c ¦ *¦ j ¦ * *""3 T' TT 'T^ XTrnrr ^rnriiiriijiniLiiFiisBtiiBiisW NEW SUFFOLK f" ' ' r , i p - n i .n™jOT«MiTnmuji Airs, t, C. Gordon and Miss Lucy He-ton vere both on the aick list all last week Mr. and Mrs . Philip Horton and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fleet spent the .week- end*' in Manhattan, ' Henry King is spending n few weeks at the home of Mrs. V. M. Gold- smith; " ¦ . . . ., ' //" ¦ :" .. . " , " . Emil Conrpd is?Spending. va few r ccks with his parents at their home i" Brooklyn^ . .. Quite a number of. our good neigh- bors attended the Mechanics' enter^ tainment at Mattituck last Monday •vening despite . traveliiig conditions. ' . . Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ruland Have re- turned to their home in Patchogue ' after spending the . fall and winter 1 months in this place. - ¦ ' '' '' , " . ' : ' ' .. ' ; Mrs. David Ht King and family. all of whom have been ill with grip. are recovering. Mr. and Mr* Klngjs son, Raymond King, has ;been " ' ver y ill with pneumonia at his , hom e In . Newark ,. N. J., and on account of i their own illness, neither hi* father nor mother could be with nim, We are glad to state: Raymond la mow ^convalescing. . ' ,:v \ >V;. "- :; ' ; ..:: ' ; , - ; :. '; ' •"; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' Mr. and' MrS.„:Harry : Carter and little daughter, 'J ean , ' ; at Lynbroo k, ip ' ent tha early, part of thin week with Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fanning The latter part of the ' week Mr. a nd Mra. Carter will go to . Wheeli ng, W. Va., where they will relhairi- for sev- eral weeks. -. Mr. and Mrs. Everett -King . of Quincy, Mass., ' are the proud ^ parents " of a -little daughter who >came to gladden thair home last week. Everett was a great favorite here in hia boy- hood , and has many friends"tart now; who will unite in congratulations and »T;Kias!!'!U'j' , .tui::ic,ii»' .n;riL'amiimi:HiHnqiiHiot!i!i»^'diinmm»«!«!ioiia«!i»i»iii. -ie GREENPORT aK-nKKxrjnrarauiim Sterling P.ouse of Brooklyn visited relatives here last week. ¦ - ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ - Miss Ruth Hiers of Huntington, re- cently visited ..with her aiater, Mrs. ircd Rowland.; Mr. and Mrs. ' Howard Wado /of College Point were recent guests of Miss Lizzie King. . Mrs. H. D. Brown of New York City, has been visiting her mother , Mrs. W. H. Eedinond. ... . . .. . _ " Mrs. Charles Wedmore of c ' New York City has been spending a tew days at her home Tn Greenport. MiessMe.ta!enasM? Cl«nnon.of New York City, ' is visiting Mr? and "Mrs. Raymond Henney. " . -. c- . - Miss -Mah«l Meinken of Jamaica, has been visiting her friend, Mra. Ansel V. Youngs. : : E. D. Tuthill has been confined to the hou " ae for several, days with the influenza, - , but-'is . ' now on the gain. , Miss' Harriet Dimon is spending several days in New York. Mrs. John Murray ' of Brooklyn is visitin g her parents, Mr. and Mra. Joseph Gassidy. Miss Helen Aleen spent a few days with her parents this week. " : ' --Mfsf- -C^rude Dennis, : and Miss " Sarah Griffing have returned to New York after spending 1 a ;few days-at their homes. ¦ 'L . - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chapman of East Hampton spent fast week wit^; Mrs. Chapman' s mother. Vl Miss Mildred Thomas of . Yonkers and Mervin Raekett of New York , made a f ew ^ days* visit with Mrs. Lee- lie Raekett. Stanley and KennetH Merrill of Xew YorS», visited here last week. Robert and Lester Clifford of Brookl yn have b;en visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. TV. Clifford. Kenneth ThornhiH spent the week- end with his parents. -Mrs. Edward Rowland has return- ed to Riverhead to visit-her daughter Mrs. Forrest Turbush. .. .Mrs... William Turbush _ of Green- port and Mrs. Harry Purdy of Ne- wark , N. J., are visiting relatives m Riverhead. " ¦ . William Wilsen has returned home from Kansas City, where he has had a position; He spent a few days with his parent^ MFrSsd^Mrs. Hsrry^WUi sen, on First street. Mis& JUouisc Adams of Great Neck. spent the holiday with her parents. The Misses Hazel and Paye Hor- tajv ^saesiJhs week-end with friends. ! Thomas L. Moore has sold his bus- iness to Arthur N. Beebe, who will fipen the confectionery store about March 6th in the post-office building, whsre Mr. Moore has conducted the business for several years. Frank Bcrger, quartermaster on the V. S. Destroyer Meade, has received his honorable discharge after eight y:- a rs ftf service. He spent a few days with his mother in Greenport before taiinitjLppaitioi v inJ^Y ^ rstr. - EAST MARION r --nrym¥. ' : --«^r ^jr/^,,'i i ffl!JsM^? ' ji^t.,v,uj.iii. .uiiisij.rRi A daughter was born to \M *i and Mrs, Albert Puritan d, the 26th. Rev. J. D. Field mad* a business trip to Brooklyn last weete Michael Shinniski' who has been an. crrin . ' . -y. '^ en the farm of Stanley Bu- v*l!, has moved his family to Went. The Ki-g' c Daughters ' Circle will hicct t>u Thursday, March If , with " 1-s Oara A. Horton. - [ (" . OT MeS4R of Eastport. »» at - - -¦ v— surf man at the Reeky , - - L JISJU . fi,rc»rri afcaitoE. S9R1K Oft ' v J . - Menda^. > v - \ P » n Adami who has had a ' ; ¦ n n a ,th the Metropolitan Life w ~ je Co. of New Yerk. has se- ^ ' , i position with an electric ~ y ir- 3" '>A- yn and very noch i ¦ / - . 1 - T ^orR. y ^t- ¦ Gr JSxs i< , e"\joying , 1 visit - t i f auijt. Mrs, WiThair > liiirry has beej. for several * - . th- -srval a*,atKffi viiooi it LaJves. He is en? of tb? «P s-a-"" ««i!r«eJf froai tte fftf v™-™-ia there, hat rejwrcs bw * ' JB new. } i ." . ' .. - Ustse a** been fjsyias a *- .