Dog Bite Lawsuits


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Dog Bite Lawsuits

Dog Bite Injury in Pennsylvania

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Case Report

Two young children and an adult were involved in a recent dog bite incident in

Philadelphia. The two kids were playing in their backyard when a neighbor's dog

ran underneath the fence and onto their property. The dog went straight for the

kids and began biting them.

Luckily, the children's father was only a few feet away. He managed to stop the

dog from causing permanent damage, but injured himself in the process.

The injured man claims this dog attacked his own pet dog a couple of weeks ago.

Their dog had to be put down. Police do not confiscate dogs when they attack

other animals.

This case will definitely develop into a serious lawsuit. With three people

suffering serious injuries, the dog owner will have to pay significant damages.

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What To Do in Dog Bite Situations

If you are being sued for the actions of your dog, you may begin to wonder about

the serious liability implications. You will be happy to hear that a vast majority of

dog bite lawsuits can be settled for less than $100,000. This is the sum that is

usually covered in homeowner's insurance policies. If your dog bites someone

inside, outside or right next to your home, your policy will cover the damages.

Some policies even cover bites from your dog in public areas.

However, a severe dog bite may result in long term injuries or disability. If that is

the case, $100,000 will be a paltry sum in comparison to the total liability amount.

If you want to be completely safe from personal liability through your dog, you

may want to look into getting dog insurance.

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Handling Aggressive Dogs

If your dog is particularly aggressive when it encounters other people, you need to

take significant precautions to deal with the situation. Keep the dog away from

other people as much as possible. If you want to take this dog to the park, go early

in the morning or later at night when there are fewer people. Visit parks that are

less crowded in general.

Always have a tight leash on an aggressive dog. The last thing you want is for the

dog to get away from you and bite someone on the road. If you take proper

precautions, you can have a healthy relationship with your dog and avoid any

liability situations.

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Compensation Cases Involving Dog Bites

State laws in Pennsylvania mean that someone who suffers a dog bite is within their

rights to sue for damages. Most of these lawsuits are settled out of court, but some

might need a verdict from a judge.

Compensation is typically sought for the following items:

• The medical bills associated with the dog bite injury. These bills may include

future bills if the bite was severe enough to cause long term damage or disability.

• Repair costs for any property that was damaged by the dog.

• Wages that were lost because the victim was unable to work after being bitten.

• Emotional pain that was suffered during and after the injury.

• The cost of hiring other people to assist you with daily activities because of the

dog bite. For example, people who need a driver, a nanny or a maid because they

cannot perform certain functions after the bite are entitled to compensation.