Donald C. Reitzes - Sociology ·...

1 Donald C. Reitzes Department of Sociology Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia 2015 PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: July 24, 1949 Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois Home Address: 1214 Cumberland Road Atlanta, Georgia 30306 Telephone: Office: (404) 413-5104 Home: (404) 872-6905 EDUCATION B.A. Sociology, Beloit College 1971 M.A. Sociology, Indiana University 1973 Ph.D. Sociology, Indiana University 1977 Dissertation: The College Student Role/Identity: Processes and Consequences AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Aging, Adult Socialization, Community and Community Organization Social Psychology, Symbolic Interaction Theory, Self Concept Urban Sociology, Urban Social Psychology PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Sociological Association Gerontological Society of America Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction Southern Sociological Association AWARDS AND HONORS B.A., cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa 1971 Georgia State University Alumni Award 1980-1987

Transcript of Donald C. Reitzes - Sociology ·...


Donald C. Reitzes

Department of Sociology

Georgia State University

Atlanta, Georgia



Date of Birth: July 24, 1949

Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois

Home Address: 1214 Cumberland Road

Atlanta, Georgia 30306

Telephone: Office: (404) 413-5104

Home: (404) 872-6905


B.A. Sociology, Beloit College 1971

M.A. Sociology, Indiana University 1973

Ph.D. Sociology, Indiana University 1977

Dissertation: The College Student

Role/Identity: Processes and Consequences


Aging, Adult Socialization,

Community and Community Organization

Social Psychology, Symbolic Interaction Theory, Self Concept

Urban Sociology, Urban Social Psychology


American Sociological Association

Gerontological Society of America

Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction

Southern Sociological Association


B.A., cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa 1971

Georgia State University Alumni Award 1980-1987


Reuben Hill Award presented by The Research and Theory Section of

the National Council on Family Relations for the Outstanding

Research and Theory Article of the Year 1984 1985

Fellow, Gerontological Society of America 1999

Georgia State University Gerontology Institute’s Distinguished

Faculty Award 2008


Doctoral Student Grant-in-Aid of Research, Indiana University 1976

Dean's Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Research,

Georgia State University 1978

Urban Life Grant, College of Urban Life, Georgia

State University ($10,000) 1979

National Science Foundation Travel Grant 1984

Georgia State University Research Grant 1987

Georgia State University Travel Grant 1988

National Institute on Aging, Principal Investigator, RO1-AG07410,

"Roles and Self: Factors in Development and Retirement," ($954,000) 1991-1998

National Institute on Aging, RO1-AG07410, Minority Supplement,

($245,000) 1992-1997

Georgia State University Research Enhancement Grant, Principal

Investigator, “Family and Life Course,” ($144,000); 2000-2003

renewed ($144,000) 2003-2006

renewed ($108,000) 2006-2009

National Institute on Aging, RO3-AG18957, Principal Investigator,

“Grandparent Identity: Measurement and Life Transitions," ($71,500) 2001-2003



Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, Indiana University 1971-1972

Assistant Instructor, Department of Sociology, Indiana University 1974-1977

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Georgia State University 1977-1982

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Georgia State University 1982-1991

Professor, Department of Sociology, Georgia State University 1991-present


Graduate Director, Department of Sociology, Georgia State University 1982-1986

Research Coordinator, Office of the Vice President for Research and

Information Technology, Georgia State University 1993-1995

Associate Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs,

Georgia State University 1996-1999


Interim Director, Gerontology Institute, Georgia State University 2008

Chair, Department of Sociology, Georgia State University 1999-2014

Associate Dean for the Social and Behavioral Sciences 2014-present

Research and Service

Project Socio-Economic Analyst, School of Public and

Environmental Affairs, Indiana University 1976

Project Director, Urban Images of Atlanta, GSU 1979-1980

Consultant, Southern Arts Federation 1980

Consultant, City of Atlanta Bureau of Planning 1980

Consultant, Georgia Council for the Arts and Humanities 1981

Expert Witness, U.S. Attorney's Office 1981

Consultant, Atlanta Public Schools 1983

Consultant, EDC/Pickering 1994

Consultant, WABE-FM 90 1996

Consultant, Collaborative Center for Child Well-Being 1999-2000

Health Evaluator, Health Through Action 2008-2010

Proposal Reviewer

National Institute on Aging (Small Business Innovation Research

Study Section) 1995, 1996

National Institute on Aging (Human Development and Aging-2

Study Section) 1996

National Institute of Mental Health (Special Emphasis Panel for the

Minority Research Infrastructure Support Program) 2003

National Science Foundation 1983-1985, 2001,

2004, 2006, 2010

Israel Science Foundation 2001, 2010

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 2007, 2009

Marsden Fund (New Zealand) 2010

Icelandic Research Fund for Graduate Students 2011

Institutional Self-Study Reviewer

Member, University of Louisville Reaffirmation Committee, 1997

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

Member, Florida International University Reaffirmation 2000

Committee, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

Chair, Hong Kong Baptist University Master of Arts in Global Studies 2015

Accreditation Panel

Service to Professional Associations and Professional Journals

Secretary-Treasurer, Social Psychology Section, American 1998-2001


Sociological Association

Member, Editorial Board of Social Forces 1998-2002

Member, Editorial Board of Social Psychology Quarterly 2001-2004

Member, Program Committee for Aging and Life Course Section,

American Sociological Association 2002-2003

Member, American Sociological Association’s Task Force

on Sociology and General Education 2006-2007

Member, Editorial Board of Journal of Gerontology: Social Science 2006-2009

Member, Cooley-Mead Award Committee, American Sociological

Association’s Social Psychology Section 2008-2009

External Reviewer for the Department of Sociology at Kent State

University 2009

Co-Chair, 2010 Program Committee, Southern Sociological Society 2009-2010

Member, Nominations Committee, Southern Sociological Society 2011-2014

Member, The Sociological Quarterly Advisory Editors 2013-2014

Chair, Accreditation of Master of Arts in Global Society Panel, 2015

Hong Kong Baptist University

Journal Referee (since 2000)

Ageing and Society 2009

Ageing International 2004

Academy of Management Journal 2000

American Sociological Review 2000-2002, 2010,

2012, 2014, 2015

Gerontologist 2000

European Journal of Aging 2008

International Journal of Aging and Human Development 2003, 2005-2007

Journal of Applied Sociology 2005, 2006

Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 2000- 2001, 2003-

2009, 2011, 2012,


Journal of Health and Social Behavior 2000-2009

Research On Aging 2000, 2003-2005,


Social Forces 2000-2004

Social Psychology Quarterly 2000-2004, 2009-


Social Science and Medicine 2004, 2005, 2009

Social Science Quarterly 2000, 2001,

2009, 2012

Sociological Forum 2001, 2015

Sociological Perspectives 2000, 2011, 2012,


Sociological Quarterly 2007, 2011-2013,



Sociological Theory 2002

Symbolic Interaction 2004, 2006, 2009

Women & Health 2007



The Alinsky Legacy: Alive and Kicking. Donald C. Reitzes and Dietrich C. Reitzes. Greenwich,

Connecticut: JAI Press. (1987). [Reviewed in Contemporary Sociology 18 (1), 46-47 (1989)].

