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    Dolphin DanceA Childr en 's Stor y on Do lph in Re sc ue and Conservatio n

    by Lisa G. Digdigan

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    Graceful Dances . Frolicking Waves

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    Dolphins at 10:00! shouted 11-year old Lyon. All binoculars suddenly shifted off the

    bancas port bow. Its them alright, Leah said, our Spinner dolphins! The banca

    shifted to neutral as Manong Sani, the boat operator, grabbed his binoculars and

    sighting form. Spinner dolphins are the most common dolphins in Philippine waters yetthey are the only dolphin species known to do graceful leaps and acrobatic turns,

    including a 360 degree body spin. Thus, earning them the name, Spinner dolphin.

    Mom, I see Scarback and Blotch. Adjusting his binoculars, Lyon continued. Hmm, I

    see another Spinner Mom, it doesnt seem to tire jumping in and out of the waters.

    See any distinguishing marks? Leah asked. A cetacean specialist, Leah has answered

    the call of educating children and communities on whales and dolphins, their role in the

    marine environment, and their connection to humans. Collectively known as cetaceans,

    whales and dolphins have been Earths inhabitants for over twenty million years.

    Its coming towards us! Wheeee! Lyon shouted. Sensing the familiar sound of the

    Megaptera, Spinner dolphins were all around the banca eager to perform for their

    visitors. Manong Sani and Gudoy, the spotter, quietly observed the spinners and began

    jotting down notes. Former whale and dolphin hunters, both are now the animals

    defenders. They have been helping Leah in identifying individual Spinner dolphins and

    recording their behavior.

    Theres one spinner at 3:00 with a long scar near its flukes Leah. Manong Sani said.

    Shifting abeam to starboard side, Leah focused her eyes on the one Spinner dolphinManong Sani identified. You are right Manong, it seems Mommm! Lyon

    suddenly screamed. The sound of another engine was heard roaring at speed limits

    approaching the pod head-on!

    Hey! Lyon shouted at the top of his lungs. You dont do that to our dolphins! You

    are bad! Bad! Bad! Another one of those dolphin watch boat from the nearby island.

    Gudoy angrily said. Disturbed from their socializing behavior, the Spinners were

    suddenly scattered in different directions. The sight of graceful dolphin dances was

    now a sight of waves frolicking in the Mindanao Sea.

    Dolphins! Dolphins! Dolphins! tourists on the dolphin watch boat chorused as they

    clapped their hands. If those dolphin watch boats continue to run their tours that way,

    theyll be out of business! Leah said, controlling her anger. And those tourists! They

    should be taught to behave responsibly! she added. Dont worry Leah. Manong Sani

    replied. I got the boats name, Lambiyong. Well report it to the Barangay as soon as

    we reach Pamilacan. I got them on camera Mom! Lyon yelled. The Lambiyongs

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    operator was observing the Megaptera and seeing a camera, he veered the banca away

    and sped off to the direction of Panglao.

    Realizing that the Spinners werent coming back, Leah sighed. Well, I guess thats the

    end of our dolphin watch for today guys. Good job everyone. Mom, were they hurt?

    Lyon asked with a worried face. I hope not son, I hope not. Leah responded with a

    hug of comfort.

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    Sharp Hooks . Flensed Meat

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    That night, Leah and Lyon were having dinner at Tatay Juniors house. Manong Sani

    joined them together with Gudoy and Manong Tatong, the oldest patriarch of their clan.

    After a delicious dinner of seaweed salad, grilled tuna, steamed vegetables, and

    sweetened bananas prepared by Nanay Misyang, discussions centered on the days


    So what did Kapitan say about the rude dolphin watch boat? asked Tatay Junior. He

    said hell report it to Ms. Remy of the Environment Office tomorrow morning. Theyll

    press the Fisheries Office to act on the matter.Manong Sani answered. Good thing

    Manong Sani got the boats name and Lyons pictures really helped. Leah added.

    They should be thankful that the dolphins are back. Manong Tatong sadly said.

    There was a time we thought they would never return to our waters.

    Why Manong? Did you do them harm? Lyon questioned. Well, yes. Long time ago.

    Lyons eyes widened by surprise. We used to hunt them with large, sharp hooks calledpamilak. There was a huge demand for shark meat in the city restaurants so the only

    way to easily catch a shark is to kill a dolphin. After catching and flensing, some of the

    dolphin meat was used as bait for sharks. You see, sharks get more attracted to dolphin

    meat more than any other bait. The rest of the meat was then dried and eaten


    Lyon gasped. You ate dolphins? But Manong Tatong, dolphins arent fish, theyre

    mammals like you and me, and you ate them? Eewww! We thought they were fish

    then. They were also by the thousands. We do not need to go far for they were just nearthe coastline. We thought well have a never ending supply of dolphin meat but we

    were wrong. One day they just disappeared.

