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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project


ANDHRA PRADESH ROAD SECTOR PROJECTFeasibility Study, Design and Detailed Engineering




JUNE – 2012

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 1

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S.No Description Page.No

1 ANNX-1.1, AP R&R POLICY 2005 3











9 ANNX-5.1 : G.O Rt No. 1615 : PLMC CONSTITUTION 82



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G.O.Ms.No.68 Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Policy for Government of Andhra Pradesh - Issued.  

Irrigation & CAD (Project Wing-LA-IV-R&R) Department G.O.Ms.No.68 Dated the 8th April, 2005   ORDER:      

1.Compulsory acquisition of land for implementation of development and infrastructure projects displaces people from their homes, land and/or their means of livelihood. Apart from depriving them of their land, livelihood and resources base, displacement has other psychological, social and cultural consequences also. The Government recognize the need to minimize large scale displacement to the extent possible and where displacement is inevitable, the need to address the Issue of displacement with utmost care human touch and forethought. Such an approach is especially necessary in respect of Tribal, Small and Marginal farmers.

  2. Various policies relating to the Resettlement and the Rehabilitation (R&R) of displaced persons have been in place from time to time, varying 'Tom project to project and district to district. The need has been felt for the evolution of a comprehensive policy on R& R to ensure uniformity of benefits across the State and also to ensure the delivery of benefits in a transparent manner.

  3. A Committee was constituted by the Government vide G.O. Ms. No.70, irrigation & CAD (Projects Wing) Department, dated 15-07-2004 for preparation of draft R&R Policy for Government of Andhra Pradesh, The recommendations of the Committee were discussed in a State Level meeting comprising of major stake holders in the policy like the Department of Energy, Industries, Roads & Buildings, Environment, Forest, Science & Technology, Finance, Tribal Welfare, Law and Revenue. The State Level Meeting endorsed the recommendations of the Committee.

  4. Government after careful examination of the Committee recommendations as endorsed by State Level meeting hereby approve the Rehabilitation & Resettlement Policy for Government of Andhra Pradesh enclosed to this order for implementation by all the Departments for Government of Andhra Pradesh.

  5. It is further ordered that as per Section 8.5 of this Policy the provisions of G.O. Ms. No. 98, Irrigation & CAD (Projects Wing) Department, dated 15-04-1986 and G.O. Ms. No. 64, Social Welfare (T) Department, dated 18-04-1990 and any other Government order/Memo Instructions issued by any other Department of" Government of Andhra Pradesh shall cease to operate as far as those Projects are concerned that are notified under this Policy.

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                                                                                        MOHAN KANDA     CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To :

All the Departments of SecretariatAll the District Collectors in the State.      All the Special Collectors of Irrigation Projects.                   The Engineer-in-Chief (AW)/(Irrigation), Errum Manzil, Hyderabad                   All the Chief Engineers of the Projects.      

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1.1 Compulsory acquisition of land for public purpose including infrastructure projects displaces people, forcing them to give up their home, assets and means of livelihood, a part from depriving them of their lands, livelihoods and resource-base, displacement has other traumatic psychological and socio-cultural consequences. The Government of Andhra Pradesh recognizes the need to minimize large-scale displacement to the extent possible and, where displacement is inevitable, the need to handle with utmost care, human touch and forethought, issues relating to Resettlement & Rehabilitation of Project Affected Families. Such an approach is especially necessary in respect of tribal, small & marginal farmers and women.

1.2 The system of extending cash compensation does not, by itself, in most cases, enable the affected families to obtain cultivable agricultural land, homestead and other resources, which they have to surrender to the State. The difficulties are more acute for persons who are critically dependent on the acquired assets for their subsistence/ livelihoods, such as landless agricultural workers, forest dwellers, tenants and artisans, as their distress and destitution is more severe, and, yet they are not eligible for compensation.   1.3 The Policy essentially addresses the need to provide succour to the asset less rural poor, support the rehabilitation efforts of the resource poor section, namely, small and marginal farmers, SCs/STs and women who have been displaced, besides, it seeks to provide a broad canvas for an effective dialogue between the Project Affected Families and Project Displaced.Families and the Administration for Resettlement & Rehabilitation. Such a dialogue is expected to enable timely completion of projects with a sense of definiteness as regards costs and adequate attention to the needs of the displaced persons especially the resource poor sections. The intention is to impart greater flexibility for interaction and negotiation so that the resultant Package gains all-round acceptability in the shape of a workable instrument providing satisfaction to all stakeholder/ Requiring bodies.   1.4 The GOAP Policy on the Resettlement & Rehabilitation of Project Affected Families and Project Displaced Families will be applicable to the projects as defined in this policy and upon notification under this policy.

1.5 Administrator for Resettlement & Rehabilitation shall implement this Policy in letter and spirit in order to ensure that the benefits envisaged under the Policy reaches the Project Affected and Displaced Families, especially resource poor sections including SCs/STs.      

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The objectives of the Policy are as follows:

  2.1 To minimize displacement and to identify non- displacing or least- displacing alternatives:

  2.2 To Plan the resettlement and rehabilitation of Project Affected and Displaced Families, (PAFs/ PDFs) including special needs Tribals and vulnerable section;

  2.3 To provide better Standard of living to PAFs; and

  2.4 To facilitate harmonious relationship between the Requiring Body and PAFs through mutual cooperation.

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     3.0 DEFINITIONS:  

The definition of various terms used in this Policy Document are as follows:  

3.1 “Administrator for Resettlement and Rehabilitation” means an officer not below the rank of Joint Collector of the State Government appointed by it for the purpose of resettlement and rehabilitation of the Project Affected Families of the Project concerned provided that if the appropriate Government in respect of the Project is the Central Government, Such appointment shall be made in consultation with the Central Govt.

  3.2“Affected Zone”, in relation to a project, means declaration under Para 5.1 of this policy by the appropriate Government area of Villages or locality under a project for which the Land is being acquired under Land Acquisition Act, 1894 or any other Act in force for the following areas:

a. Area falling under FRL contour

b. Dwelling House (S) falling within 100 meters of surface distance from FRL water line

  3.3 “Agricultural family” means a family whose primary mode of livelihood is agriculture and includes family of owners as well as tenants / sub-tenants of agricultural land, agricultural labourers, occupiers of forest lands and of Collectors of minor forest produce;   3.4 “Agricultural labourers” means a person normally resident in the affected zone for a period of not less than three years immediately before the declaration of the affected zone who does not hold any land in the affected zone but who earns his livelihood principally by manual labour on agricultural land therein immediately before such declaration and who has been deprived of his livelihood as ascertained through enquiry in the gram sabha;   3.5 “Agricultural Land” includes lands uses or capable of being used for the purpose of-

a. agriculture or horticulture;

b. diary farming, poultry farming, pisciculture, breeding or livestock and nursery growing medical herbs;

c. raising of crops, grass or garden produce; and

d. Land used by an agriculturist for the grazing of cattle, but does not include land used for the cutting of wood only;

3.6 “Appropriate Government” means:

a. in relation to acquisition of land for the purposes of the Union, the Central Government;

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b. in relation to a project which is executed by Central Government agency/ Central Government undertaking or by any other agency of the orders/ directions of Central Government, the Central Government, otherwise the State Government and

c. in relation to acquisition of land for other purposes, the State Government.

  3.7 “BPL Family”: The Below Poverty Line Families shall be those as defined by the planning Commission of India from time to time.   3.8 “Project” means the project(S) notified under this Policy and displacing:

a. 100 or more families en- mass under this policy and displacing:

b. 25 or more families en- mass in Tribal areas or in areas mentioned in Schedule V of the constitution India from their Lands or houses.

  3.9 “Commissioner for Resettlement & Rehabilitation”, means the Commissioner for Resettlement & Rehabilitation appointed by the State Government not below the rank of Commissioner/ Secretary of that Government.   3.10 “a)Family” means Family consisting of such persons as his or her spouse, minor sons, unmarried daughters, minor brothers or unmarried sisters, fathers, mother and other members residing with him and dependent on him for their livelihood 1 “and each major son residing with such person will be treated as a separate family ”1  

b)1a“Vulnerable persons” means the disabled, destitute, orphans, widows, major unmarried daughter,abandoned/ divorced women or persons above fifty years of age, who are not provided or can not immediately be provided with alternative livelihood, and who are not otherwise covered as part of a family  1a

  3.11 “Holding”: means the total land held by a person as an occupant or tenant or as both;   3.12 “Marginal farmer”: means a cultivator with an un-irrigated land holding up to one hectare or irrigated land holding up to half hectare or combination of both on same principle;   3.13 “Non-agricultural Labourer”: means a person who is not an agricultural labourer but is normally residing in the affected zone for a period of not less than three years immediately before the declaration of the affected zone and who does not hold any land under the affected zone but who earns his livelihood principally by manual labour or as a rural artisan immediately before such declaration and who has been deprived of earning his livelihood principally by manual labour or as such artisan in the affected zone;   3.14 “Notification”: means a notification published in the Official Gazette;   3.15 “Occupiers”: Means members of Scheduled Tribe community in possession of forest land prior to 25th October, 1980.

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  3.16 “Project Affected Family” Means and displacing:

a. a family whose source of livelihood are substantially affected by the process of acquisition of land for the project and who has been residing continuously for a period of not les than three years preceding the date of declaration of the affected zone or practicing any trade, occupation or vocation continuously for a period of not less than three years in the affected zone regardless of the fact whether they owned land or not

b. family whose more than 50% of land is acquired and left over land after acquisition is below Ac.5.0 dry Ac. 2.5 wet or combination of both on above principle

c. a Project Displaced Family

  3.17 “Project Displaced family”: means any family, who on account of acquisition of his dwelling house in the village in the affected zone for the purpose of the project, has been displaced from such dwelling house.   3.18 “Resettlement Zone”, in relation to a project, means the declaration of any area under Para 5.12 of this Policy by the appropriate Government acquired or proposed to be acquired for resettlement of Project Displaced Families as a resettlement zone:   3.19 “Requiring Body” ” shall mean any company, a body corporate, an institution, or any other Organization for whom land is to be acquired by the appropriate Government, and includes the appropriate Government if the acquisition of land is for such Government either for its own use or for subsequent allotment of such land in public interest to a body corporate, institution, or any other organization or to any company under lease, license or through any other system of transfer of land to such company, as the case may be;

  3.20 “Small farmer”: means a cultivator with an un-irrigated land holding of more than one hectare and up to two hectares or with an irrigated land holding of more than half hectare and up to one hectare or combination of both on same principle   3.21 “Substantially affected”: ” means where average annual income of PAF is likely to be more than 50% and is likely to become BPL family due to acquisition of his land or other’s land for the project, as compared to his average annual income in last three years preceding the date of notification, from land and or other sources of incomes   3.22 “Tribal Areas”: means areas declared so by the Tribal Welfare Government of Andhra Pradesh from time to time.     1. Added by vide G.O.Ms.No.76, I & CAD(PW-LA-IV, R&R.I) Dept., dt:13-4-2006.   1a. Added to para 3.10 as 3.10( b)vide G.O.Ms.No.46 I & CAD(PW:LA- IV-R&R)Dept., dt:28-2-2009,G.O.MS.No 77 I & CAD(PW-LA-IV, R&R.I) Dept., dt:10-7-2009.& Para 3.10 shall be treated as Para 3.10(a).    

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  4.0 Appointment of Administrator And Commissioner For Resettlement And Rehabilitation And Their Powers & Functions

  4.1 Where the appropriate Government is satisfied that acquisition of land for any project involves displacement of families from their lands and or houses as a result of acquisition of land, it shall, by notification, appoint in respect of that project an officer not below the rank of Joint Collector of the state Government to be the Administrator for R&R in respect of that project.

Provided that if the appropriate Government in respect of the project is the Central Government, such appointment shall be made in consultation with the Central Government.   4.2 The Administrator for Resettlement & Rehabilitation shall be assisted by such officers and employees as the appropriate Government may provide   4.3 Subject to the superintendence, directions and control of the appropriate Government and Commissioner for R&R, the Administrator for Resettlement & Rehabilitation shall take all measures for the Rehabilitation and Resettlement of all Project Affected Families (PAF) in respect of that project.   4.4 The overall control and superintendence of the formulation of resettlement & rehabilitation plan and execution of the same shall vest in the Administrator, Resettlement & Rehabilitation.

  4.5 Subject to any general or special order of the appropriate

a. Minimize displacement of persons and identify non- displacing or least displacing alternatives in consultation with the requiring body.

b. Hold consultation with the Project Affected Families while preparing a resettlement and rehabilitation Scheme /plan;

c. Ensure that interest of the adversely Project Affected Families of Scheduled Tribes and weaker sections are protected.

d. Prepare a draft Plan/Scheme of resettlement and rehabilitations as required under Chapter V and VI of this Policy. Wherever tribal PAPs are involved, the draft plan/ scheme shall be prepared in consultation with respective area Project officer ITDA/DTWO. .

e. Prepare a budget including estimated expenditure of various components of acquisition of Land, Resettlement and Rehabilitation activities or programmes in consultation with representatives of the Project Affected Families and requiring body for whom the land is acquired;

f. Acquired adequate land for the Project and also for Resettlement and Rehabilitation of the Project Affected Families;

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g. Allot Land and sanction benefits to Project Affected Families;

h. Perform such other function as the appropriate Government may, form time to time, by order in writing, assign.

  4.6 Administrator for Resettlement & rehabilitation may, by order in writing, delegates such of the administrative powers conferred and duties imposed on him by or under this policy to any officer not below the rank of RDO/ Sub Collector or equivalent who will be called as R&R officer for the said project   4.7 All officers and staff appointed by the appropriate Government under this policy shall be subordinate to the Administrator for Resettlement & Rehabilitation.

  4.8 The State Government shall appoint an officer of the rank of Commissioner/ Secretary of that Government for Resettlement and Rehabilitation in respect of such projects to which this Policy applies to be called the Commissioner for Resettlement & Rehabilitation   4.9 For the purposes of this Policy, the Administrator the Resettlement & Rehabilitation and other officers and employees appointed for the purposes of Resettlement and Rehabilitation of PAF shall be subordinate to the Commissioner for Resettlement and Rehabilitation

  4.10 The Commissioner shall be responsible for supervising the formulation of resettlement and rehabilitation plans/ schemes, proper implementation of such plans/ schemes and redressal of grievances as mentioned in Chapter VII of this Policy. Wherever tribal PAPs are involved, commissioner, TW shall also be involved in above responsibilities and functions.      

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     5.0 Schemes/PlansFor Resettlement And Rehabilitation;

The procedure mentioned in this Chapter shall be followed for declaration of Affected Zone, carrying out survey & census of Project Affected Families, Assessment of Government Land available and land to be acquired for the purpose of Resettlement and Rehabilitation, preparation of draft scheme/plan for R&R and its final publication.

  5.1 The appropriate Government may, if it is of the opinion that acquisition of land for a project is likely to displace families from their lands and or houses, declare, by notification in the Official Gazette, area of villages or localities as an affected zone of the project and thereupon the contents of this Policy shall apply to the project involved.   5.2 Every declaration made under Para 5.1 of the Policy shall be published in at least two daily newspapers one of them should be in the local vernacular having circulation in villages or areas which are likely to be affected and also by affixing a copy of the notification on the Notice Board of the concerned Gram Panchayats and other prominent place or places in the affected zone.

  5.3 Once the declaration is made under para 5.1 of the Policy, the Administrator for Resettlement and Rehabilitation shall undertake a socio- Economic survey for identification of the persons and their families likely to be affected by the project   5.4 Every survey shall contain the following village-wise information of the project Affected Families:-

a. Members of families who are permanently residing, practicing any trade, occupation or vocation in the Project Affected Area;

b. Project Affected Families ho are likely to lose their house, agricultural land, employment a or are alienated wholly or substantially from the main source of their trade/ occupation or vocation

c. Agricultural labourers and non- agriculture laborers

d. Project Affected Families who are having possession of forestlands prior to 25th October, 1980, that are prior to the commencement of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.

  5.5 Every survey undertaken under Para 5.4 shall be completed within a maximum period of ninety days from the date of declaration made under para 5.1.   5.6 On the expiry of the period of ninety days as aforesaid or as earlier as possible, the Gram Panchayat concerned the details of the findings of the survey conducted by him for inviting objections and suggestions form all persons likely to be affected thereby.

  5.7 2 “On the expiry of thirty days from the date of publication of the draft of the details of survey and after considering the objections and suggestions received by him on this behalf, the

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Administrator for Resettlement & Rehabilitation shall submit the final details of survey with his recommendations to the District Collector for approval. After approval by the District Collector necessary funds may be obtained from the relevant Head of Accounts for allotment from the Chief Engineer of concerned Irrigatio n Project.”  2   5.8 3 “Within forty-five days from the date of receipt of recommendations of the Administrator for Resettlement & Rehabilitation, the District Administration shall publish the final details of survey in the District Gazette. A copy of such publication shall also be published in the Gram Panchayat concerned.”  3

  5.9 The Administrator for Resettlement & Rehabilitation shall ensure that the Project Displaced Families may be settled preferably in group or groups and such sites should form a part of existing Gram Panchayat as far as possible. However it has to ensured that the PDFs may be Resettlement with the host community on the basis of equality and mutual understanding, Consistent with the desire of each group to preserve its own identify and culture.   5.10 For the purposes of para 5.9 above, the Administrator for Resettlement & Rehabilitation shall draw up a list of lands, which may be available in any existing Gram Panchayat or neighbouring Gram Panchayat for Resettlement of Project displaced families.   5.11 The Lands drawn up under para 5.10 shall consist of:-

a. Government wastelands or any other land vesting in the Government available for Resettlement or project displaced families.

b. If sufficient Government land is not available there, then land to be acquired for the purposes of Resettlement (R&R centre) Scheme/Plan. However, the Administrator for R&R should ensue that such acquisition of land should not lead to another list of affected families.

  5.12 The appropriate Government shall, by notification, declare any area acquired or proposed to be acquired for Resettlement of Project-displaced families, as a resettlement zone.

  5.13 The Administrator for R&R or any other officer empowered by Government, on behalf of the appropriate Government, may compulsorily acquire lands required for re-settlement and rehabilitation of PAFs under the Provisions of Land Acquisition Act, 1894.   5.14 After completion of base line survey and census of Project Affected Families and project Displaced Families and assessment of requirement of land for resettlement of land for resettlement and rehabilitation, the Administrator for R&R shall prepare a draft scheme/ plan for the Resettlement & Rehabilitation of the Project Affected Families and project Displaced Families in consultation with representatives of Project Affected Families and Project Displaced Families including women, Chairpersons of elected Panchayati Raj Institutions within which the project area is situated.

  5.15 While preparing a draft scheme/ Plan, the Administrator for R&R shall ensure that the cost of R&R scheme/ plan should be an integral part of the cost of the Project for which the land is

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being acquired and the entire expenditure for resettlement and rehabilitation of PAFs are to be borne by the requiring body for which the area is being acquired   5.16 It shall be the responsibility of the requiring body to provide sufficient funds to the administrator for R&R for proper implementation of resettlement & Rehabilitation scheme/ plan of Project Affected Families.   5.17 The Administrator for R&R shall keep proper books of accounts and records of the funds placed at his disposal and submit periodical returns to the Appropriate Government in this behalf.   5.18 Every drafts Scheme/ Plan of resettlement and rehabilitation prepared shall contain the following particulars, namely: -

a. the extent of area to be acquired for the project and the name(S) of the corresponding village (S)

b. a Village - Wise list of Project Affected Families and likely number of displaced persons, family- wise and the extent and nature of land and immovable property in their possession indicating the survey numbers thereof held by such person in the affected Zone prior to acquisition of lands for the project and after acquisition of lands for the project;

c. a list of persons who have lost or are likely to lose their employment or livelihood or who have been alienated wholly and substantially from their main sources o occupation or vocation consequent to the acquisition of land for the project;

d. a list of occupiers, if any,

e. a list of public utilities and Government buildings which are likely to be affected;

f. a comprehensive list of benefits and packages which are to be provided to project affected families;

g. details of the extent of land available which may be acquired in settlement area for resettling of the project displaced families;

h. Details of the extent of Government land available which may be allotted to PAFs in lieu of land acquired for the project.

i. Details of the extent of patta land available in project benefited area that can be acquired for allotment of PAFs in lieu of land acquired for the project.

j. detailed of the basic amenities and infrastructure facilities which are to be provided for resettlement;

k. the time schedule for shifting and resettling the displaced families in resettlement zones;

l. Such other particular as the Administrator for Resettlement & Rehabilitation ma think fit to include.

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  5.19 4 “The Administrator for Resettlement & Rehabilitation shall submit the draft scheme/ plan for R&R to the District Administration for its approval. The draft scheme/ plan shall be published in the village/locality concerned. The draft scheme/plan may also be published in the District Gazette to give wide publicity to the same in the affected zone.”  4   5.20 Upon notification of such scheme/ plan, the same shall come into force 

  3. Substituted for para 5.8 vide G.O.Ms.No.120, I & CAD (PW- LA.IV, R&R-II) Dept., DT: 26.6.2006.   4. Substituted for Para 5.19 vide G.O.Ms.No.120 I & CAD (PW- LA.IV, R&R-II) Dept., DT: 26.6.2006.

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      6.0 R&R benefits for Project Affected Families

  6.1 The Resettlement and Rehabilitation (R&R) benefits shall be extended to all the Project Affected Families and Project Displaced Families (PDF) whether belonging to below poverty line (BPL) or non- BPL except to the extent where specifically restrictions mentioned in the policy.   6.2 5"Allotment of house site/ payment of exgratia

a. Any Project Displaced Family (PDF) holding upto an area of 5 Cents of village site and whose site has been acquired shall be allotted house site of an extent of 202 square meters (5 Cents) of land in rural areas or 75 square meters of land in Urban areas in the Resettlement zone besides payment of compensation for the structures if any therein;

b. In case if any Project Displaced Family (PDF) holds village site of more than 5 Cents, such holder shall be allotted village house site of an extent of 202 Square Meters (5 cents) of land in rural areas or 75 Square Meters of land in Urban areas in the Resettlement zone and also be paid exgratia for the site in excess of 5 Cents ( for example if a family holds village site of 20 Cents in Project Affected Zone and have two major sons, residing with such person in case, they take 3 house sites of 5 Cents each in Resettlement zone, they will get exgratia for the balance of 5 Cents (20 Cents – 3x5 cents = 15 cents); and

c. The exgratia payable as above shall be on par with the package deal payable in case of acquisition of private / patta lands” 5

  6.3 Grant for House construction:

6“One time financial assistance of Rs.40,000/-(Rupees Forty thousand only) shall be increased to Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand only). This increase will have prospective effect. A sum of Rs.5,000/- (Rupees Five thousand only) is granted to those who have already shifted houses from 8-4-2005 to 10-12-2007. Apart from the above, a sum of Rs.3,000/- (Rupees Three thousand only) would be allowed in addition to the housing grant as per G.O.Ms.No.68, dt:8-4-2005. The above increase shall come into force with retrospective effect i.e., the date of issue of G.O.Ms.No.68, dt:8-4-2005.” 6

  6.4 Allotment of Government land to PAFs, who become Small, or Marginal farmers or Landless after acquisition in lieu of Acquired land:   in case of allotment of waste/ degraded or agricultural Government land, if available with in the District, in lieu of acquired land and if agreed by PAF for allotment of such land, each such PAF shall also get financial assistance of Rs.10,000 per hectare or as fixed by Government from time to time for land development and in case of allotment of agricultural land, Rs.5,000 per PAF or as fixed by Government from time to time for agricultural production shall be given.

However such allotment of Government land will be restricted to an extent of land acquired from PAF or 2.5 Ha of dry or 1.25Ha wet land which ever is lesser.

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Provided further that in such cases,

a. no compensation will be payable for the lands acquired from the PAF for the Project, to the extent of Government land is allotted.

b. No exgratia will be payable for the lands resumed from PAF for the project, to the extent of Government land is allotted

Land Acquisition officer shall pass the award for the lands acquire or resumed from PAF accordingly


6.5 Allotment of land acquired by Government from the project benefited area to Schedule Tribe PAFs, who become Small, or Marginal farmers or landlsess after acquisition, in lieu of Acquired land from them: 7“Government shall acquire land with in the project benefited area, as per guidelines issued by the Government from time to time such that no person should become small or marginal farmer or land less due such acquisition, for allotment of such land to ST PAFs(who become small or marginal farmers or landless due to acquisition of their land for the project),

if such PAFs so desire, in lieu of lands acquired from them.

However such allotment will be restricted to the extent of land acquired from such PAFs or 2.5 Ha dry land or 1.25Ha wet land which ever is lower. Further provided that in such cases,

a. no compensation will be payable for the lands acquired from the PAF for the project, to the extent of such land is allotted

b. No exgratia will be payable for the lands resumed from PAF for the project, to the extent of such land is allotted

Land Acquisition officer shall pass the award for the lands acquired or resumed from PAF accordingly.”7

  6.6 The land allotted under Para 6.2, 6.4 and 6.5 shall be free from all encumbrances. The land allotted may be in the joint names of wife and husband of PAP.   6.7 Grant for cattle shed: Each PAF having cattle, at the time of acquiring his house, shall get financial assistance of Rs.15000/- or as fixed by Government from time to time for construction of cattle shed in new settlement.  

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6.8 Grant for Transporting materials: Each PAF shall get lump sum one time financial assistance of Rs.5000/- or as fixed by Government from time to time for transportation / shifting of his building materials, belongings and cattle etc. from the affected zone to the resettlement zone.   6.9

6.9 Income Generating Scheme Grant: Each PAF comprising of rural artisan/ small trader and self employed person shall get one – time lump sum financial assistance of Rs.25,000 or as fixed by Government from time to time for construction of working shed / shop.

