Recognized by: x State of Florida Department of Health, Division of Medical Quality Assurance [FL CE Broker] Provider #50-1184 x 1DWLRQDO &HUWLÀFDWLRQ %RDUG IRU 7KHUDSHXWLF 0DVVDJH %RG\ZRUN >1&%70%@ Provider #024315-00 x Reconnecting Neuromuscular Responses 70 or RNR is recognized by the Board of &HUWLÀFDWLRQ ,QF WR RIIHU FRQWLQXLQJ HGXFDWLRQ IRU FHUWLÀHG DWKOHWLF WUDLQHUV [Provider #P2686] Created and Developed by: /DXUHO - )UHHPDQ %$ /07 Florida License #MA7670/MM3449 2622 NW 43rd Street Suite C1 x Gainesville x FL 32606 D HPDLO ODXUHOIUHHPDQ#PDFFRP D D ZZZ5150DVVDJH7KHUDS\FRP NAME: '$7( &2856( 7$.(1 Reconnecting Neuromuscular Responses™ or RNR™ $ %RG\ %DODQFLQJ 7HFKQLTXH &RXUVH 7LWOH RNR™Course: CE Hours #: CE Course #: 20- &( 3XEOLVKLQJ 7UDFNLQJ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ RNR 70



Recognized by:

� �������������x� State of Florida Department of Health, Division of Medical Quality Assurance

[FL CE Broker] Provider #50-1184

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is recognized by the Board of


Created and Developed by:

/DXUHO�-��)UHHPDQ��%�$���/07Florida License #MA7670/MM3449

2622 NW 43rd Street Suite C1 x�Gainesville x FL 32606



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Reconnecting Neuromuscular Responses™ or RNR™



CE Hours #:

CE Course #: 20-







Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM ©1994 Laurel J. Freeman. All rights reserved. Reproduction with author's consent. Updated Print: 1/13/05, 6/17/06, 5/10/07, 7/20/07, 1/20/08, 5/1/09

Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM

Page 1

Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM

NOTESReconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM is successful because of the way the body interacts with the technique. As the therapist, it is important to have a clear understanding of anatomy; this will increase the performance of this wonderful technique. RNRTM works with the Golgi Tendon Organs, which were discovered by Dr. Golgi. The Golgi Tendon Organs are the nerve endings LQ�WKH�WHQGRQV��OLJDPHQWV�DQG�DOO�PXVFOH�ÀEHUV�WKDW�WHOO�D�PXVFOH�WR�FRQWUDFW�RU�expand. RNRTM effects the complete body system by creating the opportunity IRU�FKDQJH�DW�D�FHOOXODU�OHYHO���7KLV�WHFKQLTXH�H[HPSOLÀHV�VHYHUDO�WKHRULHV�

X��Sometimes the body needs more time for information to register, so the time between moves may become slower.

X��More is not necessarily better.

X��The client's brain will do the changing.



X��RNRTM begins with the client in the prone position but may also be done with the client in a sitting or standing position. Therefore, any position most comfortable for the client may be used. This allows RNRTM to easily accommodate the elderly and clients who are not comfortable in a lying position.

ADDITIONS: [these are not in order]



X Use a pillow under legs for ankle support in prone position and under knees in supine position.

X In prone position, a small towel roll may be placed at hips, to assist in releasing the sacrum area.

X��8VH�VKRXOGHU�VXSSRUWV���$�VKRXOGHU�VXSSRUW�LV�PDGH�E\�WDNLQJ�D�ÁDW�VLQJOH�sheet, fold it into the smallest rectangle possible, place it under the shoulder at an angle, largest side closest to chin. Use one sheet for each shoulder. The shoulder support purpose is to open the shoulder area in a prone position. Clients are comfortable and therapist has easy access to shoulders.

X The body temperature may drop, encourage clients to wear comfortable FORWKHV��7�VKLUWV��VRFNV��OLJKW�ZHLJKW�SDQWV�

X Never rush a client off the table after a session, as they may become dizzy RU�OLJKW�KHDGHG�

X� � )RXU� WKLQJV� WKDW�PD\� DIIHFW� WKH�PDVVDJH� QHJDWLYHO\�� � FDIIHLQH�� DOFRKRO��nicotine and hot showers. If a client needs one of the listed, share that massage may be slightly altered. However, it is better to have what they need instead of withdrawal symptoms.

