorkhas sent a letter to the Hew York. Prubytorywithdrawing from tho Presbyterian Cburohand faith. HefsabrotfaerofReT. AlexanderProudBt, late ps'rtor of the HaokettatownPresbyterian Oburoh. . _ ;,

Tbs DenvOle cormponJeiit o[ tbe R5bk-•way Keoord sajs; " The Dtmoorui; of this

place attended tb* Dowr jolllfloatlon meetingl u t wees, and report a grand time In chewingthti roast ox.n For Heaven's take) Dldtbey

" ItwitbtbtmtIB the rain ot Tuesday night water enough

toll to keep tb» water power ot the BoontonIron Works ia good worblns ordor till themiddle of Decemlwr, by wblob Uaie they willb a n boilers ID position to be used In COM other mi.hap to the water power.

Etwi Hook and tedder Company, of Bloom-field, baa a pool-money bos In iUrocms, batdespite oontliiuoii* contributions tbs fund didnot grow. Finally a marked two dollar, billwas put In the box and tbe' thief wai oatgbt,but UM nwnbera tef use to divulge bis mine,

Blihop fitarkey has Issued an order pre-Ttnt.De; women' wbo Bins; In tbe Chramontanotie Choroh choir, Jersey City, trom wear-

rorpllo-* This i i t tuf in . church tba thaieven attempted to thus clothe the femaletJoftn, and the .Bishop U s promptly forbid-d e c i t . . . - . . • - . " . . • ' - - - . ; • • - •

UmaynotbeemttttosUUtbefa^wlJch.I« Dot gesenUy known, that It Is a Btntapriaoa oflanee to point a deadly weapon « .any « * , iegsid»M d tbe rwA Una. UM weapon

Mt loaded. IbparMtMM baa shown that Itthe unloaded weapon that d«e tbanoat

wai.oansed In theof the Mercer Court Thanxlay

when the Grand Jary, in rrtumlns;iadictmeots, iuade a prtsentmtnt fa.whJobtiMf nooimneBd«d tha eaUbUsbnuat ot a

• meant of puuWiment for

A VISIT XO THK POOR PABMT.Tb» annual' (Unner at'tha Morris County

Poor IJouse was bold Wedaenday and thosowho braved the storm to visit tbat admirably

Institution wen more than rqwidfor die disagreeable journcf. Lying In nrallny, the Burrcundlng bills covered nttbwood except off to tbe North tt-hure thothriving town of Boonton Wl« the bill Inpictures<iue unevenneef, end the land rolling

y In graceful undulations, It Is an ideal•pot for a model farm, and if there were any0Ub«taOTBinUamt»*tt.H.Klos.i.m)iug LiretireasU of the Inmates ot tlie county bouse atrartippauyUisy mustreol that after tbe st^rnbattle Ot Wo tbts U a pleasant pines to endtbelrdaya. Tbemalnbuildlnglsiquarawlthan loner court and all tbe rooma ato light andairy. Around two (Idea of this oourt runwide plauas, cozy, cool and quiet in Hummerand protected from tba winds in Winter. Theroomi are all light and cheerful, and tbifloora, walla, bddlng, In fuateverylblnsabouithem tlie perfection of cleanliness. Tberelialarge sitting room where tbf men can go andeuiokfl, talk or read, off of wblch is a Wiubroom filttd up with to-, atattat, looking {.laues,toweli, dtp. .In another wlug is a smallerroom where the men can sit and play dominoesor"Checkers to wile away tbe tedium ot tbelrnionotonoui lives. They also have a barkershop and a bathroom, comforts few of them

ed when their own brawn was the•eof their living;. There la a hospital

Itted up in good shape whore tbe sick areit and.whera they can more easily be giveni attention that UIDHS requires.

The. "women's quarters ara In a. separatabuilding to the East of the main gtruoture.The boose la two storlM high and the upperfloor* u on* large rootn«c«pt wti«%ni»et»Uspartitioned off to from a lying In ward where

a of.

i sick among tbe females ara taken oIt l i admirably adapted for Ita purpose, beingw«ll TentUaUd,'light and furutibed wltb alittle more oaw than tho other apartments, so* to make the sOJTOucdluRB of the slok porson

ai'obeerfui as.poselble The lower floor Isdevldeil by a ball and out of tbis open singlerooma oneaol. side except In tbs centre aUrgeipaoelaleft, for a slttlDg room. There

j « (aodlauuiy little touches. hers noil* * I'S rooma tbat wouldthere about tbs

have shown that men did not occupyM building (Ten tboof b there bud oat Iwenwoman protent when tbe inspection was

TbeHT Ii •omBtblog partloolarly s»d In Tlslt-ig a place nf this kind, for one feels tbat helooking at a groat nember of men who bave

ibtalongftgbt and bave-lost, Loohlugi tbe dejected, downcast oauntenaitDea of• onfortunatev. one feels the full force of

Dhraalft definition of life/ " Youth Is ablunder, oankood a etniKgle, old age a re

BltlratOwit had an open »lr barbw shop for• 'day w two tMtrotly. The' authortttes •&BUIr Hall Isatud • rule that none ot tfae

i shpoU wliuJd«(4M»ot BIaln4oWD>B•hops. Tbe barter, with due *»*-

Uoofht, moved hU chair to the trout porch~tfd»Uv*tybaaln«M.

Mr Josepfa Aleiander, formerly of Morris-d»»UnstbeaHtlQctli>nott>*lQi£ib« oldestfa Booth OranRe, and on election morn-

IB« IM was at the poll* a t5^cas t ingt i e firstatone tnlnuta ji««t •!*._ HsUaSjiKxa u

r f • r mon than sixty-eoTei. jean, and isi eudent lUp^ceJL^erseyinao. *.Gorenor Abbett baa appointed Sector

tottert Adraln, Gaoixe H, Barker, George T.Irammtx, William a Martin, Jobn D. Hue

1 Henry D. Wlnton,' as the State Canvaas-Board The Boaid'will meet at the Stateuse on HoTember* 29th and canvass the

*oU fivan for Pmtdent, Oafarnorand Hem.ben nf Congraaa, . • '• . ' . •• . : .".

A meeting In ttw Interest of women's worki Hew Jersey for the World's Fair, will be

laibaPnidMitlelBdildlng, com«r Broadand Sana streets, Newark, on Monday, No-

abar Slst, at 8 oVIock. All women of tbe•ite aiecanlially Invited to be piwent W•ting speeches from prominent leaden Inwork may, be expected.. „ .-. f .

Tbe people ot Rewton bars beeu tloUmltedr a f Ub-toagund stranger who canvassed tbe

solldtloK ordera for atotUuc Ho carriedsamples and, fctok many ur Juts, - Kceltlng

oelta at <1 to (5, aocordiog totbaiW ofolder. He did a thriving boiinett, botM of the customers has jet received blifckrtiJug, Bowarsofbim. .

Ow. A. Jaonlnga,' asatitent postmaster atLUtiiton, Uorris ooitnty, was acquitted beforeJudge Qreeo at Trenton Holiday of a charge« opening letter- sHldreseed by Dr. BfeJUpIn,

1 New Yd**, to Jobn ChUdi, .Tha proeecu-i prodaosd a confession made by Jennlogi.- tbe accused sworo Inspector UcCreadyIt trom him by a trick, ' ; - ...I,-1.-;

Two noall boja placed a pile of shavlogisJoogtide the carpenter shop o{ AltfermanClark Ollrar, of Uorristown. Monday1 atter-nooti, and aet tha oombuitlble^on Are. Tbeyoathfuiflnbuga then ran away, Tiieir per-formance bad beta observed by two membersot HUDUUM Engine O . No. 2, and the firemen

to tbe (pot and succeeded In extin<t^bedtheflamei. . . '•'*'• •

1 Santb, the elx-year-old daughter of Joiephaorfoo, "died on Monday frcm the effecta of

unceiv^tbreewoeksago. Mrs, Qordcnburning leaves ID front ot her weid«jw

Pnqnannoo street and left It to go into tbabbusea.'mctiieiit. The child was pjaylng.boot ths Ore and In idn'i "way her dothes X»

alcultadtwdabawaa frighttullj; burned,WMOartsdWedpesday.' , , '

Tbe post morteta examination held toai«r-talntbecauMOttheBudJandeathoftJieeljbt-jmr-M daugbter of Thomas Cocnuy, of Uvr-ristowii,iwultedlQUeBiidi^ofag™peaeedlaths TWTnUorm'appendix. The cause wasatnUar to that-whioh caustd ths Worn ofVice Chancellor Pitney, npott wtiom apalafal,tut moocssfal, lurgical operation bad to beperformed to save hi* lire;» :,.; , ' • V., A fanntir wbo farms intelllgenayana nya-

twnatlcally can and does make monsy everyyear. Of course be works hard, sod so-do

ot other people, >' .Tbe average, fnan moatk bard If U would gain a livelihood andby a UtUe:nnt(VB for those who come

a-him. Bit can't support a saloon or two,Indulge fat every passing folly, eeek oOfee-tiroor three times,a, jear , ani yet expect tonutaln a smvlngi batik or two trom tbe earn-

.olnUfarm.-GsnrttB, Tbatla true If tfaefiier boja bli (an»«.t*» vmaiUtig, prloM,if be paid from |30 to tT5 par. acre more

•ban be can sell Us farm tor now

-. 'r'ObUdraa'a Oloalu. : ~:Abandsofna.llns; svery garment now tbisson* inslxBs'tromStoiayears; sll msdonobby and. sryllao and offered at popularcas attoa Dover BSKar of J. H. Orlnun.

ThalioridaBtaamHsatar. - . *ftrlUairntaacirculars send to.Tbo Yn&.

D. Btspbeoj Co., Osrnuuj Vslley, H. J. -... s ,


TuwuttUi.tH, DUUluU.

lloonton EiLHtom....

CliejtiJr . ,Hnnover N o r t b o n i . .

BUUtllDTU...JoftenauUwkUuuaUontvillo..*.llorrin NortJiom...


Mount OliveMount OlaLBOc...FIrit

.SecondHanrfolii.1....'. Southani.,..1 Nortlrerh...


Kockawny,.., Nortlicm,, „

RbzbuiT. . . . . orrlu.

67^1 .17011W | OTH

ti • as

._. SooiflilattlokBti»ll«ll votu in tlie Southern dUtrirt or Worrit, 1 In 1'nswilc, 1 in the Huecasiiimn dlslrift of HI.T1.IIPequannoa ilktriut, aud 1 In Jefferson—0 votes In all., - The vote on Congressman nnd Surrocnto »B rctumctl to tlio Board of Cniivnatcru from Ciicater oxn'O'Is tlio toUil viito mlioard, but tha discrepancy was onlercu to lie noted on tlio ofllclal return.

Ho return ot the rote for Surrogate ,vas made from tlio Port Harris dletriot of Koxbury and tlio lut < I let rJet of PcHitiimu~ ( AI follows:—ProNftlontlal Ulwtonj, 10(1; UVrts for Hovornor, JO; Hnwoy lw I'msnta, JU; nmk

1^.* A t . l . T i d a . r u l . _ > I\t..S._ I . , I.HI . i • ! . *


-y--MhUvma^^\enAtelvwicAoathot(or Buualur, U7-.; I'lurwni for Surrogate, .',70

mmlc by tli

illclnl rcjturti O'lirlen fo

m, l a r d e r Ileacfa, Aldermenown and Counciloien Bur

g liills wore received, refsrred

tunUim tint a Uttw^twartejl »ildvj.!ptlly-na.tondjcan such a* Steward Edward Miller

.tad doea give thorn, -bey fed tbat theypaapera itad'idiow Hio Utelr fnooo," Hut

te of them complain. They realize that thepasttotbem ii full of burled hopes and thefuture onlv« little walling. .

There a n now eeVenty-slz uunkteB of tbecounty hbUle, the oldest and youngest beingnegroes.. ''lTncje" 2saafl.8tonB,< too decrepit

get up without aflHliUnoe, who traa born Inyear the drat} Prtddenl. o f tha United

tea * • ! Inaugurated, one hundred and

placed on file.ManJhal H«gan'«i report, atowlug elgbt

irreitsdurlog Octolier was received ami placedon file.

Justice Gige's report, showlug $11 I'D flat*collected, WM rece|ve4and tbemorntf orderedcorered Into the treasury.

Alderman Brown's report shoved $0 In flneecollected, was received and the moBor orderedcovered In to the treasury.