= te riorxut SB» sw, Artfeor B e ebo , b aa p urc h ased from Thomas L . Moore hia iee cream , soda an d confec t ioner y bus iness in Green p or t. He will open the (tore about March 8th. The Cirl Reserves met Monday eveninexwith Miss Florence Vail- . Rev. J. D. Field will deliver/ an addresa at- a rajy at the JBaptist church at Huntington, on Friday of this week. '' - . Ji " Mra. * W. C. Raekett was . thrown from a sleigh on Saturday of last week ami had h er arm b r oken at the e lbow. She was taken to the E. L. I. Hospital on Sunday for an x-ray pic- t ure and . it was found that the bo ne b ad been p erfectly se t and th ere was no fracture as was feared. She is im- proving, at her heme under the at- tention of Dr. C. C. MUes. Capt. John Muir and family, who have b e en, for several weeks with Mrs. Muir ' s parents , Ca pt and Mrs John Griffing, at Fishers Island, ha ve re t ur ned t o t heir . home here. -i v Wilbur Hedges and son, Henry, at- t ended the funerai of , Mr, Hedges ' s ister-in-law, Mrs. Jennie Winters Hedges , of Wainscott , who died of pneumonia on February 16. The friends and relatives here ware graved to "hear of her sudden death. iShe was the daughter ot the Utc Henr y P. and Sarah , Kin g Hed g ee , of East Marion, where! she spent ner girlhood days, and where she waa be- loved by all who knew ' her. ' The many " East Marion friends ex p r ess their sympathy for the befeaf»d:eitesv It the article which appeared in |he . Orient column last week , owi- cerning the, digging of snow in East Marion, was from Orient as . a village , it would sink deeper than it has. The men of East Marion nerer. - "fali down" on a job. They aren't made of that ki nd of stuff. The writer could mention a large number of men- . wHe have r spchtr ' majiy hour? on the road during the winter * gratia, and are willibg to spend more if necessary. Several men.suent a greater part of a Sunday afternoon digging anew on the road, one' man not stopping to eat his dinner, another one of the num< ber considering it more" important than teaching his Sunday school class ' of young men, becauae't he neigh- boring village , Orient, was in trouble. There are.times when the ' doctors would not have gotten to the bedside Of many a sick one in Orient, if the me n from tho east to the west: end of the village had not gotten on tht job, pome starting in at an early hour of the , morning. The . helping hands which " appeared to wither" were f ar from that condition. sVe are very elad . that Commissioner Fleet found men in Orient who had the time and strength and were glad , too , to get the dollars to help along their liveli- ho od. ' We again repeat, if Orient need* a helping hand at any time don't hesitate to call on East Marior for she is and always-has bsen ready to help. Those words which "looked good" In print, did indeed soon be come a reality and will continue to be such. &tsai53l£^'VWvm*:wmmmmrm!mmmwmiiia£mi!BMBw AQUEBOGUE ^ . George C.^ Young recently enjoyed a-trip to ' Albany. ,. ' _ :. - . - :, - ¦ - ¦ ' ' ¦ .. Atmore Reeve spent the latter part 61 the = weefc in- New ; Y»rk- ci»y. ^-?=^ : The regular semi-annual mite box offering cf the Women' s Missionary ^Society will' be collected during the coming week. .; - *- The L. P. circle will meet at thr chapel for an all-day seesioii oh Tues day, March 9th, at which time thi work at hand- will be Red Cross re lief garments. , , ' Rev. and Mrs. John R. Gee, form erly of Riverhead, but now of Syra cuse are guects of Mrs. H. H. Tourif- and Miss Nellie W. Young. Misa Rita Duryea, of Mattituck. hat been spending some time wit* he: sister, Mrs. Ellis Robinson. . The executive committee of the C E. society will meet at the home of = th ^ president, Mrs. J. Wesley Warner Monday-evenin g, -at 7?30s- '¦ _ - .... . * In observance of the Lenten* seas6t arrangement has been, made for ape .eial evangelistic services each Fri - day evening until Easter, these serv ices to be conducted by the variou? organrxationg of ^ the church. ; On Fri day evening TH ^ tnw'week ^Bt ~^tilc~ the: pastor will have charge, assisted by the choir m * praise swirice- ,. _ _ . Neat Sunday at the nsual Hour o' raorhing service the Sacrament* o ' j gVtf^vt o.rtnian . ^wjll^Jbe ^- j AtgAyved ^ : ^. Tht. pastor wifl speak cri "Jesus' Life , th' Call to the Highest PosmbJe Setvicfe * At 6:30 P. - JrL, the C. E. society wfl consider the topic, "Life Lessons, fron the Book of ProTerbs " (consocratioi meeting). Everett Eecw, leader. Th' .pastor' s half hour , which follows th C. E~ will have for the subect "War TMd itr* ¦ ¦ ' - JAMESPORT ^ Th« March nieeting of the Woamami ' s Missionary society will be postponed isata ta« weather better, whtth we rs »pe " wS lie ^ ao^c ^ ¦ -^==™--- ~ -*¦ ¦ ¦ . Sirs- Perry Ri*ason is 81> with pneuaroRia at the hoaie ef her daugh- ter , St **. Ctarles Kayo- We a3 hope for a speedy recovery. Van Ren ssela er Terry celebrated f as niaety-Sf ^S, Mrthday en Mu.iuuj, March 1. Mr. Terry v ®» ei&at rusideat is J a irns ' ^ it. MJS> Ap**wia Soksl a?jd da^r^- Sxat ^B* XSm Soket of Broo«|yft » ha v . been srondffl r * wee* wl@t Mrs. SoSoTs pareata. Mr. aa^ Mrs. letar , Roeere. ' Maasegse CmA ir. ©. lf*A. M. - beld its rerala* Jfteein^ Stattiiy evwnBBjs, after whidk eka etewder was ser ved. A " g ood time" and "dance" will be given by Miamogue Council, on Thursday evening, Mar ch 4 , at 7:80,; to Hanwm y Hall andka ciam ennwdar supper wiii 'bp serveu. Br other Farmer , if you ,are thinJdug of buying a trnctor this spring just come and look the Sams on Trac tor o ver. The most tractor for tie money there is on the market. Made by the General Motors Co. For sale by J. T. Fanning, Riverhead.—Advt. tf Morning services will be held in the church at 10:30. "Christian F.n- dea » «* r meet/a* at 6:1& , topic,"Life Less ons From the Book of Proverbs. " Leader, Mi ss Louise Tuthill. Eve- ning services at 7 o ' clock. Commun- ion s ervices will be held in the morn- in g. " iutn.iim"i UJII' . 'JCC.H^U - IIS uajmiiiJirirrEsrmLiiniMiFrjiiniSii iinr, is-u SOUTHOLD ¦ ! ¦ si i H11 IIIIW HIIII II i immi iiiimssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiass Rev. Eugene L. Conklin .will leave Friday for his charge in Derby, Conn. Mr. ' and Mrs. R. H. Havens have been s pending a time in New > ' ork Mr s. A. T. Dickerson entertained the whist club last Friday. ' Lon g/ Islan d potatoes are in grea t demand but -our dealer! art having ' to stor e them unt il lined care can be furnished for their trans p or ta tion with safety at |3 per bushel. - It was with profound B orr ow that the news of the - death of Martin Joorst was received: Mr. Joorat ' a son, Arthur , married , one of S inclair Smith' s:daughters of thia villagu. Conrad Le icht of Westhampton , sp e i it the last of the we ek wi th hi a rela tivea here. He . reports that the recen t hi gh tides encroached folly 30 feet on the ocean front at the beacn. uu ijjTfuiin. '-iuim mini I luiiiuiiiutiiiiii»n.i ;r-.d,^i n>i ai . jKHrjHfPtini!i> , SOUND AVENUE i tmvrarj' .w* HirjiiBwiraiiSBii nnw itira'ir-«n'runn,inu. 