Dominion Theology - Wikipedia ...Kingdom Now theology Kingdom Now theology is a branch of Dominion...

Dominion Theology From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dominion Theology is a group of Christian political ideologies that seek to institute a nation governed by Christians based on Christian understandings of biblical law . Extents of rule and ways of achieving governing authority are varied. For example, Dominion Theology can include theonomy , but does not necessarily involve advocating Mosaic law as the basis of government. The label is applied primarily toward groups of Protestants in the United States. Prominent adherents of these ideologies are otherwise theologically diverse, including Calvinist Christian Reconstructionism, Charismatic/Pentecostal Kingdom Now theology , New Apostolic Reformation and others. Most of the contemporary Dominion Theology - Wikipedia 1 of 37 02/14/2017 08:26 PM

Transcript of Dominion Theology - Wikipedia ...Kingdom Now theology Kingdom Now theology is a branch of Dominion...

Page 1: Dominion Theology - Wikipedia ...Kingdom Now theology Kingdom Now theology is a branch of Dominion Theology which has had a following within Pentecostalism. It attracted attention

Dominion TheologyFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dominion Theology is a group ofChristian political ideologies that seek toinstitute a nation governed by Christiansbased on Christian understandings ofbiblical law. Extents of rule and ways ofachieving governing authority are varied.For example, Dominion Theology caninclude theonomy, but does not necessarilyinvolve advocating Mosaic law as the basisof government. The label is appliedprimarily toward groups of Protestants inthe United States.

Prominent adherents of these ideologiesare otherwise theologically diverse,including Calvinist ChristianReconstructionism,Charismatic/Pentecostal Kingdom Nowtheology, New Apostolic Reformation andothers. Most of the contemporary

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movements labeled Dominion Theologyarose in the 1970s from religiousmovements reasserting aspects ofChristian nationalism.

Some have applied the term "Dominionist"more broadly to the whole Christian right.This usage is controversial.


1 Etymology2 Christian Reconstructionism3 Kingdom Now theology4 Dominion Theology and the Christian

Right4.1 A spectrum of dominionism4.2 Criticism of the usage of the

term "dominionism"5 See also6 References

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The term "Dominion Theology" is areference to the King James Bible'srendering of Genesis 1:28, the passage inwhich God grants humanity "dominion"over the Earth.

And God blessed [Adam and Eve],and God said unto them, "Be fruitful,and multiply, and replenish the earth,and subdue it: and have dominionover the fish of the sea, and over thefowl of the air, and over every livingthing that moveth upon the earth."

In the late 1980s, several prominentevangelical authors[1][2][3][4] used thephrase Dominion Theology (and otherterms such as dominionism) to label aloose grouping of theological movementsthat made direct appeals to this passage in

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Genesis.[5] Christians typically interpretthis passage as meaning that God gavehumankind responsibility over the Earth,but the distinctive aspect of DominionTheology is that it is interpreted as amandate for Christian stewardship in civilaffairs, no less than in other humanmatters.


An example of Dominionism in reformedtheology is Christian Reconstructionism,which originated with the teachings of R.J. Rushdoony in the 1960s and 1970s.[6]

Rushdoony's theology focuses ontheonomy (the rule of the Law of God), abelief that all of society should be orderedaccording to the laws that governed theIsraelites in the Old Testament. His systemis strongly Calvinistic, emphasizing thesovereignty of God over human freedom

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and action, and denying the operation ofcharismatic gifts in the present day(cessationism); both of these aspects arein direct opposition to Kingdom NowTheology.

