Dont quit


Transcript of Dont quit

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Student : yes sir.

Student : Beno ziphine is the first blind woman IFS in India.

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Introduction:-Poetry is the best words in the best order. Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion but escape from emotion. Winners do not do different things. They do things differently. Take up one idea make that one idea your life. Edison in his experiments failed 17,000 times before he invented electric bulb. Failure is good for your character and personality. It is a challenging experience.

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About the title : Don’t Quit is an imperative sentence Quit Quit is a verb - present form Quitted is past form of verb Quitted is past participle Quitting is present participle So “quit” means give up “Don’t quit” - means not to give up

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An imperative word Ordering, requesting and advising. Here the Poet quotes ordering Don’t quit is an ordering word observed by the

hard workers – if they follow, they will achieve their goals

The title is synonym of perseverance. It fetches success.

Slow and steady wins the race

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When things go wrong, as they sometimes will ,

When the road you are trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and debts are high,

And you want to smile but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit,

Rest, if you must –but don’t you quit!


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Life is queer with its twists and turns,

As everyone of us, some time learns,

And many a failure turns about

When he might have won had he stuck it out;

Don’t give up, though the pace seems slow-

You might succeed with another blow….

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Success is failure turned inside out-

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt-

And you can never tell how close you are,

It may be near when it seems afar;

So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit-

It’s when things get worse that you mustn’t quit!

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Edgar A.Guest gives a remarkable picture of life “Quitters never win”

He praises perseverance and persistence Failure is a stepping stone to success Possible and impossible are in our pocket Life is not a bed of roses Life poses a lot of challenges We may come across obstacles and impediments in

our life We must not lose our heart and give up our efforts Life is strange If we work hard, we shall get success

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Read the poem two or three times Find out the difficult words Use the dictionary Trudging – walk slowly Debts – money that someone owes Sigh – take and let out long breath Queer – strange Tint – a faint colour on the border Hardest hit – attacked badly Mustn’t quit – should not leaveWORDS/PHRASES Rest, if you must – but don’t you quit. Success is failure turned inside out. Stick to fight when you are hardest hit.

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A figure of speech is an extraordinary mode of expression used in poetry. It enhances the beauty of the poem and effectiveness of the lines.

Alliteration is the repetition of the initial consonant sound in several words in the same line.

Metaphor is an implied simile. Assonance is the repetition of vowel sound in the

same line.

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will - auphill - a

high, - b

Sigh - bbit - cquit - c

out - adoubt - a

are, - bafar, - b


Rhyme- sameness of sound between words especially the ending of lines of verse.

turns - learns, about - out; slow-blow….

will - uphill high - sigh, bit - quit!

out – doubt, are – afar, hit - quit!

hit - cquit - c

turns, - alearns - a

about -bout -b

slow - cblow - c

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Alliteration :1. When things go wrong, as they sometimes will.2. And you want to smile but you have to sigh3. Life is queer with its twists and turns Assonance :1. When the road you are trudging seems all uphill2. Success is failure turned inside out-3. Don’t give up, though pace seems slow Anaphora 1. When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,2. When the road you are trudging seems all uphill,3. When the funds are low and the debts are high, (When – is repeated at the beginning of lines. So it is an

anaphora) Metaphor :1. The silver tint of the clouds of doubt- Here it is an optimistic idea

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When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, We cannot expect everything to go smoothly. Some times we

meet with failure. When the road you are trudging seems all uphill,

Uphill refers to difficult path. We must face the uphill task bravely and boldly.

When the funds are low and the debts are high, when we run out of money, expected things never happen.

And you want to smile but you have to sigh, Be relaxed. Don’t care about obstacles and impediments.

When care is pressing you down a bit,All your concentration depends upon your aim.

Rest, if you must-but don’t you quit!Rest here refers to relax. Work hard and do better after

relaxing. wait for the better time and never quit.

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Life is queer with its twists and turns, Life is strange, having a lot of ups and downs. Only hard workers know

the taste of honey. We are not afraid of twists and turns. Whatever job you choose, you do the best in the field

As everyone of us sometimes learns, We learn many things from failures. And many a failure turns about,

Failures bring changes in our life. Our aim is to come out with flying colours.

When he might have won had he stuck it out, Unless one gets involved in his work , one cannot win. Don’t give up, though the pace seems slow-

If you are slow in your work, you should not give up. You might succeed with another blow….

Continuous attempts bring you success.

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Success is failure turned inside out-Failure is not an end of life but it is beginning of life.

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt-Silver tint refers to hope. We should not loose our hope. Hard work fetches one success. Doubt and despair may be like the dark cloud. But the silver lining on the edges shows that there is something bright behind.

And you can never tell how close you are,We cannot judge how nearer we are to our goal.

It may be near when it seems afar;Success is very near to us but it seems to be far away from us.

So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit-Though we have been badly hit by failures for many times, we need to continue our work.

It’s when things get worse that you mustn’t quit! Even if the work gets worse. We shouldn’t give up.

Tomorrow Tomorrow It is a tale told by an idiot Yesterday was dead Tomorrow will not comeToday is yours : to rise to win the goal

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1. Does ‘uphill’ have more meaning?Yes. Improvement

2. Which line sums up the whole theme of the poem?The last line(it’s when things get worse that you must not quit)

3. Which lines in the poem appeal to you the most? Why?The last two lines(So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit- It’s when things get worse that you mustn’t quit! ) Encourage us to win

4. What is life?Life is strange

5. When should we stick to the fight?We should stick to the fight while being hardest hit

6. What is life queer with? Twists and turns or ups and downs

7. What does “it” refer to?Success

8. What shouldn’t one do when things get worse? One should not quit when things get worse

9. Explain : queer.Strange

10. What is the meaning of the word trudging?Walking slowly

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Poem : DON’T QUIT Activity-1 : Pick out the rhyming words First stanza Second stanza Third stanza

Bring out the rhyme scheme used in this poem First stanza Second stanza Third stanza

Activity-2 : Read the following lines and answer the questions When things go wrong, as they sometimes will , When the road you are trudging seems all uphill,a. When shouldn’t we quit?b. Give the meaning of the word trudging.Collect the pictures of successful persons like Sachin, Viswanathan Anand, Edison , Abdul Kalam etc., and prepare

an Album.

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Conclusion:-Successful people are those who manage their time efficiently. Make the best of your time.Be optimistic.Success will knock at your door.“Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is reached.”

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