A remouiUance, contalDltts; tta names ot 41property hoUcre, living near tho proposed

a read, asking ths Council not toceitM. It was recelvwl

on Die.Tho (el

to tho Fluance Commit toe, by ttietn approvedand ordered pwJ: fiuiitb & Fannlog, 1310,-13; Monls County BdocbinoitlronCo.,fim-03; Win. King, »10; Howard BHrertbont,«1; N, sT. Central I t R, f 0.03; Dover Lum-ber Co., 110541; Jas. Hagan, 111.20; J, F.Wood, f 11) Wairea Foundry aodJlachlneCo., (00,131 Jas. Hagnn, «10; Dorer LumberCo, (8,40 \ Jas. Hagan,«aa; Morrli County•M, fir L, Co., fTH.Dls Dover fi«nd, JS1} Cbai.L MUIt, »3; oorporation pay roll, |m .87 \ J.J. VrwItKYd, %i0.0T; Frank; Gleej,Hn.Mjextra corporation pay roU, $60.63. A bill ofO. B.G*gewu referred to.the Finance >9onvmittee to be paid when approved, • '

The Btreot Committee submitted • lease forthe itons crosher which was accepted and tbs

B authorlred to aign the lease andattaoh the corporate en)

An ordinance wu passed adopting the inr-vey end map of that portion of Mt, Hopeavenue which rune from HoFarlan street.

iway and left It, la the youngMt, and it is «s.right aa » button—a. gutta-pttctw button,' of

Many of the Inmate, art njt sound In the•*A mnA- »*•)•• i-Jlcsjnswclea tiro intarwtfijglough pi ttif ul Instanoes of tho peculiar pntnka

fur the Ullng and recording of said survey.

corporationTne,ih h d

nature pUja with ap p

of her ch(ldrca. Ai from Madiioi. baa tho atniDge faculty oflatlmowlthoutloobliigacatbnvpleoo.

__ Jmelntheday ask him what time Itand the answer Is gifeo la an Iniitantand It

be u accurate) aa the beat .regulatedwatch, Tula poor Cello* tbinka he, la a boyand tbat be wiU toon be a very largo man.Anothf r goes about continnallj wltb a bookln

Lands WVl turns, t i» leavee and itudlee tbe_ • wit* tbe inMntpess ot a undent, yet be

oean't know one letter from another, one old.roman altsasd knlta and tells Pttbe many

arolabiiuytnatispeculiarly feminine, and to on tlirongh tbewhole family ot them. , . . , •

•T SereD or eight Democrata and the writerit Into a room with a tnnn whom they called

"tbe man from Donegal." A picture ofCleveland and Thurman bung agatn<t tbe wall

he tomedUUly began UltiGf pollUct.lUsemblymanelect OlBrlflit.'.ot Morrtrtowu,lugBPBted that the BepiiWIcam would never

pQwer lu Oils oonntry again, mw\ the man_i DoMffal" said, "No, aor, the'anoher

cbafn hroke and dlrll awanarthlm is ihmsrtnigh to put the links tofllther (gin.11 Tbat

•eiseda'laaKb. Then he. sold, "I prove tbat&le way, tho balsnce of power is coming overivsry year from Europe." Only ono laughed»t that, and the mhject w u cbanged and tba

TheSann oontalna about 240 acroa and a_ I* employed the whole year round

.* helper about eight tnontht at the year,ddo of that all the work la done by tbe In-bee* Bight Intrant of tha house is a

magnificent grove, and at iU 6ut«r edge thegarden begin and cover* an acre or more, Irwhich Is grown more than enough vegetable

the use of the Inmatea. Tfae earnings, offarm represent IT per cent on a valuation

'$14,000. Tha crops this year are: Potatoes,450 busbelaj oaU, 4SS bushels) wheat, SlObusbels; rye, IKS busbela; corn, 1,400 bLuhtb';hay. -80 tons. Than Dgurea speak more In-raise of tbe admirable management ot thearm than any wonts that wo could write and«ove tbat the rtgbt nianU at UH Uelm.

The most pleasant and enjoyable part of theTUIt waa the elaborate dinner and tha socialaraoamwol the choice tpirtts wbo gatheredto partake of it. Them was rout pig, roastturkey, stewed chicken and nil the other thingsthat go to mate up a mam with tlusettareeai tbe mala diibei, and tbe way tooto men atewaa a practical (ettimoiiy to Mra. Killer'sability as a cook.

The Poor Eoun Committee, consisting ofL Pieraon, Blarkey And Faulmler were

UDtlringIn their efforta to maka the visltonat» and gave them an Inspection of the

; aolo place from UIQ barm bulging wltb tbeBtunmer^barvost to the sirlno fatteoJog InUs orchards. I t i) a committee tint attends-to btnlaeBB, and cordially assists the &5g#u-dIn keeping tbe farm up to it* high itandardcfexcellfnce, >

)rlr,)il).er aad bis wife andiUutfiterthe work of til* imtitulion. oad for ganlal

oourtesy and open-banded hospitality youwill go a long journey to find nay to excel

Walton are always welcoiDO, tod areire ct oardlal trestmont. ;.

and Orsanatimed and npatmt by W. P. W«Ir. Ortvt*

iat W, H. GoodaVs Z>mg Store, oppositebank, D o w , 8. J.

COMMOH C01TWOIL PROOEBDINOfTbt» «gular meeting nt tfae Dover Comma

Couocil WM hdd tn thsir room last Homla;venlpg at S O'CIOGIC. Precent—Mayor Dun

l a d r I l f a A l d m n MDavIt ndSpongier,

Tho miuutaMi of the lost mooting wore roadand approved).

Tbe Council UieniAt to hear appeals Isciof taxatlou. Cuaa, Bwedel), complained tbsttie naa taxed for a dog but aald ttj»t ha badsbotHlnJuly. Tnxrcmltt«d. PatrickO'BrUnand Jos, Felver were taxed for dogs. TbeUanbal hod killed Ur. O'Brien's and Mr. Jos.Folver never owned cue, Taxee remitted.Mrs. Tbos, Krers bod received three tax blllifor two propgrtiee. One bill waa thrown outaa It was a duplicate, - J. Wesley Bamtnls re*cslvrd a bill for property be did not own.Dill was thrown out JosteOerardtrastaxeilfor A dog but oi ho bod not ownftd one IDfourteen yearn tbe tax was remitted. Wilburllurrall claimed that he w u a member c( theNational Guord and therefore exempt from1K>1I tax. Tax rtfmltted, John Dane, soldierand (LotWs fireman. Poll tax atd 1*00 t&x onpersonal property reuilttal.

An application from Wm. F, Uerrltt uklngto OIWQ a hotel on the corner of Clinton itreetand Kntrvlew avenue, was reFernd to tbelicense Committee:-

An appllcatlan from Wm, Donaldson askIng to open a bowling alley and pool roomwaa referred to the License Committee.. CblefI«mbertreport«dtl]atCbai.T.Clark.Ramuol M. Clark and Assistant Cblof J. had Kttgaed from City ot DoverEngine Company No. 1, aud that B. R Ben.nett had been elected honorary member of tbe

. V. M. O. A. Notea.Tha programme for thi> 0Strict Convention

Is about made up and 'le on extremely in-tenwtlng one. The oonmention la to com-mence Friday night, Dec, 2J, and close Suu-day night. Fifty delegates nre expected,Thoea will tteenUrtaiuedin tho houite cfthepeople of the city. Aa Dover taken pride Inshowing bow well mch things can bo done,wo ktww ttie.t tlw vtritow will U royaUy au-

A n ; one who can entertaiir more delegatei will confer ft tnroc by Hand-

ing tbelr nano to either Mr, Oeorgo Baker,'J. E. Uuisart, J. H, Ueorgo or Secretaryemit*. |

There wero exactly 101 meu out to to tbomeeting last Sunday afbernooBee, a prominent athlete ot Rutger'a College,made a very eaiueat appeal to tboss presentwblcbcouldnotfaeiphaTeiteulTect. Acbaruachoir led by W. \Y. BpaDglor hod charge uftbe tlnglog. Next Sunday's will Iwequally latereetlng and B?ery mau In the city"ilnvtwd. -

Tbe gymnasium daises are now well startedand Cor tho protent wilt meet as followsMonday aiming, leaden dais, .'rot, Craig,Instructor; Wednesday evening, boys class,Fred, Johnson, Initruotor; Friday evening,beginners clan, Kmll Sturapf, instructor.Any wishing to join any of the above clotmay obtain information In regard to the mmoof the lnatructon or tbe Secretory.

Aiman; of the young;'men are InterestedIn the, football game which la to be playednext Saturday between Yats and Harvardarrangements have been made to have theeoore by telegraph u boon aa the gaine ii

ver. y •Oa Friday evening (to-nlgtit) the uemben

ot Ite AwocUtlon will have charge of themeeting at the Pint M, E. Church. Themembers will meet at the rooma at 7:15 andgo to tbe cburoh tn a body. All ebrlstlaimen In Dover are Invited to go to the meeting;

Tbe second annual conference of tbe juniordepartment of, the State will take place atRahffar, Nov. 20th and 87th. Our local de-partment will be reprennted by two dele-gate* • •

Time Table Changes,Tin Central baa made a good many changes

i ,U schedule of passenger trains and It wouldive a rullled temjier to consult tbe now timeible before itarting for the station. Thei-ISA. u, train from Dover now runs all th<

way tbrougb. to J e m ; City, It Is a localtrain and for passengeri. for way stations It•rill require no change ot tursat High Bridge.•If you want to go through In a hurry y<

lustohange cam and take a fait expren.Tbo changes on the D.t h. & Vf. rood only

affect tho milk trains. The story that a aavrtrain wo* put on Is untrue. • Tho train goingeast tbat formerly leftDover at 8;ffii nowleaves at 7:101>. K j thajraJnieavlog at 8:-(0sast. now leaves at 8:37. i v M; aiid tlie eastbonod tnln that' w»ed to leave i t 9.17 nowleares at SHD P. H. The west Iwund milk thatwafl due here nt l.:0S A. ii, lins bean changed

Not Used to Victory,Mr. Felix Sampan, I8 oi.o ol X ealtby

proprietors of tbe UAiitoh Woolen Mills andbaa a handsome restdoooe ou Houtli ntreot,Morrlotown. Tho sroiiitds nround liU houseara lsld out nluelv mid Ijo takes a pride lu tbelr

pealed to Cnlef Hallo way forpollcu pi•m..*. n . n . M „„ MI- 1 9 l n c f l t n e •Jwt'on •*»"• unknown rascals haveSJe^lioTOTaaw'^mP'edl1111 nower '*«*>** «lu«ul"

rRtabllsh tba grade of tbat portion1 of the javenue,'wai read. < rotltloit waa rtoelved 'ind the Ordinance Committee waa ordared toprepare an crdfoaDM conoenlog It, .

Tba Fire and Lump* Committee reportedthat Insurance on tte Engine House expiredon HOT. 11th.

Tha Fire end Limps Committee recom-tDanled OUQ lamp tiutead it twa on Mottleitrwt near AIODBO Bearing* residence,

Tte Ucenie Committee reported favorably>n tba application ol Wm. UonUdson to open

bowling alley and pool room and tbe license

that Th. Ooundl " » * the.pirUes .who did itie aro Jubilant.pD-iwwmtt

was granted.,Ttaejeloeaio Committee reported adrorwlya the application ot Wm. V. Iforrltti to openhotel lit the corner ol Clinton street and

Fatrviow avenue and tho lloease w u notgranted, » : _ '

A peUtioa i iraa recelred from IllcbardChaplin asking permission to put a poit nearthe carl) on Warren, street and hang a signtcran tl«> walk,

As tlio Uoiikoratti were to Iiavea parade on Wednesday eight be feared «rl-ona trouble and Baked for n detail olapeclalpolice to guard bis property.