Full adherents to Reconstructionism arefew and marginalized among mostChristians.[7][8][9] Dave Hunt,[1] AlbertJames Dager [2] Hal Lindsey,[3] andThomas Ice[4] specifically criticizeChristian Reconstructionism from aChristian viewpoint, disagreeing ontheological grounds with its theocraticelements as well as its Calvinism andpostmillennialism. J. Ligon Duncan,[10]

Sherman Isbell,[11] Vern Poythress,[12]

Robert Godfrey,[13] and SinclairFerguson[14] analyze Reconstructionism asconservative Calvinists, primarily giving atheological critique of its theocraticelements. Michael J. McVicar has notedthat many leading Christian

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Reconstructionists are also leading writerson libertarian economic theories.[15]

Some social scientists have used the word"dominionism" to refer to adherence toChristian Reconstructionism.[16][17][18]

Kingdom Now theology

Kingdom Now theology is a branch ofDominion Theology which has had afollowing within Pentecostalism. Itattracted attention in the late 1980s.[19][20]

Kingdom Now theology states thatalthough Satan has been in control of theworld since the Fall, God is looking forpeople who will help him take backdominion. Those who yield themselves tothe authority of God's apostles andprophets will take control of the kingdomsof this world, being defined as all social

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institutions, the "kingdom" of education,the "kingdom" of science, the "kingdom" ofthe arts, etc.[21] C. Peter Wagner, thefounder of the New Apostolic Reformation,writes: "The practical theology that bestbuilds a foundation under socialtransformation is dominion theology,sometimes called 'Kingdom Now.' Itshistory can be traced back through R. J.Rushdoony and Abraham Kuyper to JohnCalvin."[22]

Kingdom Now theology is influenced bythe Latter Rain movement,[23] and criticshave connected it to the New ApostolicReformation,[24] "Spiritual WarfareChristianity",[23] and Fivefold ministrythinking.[25]

Kingdom Now theology should not beconfused with Kingdom theology, which isrelated to inaugurated eschatology.

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Dominion Theology andthe Christian Right

In the late 1980s sociologist SaraDiamond[26][27] began writing about theintersection of Dominion Theology withthe political activists of the ChristianRight. Diamond argued that "the primaryimportance of the [ChristianReconstructionist] ideology is its role as acatalyst for what is loosely called'dominion theology'." According toDiamond, "Largely through the impact ofRushdoony's and North's writings, theconcept that Christians are Biblicallymandated to 'occupy' all secularinstitutions has become the centralunifying ideology for the Christian Right."[26]:138 (emphasis in original) in the UnitedStates.

While acknowledging the small number ofactual adherents, authors such as Sara

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Diamond and Frederick Clarkson haveargued that postmillennial ChristianReconstructionism played a major role inpushing the primarily premillennialChristian Right to adopt a more aggressivedominionist stance.[28]

Misztal and Shupe concur that"Reconstructionists have many moresympathizers who fall somewhere withinthe dominionist framework, but who arenot card-carrying members."[29] Accordingto Diamond, "Reconstructionism is themost intellectually grounded, thoughesoteric, brand of dominion theology."[28]

Journalist Frederick Clarkson[30][31]

defined dominionism as a movement that,while including Dominion Theology andReconstructionism as subsets, is muchbroader in scope, extending to much of theChristian Right in the United States.

In his 1992 study of Dominion Theology

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and its influence on the Christian Right,Bruce Barron writes,

In the context of Americanevangelical efforts to penetrate andtransform public life, thedistinguishing mark of a dominionistis a commitment to defining andcarrying out an approach to buildingsociety that is self-consciouslydefined as exclusively Christian, anddependent specifically on the work ofChristians, rather than based on abroader consensus.[32]

In 1995, Diamond called the influence ofDominion Theology "prevalent on theChristian Right".[33]

Journalist Chip Berlet added in 1998 that,although they represent differenttheological and political ideas,dominionists assert a Christian duty to

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take "control of a sinful secularsociety".[34]

In 2005, Clarkson enumerated thefollowing characteristics shared by allforms of dominionism:[35]

Dominionists celebrate Christiannationalism, in that they believethat the United States once was,and should once again be, aChristian nation. In this way, theydeny the Enlightenment roots ofAmerican democracy.


Dominionists promote religioussupremacy, insofar as theygenerally do not respect theequality of other religions, or evenother versions of Christianity.