'Trtmn vm TheJPrayer circle will meet on Fri- da y afternoon with Mrs. A. H. Wells. Herbert t. Wells 'is home after spending the winter in Detroit, em- ployed in the .Dodge works and later in a " box factory. - - Miss Ella A. Hallockris assigned to lead the Y. P. S. C. E. consecration meeting on Sunday evening -The topic is "Life ' L essons From. t ' Jae Book uf Proverbs. " - This winter has ' b een remarkable for the unusual birds seen close to dwelling s , evidently made more fear- less by hunger and cold. One pretty little fellow frequently eveen With a bright 'yellow throat and a black bar on tht aide of his head it supposed to first cou s in o f the Mar yland Yellow Tbroat. ' Bro tli er Farmer , it you am thinkina' •J buying a tractor this soring iua * e oaae- and look the Sanasbn Tractor over. The moet tractor for the money there is on the market. Made by the General Motors Co. For sale by J. T Fatsming, Riverhead. Adirt. tf LIVE STOCK INSURANCE. ' If you have valuable live stock/horses and cattle you are liable to toes re- sulting from death by accident or sick- ness , also from lightning, why not protect yourself Mr getting . 'out a policy with .the ~ Hartford4 -Inniranee , Co. ? Prompt settlement of loss Buar- anteed. Phone, writ* or;oalL SULK- WORTH, Mattituck. N. Yv—Advt.. - ,- ¦ -, . . - ¦ - ¦¦ ' - - ' , . ," - " - ^ ' ,:- - - -, ' " .--^87-M Th e s ki es tell us ' that- apring is hear , Tint the ground thickly coated as hard as - Iron , make* one doubtful. Since . the- last light fall o f s ne w, with subaequent high w1hds~t3iariiuedHt^' 'rato ' '' ~ oTttm > r "' ' a%ito v mobiles have entirely disappeared and wheeled vehicles of any kind have become as unusual as,a red* Indian. On Sunday .there was a large attend- ance at church, but every vehicle was on ruiinersv" ~- . 4 ' -r^=-- -"=-- " - - - : ' --- - - ¦ - ' - -. -• . A CAREFUL AUTO BUYER. Everyone wfco'driVM an aoteaaobile pridet themself tlia* they can control their tta and are careful # *ough to ivoid an accident , ' yet sosae of the most careful drivars have: met with <erious accidents, that have cast them hundreds of dollars to settle , even if you have an accideqi and are not at fault, bat a lawstsit is instigate d against you , the first thing yoc do is to hire a " lawyer. . Auto owners ean- =et -teda rsjr<^4ft ; r wrUsHst- . a lia- bility policy; die Company tab* care >f niKsuha" iadritefei»»Br tiiera^for the vssured. ' lei Suffolk County recently awsuitg for autoenobilo accident s h a ve been s tarted , aggregating over 'lMVWO.Of! , and several large etaims ' iavo been paid with no msnranee. You may be the next victim. Phone , write or call SILKWORTH, Matti- tuck today. . Palicleg written any- vh ere. (Special attention given). Adv t. . r. 27-4t Additional East End news on page 11 The newly elected officers of th S. P. circle fcav^ recently sppointer tkc- f dlowina; ia>rjanitteeBj_ _ Suppl y Mrs. Ch*uncey ~T. "Reeve, Mias Marj I. Edwards, Miss Annie M. Reeve Missionary: Mrs. David A. Yowtg Miss Nellie W. Young, Mrs. HLff Young, Mrs. Daniel Y. Diraon , Cars Ellis Downs. Social: Mrs. Daniel T Wells, Mrs. *fiffiani M. Tuthin, &,*>* Herman H. Weirs , Mrs. George H Reeve. Membership: Miss Nelrk W Young. Visitati on: Mrs. "Frank. F Reeve. Mrs, Georee H. Taft , . Hx&A T. A. Reiser, Miss Mary L. AMferkb. J DOINCJ S IN THE EAST END VILLAGES ^ >feds Melcn^ Cars and ^ Trucks Perfected Valve in the Head Motor " / ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ SEASIDE GARAGE Quogue , N. Y. ^ S^BaBBBSB ^B^SsBBBBSisssa ^BBSk .SsBBBBh. .^BBBBBsV ^BBBBB asssssss\ ^k*aBBV ^k^ssssSBBBB ^SsssT .^s^sssss ^lss ^sssssssatsss. ^^^t^ S^^^^^B^^^ f ^^^ff EWW 'w ^ wS^^S ^^tS^Sr ^SS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ MORE POWER-LESS FUEL * 7 "" / ¦ * © W ^"^^W C^aV ** f ^ a^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ M?g^^^^a.^iaBaBMaBBa»aa, ^s* »' ^ SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ^BB^BBBBS ¥ TounbMit , S ptMMaur Sport Model Prk* fl r SSS f. o.lx Factory Lw^fhm , cw for all INNM Prksj $2J28& f. o. b. Factory Four CotdThn* , StaaoWd Equipawnt on al Can BOBINSKI & SENDLEWSKI AfMta RIVERHEAD. N. Y. ** . i. i ' ' ! ¦ Pelt* Rrath p ivTl Roanoke Avenue , Riverhead PATCHOGUE RIVERHEAD CREENPORT opulv Store " eliable Mdte. u obd quaHty mwssw«ss»aa»wMss«aws»»sssBs>w«a BB«,aa,, >BMsss»is»> ^ t ' - . . . . Just received a New Lot of SPRING DRESSES VOILE WAISTS and MIDDIES at Reasonable Prices ** ' T. ' . ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ «Bss«»s»»saesss»wss>w«B»aBB»»»»waaiii ¦ i s»««isssssss ^ssasa«ssaaaaw ^sBaawssswsasBaaaMs»Ba ^^pi 1 , 1 J 7 :—- ^ - v .. ' ' ' '' . ¦ ' ¦ SAFElNVESTMEm^ AT S PER CENT are being made b y - your neighbors, through our office, in mort- gages on residence and butinet* properties in the dry of Miami , Florida, a town of over 30, 000 popukitiqn, growing rapidl y but not a boom town. Every safeguard is used lor the protection of the investment , and our personal service is at your command; interest and principal collected and for- warded to net you 8 per cent. -Write for any information you may wnh regarding our mortgages and the city. All mort- gages ' recently advertised in the Review were quickly sold. Following are offered, subject to sale: No. 198. $2300.00 due Jan. 3. 1923, covew buaineeas aed residenc e property on Ave. 'L, worth $8000.00. w NoT2(>3 $3500.00 due as follows: $500.00 Jan. 27. 192 1 ;.$500.00 Jan. 27 , 1 922 ; $2500.00 Jan . 27. 1923 ; cov- ers new 5-room bungalow with all city convenience *; a*>- praised at $7000.00. No. 204. $2250.00 due Jan. 29 . 1923, covers 5-room bun- galow , well located, has garage , appraised value $5000.00. - If. L. Terry Mortgage Ca 338 1IA St , Miami , Florida ' p, ^r- . r a -I I &<JJj i££j LIST OF LONG ISLAND PROllBBTIEfr I ~ Fanm , Businew Properties , BuM ' BARGA INS IN REAL ESTATE EVERYWHERE MATnTUCK , LONG ISLAND, Ft Y. - \ - . - FARM AT 8OTJTBOU>-4 0 acres at BBVaflUL MNB DWELLOH.S !a WHt SALE AT GREiWeiW--Wy»; ' Bay View;.fine aetata ond cauliflower v the vJUaws at SroftoW, Graenport erty at 611 Second _ 8t, k&ajiin* «<>¦ •. son? goes ;twt*e and targe bam; 10 ana MaWtaek. ronnhw wato, hot ato «»'«• acres o*^osdJaaa ^ 1 7 milss from «.. «» r A»ii .t ' sawa ^-iniiL -^-^^ SoutboM-.tat>n. >rtoe $8600.00. » j *g^ ?*$** I ' S'^Kt , fared at.a taraal n. . - . ¦ , .;• ? ¦ -; FARM AT PECONIC-eO aerea, in- I100JO par acre ineladsng: baiMin«w. BOOTH MOUSE AT GREEKPOstT . cludinjr 10 acres woods . two-famUy >rwft « MR BiriLnrMr utm .t r«t. LON G ISLAND, FOR SALE—This ' house, teirtat agoae ,.barn , com crib. ^5U*S M ^ G lOTS at Crt- -H sW?dsss Ja»ww Bote! Is sitaat * . ¦ ; ; ; etc.; *iu%U«it JOtato' e*J aalifiowor choewe, Main wad. .. ,- .L . ^'^^ t. . ffa ,w , Phonic tar.. " . ' . soU. ° Pr ice m^SOXW. , - , - .