Doktorske in Magisterske Disertacije

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Doktorske in magisterske disertacijeAlbeck, Maria Ester (1993) Contribucion al estudio de los sistemas agricolas prehispanicos de Casabindo (Puna de Jujuy) (La Plata: Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Doctorado en Ciencias Naturales) Alconini Mujica, Sonia (2002) Prehistoric Inka frontier structure and dynamics in the Bolivian Chaco (University of Pittsburgh: Ph.D. thesis) Anderson, K. (1997) Omereque: A Middle Horizon Ceramic Style of Central Bolivia (Santa Barbara: University of California, Ph.D. thesis) Andrushko, Valerie Anne (2007) The bioarchaeology of Inca imperialism in the heartland: An analysis of prehistoric burials from the Cuzco region of Peru (Santa Barbara: University of California, Ph.D. thesis) Arkush , Elizabeth Nelson (1999) Small Inca ceremonial sites in the southwest Lake Titicaca basin, Peru and Bolivia (Los Angeles: University of California, M.A. thesis) Astuhuamn, Csar (1998) Asentamientos Inca en la Sierra de Piura (Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Tesis de Licenciatura) Astuhuamn, Csar (2008) The organisation of the Inca provinces within the Highlands of Piura, Northern Peru (London: University College London. Institute of Archaeology, Tesis doctoral) link1 link2 link 3 Avils, Sonia (2001- 2002) Conservazione Tempio della Roccia Scolpita di Samaipata, Santa Cruz, Bolivia (Sudamerica) (Ravenna: Universit di Bologna - Sede di Ravenna, Facolt di Conservazione dei Beni Culturali, Tesi di Master) Basile, Mara (2005) Iconografa Funenaria Beln en el Valle de Abaucn (Dpto. Tinogasta, Catamarca); Aportes para la definicin de estilo decorativo (Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Faculdad de Filosofa y Letras, Tesis de licenciatura) Bawden, Garth (1977) Galindo and the nature of the Middle Horizon on the North Coast of Peru (Harvard University: Ph.D. thesis) Bazn Prez, Augusto Enrique (2012) Reocupaciones de complejos monumentales del periodo arcaico tardo en el valle de Fortaleza, Costa Nor Central del Per (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Escuela Acadmico Profesional de Arqueologa, Tesis de licenciatura) Becker, Marc (1997) Class and Ethnicity in the Canton of Cayambe: The Roots of Ecuador's Modern Indian Movement (University of Kansas, Department of History, Ph.D. thesis) Belote, James D (1984) Changing Adaptive Strategies among the Saraguros of Southern Ecuador (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Ph.D. thesis) Boza Cuadros, Maria Fernanda (2010) The bioarchaeological effects of Inca imperialism on a Maranga community (University of Wyoming, Ph.D. thesis) Bray, Tamara (1990) The effects of Inca imperialism on the Northern Frontier (State University of New York at Binghamton, Department of Anthropology, Ph.D. thesis) Brown, David O. (1991) Administration and Settlement Planning in the Provinces of the Inka Empire: A Perspective from the Inca Provincial Capital of Pumpu on the Junin Plain in the Central Highlands of Peru (Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms) Brown Vega, Margaret Yvette (2008) War and social life In Prehispanic Per: Ritual, Defense, and Communities at the Fortress of Acaray, Huaura Valley (Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, Ph.D. thesis) Brgi, P. T. (1993) The Inka empire's expansion into the coastal sierra region west of Lake Titicaca (University of Chicago: Ph.D. thesis) Chicoine, David (2002) Pouvoir et symbolisme: tude archologique des reprsentations iconographiques du temple chez les Moche, cte nord du Prou (Montral: Universit de Montral, Facult des Arts et