Articles and Chapters

1. "Significant Others and Self Conceptions: Factors Influencing Educational Expectations and

Academic Performance," Donald C. Reitzes and Elizabeth Mutran, Sociology of Education

53 (1):21-32 (1980).

2. "College Student Identity: Measurement and Implications," Donald C. Reitzes and Peter J.

Burke, Pacific Sociology Review 23 (1):45-66 (1980).

3. "A Revised View of Distance - Density Relationships," Michael L. Chernoff and Donald C.

Reitzes, Sociology and Social Research 64 (3): 389-404 (1980).

4. "Beyond the Looking Glass Self: Cooley's Social Self and Its Treatment in Introductory

Textbooks," Contemporary Sociology 9 (5): 631-640 (1980).

5. "Identity and Behaviors," Sociological Focus 13 (2): 113-124 (1980).

6. "Saul D. Alinsky's Contribution to Community Development," Donald C. Reitzes and

Dietrich C. Reitzes, Journal of the Community Development Society 11 (2): 39-52 (1980).

7. "The Link Between Identity and Role Performance," Peter J. Burke and Donald C. Reitzes,

Social Psychology Quarterly 44 (2): 83-92 (1981).

8. "Retirement, Identity, and Well-Being: Realignment of Role Relationships," Elizabeth J.

Mutran and Donald C. Reitzes, The Journal of Gerontology 36 (6): 733-740 (1981).

9. "Role-Identity Correspondence in the College Student Role," The Sociological Quarterly 22

(4): 607-620 (1981).

10. "Saul D. Alinsky: A Neglected Source but Promising Resource," Donald C. Reitzes and

Dietrich C. Reitzes, The American Sociologist 17 (1): 47-56 (1982).

11. “Alinsky Reconsidered: A Reluctant Community Theorist," Donald C. Reitzes and Dietrich

C. Reitzes, Social Science Quarterly 63 (2): 265-279 (1982).

Reprinted in: Roland L. Warren and J. Larry Lynn (eds.), New Perspectives On the


American Community. Dorsey Press, Homewood, IL (1983).

Reprinted in: Roland L. Warren and J. Larry Lynn (eds.), New Perspectives On the

American Community (Fifth Edition). Dorsey Press, Homewood, IL (1988).

12. "Cooley Revisited: The Treatment of Cooley's Sociological Orientation in Introductory

Textbooks," Donald C. Reitzes and William E. Hall, Sociological Spectrum 2 (2): 133-156


13. "Cognitive and Affective Factors Which Influence Downtown Behavior," Donald C. Reitzes

and James H. Crutchfield, Sociological Focus 15 (4): 393-402 (1982).

14. "Gay Bars as Commercial Community Organizations: The Management of Interactions with

Outsiders," Donald C. Reitzes and Juliette Diver, Deviant Behavior, (4): 1-18 (1982).

15. "The Processes and Consequences of Role Identification Among College Students," Donald

C. Reitzes and Peter J. Burke, Research in Sociology of Education and Socialization (4): 129-

154 (1983).

16. "Urban Images: A Social Psychological Approach," Sociological Inquiry, 53 (2-3): 314-332


17. "Intergenerational Support Activities and Well-Being Among the Elderly: A Convergence of

Exchange and Symbolic Interaction Perspectives," Elizabeth J. Mutran and Donald C. Reitzes,

American Sociological Review 49 (1): 117-130 (1984).

Recipient of the 1985 Reuben Hill Award presented by the Research and Theory Section

of the National Council on Family Relations (1985).

18. "Alinsky's Legacy: Current Application of His Principles and Strategies," Donald C. Reitzes

and Dietrich C. Reitzes, Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change 6: 31-55 (1984).

19. "Downtown Orientations: An Urban Identification Approach," Journal of Urban Affairs 7

(2): 29-46 (1985).

20. "Downtown Vitality: Factors Influencing the Use of Dining and Entertainment Facilities,"

Sociological Perspectives 29 (1): 121-143 (1986).

21. "Urban Identification and Downtown Activities: A Social-Psychological Approach." Social

Psychology Quarterly 49 (2): 167-179 (1986).

22. "Alinsky in the 1980s: Two Contemporary Chicago Community Organizations," Donald C.

Reitzes and Dietrich C. Reitzes, Sociological Quarterly 28 (2): 265-283 (1987).

23. "Labor Force Participation and Health: A Cohort Comparison of Older Male Workers,"

Elizabeth Mutran and Donald C. Reitzes, Social Sciences Quarterly 70 (2): 449-467 (1989).


24. "Exchange Relationships in the Aging Family," Elizabeth Mutran and Donald C. Reitzes. Pp.

149-162 in Gerontology: Perspectives and Issues. K. Ferraro (Editor). New York: Springer


25. "Metro Seniors in Action: A case Study of a City-Wide Seniors Organization," Donald C.

Reitzes and Dietrich C. Reitzes, The Gerontologist 31 (2): 256-262 (1991).

26. "Location and Well-Being Among Retired Men," Elizabeth J. Mutran, Donald C. Reitzes,

and Halowell Pope, Journal of Gerontology 46 (4): 195-203 (1991).

27. "An Identity Theory Approach to Commitment," Peter J. Burke and Donald C. Reitzes,

Social Psychology Quarterly 54 (3): 239-251 (1991).

28. "Saul D. Alinsky: An Applied Urban Symbolic Interactionist," Donald C. Reitzes and

Dietrich C. Reitzes, Symbolic Interaction 15 (1): 1-24 (1992).