- - Dwell ln, at Jameeacrt for sale, » The Rrsunds are flnely Jaid ^ oat mgk FRUIT rats >T ¦ iinmnva.iC rooaw,-t: hS nam taad , c ornar Her- ; driveways, bulkhead oa tha »*pra . , i!Tia s!»«K « 'S, hi™ rfck' a Laaw. Fine loea tioa . Main beantlftS traea and fine tawna. Ta» 12 1-2 m|iiMB dwelling,. barn R«a4 slstfc fce«i a^ «»ra ^ Prlsa Hotel " or Summer Boardlnf-ka«a» ' as ' and rKsahry jbewea; large number ef JMSXKJT ^ : ¦ ^^ nV U dit* in every reepect^iialf ftjr- peach, p ear , asset and plum trees; rzi___ «iskeH irtai new no to dato farajtam S^ktajrrta* nfj^i wrlM-jnrnnts . Three traet. ot 1*4 snrt.Mc far . S^nW oo^eri ^ T £.1 OSS f ^S T i ^' , m * imm * h0niW - PHe * t$L m ckl *2i , 7 | 5 * t^XiJF * ' ¦ **«**. moder n up to tota ha*V )?T000.OS . - . .. ¦ » ¦ - . , . - . 6 1-g acres, fttOQ; » acr ea, 11200. rooms, plumbing and electric « 4*aa, I ^M AT MIWDLE ISLAND-17 " j^a^TaaaJ rroecry bnth»a ^~iS tr ^MA fl «ea\ ' i * f<^"31a ^^ II acre B . rSaa ear thrated fans laad ^ 7- ^te , a flt* atanVto a proajiereaa g* ^ ratr&mU^ atTrSa. - H ere. i-rsetr^ agop.ytf. totj- . ] amnaaer trade; tw» wafoatf aecenn tof the owner* ace ate- -SaSa»i- .^ /' - ., ' ¦ TOR SALE AT MWNT S!XA! , Lr Slrt ^^nlin ^i^^rF^SLtJ -S*ve ^un - t|^L*r^taJ ^J«nnnsBw :: s ¦ I. (lalaaa O-SMeM farm, 2 miles , £ # g* equipped (tore and gofeff WJ S I - proposition. The .property Wiir«*«T : II from tlNi vJHage. ' Eiajht-wew house, ' "***' " - ¦ ' . ' , be ottered for ai Short tipaV- sad ajK. H bam and usual oua>uHdinff9. Price Fine dairy farm . Ur ge ham , 2 silos, pomt»er.t should be made to we* tan n $$*&><>. , \ j;r ' .; - . '- wlr8f milk route aver 260 boMJes property over at one*. ^_; H '^^ W 0 ^ 0 ^- ^ a ^ b^T ftr ^ aick fco^r; % FOR SALE AT GREWWW-^e H small dwdlia» and barn; cnooffh gooa acres of land. property ef Mrs. Annie Larson , 4M H land for a man working by the day -. —. : pify, gt AH modern im prov ensea l H to have a few paying crops. Price, TOR SALE—The property of Bamael in eight room dwelling, largo barn, H $2600.00. ¦¦ _ ¦ ¦ ¦ _ ¦ EMred at ifaHKacfc, two stor* cot lot site 102 ft. front by 1W ffc deep, H .»..« AT »i«wn»vi« IR «,«« ««•..¦ sra roo BBs, cellar, work corner property. II r ?" 5t i^"S S ^ SAy ^ ! T- i ac" 1 - ^^ J»»i«Hl, w»o«l ahed^ Lrt aiaes 50 _^ - . H f , Lf*fe; , * d; 8 " T ^2!I < bn & VA!^ ft.v fts*n\ ^200 ft. d^T wia^ 7r rv = i^ »^m^r^m^wnm! ^r^^ ^M l £S* b ^!S:- C0, ^ ^ ^ 1 l? a8 ^ ftWthsjf an MatUtuek Harbwr , price F^^U^ST-rf r » in™ k^STsa B sheds, electric light and telep hone; J2800JML « *• P«yserty •» G. F. amt, aaews, aa u five minutstt * wa lk to village. Price . ¦ ¦ _ ' .. . ... a u— * Cha nel Terrace. Thia cottage is ama n $8«00.(». FOR . SALE AT SOUTHOlft-The of the awwt attraetrve along t^gg? U - H—-——~ S—' = property of Ml» Franees Rockwell , raaeV > hetwee1i _ Graenport and ""**»; ¦ FARM AT LAUREL—Over 70 acree , situate en the East side of Maple ., Th» Jstta ff Mt ten ronma ma *n ¦ near vaiiie; finer house, large barn, Awe ^ adjetalng tte property formerly 4 ' . TT ^^raTlis ^GrS. I carriage Some , tenant house, e of M». Flcra Bfiss. This property tffi LS?^ - ^i^-^n^^ «£2 I crib , ^. Frie. 310, 000.00. ^J& gtW^Z^ Z Sf ^aMa. ^ ^cg I m^^ s^^^i^^*-^ ^ - "^ atalow figBte ' ' ¦ ' 'T&S3S&ST&&&& . < I teer ^ s a^,Jfcuawest CiviiioE, ^ X-- FO | | SALE—A^ d&rFrtT ' ' maSTeSSIa -^ ^-bT wlaVrr ^BolHTMet ^ <iup 53ciW 4»s , >c ^ s - $1000.00. i _______ on« 5Q H. P. Meti A Weil oil ham- same te-day. . "'" , . —~ ~ ~~~* tag eagiae, $800., and ore Nash St ~ - --—,— » J * FOR SALE—at New Suffolk , the H. P, gasolene engine, *7S0. Both in »,«;«—. .-™rrt» «t Mattitaeh aaal dock, large buildings and breakwater rannin f^er and good condition. rJS ^S? *n,^nty Bt ¦ •tMt ** "* . ro(nteriy ^wr.ed by the Holland Sub- _ ¦ " - =~— ~ Greenport. _____ EJBrine Boat Coi; bre^cwatw an! FOR SALE AT ^REEXPORT—f _ p- f S peciaHsts m Buying aBaJ SeDtsW dock cest this eempany JJS. ' SO.W tb erty the estate of Gear— C B»- " . Rear Estate. bu'i& Price $7500.00. A barga-.t * wwth , dwelrinif on Fourth St , heaise goto Agent Nassau Fasat Oah Ruitablb for shipyard. «** n4ie rooms rnchaffng fin«r —n- Properties. ~ ~ , . . .v parlor, haa »n modem imprevsmeBts | ^g^ y^ p^jtj^ _jft ef preaaMa * u FOR SAAE-^aflding lot at firm- w^i^^SJf! ^. ^ t5^f for sale and mTt. bead on Roanoke Avenue- size 60 X "** extanaive view across the Paeon- . . 4fc ^ . _ _ ¦ T , . .—. 15t ^^ S^M ^irabte toea- * fc Say . 'wrf Shatter Wand , alao on- ^HJH !tet ~2 _SSJf5 i^ ^ De8 ' n,bte ""^ impressed lot anmediately across tb- ««h vh ie h seara by « __ ! __ *> - _ , - - _ ^ street, which e—««• wiB seU togetb« s™ r°" re quirements most n«*Bly. mi nr.;Mi«>. u* »* (Xmm. vSf'3i the abeve described sroperty or Make aa appointment with *M at K li ^ W^eSStoS. f'T 1 * 15 ' 8 ^^ "-^^^? ' l^.r£ _ Wthfc &tiata * ^ ._ ejg^.?-s-^««!^ . i »- . .. . Z2HU^£?ZEJ%ISZ - ^. ^^^^-^ -*«- t , ^^ , ; "' aT^" oyer« i3" aaf«t!Ts --na^ir~ . - - - * 1 ahaa W p' e ito ea u nj uwie aa aaa or " TEN-ACRE FOitTRT FARM at ' -r~— time es yvt may re<jnW together I Terryvffi *. Price $6700. FOR SALE, PROPERTY OF 1. LEW. with tha —e of auto in seeteta *. ¦ ——^— _—_ IS CLARK—Plot siee 5# ft. by 165 ft. If yon Imts * property «n the Eg=t Fad ¦ «-ACRE FAS5I st SaEhSeWB fronting Greenoort Harber and rear of LOB* Island which ywi wish » - I _._ ftissi. farinaa Johnson' s Csurt. Bouse b*» seB. hay *r rent, pmse the- matter I »OAR0 IXG BOT?E a*3 rssasass at - fc^wia ^-fsr——, hart ^sgg- «—ra^-i » tw i_»s, __£______t^.f _#aj_ eg' ja 1M _ __ - ¦ N*w Su&S. t»r— ceEar ana attic. Real Estate Agesrrt. I I - - > ¦ [ Constipation & alittious AttacfeSi Bed Breath, C. iaterl Tongue, DiaiJness , Yel- low Sitln and Blc* Headache a?e diseenes attrlboted »to clogReJ bowels -which cause absorption of pcisons lormett therein. - Booth-Orertoa Laxative and Liver - . Tablets i/ - - . Are ' a wooa«rrany efficient e.nd a aiest satisf:ic*«ry tand Ijiwttfve siwi Catfeartie. Tlsey r*SiUatft the bezels, stimulate thr liver, thi» cj-steoi rjf it» Impitrttits and give prompt relief. SoM by I*rBRgi«e», 12c, 30c and eoc Booth-Gvcrt cn Cx il BROADWAX , SEW TORK __ __________ ___ C WESLEY SMITH EfeA5p-SaA3S... -^L _ra__| __R4jff~ . Cottages and varaa^e » wa*» sit* l^tsjoerr ^ fnsraale Aiseat for ten cf the strongest £r* l aeiua aee cempwesw Tefejsaasf 4 ^^^ h^v SJ^i^^ S^^s^^r' w^a^ Br ^^a^^^ai S ^^^^^ B ^ S - . , .- . - ... . . . .„ ¦ _ = _. , .. _. % K*£


