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    Journal of Alzheimers Disease 30 (2012) 15DOI 10.3233/JAD-2012-129011IOS Press



    The Metal Theory of Alzheimers Disease2

    Ashley I. Bush3Oxidation Biology Laboratory, Mental Health Research Institute, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC,




    Abstract. Brain homeostasis of transition metals is severely perturbed in Alzheimers disease (AD), with extracellular pooling

    of zinc and copper in amyloid, and intraneuronal accumulation of iron. Rapidly accumulating evidence indicates that these

    perturbances themselves may contribute significantly to the cognitive loss and neurodegeneration, even in the absence of AD

    proteopathy. There is now strong evidence that each of the major protein participants in AD pathology has physiologically

    important interactions with transition metals: APP is the neuronal iron export ferroxidase with a major interaction with

    ferroportin, presenilins are needed for the import of50% of cellular copper and zinc, and tau promotes the export of neuronal

    iron by facilitating the trafficking of APP to the surface. Therefore, amyloid and tau pathology arise in a milieu of constitutively

    high metal flux, and the major components of AD pathology may contribute to the disease by failing in their metal transport











    Keywords: Alzheimers disease, amyloid, copper, iron, presenilin, tau, zinc15

    The last five years have seen challenges for the16

    amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimers disease (AD),17

    with the failures of large-scale clinical trials that tar-18

    get amyoid- (A). In contrast, my group has been19

    involved in an alternative approach that postulates that20

    the amyloid lesions of AD are not solely the cause of21

    the disease, but rather, operate to exaggerate fatigue in22

    metal homeostasis. A landmark in this regard is our23

    demonstration for the first time in 2010, that the zinc24

    released into the glutamatergic synapse through the25

    activity of the ZnT3 transporter is needed to maintain26

    memory and cognition [1]. ZnT3 is uniquely expressed27

    in areas of grey matter affected by amyloid pathology,28

    and zinc released into the glutamatergic synapse by29

    ZnT3 has been shown to cause amyloid pathology in30

    transgenic mice [2, 3], explaining why amyloid pathol-31

    ogy is markedly enriched with zinc [4, 5].32

    Correspondence to: Ashley I. Bush, Oxidation Biology Labora-

    tory, Mental Health ResearchInstitute, TheUniversityof Melbourne,

    30 Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia. E-mail:

    [email protected] .

    This pool of zinc, representing about 20% of the 33

    zinc content of the brain [6], is an important neuro- 34

    chemical system. Synaptic zinc sustains levels of key 35

    functional synaptic proteins (e.g., SNAP25, PSD95, 36

    AMPA receptor, NMDA receptors 2a and 2b), as well 37

    as neurotrophic support proteins (e.g., doublecortin, 38

    pro-BDNF, and TrkB), and neuronal spine density [6]. 39

    The broad impact of extracellular zinc in modulat- 40

    ing neuronal activity and viability has been an area 41

    of increasing study in the last 5 years, with evidence 42

    suggesting that extracellular zinc plays a role similar to 43

    calcium as a second messenger system [6]. Since cor- 44

    tical ZnT3 levels decline with age in mice and humans 45

    and is exaggerated in AD, our group proposed that age- 46

    dependent loss of trans-synaptic zinc movement leads 47

    to cognitive loss. Since extracellular A is aggregated 48

    by and traps this pool of zinc [4, 7, 8], the amyloid 49

    lesion of AD may cause cognitive loss by trapping 50

    extracellular zinc. 51

    This novel reformulation of the position of amyloid 52

    in AD pathogenesis has had several ramifications in 53

    a short time. The lack of cycling of metal ions as a 54

    ISSN 1387-2877/12/$27.50 2012 IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved

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    2 A.I. Bush / The Metal Theory of Alzheimers Disease

    result of aging or disease has lead to the coining of55

    the term metallostasis [9], and work by our group56

    has shown that this fatigue in metal homeostasis not57

    only leads to A aggregation and deposition, but also,58

    secondarily, to iron accumulation withinneurons, lead-59

    ing to oxidative injury and neurodegeneration. Most60

    importantly, this work has advanced the mechanism of61

    action of a class of disease-modifying drug candidates62

    (exemplified by PBT2), and propelled clinical testing.63

    PBT2, an 8-OH quinolone, is the second-generation64

    analogue of clioquinol, an early disease-modifying65

    candidate that we identified [10]. In 2008, we reported66

    that oral PBT2 therapy of APP transgenic mice67

    induced marked cognitive recovery that was clear68

    within 6 days of commencing treatment [11]. A similar69rapid cognitive effect was also reported in the subse-70