29. "Community Lost: Another Look at Six Classical Theorists," Donald C. Reitzes and Dietrich

C. Reitzes, Research in Community Sociology 2: 13-37 (1992).

30. "The Social Psychology of Robert E. Park: Human Nature, Personality, and Social Structure,"

Donald C. Reitzes and Dietrich C. Reitzes, Symbolic Interaction 16 (1): 39-63 (1993).

31. "Symbolic Interactionism and Family Studies," Ralph LaRossa and Donald C. Reitzes. Pp.

135-163 in Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methods: A Contextual Approach, P. Boss, W.

Doherty, R. LaRossa, W. Schumm and S. Steinmetz (Editors). New York: Plenum (1993).

32. "Continuity and Change in Middle Class Fatherhood, 1925- 1939: The Culture-Conduct

Connection," Ralph LaRossa and Donald C. Reitzes, Journal of Marriage and the Family 55:

455-468 (1993).

33. "Multiple Roles and Identities: Factors Influencing Self-Esteem Among Middle-Aged

Working Men and Women," Donald C. Reitzes and Elizabeth J. Mutran, Social Psychology

Quarterly 57 (4): 313-325 (1994).

34. "Middle-Aged Working Men and Women: Similar and Different Paths to Self-Esteem,"

Donald C. Reitzes, Elizabeth Mutran, and Maria E. Fernandez, Research on Aging 16: 355-374


35. "Gendered Perceptions of Father Involvement in Early 20th Century America," Ralph

LaRossa and Donald C. Reitzes, Journal of Marriage and the Family 57: 223-229 (1995).

36. "Activities and Self-Esteem: Continuing the Development of Activity Theory," Donald C.

Reitzes, Elizabeth J. Mutran, and Linda A. Verrill, Research on Aging 17:260-277 (1995).


37. "Social Support, Depression, and Recovery of Walking Ability Following Hip Fracture

Surgery," Elizabeth J. Mutran, Donald C. Reitzes, Jana Mossey, and Maria E. Fernandez, Journal

of Gerontology: Social Science 50B:S354-361 (1995).

38. “Preretirement Influences on Postretirement Self-Esteem,” Donald C. Reitzes, Elizabeth

Mutran, and Maria E. Fernandez, The Journal of Gerontology: Social Science, 51B:S242-S249


39. "Does Retirement Hurt Well-Being?: Factors Influencing Self-Esteem and Depression

Among Retirees and Workers," Donald C. Reitzes, Elizabeth Mutran, and Maria E. Fernandez,

The Gerontologist, 36 (5):649-656 (1996).

40. “Self-Esteem and Subjective Responses to Work Among Mature Workers: Similarities and

Differences by Gender,” Elizabeth J. Mutran, Donald C. Reitzes, Kathleen A. Bratton, and Maria

E. Fernandez, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 52B:S89-S96 (1997).

41. “Factors That Influence Attitudes Toward Retirement,” Elizabeth J. Mutran, Donald C.

Reitzes, and Maria E. Fernandez, Research on Aging, 19 (3):251-273 (1997).

42. “Reciprocity Between Family Generations,” Elizabeth Mutran and Donald C. Reitzes. Pp.

157-170 in Gerontology: Perspectives and Issues (2nd Edition), Kenneth F. Ferraro (Editor).

New York: Springer (1997).

43. "Risk Factors Associated With Problem Gambling," Rachel Volberg, Donald C. Reitzes, and

Jacqueline Boles, Deviant Behavior, 18 (4): 321-342 (1997).

44. “Ethnicity, Gender, and Depressive Symptoms in Older Workers,” Marie E. Fernandez,

Elizabeth J. Mutran, Donald C. Reitzes, and S. Sudha, The Gerontologist, 38 (1): 71-79 (1998).

45. “Moderating the Effects of Stress on Depressive Symptoms,” Marie E. Fernandez, Elizabeth

J. Mutran, and Donald C. Reitzes, Research on Aging, 20 (2): 163-182 (1998).

46. “The Decision to Retire: A Career Perspective,” Donald C. Reitzes, Elizabeth J. Mutran, and

Marie E. Fernandez, Social Science Quarterly, 79 (3): 607-619 (1998).

47. “Friendship and Social Support: The Importance of Role Identity to Aging Adults,” Darcy

Clay Siebert, Elizabeth J. Mutran, and Donald C. Reitzes, Social Work, 44 (6): 522-532 (1999).

Reprinted in: Sharon M. Keigher, Anne E. Fortune, and Stanley L. Witkin (eds.), Aging

and Social Work: The Changing Landscapes. NASW Press, Washington, DC (2000).

48. “The Importance of Racial-Ethnic Identity and Social Setting for Blacks, Whites, and

Multiracials,” Charles Jaret and Donald C. Reitzes, Sociological Perspectives, 42 (4): 711-737



49. “Two? Two and One-Half? Thirty Months? Chronometrical Childhood in Early 20th Century

America,” Ralph LaRossa and Donald C. Reitzes, Sociological Forum, 16 (3): 385-407 (2001).

50. “Self Concept as the Organization of Roles: Importance, Centrality, and Balance,” Donald C.

Reitzes and Elizabeth J. Mutran, Sociological Quarterly, 43 (4): 647-667 (2002).

51. “Social and Emotional Engagement in Adulthood,” Donald C. Reitzes. Pp. 425-447 in Well-

Being: Positive Development Across the Life Course, edited by M. H. Bornstein, L. Davidson, C.

L M. Keyes, K. A. Moore. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associations (2003).

52. “Grandparenthood: Factors Influencing Frequency of Grandparent-Grandchildren Contact

and Grandparent Role Satisfaction,” Donald C. Reitzes and Elizabeth J. Mutran, Journal of

Gerontology: Social Science, 59B (1): S9-S16 (2004).

53. “The Transition to Retirement: Stages and Factors that Influence Retirement Adjustment,”

Donald C. Reitzes and Elizabeth J. Mutran, International Journal of Aging and Human

Development, 59 (1): 63-84 (2004).

54. “Grandparent Identity, Intergenerational Family Identity, and Well-Being,” Donald C.

Reitzes and Elizabeth J. Mutran, Journal of Gerontology: Social Science, 59B (4): S213-S219


55. “Culture, Cognition, and Parenthood,” Ralph LaRossa, Wendy Simonds, and Donald C.