Page 1: DOINCJS IN THE EAST END ¦* ¦j * *""3 T'TT 'T^ XTrnrr ^rnriiiriijiniLiiFiisBtiiBiisW NEW SUFFOLK f" '

c ¦*¦ j ¦* *""3 T'TT 'T XTrnrr ^rnriiiriijiniLiiFiisBtiiBiisW

NEW SUFFOLKf" ' ' r, i p- n i .n™jOT«MiTnmuji

Airs, t, C. Gordon and Miss LucyHe-ton vere both on the aick list alllast week

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Horton and Mr.and Mrs. Gerald Fleet spent the .week-end*'in Manhattan, '

Henry King is spending n fewweeks at the home of Mrs. V. M. Gold-smith; "¦ . . . ., '//" ¦:" .. . " , ".

Emil Conrpd is? fewr ccks with his parents at their homei" Brooklyn^ . . .

Quite a number of. our good neigh-bors attended the Mechanics' enter^tainment at Mattituck last Monday•vening despite.traveliiig conditions.' .. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ruland Have re-turned to their home in Patchogue

' after spending the. fall and winter1

months in this place. - ¦' •''• '',". ':''..';Mrs. David Ht King and family.

all of whom have been ill with grip.are recovering. Mr. and Mr* Klngjsson, Raymond King, has ;been" ' veryill with pneumonia at his , home In

. Newark,. N. J., and on account ofi their own illness, neither hi* father

nor mother could be with nim, Weare glad to state: Raymond la mowconvalescing. . ' , :v \ >V;. "-:;';..:: ';, -; :. ';'•";¦

¦¦' 'Mr. and' MrS.„:Harry : Carter andlittle daughter, 'Jean,'; at Lynbrook,ip'ent tha early, part of thin weekwith Mr. and Mrs. John F. FanningThe latter part of the'week Mr. andMra. Carter will go to .Wheeling, W.Va., where they will relhairi- for sev-eral weeks. -.

Mr. and Mrs. Everett -King . ofQuincy, Mass.,' are the proud parents"of a -little daughter who >came togladden thair home last week. Everettwas a great favorite here in hia boy-hood, and has many friends"tart now;who will unite in congratulations and

»T;Kias!!'!U'j',.tui::ic,ii»'.n;riL'amiimi:HiHnqiiHiot!i!i» 'diinmm»«!«!ioiia«!i»i»iii.-ie


Sterling P.ouse of Brooklyn visitedrelatives here last week. ¦• - ¦- ¦¦¦¦¦

- Miss Ruth Hiers of Huntington, re-cently visited ..with her aiater, Mrs.ircd Rowland.;

Mr. and Mrs.' Howard Wado /ofCollege Point were recent guests ofMiss Lizzie King. .

Mrs. H. D. Brown of New YorkCity, has been visiting her mother,Mrs. W. H. Eedinond.. . .. . . . . _

"Mrs. Charles Wedmore of c' NewYork City has been spending a tewdays at her home Tn Greenport.

MiessMe.ta!enasM?Cl«nnon.of NewYork City, ' is visiting Mr? and "Mrs.Raymond Henney. " . - . c- .- Miss -Mah«l Meinken of Jamaica,has been visiting her friend, Mra.Ansel V. Youngs. : :

E. D. Tuthill has been confined tothe hou"ae for several, days with theinfluenza,- , but-'is .'now on the gain.

, Miss' Harriet Dimon is spendingseveral days in New York.

Mrs. John Murray 'of Brooklyn isvisiting her parents, Mr. and Mra.Joseph Gassidy.

Miss Helen Aleen spent a few dayswith her parents this week.":'--Mfsf--C^rude Dennis,: and Miss"Sarah Griffing have returned to NewYork after spending

1 a ;few days-attheir homes. ¦ 'L . -

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chapman ofEast Hampton spent fast week wit^;Mrs. Chapman's mother. Vl

Miss Mildred Thomas of .Yonkersand Mervin Raekett of New York,made a f ew days* visit with Mrs. Lee-lie Raekett.

Stanley and KennetH Merrill ofXew YorS», visited here last week.

Robert and Lester Clifford ofBrooklyn have b;en visiting Mr. andMrs. P. TV. Clifford.

Kenneth ThornhiH spent the week-end with his parents.-Mrs. Edward Rowland has return-

ed to Riverhead to visit-her daughterMrs. Forrest Turbush... .Mrs... William Turbush _of Green-port and Mrs. Harry Purdy of Ne-wark , N. J., are visiting relatives mRiverhead. " ¦ . •

William Wilsen has returned homefrom Kansas City, where he has hada position; He spent a few days withhis parent MFrSsd^Mrs. Hsrry^WUisen, on First street.

Mis& JUouisc Adams of Great Neck.spent the holiday with her parents.

The Misses Hazel and Paye Hor-tajv saesiJhs week-end with friends. !

Thomas L. Moore has sold his bus-iness to Arthur N. Beebe, who willfipen the confectionery store aboutMarch 6th in the post-office building,whsre Mr. Moore has conducted thebusiness for several years.

Frank Bcrger, quartermaster on theV. S. Destroyer Meade, has receivedhis honorable discharge after eighty:- a rs ftf service. He spent a few dayswith his mother in Greenport beforetaiinitjLppaitioi v inJ Y rstr.-

EAST MARIONr --nrym¥.':--«^r jr/ ,,'iiffl!JsM^?'ji t.,v,uj.iii..u iiisij.rRi

A daughter was born to \M *i andMrs, Albert Puritan d, the 26th.

Rev. J. D. Field mad* a businesstrip to Brooklyn last weete

Michael Shinniski'who has been an.crrin .'.-y.' en the farm of Stanley Bu-v*l!, has moved his family to Went.

The Ki-g'c Daughters' Circle willhicct t>u Thursday, March If , with"1 - s Oara A. Horton. - [

(". OT MeS4R of Eastport. »» a t---¦v— surf man at the Reeky ,- - L JISJU. fi,rc»rri afcaitoE. S9R1K Oft '

v J . - Menda . >v - \ P»n Adami who has had a '

; ¦ n n a ,th the Metropolitan Lifew~ je Co. of New Yerk. has se-

' , i position with an electric• ~ y ir- 3"'>A- yn and very noch i¦ / -. 1- T orR.

y t- ¦ Gr JSxs i<, e"\joying ,1 visit- t i f h« auijt. Mrs, WiThair

> liiirry has beej. for several* -. th- -srval a*,atKffi viiooi

it LaJves. He is en? of tb?«P s-a-"" ««i!r«eJf froai tte fftfv™-™-ia there, hat rejwrcs bw

* ' JB new. }— i .".'.. - Ustse a** been fjsyias a

*- .= te riorxut SB» sw, Artfeor

Beebo, baa purchased from ThomasL. Moore hia iee cream, soda andconfectionery business in Greenport.He will open the (tore about March8th.

The Cirl Reserves met Mondayeveninexwith Miss Florence Vail- .

Rev. J. D. Field will deliver/ anaddresa at- a rajy at the JBaptistchurch at Huntington, on Friday ofthis week. ''-.J i"Mra.* W. C. Raekett was . thrown

from a sleigh on Saturday of lastweek ami had her arm broken at theelbow. She was taken to the E. L. I.Hospital on Sunday for an x-ray pic-ture and .it was found that the bonebad been perfectly set and there wasno fracture as was feared. She is im-proving, at her heme under the at-tention of Dr. C. C. MUes.