Sciences, Dpartement danthropologie, M.A. thesis) Chicoine, David (2006) Architecture and Society at Huambacho (800-200 B.C.), Nepea Valley, Peru (Norwich: University of East Anglia, Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas, School of World Art Studies and Museology, Ph.D. thesis ) Chu Barrera, Alejandro Jose (2011) Household Organization and Social Inequality at Bandurria, a Late Preceramic Village in Huaura, Peru (University of Pittsburgh: Ph.D. thesis) Cullar, Andrea Mara (2006) The Organization of Agricultural Production in the Emergence of Chiefdoms in The Quijos Region, Eastern Andes of Ecuador (University of Pittsburgh: Ph.D. thesis) Cutright, Robyn E. (2009) Between the Kitchen and the State: Domestic Practice and Chim Expansion in The Jequetepeque Valley, Peru (University of Pittsburgh: Ph.D. thesis) Cornejo Guerrero, Miguel Antonio (1999) An Archaeological Analysis of an Inka Province: Pachacamac and the Ischma Nation of the Central Coast of Peru (Canberra: Australian National University, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Ph.D. thesis) Costion, Kirk. E. (2009) Huaracane Social Organization: Change over Time at the Prehispanic

Community of Yahuay Alta, Per (University of Pittsburgh: Ph.D. thesis) Daggett, Richard E. (1983) The Early Horizon Occupation of the Nepea Valley, South Central Coast of Peru (University of Massachusetts: Ph.D. thesis) Delgado-Espinoza, Florencio (2002) Intensive Agriculture and Political Economy in the Yaguachi Chiefdom of the lower Guayas Basin, Coastal Ecuador (University of Pittsburgh: Ph.D. thesis) Dietz, Michael J. (2009) Diet, Subsistence and Health: A Bioarchaeological Analysis of Chongos, Per (University of Missouri-Columbia, Ph.D. thesis) Dwyer, Edward B. (1971) The Early Inca Occupation of the Valley of Cuzco (Berkeley: University of California, Ph.D. thesis) Feldmann, R. A. (1980) Aspero, Peru: architecure, subsistance, economy and other artefacts of a preceramic maritime chiefdom (Harvard University: Ph.D. thesis) Feltham, Jane (1983) Lurin Valley, Peru, AD 1000-1532 (London: University of London, Institute of Archaeology, Tesis doctoral) Gabelmann, Olga Ulrike (2008) Keramikproduktion in Santa Luca: Ein Blick auf die Peripherie des Formativums im Sdzentralen Andenraum (Berlin: Freien Universitt Berlin, Fachbereich Geschichtsund Kulturwissenschaften, Ph.D. dissertation) Goldstein, Paul ma + phd Hernndez Astete, Francisco Javier (2010) La lite incaica y la articulacin del Tahuantinsuyo (Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Geografa e Historia, Departamento de Historia de Amrica I, Tesis doctoral) Higueras-Hare, A. (1996) Prehispanic settlement and land use in Cochabamba, Bolivia (University of Pittsburgh: Ph.D. thesis) Hyslop, John (1976) An Archaeological Survey of the Lupaca Kingdom and Its Origins (Columbia University: Ph.D. thesis) Julien. Daniel G. (1988) Ancient Cuismancu: Settlement and Cultural Dynamics in the Cajamarca Region of the North Highlands of Peru (Austin: The University of Texas, Ph.D. thesis) Kane, Molly (2011) Documenting the History of Inca Precious Metal Production Using Geochemical Techniques from Lake Sediments in the Andahuaylas Region of Peru (University of Pittsburgh: Ph.D. thesis) Kellett, Lucas C. (2010) Chanka settlement ecology: Hilltop sites, land use and warfare In Late Prehispanic Andahuaylas, Peru (Albuquerque, NM: The University of New Mexico, Ph.D. thesis) Knobloch, Patricia J. (1976) A study of the Huarpa ceramic style of the Andean Early Intermediate Perod (Binghamton: State University of New York, Department of Anthropology, M.A. thesis) Knobloch, Patricia J. (1983) A study of the Andean Huari ceramics