  6.10 Wages if after acquisition land owner becomes land less: Each PAF owning agricultural land in the affected zone and whose entire land has been acquired shall get one – time financial assistance equivalent to 750 days minimum agricultural wages for “loss of livelihood” if no land is allotted in lieu of acquired land.   6.11 Wages if after acquisition land owner becomes marginal farmer 8“or continues to be a marginal farmer even after acquisition”8 : Each PAF owning agriculture land in the affected zone and who consequently becomes a marginal farmer 8a“or continues to be a marginal farmer even after acquisition”8a shall get one time financial assistance equivalent to 500 days minimum agriculture wages if no land is allotted in lieu of acquired land.   6.12 Wages if after acquisition land owner becomes small farmer 8b“or continues to be a small farmer even after acquisition”8b: Each PAF owning agriculture land in this affected zone and who consequently becomes a small farmer 8c“or continuous to be a small farmer even after acquisition”8c shall get one time financial assistance equivalent to 375 days minimum agricultural wages if no land is allotted in lieu of acquired land.   6.13 Wages to Labourers: Each PAF belonging to the category of “agricultural labourer’ or “non- agricultural labourer" shall be provided a one time financial assistance equivalent to 625 days of the minimum agricultural wages.   6.14 (a) Subsistence allowance to displaced family Each PAF who is also a project displaced family shall at a one time subsistence allowance equivalent to 240 days of minimum agricultural wages. It will be in addition to any other benefit available to him as PAF.

  6.14 (b) 9 “Each vulnerable person as defined at Para -3.10(b) will be paid a pension of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) a moth for life by arranging the necessary annuity policies by the Project Administrator at its cost.”9

  6.15 In the case of acquisition of land in emergent situation such as under Section 17 of the Land Acquisition Act 1894 or similar provision of other Act in force, each PAF shall be provided with transit accommodation, pending resettlement and rehabilitation scheme. Such families shall also get R&R benefits as mentioned in above Paras under the Policy.  6.16 The Project Affected Families who were in possession of forest lands prior to 25th October, 1980 shall get all the benefits of R&R as given in above paras under the Policy. 

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6.17 The PAFs enjoying reservation benefits in the affected zone shall be entitled to get the same reservation benfits at the resettlement zone. 6.18 Basic Amenities To Be Provided At Resettlement Centre For Projects:While shifting the population of the Affected zone to the Resettlement zone, the Administrator for R&R may far as possible, ensure that:

a. In case the entire population of the Village / area to be shifted belongs to a particular community, such population/ families may be resettled enmasse in a compact area so that socio- cultural relations (social harmony) a amongst shifted families are not disturbed

b. The Re- settlement Center shall be provided with the basic amenities and infrastructure facilities of drinking water, Internal roads, Drainage Electricity, primary School building, playground, Community Center and access road to the resettlement site. In addition to these facilities, the other community center and access road to the resettlement site. In addition t these facilities, the other community facilities which were available in the village, at the time of acquisition, shall also be provided.

  6.19 R&R Benefits Project Affected Families Of Scheduled Tribes :

a. Each project Affected Family of ST category shall be given preference in allotment of land.

b. Each Tribal PAF shall get additional Financial assistance equivalent to 500 days minimum agriculture wages

b 10“(i)Each non tribal PAF who is a member of a registered Fishermen Cooperative Society/Fishing license holders in the affected zone and who lost fishing rights and livelihood shall get additional financial assistance equivalent to 500 days minimum agricultural wages for loss of fishing rights.”10

c. Tribal PAF s will be re- settled close to their natural habitat of their choice, to the extent possible, in a compact block so that they can retain their ethnic, linguistic and cultural identify

d. Tribal PAFs resettled out of the district or out side tribal area will get 25% higher R&R benefits in monetary terms.

e. The Tribal families residing in the Project Affected Area having fishing rights in the river/ Pond/ dam shall be given fishing rights in the reservoir area.

f. The Tribal land Alienated in violation of the laws and regulation in force on the subject would be treated as null and void and the R&R benefits would be available only to the original tribal landowner.

f 11“i)The Non tribal families residing in the project affected areas having fishing rights in the river /pond/dam who is a member of a registered Fishermen Cooperative Society/Fishing license holders shall be given fishing rights in the reservoir area.

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g. All the Fishermen PAFs will be accorded priority in extending benefits under various schemes/programmes being implemented by the state fisheries Department in consultation with R&R authorities.

h. Newly impounded/completed Reservoirs under jalayagnam shall be stocked with Fish Seed on priority basis by the state Fisheries Department by utilizing funds available under different schemes with the Fisheries Department/DRDA/ITDA/SC Corporation/MADA/BC Corporation or by seeking provision of funds under R7R package as per requirement”11

6.20 Constitutional benefits to ST/SC/BC PAPs at the Re-settlement centre: The PAPs shall enjoy all the constitutional benefits at new settlement also to which they were entitled to at the village that was acquired for the project.  

  5. Substitued for Para 6.2 vide G.O.Ms.No.76, I & CAD (PW.LA.IV- R&R.I)Dept., dt:13-4-2006.   6. Substituted for Para 6.3 vide G.O.MS.No.271, I & CAD (PW.LA.IV- R&R)Dept., dt:11-12-2007.   7. The word “shall” incorporated substituting the word “may” vide G.O.MS.No. 119, I & CAD (PW-LA-IV, R&R.II) Dept., DT: 26-6-2006.   8. Substitued for Para 6.11 vide G.O.Ms.No.46, I & CAD (PW:LA- IV-R&R)Dept., dt:28-2-2009.   8a Substitued for Para 6.11 vide G.O.Ms.No.46, I & CAD (PW:LA- IV-R&R)Dept., dt:28-2-2009   8b. Substitued for Para 6.12 vide G.O.Ms.No.46, I & CAD (PW:LA- IV-R&R)Dept., dt:28-2-2009.   8c. Substitued for Para 6.12 vide G.O.Ms.No.46, I & CAD (PW:LA- IV-R&R)Dept., dt:28-2-2009.   9. Substitued for Para 6.14 as Para 6.14(b) vide G.O.Ms.No.46, I & CAD (PW:LA- IV-R&R)Dept., dt:28-2-2009 & Para 6.14 shall be treated as Para6.14(a) vide G.O.Ms.No.46,I&CAD(PW:LA-IV-R&R)Dept., dt:28-2-2009.   10 &11. Added vide G.O.Ms.No.114 IRRIGATION & C.A.D.(PW: LA.IV-R&R) DEPARTMENT dt:08-09-2009.      

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      7.0 Dispute Redressal Mechanism

  7.1 R&R Committee at Project level:

a. in respect of every project to which this Policy applies, the State Government shall constitute a Committee under the Chairmanship of the Administrator of that Project to be called the Resettlement and Rehabilitation Committee to monitor and review the progress of implementation of scheme/ plan of resettlement and rehabilitation of the Project Affected Families.

b. The Resettlement & Rehabilitation Committee constituted as above shall inter-alia include as one of its members:

1. a representative of women PAP residing in the affected zone;

2. a representative each of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, PAPs residing in the affected zone;

3. a representative of a voluntary organization;

4. a representative of the lead bank;

5. Chairperson of the PRIs located in the affected zone

6. MPs/MLAs of the area included in the affected zone

c. Procedure regulating the business of the Resettlement & Rehabilitation Committee shall be framed by the Appropriate Government

  7.2 Grievance Redressal Cell:

a. In respect of every project to which this Policy applies, the State Government shall constitute a Grievance Redressal Mechanism under the Chairmanship of the Commissioner for Resettlement & Rehabilitation for redressal of grievances of the PAFs.

b. The composition, powers, functions and other matters relating to the functioning of the Grievance Redressal Mechanism shall be such as may be prescribed by the Appropriate Government.

c. Any Project Affected Family, if aggrieved, for not being offered the admissible R&R benefits as provided under this Policy, may move an appropriate petition for redressal of his grievances to the Grievance Redressal Mechanism.

d. The form and manner in which and the time within which complaints may be made to the Grievance Redressal Mechanism and disposed of shall be such as may be prescribed by the appropriate Government.

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  7.3 The Grievance Redressal Mechanism shall have the power to consider and dispose of all complaints relating to resettlement and rehabilitation against the decision of the Administrator / R&R Committee at Project Level and issue such directions to the Administrator for Resettlement & Rehabilitation as it may deem proper for the Redressal of such grievances.   7.4 Commissioner for Resettlement and Rehabilitation may, by order in writing, delegate such of the administrative powers conferred and duties imposed on him by or under this policy to any officer not below the rank of Joint Collector.   7.5 INTER-STATE PROJECTS:

a. In case a project covers an area in more than one state or Union territory where the Project Affected Families and Project Displaced Families are or had been residing, or proposed to be resettled, the states and or GOI in consultation with each other, may appoint the Administrator for Resettlement & Rehabilitation and the Commissioner for Resettlement and Rehabilitation for the purposes of this Policy.

b. The method of implementation of plans schemes for resettlement and rehabilitation shall be mutually discussed by the State Governments and the Union territory administration and the common plan/ Schemes shall be notified by the Administrator for Resettlement & Rehabilitation in the State or Union territory administration, as agreed to, in Accordance with the procedure laid down in this policy.

c. If any difficulty arises in the implementation of the scheme/ plans, the matter shall be referred to the Central Government in the ministry of Rural Development (Department of Land Resources) for its decision and the decision of the Central Government shall be binding on the concerned States and Union territory.


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12“The GOAP, Department of Revenue, Shall constitute a State Level Monitoring Committee, to be chaired by the Principle Secretary/ Secretary, Department of Revenue for reviewing and monitoring the progress of implementation of resettlement and rehabilitation scheme/ plan relating to all projects to which this policy applies. The committee shall meet at lest once in three months to review and monitor the implementation of R&R plan in all projects. The committee will have the following or his nominee not below the rank of Joint Secretary as its Members:

1. Special C.S. & CCLA, Chairman

2. Commissioner for R&R & E.O.Secretary to Govt.

3. Prl. Secretary, Revenue

4. Secretary, Planning

5. Secretary, Social Welfare

6. Secretary, Tribal Welfare

7. Secretary, MA & UD

8. Secretary, PR & RD

9. Secretary, Housing

10. Secretary, Education

11. Secretary, Agriculture

12. Secretary, Women and Child Welfare

13. Secretary, Energy

14. Secretary, Law

15. Secretary, Finance

16. State Level N.G.O

17. Chief Engineer/ Project Administrator Special invitee

18. Secretary, Requisition Department”12

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Chairman State level committee shall put in place mechanism for each project for third party concurrent audit of implementation of R&R plan. The audit report of such concurrent audit shall be placed before state level committee form time to time.


The Administrative Department of the project for which land is being acquired, shall constitute a Project Level Monitoring Committee, to be chaired by the District Collector of the district in whose jurisdiction the main component of the project lies, in case main component projects spreads over more than one district, senior most of the District Collectors shall chair the committee for reviewing and monitoring the progress of implementation of resettlement and rehabilitation scheme/ plan relating to the project to which this Policy applies. The committee shall meet at least once in two months to review and monitor the implementation of R&R plan

The Committee will have following as its members”

13 “Joint Collector/ P.O ITDA- Convener

R&R officer- RDO/ Sub Collector of the division

SDC/ RDO/ Sub Collector, Land Acquisition

Project Director, DRDA

Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad

District Panchayat Officer

District Education Officer

District Medical and Health Officer

District Level representative of DISCOM

Superintendent Engineer, RWS PanchayatRaj Department

Three members from PAPs, one at least women

One member from local NGO

Superintendent Engineer, Project site

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Superintendent Engineer, Panchayat Raj

Superintendent Engineer, R&B

Executive Engineer, Social Welfare Department.”13   APPLICABILITY OF POLICY:


  8.5 The Project to which this policy is made applicable, the provisions of G.O. Ms 98 Irrigation (Project Wing) Department Dated:15.4.1986 and G.O.Ms.No.64 Social Welfare (T) Department, Dated: 18-4-1990 or any other order issued by any other department on this subject shall cease to operate form the date of commencement of this policy.


  12. . Substituted for para 8.1 vide G.O.Ms.No.184, I & CAD (PW:LA-IV- R&R) Dept, DT: 09-09-2008.   13. Added vide G.O.Ms.No.101, I & CAD (PW: LA-IV- R&R) Dept, DT: 24-08-2009.      

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ABSTRACTR & B Department – R & R Policy on Resettlement and Rehabilitation for Project Affected Families. 2005 – Certain modifications – Accepted – Orders – Issued.


G.O.Rt.No. 1059 Dated:20-11-2010.Read the following:

1. Govt. Memo No.13236/Roads.IV.2/07, Dated 25.01.2008. 2. From the Chief Engineer(R&B)CRN & M.D., APRDC Letter

No.1/APRDC/APRSP/R&R/NGO/2007, Dated 10.11.2010. -: xxxx :-

O R D E R:-

In supersession of the orders issued in the memo 1st read above, Government after careful examination of the matter approve the modifications proposed by the Chief Engineer (R&B) CRN & Managing Director. Andhra Pradesh Road Development Corporation appended to this order.

2. The Chief Engineer (R&B) CRN & Managing Director. Andhra Pradesh Road Development Corporation shall take necessary action accordingly.



ToThe Chief Engineer (R&B) CRN & Managing Director

Andhra Pradesh Road Development Corporation, Hyderabad(w.e).

Copy to:-The Engineer-in-Chief (Admn. & NH ), A.P., Hyderabad./The Engineer-in-Chief ( State Roads), A.P., Hyderabad.The Chief Engineer, NABARD, Hyderabad.The Chief Engineer, Buildings, Hyderabad.The Chief Engineer, HUDCO, Hyderabad.


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ANNEXURE TO G.O Rt. NO. 1059/Roads.IV/2/2007, T (R&B) DEPT., Dt: 20.11.2010


S. Provisions under the Modifications proposed by ModificationsNo present AP R&R Policy Managing Director, APRDC, APRDC accepted by Govt.

20051 Para 1.3: ‘…. Provide Add “ and /or affected “ after displaced Accepted

succor to the assets lessrural poor. Who have beendisplacedPara 3.2 : The definition of Add one more parameter “( c ) for Acceptedaffected zone refers to linear projects area falling within thewater sector projects project corridor of impact”

2 Para 3.8: Project means the Replace the definition of the project as: Accepted project(s) notified under this “Project means the project(s) notified

policy and displacing. under this policy and resulting in partiala) 100 or more losses and/or displacing”.

families en-mass in Add one more parameter as (c) forplain areas linear project displacement is not en

b) 25 or more families mass but scattereden mass in tribalareas or in areasmentioned inSchedule V of theconstitution of Indiafrom their landsand or houses


Para 3.0: There is no Add the following efinition: Accepted mention under the policy of Families with no legal titles are the families with no legal title personsand non – agricultural (i)Occupyingfamilies. government/other land for

cultivation to earn theirliving

(ii)Residing or carrying outeconomic activity instructures built within theaffected zone/corridor ofimpact

Non agricultural families: meanswhose primary source of livelihood isfrom non agricultural source (like

trading, business and manufacturingetc.) within the affected zone/corridorof impact

4 Para 3.16: A Project Under Para 3.16 (b) replace 50% by AcceptedDisplaced Family is defined 25% and add (d) families losing moreas one whose more than than25% of their50% of land is required residential/commercial structures.

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5 Para 3.17 project displaced Revise the definition as follows: AcceptedFamily is defined as “Project Displaced family“ means any“means any family. family, who on account of acquisitionDwelling house in the of dwelling house and structures usedvillage in the affected. for commercial purposes including…Dwelling house” business/trade in the affected zone for

the purpose of the project, has beendisplaced from such dwellings and/orcommercial structures.

6 The notification under Add: under Chapter III, the following Acceptedsection 4(i) of LA Act Cut off date: For the legal owners ofpertains to those whose the land and structures the date of landlands/other immovable acquisition notification will be the cutproperties are acquired off date. For squatters/encroachers the

date of social survey will be the cut offdate for R&R entitlements.

7 Para 5.4: Procedure to be Revise Para 5.4 (b) as follows: Acceptedfollowed for survey and “Project affected families… agriculturecensus of PAFs and PDFs land business/work place,etc. employment…. Or vocation. Also add

the following:(e). The project affected persons whohave unauthorized occupied the land/structures in the affected area.

8 Para 5.14: After Revise Para 5.14 as under: Acceptedcompletion…. In After completion. In consultation withconsultation with. …Project Project Affected families and Projectarea is situated. Displaced families and their

representatives, women,Chairpersons…Area is situated.

9 Para 5.18: Contents of Add the following: AcceptedDraft Scheme/Plan of R&R n) The time schedule to extend R&R

entitlements to project affected /displaced families

10 Para 6.2: Free house sites: Add: Accepted asThis is presently available Any project displaced family (including suggested: “Any PDFto losing their private squatters losing dwelling/shops/work according to theirproperties place) has been acquired should be eligibility will be

allotted site for suitably(i) Dwelling house site free of compensated”.

cost(ii) Site for shop 30 sq.m in

rural areas 25 sq.m inurban areas, free of cost.

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11 Para 6.3: The Policy Include the following: As aboveprovides house Project displaced families includingconstruction grant squatters who are of BPL category

would get house construction grant.Any displaced person (includingsquatters) losing shop/work placeshould be allotted a site for shop freeof cost 30 Sq.m. in rural areas, 25Sq.m in urban areas. Each of thedisplaced families would also beengiven a grant of Rs. 10,000/- towardsconstruction of alternate shop/workplace.



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Type of Loss Unit of Entitlement

R&R Entitlement Framework

Agricultural land

Titleholder Family

(i) Compensation as per the LA Act through consent award.

(ii) If consent award fails to reach agreement the difference between replacement value and market value (approved by the Government) will be paid in the form of rehabilitation assistance.

(iii) If alternate land is provided under section 6.4 of APRRP, the cost of land will be deducted from the compensation amount and the rehabilitation grant will be proportionately reduced, however other R&R entitlements will be extended as per APRRP 2005

(iv) At least 3 months notice will be given in advance of crop harvest, failing which compensation for crop lost will be paid.

(v) A one time lump sum amount equal to 750 days, 500 days and 375 days of minimum agricultural wages will be paid to those (owner) PAFs who after LA become landless, marginal, small farmers respectively. Training will be arranged for income generation activities (IGA) to one member of such PAFs in suitable IG activities.

Special benefit to ST families

Preference in allotment of land A lump sum amount equal to 500 days minimum wages for lost

customary rights or use of forest produce (if any)Share Cropper An affected share cropper will get a sum equal to the un-expired lease


Homestead (or non-agril. land)

Titleholder (i) Compensation as per LA Act for the loss of homestead land

(ii) If more than 25% of the structure is lost, such affected people will be categorized as ‘displaced’

(iii) Those affected but not displaced will get compensation for the portion of homestead land and structure affected by the project and permission to salvage construction material.

(iv) Those displaced will get

Compensation for the structure affected (part or full) computed at BSR without deducting depreciation

Permission to salvage construction material Alternate house site (to a maximum extent of 150 sqm in rural areas

and 75 sqm. in urban areas) or cash in lieu of site to those getting physically displaced.

A sum total of Rs 50,000 as one time financial assistance to BPL for house construction and 3000 for lavatory construction.

Subsistence allowances equal to 240 days of minimum agriculture wages.

Grant for a cattle shed equivalent to a sum total of Rs 15000. IGA grant to affected artisans, small traders, and self employed

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Type of Loss Unit of Entitlement

R&R Entitlement Framework

persons at Rs 25,000 per PDF Grant for transporting materials at Rs 5,000 per PDF

Tenant/ Lease holder

Only displaced tenant will get:

A sum equal to two months rental in consideration of the disruption caused.

Transportation allowance of Rs. 5,000 towards shifting household materials.

Land under commercial use


(Owner and occupier)

(i) Compensation for the loss of land (commercial).

(ii) For the structure affected (part or full), compensation will be computed at BSR without deducting depreciation

(iii) Permission to salvage construction material

(iv) If more than 25% of the structure is lost, the affected business/work place will be categorized as ‘displaced’.

(v) PAFs affected but not displaced will get compensation for the portion of land lost and the structure (at BSR without depreciation) affected by the project.

(vi) Those displaced will get

An alternate site (40 in rural areas or 25 in urban areas) free of cost or cash equivalent in lieu there of.

A construction assistance of Rs 10,000 for each PDF(v) If alternate shop/work place is allotted by the project, those displaced will not be eligible for alternate site and construction assistance.

(v) Other assistance:

Subsistence allowances equal to 240 days of minimum agriculture wages.

A transportation allowance of Rs 7,000 to Residence cum commercial. A transportation allowance of Rs 2,000 to commercial units.

Titleholder(Absentee Land Lord)

(i) Only compensation for both land and structure (owned)

(ii) Permission to salvage materials from demolished structure.

Tenant/Lease holder

Only displaced tenant will get:

A sum equal to two months rental in consideration of the disruption caused.

Transportation allowance of Rs. 1,000 towards shifting.

Other assets Owner affected family

Loss of other assets (including wells, trees) will be compensated equivalent to their replacement value.

Encroachers (Agril. land)

Family If a PAF is dependent on the public land required for the project for the livelihood and belongs to ‘vulnerable’ groups he/she will get assistance to

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Type of Loss Unit of Entitlement

R&R Entitlement Framework

take up self-employment activities by dovetailing government programs or providing an assistance of Rs 25,000 to take up IG Activity.

Encroachers (Non-agril. land)

Family If encroached land is used for housing and/or commercial purpose and if the affected person loses more than 25% of the built up structure (including one’s own portion) and if physically displace will be given the same R&R assistance as available to a displaced family. However, such PAFs will not get the compensation for the encroached land.

Squatters (for homestead purpose)

Vulnerable Family

If the public land is occupied for homestead purpose and if the affected person has no alternate housing he/she will get:

Notice to remove the structure An alternate site of 150 in rural areas or 75 in urban

areas or cash equivalent and compensation for lost structure without depreciation. If the family is allotted alternate weaker section housing, he/she will not be eligible for compensation and assistance or alternate housing equivalent to IAY.

House construction grant Rs 10,000A transportation assistance of Rs 2,000

Squatters (for commercial)

Vulnerable Family

If the PDF has no alternate place, he/she will get:

Notice to remove the structure An alternate site of 40 in rural areas or 25 in urban areas

or cash equivalent and compensation for lost structure without depreciation. If the project allots an alternate commercial place developed by it, the PDF will not be eligible for neither compensation nor house construction assistance or Rs 10,000 for shop construction as per amended policy for APRSP.

A transportation assistance of Rs 1,000 A maintenance allowance of Rs 2,000 (one time) PAFs from vulnerable sections will be provided training to take up self

employment activity by dovetailing ongoing Government schemesKiosks Vendor Ambulatory vendors licensed for fixed locations will be considered as

kiosks and each affected vendor will get

Alternate site for kiosks or a sum of Rs.5000 for self relocationNOTE: Vendors in groups (of more than 50) will be considered for relocating in a commercial complex, if developed by the project. Those allotted space there will not get any assistance.

Common infrastructure and common Property Resources

Community Common properties will be replaced in consultation with the community

Civic infrastructure will be replaced in consultation with the affected community and the local administration

Any Unforeseen

Affected community

Any unforeseen impact would be mitigated/enhance as per the APRRP 2005 or through any additional measures as may be required

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Type of Loss Unit of Entitlement

R&R Entitlement Framework

Impacts and/persons


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Machilipatnam Division Project Affected Famalies(PAF'S) of PEDNA - NUZVID -VISANNAPETA Road.


