Dolphin evo

Dolphin Evolution Rafael Manrique

Transcript of Dolphin evo

Dolphin Evolution

Rafael Manrique

What is evolutionThe biological model of the history of life on earth

Scientific theory

How is it tracked Phylogenic trees

What are dolphins ?Delphinidae


Completetly aquatic


Indohyus Eariest known sister group

Whale like features

PakicetidaeEarly Eocine 50 million

Caracteristics similar to whales


Ambulocetidae49 million years ago

Fresh/salt water

Hunted in the water

Mandibular foramen

Remingtonocetidae49 to 43 million years ago

Did not ingest fresh water

Swim with tails

Protocetidae Diverse group

More aquatic (some could walk some could not)

Nostril shifting

Audio reception change

Pelvis still conected to spine

Basilosauridaeand Dorudontinae

Could not live on land

Ate fish

Lacked melon – new sinuses

Mandibular foramen



Social behaviours

One bowhole 75 species


Large amounts of food

Increment in size

14 species

Modern evolutionCulture

Social networks

Environmental factors