Jutollate.Victorioua Democracy burned ml nre ana

howled ItHlf hoine la this town last Saturday nl«bt,aDd rubbed) in^the record of tbeHepiib1Ican defeat with a good deal of warmthandlnsome particulars not a great deal otcredit to the rubbdra. About halFpoit uvenllfty or Mvent;-nva men with torches, headedby tba Dover Band, And fallowed by a strag-gl.Dg company of men and boys boarlng trans-pareiioles on which* were .merited more ork u idiotic esctnioiotufie victory,took up theline of march. Tbe prooeeslob started with a(trand salute of fireworks, flmt. with a reck-

.. A drawl Concert. • • , . "A grand concert will be given In Baker

Opera House next Friday afternoon and oven-Ing under tfae auspices of Morrfs Council No.BU, Royal Arcanum. T h a evening's enter-talnwont wilt conslit of the reproduction oforchoetr*! and band miuio, comto sang*,speeches, dancing, etc., by an Kdisoii pboao-graph, presided over by Prof, Henry L I B Is,By' mtaa* ot a m«haalcaA conttWivnea at-taahed to tfae pbonogra;4i. tbe sounj eon bodistinctly beard la every part oLthoball,.ThorepndncUona ore from the beat parfonnenand so exact that tbs abwnce of tha real artistfrom behind tbe scenes is questioned. Itpromised not only to be a vary entertainingbut Instructive entertainment. Admlmlon !5cents, reserved wata 85 cent*.

a In chargewaa exoeetftogly nervouu or that he was justlosmlnz; tW l>ut)u«i. The . vlnltuiu tramHackettetown and Washlostown waiundahr*mt The captain marched hla comptnyup the hill and then he marched them downagain, around the town and up Muuson IL'll.till tbelr legr) ware nearly walked off andthen the band and seven men stilt remntnlnglu the parade were dlimlned.' There were a

A many paopls oa th« etreeta, trnd ca«nyof tbe butdnete housei on tbe Una of tnnrcliwere btnuUfully and elaborately illuminated.This was a. torturo ot the jubilation tbat waa

ntlnly creditablo, and if the paradors badgone borne alter the march, the decent andorder lotriDg Democrat* would not bave hadto make excuses for a fow bnrteJ ruffians who

Before a Brooklyn Audience.Kiss L. Naomi Trimmer, of Morrh street,

D o T o r ' l P e D t ••"* S a b l l l t h . ' » B"»klyn, whereMU rtmt -he » n g before an audience of JJ.0OO at one ofe pajment the most p^nent^utcfatsotthatdty . Thek d T t BrooklynEagleaayso! her sieging: "Yeetei-

They PaJa the Waa*or,Hundred of people lintd filaokwsll i t m t

Baturdaj afternoon to witness the pajmect , - , . ,of the waier m»de by Jtestrs. Cook and Totr BrooklyuEagleiayaof her sieging: "Ywter-;

and Bchafor.

y g ydl1' meralng'a service at-tbo Hanao

and the procession started. The ™"»ered In a very artistic and culturedhitched "tandem ni Mr. aapl ln manner by Miss L.SoamlTriuimer, of Duver,

i h th hlll f M. J. TluaUdy liasacleariwpranovoceotahoodled bis team with the ohlll of en accom-pllebed whip, although a p«rcberon Is a littlebit cumbersome tor tandem driving, A dozenor ao of the friands of tbe winner* came withthem carrying brooms and tba end of theprocecdan WOE branght up by the usual ras>Ag and bobtail brigade of small bqji and

very fino quality and slugs with considerableI "

• - Cumpaon at the Opera House. 'Tbe "Merry Cobbler," aa presented by

Franc Cumpeon and bla company aU" Baker,

'' Baver B. and I>. Aatooiatlon.On another page of thli Impression we print

tbe annual itatsmeiu M tbi> Dover Buildingand Loan ActocltUlon, and It shows a condi-tion of thing* that cannot be elm than pleas-ant reading tor the shareholders. It in con-ducted on BBtrlct biuinoes bails and Is a safe

well paying Investment for worklogmtmFnuw Qmnpaoo nnd bis company atr Baker py gOpera House Uit night, was one of tha finest' "*><> « • " • '•? UP »oney In any con>lderabliperfonnanoM trer given la thli d iy . Tie ' •""ountaThe BUtoment A o n that thi

d l l b b 1p g ypUyers started olt a little bit •tagay, bttl bo-

l f h fi d

P yThe BUtoment A o n . that t

">u jenr U equal to about six andIfore the close of the flm act tney recovered three-tentba per cont on tbo Investment for

tbemselvifi and gava a finished pertoruuuiw. •*« avawgetlmolnvsated." Aneirseritt, ••F,"Tue children were particularly laterwtlng. lauowooenauttapiiUcaUotu[orBha,r«iftho<ilaud l ie songs and dance*. Introduced through «* ™*<** to tta tJwretarj, Syanoy T. Omlth.and tie songs and doncet Introduced throughtbo play were as good aa any siteciallstaoouldhave given, while t i e rtramatlo oilecta ot Uia]play wore not brbkBn by them. Cumpson Isan actor for whom a bright fortune 1B dawn-

h l l

'Talita Cutlery.A Inrga stock of Hno carvers end tablo <

cry juntarrivedat IJon-y U.rd«ttrtstJo'a,

Bed Flannel, aU Wool sold at SI cto. for iDover bai Ono Btrww, w*U Ugh ted, it doesa.largervolunioof budneas than any othar eta. TIM 80 eta. for ST eta. at the Pover Bee- - I rf (U ».u in the Stale, Its people are Hive fitorc, H. llolman. '

aadyetpotometa tontoowauonanieaoftl.e| It WUlBtroeta wiUsBufQcJentreAdltea* to Intelligently to Icspoct tbo Hue of Ctuidreu'a Cloaks before

1 Time Oood ThlniTf. ' direct a atrangor to Uia street oauide of the buying deonbere at the Dovnr Jlasar o( JobnKUIgpre'« X X Cough Byrup^Killgore'B main tborougnrares. IB wouldnotcosttnuch H. Qrlram.

X X Camphor. Crewn. Killgoro'sXXPorniw »° J » » tie name of a street put on eachcomer and it would be n oonvealonoe that tbooldest inhabitant would appreciate. The

tThreo Q'X X Cmi£b S/rup, KUIgore'i

campaign of educaUoo"iboutd •Moontuiuod X X Oampbar Orenut. Killgore'a XXPorousthiiafar..." . ,- ••..,".. • [Plartew.- . '."' \

Appeal Oonn.Tue case of Hov. Calvin R. Weebs, epptil-

lout, aud theovenwerof Poor of Pequannoc•—--•••p, ftppftllo©, waft tried ID the Quarter

> beginning on Monday, "bocupvlnutwo day*. Mi. Weeks wai convIcUd Iwfowa Jury In a Justice's Court wltb lielag thefather of the UltgUiuiata child of LlnnaUndoraonk, who placed heroelt upon tbetownship ror mpport. Llnna swore that IDthB early part of September, i » i , Mra. Weekiwent en <t visit to nor mother's In Now York,and that aftorsliehad gone Mr. Weeks slippeda not* in her band requestlnfi. her to come totlie parsonage at night at S-.flO " before tbemoon got up." Tint she in compliance withthe noto wont to t i e parson's house where heerootupllsfawHw ruin. Mr. Weeks producedbla wife and mother-in-law to prove tbat attbla tine he wsa la tbe city of New York andaccompanied hh wife there. Several deaconsand elders and one Sunday school auparlu.Undeat testMed tbat they met him lu churchIn Brooklyn where ba went accompanied bya brother minister at this very time. Wit-nesses an part of appellee were then producedand awnre that la did not go to New York attha time named, but left hla wife at tbe de-pot, corroborating tlia glrt'a story, and tbat

- — ~ . - B w n b.«*ei Dlrvt||'j I1M bUHb

iwoi-e en tba trial below bu did not go toHew York with hla wife. Other witneswBWO™ he did ketity on tbe trial below tbat bewept to New York with hla wife. WeeksbliUMir denied tba choice In toto and hla wJfeno tbe stand aald aha did not believe It,

Tbe jury was re-called in the Weeis casend ninitructed by Judge Cbllda and re-

turned In five mluutes of one with a vordtetof not guilty,

All About a Cow.Some time ago, lira. Leopolt Rrtberger^of

Mt. Hope, needed a cow la order to furnishmilk to her babe and aa ber huaband waa unable to buy It for her alie borrowed tbe mom'from her st.^r. Some tln» alter the coww«s purobaeed (t broke In a garden belongingto Thoj. Smith, a neighbor, and did about Jitoworth o! damage. Smith sued llrttwrgeranil got Judgment for tbe amount, but asHrtbergw ooulii not pay It be gave Smith thecow. Wb«n Mra. Rrtberger found her bus-band b»d given away her cowolifllmmeillatelywent to Smith's barn and brought It backhome, UD Tuesday, Smith and two othermen went for bla cow, but was Interfered byMrs. lutbergw, whereupon Smith ttruck berin the chest with his fist, knocking ber backagainst the stable. On Wedmwdey the camebefore JurtW (Joodab u i t hod a warrantissued for his arrest for amult and battery,At this Una she also bad another warrantissued for his arrert upon another charge ofassault and battery with threat to hill. Bheclftimml on the same evening of tho day thathe struck her with his (1st, he throw aton».through tbe window, and struck,her on theright foot anil threatened to kill her. Aftera bearing on Wedoeaday afternoon the Jug.tlco placed Bmltli under (.•» ball for eachcharge to atipear At the nei t term of court,—Rookaway Itecord.

- Hottta AUTlio trial of Battle Ak«n for tho attempted

•bnotlng ot her lover, Patrick Qulan, atDelaware Ht*\bn hat August was begun Tues-day, and ended Wednesday wltb a verdict D(ac<)uitt«l. There troa an Increased Interestln"the caie Wednesday from the fact that tbedefendaut was expected to testify In her* ownbehalf. Several wltoeneeworesworntOBhowher good character, Thee* we» Stroubsburgpeople who know the girl well. Tbo prisonerthen went upon ttw ataua and Will her Btorylu a niautter ttmt trought tears to tbe eyes ofthe spt otatora,

Bbe adrolttrf Iwr early marriage to one,Charles Savereool, a> traveling man, withwhom ihe lived some two of three jears. Ufaefouud that be had another wife living and lefthint aod returned to Cresco, Tben she metQulnn and.kept Mm company about fouryedra. They became engand, and tba daywas set. Qulnu postponed the wedding fromUtno to Ume, and, after he bad decelvad heraought to coat her off. She thereupon Iwcauiefrantic, and purelmslng a revolver at a storeIn titroudibufg found faer way to Delaware toeither effect a rfconcUltatlon with her be-trayer or shoot him dead and bei-self too.

Qutnn rdHtlTed hsr, and in ber frenzy shedrew the revolver and flred. She theu, afterbeing disarmed, afrollowed a bottle of laud-anum with suicidal Intent. Bbe subsequentlygave bsreselt up, and while a prisoner, wascalled upon hj Qulnn, who still seotnod tobare muoii ah'tctlOQ tot tibf atid emid he wouldnot prosecute ber.

Tbe jury retired at four o'clock, and at half-past live brought In a verdict of not guilty,wlilch nas loudly applauded by the spectator*.Many people congratulated UtisAkenonhecrelease from prison and restoration to freedom.

The Country aircua.C. B." Jefferson, Klaw & Erlanger's "Coun-

try Circus1' pitched Its tent on tbe stage of theBroadway Theatr*. Monday, Nov. Slst. fora limited (ngagemtmt. The presentation ofthis mammoth indoor entertainment on tbladate marks It ncotid aeason In New York, andtu It Ii generally conceded to be a show inigeaerli aad ot the first magnitude, an exten-sive patronage tuny predicted. "The CountryCircus" burst upon tha tnetropoila Jmtayearego, and Its varied and harmonious pro-gramme of o'tnedy, spectacle and arenic pro-gramme conaldflrately set a fad. This yearvan features Lave been added and there Is

ilied one of tba moat gorgaoui re prod no-tion* of a circus parade ever done on tbe

_ i. &0C people and 7a I)erect and .ponieswill bo employed lu this scene, and In thecircus proper the oroaWat performers oftha foreign and domestlo circuses will beseen in marvellous exploitations, Messrs. C.B. Jefferson, Klaw &'Erlanger have apent110,000 on thin venture and tbe natural In-ference is that" Tha Country Circus " will beBI big as Its fame has forahsdowed. Aspecial matinee will beglrebonTbuiktgivlng

V A U i B Y .If those boys are caught that go aroumitvnriDglug people's door bells aud tben hi

ftwsy tiit'jr vrillbave Uie giletuure of a tripMorrfstowD. DOJB, .Ware, you IT! 11 not gea aeoond warotug.

U>u Ktlna. Bnvm»>.x, ot CIIMUT,Bpending a few daya ID totrii-

Mr. J. W. Welsh and wife aud Mr. U. T,Welili and wt(a event Friday end Ke.tu.diof last week in New York.