Name of the Village



Division Name of the HouseHold Head(HHH)

Father\husband name








e ho










of F




Type of House

Nature of House

1 Pedna 7+000 Machilipatnam Moganti Prasad Narayanna Rao L-1 TH 4 Semipucc

a Com

2   7+000 Machilipatnam Moganti Prasad Narayanna Rao L-1 TH 4 Katcha Res

3   7+000 Machilipatnam Varudhu Balaji Kumar Narayanna Rao R-1 TH 5 Semipucc

a Com

4   7+000 Machilipatnam Dinduluri Srinivasarao Kalkimurthy R-1 TH 4 Semipucca Com

5  7+000 Machilipatnam Madisetty Maruthi Late

Satyanarayana R-1 TH 5 Semipucca


6   7+020 Machilipatnam Varudhu malleswararao Subbarao R-3 TH 3 Katcha Res

7   7+020 Machilipatnam Varudhu Ramachandrarao Subbarao R-3 TH 3 KatchaCattle Shed

8   7+120 Machilipatnam jonabattula koteswaramma Nancharayya R-2 NTH 5 Katcha

Cattle Shed

9   7+120 Machilipatnam jonabattula koteswaramma Nancharayya R-3 NTH 6 Katcha Res

10   7+140 Machilipatnam Garikimukkala Sriramulu Mahamkali R-4.5 NTH 3 Katcha Res

11  7+140 Machilipatnam Chinnam Suramraju Person not

Available L-4 TH 0Pucca


12   7+200 Machilipatnam Varudhu Venkateswararo Govind L-2 NTH 4 Pucca Res

13  7+200 Machilipatnam Varudhu

NagamalleswarammaVenkateswarulu R-6 TH 4


14   7+220 Machilipatnam Varudhu Nancharayya Subbarao R-4.5 TH 6 Semipucca Res

15   7+220 Machilipatnam Varudhu Nancharayya Subbarao R-4.5 TH 6 KatchaCattle Shed

16   7+240 Machilipatnam Bulusuru Symalarao Subramanyam L-7 TH 4 Katcha Res

17   7+260 Machilipatnam maddemsetty Rambabu Nancharayya R-6 TH 5 Semipucca Res

18   7+280 Machilipatnam Varudhu Venkaranarayana Marillu L-3 TH 2 Semipucc

a Res

19   7+280 Machilipatnam Varudhu Venkateswararo Subbayya R-5 NTH 3 Katcha Res

20   7+280 Machilipatnam Varudhu Ragavayya Subbayya R-6 NTH 3 KatchaCattle Shed

21   7+300 Machilipatnam Varudhu kondayya Krishana R-6 TH 6 Katcha Res

22   7+310 Machilipatnam Varudhu Venkataswamy Krishana R-6 TH 3 Semipucca Res

23   7+320 Machilipatnam Varudhu Venkanna Nageswarao R-2 TH 4 Pucca Res

24   7+320 Machilipatnam Varudhu Balaji Kumar Nageswarao R-2 TH 5 Semipucca Res

25  7+325 Machilipatnam Maruboiena Naga

malleswararao Nageswarao R-5 TH 4Katcha


26   7+325 Machilipatnam Maruboiena SriniVasarao Nageswarao R-5 TH 5 Katcha Res

27   7+325 Machilipatnam Maruboiena Srinivasarao Nageswarao R-6 TH 6 Katcha Cattle

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project


28  7+325 Machilipatnam Koutarapu Naga Durga

Bhavani Ganapathi L-3 TH 4 Semipucca


29   7+350 Machilipatnam Varudhu Baburao Seetayya L-3 TH 2 Pucca Res

30   7+360 Machilipatnam Varudhu Venkateswararo Koteswararo L-4 NTH 4 Katcha Res

31   7+360 Machilipatnam Varudhu Venkateswararo Koteswararo L-5 NTH 5 KatchaCattle Shed

32   7+420 Machilipatnam Maddisetty Anasuya Koteswararo R-5 TH 7 Katcha Res

33   7+430 Machilipatnam Varudhu Suryachanrraro Venkatasubbayya R-7 NTH 11 Semipucc

a Res

34   7+430 Machilipatnam Varudhu Suryachanrraro Venkatasubbayya R-8 NTH 12 Katcha Res

35   7+430 Machilipatnam Varudhu Suryachanrraro Venkatasubbayya R-9 NTH 13 Katcha

Cattle Shed

36   7+450 Machilipatnam Varudhu Durgarao Madavarao R-6 NTH 3 Pucca Res

37   7+450 Machilipatnam Varudhu Subbarao Madavarao R-6 NTH 6 Katcha Res

38   7+450 Machilipatnam Varudhu Subbarao Madavarao R-6 NTH 7 KatchaCattle Shed

39  7+450 Machilipatnam Varudhu Venkata

Ramanjeyaneyulu Nageswarao L-2 TH 4 Semipucca


40   7+500 Machilipatnam Varudhu Pitchemma Narasimharao R-2 TH 8 Katcha Res

41   9+650 Machilipatnam MD.Sardhar Awa L-5 NTH 3 Kisok Kiosk

42   9+850 Machilipatnam Vanka Rani Subbayya L-7.5 NTH 3 Katcha Res

43 Nadupuru 10+700 Machilipatnam Parusa Pandurangarao Durgarao L-6.2 NTH 2 Katcha Res

44   10+800 Machilipatnam Pamarthi Bramajirao Narasimharao R-6.3 NTH 4 Katcha


45   10+800 Machilipatnam Rajulapati Gowri rajulu Gurunadham L-6 NTH 5 Katcha


46   10+900 Machilipatnam Polagiri Jaganadham Srimanrao L-7.8 NTH 4 Katcha Res

47   10+930 Machilipatnam Polagiri nageswararao Srimahathi R-6.5 NTH 4 Katcha

Cattle Shed

48   10+940 Machilipatnam Yarlagedda Sethratnam Venkataratna

m R-6.5 NTH 1 Katcha Res

49   11+020 Machilipatnam Gandikota Dhanaraju Kotayya L-7 NTH 7 Katcha

Res &Com

50  11+65

0 Machilipatnam Vallaba PamuluLaxmayya

L-7.2 NTH 3 KatchaRes

51  11+66

0 Machilipatnam kanakavalli Subadra Benarji R-6.5 NTH 2Katcha


52  11+67

0 Machilipatnam Nimmagedda Rajarao Person not Available L-7

NTH 2 KatchaRes

53  11+75

0 Machilipatnam Kandara Anjeneyulu Venkateswrulu L-7.2

NTH 4 KatchaRes

54  11+76

0 Machilipatnam Davu RamakrishanaSubbarao L-8.5

NTH 4 Semipucca Res

55  11+80


Ede.Sobanadri Sitaramayya R-8.2 NTH2

Katcha Res

56  11+82


Borra Haribabu Veraraghavulu R-9 NTH4

Katcha Res

57  12+05

0 Machilipatnam Parasa Gopalkrishana Nancharayya R-4.5 NTH 5 KioskKiosk

58  12+05

0 Machilipatnam Parasa Ramachandrarajulu Nancharayya R-4.5 NTH 3 Semipucc

a Com

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59  12+00

0 Machilipatnam Sammeta Nagasehagirirao Veerabadrayya R-8.3 NTH 5 Semipucc


60  12+05

0 Machilipatnam Tontipakala.Lalitamba Person not Available R-7.8 NTH 1 Katcha Res


61   12+100 Machilipatnam Bellamkonda Tatayya H/o

mastanamma L-8.5 NTH 3 Katcha Res

Gudivada Division Project Affected Famalies(PAF'S) PEDNA - NUZVID -VISANNAPETA Road.


Name of the Village



Division Name of the HouseHold Head(HHH)

Father\husband name



e ho










of F




Type of Structure

Nature of Stucture

1Reddipalaem 13+400 Gudivada Bojana Nagayya Veeraswamy L-7.8 NTH 3 Katcha Res

2   13+400 Gudivada Madamala Ramarao Nancharayya L-8 NTH 2 Katcha Res

3   13+410 Gudivada B.Nancharayya H|0 Venkamma L-6.2 NTH 3 Katcha Res

4   13+410 Gudivada Bojana Lazar Nagayya R-7.5 NTH 5 Katcha Res

5   13+420 Gudivada Modugummdi Veramma pandurangarao R-8 NTH 2 Katcha Res

6   13+420 Gudivada Katta Laxminarayana Subbayya R-8.2 TH 5 Katcha Cattle Shed

7   13+420 Gudivada ponki nagaraju verayya R-8.2 NTH 3 Katcha Res

8   13+420 Gudivada Chittibomma Nagababu Srinivasarao L-7.5 NTH 4 Katcha Res

9   13+420 GudivadaChittibomma Srinivasarao Subramanyam R-6.4 NTH 5 Katcha Res

10   13+425 GudivadaBellamkonda Venkateswarao Mallikarjunarao L-7.5 NTH 4 Katcha

Cattle Shed

11   13+425 GudivadaBellamkonda Sahademudu Mallikarjunarao L-7.5 NTH 3 Katcha

Cattle Shed

12   13+500 Gudivada Panku Chinaveerayya Subbarao L-8.2 NTH 3 Katcha Res

13   13+510 GudivadaPamarthi VeeraVenkateswarao Rangarao R-8 NTH 5 Katcha Cattle


14   13+510 Gudivada Kandula Sesayya Nancharayya R-6.4 NTH 6 Katcha Res

15   13+520 Gudivada Botla Koteswaerarao Anjayya R-8.2 NTH 1 Katcha Res

16   13+525 Gudivada Pamarthi Venkataswamy Ramayya R-7 NTH 4 KatchaCattle Shed

17   13+530 Gudivada Bethapudi Srinivasarao pandu R-6.2 NTH 4 Katcha Res

18   13+550 Gudivada Katta Srinivasarao Nancharayya L-7.2 NTH 3 Katcha Res

19   13+420 Gudivada Katta Laxminarayana Subbayya L-7.5 TH 5 Katcha Res

20   13+550 Gudivada Kagitha Pabma Nancharayya L-6.5 TH 2 Katcha Res

21   13+700 Gudivada Shop related to TempleAnjeneya Swamy L-7.5 NTH


SemiPucca Com

22   13+750 Gudivada Sodagani laxmarao Veeraswamy R-7.7 NTH 1 Katcha Res

23   13+790 GudivadaModugumudi Mallikarjunarao Laxmipathi L-7.6 NTH 2 Katcha Com

24   13+790 GudivadaModugumudi Harikrishana Buchiyya R-8 NTH 3 Katcha Res

25   13+750 Gudivada Modugumudi Haribabu Ramachandrarao L-5.7 NTH 4SemiPucca Res

26   13+800 GudivadaBellamkonda Srininvasarao Mallikarjunarao L-7.2 NTH 3

SemiPucca Res

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27   13+890 Gudivada Pamarthi RameshDasaradharamayya R-7 NTH 4 Katcha

Cattle Shed

28   13+900 Gudivada Pamarthi Ankalarao Ragavulu R-7.5 NTH 2 KatchaCattle Shed

29   14+400 Gudivada Parasa Reddemma Durgayya L-8 NTH 2 Katcha Res

30   14+400 Gudivada Parasa Reddemma Durgayya L-9 NTH 3 KatchaCattle Shed

31Vaddlamannadu 15+190 Gudivada Abdhul Azeez Basha R-6.8 NTH 3 Katcha Res

32   15+160 Gudivada AvarlanDammidayya Veerayya R-6.5 NTH 2 Katcha Res

33   15+400 Gudivada Kolusu Reddayya Veraraju L-6.5 TH 4 Katcha Res

34   15+400 Gudivada Kolusu Reddayya Veraraju L-6.5 TH 5 Katcha Cattle Shed

35   15+400 Gudivada Kolusu Veraraju Ragavulu L-5.5 TH 2 Katcha Res

36   15+400 Gudivada Kolusu Koteswarararo Veraraju L-6.5 NTH 4 Katcha Res

37   15+420 Gudivada Pari devamani Late)Yakobu L-6.5 TH 6 Katcha Res

38   15+420 Gudivada Madamala Sivaleela Venkateswararao R-5 NTH 2 Katcha Cattle


39   15+430 Gudivada Iku Adilaxmi Late)Gopayya L-5.2 TH 1 Katcha Res

40   15+430 Gudivada S.Bayrasi Not Available R-5.6 NTH 0 Katcha Res

41   15+440 Gudivada Jakkula Sureshbabu Balayya L-5 NTH 4SemiPucca Com

42   15+440 Gudivada Sk.Raheman Not Available L-5 NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

43   15+450 Gudivada N.Sambasivarao Not Available L-5.5 NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

44  15+450 Gudivada Gudivada Venkateswarao Person Not

Available R-6.2NTH



45  15+480 Gudivada Vallabapurapu

nancharayya Venkateswarulu R-6.5NTH



46  15+480 Gudivada Udayagiri

Venkateswararao Person Not Available R-6.5



47   15+520 Gudivada Thota Laxmayya krishanamurthy R-6.8 NTH 4SemiPucca Com

48  15+520 Gudivada Thota Umashankar Person Not

Available L-7 NTH 3Kiosk


49   15+550 Gudivada Thota venkatanagaanjeneyulu Hunumantharao L-6.8 NTH 2 Kiosk Kiosk

50   15+560 Gudivada Penneru jayapattabiramayya Venugopalarao L-6.8 NTH 2

SemiPucca Com

51  15+560 Gudivada G.Nageswararao Person Not

Available L-6.5 NTH 0Kiosk


52   15+560 Gudivada Gandam RangaraoVenkatakrishanarao R-6.5 NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

53   15+560 Gudivada Garikipathi Tulasiram Ragavulu R-6.8 NTH 4SemiPucca Com

54   15+560 Gudivada Garikipati laxmayya Ragavayya R-6.8 NTH 4 Kiosk Kiosk

55   15+560 Gudivada Meda Venkateswarao Adinarayana R-7.2 NTH 4 Katcha Com

56   15+560 Gudivada Yadaala Ramarao Rajarao L-6.2 NTH 2 Katcha Cattle Shed

57   15+560 Gudivada manda prasad Ramarao L-7 NTH 3 Katcha Com

58   15+580 Gudivada NKV Subbarao Venu R-6.8 NTH 4 Kiosk Kiosk

59   15+590 Gudivada kundeti Verayya Ramayya R-6.6 NTH 2 Katcha Com

60   15+600 Gudivada Atchuta jaganmohanarao Subbarao R-5.9 NTH 3 Katcha Res

61   15+650 Gudivada Degala Srinu Venkataswamy R-6.5 NTH 4 Katcha Res

62   15+650 Gudivada Degala Venkataswamy Rammurthy R-6.2 NTH 4 Katcha Res

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63   15+660 Gudivada Maddela Veramma Durgapraasad R-6.5 NTH 3 Katcha Res

64  15+670 Gudivada Atchuta kasturi Person Not

Available R-4.4NTH



65   15+670 Gudivada Atchuta Srinivasarao Nancharayya L-5.1 TH 3 Katcha Res

66   15+750 Gudivada Atchuta Sivashankararo Subbarao L-5.3 NTH 4 Katcha Res

67   15+750 Gudivada Penta Ramu Laxmayya R-5.5 NTH 3 Katcha Res

68   15+360 Gudivada DegalanSubbarao Chinnappayya R-6.2 NTH 2 Katcha Res

69Vemavaram 16+740 Gudivada Parasa

VenkatasubbammaKrishanamurthy L-4.7 NTH 4


70   16+780 Gudivada Padamata Pandu Basavayya L-6.9 TH 4 Katcha Res

71   16+785 Gudivada Venka Nageswarao Rammurthy L-6.3 TH 3 Katcha Res

72   16+785 Gudivada Veranji Kanakam Krishanamurthy R-4.5 NTH 2 Katcha Res

73   16+785 Gudivada Chillimuntha Badrachalam Gangadaram L-5.8 NTH 0 Katcha Res

74   16+820 Gudivada Yarlagadda hunumantharao Rammurthy L-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha

Cattle Shed

75   16+880 Gudivada Pamarthi Samrajam Rangarao L-4.5 NTH 2 KatchaCattle Shed

76   16+880 Gudivada Padamati Veraswamy Venkanna L-4.3 NTH 3 Katcha Res

77   16+890 Gudivada Madugu Pedaverayya Subbarao R-4.5 NTH 0 Katcha Res

78   16+900 Gudivada Vemula Srinivasarao Veraragavulu R-4.3 NTH 5 Katcha Com

79   16+900 Gudivada Mannem Venkateswarama Venkateswaralu L-5.2 NTH 2 Katcha Res

80   16+900 Gudivada Yaragani Mohanarao Mamillu L-5.2 NTH 4 KatchaRes&Com

81   16+900 Gudivada Mannem Basavayya Laxmayya L-6.2 NTH 2 Katcha Res

82   16+900 Gudivada Yarlagadda Nagapanindhra M/o Vijayamma L-5.5 NTH 2 Katcha Res

83   16+900 Gudivada Yarlagadda Nagapanindhra M/o Vijayamma L-5.5 NTH 3 Katcha Cattle


84   17+050 Gudivada Sonti Venkateswarao Veraswamy L-5.2 TH 4 Katcha Res

85   17+050 Gudivada Sonti Venkateswarao Veraswamy L-5.2 TH 5 Katcha Cattle Shed

86   17+050 Gudivada Mulala edukondalu Pakeer R-5.1 NTH 8 Katcha Res

87   17+060 Gudivada Borra Durgamma Ragavulu L-6.2 NTH 1 Katcha Res

88   17+070 Gudivada pandiri Kurmarao narasimharao L-5.3 NTH 3 Katcha Res

89   17+100 Gudivada Vemula Durgarao Danayya L-4.5 NTH 2 KatchaCattle Shed

90   17+120 Gudivada Shaik Adem H\o Haseenabegum L-4.3 NTH 5 Katcha Res

91   17+140 Gudivada Vemula Veraanjeneyulu Venkateswaralu L-4.5 NTH 2 Katcha Cattle Shed

92   17+140 Gudivada Mannem Gopalarao Daharmayya L-4.5 NTH 3 Katcha Cattle Shed

93   17+150 Gudivada Mannem ChinaRagavulu Daharmayya L-4.5 NTH 2 Katcha Cattle Shed

94   17+160 Gudivada Mannem Nageswararao Venkateswaralu L-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha Cattle Shed

95   17+180 Gudivada Mannem Pedaragavayya Venkateswaralu L-4.5 NTH 5 Katcha Cattle Shed

96   17+200 Gudivada Abdhul Baseer Sattar L-4.1 NTH 1 Katcha Res

97   17+200 Gudivada Naragani Venugopal Ankinaidu L-4.5 NTH 5 Katcha Res

98   17+630 Gudivada M.Ismail Kondayya L-4.2 NTH 6 Kisosk Kiosk

99   17+690 Gudivada Mannem Srinu Venkateswaralu l-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha Com

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

100   17+690 Gudivada Mannem Somulu Venkateswaralu l-4.6 NTH 5 Katcha Com

101   17+690 Gudivada Mannem Ragavulu Anjayya L-4.5 NTH 5 Katcha Com

102   17+690 Gudivada Bolla Ankalu nageswarrao L-4.6 NTH 5 Katcha Com

103   17+690 Gudivada Mannem Ramachandrudu Subbayya L-4.6 NTH 5 Katcha Com

104   17+690 Gudivada Matta Ragavayya Saianna L-4.6 NTH 4 Katcha Com

105   17+690 Gudivada Chettibomma Tulasamma Malleswararao L-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha Com

106   17+690 Gudivada Mannem Nageswararao Venkateswaralu L-4.5 NTH 1 Kisosk Kiosk

107   17+700 Gudivada Pappula Peramma Nancharayya L-4.5 NTH 1 Katcha Com

108   17+700 Gudivada Mannem NageswararaoPerson Not Available L-4.5 NTH 2 Kisosk Kiosk

109   17+710 Gudivada Tammisetty nookalu nookalu L-4.5 NTH 3 Kisosk Kiosk

110   17+710 Gudivada Tammisetty nookalu nookalu L-4.5 NTH 3 Katcha Com

111   17+720 Gudivada Tammisetty Durgarao Suryanarayana L-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha Com

112   17+730 Gudivada Matta Ragavayya Saianna L-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha Com

113   17+730 Gudivada Akurathi hema Srinivasarao L-4.5 NTH 4 Kisosk Kiosk

114   17+730 Gudivada mannem Pitchemma pothuraju L-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha Com

115   17+730 Gudivada Munagala Pramela Danumjay L-4.5 NTH 4 Kisosk Kiosk

116   17+730Gudivada

SatyanarayanaPerson Not Available L-4.5 NTH 3 Kisosk Kiosk

117   17+750 Gudivada Tammesetti Satyanarayana Suryanarayana L-4.5 NTH 4


Res &Com

118   17+750 Gudivada Narepalli Srinivasarao Rangarao L-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha Com

119   17+780Gudivada

SrisylamPerson Not Available L-4.5 NTH 3 Kisosk Kiosk

120   17+780 Gudivada Manda Nagamani Ramanjeneyulu R-4.5 NTH 5SemiPucca Com

121   17+810Gudivada

SarveswararaoPerson Not Available L-4.5 NTH 0 Kisosk Kiosk

122   17+810Gudivada

BasaveswararaoPerson Not Available L-4.6 NTH 0 Kisosk Kiosk

123   17+820Gudivada Tammisetty

SuryanarayanaPerson Not Available R-6 NTH 0 Kisosk Kiosk

124   17+820Gudivada

kagita VeranjeneyuluPerson Not Available R-6 NTH 0 Kisosk Kiosk

125   17+830Gudivada

BapanayyaPerson Not Available R-6 NTH 0 Kisosk Kiosk

126   17+830 Gudivada Chetturu jaganadharao nageswarrao R-6 NTH 4 Kisosk Kiosk

127   17+840 Gudivada Narapalem krishana Rangarao L-6 NTH 5 Kiosk Kiosk

128   17+840 Gudivada Bodda Romahanaramesh pullarao L-6 NTH 3 Kiosk Kiosk

129kowthvaram-Gv-1 22+065 Gudivada koreni Appayamma Chittibabu L-4.4 NTH 3 Katcha Kiosk

130   22+070 Gudivada Allu suryanarayana W/o Atchinaidu L-6 NTH 3SemiPucca Kiosk

131   22+090 Gudivada Allu Apparao Adinarayana L-7.5 NTH 4 KatchaRes&Com

132   22+090 Gudivada Jakka Nagamani S/o Sanganna R-5.3 NTH 2 KatchaRes&Com

133   22+100 Gudivada Allu Narasamma Apparao R-6.8 NTH 1 KatchaRes&Com

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134   22+100 Gudivada Geduturi Rajarao Yarayya R-6.6 NTH 2 Katcha Res

135   22+100 Gudivada Tummala Rajarao Suryanarayana L-7.3 TH 2SemiPucca res

136   22+120 Gudivada Juvvadi Edukondalu Venkateswarao L-6.9 NTH 3SemiPucca Com

137   22+120 Gudivada Sonayala Suryanarayan a Satyam R-6.8 NTH 1 Kiosk Kiosk

138   22+120 Gudivada Nasethi Ramesh Subbarao R-6.8 TH 3 Katcha Res

139   22+120 Gudivada koripalli Sanyasirao Appannna R-6.7 NTH12 Katcha Res

140   22+140 Gudivada Javvari Nageswarao Venkateswarao R-6.8 NTH 5 Katcha Res

141   22+140 Gudivada Kasani Sowbagyarao Edukondalu L-8 NTH 3 Katcha Com

142   22+140 Gudivada Paramati Sitaramamma Venkataramana L-8 NTH 3SemiPucca Com

143   22+200 Gudivada Muttireddy Pichheswarao hunumantarao R-7.3 NTH 5 Katcha Res

144   22+200 Gudivada Allu Bullemma Appalaswamy R-6.3 NTH 2 Katcha Res

145   22+200Gudivada

Atmakuri Nagaprasad hunumantarao L-7.5 NTH 4SemiPucca Com

146   22+200 Gudivada malireddy Srinivasarao Suribabu R-7.3 NTH 4 Katcha Com

147   22+200Gudivada

muttireddy SrinivasaraoPerson Not Available R-6.3 NTH 5 Katcha Res

148   22+125 Gudivada Ramabalapala Durgaprasad Satyanarayana R-5.3 NTH 4 Katcha Res

149   22+200 Gudivada Arji Applanarasamma Laxmayya(late0 R-7.3 NTH 2 Katcha Res

150   22+200 Gudivada Kagitha Gangadhararao narasimharao R-8.1 NTH 4 Katcha Res

151   22+200 Gudivada matireddy Suribabu hunumantarao L-7.5 NTH 5 Katcha Res

152   22+200 Gudivada Nekipeti Chinayya Janayya R-8 NTH 2 Katcha Res

153   22+200 Gudivada Dokku Durgarao Subbarao R-8 NTH 4 Katcha Res

154   22+200 Gudivada Doddi Ramu Paidayya R-7.8 NTH 0 Katcha Res

155   22+200Gudivada Vinshuntumurthula.

Simhachalam Srinivasarao R-7.8 NTH 0 Katcha Res

156Gudlavalleru-2 22+760

Gudivada Erupuganti Umamaheswarrao

Sitarama Brahmam L-8 TH 0 Semi Com

157   22+780 Gudivada Alajangi Lingamurthy Sambayya R-9 NTH 0 Kiosk kiosk

158   23+000 Gudivada Ch.Krishana Musalayya R-8 NTH 4 Kiosk kiosk

159   23+000 Gudivada Miriyala veranjeneyulu Veravenkayya R-8 NTH 6 Kiosk kiosk

160   23+030 Gudivada Mukkudi Rajasekhar Setti narayana R-6 NTH 2 Kiosk kiosk

161   23+220 Gudivada kaja pandu Gangayya R-7 NTH 5 Kiosk kiosk

162   23+220Gudivada

katuri ArjunraoPerson Not Available R-7 NTH 4 Kiosk kiosk

163   23+790Gudivada Jupudi Krishana

mohanaraoPerson Not Available R-6 TH 2 Pucca Res

164   23+990Gudivada

Mutthireddy SekharNagamalleswararao L-6 NTH 4 Kiosk kiosk

165   23+995Gudivada

Nara janardhanarao Sobanadri L-6 TH 0SemiPucca Com

166   23+800 Gudivada Paruchuri Tripurantharao   R-5.6 TH 4 Pucca Res

167   23+800 Gudivada vallabhapurapu Eswararao

Ramachandararao R-4.6 TH 5 Pucca Res

168   23+800 Gudivada Sonti Amareswari Venkanna R-5.2 NTH 4 Pucca Res&Co

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 40

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project


169   23+810 Gudivada MD.Muzeeurrab Abdhullah R-6.2 TH 5 PuccaRes&Com

170   23+950Gudivada

A.A.SeshacharyuluPerson Not Available L-7.3 NTH 0 Pucca Res

171   23+980Gudivada Kunchapati

Venkateswwarao Pandurangarao R-4.6 TH 3 Pucca Res

172   24+000 Gudivada K.Kameswaramma KVKrishanarao R-5.7 TH 4SemiPucca


173   24+000Gudivada

V.NarasimharaoPerson Not Available R-4.8 TH 1 Pucca Res

174   24+000Gudivada

Polavarapu RajeswaraoPerson Not Available R-5.5 TH 1 Pucca Res

175   24+000Gudivada Gudlavalleti

Venkateswarao Gangajalam R-4.5 TH 4SemiPucca Res

176   24+050Gudivada

Bulla Ravibabu Koteswararao L-6.8 TH 5SemiPucca Res

177   23+834Gudivada

S.VenkannaPerson Not Available R-6.3 NTH 1 Pucca

Res &Com

178   23+860Gudivada

v.laxmiPrasadaraoPerson Not Available L-7.2 NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

179 Angalur 27+820 Gudivada Vadladi Jagadish Subbarao R-7.3 NTH 4 Kiosk Kiosk

180   27+820 Gudivada Dhulupudi Nagamalleswar Venkataramana R-7.3 NTH 2 kiosk Kiosk

181   27+830 Gudivada Kodali Madhu Venkataratnam L-6.7 NTH 5 Kiosk kiosk

182   27+840Gudivada Veeramasineni

JaganmohanraoPerson Not Available L-9.5 TH 3

SemiPucca com

183   27+850 Gudivada Merugumalla Srinivasarao Bheemarao R-8.8 NTH 4 Katcha Kiosk

184   27+860 Gudivada Rajulapati Srinivasarao Subbarao L-6.75 NTH 5 Katcha com

185   27+875 Gudivada Merugumalla Durgamaheswararao Venkataratnam L-6.75 NTH 4 Katcha com

186   27+880 Gudivada Lingam Venkataratnam Nagabhushanam L-8.85 NTH 3SemiPucca Res

187   27+900 Gudivada Merugamalla Visweswara Rao Nageswarao L-7.5 TH 2 Katcha Res

188   27+900 Gudivada Kaja Jhansi LaxmiMallikarjuna (Late) L-8.5 TH 4

SemiPucca Res

189   28+010 Gudivada Jonnalagadda Tirupathirao Venkataramaiah L-8.5 TH 6 Katcha Res

190   28+010 Gudivada Jonnalagadda ChittammaVenketeswararao R-9.5 TH 1 Katcha Res

191 Bommuluru 31+100 GudivadaGutta jagadesh chandrachowdary Venkata swamy R-7 NTH 4 Katcha


192   31+100 GudivadaGutta Venuprasad Chowdary Venkata swamy R-7 NTH 4

Semipucca Res

193   31+150 Gudivada Gutta krishana narayana R-5.5 TH 2 Pucca Res

194   31+200 Gudivada Cheboiena UmadeviVenkateswararao R-8 NTH 2 kiosk kiosk

195   31+430 Gudivada Rangula Raju Tadayya R-8.5 NTH 4 kiosk kiosk

196 31+550 Gudivada Penumarthi Srinu nagendrudu L-5.6 NTH 4 Katcha Res

197   31+600 Gudivada Pallakattu veeraragavuluvenkatasubbayya L-5.6 NTH 4 Katcha Com