X Encourage the client to make sounds i.e. laugh, yell, growl, etc. and move if necessary. This helps in the healing process.

X� Crossing legs may slow down the technique response.

X��$IWHU�D�VHVVLRQ��WKH�FOLHQW�PD\�IHHO�WKH�PXVFOH�ÀEHUV�WZLWFKLQJ�LQ�GLIIHUHQW�parts of their body, for example the arms or legs. Twitches may last for 3 to 10 seconds and up to 10 minutes. Ask client to take a few deep breaths and not to rub area. This allows the muscles to reorganize without interruption.

X��'RQW�SDQLF��,�FDQW�À[�LW���6RPHWLPHV�D�FOLHQW�ZLOO�ZDQW�DQ�LQVWDQW�À[�� RNRTM will give the body information and then the body will know what to GR���:H��WKH�WKHUDSLVW�FDQ�QRW�À[�DQ\WKLQJ��ZH�PD\�RQO\�DVVLVW�

X Ask clients to drink a lot of water after sessions to prevent cramping. If a client gets leg cramps at night, suggest they increase the water intake during the day, they may be slightly dehydrated.

X Working proximally to distally on extremities encourages lymphatic drainage. This is very important in the healing process and to RNRTM.

X The sooner RNRTM is applied to an injured area, the greater the chance of a faster recovery. This especially applies to sprains and strains.

X RNRTM�LV�EHQHÀFLDO�WR�D�EURNHQ�ERQH�GRQH�DERYH�WKH�DUHD�DQG�RU�WKH�RWKHU�extremity or side to increase lymphatic drainage, promote healing, decrease fatigue and soreness.

X A client that is in a cast may have RNRTM applied to the opposite side, not in a cast, with very good results. RNRTM will increase recovery to the injured site. RNRTM will also help increase the client's energy while in recovery stages.

X Because RNRTM is so adaptable, pregnancy is done lying on the side with 2 to 3 pillows to prop up the legs and arms, 1 to 2 pillows work for the head. Pregnant women love this.


X��6HYHUDO�KHDOLQJ�UHDFWLRQV�PD\�EH�a) Tiredness after session.b) Stiffness upon awakening.c) Afternoon sleepiness. However, if the client is able to take a brief nap, then they will feel refreshed.7KHVH�FRQGLWLRQV�PD\�KDSSHQ�LQ�WKH�ÀUVW�������KRXUV�DURXQG��30���0HQWLRQ�this to clients.G���$IWHU�����PRQWKV�WKHUH�ZLOO�EH�VRPH�W\SH�RI�VKLIW�WKDW�ZLOO�RFFXU�ZKHQ�D�person receives a session once per month. Usually it is an awareness of how their muscles have released the tension.

X�The basketball squeeze is used when clients have pain or soreness on the outer hips, thighs or down the legs. Lie on a bed with knees bent, take a basket or soccer ball and put in between knees. While breathing, squeeze for 10 seconds and work up to 30 repetitions. Do once or twice per day. This will strengthen the adductors and relax the abductors.

X RNRTM is the same massage routine, and yet each one is always different.

X� The nice part about the RNRTM routine is that it allows for creativity and gives therapist the ability to stay present.

X� For cooler showers, turn down one (1) notch from what person is used to.

X� Object is not to "relax" during session; however, the end result will be relaxing.

X� After session, it is good to ice areas of soreness.

X� Unless the procedure asks for the client to assist, it is important for optimal results for the client not to help. If client does help, point this out & begin again. "Don't help the Therapist" may allow the client to let go.


X� Allow the client time to process the information. Increased frequency of sessions will not always be in the best interest of the client, as the body needs a certain amount of time to heal. Since each person is different, the decision should be made jointly with therapist and client.

X��Important!! Give client an RNRTM session before going to see a chiropractor, physical therapist, occupational therapist, acupuncture physician, or any doctor that may adjust the bone structure. This will enable the client's muscles to hold WKH�FRUUHFWLRQ�ORQJHU�E\�KDYLQJ�WKH�PXVFOHV�PRUH�ÁH[LEOH�


Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM

Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM ©1994 Laurel J. Freeman. All rights reserved. Reproduction with author's consent. Updated Print: 1/13/05, 6/17/06, 5/10/07, 7/20/07, 1/20/08, 7/25/08, 7/24/09, 7/26/13, 3/27/14 Page 2

Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM

RNRTM is a neuromuscular massage technique that supports the relationship between the nerves and the muscles through the golgi tendon organs. Golgi tendon VYNHUZ�HYL�ULY]L�LUKPUNZ�SVJH[LK�PU�ZVM[�[PZZ\L�ÄILYZ�throughout the body. When a person experiences pain, the pain signal may cause splinting, which is contraction


ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONGOLGI APPARATUS - A lemellar membranous structure near the nucleus of almost all cells. It contains curved WHYHSSLS�ZLYPLZ�VM�ÅH[[LULK�ZHJJ\SLZ�[OH[�HYL�VM[LU�expanded at their ends. The structure is best seen by electronmicroscopy. In secretory cells the apparatus functions to concentrate and package the secretory product. Its function in other important cells is poorly understood.GOLGI CELLS - Multipolar nerve cells in the cerebral cortex and posterior horns of the spinal cord are Type I which possesses long axons and Type II which possesses short axons.GOLGI CORPUSCLES - A sensory nerve ending or


of one group of muscles around another to immobilize them. Splinting is a wonderful mechanism; however when this signal does not ‘turn off’, the healing process may be hindered. RNRTM helps the body remember to ‘turn off’ this signal, so healing may be facilitated at a faster rate.

receptor found in tendons and/or aponeuroses, an end-organ of muscle sense.GOLGI ORGAN - A spindle shaped structure at the junction of a muscle and tendon, junctions are receptors for proprioceptive sense.PROPRIOCEPTIVE SENSE - The correlation of unconscious sensations from the skin and joints that allows conscious appreciation of the position of the body.PROPRIOCEPTION - The awareness of posture, movement and changes in equilibrium and the knowledge of position, weight and resistance of objects in relationship to the body.

Contact Information:Laurel J. Freeman, B.A., LMTMA/7670/MM3449W: 352.371.9689 or C: [email protected]


Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM ©1994 Laurel J. Freeman. All rights reserved. Reproduction with author's consent. Updated Print: 1/13/05, 6/17/06, 5/10/07, 7/20/07, 1/20/08, 5/1/09, 7/24/09

Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM

In Leon Chaitow's book, Soft-Tissue Manipulation, Healing $UWV� 3UHVV�� 5RFKHVWHU�� 9HUPRQW� ������ WKHUH� ZHUH� VHYHUDO�important points regarding Golgi tendon organs and the soft WLVVXH���6RPH�SDUDSKUDVLQJ�IROORZV�"...To understand the problems affecting any particular joint RU�VRIW�WLVVXH�DUHD�LW�LV�QHFHVVDU\�WR�KDYH�DQ�DZDUHQHVV�RI�WKH�various reporting organs which lie with them. There is a constant feedback of information from all tissues as...tone, tension, movement etc...sensory information is added to the changes in blood chemistry, to which the sympathetic nervous system is sensitive. Depending upon the environmental demands, and the requirements dictated by the conscious and unconscious mind, the tissues will be 'tuned' accordingly. 'What is happening in the peripheral machinery with respect to three questions? What is the present position? If there is motion, where is it taking us? And third, how fast is it taking us there?' A variety of inputs...give the answer to these important questions,...body can provide an appropriate response.���VWUXFWXUHV�LQYROYHG�����5XIÀQL�(QG�2UJDQV� ...found within the joint capsule, around the joint, so that each is responsible for an angle of approximately 15 degrees, with that of the adjacent HQG�RUJDQ���DUH�SURJUHVVLYHO\�UHFUXLWHG�DV� WKH� MRLQW�PRYHV����PRYHPHQW�LV�VPRRWK�DQG�QRW�MHUN\���SULPH�FRQFHUQ�RI�5XIÀQL�HQG�RUJDQV�LV�D�VWHDG\�SRVLWLRQ���VRPH�H[WHQW�FRQFHUQHG�ZLWK�the direction of movement.*ROJL�(QG�RUJDQV� ...They are found in the ligaments associated with the joint...respond to muscular contraction which alters WHQVLRQ� LQ� WKH� MRLQW� FDSVXOH�� *ROJL� HQG�RUJDQV���FDQ� GHOLYHU�information independently of the state of muscular contraction. This helps the body know just where the joint is at any given moment, irrespective of muscular activity.7KH�3DFLQLDQ�&RUSXVFOH�����IRXQG�LQ�SHUL�DUWLFXODU�FRQQHFWLYH�tissue,...aware of the rate of acceleration of movement taking SODFH�LQ�WKH�DUHD���7KHUH�DUH�RWKHU�HQG�RUJDQV��EXW�WKHVH�WKUHH���provide...present position, direction and rate of movement of any joint.0XVFOH�6SLQGOH�����is sensitive and complex...detects, evaluates, reports and adjusts the length of the muscle in which it lies, setting its tone. Acting with the Golgi tendon body, most of the information as to muscle tone and movement is reported. The VSLQGOHV�OLH�SDUDOOHO�WR�WKH�PXVFOH�ÀEUHV��DQG�DUH�DWWDFKHG�WR�either skeletal muscle, or the tendinous portion of the muscle...the spindle...two types. One is...the annulospiral receptor (or SULPDU\�HQGLQJ��DQG�RQ�HDFK�VLGH���OLHV�D�ÁRZHU�VSUD\�UHFHSWRU�(secondary ending). The primary ending...response to even small changes in muscle length. The secondary ending...when ODUJHU�FKDQJHV�LQ�PXVFOH�OHQJWK�KDYH�RFFXUUHG���WKHUH�DUH�ÀQH��LQWUD�IXVDO�� ÀEUHV�ZKLFK� DOWHU� WKH� VHQVLWLYLW\� RI� WKH� VSLQGOH���These can be altered without any actual change taking place in the length of the muscle itself, via an independent gamma HIIHUHQW�VXSSO\�WR�WKH�LQWUDIXVDO�ÀEUHV���7KLV�KDV�LPSOLFDWLRQV�LQ�D�YDULHW\�RI�DFXWH�DQG�FKURQLF�SUREOHPV���ZLWK�WKH�&16�WKXV���The central connections of the spindle receptors are important...The activities of the spindle appear to provide information as to length, velocity of contraction and changes in velocity.