    The hook you used, Lyon interrupted, pamilak, is that why the island is called

    Pamilacan? Yes Lyon. Manong Sani answered. Our ancestors were whalers. They

    hunted whales for their meat and oil. And when whales grew scarce, Manong Tatoy

    continued, we turned to dolphins. The traditional hunting method was passed on till

    Sanis generation.

    Im glad Manong Sani stopped hunting! Lyon sighed with relief, but he seemed topress on for more answers to satisfy his curious mind. Manong Sani, what made you

    stop hunting in the first place? Well, for one theres the law that prohibits catching

    and selling of dolphins and whales, but you know, we realized that they are far more

    valuable alive than dead. They help us earn a living. And, Tatay Junior added, they

    tell us if somethings wrong with the seas. They are, uhwhats that term Leah?

    Indicators. Leah answered with a smile on her face. Right, indicators. Like the

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    canaries in the coal mine. Have you heard of that story Lyon? Well yes, according to

    mom early coal mines did not feature ventilation systems, so miners would routinely

    bring a caged canary into new coal seams. Canaries are especially sensitive to

    methane and carbon monoxide, which made them ideal for detecting any dangerous

    gas build-ups. As long as the canary in a coal mine kept singing, the miners knew their

    air supply was safe. A dead canary in a coal mine signaled an immediate evacuation.

    Wohow! What a memory! clapped Manong Sani as he reached for the sweetened

    bananas. Dead dolphins or even whales tell us something about the seas Manong

    Junior continued. And the way humans treat them. Manong Tatong interrupted.

    The patriarch bent over towards Lyon and with regret in his ruffled voice, You see son,

    dolphins are Gods special creatures. Like us humans, they deserve to exist. The

    problem is, man tends to forget that this earth is shared with animals like our dolphins.

    He forgets that he should learn to co-exist with them. More than that, man forgot themandate God gave him, to be good stewards of the earth.

    Lyon was quiet now. Stewards of the earth. Not only dolphins then, he thought. But

    even forests and rivers, and all other animals? Hmm

    Manong Tatong? he gently asked. Yes son. Can I hug you? Lyon stood without

    even waiting for Manong Tatongs answer. I promise that I will be a good steward of

    the earth, even if I dont like snakes and lizards. And, cats! Manong Tatong smiled as

    he gave the boy a gentle squeeze. Make us all proud son.

    Anybody wants more sweetened bananas? Nanay Misyang asked. Leah raised her

    hand, Ill have more please. Me too! Lyon seconded. Maybe well all have more

    sweetened bananas. said Tatay Junior.
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    Deep Wound . Soft Spout

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    Leah, Im sorry to wake you up this early, you are needed in Jagna. Tatay Junior said

    with a worried look on his face. I received a call from my cousin there. A dolphin

    stranded. It has a deep cut on its dorsal fin.

    Leah stood up with ajolt and got dressed. Lyon stirred sensing the commotion. Whats

    up Mom? Dolphin stranding in Jagna. Got to go son. Leah answered briefly and

    grabbed her rescue kit. Jumping out of bed, Lyon got out of his pajamas and instantly

    wore his clothes. With his camera in tow, he ran after his mother. Im coming with you


    Arriving in Jagna on board Tatay Juniors banca, Leah and Lyon rushed to the site

    where the reported dolphin stranded. Immediately they saw a huge crowd, some were

    even carrying knives! Oh no! Lyon shouted and dashed through the swarm of people.

    Junior, you know what to do. Leah instructed. Both Leah and Junior darted their way

    to the wounded dolphin. Lyon was kneeling beside the dolphin, petting, andcomforting the animal. Junior faced the crowd and talked to them about how they were

    adding stress to the dolphin. He requested the crowd to go back to their houses. That

    dolphin will die anyway! Lets just cut it up! one man yelled. Dont you know that

    dolphins are protected in the Philippines and hunting & killing are punishable by law?

    See that boy over there with a camera? Tatay Junior replied pointing to Lyon. Go

    ahead and cut it up. Hell take your picture and will report you to the Fisheries Office.

    Tatay Juniors remarks seem to quiet the disgruntled man and went his way with the


    Lyon started to dig trenches around the dolphin to help ease the pressure on its weight.

    Since dolphins are buoyant in water, stranding on the beach causes heavy pressure on

    the dolphins internal organs. Its a Spinner dolphin. Thank God its still alive. Leah

    whispered. Gently, she administered first aid to the wound. Alex, Juniors cousin, said

    that the dolphin must have stranded during the night. He was just glad that he got

    there on time to prevent people from butchering the animal. Thank you so much

    Alex. Leah said. Is the wound bad? Will it survive? Alex asked. The wound looks

    like a cut from a banca propeller. Leah replied. Mom, Lyon softly said, could it be

    that this dolphin is a victim of the Lambiyong yesterday, remember? Most probably

    son. We need to get this dolphin into the water. The pressure on its body might getworst. Alex, can I borrow a big blanket from you? And please, we need two more

    people assist us. Alex rushed to his hut to get one and went to his neighbor.