198   31+600 Gudivada Sonti Dhanalaxmi Late)Harinadh R-8.8 NTH 3 Kiosk Kiosk

199   31+610 Gudivada Chilakabatthina padalalu L-7.3 NTH 3 Kiosk Kiosk

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project


200   31+620 Gudivada Chilakabatthula nagaraju Sreeramulu L-6.1 NTH 4 Kiosk Kiosk

201   31+620 Gudivada Talaie Satyanarayana Venkateswararo R-7.2 NTH 4 Katcha Res

202   31+620 Gudivada Uyyapatti koteswararo Duravasulu R-9 NTH 6 KatchaCattleshed

203   31+700 Gudivada Madda Sorojini Subhakararao L-8.5 NTH 4 Katcha Res

204   31+710 Gudivada Lankapalli Raju Musalayya L-7.8 NTH 5 Katcha Res

205   31+710 Gudivada Madda Mosayya Bhushanam L-8.1 NTH 2 Katcha Res

206   31+790 Gudivada Saradala Nagaraju Brahmayya L-6.5 NTH 0 Katcha Res

207   31+790 Gudivada Mocherla mamatha Srinu R-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha Res

208   31+790 Gudivada Vara samual Mosa R-5.2 NTH 0 Katcha Res

209   31+790 Gudivada Ganta Israyulu peddiraju L-5.9 TH 2 Katcha Res

210   31+800 Gudivada Akunoori Yesobu Eliya R-5.1 NTH 3 Katcha Res

211   31+800 Gudivada Chebrolu Ramarao Ramayya L-5.7 NTH 2 Katcha Res

212   31+800 Gudivada Sura Apparao Tatabbie L-5.8 NTH 3 Katcha Res

213   31+815 Gudivada Kandavalli Edukondalu Adishesu L-6.6 NTH 5 Katcha Res

214   31+820 Gudivada Usalla Devakanya Krishana L-6.8 NTH 3 Katcha Res

215   31+840 Gudivada Varigani Devamatha Adama L-4.6 NTH 2 Katcha Res

216   31+600 Gudivada Bura Srininvasarao Dasu(samual) L-5.1 NTH 5 Katcha Res

217 Gudiwada-1 37+220 Gudivada Ramanapudi SureshVenkateshswararao l-8 NTH 5 Kiosk Kiosk

218   37+400 Gudivada Painapurla PothurajuAnantharamurthy l-8.5 NTH 4 Katcha Com

219Janardhanapuram 39+400 Gudivada Godavalli Sambasivarao Parasuramayya L-5 NTH 2 Kiosk Kiosk

220   40+800 Gudivada Kandepalli Saritha Kiranreddy L-7.3 NTH 0 Pucca Res

221   40+800 Gudivada Devireddy Radharani Sattemma L-7.2 NTH 0 KatchaRes&Com

222   40+800 GudivadaVangapati Nageswaramma

Ramakridhanareddy R-8.2 NTH 0 Katcha Res

223   40+800 Gudivada Manda Srinu Kasimreddy L-6.6 NTH 4 Semi Com

224   40+810 Gudivada Alla Sundaramma Savireddy R-8.2 NTH 0 Katcha Res

225   40+810 GudivadaKandavalli Ramakrishanareddy Venkareddy L-8 TH 6 Pucca Res

226   40+820 Gudivada Kondapalli Ravi Akiripalli R-7 NTH 4 KatchaCattleshed

227   40+820 Gudivada Pullareddy RangareddyPerson Not Available L-6 TH 0 Pucca res

228   40+840 Gudivada NVS NagireddyRammohnareddy L-6.5 TH 0 Pucca res

229   40+840 Gudivada Konapalli narayanareddy Narayanaereddy L-6.5 TH 2 Pucca res

230   40+880 Gudivada Tammi Narapureddy Marikayalareddy L-9.5 NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

231   40+890 GudivadaBommanapalli Venkataswamy Chinna L-8.2 NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

232   41+000 Gudivadakokkerapati Subbaramayya krishana L-9.5 NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

233   41+080 Gudivada Annem koteswararao iyyanna R-6 NTH 5 Kiosk Kiosk

234   41+080 GudivadaVenkdaru mallikarjunarao Ramarao R-9 TH 5 Semi Com

235   41+080 Gudivada Swarna Vani Ramakrishana L-9 TH 3 Semi Com

236   41+080 Gudivada Gantala krishanaraoPerson Not Available L-9 TH 5 Semi Com

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 42

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

237   41+080 Gudivada Karamsetty Koteswararao Subbarao L-9 TH 4 Semi Com

238   41+080 Gudivada Karamsetty jagadeesh Subbarao L-9 TH 2 Semi Com

239   41+080 Gudivada Ponnati BabjiPerson Not Available L-9 TH 6 Semi Com

240   41+100 Gudivada Galla Dhanalaxmi Narasimharao L-9 NTH 2 Semi Com

241   41+100 GudivadaPuttalamm Ammavari Shoping complex

Person Not Available R-6.3 NTH 0 Pucca Com

242   41+100 Gudivada Pavisa RammohanaraoVenkatanarayana L-6.9 NTH 2 Kiosk Kiosk

243   41+100 Gudivada Manepalli subbarao Adinarayana R-6 NTH 2 Kiosk Kiosk

244   41+110 Gudivada Muddula Gopalakrishana Ramanjaneyulu R-6.5 NTH 4 Kiosk Kiosk

245   41+125 GudivadaVeruvada NarayanaNagabhusanam

Venkateshawararao L-6 NTH 4 Katcha res

246   41+150 Gudivada Manepalli Subramanyam Adinarayana L-6 NTH 6semiPucca


247   41+150 Gudivada Vempala VenkatalaxmiPerson Not Available L-5 NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

248   41+150 Gudivada C.VijayaPerson Not Available R-7 NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

249   41+150 Gudivada Vanapalli Adilaxmi Laxmanarao L-6.5 NTH 2 Katcha Res

250   41+150 Gudivada Saripalli Rameshreddy Rangareddy L-5.9 TH 3semiPucca Res

251   41+155 Gudivada S.VenkatasitaramayyaAmba lakshmaiah L-6.8 NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

252   41+160 Gudivada Malleboiena pitchayy Narasimha R-8.9 NTH 4 Katcha Res

253   41+170 Gudivada Malliboiena Anjeneyulu Chinaramulu R-7.8 NTH 5 Katcha Res

254   41+170 Gudivada Girijala Rammurthy Apparao R-7.2 NTH 0SemiPucca Com

255   41+200 Gudivada Malliboiena Devakamma Pandu L-7.5 NTH 2 Katcha Res

256   41+200 Gudivada Awalomdhar Ajibabau Hoozoor L-7 NTH 2 Kiosk Kiosk

257   41+210 Gudivada Mekala laxmi kanakapothuraju L-8 NTH 3 Kiosk Kiosk

258   41+220 Gudivada Badam Venkatanarayana Ragavayya L-7 NTH 3 Katcha Com

259   41+230 Gudivada Alugolu Rangachari Ramamurthy L-8 NTH 5semiPucca Com

260   41+240 Gudivada Tallaparthi Ramarao Appalasuri R-7.1 NTH 3 Katcha Res

261   41+240 Gudivada malliboiena Lingayya Chinaramulu R-7.2 NTH 4 Katcha Res

262   41+240 Gudivada Nakka Narasimharao Mahalaxmayya L-6.8 NTH 0 Katcha Res

263   41+245 Gudivada laveti DurgaraoVenkateswararao R-6.5 NTH 2 Katcha Res

264   41+310 Gudivada Suroju Nageswararao Laxmayya L-9 NTH 6semiPucca res

265   41+400 Gudivada Chegandi Kanakamma Krishanamurthy L-7.2 NTH 2 Katcha Res

266   41+400 Gudivada Pilli Srinivasaarao Subbarao L-7 NTH 4 KatchaCattleshed

267   41+400 GudivadaDevarapalli Satyanarayana Nomulu L-6.1 NTH 3 Katcha Res

268   41+450 Gudivada Vanam Venkateseararao Durgamma R-6.8 NTH 3 Katcha Res

269   41+460 Gudivada Katari Kotayya Anjeneyulu R-6.1 NTH 4 Katcha Res

270   41+500 Gudivada pattumuri Satyanarayana Krishana L-7.2 NTH 4 Kiosk Kiosk

271   41+500 Gudivada Gurram Nagaraju Sriramulu R-7.8 NTH 2 Katcha Res

272   41+515 Gudivada Nanganama bujjibabu Chitayya R-8.3 TH 4 Katcha Res

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 43

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

273   41+515 Gudivada Ekba Peddirajulu Ramayya L-6.4 NTH 0 Katcha Res

274   41+550 Gudivada Nagaram Laxmana Krishanamurthy R-7.5 NTH 0 Katcha Res

275   41+550 Gudivada Kadekollu Nagaraju Nallayya L-5.6 TH 4 Katcha Res

276   41+550 Gudivada Jalasuthram Rangamma Baskararao L-6.2 NTH 2 Katcha Res

277   41+550 Gudivada Gurram Srinu Ambaru R-7.5 NTH 3 Katcha Res

278   41+550 GudivadaKadavakollu tungabadrayya Nallayya R-7.3 NTH 7 Katcha Res

279   41+565 Gudivada Nakka Puttalamma Late) Bodayya L-6.4 TH 4 Katcha Res

280   41+600 Gudivada Kotaru Nagaraju Sitayya L-6.8 NTH 0 Katcha Res

281   41+600 Gudivada Nakka Venkateswararao Gopalam R-7.5 NTH 2 Katcha Res

282   41+600 Gudivada Ebba Srinivasu Ramayya R-7.2 NTH 4 Katcha Res

283   41+600 Gudivada Kataru Adinarayana Anjeneyulu R-7.4 NTH10 Katcha Res

284   41+620 Gudivada Katari Suramma Srinu R-7.8 NTH 4 Katcha Res

285   41+620 Gudivada Kataru Demuduvenkanna Badraju R-7.5 NTH 6 Katcha Res

286   41+555 Gudivada Incha Narashima Rao Ramaiah R-7.5 TH 0 Katcha Res

287   41+650 Gudivada NarapareddyPerson Not Available R-8 NTH 3 Katcha


288   41+650 Gudivada RajaraoPerson Not Available R-8 NTH 4 Katcha


289   41+770 GudivadaNagalam Venkateswararao Krishanamurthy R-6.2 NTH 5 Katcha Res

290   41+770 Gudivada Kagga Padma Srinu R-6.8 NTH 4 Katcha Res

291   41+770 GudivadaNangalam Venkatarammayya Krishanamurthy R-6.8 NTH 3 Katcha Res

292 Puttagunta 45+200 Gudivada Ranchari Laxmi Nageswararao L-6.6 NTH 0 Katcha Res

293   45+600 Gudivada Vinjavarapu Appalachari Bhrahmam R-5.5 TH 2 Pucca res

294   45+630 Gudivada Pamulapati RamireddyPerson Not Available R-5.8 TH 2 Pucca Res

295   45+650 Gudivada Valiveti Purna Subbarao R-6.5 NTH 0Semipucca Res

296   45+650 Gudivada Vankayalapati MuraliPerson Not Available R-7 TH 0 Pucca res

297   45+650 Gudivada Ravulapati Mangireddy Tatireddy L-7.2 NTH 0 Katcha Res

298   45+700 GudivadaBarapureddy Satyanarayana Dalayya L-6.8 NTH 0 Katcha Res

299   45+720 Gudivada Sammangi Ramarao Appalaswamy R-6 NTH 0Semipucca Com

300   45+800 Gudivada Valiveti Satyanarayana Jayaharinadh L-6.2 TH 2 KatchaRes&Com

301   45+800 Gudivada Oleti Satyavathi Apparao R-7 NTH 0Semipucca Com

302   45+800 Gudivada maddala VenkateswararoPerson Not Available L-8 NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

303   45+800 Gudivada Pokuri Balakrishanarao Perisetty L-7.5 NTH 2Semipucca Com

304   45+800 Gudivada Visnepalli Sitaravamma Yesudas R-8 NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

305   45+810 Gudivada Valiveti Seshagirirao Jayaharinadh L-6.9 TH 5 KatchaRes&Com

306   45+820 Gudivada Pakuri Laxmanarao Perisetty L-8 NTH 3 Pucca Res

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 44

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

307   46+180 Gudivada SarasammaPerson Not Available R-8 NTH 0 Katcha Res

308   46+200 Gudivada Juturi Durgarao Srinivasarao R-9 NTH 4 Katcha res

309   46+220 Gudivada Rajasani mutyalu Sancharao R-9 NTH 2 Katcha res

310   46+240 Gudivada Ramakuri Ragavulu parasaram R-8 NTH 2 Katcha res

311   46+400 Gudivada Kollu Someswararao Mallikarjunarao L-6.7 NTH 0 Katcha Res

312   46+400 Gudivada Mukkala Yesuamma Yesu R-7 NTH 1 Katcha res

313Shivayyapakalu 48+700 Gudivada Suvari Narasimhamurthy Ramachandrarao R-6.2 NTH 0

SemiPucca Com

314Shivayyapakalu 48+700 Gudivada Thota Chinayya Ramachandrarao R-6.7 NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

Nuzvid Division Project Affected Famalies(PAF'S) of PEDNA - NUZVID -VISANNAPETA Road.



Name of the Village




Name of the HouseHold Head(HHH)

Father\husband name



n (L





e ho








of F




Type of Structure

Nature of Structure

1Arugolanu 50+500

NuzvidThota Venkataramana Anjayya(Late) R-7.2 NT

H 6 KatchaRes &Com

2  50+520

Nuzvidkoturi Srinivasarao Kanakarao` L-8.8 NT

H 5 KatchaRes &Com

3   50+600 Nuzvid Reddysobhana chalapathirao Atchiyya L-7.8NTH 2 Kiosk Kiosk

4   50+610 Nuzvid Betha Rangamma Rangarao R-8.2NTH 1 Katcha Com

5   50+630 Nuzvid Kunuku Sivashankararao Mohanarao L-8.5NTH 4 Katcha Com

6   50+650 Nuzvid Chukkapu Nageswararo Atchiyya L-5.8NTH 4 Katcha Com

7   50+700 Nuzvid Veeram SamrajayyamVenkateswararao(late) L-8.6


Semipucca Res

8   50+720 Nuzvid Chekati Chnnabbie Late)Chettemma R-8.5NTH 1

Semipacca Res

9   50+740 Nuzvid V.Kesavarao Varalaxmi R-6.2NTH 3 Kiosk Kiosk

10   50+740 Nuzvid Dogga Chinabbaie Rangayya(Late) R-8.6 TH 7Semipucca Res &Com

11   50+750 Nuzvid Chekka Chandrayya Bapujirao R-8 TH   Pucca Res

12   50+760 Nuzvid Nadendla ChandramVenkataratnam(late) R-7.5 TH 4

Semipucca Res &Com

13   50+780 Nuzvid Veeram NageswararoVenkateswararao(late) L6.2

NTH 5 Katcha Com

14   50+790 Nuzvid Gottapu Sivanagamani Apparao R-6.5NTH   Katcha Com

15   50+810 Nuzvid Balagam Satyanarayana Papa R-7.2NTH 2 Katcha Com

16   50+810 Nuzvid Nalla Sivanagaraju krishana` R-9NTH 6 Katcha Res &Com

17   50+820 Nuzvid Kunuku Sivashankararao Mohanarao L-7.8NTH 4

Semipucca Com

18   50+820 Nuzvid Dokala Apparao Appalaswamy L-8.3NTH 2 Katcha Com

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

19   50+820 Nuzvid Gottapu Simhachalam Paprao R-7.5NTH 2

Semipacca Res & Com

20   50+830 Nuzvid Punuku Sitamahalaxmi koteswararao L-8.5NTH 7

Semipucca Res &Com

21   50+840 Nuzvid Belagam Srinivasarao Sitaramayya L-8.5NTH 3 Katcha Res

22   50+850 Nuzvid Terli Venkateswararao Pentayya(late) L-8.5NTH 6 Katcha Com

23   50+850 Nuzvid Gottapu Kormaiah Paprao R-7.3NTH   Katcha Com

24   50+900 Nuzvid Cheera Anilkumar swamy Shankararao R-7.3NTH   Katcha Res & Com

25   50+900 Nuzvid Arisimilli Prasad Venkateswarao R-8NTH   Katcha Com

26   51+000 Nuzvid Sk Kareemulla Murella(late) L-8NTH 9

Semipucca Com

27   51+000 Nuzvid Pasupuleti Subbarao Nagayya L-8 TH 2Semipucca Com

28   51+010 Nuzvid Shaik Bharani meerasaheb L-8NTH   Katcha Res &Com

29   51+050 Nuzvid Poteneni lalithakumari Sambasivarao R-7 TH 2Semipucca Res

30   51+110 Nuzvid Devarakonda Subbarao Pitchayya L-9NTH 1

Semipacca Com

31   51+120 Nuzvid Teku nagaraju Dharmarao L-8NTH 4

Semipucca Res

32   51+150 Nuzvid Vadavalli Sivabully challyya Manikyarao L-6.5NTH   Kiosk Kiosk

33   51+150 Nuzvid Pamarthi Sudharani Sivaramaprasad(late) L-7.8


Semipucca Res

34   51+180 Nuzvid Naraharasetty Somayya Laxmeswari(late) L-7.2NTH 1

Semipacca Res

35   51+180 Nuzvid katuri Venkatarao H/0 babysorojini L-8.8NTH 2

Semipacca Res & Com

36   51+180 Nuzvid Katuri Sivanageswararao Venkateswararao L-9NTH  

Semipucca Res & Com

37   51+180 Nuzvid Visaie Parvathi Durgarao(Late) L-8NTH 3

Semipacca Res & Com

38   51+180 Nuzvid Geddala Sugunarao Subbarao L-9NTH   Katcha Res

39   51+200 Nuzvid Padurthi Venkatasubbayya Chenyyasetti R-8.3NTH   Katcha Res

40   51+200 Nuzvid Padurthi Chenyyasetti Satyanarayana R-8.3NTH   Katcha Res

41   51+200 Nuzvid Pedarthi Venkateswararao chanchayya R-8.3NTH 1 Katcha Res & Com

42   51+200 Nuzvid Chippada Papayamma   R-8.2NTH 1

Semipacca Res & Com

43   51+250 Nuzvid Singanapalli Venkateswararao Applaswamy(late) R-7 TH 7 Katcha Res

44   51+250 Nuzvid Poteneni Sivaramaprasad Nagabhusan R8.3 TH 2Semipucca Res &com

45   51+370 Nuzvid Mulipudi Venkateswararao Sesayya L-8.5NTH 4 Katcha Com

46   51+400 Nuzvid Batula venkateswararao   6.8NTH 2 Katcha Res

47   51+400 Nuzvid Mulupudi Butciyyachowdari Ramayya(late) R-7.8NTH   Katcha Com

48   53+650 Nuzvid Varri Chakravarthi Rajarao R-8NTH 4 Katcha Res&Com

49   53+650 Nuzvid Varri Chakravarthi Rajarao R-8NTH 5 Katcha Cattele shed

50 Kanumolu 55+410 Nuzvid Ramalle Chinna DaVid R-5NTH 2 Katcha Com

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 46

Page 47:  · Web view1.Compulsory acquisition of land for implementation of development and infrastructure projects

Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

51   55+420 Nuzvid Bethapudi Pramila Villasambabu R-4.5NTH 2 Katcha Com

52   55+420 Nuzvid Katumalla Kishorebabu Bisuff R-5.3NTH 4 Katcha Res

53   55+430 Nuzvid Dodda Koteswrarao Ratnam L-6NTH 6 Katcha Cattleshed

54   55+640 Nuzvid Shaik Mohhidin Meerasaheb R-8.5NTH 2 Katcha Res & Com

55   55+645 Nuzvid Chintapalli Prasannakumari Prabhakar(late) R-8NTH 3 Kiosk Kiosk

56   55+650 Nuzvid Darmavarapu Sambhasivarao Ramudu L-8NTH 2 Katcha Res

57   55+655 Nuzvid Nerella sarveswarao Narayana R-7NTH  

Semipucca Res

58   55+670 Nuzvid Chinnam Siyyaon Somayya R-7NTH 1 Kiosk Kiosk

59   55+670 Nuzvid Turak Esobu Karunavaraprasad L-8.3NTH 5

Semipucca Res

60   55+670 Nuzvid Kandhula Kesavarao Venkateswararao R-8.6 TH 3Semipucca Res

61   55+680 NuzvidKandula veeravenkatanagaprasad

Chinavenkateswarao L-6.2 TH 3 Pucca Res

62   55+700 Nuzvid Gopalarao OLD BUILDING L-6.2NTH  

Semipucca Res

63   55+740 Nuzvid kattumala Adrutstarao Imannual R-5.5NTH 1 Kiosk Kiosk

64   55+780 Nuzvid Narikimalli Seshachalam Suryanarayana L-5.5NTH 4 Katcha Res

65   55+780 Nuzvid Karamsetti sikshamani Denoji R-8.8 TH 1 Katcha Res

66   55+790 Nuzvid Polimetta vijayaratna kumari Chinni(late) R-8.5NTH 2 Pucca Res

67   55+795 Nuzvid Kurupati parisuddam Gonnaprakash R-6.2NTH 2

Semipucca Res

68   55+800 Nuzvid Bejwada Nageswararao Hanumantharao L-6.3NTH 1

Semipucca Com

69   55+800 Nuzvid Matta Narayanarao Venkataswamy L-6.3NTH  

Semipucca Com

70   55+810 Nuzvid Chamarthi SubbarajammaVekateswararao(late) L-7.3


Semipucca Res

71   55+810 Nuzvid Pilli Edukondalu Srinivasarao L-7.3NTH  

Semipucca Com

72   55+820 NuzvidChalamarasetty Suryaprakasarao Ramayya L-6

NTH 3 Pucca Res

73   55+820 NuzvidChamarthi venkatanarasimharao Viswanadham R-6.2

NTH 2 Pucca Res&Com

74   55+820 Nuzvid Chamarthi Venkateswarao Viswanadham R-5.5NTH 2 Pucca Res

75   55+830 Nuzvid Chamarthi Anjeneyulu venkatappayya R-6.2NTH 7 Pucca Res

76   55+860 Nuzvid Allamuri Murali Krishana Prasadarao L-6.2NTH 4 Pucca Res&Com

77   55+870 Nuzvid Chamarthi Venketeswararao Rammohanarao R-5NTH   Pucca Res&Com

78   55+870 Nuzvid Chamarthi Anjeneyulu Venkatappayya R-5NTH 7 Katcha Res

79   55+870 Nuzvid Mareedu Subbarao Chalapathirao(late) L-8NTH 2

Semipucca Res&Com

80   55+880 Nuzvid Majjiga Nagraju Keratalu L-8NTH 3

Semipucca Com

81   55+890 Nuzvid Garikipati Umamaheswarao Venkateswararao L-5.2NTH 2 Pucca Com

82   55+900 Nuzvid Vanamala Eswararao Nageswararao R-6.5NTH 4

Semipucca Res&Com

83   55+930 Nuzvid Vemulapalli SubramanyamSrivenkataramalingacharya R-5.7


Semipucca Com

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 47

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

84   55+930 Nuzvid Morla Venkateswramma Vasantharao R-5.5NTH 1

Semipucca Res&Com

85   55+930 Nuzvid polasi Pothuraju Abimanyarao R-5.5NTH 4 Pucca Res&Com

86   55+940 Nuzvid Maredu Rambabu Sobhanachalam R-5.7NTH 4

Semipucca Res&Com

87   55+940 Nuzvid Suri Satyanarayana Venkoji L-6NTH 4

Semipucca Com

88   55+950 Nuzvid Tavva Badrinadh Krishana murthy L-7.3NTH 3 Pucca Com

89   55+950   Dondi Durgarao   L-7 TH 3 Pucca Com

90   55+960 Nuzvid Bhemavarapu Rangarao mangayya R-5NTH 3 Pucca Res&Com

91   55+960 NuzvidChintala Ravivenkatasatyanarayana

Satyavenkataramarao R-5.7

NTH 4 Pucca Res&Com

92   55+960 Nuzvid China Srinivasarao Ramarao R-5.7 TH 4 Pucca Com

93   55+980 Nuzvid Reddi Chinalaxmayya Chittemma L-5.7 TH 2 Pucca Res

94   55+980 Nuzvid Chinta MuralikrishanaSatyavenkataramarao R-5.5

NTH   Pucca Com

95   56+980 Nuzvid Panchakarla Satyanarayana Venkataramana R-8NTH 4 Kiosk Kiosk

96   56+980 NuzvidLingamallu veravenkata jaganmohanarao Venkataratnam L-5.5

NTH 3 Pucca Res

97   56+980 Nuzvid Vijayakumar Bhyragi R-4.2NTH   Kiosk Kiosk

98   56+000   Chinta Apparao Swamulu L-5.5NTH 5

Semipucca Res

99   56+000 Nuzvid N.V.Ramanarao ChinaSurayya R-4 TH 4Semipucca Res

100   56+000 Nuzvid Nanduri Venkatamma

Krishana murthy(late) R-5 TH  

Semipucca Res

101   56+000 Nuzvid Volusuri Venugopal   L-4.2 TH 5 Pucca Res&Com102   56+000 Nuzvid Anisetty Timmaraju Boogeswararao L-5

NTH 4 Pucca Res

103   56+050 Nuzvid Gandimeda Venkatasivarao kottayya(late) R-8

NTH 3 Pucca Res&Com

104   56+050 Nuzvid Rellu Subbarao Ngeswrarao R-6.2 TH 7 Pucca Com105   56+060 Nuzvid Rellu nageswararao Bhemayya R-9 TH 7 Pucca Res&Com106   56+070 Nuzvid Vaddi Venkateswararo Sobhanachalam L-8

NTH 3 Katcha Com

107   56+070 Nuzvid Pulla Nageswarrao   R-9 TH   Pucca Res

108   56+070   Vanukuri Edukondalu Satyanarayana(late) L-10

NTH   Kiosk Kiosk

109   56+200 Nuzvid Bandili Satyanarayana singh Subbisingh L-6


Semipucca Res&Com

110   56+210 Nuzvid Bayya Ratnagandi Ranganayakulu R-8 TH 6 Pucca Res111   56+210 Nuzvid Bayya Ramamohanarao Ranganayakulu R-8 TH 4 Pucca Res112   56+210 Nuzvid Sunkara Laxmanarao Surayya L-5.5 TH 2 Pucca Res113   56+300 Nuzvid Moganti Chandra sekhar krishanarao R-6