Ur. and'Ura. Tickle spent Sunday at l'<tenjville.

Quito a number of friend* surprised MiCtmrlta Hall on Saturday last.

Several members of Lhe I. O. O. V. Ludgiare attending tbe Onui Ixxlge at Trenton.

Mr* Jofau U. Tcxld eutertolued fritmdium HackttUtown aver Similar-Kev. J. P. KrtchUun. of NowUertnaotown,

will uobange pulpit w[Ui Kev. W. H. Delftbe coming ISabbalh Mr. Krecbting nil;preach both rat-rulog and evening.

Miss Urace Houghright anticipatex iIng severaj weeks with Irieuds la Newm

lli». &. p . Bauer aud ditujtbUr aiptcted borne this week, after an otoei

iraral niODtba in New York 8Ut«.Un E. C. Wise, of SomervUle, »i»nt T.ies-

day and WeMloMiJay In tbla village. IfWise's friends are always glad to \ve\cm'ir among them.

Tbo manj friends throughout tbis section<f tba country, of Mra. Ouo. fi. Uoivar.l, of

Kanmi, win be polcod to bear of ber demise,Wn. Howard died »t her iiome in ArkanMsCity, Kausu, oa Tuinday tbe 15th Jnnt. 8iiedas been a gr»nt sufferer for tlie past fourfears, and death must bave been a groat rt»ilef Ura. Howard formerly lived nearCheater anil had hoata of frlenda In tbla conn.'•ry ; the poaseaaed one of tho*© awset amlabloiliapoaltlons which made many friends, end•tUcougb a great tufferer she was alwavspaUentftndneverbeardtoccuiplalu. Borrow-ing heart* from this village go out to thernnitlv so far distant wbo are bowed downwith grief.

STANHOPE.Tuo election being over the papers are filling

wltb more family rending matter tban politi-cal,

i'be Clai-lt lire*, are holding f ortli in ClarkVHall at present giving entertainment* andintroducing their noted "vegetable coin-pound," which cure* marly all tbo principaliiseasea Incident to huuuuitr.

The great Democratic Jollification will tales>Iace on Saturday night at this week. Hall~ ea, blood and Uunderl what a time the<r

have over in Netcoog under that banner-rnsmented with broonu. Ttiey don't enUiutein the North side of the •' Husky " river worthvappor. '•J.U.K.,noftb«HtanbopoUouse

wanu to know more about the matter beforehe comet down a cent. Tha Republ loans aswell aa Democrats are solicited to aid In rail-ing Rnanoes for this great outburst of entbutl-uu.." Uncle11 Ueorgo Kiper, tbe octogenarian,ind cooper by trade, can hoop them If any a nn danger of etpioding BS tbe Democrats will

nil l«i nrnled in tour years to come to makedecent abow.

Tlie lodloa of the SI, E, CLurch aro holdingan cjaur supper WtuJtwadaj anil Thursdayevening, of this week.

The Ilepubllcans up tliia way take matteru'err easy sines eloctlou. They tbeJeiaocraoy are In tthapo for a big fuperaf four'ears beoce.

Dennis Farrel bos beea itandlng ou tti«street corner since election looking for good

•nes. I/wk as be rosy he will not see thempresout. . Auicns,

Four Humbert were neelvBd into the Prea-trlan Cburob, by letter, at the last obierv

of tbe Lord's Supper, Nov. 6th,Mrs. CUUHQU aud eou, Wlltle, of Oifoid,wot a part of lu t week with Mr. Cloraou, atis place, who IB employed In the factory of

;he Fisher Uarneoa Co., whlah is dalnicathriv-g builnem with a late additional force oforkmen,Mr. Byram Uulr it occupying bis nawly

erected dtvelling and shoe shop and ia readyfor patronage.

The Loan Exhibition and Ladies' Buor,innounced to the held In the chapel and net*llulng room of, the Presbyterian Cliurctt onlie afternoons and evonlnga of No?. ftOth anil3eo, Ut, promtaes to be a delightful aiTalr.The elderly ladles and tha Girls1 Mission Band,re tiuring no pains to make It a success and

useful arUoltt may be found at raaanablaprices, suitable for Cbnitmu slfts, by thosewishing to make them- Competent commit-teijB h&ve baett appointed to collect articles,antique, modern and unique.

Mrs. J. W. Larlson mads a short visit withilatlvee at MorrlatQwn last week.Dra. Clark, whobavebeongivingeiit«rtain-

lenta in the ha)l for a few weeks have cou-luded them, leaving thfi place for Blanhope.The new lima table on tlie 0 . R. II of X. J.

not a little comment.

A Harrow Escape.Mr. £dtrnnl Hott, of Boclcaway, runs

hick from tmUitbe C. R. ft, txA D., L. « \\.depoUat lhat place, l a j t Friday he droveop to tbe Central depot wltb an old lady. Anengine and train stood at the station and therew u Just ipaoo cnoufib botween them to allowhim to drive through. Tho engineer did notBOB bin atd ej Mott started to drive over the'ageing ha backed his train. Mott whippedh!i tioreo up nnd iticceeded la Rotting farocougb to save himself and his passenger, hattho bind Tfhftelsof too wagon warecaughttindmavbed between tlio engine and car. Mr.Mott wont be in a hurry to try tbat bind ofthing again. _

Dr. HalVa Household, OintmentIs the Qnest remedy In too world. It nbao-lutegly cures catarrh, I t cures nottralgta andrhetunntinti.. Cum pile* like magic. Curessalt rfaenm In tbo moot eootlilng manner.

couKbsand colds. Can bo vtkoa Internally.A podUvo apcdilo for pneumonia. Cuts,bruise*, bumsj ctiilbltuns, tone oC long Btand-log, corns and bunlona aro oured quickly ;dllterent from all also; anperior to all else; it


R& nnd Un. John Cooli g»ve ttn Informnl

reception to tbtlr taa, J. Cbarlee Cook andbride Tuesday the Wtk.

Cards are Dut announcing tba wedding of 8.Budd Park, ot town, to Utsa Qnce C, Gard-ner, of Haplswood, at tha latterplaoeon Tues-lay, Nor. 23.1, and of Mr. John Ball and MissIlara Hugtiea, both of town, on the »m«

Tfae PoiUme Eucbre Club held Its wml-noutbly meeting at the home of Mr. A,

Dollkcfer hut Monday eveninK. Frlffiei wortsecured by Ura. A. Cutler and Ur. C. B, MeCrackBn.

Ulss Ida Bootb, of Newark, Is visiting Ura., I!. MeOracken.The flag (tadlu front fit Wm. Shields' drugore bbwed down during Tuoiday nlgbt'H

Ths "Blarn" are giving performsnosi intuli- wonddTfu. slight ot.bnutl tricks toroirdtt. bouses every eveulug at Vernonloll.Theu»mben<tt th« Mlntanaty PnrmhoU

meeting iu Vernon Hall every Kunday after*noon at 4 o'clock. ORISHROII

MT.,Mr and Mre. A. H. Blame, Ur. atul Ura.

Iftrintr, Ura. S. B. Hart and chlVlrarj andIr. J. Gardoer, all of Elizabeth, were guestsr Mrs. J. U. VanNortnick laat Sunday.Mrs, Jacob Baker and chtldrtn spent Itmt

Suailay at Stewsxtavllle.Tbo regular monthlv meeting of the Com-ion Council will be beld In the Town Hull on

Friday evening,Mr. S. Kllpatrlck and family and Mr.

tuguat Pettier and family retornc.l to theirIty homes thla week.Our would be Assemblyman Is wearing a

warning amtlo onca more. Cause—a youngRepublican at his home. Congn.tulal'fn>3harley,

TAfit Thundar evenldj. a tumber of friendsEMinblid at tua reUdeuue ot Mr. and Mrs.rant Strait to celebrate tbe Of th anniversary

it their wedling. InviUUons bad previouslywen sent out for Wednesday ovoning, but It(tos atich a disagreeable night it was post-

ODMI until tbe following evening. DanclDgrns iodalgei ia until «lm«t on* o'clock, whenia gueula were invited to a bountiful repast.mclog wi i again resutned until the wee

na1 hoars, when the gawU deported after[MDdldg a very pleasant evening and wishingIr. aud Mrs. Urant Btralt many happy an-Iveraarles.Mrs. J. H. Lo«e aad daughter, Misn Birdie,

[rs. J. M. VanNortiTlck and Mrs. A. H.Jume visited tbe hone show In New York on

irsdoy.Severn! of our clOeens anticipate viewing

is county parade In Morriitown on Fridayrontng, ROSTICATK,

A Onrlous Terdlct.The FlaluQeld ConsUtutbn»llit toils of a

mrJoiu verdict rendered by a jury tn that city«k, In tbe case of Frederick A. Miller,

druggist, charged with the Illegal tale of*. Tha stuff had not bMn analysed and

ud ttona dt the Jurors wen niRlcleatly.miller with thB toata nnd. smell of whUkey to

e what the substance w n . Thereforedrew up tho following -vnrdlct, which

rill go on record as a curlotltj' of legal lore:1 We, jurors In the cow of tha city of Plain-9eld agalntt Fred8riot A, Miller, for theillegal sale of liquor, hereby find tbat if i

alyeis contents of accompanying bottlelea a medical compound tie defendant In notillty • otherwise, guilty as charged."Judge Codlngton, before whom tbe COM wai

tried, very properly refused to accept auch aTerdlot, and on the question of positive guilthe jurr ref uaed to agree.The cuiioua part oC tbe verdict li that

itvtlve men wbo ccalda't tell whiskey from.fowled get togetbei on a jury.




PIERSON & CO'SThe Dovor Ono-price Clolliicra and Gonts' Outfltiorn.


SUITS AND OVERCOATS,ia ondless vai-ietr, are now ou our conntora. First poroliasea ore al-ways tho bug.. Our pricus now an lower than other Htorea late in the



THE BOFF BRICK B 1 D I I ,Oor. Blaokwell and Morris Sts.» Dover, N. J.




Vests andlegging.


NEW BAKER SHOT OUNP R I C E . . . $ 2 5 . 0 0

unrantood lo Bhoot eqaol to ony Uigk-t>riced gua ia tlia matk«t.


The Largest Hardware Store inNorthern New Jersey. ,

A 1 0 TOT Oent Seductionall Flannel Underwear and Woolen Vt»n

ooit, Chil[)ron's\\roolanJacketRRt^cit thtt Dorer Deo Hire fltoro.

Read the AdvertisementMonroe Improvement Compnny, Tho

umpony is Tellable and malts this tinilTcr expecting that the part of their propertyvfaich they will retain lor ihemMHce will In-

to value sufficiently by thui getting aTaw others Intorestol In It, an that tboy willmoro than be relmlurged for thus nearly glv-

UR a small part of tho land away.

Wagons and Oarta for Stlo.A tow .wcooU-iiand wagoua aad carts, cheep,*• K w l l l ) r N J

cheapest. Bold at Robert Kitlgore's ComerDrug Stare, Dover, H, J.

EiwUIor Prepared tlnolcwhcat Flour for pan.o*k«, ready la a wink-most dslldous andtHihhy. a B b & C

NEVER THINKat buying a garment ot an; Bolt until Jon t»\8 wen vlwt

DICKER SONU O " V J B 3 H f 3W. eT.


at $3.00 a Heavy DiagonalReefer, well made, goodstyle. 38 inches long.At $3.50 Fine Cheviot

Reefer, notoa oollar. lapseams, &o.\ 32 inches long.At $4.00 Diagonal Reefer

full shawl, coney fur oollar,loop ornaments, 32 in. long.At $6.00 Diagonal Reefer

full shawl, coney fur oollar,head ornaments 34 in. long.And garments at all prices

up to $30.Over 500 garments to se-

lect from.We will save you money

on Cloaks.




FALL TRADE' '. - A T -



Page 6: DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JER8EY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER …'s-Good. TEEMS. 76o. down and 75c. weekly on 110.00 worth,

Report of the County Collector

for the Quarter Ending Nov.

8th, 1892.


10. Nat. iron Ilink. note dLtft.11. Wm.a.Hepnerhelmai-.aeiiip*

(roller. taxei on rsllrudi, 8,0 i? 7835. Frank L. Bha'er, TrfiM. l i t .