    Placing the blanket gently underneath the dolphin, the rescue team was very careful to

    lift the dolphin and move it to waist-deep waters. Everything will be ok. Lyon

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    whispered to the dolphin in a soothing manner. The dolphin, sensing the calmness in

    his voice, seems to cooperate as it softly spurted water out of its blowhole.

    Members of the Bohol Rescue Unit for Marine Mammals arrived together with the City

    Veterinarian. The cut is a little deep. Dr. Lydia said as she examined the wound near

    the dorsal fin. Its also a bit weak probably due to the pain and the stress of stranding.

    The heart rate and breathing however seem normal. This chap will be fine in a couple of

    days. It just needs to be looked after for awhile. The rescue team began to do taskings

    and began to assign personnel to look after the dolphin. Shifting schedules on 24/7 were

    done as well as medication & feeding time.

    Would you like to give it a name Lyon? Leah asked her son. Lyon thought about it for

    a moment then said, Delphi! And why that name? Tatay Junior asked with a smile

    on his face. Well, on the way back to our hut after dinner last night, I glanced at the

    sky and saw lots of stars. I tried to find the constellation Delphinus and when I did, Iprayed that I be given the chance to hold and hug a dolphin. And just look at what

    happened! Lyon answered with a twinkle in his eyes. Seems you got an answered

    prayer! grinned Leah.

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    One Pod . One Sea

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    Three days passed and Delphi showed remarkable improvement. His appetite for fish

    grew and clicking sounds emanated from his melon when fed as if asking for more.

    Dolphins do not have vocal chords and scientists discovered that dolphin sounds came

    from their melons (the bulbous part on top of their heads) passing through their lower


    Seems like Delphi is fit to be released back to sea Lyon. said Leah while observing the

    animal. Lyon frowned. But mom, what if he encounters those rowdy dolphin watch

    boats again? Leah was silent. We need to educate those boatmen Leah. Anabel

    suggested. Anabel has been an active advocate of dolphin conservation and has been

    helping Leah in her conservation work on cetaceans. We need to do action plans with

    the Environment Office to address the issue of unregulated dolphin watch tours in

    Panglao. They cant just do their dolphin watch like that. she added. Lyon continued,

    I think you also need to educate fisherfolks on how to respond to stranded dolphins

    mom. You saw those men holding knives when Delphi stranded? Thank God for Alex!I think we need to do a holistic environmental education plan for dolphin

    conservation. That way, we can address people from all walks of life. responded Leah.

    Mom look! Lyon blurted pointing his finger out to the sea. Three dorsal fins were

    approaching Delphi. Are they sharks? Anabel nervously asked. I dont think so.

    Grab your camera Lyon. We need to document this. Leah said reaching out for her

    binoculars as she ran towards Delphi. Lyon and Anabel quickly followed. It seems like

    the sharks happen to be Spinner dolphins! They were calling to Delphi, as if urging

    him to come home with them.

    Delphi looked excited. He began to swim underwater. Where did he go? cried Lyon.

    Scanning the surface of the water, the rescue team saw Delphi approaching the

    Spinners. He was still swimming slow but obviously happy. The Spinners began

    leaping around Delphi. Leah, looking through her binoculars, noticed a long scar near

    the flukes of one Spinner. It must be the one Manong Sani identified! Shifting her

    attention to the other Spinner, she saw a big white patch on the dolphins beak.

    Blotch! she said excitedly. Scarback! she added, noticing a triangular scar on its


    Lyon quickly grabbed the binoculars from Leah. The pod is here mom! Delphi, Blotch,

    Scarback, and aahhh Luna! Leah answered. Lyon lowered the binoculars and with

    eyebrows crossed looked at his mom and asked, Luna? Its the night of the full

    moon. His mom said. When I was your age I saw dolphins dancing in the moonlight.

    And Luna seems to exhibit those graceful moves I remember. Lyon chuckled and

    glanced back at the binoculars. Theyre leaving Mom! Godspeed Delphi! And you too

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    Luna! Atta go Blotch! Dont let the sharks bite Scarback! Lyon shouted waving his


    The rescue team gave sighs of relief. They were happy for Delphi, thankful that he was

    alive and well. They were also fascinated with the behaviors of Blotch, Scarback, and

    Luna on how they found Delphi and prodded him to go with them. They were also

    anxious about the reality that the dolphins might get caught in a miry mixture of issues

    brought about by humans: by-catch, global warming, infectious diseases, marine debris

    and pollution, ecotourism.

    Come on Team! Leah finally said. Lets pack up! Its time to do some serious


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    About the Author

    Lisa looks forward to the day when she

    can swim and dive the depths with the

    dolphins, play the seaweed game, and

    dance the aquatics with them.

    She looks forward to the new earth with

    new oceans where dolphins, orcas,

    sharks, and humans live harmoniously in

    peaceful co-existence.


    Dolphin Dance

    December 2009

    Cebu City, Philippines