*ROJL�7HQGRQ�5HFHSWRUV� These structures indicate how hard the PXVFOH�LV�ZRUNLQJ�VLQFH�WKH\�UHÁHFW�WKH�WHQVLRQ�RI�WKH�PXVFOH��rather than its length, as does the spindle. If the tendon organ detects excessive overload it may cause cessation of function of the muscle, to prevent damage. This produces relaxation....'the nature of the information which these and other reporting stations are providing to the CNS. These represent the complex, harmonious, delicately balanced orchestration of the contraction and relaxation of many muscles.' The pattern of information fed back to the CNS and brain...the steady state of joints, the direction and speed of alteration in position of joints, together ZLWK�GDWD�RQ�WKH�OHQJWK�RI�PXVFOH�ÀEUHV��WKH�GHJUHH�RI�ORDG�WKDW�is being borne, as well as the tension this involves.This total input is what occurs, rather than the individual pieces of information, as outlined above, from particular reporting stations. Should any of the information be contradictory, to DFWXDOO\�FRQÁLFW�ZLWK�RWKHU�LQIRUPDWLRQ�EHLQJ�UHFHLYHG��ZKDW�WKHQ����IRU� WKH�H[FHVVLYH�IRUFH�H[HUWHG�E\�H[WHUQDO� WUDXPD�WR�induce such hyperactivity of the joint and muscle receptors that WKH�UHSRUWV�IURP�WKDW�DUHD�EHFRPH�JLEEHULVK���6KRXOG�FRQÁLFWLQJ�reports reach the cord from a variety of sources simultaneously, no discernable pattern maybe recognized by the CNS. In such a case no adequate response would be forthcoming. ..and it is probable that activity would be stopped. Spasm or splinting would therefore result...in many cases,...for the 'resetting' of the reporting stations, which allows them to again 'march in step, one with the other', and to provide usable information.107��0(7�>PXVFOH�HQHUJ\�WHFKQLTXH@��DQG�6WUDLQ�FRXQWHUVWUDLQ�are the tools which we may employ in attempting to assess the QDWXUH�RI�VRIW�WLVVXH�G\VIXQFWLRQ��DQG�WR�QRUPDOL]H�WKLV����D�YDULHW\�of insults which may result in increased neural excitability; the triggering of a barrage of supernumary impulses, to and IURP�WKH�FRUG���WHUPV�FURVV�WDON��LQ�ZKLFK�D[RQV�PD\�RYHUORDG�and pass impulses to one another directly; muscle contraction GLVWXUEDQFHV��YDVRPRWLRQ��SDLQ�LPSXOVHV��UHÁH[�PHFKDQLVPV��disturbances in sympathetic activity, all may result from such activity, due to what might be relatively slight tissue changes in the intervertebral foramena,...the concept that when any tissue is disturbed, whether, bone, joint, ligament or muscle the local stresses feed constant information to the cord and effectively jam normal patterned transmission from the periphery.These factors combined with any mechanical alteration in the tissues, are the background to much somatic dysfunction....Our task in assessing and dealing with this complex of somatic dysfunction is aided by the diagnostic and therapeutic ability RI�QHXUR�PXVFXODU� WHFKQLTXH�� DV�ZHOO� DV�E\� WKH�PRUH� UHFHQW�development of muscle energy techniques...."