    quent phase 2 RCT of PBT2 [12, 13]. In this trial,71

    PBT2 significantly improved executive function above72

    baseline levels on a Neuropsychological Test Battery73

    withinonly 12 weeks of treatmentof patients with early74

    (mild) AD. While this was only a small (n = 78) trial, it75

    was randomized, placebo controlled and double-blind.76

    To further validate the efficacy signal, a ROC statis-77

    tical re-analysis of the trial data [14] was performed78

    that is more appropriate for pioneering studies (a sim-79

    ilar ROC analysis used to judge the efficacy signal80

    on the first (6-month) donepezil Phase II trial [15]),81

    where a poweranalysisis notpossible, andwhereleast-82

    square means differentials are too crude a yardstick to83

    measure small differences in short interval trials. The84

    ROC analysis revealed that PBT2 induced highly sig-85

    nificant improvement in 12 weeks on both executive86

    function and composite cognitive z-scores, and even87

    improved (p = 0.056) ADAS-cog scores. Since PBT2,88

    unlike donepezil, is a disease-modifying approach, the89

    expectation is that the effect size will be exaggerated90

    with longer clinical trial periods. While the economic91

    crisis has cruelled the development of non-mainstream92

    approaches, PBT2 is moving ahead and another93

    Phase II trial (12 months, placebo-controlled, RCT)94

    using PiB and FDG PET as markers, has just com-95


    Apart from the drug development itself, another cru-97

    cial aspect of the work on PBT2 is the elaboration of98

    the mechanism of action. While PBT2 significantly99

    lowered cerebrospinal fluid levels of A42 in the 12-100

    week Phase II clinical trial [12], in concordance with101

    the drug rapidly lowering interstitial A levels in trans-102

    genic mouse brain [11], we built off our work on zinc103

    being needed for cognition [1] to determine that the104

    benefits of PBT2 are related to more than just amy-105

    loid clearance. We first recognized that PBT2, and106

    its precursor clioquinol, are not chelators, but rather 107

    ionophores or metal uptake chaperones [11]. In other 108

    words, the compounds promote the uptake of cop- 109

    per and zinc (PBT2 > clioquinol, in register with their 110

    efficacies). We more recently published that PBT2 has 111

    neurotrophic benefits in transgenic mice that are medi- 112

    ated by the restored uptake of metal ions [9]. Brains 113

    of AD transgenic mice exhibit deficits in spine density 114

    and functional proteins (CamKII, spinophilin, NMDA 115

    receptors, pro-BDNF, and BDNF) that are significantly 116

    rescued by PBT2 treatment.PBT2-treatment increased 117

    neurite outgrowth in cultured cells, and in a manner 118

    dependent on copper or zinc uptake. We subsequently 119

    found that zinc trapped by amyloid outside of neurons 120

    (in culture) was prevented from entering the neuron 121and inhibiting calcineurin [16]. This could explain 122

