Dole energy schedule - the livewire

= Your personal energy schedule Type: The livewire The following recommendations have been developed by Dr Bauhofer, so that they are compatible with everyday life and can actually be implemented. They are limited to four tips that should be integrated into your daily routine one after the other at weekly intervals as a permanent habit. You should not move on to the next recommendation until the previous one has been fully integrated.



Transcript of Dole energy schedule - the livewire

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Your personal

energy schedule

Type: The livewire

The following recommendations have been developed by Dr Bauhofer, so that they are compatible with everyday life and can actually be implemented. They are limited to

four tips that should be integrated into your daily routine one after the other at weekly intervals as a permanent habit. You should not move on to the next recommendation

until the previous one has been fully integrated.

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Week I:

In a morning, when you get up, drink half a litre of warm water with lemon and honey. Boil the water, allow it to cool to drinking temperature, then add half a squeezed lemon and a teaspoon of good-quality honey.

Slowly reduce your coffee intake, because coffee promotes acidity. And although it might sound something of a paradox, lemon makes you more alkaline.

Remember to drink plenty throughout the day.

The most important thing about your daily routine is regularity. Let‘s start your energy schedule with some gentle morning exercise. During the first week, practice the following recommendation and keep it up during the weeks that follow:

Acidity Balance …

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Week II:

In week 2, we‘re going to continue with our challenge of a regular daily routine and focus on two aspects that are of particular iortance for your energy type: mealtimes and rest phases.

The first point involves eating. From week two, pep up your morning at least three to four times a week with a smoothie. Use fresh, sweet and juicy fruits according to the season and their availability, such as, bananas, mangoes, pineapple, grapes, sweet oranges, sweet and juicy apples, pears and kiwi fruit. You can also add almond or rice milk to the smoothie if you wish. Make sure you have a good blender that operates at over 30,000 rpm. A smoothie like this is a tremendously important energy provider with its many vitamins, minerals, trace elements, secondary plant compounds and antioxidants.

In addition to the smoothie, focus from week two onwards on ensuring you get a regular lunch – ideally between 12 and 1 o‘clock. It‘s crucial not to feel tired and lethargic after your meals. So never eat more or heavier food than your digestive system can handle. Otherwise, your diet will go from being the most important energy provider to an energy taker. Take particular care to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables prepared in all manner of ways. The following types of vegetable are especially good for your energy type:

tomatoes, okra, asparagus, beetroot, carrots, courgettes, cucumber, mild white radish, fennel, artichoke, baby aubergines, cooked sweet potato, small quantities of ordinary potato, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, bean sprouts, avocados.

Balance of rest and activity …

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Eat less meat and sausage, especially in the evening. You should have your evening meal as early as possible.

Even if you maybe don‘t need a lot of sleep, it is particularly important for your energy type to have enough sleep as well as regular meals, as sleep is one of the biggest energy providers. Make a habit of not going to bed too late. To begin with, start going to bed earlier twice or three times a week. If you need an alarm clock to wake up, it means that you‘re not sleeping enough. So take a week to sleep as much as you need so that you wake up refreshed in a morning.

After all, your performance, joie de vivre and health depend on how relaxed you are. Studies have shown that a lack of sleep increases the likelihood of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and heart attacks. So make sure you understand that sleep is the most important regenerative tool your body has.

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Week III:

What really matters to you … At the start of week 3, treat yourself to half an hour of calm, pick up a notepad and think about what‘s really important to you in your life. Think about this calmly and be completely honest with yourself. Note down your thoughts first on a sheet of paper and then assign them different priorities based on how important these things are. Do you find that your heart‘s desires are often not getting enough attention in your life? Maybe you haven‘t had any time for your favourite activity for a long time now, but you‘ve wanted to do it nonetheless. Don‘t just live for tomorrow; remember that life is about living in the here and now. Of course, we all have our obligations to meet, but with the right amount of relaxation, you‘ll find it much easier to meet those expectations and you‘ll also find it fun again. In the third week, start dedicating more time and effort to what‘s really important to you. To help you do this, put blocked-off dates in your diary. Not just for this week, but for months to come.

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Week IV:

So in week 4, start doing sport regularly if you don‘t exercise much – 2 to 4 times a week for around 30 to 40 minutes. A pedometer can also be helpful for checking how many steps you‘re taking each day. Often, you may be surprised, because the average German walks barely 500 metres. But too little as well as too much exercise can knock the body out of balance. For your energy type, sport needs to be moderate - so do not exceed 50% of your capacity all the time. To help you find this personal level and to keep to it, there‘s a simple rule of thumb: As soon as you start breathing hard and through your mouth rather than through your nose, you should slow down. You should also avoid sweating too much. Be aware of your form on the day, feel your body and always be guided by how you feel at the time. Don‘t set a rigid time or performance limit.

Moving is living …

Have exercise and sport taken a bit of a back seat recently? Then it‘s time for you to realise that your mental ability improves if you take part in sporting activities. Numerous studies have confirmed this. People who regularly participate in sport also have a stronger feeling of self-worth, they are less likely to suffer depression, have less anxiety and are more motivated.

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is a doctor, author, meditation coach and much sought-after speaker. He is regarded as the leading expert in the field of health, stress and energy management. He is also one of the most well-known Ayurveda specialists outside India. Over 30 years ago, he was the first western doctor to get involved with the scientific principles of the millennia-old practice of Ayurvedic healing. Dr. Bauhofer designed and led Germany‘s largest Ayurveda clinic for 10 years. He currently runs an Ayurvedic practice in Munich, advises companies on issues relating to health and energy management, delivers lectures and holds seminars. He is Chairman of the German Ayurvedic Society, co-initiator of the Weimar Visions and the ‚Festival of Thinking‘.

You can find more information at:

Dr. Ulrich Bauhofer

Dole Europe GmbH • Stadtdeich 7 • 20097 Hamburg