Reitzes. Pp. 423-436 in Sourcebook on Family Theory and Research, edited by V. Bengtson, A.

Acock, K. Allen, P. Dilworth-Anderson, and D. Klein. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications


56. “Reflected Appraisals and Self-Esteem,” Charles Jaret, Donald C. Reitzes, and Nadezda

Shapkina, Sociological Perspectives, 48 (3):403-419 (2005).

57. “Self and Health: Factors that Encourage Self-Esteem and Functional Health,” Donald C.

Reitzes and Elizabeth J. Mutran, Journal of Gerontology: Social Science, 61B (1):S44-S51


58. “Lingering Identities in Retirement,” Donald C. Reitzes and Elizabeth J. Mutran,

Sociological Quarterly, 47:333-359 (2006).

59. “The Role of Religious Identity in the Mental Health of Older Working and Retired Adults,”

Corey L. M. Keyes and Donald C. Reitzes, Aging and Mental Health, 11 (4):434-443 (2007).

60. “Identities and Social Psychological Well-Being Among African-American College

Students,” Donald C. Reitzes and Charles Jaret, Sociological Focus, 40 (4):393-412 (2007).

61. “Currents in a Stream: College Student Identities and Ethnic Identities and their Relationship

with Self-Esteem, Efficacy, and Grade Point Average in an Urban University,” Charles Jaret and


Donald C. Reitzes, Social Science Quarterly, 90 (2):345-367 (2009).

62. “A Symbolic Interaction Approach to Cigarette Smoking: Smoking Frequency and the

Desire to Quit Smoking,” Donald C. Reitzes, Lara DePadilla, Claire E. Sterk, and Kirk W.

Elifson, Sociological Focus, 43 (3) 193-213 (2010).

63. “Social Support and Social Network Ties Among the Homeless in a Downtown Atlanta

Park,” Donald C. Reitzes, Timothy J. Crimmins, Johanna Yarbrough, and Josie Parker, Journal

of Community Psychology, 39 (3) 274-291 (2011).

64. “Sense of Place Among Atlanta Public Housing Residents,” Griff Tester, Erin Ruel, Angela

Anderson, Donald C. Reitzes, and Deirdre Oakley, Journal of Urban Health 88 (3) 436-453


65. “Black Racial/Ethnic Identity and Its Impact on Well-Being: Bridging Identity Theory and

Racial/Ethnic Identity Research,” Donald C. Reitzes and Charles Jaret. Pp. 147-170 in African

American Identity: Racial and Cultural Dimensions of the Black Experience, edited by Jas M.

Sullivan and Ashraf Esmail. Lanham, MD. Lexington Books (2012).

66. “Home or Office? The Homeless and Atlanta’s Downtown Park,” Donald C. Reitzes,

Timothy J. Crimmins, Johanna Yarbrough, and Josie Parker,” Sociological Focus 48: 28-48


67. “Preserving and Protecting Self-Esteem Among Homeless Men,” Josie Parker, Donald C.

Reitzes, and Erin Ruel,” Sociological Perspectives (forthcoming, 2016).


68. “Robert E. Park: Neglected Social Psychologist,” Donald C. Reitzes, chapter in book

edited by Peter Kivisto. London: Anthem Press (forthcoming, 2016).


1. "Survival: A Game of Social Interaction and Group Process," with Jacqueline Boles. Pp.

55-56 in L. R. Meeth and D. S. Gregory (eds.), Directory of Teaching Innovations in Sociology.

Arlington, Virginia: Studies in Higher Education (1981).

2. "Using Student Class Participation to Illustrate Dimensions of the Concepts of Status and

Role," with David M. Petersen. Pp. 81-82 in L. R. Meeth and D. S. Gregory (eds.), Directory of

Teaching Innovations in Sociology. Arlington, Virginia: Studies in Higher Education (1981).

3. “Identity, Self, and Social Interaction: A Syllabus for an Undergraduate Social Psychology

Course.” Pp. 182-185 in R. Kettlitz (ed.), Teaching Social Psychology: A Collection of Syllabi,

Assignments, and Other Resources. Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association



Book Review

1. Schools in Central Cities: Structure and Process, by K. M. Borman and J. H. Spring in

Contemporary Sociology 14 (3): 346-347 (1985).

2. Social Psychology (2nd Edition) by S. L. Albrecht, B. A. Chadwick, and C. K. Jacobson in

Teaching Sociology 15 (2): 226-228 (1987).

3. Contested Ground: Collective Action and the Urban Neighborhood by J. E. Davis in

Contemporary Sociology 21 (1): 61 (1992).

4. Being Urban: A Sociology of City Life (2nd Edition) by D. A. Karp, G. P. Stone, and W. C.

Yoels in Symbolic Interaction 15 (2):245-246 (1992).

5. The Evolution of Retirement: An American Economic History, 1880-1990 by Dora L. Costa,

in Social Science Quarterly 80 (4): 871-873 (1999).

6. Continuity and Adaptation in Aging: Creating Positive Experiences by Robert C. Atchley in

Contemporary Gerontology 7 (1): 19-20 (2000).

Other Publications

1. “Lessons Learned from a Public Controversy,” Donald C. Reitzes, Mindy Stombler, and Kirk

Elifson,” Footnotes, (September/October): 5,8 (2009).


Papers Presented

1. "The Impact Role Meanings on Identity," Southern Sociological Society (Social Psychology

Session), New Orleans, Louisiana (with Peter J. Burke). April 1978.

2. "Processes and Consequences of Identity," Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction

(General Paper Session), San Francisco, (with Peter J. Burke). September 1978.

3. "An Expanded Model of Urban Density Functions," Mid-South Sociological Association

(Urban Ecology Session), Jackson, Mississippi (with Michael L. Chernoff). November 1978.

4. "Significant Others and Self Conceptions: Factors Influencing Educational Expectations and

Academic Performance," Southern Sociological Society (Sociology of Higher Education

Sessions). Atlanta, Georgia (with Elizabeth Mutran). April 1979.

5. "Beyond the Looking Glass Self: Cooley's Social Self and It's Treatment in Introductory

Textbooks," Southern Sociological Society (Social Psychology Session), Knoxville, Tennessee.

March 1980.

6. "Saul D. Alinsky: Community Organization Theorist and Practitioner," Society for the Study


of Social Problems (Community Research and Development Session), New York City (with

Dietrich C. Reitzes). August 1980.