    why calcineurin is overactive in AD and AD mod- 123

    els. Importantly, PBT2 facilitated the migration of zinc 124

    from being trapped in amyloid, to entering the neuron 125

    and inhibiting calcineurin, with an array of favorable 126

    consequences including decreased tau hyperphospho- 127

    rylation [16], as seen in PBT2-treated AD transgenic 128

    mice [11]. Taken together, this work has evolved a 129

    novel therapeutic concept: that in AD, an ionophore 130

    drug (e.g., PBT2) may restore the uptake of physi- 131

    ological metal ions trapped within extracellular A 132

    aggregates and so induce biochemical and anatomical 133

    changes to rescue cognitive function. 134

    Our work on the mechanism of action of PBT2 135

    and related drug candidates revealed that these bio- 136

    logically active drugs were correcting an underlying 137

    problem of metal distribution in AD, where essential 138

    metal ions are depleted in some brain compartments 139

    whilezinc and copper accumulate in extracellular amy- 140

    loid, and iron in dystrophic neurites. This leads to 141

    another hypothesis that is currently being tested: that 142

    the reason that metals are maldistributed in the brain 143

    in AD, and are enriched in AD pathology, is because 144

    the major proteins implicated in AD physiologically 145

    interact with these metals, e.g., for homeostatic metal 146

    regulation. 147

    Moving forward, we are exploring the functional 148

    interaction of metal transport systems and proteins 149

    involved in neurodegeneration. This tests the hypoth- 150

    esis that the reason that certain proteins involved in 151

    neurodegeneration are denatured by metals is because 152

    these proteins fail in a specific functional role in 153

    metal regulation, and then become overwhelmed by 154

    the metals that they handle. Evidence has ramified to 155

    encompass all of the major protein targets implicated 156

    in the disease (i.e., not just A, but also APP, tau, 157

    presenilin, and BACE1). 158

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    A.I. Bush / The Metal Theory of Alzheimers Disease 3

    We have identified that APP has a function in regu-159

    lating iron levels within the brain and other organs [17,160

    18]. We identified functional homology between the161

    active site of ferritin heavy chain [17], and a motif on162

    APP close to Tsunao Saitohs RERMS neurotrophic163

    motif [19]. Like H-ferritin, APP is ferroxidase that164

    resembles ceruloplasmin in that it interacts with ferro-165

    portin to remove iron from cells [17]. Since neurons166

    lack ceruloplasmin, APP appears to be the dedicated167

    export ferroxidase of neurons. APP ferroxidase spe-168

    cific activity is 75% decreased in AD cortical (but not169

    cerebellar) tissue, and contributes to the elevation of170

    pro-oxidant iron in neurons in AD, first described by171

    the late Mark Smith and colleagues [20]. We found172

    that APP levels were not decreased in AD corti-173cal tissue, but rather that APP ferroxidase activity174

    is decreased due to inhibition by zinc that transfers175

    from the extracellular amyloid mass [20]. Remarkably,176

    APP ferroxidase activity therefore inversely corre-177

    lated with cortical A burden, and we found that it178

    was the zinc content of the amyloid that was respon-179

    sible for inhibiting the activity. This paper introduces180

    a completely new mechanism of toxicity for A and181

    defines a pathological relationship between extracel-182

    lular zinc accumulation in amyloid, and intraneuronal183

    iron accumulation in AD.184

    This relationship resembles the tandem association185

    of amyloid with intracellular tau in neurofibrillary tan-186

    gles. Since iron binds to tangle pathology and induces187

    oxidative stress (again, work of Mark Smith and col-188

    leagues [21]), our theory surmised that tau might have189

    a physiological role in neuronal iron homeostasis.190

    Indeed, we found that tau directs the trafficking of191

    APP to the neuronal surface [18], where it inter-192

    acts with ferroportin (most of the APP in the brain193

    co-IPs with ferroportin [17]). In tau knockout mice,194

    iron accumulates in neurons, and the mice develop195

    a dementia with parkinsonism phenotype with age196

    (12+ months) [18]. Previous reports of phenotyping197

    tau knockout mice had not persevered with aging the198

    animals beyond 7 months. Like the cognitive pheno-199

    type of ZnT3 knockout mice, the neurodegenerative200

    phenotype did not emerge until the animals were aged201

    a little more. So we propose that tau knockout mice202

    are a useful model of AD/PD neurodegeneration, and203

    that relative iron accumulation may explain the MAPT204

    risk alleles in common for both diseases. We also pro-205

    pose that it is the loss of soluble, functional, tau that206

    contributes to neuronal iron accumulation in AD, PD,207

    and tauopathies. Soluble tau loss, of course, can come208

    about due to the precipitation of tau, so the observa-209

    tions are not incompatible with current thinking about210

    the adverse consequences of tau hyperphosphoryla- 211

    tion. Importantly, the iron accumulation, the cognitive 212

    losses, and the parkinsonism in the tau knockout mice 213

    is completely rescued by treatment with clioquinol, the 214

    prototype to PBT2 [18]. 215

    The value of 8-OH quinoline class of drug candi- 216

    dates, and its members clioquinol and PBT2, recently 217

    was given strong endorsement by Susan Lindquist, 218

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in her recent 219

    publication [22]. In this paper, Lindquist and col- 220

    leagues describe the identification of selected 8-OH 221

    quinoline compounds as protective against neurode- 222

    generative models due to their influence on metal 223

    homeostasis, as metal chaperones and ionophores. 224

    They corroborate the possibility that tailoring 8-OH 225quinoline activity to a particular neurodegenerative 226