Dominionists endorse theocraticvisions, insofar as they believe thatthe Ten Commandments, or"biblical law", should be the


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foundation of American law, andthat the U.S. Constitution shouldbe seen as a vehicle forimplementing Biblicalprinciples.[35]

Essayist Katherine Yurica began using theterm dominionism in her articles in 2004,beginning with "The Despoiling ofAmerica", (February 11, 2004),[36][37][38]

Authors who also use the termdominionism in the broader sense includejournalist Chris Hedges [39][40][41] MarionMaddox,[42] James Rudin,[43] MichelleGoldberg,[44][45] Kevin Phillips,[46] SamHarris,[47] Ryan Lizza,[48] FrankSchaeffer,[49] and the groupTheocracyWatch.[50] Some authors haveapplied the term to a broader spectrum ofpeople than have Diamond, Clarkson, andBerlet.

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Sarah Posner in Salon argues that thereare various "iterations of dominionism thatcall on Christians to enter ... government,law, media and so forth ... so that they arecontrolled by Christians". According toPosner, "Christian right figures promoteddominionism ... and the GOP courted ...religious leaders for the votes of theirfollowers." She added: "If people reallyunderstood dominionism, they’d worryabout it between election cycles."[51]

Michelle Goldberg notes[52] that GeorgeGrant wrote in his 1987 book TheChanging of the Guard: Biblical Principlesfor Political Action:

Christians have an obligation, amandate, a commission, a holyresponsibility to reclaim the land forJesus Christ—to have dominion incivil structures, just as in every otheraspect of life and godliness. ... But it

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is dominion we are after. Not just avoice. ... Christian politics has as itsprimary intent the conquest of theland—of men, families, institutions,bureaucracies, courts, andgovernments for the Kingdom ofChrist.

A spectrum of dominionism

Writers including Chip Berlet[53] andFrederick Clarkson[35] distinguishbetween what they term "hard" and "soft"dominionism. Such commentators define"soft" dominionism as the belief that"America is a Christian nation" andopposition to separation of church andstate, while "hard" dominionism refers todominion theology and ChristianReconstructionism.

Michelle Goldberg uses the terms"Christian Nationalism" and

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"Dominionism" for the former view.[44]

According to Goldberg:

In many ways, Dominionism is more apolitical phenomenon than atheological one. It cuts acrossChristian denominations, from stern,austere sects to the signs-and-wonders culture of modernmegachurches. Think of it likepolitical Islamism, which shapes theactivism of a number of antagonisticfundamentalist movements, fromSunni Wahabis in the Arab world toShiite fundamentalists in Iran.[54]

Berlet and Clarkson have agreed that"[s]oft Dominionists are Christiannationalists."[53] Unlike "dominionism", thephrase "Christian nation" occurscommonly in the writings of leaders of theChristian Right. Proponents of this idea

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(such as David Barton and D. JamesKennedy) argue that the Founding Fathersof the United States were overwhelminglyChristian, that founding documents suchas the Declaration of Independence andthe Constitution are based on Christianprinciples, and that a Christian characteris fundamental to American culture.[55][56][57] They cite, for example, the U.S.Supreme Court's comment in 1892 that"this [the United States] is a Christiannation,"[58] after citing numeroushistorical and legal arguments in supportof that statement.[59][60]

Criticism of the usage of the term"dominionism"

Those labeled dominionists rarely use theterms "dominionist" and "dominionism" forself-description, and some people haveattacked the use of such words.[5]

Journalist Anthony Williams charged that

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such usage aims "to smear the RepublicanParty as the party of domestic Theocracy,facts be damned".[61] Journalist StanleyKurtz labeled it "conspiratorial nonsense","political paranoia", and "guilt byassociation",[62] and decried Hedges'"vague characterizations" that allow himto "paint a highly questionable picture of avirtually faceless and nameless'Dominionist' Christian mass".[63] Kurtzalso complained about a perceived linkbetween average Christian evangelicalsand extremism such as ChristianReconstructionism:

The notion that conservativeChristians want to reinstitute slaveryand rule by genocide is not just crazy,it's downright dangerous. The mostdisturbing part of the Harper's coverstory (the one by Chris Hedges) wasthe attempt to link Christianconservatives with Hitler and