7. "Saul D. Alinsky: A Neglected Source But Promising Resource," American Sociological

Association (Community and Neighborhood Session), New York City (with Dietrich C. Reitzes).

August 1980.

8. "The Link Between Identity and Role Performance," American Sociological Association

(Social Psychology Session), New York City, (with Peter J. Burke). August 1980.

9. "Urban Images: The Meanings of Downtown Atlanta," Georgia Sociological Association

(Research Roundtables: City Life Session), Jekyll Island, Georgia. October 1980.

10. “The Use of a Small Group Game as a Teaching Tool in Small Groups, Social Psychology or

Sex Role Classes," Georgia Sociological Association (Teaching Roundtables Session), Jekyll

Island, Georgia, (with Jacqueline Boles). October 1980.

11. "Today's American Family," Illinois Sociological Association (Marriage and the Family-

Unconventional Perspectives Session), Hinsdale, Illinois (with Dietrich C. Reitzes). October


12. "Cooley Revisited: The Treatment of Cooley's Sociological Orientation in Introductory

Sociology Textbooks," Mid-South Sociological Association (Constructing Social Theories

Session), Little Rock, Arkansas (with William E. Hall). October 1980.

13. "Retirement, Identity and Well-Being: Realignment of Role Relationships," The

Gerontological Society of America (The Retirement Process Paper Session), San Diego,

California (with Elizabeth Mutran). November 1980.

14. "Gay Bars as Commercial Community Organizations: The Management of Interactions with

Outsiders," Southern Sociological Society (Urban Social Psychology Session), Louisville,

Kentucky (with Juliette Diver). April 1981.

15. "Social Psychological Factors Which Influence Fear of Crime and the Evaluation of a

Downtown," American Sociological Association (Research Roundtable: Social Psychology

Session), Toronto, Canada (with Toshi Kii). August 1981.

16. "Cognitive and Affective Factors Which Influence Downtown Behaviors," Southern

Sociological Society (Urban Sociology Session), Memphis, Tennessee (with James H.

Crutchfield). April 1982.

17. "Alinsky Orientation and Its Impact on Three National Community Organizations," Eastern

Sociological Society (Social Movements and Actions Sessions), Baltimore, Maryland (with

Dietrich C. Reitzes). March 1983.

18. “Alinsky in the 1980's: Three Contemporary Chicago Community Organizations," The


Midwest Sociological Society (Community and Neighborhood Session) Kansas City, Missouri

(with Dietrich C. Reitzes). April 1983.

19. "Downtown Vitality: Factors Influencing the Use of Dining and Entertainment Facilities,"

Southern Sociological Society (Policy Research and Application Session), Atlanta, Georgia.

April 1983.

20. "Intergenerational Support Activities and Well-Being Among the Elderly: An Interactionist

Perspective," American Sociological Association (Sociology of Aging Section) Detroit

Michigan (with Elizabeth Mutran). September 1983.

21. “Alinsky: Principles and Organizations in the Eighties," Society for the Study of Social

Problems (Community Conflict Section) San Antonio, Texas (with Dietrich C. Reitzes). August


22. "Identification and Sense of Community in an Urban Downtown," American Sociological

Association (Urban Sociology Section) San Antonio, Texas. August 1984.

23. "Community Identification in an Urban High Rise," Eastern Sociological Association

(Community Session), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (with William E. Hall). March 1985.

24. "Saul Alinsky: Gone But Not Forgotten," American Sociological Association (Community

Section Roundtable Session), Washington, D.C. August 1985.

25. "Alinsky in the 1980s: Two Contemporary Chicago Community Organizations," American

Sociological Association (Community Session), New York, New York (with Dietrich C.

Reitzes). August 1986.

26. "Constructing Community: Organizing Seniors in Chicago's Uptown," (Community Section

Referred Roundtable) American Sociological Association (with Dietrich C. Reitzes) Chicago,

Illinois. August 1987.

27. "Retirement: Adjustment Processes and Consequences," (Round-table Session) Southern

Sociological Society, Nashville, Tennessee (with Elizabeth Mutran). March 1988.

28. "Health and Labor Force Participation: A Cohort Comparison of Older Male Workers," (Age

Stratification and the Life Course Session), American Sociological Association, Atlanta Georgia

(with Elizabeth Mutran). August 1988.

29. "Roles and Self: Factors in Development and Retirement," (Aging Informal Roundtables

Session) American Sociological Association, Atlanta, Georgia (with Elizabeth Mutran). August


30. "Commitment: Sorting Out the Conceptual and Empirical Confusion," (Personality and

Social Structure Session), American Sociological Association San Francisco (with Peter J.

Burke). August 1989.


31. "Location and Well-Being Among Retired Men," (Sociology of Aging Session), American

Sociological Association, Washington, D.C. (with Elizabeth Mutran and Halowell Pope).

August 1990.

32. "Metro Seniors in Action: A Case Study of the Growth, Crisis, and Possible Demise of a

City-Wide Seniors Organization," (Aging Roundtable Session), American Sociological

Association, Washington, D.C. (with Dietrich C. Reitzes). August 1990.

33. "Metro Seniors in Action: A Case Study of a City-Wide Seniors Organization," (Aging Well

in the 21st Century Session), Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, GA (with Dietrich C.

Reitzes). April 1991.

34. "Bridging Urban Sociology and Symbolic Interaction Theory: Saul D. Alinsky as an Applied

Urban Symbolic Interactionist," (Symbolic Interaction Session), American Sociological

Association, Cincinnati, Ohio (with Dietrich C. Reitzes). August 1991.

35. "Situational Factors in Parental Involvement: Child Rearing in the Middle Class, 1925-

1939," (Family Section Roundtable Session), American Sociological Association, Cincinnati,

Ohio (with Ralph LaRossa). August 1991.

36. "Father Involvement in Middle-Class Families Prior to and During the Great Depression,"

(Family Ties Session), American Sociological Association, Pittsburgh, PA (with Ralph

LaRossa). August 1992.

37. "Retirement Processes," (Aging Section Roundtable Session), American Sociological

Association, Pittsburgh, PA (with Elizabeth Mutran). August 1992.

38. "Well-Being and Health Among Older Workers," (Paper Session), Southern Sociological

Society, Chattanooga, TN (with Elizabeth Mutran). April 1993.