Semipucca Res

114   56+320 Nuzvid Chamarthi Anjeneyulu laxminarayana R-8 TH 5 Pucca Res&Com

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 48

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

115   56+340 Nuzvid Chamarthi Sambasivarao Venkatakrishanarao R-9 TH 5 Pucca Res

116   56+340 Nuzvid Chamathi mallikarjunarao Venkatakrishanarao R-9 TH  

Semipucca Res&Com

117   56+340 Nuzvid

Chintapalli Umameheaswararao

Venkatakanadurgarao L-7.5

NTH 4 Katcha Com

118   56+350 Nuzvid Naraharasetty Venkateswraro Venkataratnam R-7 TH 2

Semipucca Res&Com

119   56+350 Nuzvid Naraharasetty Gangadhar Venkataratnam R-7 TH 4

Semipucca Res

120   56+350 Nuzvid

Naraharasetty Venkatasatya Gangadhar Venkataratnam R-7 TH 4

Semipucca Res&Com

121   56+360 Nuzvid Sunkara Laxmanarao Surayya L-5.5

NTH 2 Katcha Com

122   56+370 Nuzvid

MD.Salem,Jafarali,Halem Bro's ( R-7.5


Semipucca Com

123   56+390 Nuzvid Naraharasetty Prabhavathi Venkataratnam R-7 TH 2

Semipucca Res

124   56+390 Nuzvid Naraharasetty Gangadhar Venkataratnam R-9 TH 4

Semipucca Com

125   56+450 Nuzvid Badicherla Narasimharao Koteswararo R-7.5

NTH 6 Katcha Res

126   56+450 Nuzvid Badicherla Narasimharao Koteswararo R-7.5

NTH 6 Katcha Cattleshed

127   56+460 Nuzvid Chintapalli Durgarao Venkateswarao R-9


Semipucca Res

128 Perikeedu 56+950 Nuzvid Annala Bujji D/0.Krishana L-8.8 TH 2

Semipucca Res

129   56+975 Nuzvid Venkatakonda Gandhi Koteswararo L-6.8 TH 3

Semipucca Res

130   56+980 Nuzvid Kamella Satyanarayana Ragavayya L-7.8 TH 7

Semipucca Res

131   57+300 Nuzvid Singireddy Narakumari Chennakesavarao L-7


Semipucca Res&Com

132   57+300 Nuzvid Vegireddy Apparao Applaswamy R-8.7

NTH 7 Pucca Res

133   57+300 Nuzvid Vegireddy Gandhi Applaswamy R-8.7

NTH 8 Pucca Res

134   57+300 Nuzvid Vegireddy Suryanarayana Applaswamy R-8.7

NTH 9 Pucca Res

135   57+300 Nuzvid Vegireddy Paparao Applaswamy R-8.7

NTH 10 Pucca Res

136   57+300 Nuzvid Vegireddy Apparao Applaswamy R-8.7


Semipucca Com

137   57+300 Nuzvid Vegireddy Paparao Applaswamy R-8.7

NTH 10

Semipucca Com

138   57+310 Nuzvid Sammangi Sateshkumar Nageswararao L-7 TH 4

Semipucca Res

139   57+310 Nuzvid

Sammangi Mohanasuresh kumar Nageswararao L-7 TH 4

Semipucca Res

140   57+320 Nuzvid Gottapu Koteswararao Paparao L-7


Semipucca Res&Com

141   57+320 Nuzvid Bandaru Swetha satyanarayana Krishanarao L-7

NTH 5 Katcha Res

142   57+350 Nuzvid Maradani Sivanagaraju Tatayya L-7

NTH 3 Katcha Res

143   57+350 Nuzvid Vankuri Hunumantharao Verayya L-7

NTH   Kiosk Kiosk

144   57+360 Nuzvid

Rajamahendravarapu satyaswathi Venkateswararaju L-7

NTH   Katcha Res

145   57+360 Nuzvid Allu Trimurtulu Narayanarao L-6.5


Semipucca Res&Com

146   57+360 Nuzvid Terli Puspalatha Venkateswarao R-8.5

NTH 5 Katcha Com

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

147   57+365 Nuzvid Suggisetty tulasi Subbarao R-8.5


Semipucca Com

148   57+560 Nuzvid Tavva Suryaprakasarao Purnayya L-7.2

NTH 6 Katcha Cattleshed

149   57+650 Nuzvid Lanka Gopalarao Appalarao L-6.5

NTH   Katcha Com

150   57+650 Nuzvid Kella Apparao Satyanarayana R-7.5

NTH 6 Katcha Com

151   57+650 Nuzvid Pabolu SS varaprasad Nageswararao L-6.5


Semipucca Com

152   57+650 Nuzvid Singarapu Durgarao Simhachalam R-7.5

NTH   Kiosk Kiosk

153   57+650 Nuzvid Bayya Mohanarao Pitchiyya(late) L-7

NTH 7 Pucca Res

154   57+700 Nuzvid Jalidi Balakrishana Raeddiyya R-6.5 TH  

Semipucca Res

155   57+700 Nuzvid Botcha.Krishanarao Venkayya R-7


Semipucca Com

156   57+720 Nuzvid Chintapenta krishanarao Seshagirirao R-8


Semipucca Com

157   57+720 Nuzvid Valiveti Anil(Naveen)   R-8.5


Semipucca Res

158   58+150 Nuzvid Akkubolu Koteswararao krishanamurthy R-7.5


Semipucca Com

159   58+400 Nuzvid Nagulapalli Edukondalu Nageswararao R-7

NTH 13 Katcha Com

160   58+500 Nuzvid Maddila Ganga Venkateswarao R-7

NTH 4 Katcha Com

161   58+550 Nuzvid Battu Manikyalarao Baskararao R-7


Semipucca Com

162   58+650 Nuzvid Partipati Agnesamma Prabakar L-7


Semipucca Com

163   58+660 Nuzvid Partipati Nageswararo manikayam R-8

NTH 3 Katcha Res

164   58+670 Nuzvid Gujjala veraswamy(israyulu) Ramaswamy L-7

NTH 3 Katcha Res

165   58+750 Nuzvid Partipati Vijaykumar Balaswamy R-6.5

NTH 8 Katcha Com

166   58+880 Nuzvid Padmala Venkateswararo Venkatanarasayya L-7

NTH 5 Katcha Res

167   58+880 Nuzvid Padmala Venkateswararo Venkatanarasayya L7

NTH 6 Katcha Cattleshed


Marribandam 64+300 Nuzvid Pidugu Prasad Anjeneyulu R-7

NTH 4 Katcha Com

169   64+500 Nuzvid Nadakudur Muttaiah Subbarao L-7

NTH 3 Katcha Com

170   64+500 Nuzvid Nadakudur Chinabrahmam Subbarao R-9

NTH 6 Katcha Com

171   64+530 Nuzvid Peddoji Rangachari Nagachari L-8

NTH 4 Katcha Com

172   64+500 Nuzvid Shaik Babji Mabu L-6.7

NTH 10 Katcha Com

173   64+600 Nuzvid Kowkuri Soroja rimannarayana R-9


Semipucca Com

174   64+680 Nuzvid Chandrakala

Person Not Available R-9


Semipucca Res

175   64+680 Nuzvid Sk Baji

Person Not Available L-8


Semipucca Com

176   64+700 Nuzvid Rayavarapu Swami Rangarao L-6.4

NTH 4 Kiosk Kiosk

177   64+720 Nuzvid Aladangi Ugadi Chinnarao L-6

NTH 4 Kiosk kiosk

178   64+745 Nuzvid Vaddadi Trinadh Appalaswamy L-7

NTH 0 Kiosk kiosk

179   64+780 Nuzvid Rayavarapu Subbarao

Person Not Available L-7

NTH 4 Katcha Com

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 50

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

180   64+800 Nuzvid Vajja Someswararo Subbarao R-8.2

NTH 8 Katcha Com

181   64+800 Nuzvid Chirugudu Nagaraju Appalaswamy L-6.5

NTH 4 Katcha Com

182   64+810 Nuzvid Ponikanti Ramarao Ragavayya R-8

NTH 3 Katcha Com

183   64+810 Nuzvid Machavarapu Tirupatayya Ramdhar L-6

NTH 2 Kiosk kiosk

184   65+100 Nuzvid Podhuri Srinu Rattayya R-7

NTH 3 Katcha cattleshed

185   65+550 Nuzvid Kanikanti Prasad Nagabhusan R-8

NTH 4 Katcha Com

186   65+800 Nuzvid Potakamuri Rajababu Gandhi L-7

NTH   Katcha Com

187   65+850 Nuzvid Vadduluri Venkateswararo Raghavalu L-8.1

NTH 6 Kiosk Kiosk

188   65+850 Nuzvid Vemuluri Nageswaramma Satyanarayana L-8.1

NTH 4 Katcha Res & Com

189   65+850 Nuzvid Jakkula Laxmi Venkataramana L-8.1


Kiosk(2shops Kiosk

190   65+850 Nuzvid Chabathina Ratnasamual Samual R-8

NTH   Kiosk kiosk

191   65+850 Nuzvid Peddaji Ragavachari

Person Not Available R-9


Semipucca Com

192   65+850 Nuzvid Palakurthi Ammulu Putalayya R-9

NTH 2 Katcha Res

193   65+890 Nuzvid Chinathadu Bhupathi Varahalu L-8

NTH 8 Katcha Res & Com

194   65+900 Nuzvid Kombati Satyanarayana Gopalam R-6.8

NTH   Katcha Com


Meerjapuram 67+450 Nuzvid Kota Simhachalam Krishana R-7

NTH 3 Katcha Res

196   67+460 Nuzvid Vallepu Parameswararao Raju R-7.1

NTH 6 Katcha Res

197   67+490 Nuzvid Merapadu Baskhararao Maranna L-6

NTH 3 Katcha Com

198   67+500 Nuzvid Olipi Venkateswarrao Verayya R-6.4

NTH 3 Katcha Res

199   67+500 Nuzvid Tegala Chittemma Verayya R-6

NTH 3 Katcha res

200   67+510 Nuzvid Garika Bhagyam Sambayya R-6

NTH 2 Katcha Res

201   67+520 Nuzvid Busi Adam Prabhakararao R-6

NTH 2 Katcha Res

202   67+540 Nuzvid Mindiya Venkateswararao Maddiramayya R-6

NTH 5 Katcha Res

203   67+550 Nuzvid Tegala Guruvulu Veerayya R-5.4

NTH 6 Katcha Res

204   67+550 Nuzvid Dasari Yesu Baalaraju R-5.4

NTH 4 Katcha Res

205   67+560 Nuzvid Gandikota Anjeneyulu Venkateswararao R-6.5

NTH 3 Katcha Res

206   67+570 Nuzvid Paramanthi Prabhakararao Sriramamurthy L-8

NTH 4 Katcha Res

207   67+620 Nuzvid Badipati Isak

Person Not Available L-6.2

NTH 5 Katcha Res & Com

208   67+620 Nuzvid Mareedu Nancharamma Nageswararao R-8

NTH 1 Katcha Res & Com

209   67+660 Nuzvid Rajulapati Nageswararo Venkateswararao L-6.9

NTH 10 Katcha Res

210   67+700 Nuzvid Vaka Baskararao Venkateswararao L-8


Semipucca Com

211   67+740 Nuzvid Kothala Apparao

Person Not Available L-8

NTH 1 Katcha Res

21   67+785 Nuzvid Moduri Ranganadham Laxminarasimha L-7.2 NT 4 Semipucc Res & Com

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 51

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

2 H a213   67+790 Nuzvid Tegala Chantibabu Ramulu L-7

NTH 2 Katcha Res

214   67+800 Nuzvid Tegala Tirupathirao Ramulu L-7

NTH 6 Katcha Res

215   67+801 Nuzvid Tegala Tirupathirao Ramulu L-7

NTH 7 Katcha Cattleshed

216   68+480 Nuzvid Mathina Subbarao Veerayya L-7

NTH 2 Katcha Com

217   68+580 Nuzvid Seelam Sekhar Raghavayya l-8


Semipucca Com

218   68+800 Nuzvid Selam Satyanarayana Seshagirirao R-6


Semipucca Com

219   68+850 Nuzvid Pamidikondala Radhakrishana Ramachandrarao L-5

NTH 2 Katcha Res & Com

220   68+850 Nuzvid Gollapu Satyanarayanamma Venkateswarulu R-9

NTH 3 Katcha Com

221   68+900 Nuzvid Varagala Prasad Subbarao R-9

NTH 2 Katcha Com

222   68+905 Nuzvid Varala Nancharamma Sobhanadri R-8

NTH 2 Katcha Com

223   68+910 Nuzvid Sk Hamid Abbulnabi R-7

NTH 2 Katcha Com

224   68+910 Nuzvid Sedirala Koteswararao Venkatasubbarao L-8

NTH   kiosk Kiosk

225   68+910 Nuzvid SK Kadarvali Mastansaheb l-8

NTH   Katcha Com

226   68+920 Nuzvid Sk Mastan Parisaheb L-6

NTH 2 Katcha Com

227   68+940 Nuzvid Goduguri Sivaprasad Muralikrishana R-9

NTH   Katcha Com

228   68+940 Nuzvid Sutrala Rangarao Subbarao R-7.3

NTH   kiosk Kiosk

229   68+940 Nuzvid Maragani Nehrukanth Ayanna R-9

NTH 5 kiosk Kiosk

230   68+940 Nuzvid Maragani Nehrukanth Ayanna R-9

NTH 6 Katcha Res & Com

231   68+960 Nuzvid Sk.Mastanvali Nagusaheb L-9


Semipucca Com

232   68+960 Nuzvid Sk.Anwar Hussain L-9

NTH   Katcha Com

233   68+960 Nuzvid Sk.Kalishavali

Person Not Available L-9

NTH   Katcha Res & Com

234   68+960 Nuzvid Maddirala NagaSriragavarao Venu L-9

NTH   kiosk Kiosk

235   68+960 Nuzvid Sk.Meera Sherlu L-9


Semipucca Com

236   68+960 Nuzvid Jogi Venkateswarao Gurumurthy L-9


Semipucca Com

237   68+990 Nuzvid Naidu Srininvasarao Venkateswararao R-7.8

NTH 4 Katcha Res

238   68+995 Nuzvid Durga

Person Not Available R-7

NTH   Katcha Res

239   69+000 Nuzvid Maridu Rangamma Raghavulu L-8.8

NTH   Katcha Com

240   69+000 Nuzvid Tellaboiena Srinivasarao Pedavenkanna L-8.8

NTH 5 Katcha Res & Com

241   69+030 Nuzvid Yarramsetty Loknadh Tirupatiayya L-8.5

NTH   kiosk Kiosk

242 Gollapalli 72+000 Nuzvid Irrala Baskararao Pottiyya R-8

NTH 5 Katcha Res

243   72+000 Nuzvid Pakandi Dhanalaxmi Laxmayya R-8

NTH 7 Katcha Res

244   72+050 Nuzvid Pamarthi Venkamma Laxmayya R-8

NTH 2 Katcha Res

24   72+050 Nuzvid Battula Srinivasarao Sriramulu R-8 NT 5 Katcha Res

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 52

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

5 H246   72+050 Nuzvid Venula Durgaprasad kameswarao R-7

NTH 3 Katcha Res

247   72+070 Nuzvid Pamarthi Kriskanakumari Radhakrishana L-7

NTH 1 Katcha Res & com

248     Nuzvid Chodagani Laxmi Nani L-9

NTH   katcha Com

249   72+100 Nuzvid Penumada Kalebu Venkataratnam L-9

NTH 3 kiosk Kiosk

250   72+100 Nuzvid Reddi Gopalarao Sriramulu R-8

NTH 3 Katcha Res

251   72+100 Nuzvid Attili Brahmam

Person Not Available R-6

NTH   Katcha Com

252   72+100 Nuzvid Tata Pullarao Srirangam R-7

NTH 4 Katcha Res

253   72+140 Nuzvid Boodu Nagaraju Ayodhayaramayya R-8

NTH 4 Katcha Res

254   72+160 Nuzvid Vinnakota Veeraragavamma BalaramSwamy L-9


Semipucca Com

255   72+180 Nuzvid Tummala Ramakrishana Adinarayana R-8

NTH 4 Katcha Res

256   72+180 Nuzvid Koduru Nageswararao Subbarao L-7

NTH 2 kiosk Kiosk

257   72+200 Nuzvid Owner not Available

Person Not Available  

NTH   kiosk Kiosk

258   72+210 Nuzvid Parusuri Vijayalaxmi

Person Not Available R-8

NTH 1 Katcha Res

259   72+210 Nuzvid Konda vaddikasulu Anjeneyulu R-7

NTH 4 Katcha Res

260   72+220 Nuzvid Nandigama Ammaji Bhaskarrao R-8

NTH 3 Katcha Res

261   72+220 Nuzvid Tata Rangarao

Person Not Available R-6.1

NTH 2 Katcha Res

262   72+220 Nuzvid Gollapalli Pothuraju Suryanarayana L-8

NTH 2 Katcha Res

263   72+220 Nuzvid Tata Nageswararamma Venkateswararao L-8

NTH 1 Katcha Res

264   72+230 Nuzvid Katta `Sakuntala Somulu R-8

NTH 2 katcha Res

265   72+265 Nuzvid Shaik Meerjavali Kaream R-6

NTH 4 Kiosk Kiosk

266   72+380 Nuzvid Pamarthi Koteswararao Anjeneyulu L-8


Semipucca Res

267   72+380 Nuzvid Pamarthi Srinivasarao Krinayya L-8

NTH 0 Katcha Res

268   72+400 Nuzvid Shaik Dilshadbagem Munnabasha R-5.4

NTH 3 Katcha Com

269   72+405 Nuzvid Valiveti Satyanarayana Venkatakrishana R-5.6 TH 2

Semipucca Res

270   72+405 Nuzvid Shaik Babu Abdhul L-5.7


Semipucca Res & Com

271   72+410 Nuzvid Seeram Shivashankaraaro Rosayya R-7.3


Semipucca Res & Com

272   72+410 Nuzvid Mylavarapu Tirapatirao Raghunadam L-6.8

NTH 0 kiosk Kiosk

273   72+480 Nuzvid Bonala VijayaRangarao Gopayya R-9


Semipucca Res

274   72+500 Nuzvid Namala Jayaolaiah Rangarao R-6

NTH 0 Katcha Res

275   72+530 Nuzvid Shaik Choti Mahaboob R-6.8

NTH 4 Katcha Res

276   72+565 Nuzvid Talam Sriramulu Ramayya L-5.9

NTH 3 Katcha Res

27   72+565 Nuzvid Taluri Prubudas Yesudas L-6 NT 6 katcha Res

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 53

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

7 H278   72+590 Nuzvid Aripalli Suryanarayana Veerayya L-5

NTH 2 Katcha Res

279   72+600 Nuzvid Bokinala Subbarao Raghunadam L-6

NTH 6 katcha Res

280   72+610 Nuzvid Chittiboiena Rani Kittarao L-6

NTH 6 Katcha Res

281   72+630 Nuzvid Gandikota Rajarao Ragunadam R-8

NTH 3 katcha Res

282   72+680 Nuzvid Kokilagedda Vajrakumari Kantharao L-8

NTH 3 Katcha Res

283   72+680 Nuzvid Adumalli Venkatarao Subbarao R-9

NTH 3 Katcha Res

284   72+680 Nuzvid Pallipamula Prakasam Venkateswararao L-8.7

NTH 5 Katcha Res

285   72+710 Nuzvid Ulaga Krishana Venkayya L-5.7

NTH 4 Kiosk Kiosk

286   72+720 Nuzvid Mohamad Basha Sulemansaheb L-7.7 TH 5 Katcha Res287   72+720 Nuzvid Mylavarapu Venkateswararao Subbarao R-5.3

NTH 4 Kiosk Kiosk

288   72+720 Nuzvid Kamaravalli Salman Jalachandrudu R-8

NTH 0 Katcha Com

289   72+730 Nuzvid Ketineni Kasturamma Ramachandrarao L-7

NTH 0 Katcha Res

290   72+730 Nuzvid Arepalli Bhushanam Nageswararao L-7.1

NTH 0 Katcha Res

291   72+770 Nuzvid Arepalli mohanarao Chinaverayya L-4.9

NTH 4 Katcha Res

292   72+770 Nuzvid Makaraju Rangaraju Subbaraju L-5.2 TH 2

Semipucca Com

293   72+780 Nuzvid Mallavalli Rambabu Poturaju L-7.8

NTH 0 Katcha Com

294   73+700 Nuzvid Sodagiri Vilasana Bhusanam R-9

NTH 3 Katcha Com

295 Morsapudi 75+040 Nuzvid Parasa Sesayya Sriramulu R-8

NTH 4 Katcha Com

296   75+100 Nuzvid MD Yusuf Ibraheem L-5

NTH 4 Katcha Com

297   75+110 Nuzvid Bejawada Bujji Rangarao R-5.5

NTH 4 Katcha Com

298   75+120 Nuzvid Vamula Jayalaxmi Venkateswararao L-8.5

NTH 2 Katcha Res & Com

299   75+200 Nuzvid G.Apparao

Person Not Available R-6.4

NTH 4 Kiosk Kiosk

300   75+200 Nuzvid Buddala Prabhakararao Ramadasu W/0 R-6.4

NTH 5 Katcha Res

301   75+210 Nuzvid Boddupathi Sandya Apparao R-7.2

NTH 4 Katcha Res

302   75+220 Nuzvid Mekhala Nagamma Sayilu R-6.6

NTH 4 Katcha Res

303   75+220 Nuzvid Arepalli Bhushanam Sayidulu L-7.8

NTH 4 Katcha Res

304   75+220 Nuzvid Devarakonda Mahalaxmi Darmayya L-7.5

NTH 3 Katcha Res

305   75+220 Nuzvid Shaik Mastansaheb Hussainsaheb R-8.2

NTH 0 Katcha Res

306   75+230 Nuzvid Chintala Nirma Mariyadas R-7.8

NTH 0 Katcha Res

307   75+230 Nuzvid Poturu Rangamma Venkateswararao R-7.5

NTH 0 Katcha Res

308 Tukkuluru 78+380 Nuzvid Polimetala Devasahayam Abraham R-6.5

NTH 3 Katcha Res

309   78+410 Nuzvid Palagani Rangarao Peerayya L-7.2


Semipucca Com

310   78+420 Nuzvid Mohamad Kareemulla Ibraheem L-6.8


Semipucca Com

31   78+420 Nuzvid Sk Kalisha Ismail L-8 NT 0 Semipucc Com

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

1 H a312   78+420 Nuzvid Gonduboiena Sekhar Venkatesh R-6

NTH 2 Katcha Com

313   78+430 Nuzvid Badugu Venkateswararao Kondayya L-8

NTH 5 Kiosk Kiosk

314   78+430 Nuzvid Kosuri Srinivasarao Venkateswararao R-6.8

NTH 4 Kiosk Kiosk

315   78+430 Nuzvid Kosaraju Rajarao

Person Not Available R-7.2

NTH 6 Kiosk Kiosk

316   78+600 Nuzvid Kosaraju Ramesh Rajarao R-9

NTH 5 Pucca Res

317 Nuzvid 84+200 Nuzvid Polavarapu Narasimharao

Rajasekar weigh bridge R-9 TH   Pucca Com

318   84+200 Nuzvid Puram Samrajyam Venkateswararo L-5


Semipucca Com

319   84+440 Nuzvid Bala Vijayalaxmi Rammohanarao R-6.2


Semipucca Res

320   84+440 Nuzvid Atluri Venugopalarao Amarayya R-6.2


Semipucca Res

321   84+415 Nuzvid Kandikatla Bullemma Ramarao R-5.5


Semipucca Res

322   84+415 Nuzvid Andela Kotamma Changayya R-6.2

NTH 2 Katcha Res

323   84+480 Nuzvid Vanapalli Laxmanarao Narayana R-6.4

NTH 5 Katcha Com

324   84+520 Nuzvid Balani Atcharao Gangaraju L-7.3


Semipucca Res

325   84+520 Nuzvid Balani Veerababu Atcharao L-8

NTH   Katcha Res

326   84+600 Nuzvid Chikka Asirinaidu Appalaswamy L-6.5

NTH 4 Katcha Res

327   84+610 Nuzvid Devarakonda Venkateswararo Late)Gurvayya L-8

NTH 3 Katcha Res

328   84+615 Nuzvid Sriramulu Satyanarayana Sambayya L-8

NTH 3 Katcha Res

329   85+400 Nuzvid Naradala Baskararao Venkataswamulu L-6.5

NTH 5 Katcha Res


Annavaram 86+310 Nuzvid Mulugumati Subbarao Ramulu R-7

NTH 4 Katcha Res

331   86+310 Nuzvid Chodapamula Maratamma (late) Esu R-8

NTH 0 Katcha Res

332   86+310 Nuzvid Kanaparthi Vasantharao Nagindra R-7.2 TH 0 Katcha Res333   86+310 Nuzvid SK Nanasaheb Ameersaheb L-5.6


Semipucca Res

334   86+310 Nuzvid Sk Chandbasha Ameersaheb L-5.8


Semipucca Res

335   86+320 Nuzvid Pilli Venkateswararo Venkayya R-6.9

NTH 4 Katcha Res

336   86+320 Nuzvid Sudagani Saibabu Gopiraju R-6.4 TH 3

Semipucca Res

337   86+330 Nuzvid Bejawada Venkatanarasanna Koteswararao R-8

NTH 0 Katcha Res

338   86+340 Nuzvid Modepalli Suryanarayana

Person Not Available L-8.5


Semipucca Com

339   86+390 Nuzvid Chukkala Nageswarrao Kurmayya R-4.6

NTH 4 Katcha Com

340   86+400 Nuzvid Abdurao(late)