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fascism. Once we acknowledge thesimilarity between conservativeChristians and fascists, Hedgesappears to suggest, we can confrontChristian evil by setting aside 'the oldpolite rules of democracy'. So wildconspiracy theories and visions ofgenocide are really excuses for theLeft to disregard the rules ofdemocracy and defeat conservativeChristians—by any meansnecessary.[62]

Joe Carter of First Things writes:

[T]here is no "school of thought"known as "dominionism". The termwas coined in the 1980s by Diamondand is never used outside liberalblogs and websites. No reputablescholars use the term for it is ameaningless neologism that Diamond

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concocted for her dissertation.[64]

Diamond has denied that she coined thebroader sense of the term"dominionism",[65] which appears in herdissertation and in Roads to Dominionsolely to describe Dominion Theology.Nevertheless, Diamond did originate theidea that Dominion Theology is the"central unifying ideology for the ChristianRight".[26]:138

Jeremy Pierce of First Things coined theword "dominionismist" to describe thosewho promote the idea that there is adominionist conspiracy, writing:

It strikes me as irresponsible to lump[Rushdoony] together with FrancisSchaeffer and those influenced byhim, especially given Schaeffer'smany recorded instances of resisting

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exactly the kinds of views Rushdoonydeveloped. Indeed, it strikes me as anerror of the magnitude of some ofRushdoony's own historical nonsenseto consider there to be such a viewcalled Dominionism [sic] thatRushdoony, Schaeffer, James Dobson,and all the other people in the listsomehow share and that it seeks toget Christians and only Christiansinto all the influential positions insecular society.[66]

Lisa Miller of Newsweek writes that" 'dominionism' is the paranoid mot dujour" (referring to the French for "word ofthe day") and that "certain journalists use'dominionist' the way some folks on FoxNews use the word sharia. Its strangenessscares people. Without history or context,the word creates a siege mentality inwhich 'we' need to guard against'them'."[67] Ross Douthat of The New York

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Times noted that "many of the people thatwriters like Diamond and others describeas 'dominionists' would disavow the label,many definitions of dominionism conflateseveral very different Christian politicaltheologies, and there's a lively debateabout whether the term is even useful atall."[68]

Other criticism has focused on the properuse of the term. Berlet wrote that "justbecause some critics of the Christian Righthave stretched the term dominionism pastits breaking point does not mean weshould abandon the term",[69] and arguedthat, rather than labeling conservatives asextremists, it would be better to "talk tothese people" and "engage them".[70] SaraDiamond wrote that "[l]iberals' writingabout the Christian Right's take-over planshas generally taken the form of conspiracytheory", and argued that instead oneshould "analyze the subtle ways" thatideas like Dominionism "take hold within

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movements and why".[33] Authors, RobertGagnon and Edith Humphey arguedstrongly against the use of the term inreference to US presidential candidate TedCruz in a 2016 op-ed for ChristianityToday.[71]

See also

Christ of EuropeChristendomChristian Patriot movementChristian ZionismChristofascismEvangelical environmentalismChristian fundamentalismFirst AmendmentIslamismLiberation theologyNational CatholicismNew Apostolic ReformationNeo-CalvinismTenth Crusade

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dominion theology. Grand Rapids, Mich:Zondervan. ISBN 0-310-53611-1.Rushdoony, Rousas John; Gary North(1973). Institutes of Biblical Law.Phillipsburg, N.J: P & R Publishing.ISBN 0-87552-410-9.Diamond, Sara (1995). Roads todominion: right-wing movements andpolitical power in the United States.New York: Guilford Press.ISBN 0-89862-864-4.Lindsey, Hal (1989). The Road toHolocaust. London: Bantam.ISBN 0-553-05724-3.Wagner, C. Peter (2008). Dominion!:How Kingdom Action Can Change theWorld. Grand Rapids, MI: ChosenBooks. ISBN 0-8007-9435-4.

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Categories: Dominion TheologyChristian eschatologyChristian terminologyChristian fundamentalismConspiracy theories in the United StatesFar-right politicsProtestantism-related controversiesReligious nationalism

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