Dog Boy at The Freak Show

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Transcript of Dog Boy at The Freak Show

  • 8/9/2019 Dog Boy at The Freak Show



    FreakShow.By Steven Donnini

    Copyright 2010Steven Donnini


  • 8/9/2019 Dog Boy at The Freak Show


    At a farm house just outside Quitman, Texas the

    Larva family is sitting down to Sunday dinner.

    Sweet corn on the cob, summer squash and fried yard


    Danny just passed his 21 birthday announces, Im

    joining the circus. Ill have my own act. Dog

    Boy, born half man, half dog, raised as a dog in a

    farm house and discovered in the back woods of East


    The news of Danny being transformed into Dog Boy

    the circus freak is greeted with mixed emotions.

    Bob Dannys Dad asks, What the fuck is wrong with

    you? Eat your dinner and shut your trap. Youre

    not going anywhere. I need you around here to help

    with the peaches.

    Madame Larva (Big Momma) is convinced that this

    development will lead to disaster for his resume.

    But it will get Danny out of the house and a steady

    paycheck. There are many questions one of which is

    about how he will take the two dogs Little and Chi


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    Chi. After all she doesnt want them around without

    Danny, they know no other master?

    Danny has some answers, Im going to take Little

    and Chi Chi along as my Mom and Dad in the show.

    Madame lights her glass pipe, But people arent

    that stupid.

    Danny, Laura assured me that they are. She said

    they will believe anything.

    Granpa, Whos Laura? A slut?

    Fly, Looks like what they put on the cover of The

    Globe the supermarket tabloid.

    Bob, Getting those useless mutts off the davenport

    and out from under foot, thats a plus.

    Fly, All they do is chase Peaches around in


    Bob eating a corn on the cob, They scare the

    customers too.

    Danny, Thats not their fault.


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    Bob, People arent afraid of them, its you that

    scares them.

    Danny, Thats bull.

    Bob, What about that little girl.

    Danny, What?

    Bob, You know what.

    Madame, That kid was just upset because Chi Chi

    bit her mother in the ankle.

    Sister Fly, Yeah, the sight of blood does that.

    Danny, Thats why Im leaving home. No one can

    talk to me about what I want to do with my life.

    Bob, But so far all we heard was how you are going

    to become a freak show carnie. What do you


    Madame, Yeah, I didnt raise you to become a


    Danny, Well what did you expect?

    Madame, We thought you would become a insurance

    broker or a car salesmen.

    Bob, Like the Duck insurance company AFLAC.


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    Danny, So, I tried some different stuff. But

    things didnt work out.

    Bob, You lost that job at the lumber yard.

    Danny, That wasnt my fault.

    Bob, That was the biggest fire in the towns


    Danny, Youll never let me forget that.

    Fly, At school when the volunteer firefighters

    come to do a show and tell, they always show

    pictures of the lumber yard fire.

    Madame, Yeah, youre already famous Danny.

    Danny, Gee thanks.

    Bob, Like that woman we saw on TV who burned

    herself up with a cigarette.

    Fly, That was spontaneous combustion.

    Bob, What?

    Fly, Sometimes people just explode into flames.

    Bob, What a bunch of crap.

    Fly, They say it happens all the time.

    Bob, Youre full of it.


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    Fly, There was this guy who was out drinking with

    a woman in a Karaoke Bar in Dallas. He just

    exploded. Just like that. Poof.

    Madame, His wife walked in and hit him over the

    head with a coke bottle.

    Bob, Damn that must hurt.

    Once committed to the freak show entertainment

    opportunity Bob and Danny spend weeks working on

    the broke down motor home that has been parked in

    the yard. It was in a dilapidated condition and

    needed a complete over hall and custom paint job to

    help promote the Dog Boy Show. Bob is a great farm

    equipment mechanic. So he worked on the motor,

    breaks and pluming. Danny cleaned out the interior

    and grew out enough hair to make it all believable.

    Fly painted a graphic across both sides of the

    motor home that was her best effort at doggy

    portraits of Little, Chi Chi and Dog Boy. Then she

    painted across the sides See The Amazing Dog Boy.

    Half Man, Half Dog. They were in a bit of a time


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    crunch because the first engagement was just 16

    days away in Shreveport, LA. where he would meet up

    with Laura at the Hanson Entertainment Shows.

    As Bob, Danny, Fly, Madame and Grandpa stood in the

    driveway looking at collective talent to transform

    the motor home into a traveling Freak Show Home.

    Bob says, Well my boy, see what the Larvas can

    accomplish when we put our talents to work.

    Danny, Wow. Shes a beauty.

    Fly, The paint job makes it special.

    Grandpa, Cant believe what you did with that hunk

    of crap.

    Madame, If things dont work out maybe we can sell


    Danny, Thanks for the confidence builder Mom.

    Bob, Well, got to admit Danny your resume has a

    few gopher holes.

    Fly, I think youll do great Danny. And even if

    you dont, think of all the corny dogs and cotton

    candy you can eat.


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    On the midway of the Hanson Entertainment Freak

    Show, Danny and the dogs have settled into the Dog

    Boy exhibit for the next show.