A special thanks for permission to use Soft Tissue Manipulation by Leon Chaitow, N.D.,

D.O., published by Healing Arts Press, an imprint of Inner Traditions International,

One Park St., Rochester, VT 05767 Copyright© 1980, 1987, 1988 by Leon Chaitow

pages 25 - 28 including the illustration.

Page 3


Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM

Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM ©1994 Laurel J. Freeman. All rights reserved. Reproduction with author's consent. Updated Print: 1/13/05, 6/17/06, 5/10/07, 7/20/07, 1/20/08 Page 4

Illustration of Muscle spindle, Golgi tendon organ, and nerve supply to and from these reporting stations.

&5(',7�/,1(��6RIW�7LVVXH�0DQLSXODWLRQ by Leaon Chaitow, N.D., D.O., published by Healing Arts Press, DQ�LPSULQW�RI�,QQHU�7UDGLWLRQV�,QWHUQDWLRQDO��2QH�3DUN�6W��5RFKHVWHU��97���������&RS\ULJKW������������������E\�/HRQ�&KDLWRZ�


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Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM

Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM ©1994 Laurel J. Freeman. All rights reserved. Reproduction with author's consent. Updated Print: 1/13/05, 6/17/06, 5/10/07, 7/20/07, 1/20/08, 6/29/11, 5/26/13


Appleton, Brad. Stretching and Flexibility - Physiology of Stretching 2009. http://www.cmcrossroads.com/bradapp/docs/rec/stretching/stretching_2.htmlBehbahani, Soroor, and Amir Homayoun Jafari. Analysis of positive feedback in the control of movement. Journal of Bio-

medical Science & Engineering 2.7 (2009): 480-483. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 29 June 2011.Muscle Spindles or Golgi Tendon Organs? 2011. www.musom.marshall.edu/anatomy/.../allppt/.../Musclesensoryproblems.pdf Stopka, Christine. Increasing Student Flexibility--The Ultra- Stretch Way!. Palaestra 24.4 (2009): 31-35. Academic Search

Complete. EBSCO. Web. 29 June 2011.Shields, Tony. Golgi Tendon Organs. 2010. http://www.exrx.net/Questions/GTO.htmlVignoli, Robert. Massage Therapist Need To Understand Golgi Tendons Organs & Muscle Spindle Cells. 2008. http://www.isnare.com/?aid=219877&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

ORIGINAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Adams, Sandra P., Ph.D.; Sieg. Kay W., Ph.D., Illustrated Essentials of Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Fourth Edition, Mega-

books, Inc. 2002.Bachin, Peter, The World's Best Anatomical Charts, Anatomical Chart Co., 1986Benjamin, Ben E., Are You Tense, Pantheon Books, 1978.Benjamin, Ben E. Ph.D., Listen To Your Pain, Penguin Books, 1984Chaitow, Leon, Instant Pain Control, Thorsons Publishing Group, 1981Chaitow, Leon, N.D.,D.O., Soft-Tissue Manipulation, Healing Arts Press, 1988.Chiappone, Judie RN, LMT, ;OL�3PNO[�;V\JO��/VSPZ[PJ�9LÅLJ[PVUZ, 1990.Connelly, Dianne M., PhD., M.Ac., Traditional Acupuncture: The Law of the Five Elements, The Centre for Traditional Acu-