Capt. John Muir and family, whohave been, for several weeks withMrs. Muir's parents, Capt and MrsJohn Griffing, at Fishers Island, havereturned to their.home here.-iv Wilbur Hedges and son, Henry, at-tended the funerai of, Mr, Hedges'sister-in-law, Mrs. Jennie WintersHedges, of Wainscott, who died ofpneumonia on February 16. Thefriends and relatives here waregraved to "hear of her sudden death.iShe was the daughter ot the UtcHenry P. and Sarah , King Hedgee,of East Marion, where! she spent nergirlhood days, and where she waa be-loved by all who knew' her.' Themany " East Marion friends expresstheir sympathy for the befeaf»d:eitesv

It the article which appeared in|he . Orient column last week, owi-cerning the, digging of snow in EastMarion, was from Orient as .a village,it would sink deeper than it has. Themen of East Marion nerer. -"falidown" on a job. They aren't made ofthat kind of stuff. The writer couldmention a large number of men-.wHehaver spchtr'majiy hour? on the roadduring the winter* gratia, and arewillibg to spend more if necessary.Several men.suent a greater part ofa Sunday afternoon digging anew onthe road, one'man not stopping to eathis dinner, another one of the num<ber considering it more" importantthan teaching his Sunday schoolclass 'of young men, becauae'the neigh-boring village, Orient, was in trouble.There are.times when the ' doctorswould not have gotten to the bedsideOf many a sick one in Orient, if themen from tho east to the west: endof the village had not gotten on thtjob, pome starting in at an early hourof the, morning. The. helping handswhich "appeared to wither" were farfrom that condition. sVe are veryelad. that Commissioner Fleet foundmen in Orient who had the time andstrength and were glad, too, to getthe dollars to help along their liveli-hood. ' We again repeat, if Orientneed* a helping hand at any timedon't hesitate to call on East Mariorfor she is and always-has bsen readyto help. Those words which "lookedgood" In print, did indeed soon become a reality and will continue to besuch.&tsai53l£^'VWvm*:wmmmmrm!mmmwmiiia£mi!BMBw


. George C.^ Young recently enjoyeda-trip to'Albany. •,. ' _ :. - .- :, -¦- ¦' '


.. Atmore Reeve spent the latter part61 the =weefc in- New ;Y»rk- ci»y. -?= :

The regular semi-annual mite boxoffering cf the Women's Missionary^Society will' be collected during thecoming week. .; - *-

The L. P. circle will meet at thrchapel for an all-day seesioii oh Tuesday, March 9th, at which time thiwork at hand- will be Red Cross relief garments. , , '

Rev. and Mrs. John R. Gee, formerly of Riverhead, but now of Syracuse are guects of Mrs. H. H. Tourif-and Miss Nellie W. Young.

Misa Rita Duryea, of Mattituck. hatbeen spending some time wit* he:sister, Mrs. Ellis Robinson. .

The executive committee of the CE. society will meet at the home of=th^president, Mrs. J. Wesley WarnerMonday-evening,-at 7?30s- '¦_ - . . . . . *

In observance of the Lenten*seas6tarrangement has been, made for ape.eial evangelistic services each Fri -day evening until Easter, these services to be conducted by the variou?organrxationg of the church. ; On Friday evening TH tnw'week Bt~^tilc~the: pastor will have charge, assistedby the choir m * praise swirice- ,. __ .

Neat Sunday at the nsual Hour o'raorhing service the Sacrament* o'

jgVtf vto.rtnian . wjll Jbe -jAtgAyved : . Tht.pastor wifl speak cri "Jesus' Life, th'Call to the Highest PosmbJe Setvicfe*At 6:30 P.- JrL, the C. E. society wflconsider the topic, "Life Lessons, fronthe Book of ProTerbs" (consocratioimeeting). Everett Eecw, leader. Th'.pastor's half hour, which follows thC. E~ will have for the subect "WarTMd itr* ¦¦' -


Th« March nieeting of the Woamami'sMissionary society will be postponedisata ta« weather l» better, whtth we

rs»pe" wS lie ao c ¦ -^==™--- ~ -*¦¦ ¦

. Sirs- Perry Ri*ason is 81> withpneuaroRia at the hoaie ef her daugh-ter, St **. Ctarles Kayo- We a3 hopefor a speedy recovery.

Van Rensselaer Terry celebratedf as niaety-Sf^S, Mrthday en Mu.iuuj,March 1. Mr. Terry v ®» ei&atrusideat is Ja irns ' it.

MJS> Ap**wia Soksl a?jd da^r -Sxat B* XSm Soket of Broo«|yft»ha v. been srondfflr * wee* wl@t Mrs.SoSoTs pareata. Mr. aa Mrs. letar

, Roeere.' Maasegse CmA ir. ©. lf*A. M.-beld its rerala* Jfteein^ StattiiyevwnBBjs, after whidk eka etewder

was served. A "good time" and"dance" will be given by MiamogueCouncil, on Thursday evening, March4, at 7:80,; to Hanwmy Hall andkaciam ennwdar supper wiii 'bp serveu.

Brother Farmer, if you,are thinJdugof buying a trnctor this spring justcome and look the Samson Tractorover. The most tractor for tie moneythere is on the market. Made by theGeneral Motors Co. For sale by J. T.Fanning, Riverhead.—Advt. tf

Morning services will be held inthe church at 10:30. "Christian F.n-dea»«*r meet/a* at 6:1&, topic,"LifeLessons From the Book of Proverbs."Leader, Miss Louise Tuthill. Eve-ning services at 7 o'clock. Commun-ion services will be held in the morn-ing."iutn.iim"i UJII'.'JCC.H^U-IIS uajmiiiJirirrEsrmLiiniMiFrjiiniSii iinr, is-u

SOUTHOLD¦!¦ si i H11 IIIIW HIIII II ii immi iiiimssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiass

Rev. Eugene L. Conklin .will leaveFriday for his charge in Derby, Conn.

Mr.'and Mrs. R. H. Havens havebeen spending a time in New >'ork

Mrs. A. T. Dickerson entertainedthe whist club last Friday.' Long/Island potatoes are in greatdemand but -our dealer! art having'to store them until lined care can befurnished for their transportationwith safety at |3 per bushel. -

It was with profound Borrow thatthe news of the - death of MartinJoorst was received: Mr. Joorat'a son,Arthur, married, one of SinclairSmith's:daughters of thia villagu.

Conrad Leicht of Westhampton,speiit the last of the week with hiarelativea here. He . reports that therecent high tides encroached folly 30feet on the ocean front at the beacn.uu ijjTfuiin.'-iuim mini III luiiiuiiiutiiiiii»n.i ;r-.d, ii n>iai .jKHrjHfPtini!i>

, SOUND AVENUEitmvrarj'.w* HirjiiBwiraiiSBii nnw itira'ir-«n'runn,inu.'Trtmn vm

TheJPrayer circle will meet on Fri-day afternoon with Mrs. A. H. Wells.