Arihi.lon Boroagb, t i t u1891, 4MM

Boot. U . A. P. twilmiar, Te . Poor~ 83 00

A F Pwilmlw.ftld.nit.l.old 6!Louis Smelter, " •• " SITlio*. Starknj, " " ". 51P.M BUplieos,'• " •' 401

14. Rat Iron Bank, note dUe't, 10,000111. HOTUM I,. Cook, Ool. Jeflet-

aon twp, a a n l o i tebool .mouor MS 85

Oot. 19. K.t I>-oo Bank, aole dlao't, 9,00. 00W.J IIMU-U, o«!, l»i

18. IitvkQVuti ai .Ool Mont-illstowoabip, ampin* schooluoas;, ami

181,903 39,

EIPBNDITDEES,1BW. OUUirrrAnf, 1C- Wm, GaJiglier,

Qhnttaphn Maj

F«Ur Dock,John F. Poit,O. S Bird.Wm E . TfoilEg,E. O. Unto,

f 400


8814BD1lOtt J 0saea10 IB

Iira-l D Inm,a H. BtM,Jioub HSUD,Benrj Johnaon A Sun,Wm F. March,Artel Oirnbranl,Simon Miller,F A V. Miller,I b t o JUnfleib,

A. T Hofrin,Ijtffit V»u liayne,W.H. EUli,A i m Boli«tMD,Jobs Multige.,J>ewip T i n Dnyno,Albert Sunn,John Outeer , .""•' n Home,

13 SICH5

10 00Sfl3 21M.7 0B

CO 47C7B87 63

A-J Toe]David •


LewiiTBoDnjne,c our C. fjendenon,8 M Mmtu>x A Koa,John OapiUOk A B n ,H-nry P Be.eb,Jf. P. UiroB,A. U. Buck,JJ. J-Wteul* Iron Co,

??. a.wwt,L J T b dfk»*btiiF.l««,HuceTA Hflnj min,ho torn Uojli.oo,Andrew llcue er,WnouitV .Dairy,

i taB. Hva ha t ,J D U B

E M . a n i M ,811M W. U»O(»,Vm. Force,E. F, CuDnett.Jimee ttiUj,John O Cooper,DftTld Ltib,OtoraeB 0*3011,A. J Toerr,S.mael R. Walter-.,,T»OQt.M. ),r,Joitpb Hillmrt,John Bwi n




3817HCflOO8(10041 9739 40B75

SjliQBOo rgllobertEil


liQBBt BtOUM,o rge B Ouldifl,

llobert O PaUrey.Eilf- M. Pmtrej,F. AN.MilUr,A. T. Bourn,Tbiw. tloglelb,Warren SUchlno Oo.L. T. W..II»nW,Jnnei n. tenmt,

Oct. 13. Willis. BTorrliap,Caaiiea Young,

J p h HHWrt.Epbrenu lllgli,J . * H UoofDg,J i EajtB.Mnktr,Jacob BUller,Qeorge WeatborwaJk,rater Oook,Jobs V. fort,BfDj«min ffoodtoll,FttriokHanltftti,Bjlveiier Utur,fy&Btj N i o c l i *

160 00tSM3D 00lilfl13 It41)003«


63 BOM0 00

37737J0046 60

308 004aM4BO0ISM

BOO05 00

Bi&18 60ID DO13 4034 OO2 3 1 1G3ti)M HWM6110DO0

3S00aioo30 0047 00IB 00546110 76

BOO25 001(70100


45 0078 008960AW

' S S

Z. Ta d-rbalt,••a* O . H n l m .S miBlB. Walteri,Job* J. OonUin, P lf-«!«r,Welle Lawrence,LbWIk V.'BDlUDt,John ^MiVudis ,Tuto. Klnftlrib.La* la TanDnynt,

Then. Blnalelb,

19,07017HO» HOT)**.

Aug. 10. Fienon & l * t r r « i » , 1 0 038a- tftl t inman. 1800ttia.B. Or»en, aLD. OS 00OIIM B. Miller, Oil WMary A. Miller, 1300at.A.Kmb.e, 38 00Gram*. P*«, 0500JuhQj. Kopp, 75 36John JUu-k, biS6BerbtrtB Miller, Si 00Uuierfio*. 100, MDOAIDUI U. WoiTBrtoa, 20 00P man * Oo. 73 «J "73 «J

13 itliOOSI 108610819


Si-mam 1 nor.A. A , K.tnble.L.B.Ford. DOW>o a. norm A oo. as isBurton & Looter, tn W

i Baou & XonDgB, IV 60'Hsorj GUIIIUB, W60Aiaoi a WoiTtirtoB, IB 00Johp w*it«n,M. p. aioaH . V W N O M and&Oo, MSBW a.Uood.le, 1.0J

nonhsm, Bncklej * Oo. 76 41Oofcia. QilB0£,Btler, 66 60

Mir? A. Htlier, la (J0Milter BMW, 10140aoboJ.Sopp, 1W40John Ut i l , 47 »JcihniuDflrowDftOo. 30 8SLtwu TanDmne, 33 86Herbert B,iiaior, HTMHtontwlpae., , 3JWJobo Barrett, 33 80ffu, B. MoPeak. 1 « 00

. Amo-U. Wolwrlon, 18 00

P . S . H B D D , H . D .

J.O. Kam.mkt.James Gardner.

• ffl,07B 18, ' OOBBT KQClK J.XDl&n»

•Aug 10. J . M . D o w d e n , f 8 00Oso«rLtndile»,8berifi 18125

i. « •• fnaaf;D . F . MeOUH.D, 13 «MorrulowpQuL-shlCo. 9 S3Uorrutown £. L. H.A P.

Cotnp*Qj, HO IS'Jlomi Aqnednat Oo. SB 60

Bspt.14. UHarLindiler.eiieriff41100* J . i J . SUo.Qtld, 10 00J.i



<7S_ flOW

Ch. i .T .BWihd. 97 60VorrlitownOuUghtOo.i l 19

88:WillisH. Dn.ton. IBM

Oot.19. Horn torn Ooal Oo. 7M OSUtcir Zdiid'le}, Bhetlff sW 80

Horna aqnednot Oo. W 00MorrUioitu GarflJsb.Oo. 38 04W. IVCoshun, 17*4

all. V. Fro... 47 W•TohnD-enuU), 99 l iW.J.BMtll, U W

Wm.OUr.71 »7 taJjt»l i Kateber, Jr. BO b4O.o HoOraoken, Col. UOOO

tkncii kUruaOwk, rmoA.F.lraaliriiBr. 470aW.J.BeaaD, 43 94

~ I ftepbenf, axts

Prank V, Btepheoi, 3 8 «

Iflol i Eniober, Jr. SI UJohn D. Smith, 73 l i



»809510037S 00

S 00sneo

OOCBT EZPiAug. 10 J. W. 3*bbitt,

Iloory Rjeraon,OiearliDoiW.B.O>car LindiHy,FrmnofiOhl'dt,

Sept. 11. WilUrd W. Ostler,BrdoThompr

AUK-10. tohna Browii,

Uepl. I t

Joehaa i re wo,A I* Adam*.Win Bnrd St.,n«rdoc & O.I t, Uamm*. ft Tlijsr,

«59O0UOO95 00as ooat w310037Mas m44 M

DitoonrrAag. 10. Mabonal Iron Bank, 1180 00Stpi 14. •• " " « S S0 S . l t . '

iBWlnjpalates 0«atoooBUBnI»(n«ll »lmpUoltr af construction I No noaooauibuJolnU I No long fiooa or he.Ung aorfaoe difflDDII te keep oleaol K«*y to mwiai* 1 W<ooaJ to Ufl to the top of • luge maguiarPefeotaaletj

A f f 1 . MILS0A9 AXO 0UULT*XI'.Satan L. KmoniB, Boontoo S 99 87Hdward Littlriabn, ObaUiam IBS 73P. M. (JfaamtMriali, Oheflt«r 81 01a fi. Dirri.on, Uwom 310 W

onn* L. Oook, Jeflfeaon 819 87IiaaaVaKnm, bontTille UB1SUpben BTMM, Morrla 111 ft*Vfm B. MoPaak, kU. UU*a 13169IT. H. Smltn.PMHia 4SSSJeia» Ward, Pennaanoo 71 UD.L. DMDUQ &adolph B0B8BJobnS a.b»D,Tr«tnrerOity

ai Eh'Vti, 193 41Abram Eaufaan, Eoek»w»y S.I30Jofan T. L.wrance, R-ibary 10(13 70Jtmea Aaihoay, Wait ing (oa 89 IB

biDg, Bn Work a b a f a o t r r cxeonto

all timei B W T S I and But Air Fudeurlptfon; Hardware, Oallorr, Tln-wGlotbi, OupctB, etc . Irtbtsb t a d tOoaJ.Limpi, P»lut. , Oils, Alroauk'aHQTi'B BobUer BaokBl Obaln P n m s i

t?«Bt.l4. Oeo.D.U«k«r,Tr.

19,(117 7S


A M . 10 Oatb«rin» fo ib t i , 135

Thoi. F . Johnton, IS

Sqtt. 14. Tho* Y. Ward,Iho i . S Jobsaou,

Oet.l! . A. W, Ninshrlfth.,Thoa. 8 - MoQnth,

18__ 1)01EO0IS 00IB 00UOO8£00as oo

Cor. Sussex and Blackwell Sts,itlll atalnUini hla repnUHon for keeping (til

and oompl«t6 • tooki of


BEOAFITtriATIOH.Bnelpti louluJlnn balinc 191,303 SO

i.irixDmjE.11.Ooanty BridRM, <>JTIQ J7Poor Qonw, 2 07*4 HOonrt liotua md Jail,« 74Froeaolden and Offi"era, 1.6D0 35Oor..nen and Pott Uortomi, 165 90

, Oodrt aUpoaaa, 1.558 481 Advertlilng and FHntlog, .B? B0etatlonerrT 23160

iXfitamtudClieonQt, <BDRQOhlldren't Hone, 1,101 S3Bop't Oountj Khoola, 40010luTlros4 t a i Canal T » » s , S.G.7 ?8

Plllsbury's Best Brand

of Flour,FEED, GRJUir. BUTXEM.

O H E U S . EGGS. *te.

Htrtngers vlflftlug Dover are Invited to calland examine my good i. Popular prices placethem within tho reach of those whoso mAre limited, and my flue assortment cfl1fall to pleue and saUafy the most criticalbuyer*. JOHN AUNDT.

Are you suffering from w£*fcn«wf Isyoiiroooiplexlon aallow I Do yon have a constant

1 back«ob« I Are you ooaaHptUd t Do youIHI ail tired out 1 It iron b i « any oi thenfcelloge, bagla «t once to nae.Dr. Bait's Hoiue-holdTtt. It^lU g l « j o u ftd«*r complet-icn, will rwtora jou to health u d strengthand mill makayou feal Uk» a TICW penon. GetI Mlay at Rotwrt EUl«ore'a Comer DrugStore, Donr, N, J.



Blankets,In «U iim ud JuMia.




Heath & Drake,777 '& 779 Broad.._St.,


OWN PROPERTY.ZraatoaWlitian, tb* mlllloamire land owner,

aaya, " B U T LAND I B U Y SOW." Srvrj-bodj Btaoold own BOOM property- and here to •obanoa for yon to become the owner of somevaloabU n a l a, verr tow flam*.Whoever can a&trwar ttw toUSwinx lUddla

lot of (roond oonwnlnc oneIn the BUte of

0-N P-O-E-T-.{Tbe dub*! repnasnt omitted Ictten. If,

yoa can rapplr tbent and apdl the two word* IoorrecUy 50a « t to* deed to a quarter acrelot for next to XiDTEQNa}

With j o u i a i m w w D d S S c . (nortunn*) anaU j o u r ajuwer u o c m c t yon eat a quarter of" acre ol land loamtad wiifchlnliaU • mlta o t »„•&•« railroad and not more than a mile fromtwo or Urn* t o w u . Only o n deed for Oittquarter K n lot will be aeot to RUT one name,aatfefl object of thli liberal fiffarfitohaTaaamany Intanated In, tisa property aa "*and riTe ALL an anaaTdSuux. Ttat a few lota to bagirenawajronUieM term*__ isoBMjoa m o t writs n t n n i .

forgn to mxdrm tbe S o . whichadmit* yon totha gtMesini cobtoet. If yontboold anawar eomctry and the deeda to thelota be all ( Ina . oat bet o n wo get your latterw«. will reinni your 28c Poll |«rtlcnIarB of•--'•• aest with deed to tboa. awrerlng ocr-

j . Ttostap*, rUafrsiDj and plat of theytcyert/ oaa b» M M at tbe offlcra uf tbe compaayiIn PellUpabarg or Kew York.