Person Not Available R-7


Semipucca Res

341   86+400 Nuzvid Kolusu Sambasivaraju Peddiraju L-7.5

NTH 4 Katcha Com

342   86+500 Nuzvid Yadala Rajarao Ramulu L-5.8 TH 5

Semipucca Com

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

343   86+505 Nuzvid P.Madhusudhanarao

Person Not Available R-6.2

NTH   Katcha Res

344   86+505 Nuzvid Kumpati Rajarao Veerayya R-8

NTH   Katcha Res

345   86+505 Nuzvid Ede Savitri Sambasivarao R-5.4 TH 4 Katcha Res & Com346   86+520 Nuzvid Akula Srinivasarao Somayya(late) R-8

NTH 0 Katcha Com

347   86+600 Nuzvid Ganapuvarapu Chinayya kotayya R-8

NTH 0 Katcha Res&Com

348   86+610 Nuzvid Katuri Laxmanarao Venkateswararao L-8

NTH 0 Katcha Res

349   86+610 Nuzvid Shaik Lalahmad Ameersaheb L-7.8


Semipucca Res

350 86+630 Nuzvid Somu Nageswararao Kotiveraragavalu R-8.5

NTH 0 Katcha Res&Com

351   86+720 Nuzvid Ramisetti Venkateswararo Nageswararao L-6.3

NTH 4 Katcha Res

352   86+720 Nuzvid Pamarthi Satyanarayana Ramaswamy R-9

NTH 0 Katcha Com

353   86+720 Nuzvid Katuri Subbarao Venkayya L-6.7

NTH 0 Katcha Res & Com

354   86+750 Nuzvid Shaik Kaleeshavali Kasimsaheb R-6.7 TH 6

Semipucca Com

355   86+750 Nuzvid Shaik Chanbasha Ameersaheb R-6.7


Semipucca Com

356   86+760 Nuzvid Nerusu Upendhra Koteswararao L-7

NTH 0 Katcha Com

357   86+760 Nuzvid Gholla Laxmayya Chintayya L-7.2

NTH 0 Katcha Cattleshed

358   86+770 Nuzvid Satyanarayana Jaganadham L-7.8

NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

359   86+795 Nuzvid Ganduboiena Nagaraju Ramarao R-8

NTH 3 Katcha Com

360   86+820 Nuzvid Kolusu Renukamma Kanakayya L-8


Semipucca Com

361   86+820 Nuzvid Koppakala Sitaramayya Venkateswrarao L-7.5

NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

362   86+820 Nuzvid Ganduboiena Nagaraju Ramarao R-8

NTH 3 Katcha Cattleshed

363   86+820 Nuzvid Indala Pullayyya Rajesh L-6.3

NTH 0 Pucca Res

364   86+840 Nuzvid A.Krishanachai Badrayyya L-6.2

NTH 0 Katcha Res

365   86+820 Nuzvid Mareedu Chennakesavarao Narayana L-5.9


Semipucca Res & Com

366   87+020 Nuzvid Dasireddy Satyanarayana Venkatakrishana L-5.8


Semipucca Com

367   87+190 Nuzvid Kota Suryanarayana Venkataswamy R-7

NTH 2 Katcha Com

368   87+190 Nuzvid SK.Nagulu Daveed L-6.3

NTH 0 Katcha Res

369   87+190 Nuzvid Ramadasu Narasimhapatrudu Ayyannapatrudu L-6.2

NTH 3 Katcha Res

370   87+210 Nuzvid Modipalli Suryanarayana Ramakrishana R-6.5

NTH 0 Katcha Res


Venkatadhripuram 88+350 Nuzvid Velpuri Ramarao Somayya R-8.5


Semipucca Res&Com


Hunumuntulagudem 89+700 Nuzvid Banavathi Symku Laxmayya(late) R-8


Semipucca Res

373   89+710 Nuzvid Ippagunta krishana Narasimharao R-6


Semipucca Com

374   89+880 Nuzvid Polapaka Sudhakar Prasadarao L-8

NTH 5 kiosk kiosk

37   89+900 Nuzvid Polapaka nageswararo Pullayya L-8.5 NT 2 Katcha Com

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

5 H376   90+100 Nuzvid Rankuri Puspa Asiyya L-7.2

NTH 3 Katcha Res

377   90+350 Nuzvid Reddi Krishana Venkatadri L-8.5

NTH 6 Katcha Com

378 90+350 Nuzvid Peddavarapu Venkateswarulu Laxmayya L-7.5

NTH 0 Katcha Com

379   90+350 Nuzvid Nalliboiena Malleswararao Sriramulu L-7.3

NTH 0 Katcha Com

380   90+400 Nuzvid Patra Balakrishana Sesayya R-8

NTH 4 Katcha Res

381   90+400 Nuzvid Pilli Venkataraju Venkateswararao R-7.8

NTH 4 Katcha Res & Com


Mittagudem 90+400 Nuzvid Vilavalli Muralikrishana Adinarayana L-8.2

NTH 0 Katcha Com

383   90+680 Nuzvid Velivela Narasimharao Venkataratnam R-6


Semipucca Res

384   90+680 Nuzvid Velivela Gopalaswamy Venkataratnam R-8.8

NTH 2 Kiosk Kiosk

385   90+700 Nuzvid Batta Lalitha Subbarao R-9


Semipucca Com

386   90+700 Nuzvid Palagi Rambabu Ayodya L-8.2


Semipucca Res &Com

387   90+700 Nuzvid Palagani Ayodya Subbayya L-8.2


Semipucca Res &Com

388   90+700 Nuzvid Ambati Srinu Kotesh L-9

NTH 2 Katcha Com

389   90+705 Nuzvid Chalamala Sambasivarao Bulliramayya R-7.8

NTH 6 Kiosk Kiosk

390   90+760 Nuzvid Jalasutram Pullarao Madiramayya R-8


Semipucca Res

391   90+795 Nuzvid Dovvadi Suseela narasingarao R-8

NTH 1 Katcha Res

392   90+795 Nuzvid Mulagani Pitchayya Subbayya R-8

NTH 0 Katcha Res

393   90+800 Nuzvid Konakala Krishana Rambabu R-7.3

NTH 4 Katcha Com

394   90+900 Nuzvid Srihari   L-7.3

NTH 0 Katcha Com

395   90+900 Nuzvid Janga Somasundhar Yakobu L-7.5

NTH 0 Kiosk Kiosk

396   90+960 Nuzvid Kalangi Devid Kanakambaram L-8.3

NTH 0 Katcha Com

397 Leelanager 92+180 Nuzvid Kethe Jaganadharao Seetayya L-8

NTH 4 Kiosk Kiosk

398   92+180 Nuzvid Kethe Sheshamma Tirupatayya L-6.9

NTH 5 Kiosk Kiosk

399   92+240 Nuzvid Pilla Venkateswaramma Rangarao R-5.8 TH 8 Katcha Res400   92+270 Nuzvid Simhadri Sitaramaya h/0Nagamalleswari R-5.9 TH 2 Katcha Res401   92+300 Nuzvid J.Subramanneswararao   L-5.6

NTH 4 Katcha Com

402   92+300 Nuzvid Dontu Sitaramayya Sobanachalam R-9

NTH 0 Katcha Com

403   92+300 Nuzvid Doddula Satyanarayana Jaganadham R-9

NTH 0 Katcha Com

404   92+300 Nuzvid Mustina Koteswararao Anjayya L-7.8

NTH 0 Katcha Com

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project


PDF LIST - Pedana - Nuzvid - Visannapeta ROAD - Residential Category



Name of the Village



Revenue Division

Name of the HouseHold Head(HHH) Father\husband name




t\ R














of F




Type of Structure

1 Pedna 7+000 Machilipatnam Moganti Prasad Narayanna Rao L-1 TH 4 Katcha

2 Pedna 7+020 Machilipatnam Varudhu malleswararao Subbarao R-3 TH 3 Katcha

3 Pedna 7+120 Machilipatnam jonabattula koteswaramma Nancharayya R-3 NT

H 6 Katcha

4 Pedna 7+140 Machilipatnam Garikimukkala Sriramulu Mahamkali R-4.5 NT

H 3 Katcha

5 Pedna 7+140 Machilipatnam Chinnam Suramraju Person not Available L-4 TH 0 Pucca

6 Pedna 7+200 Machilipatnam Varudhu Venkateswararo Govind L-2 NT

H 4 Pucca

7 Pedna 7+200 Machilipatnam Varudhu Nagamalleswaramma Venkateswarulu R-6 TH 4 Katcha

8 Pedna 7+220 Machilipatnam Varudhu Nancharayya Subbarao R-4.5 TH 6 Semipucca

9 Pedna 7+240 Machilipatnam Bulusuru Symalarao Subramanyam L-7 TH 4 Katcha

10 Pedna 7+260 Machilipatnam maddemsetty Rambabu Nancharayya R-6 TH 5 Semipucca

11 Pedna 7+280 Machilipatnam Varudhu Venkaranarayana Marillu L-3 TH 2 Semipucca

12 Pedna 7+280 Machilipatnam Varudhu Venkateswararo Subbayya R-5 NT

H 3 Katcha

13 Pedna 7+300 Machilipatnam Varudhu kondayya Krishana R-6 TH 6 Katcha

14 Pedna 7+310 Machilipatnam Varudhu Venkataswamy Krishana R-6 TH 3 Semipucca

15 Pedna 7+320 Machilipatnam Varudhu Venkanna Nageswarao R-2 TH 4 Pucca

16 Pedna 7+320 Machilipatnam Varudhu Balaji Kumar Nageswarao R-2 TH 5 Semipucca

17 Pedna 7+325 Machilipatnam Maruboiena Naga malleswararao Nageswarao R-5 TH 4 Katcha

18 Pedna 7+325 Machilipatnam Maruboiena SriniVasarao Nageswarao R-5 TH 5 Katcha

19 Pedna 7+325 Machilipatnam Koutarapu Naga Durga Bhavani Ganapathi L-3 TH 4 Semipucca

20 Pedna 7+350 Machilipatnam Varudhu Baburao Seetayya L-3 TH 2 Pucca

21 Pedna 7+360 Machilipatnam Varudhu Venkateswararo Koteswararo L-4 NT

H 4 Katcha

22 Pedna 7+420 Machilipatnam Maddisetty Anasuya Koteswararo R-5 TH 7 Katcha

23 Pedna 7+430 Machilipatnam Varudhu Suryachanrraro Venkatasubbayya R-7 NT

H11 Semipucca

24 Pedna 7+450 Machilipatnam Varudhu Durgarao Madavarao R-6 NT

H 3 Pucca

25 Pedna 7+450 Machilipatnam Varudhu Subbarao Madavarao R-6 NT

H 6 Katcha

26 Pedna 7+450 Machilipatnam

Varudhu Venkata Ramanjeyaneyulu Nageswarao L-2 TH 4 Semipucca

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

27 Pedna 7+500 Machilipatnam Varudhu Pitchemma Narasimharao R-2 TH 8 Katcha

28 Nadupuru 10+700 Machilipatnam Parusa Pandurangarao Durgarao L-6.2 NT

H 2 Katcha

29 Nadupuru 10+940 Machilipatnam Yarlagedda Sethratnam Venkataratnam R-6.5 NT

H 1 Katcha

30 Nadupuru 11+660 Machilipatnam kanakavalli Subadra Benarji R-6.5 NT

H 2 Katcha

31 Nadupuru 11+670 Machilipatnam Nimmagedda Rajarao Person not Available L-7

NTH 2 Katcha

32 Reddipalaem 13+410 Gudivada B.Nancharayya H|0 Venkamma L-6.2NTH 3 Katcha

33 Reddipalaem 13+420 Gudivada Chittibomma Srinivasarao Subramanyam R-6.4NTH 5 Katcha

34 Reddipalaem 13+510 Gudivada Kandula Sesayya Nancharayya R-6.4NTH 6 Katcha

35 Reddipalaem 13+530 Gudivada Bethapudi Srinivasarao pandu R-6.2NTH 4 Katcha

36 Reddipalaem 13+550 Gudivada Kagitha Pabma Nancharayya L-6.5 TH 2 Katcha

37 Reddipalaem 13+750 Gudivada Modugumudi Haribabu Ramachandrarao L-5.7NTH 4 SemiPucca

38 Vaddlamannadu 15+190 Gudivada Abdhul Azeez Basha R-6.8NTH 3 Katcha

39 Vaddlamannadu 15+160 Gudivada AvarlanDammidayya Veerayya R-6.5NTH 2 Katcha

40 Vaddlamannadu 15+400 Gudivada Kolusu Reddayya Veraraju L-6.5 TH 4 Katcha

41 Vaddlamannadu 15+400 Gudivada Kolusu Veraraju Ragavulu L-5.5 TH 2 Katcha

42 Vaddlamannadu 15+400 Gudivada Kolusu Koteswarararo Veraraju L-6.5NTH 4 Katcha

43 Vaddlamannadu 15+420 Gudivada Pari devamani Late)Yakobu L-6.5 TH 6 Katcha

44 Vaddlamannadu 15+430 Gudivada Iku Adilaxmi Late)Gopayya L-5.2 TH 1 Katcha

45 Vaddlamannadu 15+430 Gudivada S.Bayrasi Not Available R-5.6NTH 0 Katcha

46 Vaddlamannadu 15+600 Gudivada Atchuta jaganmohanarao Subbarao R-5.9NTH 3 Katcha

47 Vaddlamannadu 15+650 Gudivada Degala Srinu Venkataswamy R-6.5NTH 4 Katcha

48 Vaddlamannadu 15+650 Gudivada Degala Venkataswamy Rammurthy R-6.2NTH 4 Katcha

49 Vaddlamannadu 15+660 Gudivada Maddela Veramma Durgapraasad R-6.5NTH 3 Katcha

50 Vaddlamannadu 15+670 Gudivada Atchuta kasturi Person Not Available R-4.4NTH 1 Katcha

51 Vaddlamannadu 15+670 Gudivada Atchuta Srinivasarao Nancharayya L-5.1 TH 3 Katcha

52 Vaddlamannadu 15+750 Gudivada Atchuta Sivashankararo Subbarao L-5.3NTH 4 Katcha

53 Vaddlamannadu 15+750 Gudivada Penta Ramu Laxmayya R-5.5NTH 3 Katcha

54 Vaddlamannadu 15+360 Gudivada DegalanSubbarao Chinnappayya R-6.2NTH 2 Katcha

55 Vemavaram 16+740 Gudivada Parasa Venkatasubbamma Krishanamurthy L-4.7NTH 4 Katcha

56 Vemavaram 16+780 Gudivada Padamata Pandu Basavayya L-6.9 TH 4 Katcha

57 Vemavaram 16+785 Gudivada Venka Nageswarao Rammurthy L-6.3 TH 3 Katcha

58 Vemavaram 16+785 Gudivada Veranji Kanakam Krishanamurthy R-4.5NTH 2 Katcha

59 Vemavaram 16+785 Gudivada Chillimuntha Badrachalam Gangadaram L-5.8NTH 0 Katcha

60 Vemavaram 16+880 Gudivada Padamati Veraswamy Venkanna L-4.3NTH 3 Katcha

61 Vemavaram 16+890 Gudivada Madugu Pedaverayya Subbarao R-4.5NTH 0 Katcha

62 Vemavaram 16+900 Gudivada Mannem Venkateswarama Venkateswaralu L-5.2NTH 2 Katcha

63 Vemavaram 16+900 Gudivada Mannem Basavayya Laxmayya L-6.2 NT 2 Katcha

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project


64 Vemavaram 16+900 Gudivada Yarlagadda Nagapanindhra M/o Vijayamma L-5.5NTH 2 Katcha

65 Vemavaram 17+050 Gudivada Sonti Venkateswarao Veraswamy L-5.2 TH 4 Katcha

66 Vemavaram 17+050 Gudivada Mulala edukondalu Pakeer R-5.1NTH 8 Katcha

67 Vemavaram 17+060 Gudivada Borra Durgamma Ragavulu L-6.2NTH 1 Katcha

68 Vemavaram 17+070 Gudivada pandiri Kurmarao narasimharao L-5.3NTH 3 Katcha

69 Vemavaram 17+120 Gudivada Shaik Adem H\o Haseenabegum L-4.3NTH 5 Katcha

70 Vemavaram 17+200 Gudivada Abdhul Baseer Sattar L-4.1NTH 1 Katcha

71 Vemavaram 17+200 Gudivada Naragani Venugopal Ankinaidu L-4.5NTH 5 Katcha

72 kowthvaram 22+100 Gudivada Geduturi Rajarao Yarayya R-6.6NTH 2 Katcha

73 kowthvaram 22+120 Gudivada Nasethi Ramesh Subbarao R-6.8 TH 3 Katcha

74 kowthvaram 22+120 Gudivada koripalli Sanyasirao Appannna R-6.7NTH

12 Katcha

75 kowthvaram 22+140 Gudivada Javvari Nageswarao Venkateswarao R-6.8NTH 5 Katcha

76 kowthvaram 22+200 Gudivada Allu Bullemma Appalaswamy R-6.3NTH 2 Katcha

77 kowthvaram 22+200 Gudivada muttireddy Srinivasarao Person Not Available R-6.3NTH 5 Katcha

78 kowthvaram 22+125 Gudivada Ramabalapala Durgaprasad Satyanarayana R-5.3NTH 4 Katcha

79 Gudlavalleru 23+790 Gudivada Jupudi Krishana mohanarao Person Not Available R-6 TH 2 Pucca

80 Gudlavalleru 23+800 Gudivada Paruchuri Tripurantharao   R-5.6 TH 4 Pucca

81 Gudlavalleru 23+800 Gudivada vallabhapurapu Eswararao Ramachandararao R-4.6 TH 5 Pucca

82 Gudlavalleru 23+980 Gudivada Kunchapati Venkateswwarao Pandurangarao R-4.6 TH 3 Pucca

83 Gudlavalleru 24+000 Gudivada V.Narasimharao Person Not Available R-4.8 TH 1 Pucca

84 Gudlavalleru 24+000 Gudivada Polavarapu Rajeswarao Person Not Available R-5.5 TH 1 Pucca

85 Gudlavalleru 24+000 Gudivada Gudlavalleti Venkateswarao Gangajalam R-4.5 TH 4 SemiPucca

86 Gudlavalleru 24+050 Gudivada Bulla Ravibabu Koteswararao L-6.8 TH 5 SemiPucca

87 Bommuluru 31+100 Gudivada Gutta Venuprasad Chowdary Venkata swamy R-7NTH 4 Semipucca

88 Bommuluru 31+150 Gudivada Gutta krishana narayana R-5.5 TH 2 Pucca

89 Bommuluru 31+550 Gudivada Penumarthi Srinu nagendrudu L-5.6NTH 4 Katcha

90 Bommuluru 31+620 Gudivada Talaie Satyanarayana Venkateswararo R-7.2NTH 4 Katcha

91 Bommuluru 31+790 Gudivada Saradala Nagaraju Brahmayya L-6.5NTH 0 Katcha

92 Bommuluru 31+790 Gudivada Mocherla mamatha Srinu R-4.5NTH 4 Katcha

93 Bommuluru 31+790 Gudivada Vara samual Mosa R-5.2NTH 0 Katcha

94 Bommuluru 31+790 Gudivada Ganta Israyulu peddiraju L-5.9 TH 2 Katcha

95 Bommuluru 31+800 Gudivada Akunoori Yesobu Eliya R-5.1NTH 3 Katcha

96 Bommuluru 31+800 Gudivada Chebrolu Ramarao Ramayya L-5.7NTH 2 Katcha

97 Bommuluru 31+800 Gudivada Sura Apparao Tatabbie L-5.8NTH 3 Katcha

98 Bommuluru 31+815 Gudivada Kandavalli Edukondalu Adishesu L-6.6NTH 5 Katcha

99 Bommuluru 31+820 Gudivada Usalla Devakanya Krishana L-6.8NTH 3 Katcha

100 Bommuluru 31+840 Gudivada Varigani Devamatha Adama L-4.6NTH 2 Katcha

101 Bommuluru 31+600 Gudivada Bura Srininvasarao Dasu(samual) L-5.1 NT 5 Katcha

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project


102Janardhanapuram 40+820 Gudivada Pullareddy Rangareddy Person Not Available L-6 TH 0 Pucca

103Janardhanapuram 40+840 Gudivada NVS Nagireddy Rammohnareddy L-6.5 TH 0 Pucca

104Janardhanapuram 40+840 Gudivada Konapalli narayanareddy Narayanaereddy L-6.5 TH 2 Pucca

105Janardhanapuram 41+125 Gudivada

Veruvada NarayanaNagabhusanam Venkateshawararao L-6

NTH 4 Katcha

106Janardhanapuram 41+150 Gudivada Vanapalli Adilaxmi Laxmanarao L-6.5

NTH 2 Katcha

107Janardhanapuram 41+150 Gudivada Saripalli Rameshreddy Rangareddy L-5.9 TH 3 semiPucca

108Janardhanapuram 41+240 Gudivada Tallaparthi Ramarao Appalasuri R-7.1

NTH 3 Katcha

109Janardhanapuram 41+240 Gudivada malliboiena Lingayya Chinaramulu R-7.2

NTH 4 Katcha

110Janardhanapuram 41+240 Gudivada Nakka Narasimharao Mahalaxmayya L-6.8

NTH 0 Katcha

111Janardhanapuram 41+245 Gudivada laveti Durgarao Venkateswararao R-6.5

NTH 2 Katcha

112Janardhanapuram 41+400 Gudivada Devarapalli Satyanarayana Nomulu L-6.1

NTH 3 Katcha

113Janardhanapuram 41+450 Gudivada Vanam Venkateseararao Durgamma R-6.8

NTH 3 Katcha

114Janardhanapuram 41+460 Gudivada Katari Kotayya Anjeneyulu R-6.1

NTH 4 Katcha

115Janardhanapuram 41+515 Gudivada Ekba Peddirajulu Ramayya L-6.4

NTH 0 Katcha

116Janardhanapuram 41+550 Gudivada Kadekollu Nagaraju Nallayya L-5.6 TH 4 Katcha

117Janardhanapuram 41+550 Gudivada Jalasuthram Rangamma Baskararao L-6.2

NTH 2 Katcha

118Janardhanapuram 41+565 Gudivada Nakka Puttalamma Late) Bodayya L-6.4 TH 4 Katcha