Herbert t. Wells'is home afterspending the winter in Detroit, em-ployed in the .Dodge works and laterin a" box factory. - -

Miss Ella A. Hallockris assigned tolead the Y. P. S. C. E. consecrationmeeting on Sunday evening -Thetopic is "Life ' Lessons From. t'JaeBook uf Proverbs." -

This winter has' been remarkablefor the unusual birds seen close todwellings, evidently made more fear-less by hunger and cold. One prettylittle fellow frequently eveen With abright 'yellow throat and a black baron tht aide of his head it supposed tofirst cousin of the Maryland YellowTbroat.' Brotlier Farmer, it you am thinkina'•J buying a tractor this soring iua*eoaae-and look the Sanasbn Tractorover. The moet tractor for the moneythere is on the market. Made by theGeneral Motors Co. For sale by J. TFatsming, Riverhead.—Adirt. tf

LIVE STOCK INSURANCE.' Ifyou have valuable live stock/horsesand cattle you are liable to toes re-sulting from death by accident or sick-ness, also from lightning, why notprotect yourself Mr getting . 'out apolicy with .the ~ Hartford4-Inniranee,Co.? Prompt settlement of loss Buar-anteed. Phone, writ* or;oalL SULK-WORTH, Mattituck. N. Yv—Advt..-,-¦-,

. . -¦- ¦ ¦ '- - ' „ , .," - " - ^ ' ,:- -- -, '".-- 87-M

The skies tell us ' that- apring ishear, Tint the ground thickly as hard as - Iron, make* onedoubtful. Since . the- last lightfall of snew, with subaequent highw1hds~t3iariiuedHt^''rato'''~oTttm>

r"''a%itovmobiles have entirely disappearedand wheeled vehicles of any kind havebecome as unusual as,a red* Indian.On Sunday .there was a large attend-ance at church, but every vehicle wason ruiinersv" ~ - .4'-r^=---"=--"-- - :' --- -- ¦-' --.. - • .

A CAREFUL AUTO BUYER.Everyone wfco'driVM an aoteaaobilepridet themself tlia* they can controltheir tta and are careful #*ough toivoid an accident,' yet sosae of themost careful drivars have: met with<erious accidents, that have cast themhundreds of dollars to settle, even ifyou have an accideqi and are not atfault, bat a lawstsit is instigatedagainst you, the first thing yoc do isto hire a" lawyer. . Auto owners ean-=et-tedarsjr<^4ft;a«rwrUsHst-. a lia-bility policy; die Company tab* care>f niKsuha"iadritefei»»Br tiiera for thevssured. ' lei Suffolk County recentlyawsuitg for autoenobilo accidentshave been started, aggregating over'lMVWO.Of!, and several large etaims'iavo been paid with no msnranee.You may be the next victim. Phone,write or call SILKWORTH, Matti-tuck today. . Palicleg written any-vhere. (Special attention given).—Advt. . r. 27-4tAdditional East End news on page 11

The newly elected officers of thS. P. circle fcav recently sppointertkc- f dlowina; ia>rjanitteeBj_ _ SupplyMrs. Ch*uncey~T. "Reeve, Mias MarjI. Edwards, Miss Annie M. ReeveMissionary: Mrs. David A. YowtgMiss Nellie W. Young, Mrs. HLffYoung, Mrs. Daniel Y. Diraon, CarsEllis Downs. Social: Mrs. Daniel TWells, Mrs. *fiffiani M. Tuthin, &,*>*Herman H. Weirs, Mrs. George HReeve. Membership: Miss Nelrk WYoung. Visitation: Mrs."Frank. FReeve. Mrs, Georee H. Taft,. Hx&AT. A. Reiser, Miss Mary L. AMferkb. J


>feds Melcn Cars and ^Trucks

Perfected Valve in the Head Motor "/

' ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦


Quogue, N.Y.

S BaBBBSB B SsBBBBSisssa ^BBSk .SsBBBBh. . BBBBBsV BBBBB asssssss\ k*aBBV k ssssSBBBB SsssT . s sssss lss sssssssatsss.

^ tS ^^^^^B ^^^f ^ ^ ^f f E W W 'w^wS^ S^ tS SrSS^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^


¦* © W " ^W C aV **

f a ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^M?g^ ^ a. iaBaBMaBBa»aa, s*»' SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BB BBBBS¥

TounbMit , S ptMMaur Sport ModelPrk*flrSSSf.o.lx Factory

Lw fhm, • cw for all INNMPrksj $2J28& f. o. b. Factory

Four CotdThn*, StaaoWd Equipawnt on al Can


RIVERHEAD. N. Y.** . i. i ' ' ! ¦ —

Pelt * Rrathp ivTlRoanoke Avenue, RiverheadPATCHOGUE RIVERHEAD CREENPORT

opulv Store "eliable Mdte. uobd quaHtymwssw«ss»aa»wMss«aws»»sssBs>w«aBB«,aa,,>BMsss»is»> ^

t ' - . . .

. Just received a New Lot ofSPRING DRESSES

VOILE WAISTS and MIDDIESat Reasonable Prices

** ' T.


¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦«Bss«»s»»saesss»wss>w«B»aBB»»»»waaiii ¦ i s»««isssssss ssasa«ssaaaaw sBaawssswsasBaaaMs»Ba ^ pi1,1J

7 :—- — - v . . ' ' ' ' ' . ¦' ¦

SAFElNVESTMEmATSPERCENTare being made by- your neighbors, through our office, in mort-gages on residence and butinet* properties in the dry ofMiami, Florida, a town of over 30,000 popukitiqn, growingrapidly but not a boom town. Every safeguard is used lorthe protection of the investment, and our personal service isat your command; interest and principal collected and for-warded to net you 8 per cent. -Write for any information youmay wnh regarding our mortgages and the city. All mort-gages' recently advertised in the Review were quickly sold.Following are offered, subject to sale:

No. 198. $2300.00 due Jan. 3. 1923, covew buaineeasaedresidence property on Ave.'L, worth $8000.00.wNoT2(>3 $3500.00 due as follows: $500.00 Jan. 27.192 1 ;.$500.00 Jan. 27, 1922; $2500.00 Jan. 27. 1923; cov-ers new 5-room bungalow with all city convenience*; a*>-praised at $7000.00.

No. 204. $2250.00 due Jan. 29. 1923, covers 5-room bun- •galow, well located, has garage, appraised value $5000.00. -

If. L. Terry Mortgage Ca338 1IA St, Miami, Florida '

p, r-. r a





Bay View;.fine aetata ond cauliflower v the vJUaws at SroftoW, Graenport erty at 611 Second _8t, k&ajiin* «<>¦•.son? goes ;twt*e and targe bam; 10 ana MaWtaek. ronnhw wato, hot ato «»'«• *»acres o* osdJaaa 1 7 milss from «..«» rA»ii .t 'sawa -iniiL- -^^SoutboM-.tat>n. >rtoe $8600.00. »

j*g ?*$**I'S' Kt , fared at.a taraaln. . - . ¦

,. ; • ? —¦-;

FARM AT PECONIC-eO aerea, in- I100JO par acre ineladsng: baiMin«w. BOOTH MOUSE AT GREEKPOstT.cludinjr 10 acres woods. two-famUy >rwft «MR BiriLnrMr utm .t r«t. LONG ISLAND, FOR SALE—This 'house, teirtat agoae,.barn, com crib. 5U*SM^


at Crt- -H sW?dsssJa»ww Bote! Is sitaat*.¦; ;; etc.; *iu%U«it JOtato' e*J aalifiowor choewe, Main wad. ..,-.L ...... ^' t.. ffa,w, Phonic tar.. " .'

. soU.° Price m^SOXW. ,- , - .- - Dwellln, at Jameeacrt for sale, » The Rrsunds are flnely Jaid^oat mgk

FRUIT rats >T ¦iinmnva.iC rooaw,- t : hS nam taad, cornar Her- ; driveways, bulkhead oa tha »*pra.,i!Tia s!»«K «'S, hi™ rfck'a Laaw. Fine loeatioa. Main beantlftS traea and fine tawna. Ta»12 1-2 m|iiMB dwelling,. barn R«a4 slstfc fce«i a «»ra Prlsa Hotel "or Summer Boardlnf-ka«a» ' as 'and rKsahry jbewea; large number ef JMSXKJT : ¦ ^ nV U dit* in every reepect iialf ftjr-peach, pear, asset and plum trees; rzi___ «iskeH irtai new no to dato farajtamS ktajrrta* nfj iwrlM-jnrnnts. Three traet. ot 1*4 snrt.Mc far . S nWoo eri T£.1 OSSf ^S T

i^',m*imm* h0niW - PHe* t$Lm ckl*2i

,7|5 * t XiJF *'