from the Early Intermediate Perod to the Middle Horizon Epoch 1 (Binghamton: State University of New York, Department of Anthropology, Ph.D. thesis) Kolata, Alan Koschmieder, Klaus (2003) Siedlungsweise und Subsistenzstrategien an der sdlichen Peripherie des Chim-Imperiums: Ergebnisse der archologischen Untersuchungen in Puerto Pobre, Casma-Tal, Per (Berlin: Freien Universitt Berlin, Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, Ph.D. dissertation) Kriscautzky, Nstor (1995) Arqueologa del Fuerte Quemado de Yokavil (La Plata: Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Doctorado en Ciencias Naturales) Lara I., Catherine (2009) Aportes y facetas del reconocimiento arqueolgico: el caso del Valle del ro Cuyes (Quito: Pontificia Universidad Catlica del Ecuador, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Escuela de Antropologa, Tesis doctoral) Lippi Marcos, Jorge Marsh, Erik J. (2012) The Emergence of Tiwanaku: Domestic Practices and Regional Traditions at Khonkho Wankane and Kkaraa (Santa Barbara, CA: University of California, Ph.D. thesis) Martn, Alexander Javier (2009) The Domestic Mode of Production and the Development of Sociopolitical Complexity: Evidence from the Spondylus Industry of Coastal Ecuador (University of Pittsburgh: Ph.D. thesis) Martnez, Andrea (2011) Reevaluacin del sitio Cerro La Cruz, su funcin en las estrategias de dominio incaico en el curso medio del Aconcagua (Santiago de Chile: Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Departamento de Antropologa, Memoria para optar al ttulo de arqueloga) Martnez, Armijo, Isabel Anglica (2005) Textiles inca en el contexto de la capacocha: funcin y significado (Cusco: Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Departamento Acadmico de Antropologa, Arqueologa y Sociologa, Tesis de Licenciatura) Massone, Mauricio (1978) Los tipos cermicos del complejo cultural Aconcagua (Santiago de Chile: Universidad de Chile, Tesis de Grado) McEwan, Colin (2003) And the Sun sits in his Seat: Creating Social Order in Andean Culture (University of Illinois, Urbana; Ph.D. thesis)

McEwan, Gordon F. (1979) Principles of Wari Settlement Planning (Austin, TX: University of Texas, M.A. thesis) McEwan, Gordon F. (1984) The Middle Horizon in the Valley of Cuzco, Peru: the Impact of the Wari occupation of Pikillacta in the Lucre Basin (The University of Texas at Austin: Ph.D. thesis) Milliken, Charlene Deborah (2006) Ritual and Status: Mortuary Display at the Household Level at the Middle Horizon Wari site of Conchopata, Peru (University of Pittsburgh: Ph.D. thesis) Mio Gercs, Leonardo (1991) El manejo del espacio en el imperio Inca (Quito: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Sede Ecuador, Tesis de maestria) Montenegro Cabrejo, Jorge Antonio (2010) Interpreting cultural and sociopolitical landscapes in the Upper Piura Valley, Far North Coast of Peru (1100 B.C.- A.D. 1532) (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University, Ph.D. thesis) Moralejo Reinaldo, Andrs (2011) Los Inkas al sur del Valle de Hualfn: organizacin del espacio desde una perspectiva paisajstica (La Plata: Universidad Nacional de La Plata Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Tesis de doctorado) Morris Craig (1967) Storage in Tawantinsuyu (Univesity of Chicago: Ph.D. thesis) Moseley, Michael E. Netherly, Patricia J. (1978) Local level lords on the North Coast of Peru (Cornell Univesity: Ph.D. thesis) Niles , Susan Allee (1980) Civil and social engineers: Inca planning in the Cuzco region (Berkeley: University of California, Ph.D. thesis) Amy Oakland Rodman (1986) Ogburn, Dennis E. (2001) The Inca occupation and forced resettlement in Saraguro, Ecuador (University of California at Santa Barbara: Ph.D. thesis) Parisi, M. G. (2000) Dominacin incaica en Mendoza, segn un modelo de rea perifrica en la extensin de la conquista al Qollasuyu y a Cuyo (Mendoza: Faculdad de Filosofa y Letras. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Tesis doctoral, ms.) Patzschke, Renate (2008) Die Graffiti der Formativzeitlichen Anlagevon Sechn Bajo und ihre zeitliche Einordnung (Berlin: Freien Universitt Berlin, Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, Ph.D. dissertation) Poole, Deborah (19??) Ritual Calendars Paruro Pozorski Rintel, Marco Rosas (2010) Cerro Chepen and the Late Moche collapse in the Jequetepeque Valley, North Coast of Peru (The University of New Mexico, Ph.D. thesis) Rivera Casanovas, Claudia (2004) Regional Settlement Patterns and Political Complexity in the Cinti Valley, Bolivia (University of Pittsburgh: Ph.D. thesis) Rodriguez Kembel, Silvia (2001) Architectural sequence and chronology at Chavin De Huantar, Peru (Stanford University, Ph.D. thesis) Salter-Pedersen, Ellen (2011) Rinconada Alta: Biological anthropology of Inca imperialism in the Rimac Valley, Peru (Indiana University, Ph.D. thesis) Silva, Maria I. (1984) Pescadores y agricultores de la costa central del Ecuador: Un modelo socioeconmico de asentamientos precolombinos (University of Illinois, Urbana; MA Dissertation) Shea (1969) Wariwilka Andean Oracle.... Sherboundy, Janette (1982) The irrigation system of Hanan Cuzco (Univesity of Illinois: Ph.D. thesis) Stanish, Charles (1985) Sullivan, William phd + ma thesis Surette, Flannery Kathryn (2008) The acllacona: The Inca chosen women in history and archaeology (Trent University Canada, Ph.D. thesis) Taylor, Sarah R. (2011) Condition of Social Change at El Dornajo, Southwestern Ecuador (University of Pittsburgh: Ph.D. thesis) Teran Gonzlez, Mariana de Jess Paulina (1994) Arqueologa-Histrica: influencia Inca en el Valle de Quito, Ecuador (Madrid: Universidad Complutense Madrid, Tesis doctoral) link na tezo Thatcher (197?) Huamachuco ceramics Tiballi, Anne (2010) Imperial subjectivities: The archaeological materials from the cemetery of the sacrificed women, Pachacamac, Peru (Binghamton University, State University of New York, Ph.D. thesis) Topic Van de Guchte, Maarten J. D. (1990) Carving the world: Inca monumental sculpture and landscape (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Ph.D. thesis) Vsquez Pazmio, Cecilia Josefina (2005) Between Latacunga and San Agustin De Callo: Tanicuchi, six centuries of prehispanic occupation in the Central Highlands of Ecuador (Northern Arizona University, M.A. thesis) Villacorta O., Luis Felipe (2001) Arquitectura monumental: forma, funcin y poder. Los asentamientos del valle medio bajo del Rmac. Perodos Intermedio Tardo y Horizonte Tardo (Lima: Pontificia Universidad

Catlica del Per, Faculdad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas, Tesis de licenciatura en arqueologa) Vitry, Christian (2000) Aportes para el Estudio de Caminos Incaicos: Tramo Morohuasi Incahuasi. Salta Argentina (Universidad Nacional de Salta, Facultad de Humanidades, Escuela de Antropologa, Tesis de doctorado) Vranich, Alexei (1999) Interpreting the Meaning of Ritual Spaces: The Temple Complex of Pamapunku, Tiwanaku, Bolivia (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvannia, Ph.D. thesis) Webster A. D. (1993) The role of the camelid in the development of the Tiwanaku state (University of Chicago: Ph.D. thesis) Yaya, Isabel (2008) The two faces of Incan history: Unravelling dual representations in oral traditions of pre-hispanic Cuzco (Sydney: University of New South Wales, Ph.D. thesis) Zeidler