119Janardhanapuram 41+600 Gudivada Kotaru Nagaraju Sitayya L-6.8

NTH 0 Katcha

120Janardhanapuram 41+600 Gudivada Ebba Srinivasu Ramayya R-7.2

NTH 4 Katcha

121Janardhanapuram 41+770 Gudivada Nagalam Venkateswararao Krishanamurthy R-6.2

NTH 5 Katcha

122Janardhanapuram 41+770 Gudivada Kagga Padma Srinu R-6.8

NTH 4 Katcha

123Janardhanapuram 41+770 Gudivada Nangalam Venkatarammayya Krishanamurthy R-6.8

NTH 3 Katcha

124 Puttagunta 45+200 Gudivada Ranchari Laxmi Nageswararao L-6.6NTH 0 Katcha

125 Puttagunta 45+600 Gudivada Vinjavarapu Appalachari Bhrahmam R-5.5 TH 2 Pucca

126 Puttagunta 45+630 Gudivada Pamulapati Ramireddy Person Not Available R-5.8 TH 2 Pucca

127 Puttagunta 45+650 Gudivada Valiveti Purna Subbarao R-6.5NTH 0 Semipucca

128 Puttagunta 45+650 Gudivada Vankayalapati Murali Person Not Available R-7 TH 0 Pucca

129 Puttagunta 45+700 Gudivada Barapureddy Satyanarayana Dalayya L-6.8NTH 0 Katcha

130 Puttagunta 46+400 Gudivada Kollu Someswararao Mallikarjunarao L-6.7NTH 0 Katcha

131 Puttagunta 46+400 Gudivada Mukkala Yesuamma Yesu R-7NTH 1 Katcha

132 Arugolanu 51+050 Nuzvid Poteneni lalithakumari Sambasivarao R-7 TH 2 Semipucca

133 Arugolanu 51+250 Nuzvid Singanapalli Venkateswararao Applaswamy(late) R-7 TH 7 Katcha

134 Kanumolu 55+420 Nuzvid Katumalla Kishorebabu Bisuff R-5.3NTH 4 Katcha

135 Kanumolu 55+655 Nuzvid Nerella sarveswarao Narayana R-7NTH   Semipucca

136 Kanumolu 55+680 Nuzvid Kandula veeravenkatanagaprasad Chinavenkateswarao L-6.2 TH 3 Pucca

137 Kanumolu 55+700 Nuzvid Gopalarao OLD BUILDING L-6.2 NT   Semipucca

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 61

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project


138 Kanumolu 55+780 Nuzvid Narikimalli Seshachalam Suryanarayana L-5.5NTH 4 Katcha

139 Kanumolu 55+795 Nuzvid Kurupati parisuddam Gonnaprakash R-6.2NTH 2 Semipucca

140 Kanumolu 55+820 Nuzvid Chalamarasetty Suryaprakasarao Ramayya L-6NTH 3 Pucca

141 Kanumolu 55+820 Nuzvid Chamarthi Venkateswarao Viswanadham R-5.5NTH 2 Pucca

142 Kanumolu 55+830 Nuzvid Chamarthi Anjeneyulu venkatappayya R-6.2NTH 7 Pucca

143 Kanumolu 55+870 Nuzvid Chamarthi Anjeneyulu Venkatappayya R-5NTH 7 Katcha

144 Kanumolu 55+980 Nuzvid Reddi Chinalaxmayya Chittemma L-5.7 TH 2 Pucca

145 Kanumolu 56+980 NuzvidLingamallu veravenkata jaganmohanarao Venkataratnam L-5.5

NTH 3 Pucca

146 Kanumolu 56+000   Chinta Apparao Swamulu L-5.5NTH 5 Semipucca

147 Kanumolu 56+000 Nuzvid N.V.Ramanarao ChinaSurayya R-4 TH 4 Semipucca

148 Kanumolu 56+000 Nuzvid Nanduri VenkatammaKrishana murthy(late) R-5 TH   Semipucca

149 Kanumolu 56+000 Nuzvid Anisetty Timmaraju Boogeswararao L-5NTH 4 Pucca

150 Kanumolu 56+210 Nuzvid Sunkara Laxmanarao Surayya L-5.5 TH 2 Pucca

151 Kanumolu 56+300 Nuzvid Moganti Chandra sekhar krishanarao R-6NTH   Semipucca

152 Kanumolu 56+350 Nuzvid Naraharasetty Gangadhar Venkataratnam R-7 TH 4 Semipucca

153 Kanumolu 56+390 Nuzvid Naraharasetty Prabhavathi Venkataratnam R-7 TH 2 Semipucca

154 Perikeedu 56+975 Nuzvid Venkatakonda Gandhi Koteswararo L-6.8 TH 3 Semipucca

155 Perikeedu 57+310 Nuzvid Sammangi Sateshkumar Nageswararao L-7 TH 4 Semipucca

156 Perikeedu 57+310 Nuzvid Sammangi Mohanasuresh kumar Nageswararao L-7 TH 4 Semipucca

157 Perikeedu 57+320 Nuzvid Bandaru Swetha satyanarayana Krishanarao L-7NTH 5 Katcha

158 Perikeedu 57+350 Nuzvid Maradani Sivanagaraju Tatayya L-7NTH 3 Katcha

159 Perikeedu 57+360 Nuzvid Rajamahendravarapu satyaswathi Venkateswararaju L-7NTH   Katcha

160 Perikeedu 57+650 Nuzvid Bayya Mohanarao Pitchiyya(late) L-7NTH 7 Pucca

161 Perikeedu 57+700 Nuzvid Jalidi Balakrishana Raeddiyya R-6.5 TH   Semipucca

162 Perikeedu 58+670 Nuzvid Gujjala veraswamy(israyulu) Ramaswamy L-7NTH 3 Katcha

163 Perikeedu 58+880 Nuzvid Padmala Venkateswararo Venkatanarasayya L-7NTH 5 Katcha

164 Meerjapuram 67+450 Nuzvid Kota Simhachalam Krishana R-7NTH 3 Katcha

165 Meerjapuram 67+460 Nuzvid Vallepu Parameswararao Raju R-7.1NTH 6 Katcha

166 Meerjapuram 67+500 Nuzvid Olipi Venkateswarrao Verayya R-6.4NTH 3 Katcha

167 Meerjapuram 67+500 Nuzvid Tegala Chittemma Verayya R-6NTH 3 Katcha

168 Meerjapuram 67+510 Nuzvid Garika Bhagyam Sambayya R-6NTH 2 Katcha

169 Meerjapuram 67+520 Nuzvid Busi Adam Prabhakararao R-6NTH 2 Katcha

170 Meerjapuram 67+540 Nuzvid Mindiya Venkateswararao Maddiramayya R-6NTH 5 Katcha

171 Meerjapuram 67+550 Nuzvid Tegala Guruvulu Veerayya R-5.4NTH 6 Katcha

172 Meerjapuram 67+550 Nuzvid Dasari Yesu Baalaraju R-5.4NTH 4 Katcha

173 Meerjapuram 67+560 Nuzvid Gandikota Anjeneyulu Venkateswararao R-6.5NTH 3 Katcha

174 Meerjapuram 67+660 Nuzvid Rajulapati Nageswararo Venkateswararao L-6.9 NT 1 Katcha

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 62

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

H 0

175 Meerjapuram 67+790 Nuzvid Tegala Chantibabu Ramulu L-7NTH 2 Katcha

176 Meerjapuram 67+800 Nuzvid Tegala Tirupathirao Ramulu L-7NTH 6 Katcha

177 Meerjapuram 68+995 Nuzvid Durga Person Not Available R-7NTH   Katcha

178 Gollapalli 72+050 Nuzvid Venula Durgaprasad kameswarao R-7NTH 3 Katcha

179 Gollapalli 72+100 Nuzvid Tata Pullarao Srirangam R-7NTH 4 Katcha

180 Gollapalli 72+210 Nuzvid Konda vaddikasulu Anjeneyulu R-7NTH 4 Katcha

181 Gollapalli 72+220 Nuzvid Tata Rangarao Person Not Available R-6.1NTH 2 Katcha

182 Gollapalli 72+405 Nuzvid Valiveti Satyanarayana Venkatakrishana R-5.6 TH 2 Semipucca

183 Gollapalli 72+500 Nuzvid Namala Jayaolaiah Rangarao R-6NTH 0 Katcha

184 Gollapalli 72+530 Nuzvid Shaik Choti Mahaboob R-6.8NTH 4 Katcha

185 Gollapalli 72+565 Nuzvid Talam Sriramulu Ramayya L-5.9NTH 3 Katcha

186 Gollapalli 72+565 Nuzvid Taluri Prubudas Yesudas L-6NTH 6 katcha

187 Gollapalli 72+590 Nuzvid Aripalli Suryanarayana Veerayya L-5NTH 2 Katcha

188 Gollapalli 72+600 Nuzvid Bokinala Subbarao Raghunadam L-6NTH 6 katcha

189 Gollapalli 72+610 Nuzvid Chittiboiena Rani Kittarao L-6NTH 6 Katcha

190 Gollapalli 72+730 Nuzvid Ketineni Kasturamma Ramachandrarao L-7NTH 0 Katcha

191 Gollapalli 72+730 Nuzvid Arepalli Bhushanam Nageswararao L-7.1NTH 0 Katcha

192 Gollapalli 72+770 Nuzvid Arepalli mohanarao Chinaverayya L-4.9NTH 4 Katcha

193 Morsapudi 75+200 Nuzvid Buddala Prabhakararao Ramadasu W/0 R-6.4NTH 5 Katcha

194 Morsapudi 75+220 Nuzvid Mekhala Nagamma Sayilu R-6.6NTH 4 Katcha

195 Tukkuluru 78+380 Nuzvid Polimetala Devasahayam Abraham R-6.5NTH 3 Katcha

196 Nuzvid 84+440 Nuzvid Bala Vijayalaxmi Rammohanarao R-6.2NTH 3 Semipucca

197 Nuzvid 84+440 Nuzvid Atluri Venugopalarao Amarayya R-6.2NTH 2 Semipucca

198 Nuzvid 84+415 Nuzvid Kandikatla Bullemma Ramarao R-5.5NTH 2 Semipucca

199 Nuzvid 84+415 Nuzvid Andela Kotamma Changayya R-6.2NTH 2 Katcha

200 Nuzvid 84+600 Nuzvid Chikka Asirinaidu Appalaswamy L-6.5NTH 4 Katcha

201 Nuzvid 85+400 Nuzvid Naradala Baskararao Venkataswamulu L-6.5NTH 5 Katcha

202 Annavaram 86+310 Nuzvid Mulugumati Subbarao Ramulu R-7NTH 4 Katcha

203 Annavaram 86+310 Nuzvid SK Nanasaheb Ameersaheb L-5.6NTH 0 Semipucca

204 Annavaram 86+310 Nuzvid Sk Chandbasha Ameersaheb L-5.8NTH 0 Semipucca

205 Annavaram 86+320 Nuzvid Pilli Venkateswararo Venkayya R-6.9NTH 4 Katcha

206 Annavaram 86+320 Nuzvid Sudagani Saibabu Gopiraju R-6.4 TH 3 Semipucca

207 Annavaram 86+400 Nuzvid Abdurao(late) Person Not Available R-7NTH 3 Semipucca

208 Annavaram 86+505 Nuzvid P.Madhusudhanarao Person Not Available R-6.2NTH   Katcha

209 Annavaram 86+720 Nuzvid Ramisetti Venkateswararo Nageswararao L-6.3 NT 4 Katcha

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 63

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project


210 Annavaram 86+820 Nuzvid Indala Pullayyya Rajesh L-6.3NTH 0 Pucca

211 Annavaram 86+840 Nuzvid A.Krishanachai Badrayyya L-6.2NTH 0 Katcha

212 Annavaram 87+190 Nuzvid SK.Nagulu Daveed L-6.3NTH 0 Katcha

213 Annavaram 87+190 Nuzvid Ramadasu Narasimhapatrudu Ayyannapatrudu L-6.2NTH 3 Katcha

214 Annavaram 87+210 Nuzvid Modipalli Suryanarayana Ramakrishana R-6.5NTH 0 Katcha

215 Mittagudem 90+680 Nuzvid Velivela Narasimharao Venkataratnam R-6NTH 4 Semipucca

216 Leelanager 92+240 Nuzvid Pilla Venkateswaramma Rangarao R-5.8 TH 8 Katcha

217 Leelanager 92+270 Nuzvid Simhadri Sitaramaya h/0Nagamalleswari R-5.9 TH 2 Katcha

PDF LIST - Pedana - Nuzvid - Visannapeta ROAD - Commercial Category



Name of the Village



Division Name of the HouseHold Head(HHH) Father\husband name




t\ R













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ily M



Type of Structure

1 Pedna 7+000 Machilipatnam Moganti Prasad Narayanna Rao L-1 TH 4 Semipucca

2 Pedna 7+000 Machilipatnam Varudhu Balaji Kumar Narayanna Rao R-1 TH 5 Semipucca

3 Pedna 7+000 Machilipatnam Dinduluri Srinivasarao Kalkimurthy R-1 TH 4 Semipucca

4 Pedna 7+000 Machilipatnam Madisetty Maruthi Late Satyanarayana R-1 TH 5 Semipucca

5 Nadupuru 12+050 Machilipatnam Parasa Ramachandrarajulu Nancharayya R-4.5 NTH 3 Semipucca

6 Vaddlamannadu 15+440 Gudivada Jakkula Sureshbabu Balayya L-5 NTH 4 SemiPucca

7 Vaddlamannadu 15+450 Gudivada Gudivada Venkateswarao Person Not Available R-6.2 NTH 0 Katcha

8 Vaddlamannadu 15+480 Gudivada Vallabapurapu nancharayya Venkateswarulu R-6.5 NTH 3 Katcha

9 Vaddlamannadu 15+520 Gudivada Thota Laxmayya krishanamurthy R-6.8 NTH 4 SemiPucca

10 Vaddlamannadu 15+560 Gudivada Penneru jayapattabiramayya Venugopalarao L-6.8 NTH 2 SemiPucca

11 Vaddlamannadu 15+560 Gudivada Garikipathi Tulasiram Ragavulu R-6.8 NTH 4 SemiPucca

12 Vaddlamannadu 15+560 Gudivada Meda Venkateswarao Adinarayana R-7.2 NTH 4 Katcha

13 Vaddlamannadu 15+560 Gudivada manda prasad Ramarao L-7 NTH 3 Katcha

14 Vaddlamannadu 15+590 Gudivada kundeti Verayya Ramayya R-6.6 NTH 2 Katcha

15 Vemavaram 16+900 Gudivada Vemula Srinivasarao Veraragavulu R-4.3 NTH 5 Katcha

16 Vemavaram 17+690 Gudivada Mannem Srinu Venkateswaralu l-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha

17 Vemavaram 17+690 Gudivada Mannem Somulu Venkateswaralu l-4.6 NTH 5 Katcha

18 Vemavaram 17+690 Gudivada Mannem Ragavulu Anjayya L-4.5 NTH 5 Katcha

19 Vemavaram 17+690 Gudivada Bolla Ankalu nageswarrao L-4.6 NTH 5 Katcha

20 Vemavaram 17+690 Gudivada Mannem Ramachandrudu Subbayya L-4.6 NTH 5 Katcha

21 Vemavaram 17+690 Gudivada Matta Ragavayya Saianna L-4.6 NTH 4 Katcha

22 Vemavaram 17+690 Gudivada Chettibomma Tulasamma Malleswararao L-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha

23 Vemavaram 17+700 Gudivada Pappula Peramma Nancharayya L-4.5 NTH 1 Katcha

24 Vemavaram 17+710 Gudivada Tammisetty nookalu nookalu L-4.5 NTH 3 Katcha

25 Vemavaram 17+720 Gudivada Tammisetty Durgarao Suryanarayana L-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha

26 Vemavaram 17+730 Gudivada Matta Ragavayya Saianna L-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha

27 Vemavaram 17+730 Gudivada mannem Pitchemma pothuraju L-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 64

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

28 Vemavaram 17+750 Gudivada Narepalli Srinivasarao Rangarao L-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha

29 Vemavaram 17+780 Gudivada Manda Nagamani Ramanjeneyulu R-4.5 NTH 5 SemiPucca

30 kowthvaram 22+120 Gudivada Juvvadi Edukondalu Venkateswarao L-6.9 NTH 3 SemiPucca

31 Gudlavalleru 23+995 Gudivada Nara janardhanarao Sobanadri L-6 TH 0 SemiPucca

32 Angalur 27+860 Gudivada Rajulapati Srinivasarao SubbaraoL-6.75 NTH 5 Katcha

33 Angalur 27+875 Gudivada Merugumalla Durgamaheswararao Venkataratnam

L-6.75 NTH 4 Katcha

34 Bommuluru 31+600 Gudivada Pallakattu veeraragavulu venkatasubbayya L-5.6 NTH 4 Katcha

35Janardhanapuram 40+800 Gudivada Manda Srinu Kasimreddy L-6.6 NTH 4 Semi

36Janardhanapuram 41+100 Gudivada

Puttalamm Ammavari Shoping complex Person Not Available R-6.3 NTH 0 Pucca

37Janardhanapuram 41+170 Gudivada Girijala Rammurthy Apparao R-7.2 NTH 0 SemiPucca

38Janardhanapuram 41+220 Gudivada Badam Venkatanarayana Ragavayya L-7 NTH 3 Katcha

39 Puttagunta 45+720 Gudivada Sammangi Ramarao Appalaswamy R-6 NTH 0 Semipucca

40 Puttagunta 45+800 Gudivada Oleti Satyavathi Apparao R-7 NTH 0 Semipucca

41 Shivayyapakalu 48+700 Gudivada Suvari Narasimhamurthy Ramachandrarao R-6.2 NTH 0 SemiPucca

42 Arugolanu 50+650 Nuzvid Chukkapu Nageswararo Atchiyya L-5.8 NTH 4 Katcha

43 Arugolanu 50+780 Nuzvid Veeram NageswararoVenkateswararao(late) L6.2 NTH 5 Katcha

44 Arugolanu 50+790 Nuzvid Gottapu Sivanagamani Apparao R-6.5 NTH   Katcha

45 Kanumolu 55+410 Nuzvid Ramalle Chinna DaVid R-5 NTH 2 Katcha

46 Kanumolu 55+420 Nuzvid Bethapudi Pramila Villasambabu R-4.5 NTH 2 Katcha

47 Kanumolu 55+800 Nuzvid Bejwada Nageswararao Hanumantharao L-6.3 NTH 1 Semipucca

48 Kanumolu 55+800 Nuzvid Matta Narayanarao Venkataswamy L-6.3 NTH   Semipucca

49 Kanumolu 55+890 Nuzvid Garikipati Umamaheswarao Venkateswararao L-5.2 NTH 2 Pucca

50 Kanumolu 55+930 Nuzvid Vemulapalli SubramanyamSrivenkataramalingacharya R-5.7 NTH   Semipucca

51 Kanumolu 55+940 Nuzvid Suri Satyanarayana Venkoji L-6 NTH 4 Semipucca

52 Kanumolu 55+950   Dondi Durgarao   L-7 TH 3 Pucca

53 Kanumolu 55+960 Nuzvid China Srinivasarao Ramarao R-5.7 TH 4 Pucca

54 Kanumolu 55+980 Nuzvid Chinta Muralikrishana Satyavenkataramarao R-5.5 NTH   Pucca

55 Kanumolu 56+050 Nuzvid Rellu Subbarao Ngeswrarao R-6.2 TH 7 Pucca

56 Kanumolu 56+360 Nuzvid Sunkara Laxmanarao Surayya L-5.5 NTH 2 Katcha

57 Perikeedu 57+650 Nuzvid Lanka Gopalarao Appalarao L-6.5 NTH   Katcha

58 Perikeedu 57+650 Nuzvid Pabolu SS varaprasad Nageswararao L-6.5 NTH 4 Semipucca

59 Perikeedu 57+700 Nuzvid Botcha.Krishanarao Venkayya R-7 NTH 4 Semipucca

60 Perikeedu 58+400 Nuzvid Nagulapalli Edukondalu Nageswararao R-7 NTH 13 Katcha

61 Perikeedu 58+500 Nuzvid Maddila Ganga Venkateswarao R-7 NTH 4 Katcha

62 Perikeedu 58+550 Nuzvid Battu Manikyalarao Baskararao R-7 NTH 3 Semipucca

63 Perikeedu 58+650 Nuzvid Partipati Agnesamma Prabakar L-7 NTH 9 Semipucca

64 Perikeedu 58+750 Nuzvid Partipati Vijaykumar Balaswamy R-6.5 NTH 8 Katcha

65 Marribandam 64+300 Nuzvid Pidugu Prasad Anjeneyulu R-7 NTH 4 Katcha

66 Marribandam 64+500 Nuzvid Nadakudur Muttaiah Subbarao L-7 NTH 3 Katcha

67 Marribandam 64+500 Nuzvid Shaik Babji Mabu L-6.7 NTH 10 Katcha

68 Marribandam 64+780 Nuzvid Rayavarapu Subbarao Person Not Available L-7 NTH 4 Katcha

69 Marribandam 64+800 Nuzvid Chirugudu Nagaraju Appalaswamy L-6.5 NTH 4 Katcha

70 Marribandam 65+800 Nuzvid Potakamuri Rajababu Gandhi L-7 NTH   Katcha

71 Marribandam 65+900 Nuzvid Kombati Satyanarayana Gopalam R-6.8 NTH   Katcha

72 Meerjapuram 67+490 Nuzvid Merapadu Baskhararao Maranna L-6 NTH 3 Katcha

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 65

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

73 Meerjapuram 68+480 Nuzvid Mathina Subbarao Veerayya L-7 NTH 2 Katcha

74 Meerjapuram 68+800 Nuzvid Selam Satyanarayana Seshagirirao R-6 NTH 4 Semipucca

75 Meerjapuram 68+910 Nuzvid Sk Hamid Abbulnabi R-7 NTH 2 Katcha

76 Meerjapuram 68+920 Nuzvid Sk Mastan Parisaheb L-6 NTH 2 Katcha

77 Gollapalli 72+100 Nuzvid Attili Brahmam Person Not Available R-6 NTH   Katcha

78 Gollapalli 72+400 Nuzvid Shaik Dilshadbagem Munnabasha R-5.4 NTH 3 Katcha

79 Gollapalli 72+770 Nuzvid Makaraju Rangaraju Subbaraju L-5.2 TH 2 Semipucca

80 Morsapudi 75+100 Nuzvid MD Yusuf Ibraheem L-5 NTH 4 Katcha

81 Morsapudi 75+110 Nuzvid Bejawada Bujji Rangarao R-5.5 NTH 4 Katcha

82 Tukkuluru 78+420 Nuzvid Mohamad Kareemulla Ibraheem L-6.8 NTH 4 Semipucca

83 Tukkuluru 78+420 Nuzvid Gonduboiena Sekhar Venkatesh R-6 NTH 2 Katcha

84 Nuzvid 84+200 Nuzvid Puram Samrajyam Venkateswararo L-5 NTH   Semipucca

85 Nuzvid 84+480 Nuzvid Vanapalli Laxmanarao Narayana R-6.4 NTH 5 Katcha

86 Annavaram 86+390 Nuzvid Chukkala Nageswarrao Kurmayya R-4.6 NTH 4 Katcha

87 Annavaram 86+500 Nuzvid Yadala Rajarao Ramulu L-5.8 TH 5 Semipucca

88 Annavaram 86+750 Nuzvid Shaik Kaleeshavali Kasimsaheb R-6.7 TH 6 Semipucca

89 Annavaram 86+750 Nuzvid Shaik Chanbasha Ameersaheb R-6.7 NTH 4 Semipucca

90 Annavaram 86+760 Nuzvid Nerusu Upendhra Koteswararao L-7 NTH 0 Katcha

91 Annavaram 87+020 Nuzvid Dasireddy Satyanarayana Venkatakrishana L-5.8 NTH 3 Semipucca

92 Annavaram 87+190 Nuzvid Kota Suryanarayana Venkataswamy R-7 NTH 2 Katcha

93Hunumuntulagudem 89+710 Nuzvid Ippagunta krishana Narasimharao R-6 NTH 0 Semipucca

94 Leelanager 92+300 Nuzvid J.Subramanneswararao   L-5.6 NTH 4 Katcha


PDF LIST - Pedana - Nuzvid - Visannapeta ROAD - Residential & Commercial Category



Name of the Village



Division Name of the HouseHold Head(HHH)

Father\husband name



n (L





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of F


Type of Structure

1 Nadupuru 10+800 Machilipatnam Pamarthi Bramajirao Narasimharao R-6.3 NT

H 4 Katcha

2 Nadupuru 10+800 Machilipatnam Rajulapati Gowri rajulu Gurunadham L-6 NT

H 5 Katcha

3 Nadupuru 11+020 Machilipatnam Gandikota Dhanaraju Kotayya L-7 NT

H 7 Katcha

4 Vemavaram 16+900 Gudivada Yaragani Mohanarao Mamillu L-5.2NTH 4 Katcha

5 Vemavaram 17+750 Gudivada Tammesetti Satyanarayana Suryanarayana L-4.5NTH 4 SemiPucca

6 kowthvaram 22+090 Gudivada Jakka Nagamani S/o Sanganna R-5.3NTH 2 Katcha

7 kowthvaram 22+100 Gudivada Allu Narasamma Apparao R-6.8NTH 1 Katcha

8 Gudlavalleru 23+800 Gudivada Sonti Amareswari Venkanna R-5.2NTH 4 Pucca

9 Gudlavalleru 23+810 Gudivada MD.Muzeeurrab Abdhullah R-6.2 TH 5 Pucca

10 Gudlavalleru 24+000 Gudivada K.Kameswaramma KVKrishanarao R-5.7 TH 4 SemiPucca

11 Gudlavalleru 23+834 Gudivada S.VenkannaPerson Not Available R-6.3

NTH 1 Pucca

12 Janardhanapuram 41+150 Gudivada Manepalli Subramanyam Adinarayana L-6NTH 6 semiPucca

13 Puttagunta 45+800 Gudivada Valiveti Satyanarayana Jayaharinadh L-6.2 TH 2 Katcha

Detailed Project Report VIII: Resettlement Action Plan (Annexures) Page 66

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

14 Puttagunta 45+810 Gudivada Valiveti Seshagirirao Jayaharinadh L-6.9 TH 5 Katcha

15 Kanumolu 55+820 NuzvidChamarthi venkatanarasimharao Viswanadham R-6.2

NTH 2 Pucca

16 Kanumolu 55+860 Nuzvid Allamuri Murali Krishana Prasadarao L-6.2NTH 4 Pucca

17 Kanumolu 55+870 Nuzvid Chamarthi Venketeswararao Rammohanarao R-5NTH   Pucca

18 Kanumolu 55+900 Nuzvid Vanamala Eswararao Nageswararao R-6.5NTH 4 Semipucca

19 Kanumolu 55+930 Nuzvid Morla Venkateswramma Vasantharao R-5.5NTH 1 Semipucca

20 Kanumolu 55+930 Nuzvid polasi Pothuraju Abimanyarao R-5.5NTH 4 Pucca

21 Kanumolu 55+940 Nuzvid Maredu Rambabu Sobhanachalam R-5.7NTH 4 Semipucca

22 Kanumolu 55+960 Nuzvid Bhemavarapu Rangarao mangayya R-5NTH 3 Pucca

23 Kanumolu 55+960 NuzvidChintala Ravivenkatasatyanarayana

Satyavenkataramarao R-5.7

NTH 4 Pucca

24 Kanumolu 56+000 Nuzvid Volusuri Venugopal   L-4.2 TH 5 Pucca

25 Kanumolu 56+200 Nuzvid Bandili Satyanarayana singh Subbisingh L-6NTH   Semipucca

26 Kanumolu 56+350 Nuzvid Naraharasetty Venkateswraro Venkataratnam R-7 TH 2 Semipucca

27 Kanumolu 56+350 NuzvidNaraharasetty Venkatasatya Gangadhar Venkataratnam R-7 TH 4 Semipucca

28 Perikeedu 57+300 Nuzvid Singireddy Narakumari Chennakesavarao L-7NTH 4 Semipucca

29 Perikeedu 57+320 Nuzvid Gottapu Koteswararao Paparao L-7NTH 3 Semipucca

30 Perikeedu 57+360 Nuzvid Allu Trimurtulu Narayanarao L-6.5NTH 4 Semipucca

31 Meerjapuram 67+620 Nuzvid Badipati IsakPerson Not Available L-6.2

NTH 5 Katcha

32 Meerjapuram 68+850 NuzvidPamidikondala Radhakrishana Ramachandrarao L-5

NTH 2 Katcha

33 Gollapalli 72+070 Nuzvid Pamarthi Kriskanakumari Radhakrishana L-7NTH 1 Katcha

34 Gollapalli 72+405 Nuzvid Shaik Babu Abdhul L-5.7NTH 6 Semipucca

35 Annavaram 86+505 Nuzvid Ede Savitri Sambasivarao R-5.4 TH 4 Katcha

36 Annavaram 86+720 Nuzvid Katuri Subbarao Venkayya L-6.7NTH 0 Katcha

37 Annavaram 86+820 Nuzvid Mareedu Chennakesavarao Narayana L-5.9NTH 5 Semipucca


PDF LIST - Pedana - Nuzvid - Visannapeta ROAD - Cattleshed Category



Name of the Village



Division Name of the HouseHold Head(HHH)