I K.B.—ToUM0nc|)e»oatroiDBUOl.ooaotr•aawtfftBc oomotly and amdlug aic, tho

I money wlb be raturoed and deed Bout free.


W K . O. HOKTOD, Agent,




Duplex AutomaticSteam Heaters,

Duplex tit**u and Hot Watn- Be»l*r». Tboj»ra made oi trropght boiler Iron, bare «oppar AHHJ and olafm •npenorltj in tpa ioii l l t 0 t o B U B n I » ( n « l l »lm

L i m p i , P»lut. , Oils,'B BobUer BaokBl Obaln

t Air Furnaooi of ererjOallorr, Tln-w»re, O)

I b t b t a d ttoraataiSealer

- A S D -




I take pleasure to anuounce anothar weskol special bargains. Iaball offer iuehBDaQ-

, twcnblo arguments as no hou» can matchBpedaltleg Leadera to check the Insane andcriminal practice of iFtutoing money for thepaltry oonnlderatloa of a little credit. Visitour store and net a forlatte ot our prlceiwblob will t«ach you in tb* illent logto oftruti the difference between tha caah andcredit ijBttni—between tbe right Bad wrong;.HefpHtf ully nibmlUed to tbe cash trade only.

H. E. GreengrasB,




Trimmed Hitt ind Bonnett

'TriBunlnan, F a o o j Feather- aa• low M «6o, UUT OenU' tlttU

are obeeper than elaonhcro,


L. 8OHREUER,W A K H E N ft.,

(OmdoortroiaBtftokwell,) DOVER, S.J.

1 1 A R 6 RESPONSIBLE.Dover Boiler Works


Bteam BoUen, Bmoks Bteokf, Oil Tanka,Chemloal Ptae, Ore Buck«te and aU

kinds ofBbeet Iron Work.


Old b taken il d d

Old bUen taken in exchange! Cool andWood, Barreled and Xioose Ltme, Hnlr. Fi l -ter, Cenwnt, Krone and Cotnmon Brick,Dagglng, Btepe, Carblug, fillb, Slate Man-tels, ete.


L. H. IVES & Co.Fancy Goods,




!• Ibaaettra awdldaal ageat ofCaibaUc AcU u l t i e bed dlauwIccuai kaowa to acfence.

A I M it a tpctifit lot wtitgn»n ,caaca e( V h e o p l a g Coactii VIAa. remedr tat Ankmi, CaUrA,

_ _ Cold*. DlphiherU, Crmip, S m k tTtvm, ttay fWrcr, Sore Throat, «*d Ul Dlataaca

f U A l ^

Winter Underwear.STATIONERY,



W M . B . W O O D ' S

NEW MARKET,a Canal R t , n<*r the Snasar (treet lock, f«

cumpUtoly atocked with

THE BEST MEATSot OTery Wad and • complete a j sar tmmt of

Fish. Fruits and Vegetab'es,CantMd Oflodi, Bntter , Egg*. UUk, eta.BTerythlng frceb and pood, pnoea tfae lowtrt,a a d order* prompiiy d<4l*end to any part of

Hotel for Sale or, Bent.'Tbe tubecritrtr wlaWog t o retire trom toe

b o w l boalpBM, will ol lor bt* property at prl-TBWaaleUDUl<laauaty l i t , IBM, w&rnlf uot•ukl U will be lor r e n t - < ~~

O. W. B U N D L E ,U o U m H u u *





from ui and you will get a first-daw Inntru-nent o t a low price ou very ecsy iwyment*,nd wo are alwaje hero would you want toearn. TbomowyjoUBpendwiluufUBgolnIrculated in our towu ood lMue3t« you arail. We. siutrantea to sell you ft



Mathushek Piano,it acknowledged by the

e of theBESrmade Pianofor 1834. W e alto acll otbar makea of

lapoB from «1W up. > W « d o o t aak.TiBy nntll you try our fnstraiaanto.Only SO eta. per week for a new organ, or

$8 per month for 11 new piano.W e have the largeot •too* of aeoondhand

plmnoe and or |an» thl* aide of flow York,which we ara aelJlni * « r / l o w .

P l a n n and o r g u u ttmed and repairedCome and BM oa.

Weight Organ *nl Piano K'fff Co.,Factory andTVaretwoi. DOV£R,H.J.





IRON MERCHANT,Bnlldara1, OarHage Makers', BlaekimltbR1,

Oontracton', Hlalng And Ja*n«feotHMrr Hop-pllei , Palota, Oili, oM.

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTSBeeda and Ferttlts&n, Satat and 8e*tfli, Bloy-

elea, Trfojciee.nihing Taek'e and Bporu-men'a CkodBt Souakeeplng flocdJ.

AU> a w or



Affont of Morni and adjoinlOR conntle* oflbs OJIrer Ghfllod Flow, alw Actoo Harroir,'E i l a Wheel QalU?alore, ff*ltqr A. Wood

owert, Beaperi and Binderf, Hone Biket,American and SnlUrd'a Hay Todden, Iieverand Troid l ione Powor, and ill flnt-olm hnn— "• iry. AuitloBoadUuhloeaaDdBttrlc-

— Fallen.





rorolgn Qraidte andllarbio Cemetery Work,

Statuary, Monuments,' Sarcophagi,

Hwdstonoa, Lot Znolosorsfi, 4c,A L L WORK AVD HATZIUAI, or T S I B I B T .

P H I C E 8 L 0 W . • / - "

^ * Conault xa before pnrohaitag. It will?ayyou- •• ; • • " * . '

TVOBKB-COIL MOBJUB BT. AHD PjLBSf-lT MoaaiBTOwa, if, J . < • .

>• Least said,.Soonest mended.

Knapp's Root Beer.' Story's ended*; .;

Tbi Vaparltlog Appanuu UttaxpUint perfect,BAA k tfae wtfwt BtMbod (or daMrorinf bfrctloe.

V. a SCMEfmiH * CO., Ntw Ytrh. M« Jf totb

IP 700 WANTi w ) Fomltmr, * M kiod., S t a n ,jtliliic d M ; nr 1( Jcnt "out a ga«4

» lor a m p lion ol til Hud*;co «oJ»O. «. . o O l n l U B

OB 1 U U HI., DMtr Uift lUsA. DflTN,

Central RailroadOF NEW JBRSET.

TOtK TABLS U i m n HOV. ISTDj 1862.


Tor New Xorlt, Nowarlf.betli,at6:45, A. M.; 3:38,6:68 p. X.SUNDAYS, 5:52 v. u.

Por Philadelphia at 6:45. A. K8:38, p. K.

For Long Branch, Ocean Grovo,_sbaiy Park and points on NewYork and Long Branch Boilroad

; (J;45, A. M; 8:38 P. H.For all Htatloua to Hiffh Brit

at 6:45, A. ML"; S:88, 5i68 P. X-STODATS, 6:52 P. u.

For Late Hopatoong at8:56, A. M.; 8:BB, P. H.

For all statioas to Edison, 6:46,8:68 A.M.; 8:36 P. x .

Far Rockaway at 9:20, A- 1L12:10. 2;filt 6^2, 736 V. H. Bu»-DAYH. 4:16 P. it

For HiberaiAar 9:20 A. K.; 12:10,,2:51 p. M. SDHDATB, 4:16 r. H.

For EastontAJltiatowa and MnachChunk at 6:45 A K. ; 3:38, 6:68.P. JC SVNDATB, 0:D2 P. M.

Iaave New York at 6.O0.11i t ; 4:80 p. K. SOMJAYH. 1*J p. n-

Leave Bookaway at 6^7, 8:15A. H.; 8:16, 3:30, 6:50, P. K.

SOHDAYB, 5:44 p. M.

l e a v e Pnrt Oram at 9:16,1120,A. *.; 2:46, 617, 7:20 P. *.

SmiDAiB, 4:117 u.Laave Lake Eopateong at 10:50,

A. K.J 6:41, p. x.Leave High Bridge at 8:16. A. M.;

1:40, 6:17 ?. x. BOSDATS, 800 p. K.

J. H. OLB&UBEH,BwiL Huut. >

H.P.BALDWDT,o« i i . rw. A l t



Depot In New York, foot of Barclay 8L ai





KABT fiOUND. A. It. WIST BOUND.Buffalo express* 6i88Oiwego ezpreee* 6ilODover wtproa., O.WHacbettat'n exp. * ~~exp. 7d8

.pf,« 8.-06DiilttUo exprtM*Baetoo vxiinaa, . 8:44Bcrwitoa exp ,* : UtL?Doveraocom. . ' lltSO

P.M.DOTBT aocom. 18:4(1Elniira exproea* 1:80E u u n mall, Z-M'Oswego express* 4sWHacketUtiTspl.* 6:M!Dover ncoom. 0:00,Buffalo exprea* 0;48DoTeraccom., 0ib3Milkexpmu* *••&&<

, Eastoii acoatu.W 7 ,

In, Boontoa Bnmoh.

BultalooxprBHr* 10:18Pover exprees, 10*8

Eoaton expreat, SBiitairaexpreaB* SDover aocDin, 4:18E&stonBxpnBa, Cri»BcraDton t»p.* - HOD

lexp." "

Uover aooam. 1U:LO

DOVER AND MORRISTOWN.Leave. Arrive.D ' U i tLeavDoveOCO


717Dover. UoRiitono,O:COA. H. 7.17 * . ¥ .1%1 " 8-na » •8:44 •• 9:12 ••

11:20 " 11-48 "19:4fil>.if. lilSr-.K.9:44 '• 8:19 "0:00- " . 0:80 »6US •< 7:88 '•• • • « ' • • • " "

L e u « . ArrlnUnrrlitoirD. DoTer,603 6 8 4 1

Unrrlitoir6:03 A. V.

'8*2 "10:98U:oJ


DoTer,6:841. V.

' 9:38 "10:S8 *IMl.3Q0

KM "


, 10:10,

JI 8 0 '

! :» • , 9.-00*. 9:I A> M.; 13.-M M,. 1:00*. 'Ji" '8:%««O, i i o* . 8:00*.:iD, aan , ?:aa*. B:QO*, a»ji

* v u r fioonton Branca.


1:17* Cbeiter 7i38 UK)6 4-10.DM 9:67- SiOB ' HorWe . 7189 tftM 4iIR10:13 3 :U -8:iU Irocia 7iS7 U t l « 4t '610:03 3;17 5:59 HaMUttiiaa 7:12 IS: 18 »:S4ih&3 3:43 BA6 HeCaiBi»lU* 7;4B » : » 4:109:40 9 J 5 Bi*7 Port Oram T*3 1*30 5:00« J S 9tS0 6;42 Dover . fcQQ U : U 6:0«

Thu HaokettatowD BtprCM'aton I t Po3rm" lot&s b a t a . TiWl . « . l nrfn* Wa»t




Corner of BlackweU and Froepect Bta,, {or•Is. Thti la a v e r j good location and will

be K i d a t a»o 1U\TO » (311 i LL FATLM for M K

It eonfi{ita of about IS a m * of land, goodbuilding* and all In good order. Fr ies »l,50C,


ft. T. BMITH.