puncture, Inc., 1992.Cyriax, James, Textbook of Orthopaedic Medicine, Bailliere Tindall, 1984.DONA (Doulas of North America),+V\SH�;YHPUPUN�*LY[PÄJH[PVU�4HU\HS, DONA, 995,1996.Gach, Michael Reed, Acupressure's Potent Points, Bantam Books, 1990.Gach, Michael Reed, Arthritis Relief at Your Fingertips, Warner Books, 1989.Gordon, Richard, Your Healing Hands, Wingbow Press-Berkely, 1984.King, Robert K., Performance Massage, Human Kinetics Publishers, 1993.Massage Magazine, September/October 2000, Issue 87.Massage Therapy Journal, Summer 1998 Vol. 37, No. 2, AMTA.Meagher, Jack; Boughton, Pat, Sports Massage, Dophin Books Doubleday & Co. Inc., 1980.Namikoshi, Toru, The Complete Book of Shiatsu Therapy, Japan Publications,1981.Nilsson, Lennart, A Child Is Born, Delacorte Press/Seymour Lawrence, 1990.Ohashi, Wataru, Do-It-Yourself Shiatsu, E.P. Dutton, 1976.Olkin, Sylvia Klein, Positive Pregnancy Fitness, Avery Publishing Group, Inc., 1987.Sieg, Kay, M.ED., OTR and Sandra P. Adams, M.O.T., OTR, Illustrated Essentials of Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Megabooks,

1986.Stephenson, Rebecca G & O'Connor, Linda J., Obstetric and Gynecologic Care in Physical Therapy, Second Edition, Slack

Inc., 2000.Stillerman, Elaine, L.M.T., Mother Massage, Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1992.Tappan, Frances M., Healing Massage Techniques, Appleton & Lange, 1988.Tortora, Gerard J.; Anagnostakos, Nicholas P., Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Fourth Edition,Harper & Row, 1984.Waitz, Grete, Conquer Stress with Grete Waitz, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1983.Zuidema, George D., M.D.; Schlossberg, Leon, The Johns Hopkins Atlas of Human Functional Anatomy, Third Edition, The

Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.

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Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM ©1994 Laurel J. Freeman. All rights reserved. Reproduction with author's consent. Updated Print: 1/13/05, 6/17/06, 5/10/07, 7/20/07, 1/20/08, 7/24/09, 10/15/10, 5/26/13, 6/27/13

Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM

XAll there is is Love.XSay positive words & keep positive thoughts in every activity and waking moment.

XLet Love come through my hands at all times.XLife is choice.XHonor the Past; Respect the Future; Practice the Present. The past is who I have become. The future is who I will be. To practice allows me to be the best at that moment; which will in one second be my past and in the next second my future. By staying present to practice the now, I may have choice to change my future.

XWhy am I a massage therapist? To learn more about myself.XWhat is the"job or function" as therapist with client? The therapist has an opportunity to share with a client there is choice.

XWhat is the "job or function" as a client with therapist? The client has the opportunity to participate in their healing process at whatever level they choose.

XThere are no mistakes, only forks in the road. Each path choosen allows the opportunity to learn another lesson for the next path.

XAll we have is time and spirit knows no time.XChoose to come from abundance. Create all that life has to offer and this offer is everlasting. By assigning time in the calendar for work, play and self help, allows abundance to come to share with others.

XSince there is abundance for everyone, no need to compete. There is a chioce to be busy, still or create balance.

XA person is the whole being working together as one unit.XWe are all connected with each other, our bodies represent the universe. When a person dies, one of our cells die, when a person is born, we have a new cell. What each of us do to each other anywhere on this planet, effects us all in some way. That is why Love is all there is.

XGiving a massage, allows both the client and the therapist to feel better. With each session, I learn more about myself.

XMassage nurtures my client and me. XThe body is extremely intelligent. By working on section for only a second sends the brain and the muscles a message to allow change.

XBy having love that comes through my hands empowers a client.X6US`�[OL�JSPLU[�TH`�Ä_�VY�OLHS�[OLTZLS]LZ�XThe therapist is only facilitating and has a very small part in [OL�JSPLU[�Z�OLHSPUN�WYVJLZZ��+VU�[�WHUPJ��0�JHU�[�Ä_�P[�

XBy creating space empowers the ability to increase choice.XNever assume anything. Each person is different and muscles memory is different in each person.

XUsing empowering words. For example, ask "Is there a difference?" or "Using a scale of 1 to 10, what do you feel?" or "Using a scale of 1 to 10, what do you think?"XMany people are either "thinkers" or "feelers". If a "thinker" is asked to feel, the answer may take a long time. The same is challenging for a "feelers" to think. This does not mean a feeler does not think, it is a preference on thought process.

XThe questions have two roles.XFirst, these questions allow the client to realize there may be a change or shift in their well-being.