¦**«**. modern up to tota ha*V

)?T000.OS.- . . . ¦ » ¦ - . , .- . 6 1-g acres, fttOQ; » acrea, 11200. rooms, plumbing and electric «4*aa, I^M


j a^TaaaJ rroecry bnth»a ~iS tr^MAfl«ea\

'i*f<^"31a ^ IIacreB.rSaa earthrated fans laad

^7- te, a flt* atanVto a proajiereaa g*

ratr&mU atTrSa. - Here. i-rsetr agop.ytf. totj-. s»] amnaaer trade; tw» wafoatf aecennt o f the owner* ace ate--SaSa»i-. /'-.,'¦TOR SALE AT MWNT S!XA!, Lr Slrt ^ nlin i^ rF SLtJ -S*ve un - t| L*r taJ J«nnnsBw :: s ¦I. (lalaaaO-SMeM farm, 2 miles , £#g* equipped (tore and gofeff WJSI- proposition. The .property Wiir«*«T : IIfrom tlNi vJHage.' Eiajht-wew house, '"***• ' " - ¦ ' .' , be ottered for ai Short tipaV-sad ajK. Hbam and usual oua>uHdinff9. Price Fine dairy farm. Urge ham, 2 silos, pomt»er.t should be made to we* tan n$$*&><>., \ j ; r ' . ; -. '- wlr8f milk route aver 260 boMJes property over at one*.

_; H' ^ W0^0 - a b T ftr aick fco r; % FOR


AT GREWWW- e Hsmall dwdlia» and barn; cnooffh gooa acres of land. • property ef Mrs. Annie Larson, 4M Hland for a man working by the day -. —. : pify, gt AH modern improv enseal Hto have a few paying crops. Price, TOR SALE—The property of Bamael in eight room dwelling, largo barn, H$2600.00. ¦ ¦ _

¦¦ ¦_¦

EMred at ifaHKacfc, two stor* cot lot site 102 ft. front by 1W ffc deep, H.»..« AT »i«wn»vi« IR «,«« ««•..¦*» sra rooBBs, cellar, work corner property. IIr?"5ti "SS


^!T-iac"1- ^ J»»i«Hl,w»o«l ahed Lrt aiaes 50 _^ - . H

f,Lf*fe;,*d; • 8"T 2!I < bn& VA! ft.vfts*n\ 200 ft. d^T wia 7rrv = i » m r m wnm! r ^ Ml£S* b!S:-

C0, 1


ftWthsjf an MatUtuek Harbwr, price F^ U ST-rfr » in™ k^STsa Bsheds, electric light and telephone; J2800JML « *• P«yserty •» G. F. amt, aaews, aa u

five minutstt* walk to village. Price . ¦ ¦ _ ' ... ... a u— * Chanel Terrace. Thia cottage is ama n$8«00.(». FOR . SALE AT SOUTHOlft-The of the awwt attraetrve along t gg? U—-H—-——~ S—' = property of Ml» Franees Rockwell, raaeV>hetwee1i_ Graenport and ""**»; ¦FARM AT LAUREL—Over 70 acree, situate en the East side of Maple ., Th» Jsttaff Mt ten ronma ma *n ¦

near vaiiie; finer house, large barn, Awe adjetalng tte property formerly 4'. TT^ raTlis ^GrS. Icarriage Some, tenant house, eo» of M». Flcra Bfiss. This property tffiLS?^ - i - n^ «£2 Icrib, . Frie. 310,000.00.

J& gtW Z^ Z Sf aMa.

cg I

m^ s^^ i^^*-^- " atalow figBte' ' ¦ ''T&S3S&ST&&&&. < Iteers a ,JfcuawestCiviiioE, X-- FO|| SALE—A d&rFrtT''maSTeSSIa- -bTwlaVrr^BolHTMet <iup53ciW 4»s,>c s- $1000.00. i _______ on« 5Q H. P. Meti A Weil oil ham- same te-day.. "'" , .—~ ~ ~~~* tag eagiae, $800., and ore Nash St ~ - --—,— » J *FOR SALE—at New Suffolk , the H. P, gasolene engine, *7S0. Both in »,«;«—. .-™rrt» «t Mattitaeh aaaldock, large buildings and breakwater rannin f er and good condition. rJS^S?

*n, nty Bt ¦•tMt** "* .ro(nteriy^wr.ed by the Holland Sub- •_ ¦" • - =~— ~ • Greenport. _____EJBrine Boat Coi; bre cwatw an! FOR SALE AT ^REEXPORT—f_p- f SpeciaHsts m Buying aBaJ SeDtsWdock cest this eempany JJS.'SO.W tb erty the estate of Gear— C B»- " . Rear Estate.bu'i& Price $7500.00. A barga-.t * wwth, dwelrinif on Fourth St, heaise goto Agent Nassau Fasat OahRuitablb for shipyard. «** n4ie rooms rnchaffng fin«r —n- Properties.~~ , . . .v parlor, haa »n modem imprevsmeBts | g y ^

p jtj _jft ef preaaMa*

u FOR SAAE- aflding lot at firm- w i^ SJf! . t5 f for sale and

mTt.bead on Roanoke Avenue- size 60 X "** extanaive view across the Paeon- . . 4fc ._ _¦ T, . .— .15t ^ S^M irabte toea- * fc Say .'wrf Shatter Wand, alao on- ^HJH

!tet ~2 _SSJf5

i De8'n,bte "" impressed lot anmediately across tb- ««h vhieh seara by «__!__ *>

- _ , - - _^ street, which e—««• wiB seU togetb« s™ r°" requirements most n«*Bly.mi nr.;Mi«>. u* »* (Xmm. vSf'3i the abeve described sroperty or Make aa appointment with *M at

K li W^eSStoS. f'T1*15'8


"-^^ ? ' l .r£ _ Wthfc&tiata *

^ ._ejg .?-s-^««! .i»- . . . . Z2HU ^£?ZEJ%ISZ - .^^^ -^-*«-t, ^ • , ; "' aT^"oyer«i3"aaf«t!Ts --na ir~. - - -*— 1 ahaa W p'eitoea unjuwie aa aaaor "

TEN-ACRE FOitTRT FARM at '-r~— time es y v t may re<jnW together ITerryvffi*. Price $6700. FOR SALE, PROPERTY OF 1. LEW. with tha —e of auto in seeteta *. •¦——^— _—_ IS CLARK—Plot siee 5# ft. by 165 ft. If yon Imts * property «n the Eg=t Fad ¦«-ACRE FAS5I st SaEhSeWB fronting Greenoort Harber and rear of LOB* Island which ywi wish » - I

_._ ftissi. farinaa Johnson's Csurt. Bouse b*» seB. hay *r rent, pmse the- matter I»OAR0IXG BOT?E a*3 rssasass at - fc wia -fsr——, hart sgg- «—ra -i » tw i_»s, __£______t .f_#aj_eg'ja 1M _ __ -¦N*w Su&S. t»r— ceEar ana attic. Real Estate Agesrrt. I


- - > ¦

[Constipation& alittious AttacfeSi Bed Breath,C.iaterl Tongue, DiaiJness, Yel-low Sitln and Blc* Headache a?ediseenes attrlboted »to clogReJbowels -which cause absorptionof pcisons lormett therein.

- Booth-OrertoaLaxativeand Liver -. Tablets

i/ -- .Are ' a wooa«rrany efficient

e.nd a aiest satisf:ic*«ry tandIjiwttfve siwi Catfeartie. Tlseyr*SiUatft the bezels, stimulatethr liver, thi» cj-steoi rjfit» Impitrttits and give promptrelief.

SoM by I*rBRgi«e»,12c, 30c and eoc

Booth-Gvcrtcn Cxil BROADWAX, SEW TORK_______________C WESLEY SMITH

EfeA5p-SaA3S...- L_ra__|__R4jff~ .

Cottages and varaa^e »wa*» sit*l tsjoerr fnsraale

Aiseat for ten cf the strongest £r*laeiuaaee cempwesw

Tefejsaasf 4

^^ h v SJ i S^ s^ r'w a Br ^ a^ ai S^ ^ B S -. , .- .- ... . .. ..„ ¦_ = _ . , .._ . % K*£