39. “The Promises and Pitfalls of a City-Wide Seniors Organization: A Case Study of Metro

Seniors in Action," (Creating Community Partnerships Paper Session), National Council on

Aging Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA (with Dietrich C. Reitzes). April 1993.

40. "Self-Esteem Among Older Working Men and Women: Work and Spousal Identities,

Activities, and Social Background," (Self-Esteem and Stigma Paper Session), International

Institute of Sociology, Sorbonne-Paris (France), (with Elizabeth Mutran). June 1993.

41. "Work and Retirement" (Aging Section Roundtable Session), American Sociological

Association, Miami, FL (with Elizabeth Mutran). August 1993.

42. "Social Support: Unraveling the Relationship with Illness Recovery," (Aging Section

Roundtable Session), American Sociological Association, Miami, FL (with Elizabeth Mutran,


Maria Erlinda Fernandez, and Jana Mossey). August 1993.

43. “Father Involvement Among Yesterday's Dad's: Rethinking the Findings from the Early

Middletown Studies," National Council on Family Relations, Baltimore, MD (with Ralph

LaRossa). November 1993.

44. "The Role of Social Support and Depression in Recovery from Hip Fracture," (Health,

Gender, and Social Support Paper Session) Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA

(with Elizabeth Mutran, Maria Erlinda Fernandez, and Jana Mossey). November 1993.

45. "Gender Differences and Influences of Work and Spousal Identities on Self-Esteem of Older

Working Men and Women," (Work and Retirement Poster Session) Gerontological Society of

America, New Orleans, LA (with Elizabeth Mutran, Maria Erlinda Fernandez, and Anna

Johnston). November 1993.

46. "Stress and Distress in the Workplace," (Iron Cages and Wage Slaves: Coping with Work

and Place Paper Session), Southern Sociological Society, Raleigh, NC (with Elizabeth Mutran

and Maria Erlinda Fernandez). April 1994.

47. "An Identity Theory Approach to Commitment, Identity Salience, and Identity Prominence,"

(Social Psychology Paper Session), Southern Sociological Society, Raleigh, NC (with Ravinder

Singh, and Elizabeth Mutran). April 1994.

48. "Multiple Roles and Identities: Factors Influencing Self-Esteem Among Middle-Aged

Working Men and Women," (Social Psychology Paper Session), American Sociological

Association, Los Angeles, CA (with Elizabeth Mutran). August 1994.

49. "The Relationship Between Work, Social Roles, and Smoking in Middle-Aged Working

Women," (Poster Session), American Public Health Association, Washington, DC (with Nancy

B. Foreman, and Elizabeth Mutran). October 1994.

50. "Social Support and Esteem as Buffers of Stress," (Paper Session), Gerontological Society of

America, Atlanta (with Maria Erlinda Fernandez and Elizabeth Mutran). November 1994.

51. “The Importance of Marital Status and Religion to Health Promotion Among Mature

Working Women: The Case of Smoking," (Poster Session), Gerontological Society of America,

Atlanta (with Nancy B. Foreman, and Elizabeth Mutran). November 1994.

52. “Continuing the Development of Activity Theory," (Social Dynamics of Aging Paper

Session), Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta (with Linda A. Verrill and Elizabeth Mutran).

April 1995.

53. "Self-Concept and the Underclass," (Self-Identity and Sentiments Paper Session), Southern

Sociological Society, Atlanta (with Lyn Hodges). April 1995.


54. "Work Attitudes and Self-Esteem Among Middle-Aged Workers," (Aging Paper Session),

American Sociological Association, Washington, DC (with Elizabeth Mutran and Maria Erlinda

Fernandez). August 1995.

55. "Middle-Aged Working Men and Women: Two Years Later," (Aging Section Roundtable

Session), American Sociological Association, Washington, DC (with Elizabeth Mutran). August


56. "Components of Work That Predict Self-Esteem and the Quality of Work Among Mature

Men and Women," (Paper Session), European Congress of Gerontology, Amsterdam, The

Netherlands (with Elizabeth Mutran and Maria Erlinda Fernandez). September 1995.

57. "Pre-Retirement Identities and Self-Esteem in Retirement," (Behavior and Social Science

Paper Session), Gerontological Society of America, Los Angeles, CA (with Elizabeth Mutran

and Maria Erlinda Fernandez). November 1995.

58. “Marital Status and Health Among Working Men and Women," (Behavioral and Social

Science Poster Session), Gerontological Society of America, Los Angeles, CA (with Elizabeth

Mutran and Maria Erlinda Fernandez). November 1995.

59. "Risk Factors Associated With Problem Gambling," (Paper Session), Southern Sociological

Society, Richmond, VA (with Jacqueline Boles and Rachel Volberg). April 1996.

60. "Pre-Retirement Factors Influencing Retirement Meanings," (Aging Section Roundtable

Session), American Sociological Association, New York, NY (with Elizabeth Mutran). August


61. "The Decision to Retire: A Convergence of Background, Work, and Family Factors," (Aging

Paper Session), American Sociological Association, New York, NY (with Elizabeth Mutran and

Maria Erlinda Fernandez). August 1996.

62. “Broadening the Set of Factors that Influence Retirement,” (Retirement and Work Poster

Session), Gerontological Society of American, Washington, DC (with Elizabeth Mutran and

Maria Erlinda Fernandez). November 1996.

63. “Variations in Depression by Minority Status and Gender: a Prospective Study,”

(Psychopathology and Aging Poster Session), Gerontological Society of America, Washington,

DC (with Elizabeth Mutran and Maria Erlinda Fernandez). November 1996.

64. “The Impact of Self Processes, Retirement, and Gender on Poor Health,” International

Institute of Sociology, (Aging and Aging Processes Working Session), Cologne Germany (with

Elizabeth Mutran). July 1997.

65. “Factors that Support Functional Health,” (Aging Section Roundtable Session), American

Sociological Association, Toronto, Canada (with Elizabeth Mutran). August 1997.


66. “The Effects of Health Habits on Physical Health and Its Precursors,” (Poster Session), 16th

Congress of the International Association of Gerontology, Honolulu, Hawaii (with Elizabeth

Mutran and Maria Erlinda Fernandez). August 1997.

67. “Factors That Influence Poor Health,” (Paper Session), 16th Congress of the International

Association of Gerontology, Honolulu, Hawaii (with Elizabeth Mutran). August 1997.