RNRTM EMBODIES MY PHILOSOPHIES REGARDING HOW TO LIVE LIFE 6UL�KLÄUP[PVU�VM�H�WOPSVZVWO`�PZ!�H�WYLJLW[��VY�ZL[�VM�WYLJLW[Z��ILSPLMZ��WYPUJPWSLZ��VY�HPTZ��\UKLYS`PUN�ZVTLIVK`�Z�WYHJ[PJL�or conduct." When a person is clear about their own philosophies, this gives the person the best opportunity for success, the modality or technique is really not as important. The philosophies below are the trademark and concept of RNRTM. Since these are my philosophies, as the reader, you have the opportunity to choose what works best for you and you may add to this list. When adding, please share any new ideas or concepts with me, so that we might empower someone else!

XSecondly, it allows the therapist to receive feedback without leading the client to a conclusion.

XDo not assume and always allows the client to answer, as each person has the greatest understanding of their own body.

X�The more a client knows, the more they have opportunities for choice. When a person knows they have choice in how they feel/think about their body, they will treat themselves differently.

X Most injuries are caused by a person not being aware or knowing they have choice, it is the responsibility of the therapist to share information with a client.

XUsing words such as "working with a person", allows the client to empower their own healing.

XClients show me who, where and what I am in my life. Clients = PARMTM�VY�7YLZLU[�(^HYLULZZ� �9LÅLJ[PVU�VM�4`ZLSM


XJuggling is what people do. And we juggle all day long.X =PZ\HSPaL�JYLH[PUN�ZWHJL�I`�ZLUKPUN�YHPUIV^�I\IISLZ�ÄSSLK�̂ P[O�unconditonal Love thoughts to people we know and those we have not met. Fill the bubbles with sunrises, sunsets, mountain peaks, oceans waves, a blade of grass, etc.

XMuscles work with pulleys. Our liagaments and tendons move along pulleys, when one is off the pulley groove, then there is discomfort or pain. RNRTM assists the muscles to remember where the pulley groove is.

XA therapist has the opportunity to create space by being willing for the client to experience. Crying may be one example of experience.X The releasing process is the opportunity for growth/change. When a therapist stops this process, because the therapist is uncomfortable, the client may miss this opportunity.

X Allowing the client to express themself while continuing the massage is a gift that creates space for a shift to occur.

XTo sooth the client, to stop the massage, or to have the client stop crying, stops this important healing process.

XKnow we only get what we can handle.X "Cry", "Ugh" and "Laugh" with clients.X By being willing to be present for all or any of a client's growth process is a gift to allow more growth for both of us.

X To continue to know the limits and opportunities for change are endless.

X Be clear while being present, knowing the therapist hands are open to let change happen for both the client and the therapist

X -SL_PIPSP[`�PZ�[OL�HIPSP[`�[V�TV]L��[^PZ[�HUK�ÅV^�HZ�[OPUNZ�JOHUNL�X Our attitude on how we decide to view new concepts is our choice.

X When clients sleep while getting massage means the client is not participating in their own healing process. The massage just feels good for a while and may not have long lasting effect.

XWhen the therapist practices with the client and the client practices with the therapist, the healing is exponential.

X More is not better.X�Trust the system, the universe works in divine order.X�RNRTM is one of the doors that opens this divine order.X�All there is is LOVE.

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Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM

Reconnecting Neuromuscular ResponsesTM or RNRTM ©�����/DXUHO�-��)UHHPDQ���$OO��ULJKWV�UHVHUYHG���5HSURGXFWLRQ�ZLWK�DXWKRUV�FRQVHQW��8SGDWHG�3ULQW���������������������������������������������������������������

IMPORTANT NOTE:7KH�VFLHQWLÀF�ZRUGV�OLVWHG�EHORZ�ZHUH�GHYHORSHG�by students of RNRTM and can be used in describing some of the sensations a client might have from some of the techniques.