    The exhibit looks like a window display in a

    Natural History Museum. The background is a

    natural East Texas piney woods setting. Pine tree

    trunks, a convincing painted of a pine forest on

    the back wall, a lean two, three camping bowls and

    a small campfire where Danny, Little and Chi Chi

    are posed for the people who walk by.

    Beside them in a display is a beaded woman named

    Marie. She is an old timer, been on the show since

    1985 when it belonged to another company and she

    was a young woman of 30. Her beard started growing

    when she was 16 years old. She quickly gave up on

    shaving because she had a 5:00 shadow at noon. Her

    school mates in White River Vermont never quit

    teasing her. No matter how many times the school

    teachers punished the bullies, it never let up.


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    She is a shy but resigned to her fate as a freak.

    She was married once but he ran off with a man with

    no arms. A thalidomide baby from the 50s when

    many children were born with flippers for arm and

    legs. He said he was looking for a mate that needed

    him for moral support and compassion.

    She didnt think being a thalidomide baby boy was

    any worse than a woman with thick facial hair. But

    life goes on and Marie makes a good living and

    finds acceptance with the carnies. Danny and Marie

    have lively conversation between shows. Marie does

    love dogs. On the other side of Dannys exhibit is

    the surly The Alligator Man who they call Al.

    He is floating in a swamp setting wearing an

    alligator head and skins over a wetsuit. It is

    very convincing for the smell of pee. Al drinks

    beer 24-7 and cant take pee breaks so he just pees

    in the pool. His arms and legs look like human

    ones with alligator skin. But all this covering is


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    itchy and hot even in the water tank he floats

    around in.

    The attraction Talker is a 22 year old man named

    William who was a Tall man (on stilts) at one

    point but decided to be a talker because hes a

    great crowd announcer and attracts spenders.

    The show starts with William walking out into the

    midway crowd towering to 7 feet tall wearing an Abe

    Lincoln suit and stove top hat. He starts his talk

    with a high sound piercing voice . Hay there

    citizens, I have a story to tell about a young baby

    boy is miraculously born to two dogs, his mother

    Chi Chi and father Little in the piney woods of

    East Texas. How could that be? But seeing is

    believing. He walks on all fours, eats and sleeps

    with his mom Chi Chi and dad Little. He can bark

    like a hound, case birds though the forest and out

    run the county game Warden. Theres a legion among

    the people who live deep in the woods that until

    they walked out of the woods to avoid a forest


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    fire, the dog family was only seen on nights of the

    full moon. Like werewolves they were relentlessly

    hunted and the legion of the Dog Boy grew. Now for

    the price of a Sunday newspaper you can see the

    entire family in their natural setting. Plus for

    the same ticket price, in her fully natural facial

    hair, the world famous Marie the Bearded Woman.

    But thats not all, see The Alligator Man. You

    will be amazed and shocked at the man that is Al

    The Alligator Man.

    The visitors gate opens for people to walk by the

    viewing displays . They stop and pear in at Danny

    feeding and playing with the dogs.

    One 10 year old Kid says, That little white dog is

    ugly. Yuck, Dog Boy is giving them food from his


    Mother, Henry, Dog Boy is licking his gonads.

    Henry, His own? Hay thats sickening, man.


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    Another Father, Hay buddy thats not something

    kids should see. Henry walks back to the Freak

    Show gate. William is counting the money.

    Henry, What the fuck is going on here. You got

    this guy Dog Boy licking his nads. Sick fuck.

    William See the sign. We are not responsible for

    what the freaks do that may offend you.

    Henry, I want my money back.

    William, This is a one way ticket Pal.

    Henry, Were out of here.

    Two teenage boys buy tickets for them and their

    girl friends.

    Teen boy, I told you about the freak that licks

    his nads.

    Girl, His own balls? I got to see this.

    Al The Alligator Man is yelling at Danny, You son

    of a bitch. Thats cheating you are getting people

    to come back by doing that.

    Danny, Im half dog, so I can do whatever dogs



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    Marie The Bearded Lady, Since were looking for

    new ways to improve the show, have you ever seen an

    Armenian womans beard?

    Al, Yeah. You have one on your face.

    Marie The Bearded Lady, Not that one.

    William, Have you been hiding something?

    The Bearded Lady, Not really. But if it will get

    more customers Ill show it off.

    Al, Dont be bashful Marie.

    William, Lets take a look.

    Marie The Bearded Lady, Sure you cant see

    anything because of the long hair. See.

    She pulls up her dress to reveal another full beard

    growing in her crotch. See, there are many

    Armenian bearded woman.

    Danny, Jesus that looks like one of the guitar

    players in ZZ Top.

    William, Wow just look at that thing is growing

    down to your knees.

    Al, Wait, let me take a look.


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    He climbs out of his exhibit and walks over to her.

    William, Get the hell back in there.

    Al, Kiss my tookis. Al takes a long look. That

    thing is amazing. Its like a Rabbis beard.

    William announces, For the price of a corny dog

    see the amazing Armenian Bearded woman with two

    beards one on each end of the pie hole.

    William, Oh nice. Thats why they call it a

    Freak Show.