68. “Social Support Networks of Pre-Retirement Working Men and Women,” (Paper Session),

16th Congress of the International Association of Gerontology, Honolulu, Hawaii (with Darcy

Siebert, and Elizabeth Mutran). August 1997.

69. “Meaning of Friendships and Attitudes Toward Retirement,” (Poster Session),

Gerontological Society of America, Cincinnati, Ohio (with Elizabeth Mutran and Darcy Siebert).

November 1997.

70. “The Relative Importance of Race and Other Social Identities in Work, Home, and

Neighborhood Settings for Blacks, Whites, and Multiracial Americans,” (Context and Social

Identities Paper Session), Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, Georgia (with Charles Jaret).

April 1998.

71. “The Importance of Racial-Ethnic Identity and Social Context on the Self Concept of Blacks,

Whites, and Multiracials,” (Race and Ethnicity Paper Session), American Sociological

Association, San Francisco, California (with Charles Jaret). August 1998.

72. “Self and Other Factors That Influence Health,” (Health Behavior and Lifestyle Poster

Session), European Health Psychology Society, Vienna, Austria (with Elizabeth J. Mutran).

August 1998.

73. “The Effect of the Worker Role Identity on Positive Transition Into Retirement,” (Poster

Session), Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (with Darcy Siebert,

and Elizabeth Mutran).November 1998.

74. “Self-Esteem and the Transition into Retirement,” (Aging Section Roundtable Session),

American Sociological Association, Chicago, Illinois, (with Elizabeth Mutran). August 1999.

75. “The Impact of Early 20th Century Urbanization and the Great Depression on

Chronometricity,” (Paper Session), National Conference on Family Relations Annual

Conference, Irvine, California (with Ralph LaRossa). November 1999.

76. “Lingering and Changing Identities in Retirement,” (Aging: Relationships and Identities

Paper Session), American Sociological Association, Washington, DC, (with Elizabeth Mutran).

August 2000.

77. “Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment and Their Relationship to Work Identity,”

(Paper Session), Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta (with Toshi Kii, Dawn M. Baunach,

Sophia Xiong). April, 2001.


78. “Gender Similarities and Differences in the Personal Significance Attributed to the Worker,

Spouse, and Parent Roles: Importance, Centrality, and Balance,” (Aging Section Roundtable

Session), American Sociological Association, Anaheim, CA (with Elizabeth J. Mutran). August,


79. “Self Processes and Grandparent Role Satisfaction,” (Aging Section Roundtable Session),

American Sociological Association, Atlanta, (with Elizabeth J. Mutran). August, 2003.

80. “Culture, Cognition, and Parenthood,” Theory Construction and Research Methodology

Workshop, National Council on Family Relations with Ralph LaRossa and Wendy S. Simonds,

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. November 2003.

81. “Reflected Appraisals, Self Esteem, and Liberalism,” (Network Interactions and the Effects

on Well-Being Paper Session), Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta (with Charles Jaret and

Nadia Chapkina), April 2004.

82. “Grandparent Identity, Intergenerational Family Identity, and Well-Being,” (Sociology of

Aging Paper Session), American Sociological Association, San Francisco. August, 2004.

83. “Self and Health: Factors Influencing Self-Esteem and Functional Health,” (Health and

Well-Being II: Culture, Inequality, and Identity), American Sociological Association,

Philadelphia. August, 2005.

84. “Transitions to Retirement: Outcomes, Stages, and Processes,” presented at the 2nd Annual

Conference of the Chinese Gerontological Association on Higher Education, Renmin University,

Beijing, China; and invited presentations at Tsinghua University (Beijing), Nankai University

(Tianjin), Fudan University (Shanghai), Nanjing University (Nanjing), and Zhongshan University

(Guanzhou). May-June 2006.

85. “Identities and Well-Being Among African-American College Students,” (Social Psychology

Paper Session), American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada (with Charles Jaret).

August 2006.

86. “Modern Germany: Adding a German Perspective to Introductory Sociology and Identity

Research,” (Travel Aboard: Sociological Implications for Teaching and Research), Southern

Sociological Society, Atlanta, Georgia. April 2007.

87. “Currents in a Stream: College Student and Ethnic Identities and their Relationship with

Self-Esteem, Efficacy, and Grade Point Average,” (Social Psychology II; Racial and Ethnic

Identities Paper Session), American Sociological Association, New York (with Charles Jaret).

August 2007.


88. “Retirement Adjustment: A Symbolic Interactionist Perspective,” invited presentation to the

College of Social Sciences faculty, Ajou University. Suwon, South Korea. June 2008.

89. “A Symbolic Interaction Approach to the Investigation of Smoking Prevalence and

Cessation Plans,” (Section on Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco Roundtable Session) American

Sociological Association, Boston (with Claire E. Sterk and Kirk W. Elifson). August 2008.

90. “Urban Sociology: An American Perspective,” invited presentation to Department of

Sociology faculty at Eastern China Normal University, Shanghai, China (October, 6, 2008);

Population Research Department faculty at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Chengdu, China (October 12, 2008); at Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China

(October 13, 2008); and Department of Sociology faculty at Huazhong Agricultural University,

Wuhan, China (October 18, 2008). October 2008.

91. “Amorphous or Structured? Formal and Informal Networks Among Homeless People in

Downtown Atlanta,” (Rural and Urban Sociology Paper Session), Southern Sociological Society,

New Orleans (with Johanna H. Boers, Josie Parker, and Timothy Crimmins). April 2009.

92. “The Homeless and Atlanta’s Downtown Park: A Historical and Participant Observation

Study of a Contested Place,” (Space and Place Paper Session), American Sociological

Association, San Francisco (with Timothy J. Crimmins and Johanna H. Boers). August 2009.

93. “Health Through Action: The Atlanta Experience,” Asian and Pacific Islander American

Health Forum: Health Brain Trust on Data and Research, Atlanta, (with Marianne Chung).

September 2009.

94. “Building the Capacity of a Community Organization to Do Local Research and Health

Evaluation,” (International Initiatives and Local Community Partnerships: Blending Research

and Service,” Regional Spotlight Session, American Sociological Association, Atlanta (with

Marianne Chung). August 2010.

95. “A Symbolic Interaction Approach to Cigarette Smoking: Smoking Frequency and the

Desire to Quit Smoking,” invited presentation to Department of Sociology at Emory University,

Atlanta. October 1, 2010.