SMITH & FASND1O,Masons and Builders,

Cotitncbi f or aU Mod, ofall material! forallliaL•~In every branch ol uaa


': WBXT TO:D., t j * V.'RI.B.-:

•J. ;JCrVRPENTER-n-'BUILDERibaa rancmd hla o O n a m abcpio bl* ' H Ibuilding on Bladiwim itrect n « l lo UM SM.trio Light Btatlott. B» ntatfl<Huoki fortha Ubenl vttranaga of tL»jmt aad *rtUb%

H0U8E FOBEENT.April UT, i m . M w h o t w o o n E i l l o t t atreet,

15 ruunu wiui ataam b*«t, d t j water, batb,room aad all nudem UnprurebMnta. Far]twma apply »:=;.•• •

, dofoudF t A . for aala of mcrdtngod pram-

Bst&riiable to February Tami, A. u .H KMOBBOtra,

flrtaaor tba atxrre nawd writ of fieriexpow for aajo aft Houae la Morrn

laioSDAv', the 28th day of NOVEMBERnext, A . D. IBM, betwem the boura of II JLand 6 o'clock P. M., that l i to far at 9 o'clock

Drawn ol aald (Uj , all tbat tractot land and premises henioa/ter

U l i—-Jr doforibed, aftuate. lying and be-ln tbe Townafaip of RandolpJi, la tfae

* Harris u d Bute of Netr Jerser.„ _ . mt a hagp ol i tonwlt being tfie

_ „ „ oomer of a lot which Oavld Trowlirldge.pncotaawlof Aaron Meekw aad Jowu«« hi*1 tnfe, and fc Chiiitopber Youngi1 l ine; tbuioe

' ig (1) north lUty-flve tltgrvea wett threeand inlrtj-nva links; UIBDOB (2) north

- ' - dtgnea eaut cue chain aud flftylicks va a tlout bwp; tbeuou 0] sou^b aixflvedfgwt eait three and iblity-fciur DukiU> the •econd Uua of a lot that David Trow-brldga purcbawd of aaid Ueeker uud wife;tbeiioa (4) auuth twenty-alx degree* writ onecbaiu ami Uliy liokn t e lhe pUcaul bertnD-iiK.oiinialnlog cuiH-balf of tat acre bo tba aaiunmotti wloNt, belt* tbe mine lot uf laud UutDavid Truwbiiigti conveyed U> Cathurioe OTrowbrirtgu, mttZ of ttw avid David A. Truw-brtdgBln a d t M dated tbe twentieth da; olA r i l ihteen buuon-d and nftynloe

MA8T£R'd SALE.In ciiAitoxar o r

ttweea Swpli»n K. Bowdl et uxauto, tud Jubc rttry. ot aL,On bill ror IWUOOD.

R. V LlHDABDBT, 8 ^Br firtue'of an order «T uiv i^urt of Chan-

cery oi h e * J e t * ? , tuiido ID lbeNt»ve oauae,bearing ditto the Uiirtj-nr»t day ot Ocuttwr,oigbuwibuudnxl aud umaiv-i-o, I *1U ex-

Eforwtl* at iHiblio *«idue at tbe Uuurta la lbs Tuwa oi Uurrfctown, in uwty ot Uui lMi ia Btaw oi fl«w Jeney, on

J W U D A T , tbe IBUi day of December,Mxt .A.11 16ttt, between the boura of t<tel*enoon and a ^ i u UwaJWnoun, tfaatbtoaaya« t wu t/oluok in u»« a lwnoon ut aaM <Uj, nitbacoanatularni or m o t oi laud ttlUiaui luUw tuwimhip ul UboBtsr, ui the Cwuuty ofMorrla ana Slaw U Hew Jeraey, bouadwlnortbariy b j lauda In the p*""**'011 ^ *«ry

aaattfl]' by laudi ut SUIa* Uucawibury.Kiutb-1 waaterlj by lamia cl Aaam ijiuitinMn, uid" - - ^ a t U t y aon i W Jaud w o w or ltaf,

DaLed a t HurrbWiru, it. •*., our. <'r*IJJk»D«H U. tlSA OS,

tipMwi Mutu- tu vnanoery


Batwaan U t r r J. WHUOD, ofiinplslnant, u id»SRU O % » «"i W.U. h. Bat-jdj-fanconta. FI. fa. for « ! • of mortKigaS S 5 « 1 Brtnnianl. io F*roarj Term.A. B. IBM. T p HoconmoK, Soi'f.Br vlrtn. ol tb. abo.e «»Kd writ .1 Berl

fadas In my baiidi. I .ball •«»«• '»r «J; • 'Public Vmto» at tb« Court Howe, In Mot-

'HOTDiT'ika'tltt dM o( NOVEUBEB

fternonn ot aolddny.ell He undrda C«] P*r t ° r tnrt wrteJp traot or

paiwlnflnnd and pi*nil«"« berelDafUrj)»r-aJoolarlv dMcrlbrf. «ltil«M, Ijlng and b d Hlo .boTowwblp Dt RoiUiry, (n tb» Countyf Horrfit and Htat« nr N<-w JpmfT. !!*•«.«•

^fd I«Slr»r frnm Urake-rtlle Htatlonto a»rilnetnn where tbn axniB In tnU>rw<;t*a n*• fMrO. I l l - Riven Vn t l ) . f l 8 r i W » W

. « p M 1 by Huffh Hnlm«i and «lf;. rtstw),W lfitb. A. tl 18TB. and r«wr«I«l In K. fl,f D"M» 'nr Morris Countv. r-n t»tfM837. &o .y KU^irwMl i I line WiutbM.terly lo aald^eH. anA fn»m thenra rannhiK norlj nfW;n» r l iwiw - ^ t I/, tho hoslnnlnK nf the fifth

onnrr* In n M ***A X ih«ic* with that 0"«Wnorth flftv..I(rhf rt*wr«* wnt twelve Dbalu*

i»t t - n chain* and rtubty »uU«:( h ^ n , H) n«nfc MW^niivt. d « r w . - M fnujenalnii: ihpnofl (M t-nrtb rin»n» liMtreM »(•*(rt». e%«lna t« M«Hoo I> CanllpWV line:

w (fil w f h W'ntf'fhrw* rtwrr»w« anff ntlnurii M f l t r n l i r eh-ln>and nlnetr-llnfcn. thr-nc* (51 n"^b "f«tv *hww rloM rf thn* <*••"• «*•« tWi-lj-rmii-nnki 1#. "f-rtl. fifty »)« dP8«*« »nrt fl"j*Ht«l U«t. 'hrw d w t n »«<» «'*» Unto;

thmw (fl) nnrih tJilrty-tbrw" i1«?Kre« and for-ty-fl'"' mrnstra « - * t - o cbolno i thono- (10)

b flfiy-ihrw dt«r»e» and fm^-d futM #«ni>t fnur rliB.1n» «inl **veatj-tnittimn> (1» norlh ibhtTT-flva dr r . a « DitnuTM w « . elubt chlink* i ttetw* (18) <""rtb ( • ' « « * *

» n chains t" tw<i markrd cb^tont(b iKO nf tbe O r a t Pond

Notice ot Saitl«ment.Nolloal. bBrebr SITOB that la* MODOU

anneitdo'BaranH a.ioajr, dwMMd, wulb.andlud and itawd »7 i » Barrcaata. andnDoitaa ror HUhnflnl to tba' Ognn™ thoOolinO ol « « « . , on TI/BWA. t u

i u u t u 0«7 ol J.«om.; t . l t .•u>dl<°T<ul'>r, M l

809w iKHBattlUS H. BXAOB.

Notice of SettlementttolloaliborebrilTonlbat um aooonnt. JI

III Ilbiorlber, iJsi l i i l . tr . lor » I U 111. VIIa n a i a a ol Eiiiiij 0, atlok'.. doosuod, willbe »noi»od and naWd by ttav Bnrrog.te, andnMrted lor MUlemanl to t b . omltao*1 Courtol t i o Couutl OI abirlB, on 7 U E ! D » Y tl i .Mt.DtMDIU day of January ueit ,

Qatad HoTomb'r loin 1WS.




anuix im*ii. DOVIB. n. i,

la .toeaad w l tb thabuto f ATerytblng ID tbM.

UaM,aBaaol4atUrt&gprlM.. Call and axaia.

In. H 7 1 * 0 4 1 M d frlMi, AU coodi d.Urawd

toaDypartoltfa.townatibon'nolloo, .


. l o r a H M l l n a t tDKHGLato., oall <BTRSET. naxtte


Brauh In oomatlon wlib hla other b u n n {oonarof Blaoawell and Scrnn OB.. DoriT!Tb. baalaeai 1, In euvf . of a jmotioal andUMrianood borM-.lioar aad'TrMBMtlaUjutolt a aluua o! tablle ^troi«i«. \ . - j • ~ ,

Qeo. MoCracken.


a u o lonmb*; TART Mat AIXOWKO r# nra-


DEW TORE birr,




V ^ ^ f r . ^ r i i D m c A a a . r . - . , : •;•.•'•.•';

; BBAX. BR'An.rpa BaudsExoauroa.

'. ' OPPlOfit -BAKER BUZLDlrTO,-- -.

l i a nonat, bara'and lot on FnMoeet atnittIUU. lxadntDta . t l i l l tnr .Bt . Aim U . . t o r e> i o n « Hoam atrwrt &o« nocflplKl b . JobDB.Orilnin.; Fnr^""^—^"'~ "" • " •••'•*


o (10)tnfn-

l k


imih«nw (IS) mrth "••«» "evpn ( . R I *hnnf. thn i rhalrx (md WMntT-flvB Hnlr

rtxk bv the Mrtf* f>t vhe af orwaM pond, OeloR-i rmnur amw. tinon h» Henry Rlltard. O.O O-. end Talfb U|cltin»<in; tbenon (14| •nutli,firt d t t tbo weinerir Una»t t o tbo w e i e r inf U i t f a i m H l ] OW hrt* VhwTtaad.and thence ulnnn Ifan MIHB tbe mural cnunwthmwf aoDtbwHterly to the piu* of DeaiDB 'afinpnUno- not nf th» name about twunty-fl*. ,icr« anld liv tbe aaid Charles a Camp-hell ta RIeWa H. Diiiwll by d«d bearingdab* the JMrh day nf March. lHjH, and <1>f

lbwa ai felliM i R*8tnninf[ tnth« weef rt* Old t>k« VUw Rnnd le«iltnK fmo

DfmkMollle Btatlon tv> Unotil Arilnntop.wber« tb" aatna la inrirtMUti by tha fourthline given in tb* (Wd tn BBW (temnhall by

D. 1B7S. and ret»rd-d lo K 0 of Deedt forMorrtii fVnnty, oa p«nw. 827, «o.,hf extend1'Ing twld line manthttmterlv to iwfd rotui andfrom tbenM runtitnK north fifty-on a iwmt to the befilDtiloa; of the flttb ooune lanold di-ed t thenco with that enures drgren <#»% to a paint wbere «*-teen obaluR will rwoh jnpa*iirloa nlonjf tbeabove mantloDPd two courw* from tha {daceof IMIIIPIDK i Ihauce rutJQlnff horthraiterlyparallel wllb Mid Old Lalce View noadaU-t b l n s ; thence aoailiBanterlT and parallel

fl t li OtWety ister'

w t yglDtiiog, nod leaving utter d e d n g tbnentlODed tract about rigbty acrea be tbe .tame more or lew ot land, *.&.<& li c o m t y e d 1

to the party of toe «con(I part tiy this deedBeing a part of tb« name premise* oouT«;«ato Mid Cbarlea G, Ompbef l by Hugb Holand wife by deed dated pec . 18th, 1876, andreonruwl In & * * K 9 o ! Deed* (or MorrlrCounty, pages 837, &o.

BeinK tha aama w e m l w a;«d to DaWitt O- B&tcc by Charles O. Otmnhell andwire by deed bean nit date Hftrrb 30ih, 1888.Afid recorded lit the Clerk'i OfH<M nf the Crmn-

Sof Uorrit on the !£th day of Marali, 18S8.Book H 1 2 rt DMt i i .n t M R W 480, &o. ^

, Dated Oct. S»th, A . D. 180-J.•18.OP OBCAB LINDatEY. f iher i f f .

"SaSSrlMMiWl Catalogue with Prica. Terra,, etc, of

High Grade,



The "OPERAraonship. Manufactured in over 30




Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings,_&c.BRUOKET ANB 8BR0LL WWINO DONE TO ORDEII. V 3;;:,.;,,:


PartaBi deaWng to baodle tbelr own eoal ean bar* it aoreeMd Md lomdad . W ^ ' ^ l t t o f .


. l a Mnponso to a large number of 'request, made by patrons In Dov«r amivicinity, Messrs. COBKI8B tt CO., liavoopened A brunQk waroroom lu olinrffo oftlielr local roprenentatlrc, Mr. JOHNIt. PALRYMPLE, at No. 5 BRICKBliOOE, DOVJSB, N. J., where a choice•election of PltXaS u i OaSiKS wlu be on

view. Mr. DalryinnteITlll bo In flttendanceto receive orders andCKliiblt lnstramentH.