    disease may be a viable therapeutic strategy. In par- 227

    ticular, they corroborate that some 8-OH quinolones 228

    act more as zinc/copper ionophores (like PBT2), and 229

    that clioquinol is relatively more targeted to iron with 230

    a chelation action. In other words, 8-OH quinoline 231

    molecules can, by side group adjustment, be tailored 232

    to have either ionophore (transporting or increasing 233

    metals) or chelation (withdrawing or complexing met- 234

    als) properties. This versatile property allows these 235

    drug candidates to be relatively targeted to specific 236

    metal-related signature lesions associated with differ- 237

    ent aspects of neurodegeneration: in AD, the collection 238

    of zinc in extracellular amyloid, and the accumulation 239

    of iron intraneuronally. This important paper supports 240

    this therapeutic strategy for treating AD. 241

    Another new line of research within the theme 242

    of the functions of the AD-related proteins, capital- 243

    ized on the functional homology between APP and 244

    ceruloplasmin [17]. While APP and ceruloplasmin 245

    are not structurally homologous, they are both fer- 246

    roxidases with strikingly similar enzymatic activity. 247

    We noted that in addition to its ferroxidase activity, 248

    ceruloplasmin is also an amine oxidase, and the new 249

    reportdescribes that APP alsopossesses robust amine 250

    oxidase activity [23]. APP oxidizes catecholamines 251

    catalytically (e.g., Km norepinephrine = 0.27 mM), 252

    through a site encompassing its ferroxidase motif 253

    and selectively inhibited by zinc. Accordingly, APP 254

    knockout mice have significantly higher levels of 255

    dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine in brain, 256

    plasma, and select tissues, and concomitant physiolog- 257

    ical changes. These findings support a role for APPin 258

    extracellular catecholaminergic clearance. Since zinc 259

    is already known to inhibit APP ferroxidase activity 260

    in AD cortex [17], the interaction of zinc within amy- 261

    loid has the potential to interfere with catecholamine 262

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    4 A.I. Bush / The Metal Theory of Alzheimers Disease

    neurochemistry in AD (a subject of rapidly growing263

    interest in AD research) as well as in Down syndrome,264

    and is a promising line of exploration.265

    The metal theory has also advanced to incorporate266

    presenilins. The presenilins were found to play a major267

    role in normal cellular zinc and copper uptake [24].268

    The presenilins mediated this role in several cell types269

    and tissues, including brain. The effect of presenilin270

    knockout (even of one presenilin allele) was to drive271

    down the specific activity of CuZn superoxide dismu-272

    tase (SOD1), by lowering the expression of its metal273

    ion chaperone, CCS1. The mechanism of presenilin-274

    associated metal ion uptake is still to be determined,275

    and could be mediated by endosome formation or276

    acidification. However, the implication is that prese-277nilin failure (e.g., as postulated by Jie Shen and others278

    [25]) could be an upstream event that, in turn, would279

    foster extracellular metal pooling (i.e., metallostasis),280

    and so promote A aggregation in AD. The impact281

    of pathogenic presenilin mutations awaits to be deter-282

    mined, but identifying a major biochemical interaction283

    between endogenous presenilin and brain metal chem-284

    istry paves the way for some intriguing research.285

    BACE1 has also been shown to have metal-based286

    interactions, with the copper chaperone for SOD1287

    (CCS1) and also binds copper directly [26]. The inter-288

    action of copper with A

    biogenesis may actually be289

    caused by neuronal copper deficiency, as seen in AD,290

    which promotes A production [27] and paradoxically291

    enriches the remaining copper together with A into292

    cholesterol-rich lipid rafts [28]. Copper is essential for293

    many metabolic activities, but in AD-affected cortical294

    tissue becomes biologically unavailable, and increases295

    in its pathological, freely ionic, form that correlates296

    with increased oxidative tissue damage [29].297

    The vast majority of effort in Alzheimer science and298

    drug making has been focused on the perils of amy-299

    loid. Clearly, this focus is struggling, possibly because300

    failed drug trials have targeted the disease too late in301

    its natural history, but also possibly because the toxic302

    amyloid hypothesis is too simplistic. The considerable303

    evidence that has developed to support the role of met-304

    als as being a denominator in the big picture of AD305

    means that with patience and perseverance this work306

    is poised to make important contributions in the near307



    The authors disclosure is available online.


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