96. “Sense of Place Among Atlanta Public Housing Residents,” (Housing/Housing Policy Paper

Session), American Sociological Association, Las Vegas, NV (with Griff Tester, Erin E. Ruel,

Angela Anderson, and Deirdre Aine Oakley). August 2011.

97. “Contested Place and Home Territory: The Homeless and Atlanta’s Downtown Park,”

invited presentation to the Interdisciplinary Workshop in Colonial and Post-Colonial Studies

at Emory University, Atlanta. February 7, 2012; paper presented at The Second Forum of World

Urban History in China, Hangzhou/Tonglu, China. April 7, 2012.

98. “Home Territory: The Homeless and Atlanta’s Downtown Park,” invited presentation to the


Laboratory for the Study of Social Interaction Brown Bag Series, Department of Sociology,

University of Georgia, Athens. February 24, 2012; invited presentation to the Social Work

Department at Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, China, April 10, 2012; invited

presentation to the Sociology Department, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, April 12, 2012.

99. “The Homeless and Information Technology,” (Social Media, Flash Mobs, and the Internet

Paper Session), Society for the Study of Social Problems, Denver, CO (with Josie Parker and

Timothy Crimmins). August 2012.

100. “Self and Identity: Keys to Sociological Social Psychology,” invited 5 lecture mini-course

presented to graduate students and faculty at Huazhong Agricultural University; Wuhan, China;

December 10-14, 2012.

101. “Two New Directions in Self and Identity,” invited presentation to Sociology and Social

Work faculty and students at South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan, China.

December 14, 2012.

102. “Make the Best of a Bad Situation: The Impact of Identity Meanings on the Self-Worth of

Homeless People,” (Roundtable Session), Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta (with Josie

Parker). April 2013.

103. “How the Homeless Preserve and Protect Self-Efficacy,” (Critical Dialogues: Stress,

Coping, and Mental Health Disparities Session), Society for the Study of Social Problems, New

York (with Josie Parker). August 2013.

104. "Preserving and Protecting Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy Among Homeless Men,"

(Section on Social Psychology Roundtable), American Sociological Association,

San Francisco (with Josie Parker). August 2014.

105. “Home or Office? The Homeless and Atlanta’s Downtown Park,” (Beyond the Numbers:

Counting the Many Needs of Homeless Adults and Youth in Atlanta), 2015 Atlanta Studies

Symposium, Atlanta (with Timothy Crimmins). May 6, 2015.

Other Assignments at Professional Meetings

1. Discussant, Personality and Social Structure Session, American Sociological Association

Boston, Massachusetts. August 1979.

2. Organizer, Urban Social Psychology Session, Southern Sociological Society, Louisville,

Kentucky. March 1981.

3. Organizer, Research Roundtables, Georgia Sociological Association, Savannah, Georgia.

October 1982.

4. Organizer, Community Organization Session, Midwest Sociological Association, Chicago,

Illinois. April 1984.


5. Organizer (with Ralph LaRossa), Social Values and Commitment Session, Southern

Sociological Society, Atlanta, Georgia. April 1987.

6. Discussant, Theory and Research on Housing Session, Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta,

Georgia. April 1987.

7. Discussant, Community Section Referred Roundtable, American Sociological Association,

Chicago, Illinois. August 1987.

8. Tour Leader, Downtown Atlanta Walking Tour, American Sociological Association, Atlanta,

Georgia. August 1988.

9. Organizer, Self Concept and Identity Session, Southern Sociological Society, Norfolk,

Virginia. April 1989.

10. Organizer, (with Dietrich C. Reitzes), Community Organization Session, American

Sociological Association, San Francisco. August 1989.

11. Organizer, (with Dietrich C. Reitzes) Citizens' Organizations: Agents for Change and

Community Session, Southern Sociological Society, Louisville, Kentucky. March 1990.

12. Organizer, Self-Concept, Identity, and Personality Session, Southern Sociological Society,

New Orleans. April 1992.

13. Panel Member, Sociology Tomorrow: Approaching Research and Practice, Panel

Discussion, Georgia Sociological Association, Jekyll Island, GA. October 1992.

14. Organizer, (with John McCarthy) Special Session. Grassroots Community Organizing:

Implications for Sociology. American Sociological Association, New York. August 1996.

15. Panel Member, Sociologists as University Administrators: From Lines of Divide to Lines of

Collaboration, Panel Session, Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans. April 1997.

16. Organizer and Presider, Work and Retirement Research Group Roundtable Session, Section

on Aging, American Sociological Association. Washington, DC. August 2000.

17. Organizer (with Corey Keyes) Special Session. Social Psychology in the Substantive

Specialty Fields of Sociology. American Sociological Association. Atlanta, GA. August 2003.

18. Discussion Section Leader, Annual Chair Conference. Effective Use of Adjuncts and

Contract Faculty. American Sociological Association. Atlanta, GA. August 2003.

19. Discussion Section Leader, Annual Chair Conference. Managing Student Complaints.

American Sociological Association. Philadelphia, PA. August 2005.

20. Presenter and Discussion Leader, Annual Chair Conference. Sociology and General


Education. American Sociological Association. Montreal, Canada. August 2006.

21. Organizer and Presider, Travel Aboard: Sociological Implications for Teaching and Research,

Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, Georgia. April 2007.

22. Panel Member, ASA Workshop on Sociology and General Education. American

Sociological Association. New York, NY. August 2007.

23. Organizer and Discussant, Community Research Partnerships: Revisiting the City as a Social

Laboratory Paper Session, Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, Georgia. April 2010.

24. Organizer, International Initiatives and Community Partnerships: Blending Research and

Service, Regional Spotlight Session, American Sociological Association, Atlanta, Georgia.

August 2010.

25. Roundtable Presenter, “ Using Social Media to Raise the Profile of Your Department,” with

Jamie Hayes, American Sociological Association’s Department Chairs Conference, New York,

New York. August 2013.


Courses Taught

Undergraduate: Graduate:

Collective Behavior Adult Socialization

Identity, Self, and Social Interaction (and Honors section, Metropolitan Atlanta

and Critical Thinking Through Writing section) Proseminar in Sociology

Introduction to Social Problems Social Psychology

Introductory Sociology (and Honors section, and Urban Sociology

Freshmen Learning Community section) Small Groups

Urban Sociology