, NtntamnttFKliK}. Eitiatrndi (*ga«a MM free I . M r aMmh. KaMa41a« fKelHw

tfollT aollelthl * • tail b«f«• | . K | tla

mis v


aUuLOH pjifiVErfcAti

BY YIBTTJB of the Above Btated writ toma directed ana deliverer!, I fanve la*ied

ipnn aad sboU expose for sale at Public VeijQeattbeBherilT'iioaicB at tbe Court Bomlo the city of Ilorrfetown, N. J., ouMONDAY, the 28th DAY OP HOVEMBERnext, A. J>.. 1803, at two o'clock In the after-noon of mid day, all the, Utle and Inter-ect of the defendant David Klnff, la aud to allthoie traoW or parcels of land and preroiMW.-"- i t* , lying and befnR in the towmbf- -"

Snlpta, counts ot Morris ana Btsta olJeraey, bounded and described ai follows:

The First Tract. Beglnoinst «t s point In" wfwtlliis ot Feauatnoot itreet wbrre the

b lino nf Fair View avenue Intersect* *aldlUBodc rtre*£ » i , " i D « l « *"«t •Jona:loutfa line nf Fair VJsw avenue one bu&-andflftv f#et tn a o^rnsr of a lot b<r«to-

fore ennrfnad by n l d Onodala and wfffl toTMwi, Rplcer: thpnc* [2] sonth parallel «rlthPoquannnck atrvet and alone the line rtf aatd,Sola* lot onn buniarad f*wt;'ihenoe ISJmutparallel with Ffttr Ylaw tvveime nns hutu.ntland B(»y feet to the went line of F*quannookitr*+t i thetttw [4] north flinte: the wen Unaof P^qnannnck utreut one hundred rent to theplace nf beftlnolun. contain Inn fifteen thousand•quitr* f ert nf land f M u g >ben*meia.,dB anilprtjtnfw* oonvejci) to J<>Mph D Kiog fcy fin^Kin A, Freeman, late Hli-riff nf Ui« ocraoty of" - H i and Riate of Kew J-rtey, h y d<wt

d the e-'Tenteentb rinv of Hay, A, D. ]8SS,ami wwrd'ti tn th- Motri* Pounfj OJwlt'a""" w, record of deeds page* 814, to- • ' .. -'

JoPot-orrt1 LnU Qt^lunlng at ftooB fatap,btloff tbe neciiiiii comer nf a lot owned byDearth Cirauipr; Ibpnw [I] aautb (Utj threedrvree« and ihlrtr tnfnuim W M tblrtj chaJn*BDd slitv olaht link- to n point la >bf> HOB of.lands nf JWOIOB S . Hlmpoii, tber<n> [8) boataBllty-tbrea d*fir«fi and forty ^ mlriuw* wertl i e Qhalm au4 uventv links tn ft notatf.i.11 la'line nr kudu or said JuaUf-a H glmpnan and oftb* JlorE«n'"' t tbtiutw [it] MIDOK tbe UUD of |Mtd Morgan I»t»outh thrtfldegrwe and Hfteenminute* irMt three CDBIDS and s lx t f t b m Ilinks to a pntnt -till tu < be line nl said SoigiUilot; tbencn H] north fifty-four drgrerii andfifty mlnurtm p u t thlrty-nina chains,audt-enty right links to anniher-otruer In aaldDmnn Crvatrjir l o t ; them* [ft] along naldCrMtnerlat north t«ent>-e)gbc at>gn«B andff.rty-flvf minutes wn»t two ubalns aud nittj*lilt linha to the pUc* of heplntslDj, «>nt*lni»faqoornlns to m inryev and map tbeivuf made' Itnlth oPd Jcnkiii* of Dover atones!* to

Ob, IBM), sight acree nud aa»eDtr^[sht

Jrvdthe of an acf*, but after deduotJugthwrimm a tract of tixty rix bttwlndtbt olan acre convevnl by tb» said WlUlam P. E 1 D |and wife tn Edward Wnfra by dattd di.uaUay 13(b, lSOH.and recorded 1B Morris Couub"OferkV Office in book P ? of Duedo, pane (117,SLO.\ tbere retnaloa to be conv«>ed b / (olacouvejanoo but eight acree and twelve tan*dredtts nt «P BBTW. D-hin thn BBH.* premlatiMOTBTed to Joneph D. King by JotiD B/nun,3v deed dated tbu 23d day of October, A U..StO, and reoorded In the' Murrla conat jGltrkH Office reoord of .•'-•si* iposfit 817, tftc.. i

"•"•-Tblrt 'fwot, T- . d « j at fl'-uaktstanding on tho west V / o t i"«,iumj(jo«

, street; on a couras suutb three t l^i&sj-*B»ona hundred and BereDtjr-nrt. f « t from tbtMDtk-weit corner ot Pequaanooif and MuFitr-1land iLrnttv being BIHO a oorner of alos o tlaDd late of Juhn MaaHker: tbenw nuiolof iU] tlnng a Une td laid llasMker timlb eighty-'koveo d«gi«ea weatonebuudnrd feat loanouiar ioormr ot tba same; tfaencepJ]aunththMBd«'lKnee eaat riity-ODe feet to tn« ouriharl; aid*:of tbe road leading from Dover- K M m n .



IN 0HAHOBRT OFHBW«u Byron X. BUoak) arrf Owrja W.

Btlckl., complainant., and Annl. Brady,f»ld"V,l Uattluw Biad7, Bernard Bruy,loli-i 0 . Bradj. Soaa Brady, Asnla Brads,Ru.1. Brady aid O N Brady, defudanfii.ITfa. tor iale ot inoranandiMmM. B*turnablo to BNjbruarJ Two], A. D. 199%

JOBS F, BnoKIJt, Bol'r.;"DY virtu.olthflabora .totad writof flflrit i fadu in my baDdi, I inall npoa. for•al. at FitDllo VandUB at th« Coorfe Houa. InMorrirtoinj, HewJwaey, orr •'•MONDAY, tho eutfa day of NOVEMBER.

nest, A. D. 1609, between tbe hour, of twal«U. aid a™ oMook P. H. , t tat l . to»Tatao'dook In tlia afternoon of Mid dar, all thatnrtaln trail, orpamdo! tod and ™nl»a'bardnafMr partualarly dwribad, altiiatvIjlIUJ and tSU to to. To«naklp of Roota-liay" In Ua CountJ of Horrla and But. ofHat J,my, and M w a * aamejnnilga»nloo w.ra oon«««l 0y * . aala ta K.Huckls and wit. i « l Oiorai W. Btlckb, utin «ld U . « Brady, b l f i d l a w aUnABtb, 188% and tMMn daarllad aa falknn,to-wU tBeginnlnK at • haap of atooa, oa U»north aid. S l M d r l

Jtlakts, and ruoulrn Uumoa B I O U tbttlliM ota lo t owned br.#Bld FmenuiniPoDd, Booth,D M dagtw •••*•* *«wl»a chaloB aad •»!>*? Ilinka io a bespof sbmat tnade for a t u n e r of.ibla lot i Uwuot iffl du« eaat fonrUsn obalne«nd flfij liaM to a at»ne hmp nadai for aoomer ol tbls lot i o wett atde of ttw AtoontHuparoad - ' " " - 1 -

alao B l o t of tores quartet* of ao'aciw oou-n ; « d b> a»ld B^dii a M wlf. lo U>B saidO n e n B n d r , and wtuch mongBa* was giftutor lbs ooiu4dermUoo nwmy nieutiooBd in UK•atd deed trom U » saW B>nm K. DUOkW ftaawife Hnd Oeorfe W. Stieale, to U M S B U Otraa

D*Liouai. edtb/A. D. I O T / ; V _ ''•"'*";V-1'.'1

*10,b0 OOCAK L l > l W t E T ,

.QUIIBUA'B*-1 t t iJjbtrti'W oC'tti*, .JC7 vT UM Oounv^ol Kuri^, uuvUuu t i saand tjf|[i» hiindrw . o d JOo«r^wD,

of laid road K>um Btty-vi( n t « «aat one huwirttd andwett tide of said Fequanno[4] l l t

let>lViib«_ Fequannook rtrtte.; ttbeuoe

.J] along .tbo west «de ot aald Jftquaanw*;street as 6rl}ttnall7'laid out;ntirtb,tareo d»-— i m t t o M hundred and-twantj>'fee(:w

place • ot b^liiniat,.':boaiaUiuiiS'-.nJn*tbooBaiid and. Dltji tquareleet; Bemittb*aame land and ptemleoi o6nv«jr«d by ,W liltamF. JOiig and «U» to Jootpb p , £ i b f pj aaed

Xtf«eBBTI1&00,;••».',:v OdOA.a


Sn»tlon.fortodBWLtarlala larniahed.

Jokbltig vroaantlr attcnilxd ta.BJi»TB BOOIB-WeforBl i iBteHlaM^a

aa< put otl alato TQof, by ifiod nettnatdoa.^) :leathiiig Caper'alwsjri on band,'.';

r>)verl4imberCknnpaDy'B KOI.;- •:--',;- '-:;jl,

_ ™ _ — toad W It n u n •ow*wla MWIDSUop?and bounded b j U M mUdto of aald roadto toe place et. bs^nnlitf, cdarmwn* twelro- ^ • b « ] I a € r a e tDoreorl4N» IbeaLora da-Ka.pUgawMtakwi. trom • desd u r a o b jBmuabas K. BUotlt wul wit* w i U t t t w wUudraforaBid omuimu daMl May -ttwawr-'-enui; ttlgbteen bnwdred and .fllty-i*»t> andJ ^ l u tbe Morns Vwahj itMuni «C

lotoCtt»a^aoa<idaa «xt «U« tol l f b



daua of aud ortar | and Mm oraal tor aaaMavliajtobruNlioud vanitalAla oraaralatB.anotroam er aMfanun. wUMn faattaaaao

antlim Thnrwnn aialiarl Ian*oa»]a»V.VlW; ,'/f^KSabattkaalatVdajof

Estate ol Banlel8ch»rer,

mbBrttlUMUtaofOMOIjof Merria,ns under oath or

niQrlMfaralbaiw.oniQrlMfaralbatwen f4too! d flu.of Jni? noLtbeH* nbutncQUi rrt-m Undato of aald order; and anycreditor neslniUiic to farina; In sad exhibit hfior her cUic,,' under oath ot •!•>••• aym; arltnintha tlrto M limited: will be • ttarar«r barred oibtooi, her UUDD. UtttntBra inlnai tha Ad.mlnlairator of and daaoaawlw,:-r'^:r > : '

O b d th t t *

OlMenleere' h ooaroUlnant, «n4 ;>on » » J ; ,oihen are defendant*, jou:ara ngniMil to'..appear, plead.' answer or damor to ttu bfl* ol "••Woomplainant. on o* b - — "•- "*- *™ '-"-DeMmbto-neit, ur tt* >*1

"CliTbJifulMSrM l l u i d . In tio_U)inu*l

r or damof to « a MB ott, on or bafor. tha 6tb oa7 ofw tU wiA Ml * « U tak«l t

KsUte of rhHrlotte Praefl,

daT U o S * » T ^ i ooa: ta.—.<jWi« v' alnalo aU parSStariS ejalin. aaakaM aa.%wait, nf Oli.iluti. Trartl.ta'tf^al Hiiwitr'"of Vbrrla, dxaaffd. to nMaauV,tkaaua a«-

•n»ty ot K..rt». aad. naamrnr* paaaifcitnaaana

.S^«^^5f.1V,Sri£r?t£-l«H^^d»v;irt'Jniw t :i»«*i.^laB;>mi*-B»oBilb« :-frVmthieaW0Ts-44orifr-1 indaar welter ,>uiHtnw to bHw in ind-flitiibii his nr kw ,

Htsa io .imiM^UbAtofftT^bWwA of ata;or9^_$MaA^^f^:t^^-U»-XJU0m»^:


. Kothia of 3«Hlein«rit i- MDUM U B»i^Vy«n'li^if.lliira«eotjaii of •'.-ft*,/:-nbBatitM^^ ""^uWjtf l f :^ J.'w-"" - ' teMMtd^U1* JtaWlio, ar '

Notice of SoHlemtnt- N o t i o . 1 .

19 MOW


JB.. rf; AlleRi*; • EJohn 0. Groft/. fV.r,H. W. AllentuVi;:J. a-Dindaon; "t ; » a • • - - - • •


„ . . . . . Btinl>0Mi'»PJiM&mb*^laiV'S^K^V^:v'*ia«SS&«¥;|¥:)d

Dr.B B'Cupt. Ohtumberloli,-": i'"'. I; Powers, . •' ;:

^ . n i i t B 8 T ,

Th6o.;Tonng, « n;TE<M.,Oraig, BnliOTille, N . J .

N. J.