These applications, when applied should be FRQVLGHUHG�VHULRXV�LQ�QDWXUH���GDQJ��GLQN��ELQN��EOLS��ÁLFN��ÁLFN\�ÁLFN\��WZDQJ��WZLQJ��WZLFNLQJ��twucking, stwipple, stwapple, swaugle, swaggle, swiggle, sweeeze, plucking, zig zag, shmush, wibbily, as in ankles, zinged, zinger,"owie, owie","softing" as in sweeps, saw, swipe, S& M �6DGR�0DVRFKLVWLF���ERRELH�EXVWHU��FURLVVDQW�DV�in scapula, baby RNRTM as in "V" in the knee, P\RIDFLDO� ÁXIÀQJ�ÁXVKLQJ�� VZLQJ� D� GLQJ�GLQJ�as in teres minor of the "heave ho", crankle as LQ� DQNOH�� WZLQJOH�� FULQNOH�� ERQN�� ERQN\�ERQN�as in shoulders & heels (or heals?), wangle, 'KUUUQQQ'KUUUU� DV� LQ� SLUDWHV�� -� +RRN� �2SHQ�Open). The Areas of Consolidated pain (metabolic waste) formally known as a Knot!

If at any point during the course, you create a new word for any RNRTM technique, please inform the instructor immediately, so it can be put into the archives and added to this list.

Thank you for your time and commitment to RNRTM.



When feeling the need to knead, This is the book to read.


Slogans for T-Shirts"RNRTM Your Way to Health"

"Release & Reprogram Your Body with RNRTM""Let go of Your Pain with RNRTM""Rock 'n' Roll to Become Whole"

Words for Flyer:�SOXFN�VWUXP��WKXPE�SLQJ��deeply vibrate, pulsate, palpitate, thud,

snatch, accent, snap, pick like a guitar string.

A Few TestimonialsFrom Gainesville, Florida

"I must say, I thought I wanted to stay with traditional Swedish massage. I didn't want to hurt, I wanted to relax. I never had such an invigorating experience.The tight places released, the tensions gave way, I truly felt that a creative force was at work, allowing my body to heal itself."

by Randi C., Physician's Assistant, Master's in Public HealthX�X�X�X�X�X�X

�,P�DZDUH�WKDW�LW�PDNHV�PH�VR�PXFK�PRUH�ORRVH��ÁH[LEOH�DQG�LW�takes all my aches & pains away."

by Marilyn M., Executive Director Acorn Clinic & Acupuncture Physician


"It's always a joy to see your smiling face & hear your stories. Oh, & yes get relief from pain. Thanks."

by Patty C., Environmentalist


After having been a marathon runner for approximately 13 years, I ruptured one of my quadricep muscles which could not be repaired. Consequently, I have needed traditional massage and physical therapy for many years in order to ambulate adequately. Several years ago, I was referred to Laurel Freeman, who was developing the RNRTM�WHFKQLTXH���)URP�WKDW�ÀUVW�DSSRLQWPHQW��P\����\HDU�ROG�ERG\�KDV�QHYHU�EHHQ�KDSSLHU�,�ÀQG�WKH�RNRTM technique to be paramount in ameliorating most PXVFOH�LPSDLUPHQWV��DQG�D�VLJQLÀFDQW�IDFWRU�LQ�PDQLIHVWLQJ�DQ�optimally healthy body.

by Carl B., Research Psychologist & Retired Army Physician


RNRTM has been the most effective massage therapy technique for relieving muscle spasms in my back and hips. Over the years, I have gone to several therapists using a variety of methods for relieving pain. Without a doubt, RNRTM has provided me with the PRVW�WKRURXJK�DQG�ORQJ�ODVWLQJ�UHOLHI���:KLOH�RNRTM does have some short lived discomfort built into its method, the resultant absence of pain and spasms is worth it.

by Sallie M., RN, MS Registered Nurse & Masters in Nursing


What I love about RNRTM the most is when I am left "simmering" for a few minutes. It is almost miraculous how the pain disap�pears. I also like when RNRTM is applied & the pain is gone on the second time around, after only a few minutes.

by Milagros R., Ph.D., In Telecommunications


One client calls the shoulder RNRTM���,PSDFW�&UDWHUV����He begs for the elbow in the glute routine stating the massage is nothing without that. He usually comes in saying, "This isn't going to be a pretty sight!!! He has EHHQ�D�FOLHQW�IRU����\HDUV�

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2EVHUYDWLRQV�IURP�D���\HDU�ROG��KHQFH�WKH�IRUPDWLRQ�RI��&ROLQRORJ\V���X�Someone asked what RNRTM�VWDQGV�IRU��DQG���\HDU�ROG�&ROLQ�TXLFNO\��and with conviction, replied."Mommy's "R"eally "N"ew "R"assage".X�He also is interested in knowing why people smile differently after a RNRTM session.