Do’s and don’ts while storing your medical records


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Your medical records are precious bits of information that need to be stored for your entire lifetime. Regarding health information, different cultures follow different norms.

Transcript of Do’s and don’ts while storing your medical records

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Do’s and Don’ts while storing your medical records

Your medical records are precious bits of information that need to be stored for

your entire lifetime. Regarding health information, different cultures follow different norms. In the West, for example, discussing or sharing health

information is considered rude. On the other hand, in India, people freely share their health information with any and every one!

However, with rising incidents of insurance frauds, people are more and more

inclined to actively guard their medical records. Here are a few important do’s and don’ts to follow:

Do: 1. Store your entire medical history electronically

Paper records could be lost, torn or simply misplaced. And they are never found when you need them the most!! With Anandakanda’s Free Electronic Medical Record (EMR) services, you can easily store your medical history online. Moreover, you also get the assurance of having your entire health information at your fingertips.

2. Choose a digital healthcare service provider that caters to all your needs When you sign up for Anandakanda, you can avail of a wide range of services that cater to all your needs. You can store your doctor’s clinic notes, treatment plans, prescriptions and images too. You can also use this feature to compare your lab test results, so that you can consciously work on improving your health. Additionally,

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Anandakanda also offers MIRS (Medicine Intake Reminder System), to ensure that you never forget to take your medicines on time. Sign up now to avail 25% Discount!

3. Ensure that your records are stored securely With Anandakanda’s Electronic Medical Record services, you can be assured that store and access all your healthcare records digitally. Records are securely stored so that only you and your doctors can access them with a password. Anandakanda employs SSL-certified servers to store your medical history online.

Don’t: 1. Share your password with anybody

No matter how comfortable you are with an acquaintance, sharing password of your health information is a huge risk. Your medical

records are for you and your doctors to access. DO NOT share passwords or entertain any unsolicited calls asking for your password. After all, would you share your bank’s locker keys with anyone else?? NO! Then why would you allow strangers to access your health records?

2. Delete any record When you need to consult different doctors, you need to have all your records handy. What may seem like a harmless piece of information to you could be a potentially important link in the chain of your treatment plan. The fundamental principle of EMR is to give your entire medical history at a glance. So, DO NOT delete any record as obsolete or redundant.

3. Discuss your health problems openly As mentioned earlier, it’s a cultural thing! People just cannot resist talking about their health issues. It’s human nature to pour your heart out to a sympathetic ear. But, keeping in mind the high rate of fraud, it is best you DO NOT talk about your health issues, either online or in person.

While electronic healthcare services are convenient, there is also the security factor that needs to be kept in mind at all times. With Anandakanda, you can be sure to get the best that the digital healthcare services have to offer!