Father\husband name




t\ R













o of



Type of Structure

1 Pedna 7+020 Machilipatnam Varudhu Ramachandrarao Subbarao R-3 TH 3 Katcha

2 Pedna 7+120 Machilipatnam jonabattula koteswaramma Nancharayya R-2 NTH 5 Katcha

3 Pedna 7+220 Machilipatnam Varudhu Nancharayya Subbarao R-4.5 TH 6 Katcha

4 Pedna 7+280 Machilipatnam Varudhu Ragavayya Subbayya R-6 NTH 3 Katcha

5 Pedna 7+325 Machilipatnam Maruboiena Srinivasarao Nageswarao R-6 TH 6 Katcha

6 Pedna 7+360 Machilipatnam Varudhu Venkateswararo Koteswararo L-5 NTH 5 Katcha

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

7 Pedna 7+430 Machilipatnam Varudhu Suryachanrraro Venkatasubbayya R-9 NTH 13 Katcha

8 Pedna 7+450 Machilipatnam Varudhu Subbarao Madavarao R-6 NTH 7 Katcha

9 Nadupuru 10+930 Machilipatnam Polagiri nageswararao Srimahathi R-6.5 NTH 4 Katcha

10 Reddipalaem 13+420 Gudivada Katta Laxminarayana Subbayya R-8.2 TH 5 Katcha

11 Reddipalaem 13+425 Gudivada Bellamkonda Venkateswarao Mallikarjunarao L-7.5 NTH 4 Katcha

12 Reddipalaem 13+425 Gudivada Bellamkonda Sahademudu Mallikarjunarao L-7.5 NTH 3 Katcha

13 Reddipalaem 13+510 Gudivada Pamarthi VeeraVenkateswarao Rangarao R-8 NTH 5 Katcha

14 Reddipalaem 13+525 Gudivada Pamarthi Venkataswamy Ramayya R-7 NTH 4 Katcha

15 Reddipalaem 13+890 Gudivada Pamarthi Ramesh Dasaradharamayya R-7 NTH 4 Katcha

16 Reddipalaem 13+900 Gudivada Pamarthi Ankalarao Ragavulu R-7.5 NTH 2 Katcha

17 Reddipalaem 14+400 Gudivada Parasa Reddemma Durgayya L-9 NTH 3 Katcha

18 Vaddlamannadu 15+400 Gudivada Kolusu Reddayya Veraraju L-6.5 TH 5 Katcha

19 Vaddlamannadu 15+420 Gudivada Madamala Sivaleela Venkateswararao R-5 NTH 2 Katcha

20 Vaddlamannadu 15+560 Gudivada Yadaala Ramarao Rajarao L-6.2 NTH 2 Katcha

21 Vemavaram 16+820 Gudivada Yarlagadda hunumantharao Rammurthy L-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha

22 Vemavaram 16+880 Gudivada Pamarthi Samrajam Rangarao L-4.5 NTH 2 Katcha

23 Vemavaram 16+900 Gudivada Yarlagadda Nagapanindhra M/o Vijayamma L-5.5 NTH 3 Katcha

24 Vemavaram 17+050 Gudivada Sonti Venkateswarao Veraswamy L-5.2 TH 5 Katcha

25 Vemavaram 17+100 Gudivada Vemula Durgarao Danayya L-4.5 NTH 2 Katcha

26 Vemavaram 17+140 Gudivada Vemula Veraanjeneyulu Venkateswaralu L-4.5 NTH 2 Katcha

27 Vemavaram 17+140 Gudivada Mannem Gopalarao Daharmayya L-4.5 NTH 3 Katcha

28 Vemavaram 17+150 Gudivada Mannem ChinaRagavulu Daharmayya L-4.5 NTH 2 Katcha

29 Vemavaram 17+160 Gudivada Mannem Nageswararao Venkateswaralu L-4.5 NTH 4 Katcha

30 Vemavaram 17+180 Gudivada Mannem Pedaragavayya Venkateswaralu L-4.5 NTH 5 Katcha

31 Bommuluru 31+100 GudivadaGutta jagadesh chandrachowdary Venkata swamy R-7 NTH 4 Katcha

32 Bommuluru 31+620 Gudivada Uyyapatti koteswararo Duravasulu R-9 NTH 6 Katcha

33 Janardhanapuram 40+820 Gudivada Kondapalli Ravi Akiripalli R-7 NTH 4 Katcha

34 Janardhanapuram 41+400 Gudivada Pilli Srinivasaarao Subbarao L-7 NTH 4 Katcha

35 Janardhanapuram 41+650 Gudivada NarapareddyPerson Not Available R-8 NTH 3 Katcha

36 Janardhanapuram 41+650 Gudivada RajaraoPerson Not Available R-8 NTH 4 Katcha

37 Arugolanu 53+650 Nuzvid Varri Chakravarthi Rajarao R-8 NTH 5 Katcha

38 Kanumolu 55+430 Nuzvid Dodda Koteswrarao Ratnam L-6 NTH 6 Katcha

39 Kanumolu 56+450 Nuzvid Badicherla Narasimharao Koteswararo R-7.5 NTH 6 Katcha

40 Perikeedu 57+560 Nuzvid Tavva Suryaprakasarao Purnayya L-7.2 NTH 6 Katcha

41 Perikeedu 58+880 Nuzvid Padmala Venkateswararo Venkatanarasayya L7 NTH 6 Katcha

42 Marribandam 65+100 Nuzvid Podhuri Srinu Rattayya R-7 NTH 3 Katcha

43 Meerjapuram 67+801 Nuzvid Tegala Tirupathirao Ramulu L-7 NTH 7 Katcha

44 Annavaram 86+760 Nuzvid Gholla Laxmayya Chintayya L-7.2 NTH 0 Katcha

45 Annavaram 86+820 Nuzvid Ganduboiena Nagaraju Ramarao R-8 NTH 3 Katcha


PDF LIST - Pedana - Nuzvid - Visannapeta ROAD - Kiosks Category

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project



Name of the Village



Division Name of the HouseHold Head(HHH) Father\husband name




t\ R










of F





Type of Structure

1 Pedna 9+650 Machilipatnam MD.Sardhar Awa L-5 NT

H 3 Kisok

2 Nadupuru 12+050 Machilipatnam Parasa Gopalkrishana Nancharayya R-4.5 NT

H 5 Kiosk

3 Vaddlamannadu 15+440 Gudivada Sk.Raheman Not Available L-5NTH 0 Kiosk

4 Vaddlamannadu 15+450 Gudivada N.Sambasivarao Not Available L-5.5NTH 0 Kiosk

5 Vaddlamannadu 15+480 Gudivada Udayagiri Venkateswararao Person Not Available R-6.5

NTH 0 Kiosk

6 Vaddlamannadu 15+520 Gudivada Thota Umashankar Person Not Available L-7NTH 3 Kiosk

7 Vaddlamannadu 15+550 Gudivada Thota venkatanagaanjeneyulu Hunumantharao L-6.8

NTH 2 Kiosk

8 Vaddlamannadu 15+560 Gudivada G.Nageswararao Person Not Available L-6.5NTH 0 Kiosk

9 Vaddlamannadu 15+560 Gudivada Gandam Rangarao Venkatakrishanarao R-6.5NTH 0 Kiosk

10 Vaddlamannadu 15+560 Gudivada Garikipati laxmayya Ragavayya R-6.8NTH 4 Kiosk

11 Vaddlamannadu 15+580 Gudivada NKV Subbarao Venu R-6.8NTH 4 Kiosk

12 Vemavaram 17+630 Gudivada M.Ismail Kondayya L-4.2NTH 6 Kisosk

13 Vemavaram 17+690 Gudivada Mannem Nageswararao Venkateswaralu L-4.5NTH 1 Kisosk

14 Vemavaram 17+700 Gudivada Mannem Nageswararao Person Not Available L-4.5NTH 2 Kisosk

15 Vemavaram 17+710 Gudivada Tammisetty nookalu nookalu L-4.5NTH 3 Kisosk

16 Vemavaram 17+730 Gudivada Akurathi hema Srinivasarao L-4.5NTH 4 Kisosk

17 Vemavaram 17+730 Gudivada Munagala Pramela Danumjay L-4.5NTH 4 Kisosk

18 Vemavaram 17+730 Gudivada Satyanarayana Person Not Available L-4.5NTH 3 Kisosk

19 Vemavaram 17+780 Gudivada Srisylam Person Not Available L-4.5NTH 3 Kisosk

20 Vemavaram 17+810 Gudivada Sarveswararao Person Not Available L-4.5NTH 0 Kisosk

21 Vemavaram 17+810 Gudivada Basaveswararao Person Not Available L-4.6NTH 0 Kisosk

22 Vemavaram 17+820 Gudivada Tammisetty Suryanarayana Person Not Available R-6

NTH 0 Kisosk

23 Vemavaram 17+820 Gudivada kagita Veranjeneyulu Person Not Available R-6NTH 0 Kisosk

24 Vemavaram 17+830 Gudivada Bapanayya Person Not Available R-6NTH 0 Kisosk

25 Vemavaram 17+830 Gudivada Chetturu jaganadharao nageswarrao R-6NTH 4 Kisosk

26 Vemavaram 17+840 Gudivada Narapalem krishana Rangarao L-6NTH 5 Kiosk

27 Vemavaram 17+840 Gudivada Bodda Romahanaramesh pullarao L-6NTH 3 Kiosk

28 kowthvaram 22+065 Gudivada koreni Appayamma Chittibabu L-4.4NTH 3 Katcha

29 kowthvaram 22+070 Gudivada Allu suryanarayana W/o Atchinaidu L-6NTH 3 SemiPucca

30 kowthvaram 22+120 Gudivada Sonayala Suryanarayan a Satyam R-6.8NTH 1 Kiosk

31 Gudlavalleru 22+780 Gudivada Alajangi Lingamurthy Sambayya R-9NTH 0 Kiosk

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

32 Gudlavalleru 23+000 Gudivada Ch.Krishana Musalayya R-8NTH 4 Kiosk

33 Gudlavalleru 23+000 Gudivada Miriyala veranjeneyulu Veravenkayya R-8NTH 6 Kiosk

34 Gudlavalleru 23+030 Gudivada Mukkudi Rajasekhar Setti narayana R-6NTH 2 Kiosk

35 Gudlavalleru 23+220 Gudivada kaja pandu Gangayya R-7NTH 5 Kiosk

36 Gudlavalleru 23+220 Gudivada katuri Arjunrao Person Not Available R-7NTH 4 Kiosk

37 Gudlavalleru 23+990 Gudivada Mutthireddy Sekhar Nagamalleswararao L-6NTH 4 Kiosk

38 Gudlavalleru 23+860 Gudivada v.laxmiPrasadarao Person Not Available L-7.2NTH 0 Kiosk

39 Angalur 27+820 Gudivada Vadladi Jagadish Subbarao R-7.3NTH 4 Kiosk

40 Angalur 27+820 Gudivada Dhulupudi Nagamalleswar Venkataramana R-7.3NTH 2 kiosk

41 Angalur 27+830 Gudivada Kodali Madhu Venkataratnam L-6.7NTH 5 Kiosk

42 Angalur 27+850 Gudivada Merugumalla Srinivasarao Bheemarao R-8.8NTH 4 Katcha

43 Bommuluru 31+200 Gudivada Cheboiena Umadevi Venkateswararao R-8NTH 2 kiosk

44 Bommuluru 31+430 Gudivada Rangula Raju Tadayya R-8.5NTH 4 kiosk

45 Bommuluru 31+600 Gudivada Sonti Dhanalaxmi Late)Harinadh R-8.8NTH 3 Kiosk

46 Bommuluru 31+610 GudivadaChilakabatthina Chinakoteswararao padalalu L-7.3

NTH 3 Kiosk

47 Bommuluru 31+620 Gudivada Chilakabatthula nagaraju Sreeramulu L-6.1NTH 4 Kiosk

48 Gudiwada 37+220 Gudivada Ramanapudi Suresh Venkateshswararao l-8NTH 5 Kiosk

49Janardhanapuram 39+400 Gudivada Godavalli Sambasivarao Parasuramayya L-5

NTH 2 Kiosk

50Janardhanapuram 40+880 Gudivada Tammi Narapureddy Marikayalareddy L-9.5

NTH 0 Kiosk

51Janardhanapuram 40+890 Gudivada

Bommanapalli Venkataswamy Chinna L-8.2

NTH 0 Kiosk

52Janardhanapuram 41+000 Gudivada

kokkerapati Subbaramayya krishana L-9.5

NTH 0 Kiosk

53Janardhanapuram 41+080 Gudivada Annem koteswararao iyyanna R-6

NTH 5 Kiosk

54Janardhanapuram 41+100 Gudivada Pavisa Rammohanarao Venkatanarayana L-6.9

NTH 2 Kiosk

55Janardhanapuram 41+100 Gudivada Manepalli subbarao Adinarayana R-6

NTH 2 Kiosk

56Janardhanapuram 41+110 Gudivada Muddula Gopalakrishana Ramanjaneyulu R-6.5

NTH 4 Kiosk

57Janardhanapuram 41+150 Gudivada Vempala Venkatalaxmi Person Not Available L-5

NTH 0 Kiosk

58Janardhanapuram 41+150 Gudivada C.Vijaya Person Not Available R-7

NTH 0 Kiosk

59Janardhanapuram 41+155 Gudivada S.Venkatasitaramayya Amba lakshmaiah L-6.8

NTH 0 Kiosk

60Janardhanapuram 41+200 Gudivada Awalomdhar Ajibabau Hoozoor L-7

NTH 2 Kiosk

61Janardhanapuram 41+210 Gudivada Mekala laxmi kanakapothuraju L-8

NTH 3 Kiosk

62Janardhanapuram 41+500 Gudivada pattumuri Satyanarayana Krishana L-7.2

NTH 4 Kiosk

63 Puttagunta 45+800 Gudivada maddala Venkateswararo Person Not Available L-8NTH 0 Kiosk

64 Arugolanu 50+600 NuzvidReddysobhana chalapathirao Atchiyya L-7.8

NTH 2 Kiosk

65 Arugolanu 50+740 Nuzvid V.Kesavarao Varalaxmi R-6.2NTH 3 Kiosk

66 Arugolanu 51+150 Nuzvid Vadavalli Sivabully Manikyarao L-6.5 NT   Kiosk

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challyya H

67 Kanumolu 55+645 NuzvidChintapalli Prasannakumari Prabhakar(late) R-8

NTH 3 Kiosk

68 Kanumolu 55+670 Nuzvid Chinnam Siyyaon Somayya R-7NTH 1 Kiosk

69 Kanumolu 55+740 Nuzvid kattumala Adrutstarao Imannual R-5.5NTH 1 Kiosk

70 Kanumolu 56+980 NuzvidPanchakarla Satyanarayana Venkataramana R-8

NTH 4 Kiosk

71 Kanumolu 56+980 Nuzvid Vijayakumar Bhyragi R-4.2NTH   Kiosk

72 Kanumolu 56+070   Vanukuri Edukondalu Satyanarayana(late) L-10NTH   Kiosk

73 Perikeedu 57+350 Nuzvid Vankuri Hunumantharao Verayya L-7NTH   Kiosk

74 Perikeedu 57+650 Nuzvid Singarapu Durgarao Simhachalam R-7.5NTH   Kiosk

75 Marribandam 64+700 Nuzvid Rayavarapu Swami Rangarao L-6.4NTH 4 Kiosk

76 Marribandam 64+720 Nuzvid Aladangi Ugadi Chinnarao L-6NTH 4 Kiosk

77 Marribandam 64+745 Nuzvid Vaddadi Trinadh Appalaswamy L-7NTH 0 Kiosk

78 Marribandam 64+810 Nuzvid Machavarapu Tirupatayya Ramdhar L-6NTH 2 Kiosk

79 Marribandam 65+850 Nuzvid Vadduluri Venkateswararo Raghavalu L-8.1NTH 6 Kiosk

80 Marribandam 65+850 Nuzvid Jakkula Laxmi Venkataramana L-8.1NTH 2 Kiosk(2shops

81 Marribandam 65+850 Nuzvid Chabathina Ratnasamual Samual R-8NTH   Kiosk

82 Meerjapuram 68+910 Nuzvid Sedirala Koteswararao Venkatasubbarao L-8NTH   kiosk

83 Meerjapuram 68+940 Nuzvid Sutrala Rangarao Subbarao R-7.3NTH   kiosk

84 Meerjapuram 68+940 Nuzvid Maragani Nehrukanth Ayanna R-9NTH 5 kiosk

85 Meerjapuram 68+960 NuzvidMaddirala NagaSriragavarao Venu L-9

NTH   kiosk

86 Meerjapuram 69+030 Nuzvid Yarramsetty Loknadh Tirupatiayya L-8.5NTH   kiosk

87 Gollapalli 72+100 Nuzvid Penumada Kalebu Venkataratnam L-9NTH 3 kiosk

88 Gollapalli 72+180 Nuzvid Koduru Nageswararao Subbarao L-7NTH 2 kiosk

89 Gollapalli 72+200 Nuzvid Owner not Available Person Not Available  NTH   kiosk

90 Gollapalli 72+265 Nuzvid Shaik Meerjavali Kaream R-6NTH 4 Kiosk

91 Gollapalli 72+410 Nuzvid Mylavarapu Tirapatirao Raghunadam L-6.8NTH 0 kiosk

92 Gollapalli 72+710 Nuzvid Ulaga Krishana Venkayya L-5.7NTH 4 Kiosk

93 Gollapalli 72+720 NuzvidMylavarapu Venkateswararao Subbarao R-5.3

NTH 4 Kiosk

94 Morsapudi 75+200 Nuzvid G.Apparao Person Not Available R-6.4NTH 4 Kiosk

95 Tukkuluru 78+430 Nuzvid Badugu Venkateswararao Kondayya L-8NTH 5 Kiosk

96 Tukkuluru 78+430 Nuzvid Kosuri Srinivasarao Venkateswararao R-6.8NTH 4 Kiosk

97 Tukkuluru 78+430 Nuzvid Kosaraju Rajarao Person Not Available R-7.2NTH 6 Kiosk

98 Annavaram 86+770 Nuzvid Satyanarayana Jaganadham L-7.8NTH 0 Kiosk

99 Annavaram 86+820 Nuzvid Koppakala Sitaramayya Venkateswrarao L-7.5NTH 0 Kiosk

100Hunumuntulagudem 89+880 Nuzvid Polapaka Sudhakar Prasadarao L-8

NTH 5 kiosk

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

101 Mittagudem 90+680 Nuzvid Velivela Gopalaswamy Venkataratnam R-8.8NTH 2 Kiosk

102 Mittagudem 90+705 Nuzvid Chalamala Sambasivarao Bulliramayya R-7.8NTH 6 Kiosk

103 Mittagudem 90+900 Nuzvid Janga Somasundhar Yakobu L-7.5NTH 0 Kiosk

104 Leelanager 92+180 Nuzvid Kethe Jaganadharao Seetayya L-8NTH 4 Kiosk

105 Leelanager 92+180 Nuzvid Kethe Sheshamma Tirupatayya L-6.9NTH 5 Kiosk

ANNEXURE 2.3: COMMUNITY PROPERTY RESOURCES OF PEDNA- NUZVID- VISANNAPETA ROAD. Name of the Common Property Resources ChainageLocation (Left/Right)

Distance from the Centre line in Mts) Remarks

1 Eadgah 9+300 Right 3Situated in Proposed By


2 Hanuman Temple 12+020 Left 5 Direct Affect.

3 Human Temple 13+750 Left 6 Direct Affect.

4 Kondalamma Temple 17+700 Left 5 Direct Affect.

5 sai temple 22+100 Left 1.5 Indirect Affect.

6 Human Temple 23+650 Left 5 Direct Affect.

7 Ram temple 23+750 Left 5 Direct Affect.

8 Krishna Temple 24+000 Left 6.5 Direct Affect.

9 Hanuman Temple 27+850 Left 7.4 Direct Affect.

10 Krishana Temple 27+865 Right 7.3 Direct Affect.

11 Ram temple 31+160 Left 15 Indirect Affect.

12 Church 31+600 Left 6.5 Direct Affect.

13 Hunuman Temple 39+420 Right 8 Direct Affect.

14 Ayyappa Swami Temple 39+420 Right 9 Direct Affect.

15 Temple 39+450 Right 18 Indirect Affect.

16 Sivalayam Temple 41+000 Left 7 Direct Affect.

17 Ganapathi Temple 45+640 Left 5 Direct Affect.

18 Church 46+220 Right 8 Direct Affect.

19 Temple 47+800 Right 10 Direct Affect.

20 Temple 49+000 Left 10 Direct Affect.

21 Catalic Church 50+350 Left 8 Indirect Affect.

22 Temple 50+700 Left 8 Direct Affect.

23 Sai temple 50+975 Left 7 Direct Affect.

24 Sai temple 51+100 Right 8 Direct Affect.

25 Krishana temple 51+210 Left 8 Direct Affect.

26 Temple 51+400 Left 9 Direct Affect.

27 Temple 51+500 Left 12 Indirect Affect.

28 KrishanaTemple 53+700 Left 9 Direct Affect.

29 Church 55+625 Left 9 Indirect Affect.

30 Church prayer hall 55+700 Right 9 Indirect Affect.

31 Statue(Jesus & CPI) 55+800 Left 7 Direct Affect.

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

32 Ramalayam Temple 55+810 Left 6 Direct Affect.

33 Ramalayam Temple 55+950 Left 7 Direct Affect.

34 Hanuman Temple & pond 56+050 Left 5.5 Direct Affect.

35 sai temple 56+200 Left 9 Direct Affect.

36 Temple 57+300 Left 4.5 Direct Affect.

37 Ayyappa Swami Statue 57+450 Left 5 Direct Affect.

38 Temple Ayyappa Swamy 57+450 Left 12 Indirect Affect.

39Statues of Gandhi garu and Subashchandrabosu

garu 57+550 Right 8.5 Direct Affect.

40 VinayakaTemple 64+300 Left 4.5 Direct Affect.

41 HunumanTemple 64+500 Right 6.5 Direct Affect.

42 Temple & Tap 65+810 Left 5.5 Direct Affect.

43 Temple 67+600 Left 5.5 Direct Affect.

44 Hunuman Temple 68+000 Right 7 Direct Affect.

45 Veerabramamgari Tempel 69+100 Right 8 Direct Affect.

46 Hanuman Temple 72+450 Left 7 Direct Affect.

47 Hanuman Statue 75+100 Left 7 Direct Affect.

48 Jesus statue 75+200 Left 7 Direct Affect.

49 Ganesh temple 75+400 Right 8 Direct Affect.

50 Hanuman temple 77+200 Left 6.2 Direct Affect.

51 mosque 78+250 Right 12.5 Indirect Affect.

52 Temple 84+200 Right 12 Indirect Affect.

53 Hanuman Temple 85+400 Right 12 Indirect Affect.

54 Temple 86+400 Left 6  

55 Ram temple 86+700 Left 7  

56 Temple, School 88+400 Left 20 Indirect Affect.

57 Hanuman Statue 89+500 Right 6.5 Direct Affect.

58 Hanuman temple 89+600 Right 8 Direct Affect.

59 church 90+700 Right 7 Direct Affect.

60 Hunman temple 91+750 Left 10 Direct Affect.

61 Temple, water tap 92+290 Left 8 Direct Affect.

62 Temple troc 93+300 Right 5.5 Direct Affect.

63 Hanuman temple 94+700 Left 10 Indirect Affect.

64 Trees 62+500 to 94+ 770 Both Sides5 to 6 mts distance Direct Affect.

65 Tree ( temple) 7+000 Right 1Situated in Proposed By


66 Tree 23+850 L/R 7 Direct Affect.

67 Tree & Rachabanda 31+100 Left 8 Direct Affect.

68 Pond & Tree 45+650 Left 8 Direct Affect.

69 Tree ( temple) 56+100 Left 6 Direct Affect.

70 Tree & Rachabanda 64+720 Left 4 Direct Affect.

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Pedana-Nuzvid-Visannapeta Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project

71 Tree & Rachabanda 72+220 Left 8 Direct Affect.

72 Tree & Rachabanda 90+700 Right 5 Direct Affect.

73 Big pond 23+820 Left 9 Indirect Affect.

74 Pond 31+100 Left 8 Direct Affect.

75 Pond 40+900 Right 5 Direct Affect.

76 Big pond 43+200 & 500 Right 4 Direct Affect.

77 Pond 44+450 Right 8 Direct Affect.

78 Pond 46+750 Right 10 Indirect Affect.

79 Pond 55+400 Left 9 Indirect Affect.

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OTHER STRUCTURES OF PEDNA- NUZVID- VISANNAPETA ROAD. Name of the Other Property Resources ChainageLocation (Left/Right)

Distance from the Centre line in Mts) Remarks

1 School 31+350 Left 10 Indirect Affect.

2 School 51+400 Left 9 Direct Affect.

3 School 55+600 Left 5 Direct Affect.

4 School 56+300 Left 10  

5 High School 56+350 Left 6 Direct Affect.

6 School 77+800 Right 12 Indirect Affect.

7 Well 7+550 Right 1Situated in Proposed By


8 Tap 10+900 Right 5 Direct Affect.

9 Public Well 11+000 Left 6.5 Direct Affect.

10 Public Well 12+000 Left 6.5 Direct Affect.

11 Public Tap 12+020 Left 6.5 Direct Affect.

12 Well and Hand pump 17+000 Left 8 Direct Affect.

13 Public well 22+100 Left 10 Direct Affect.

14 tap 22+100 Left 6 Direct Affect.

15 Public well 22+200 Right 8 Direct Affect.

16 Water Tap 31+020 Right 6 Direct Affect.

17 Water Tap 37+350 Left 8.5 Direct Affect.

18         Direct Affect.

19 Tap 39+525 Right 7 Direct Affect.

20 Tap 41+600 Left 6 Direct Affect.

21 Tank, Tap, School 45+600 Right 15 Indirect Affect.

22 Tap 45+800 Right 7 Direct Affect.

23 Tap 45+850 Right 6 Direct Affect.

24 Tap 46+200 Right 6 Direct Affect.

25 Taps(Panchayathi) 50+500 to 50+750Left -2taps Right-

5taps 6 to 7 mts Direct Affect.

26 Temple & Tap 65+810 Left 5.5 Direct Affect.

27 Tap 67+640 Left 6 Direct Affect.

28 Tap 72+550 Left 8 Direct Affect.

29 Tap 75+180 Left 8 Direct Affect.

30 Hand pump 84+650 Right 5 Direct Affect.

31 Hand pump 87+950 Left 5 Direct Affect.

32 Tap 88+400 Left 6 Direct Affect.

33 Hand pump 88+600 Left 6 Direct Affect.

34 Hand pump 89+580 Left 5 Direct Affect.

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35 Hand pump 89+950 Left 6 Direct Affect.

36 Tap 90+580 Left 4 Direct Affect.

37 Temple, water tap 92+290 Left 8 Direct Affect.

38 Tap 92+500 Left 5 Direct Affect.

39 Tap 92+500 Right 5 Direct Affect.

40 Hand pump 93+300 Left 6 Direct Affect.

41 Govt.Ayurvedik Hospital 56+250 left 13 Indirect Affect.

42 BSNL tele Box 10+900 Left 7.8 Direct Affect.

43 Ele Bill Collection Center 23+650 Left 5 Direct Affect.

44 Milk Society 40+900 Right 5 Direct Affect.

45 Panchyat Office 41+100 Right 7 Direct Affect.

46 Panchyat Office 45+650 Right 7.6 Direct Affect.

47 Milk Society & Collection centre 51+240   8.5 Direct Affect.

48 library 51+250 Left 10 Direct Affect.

49 Panchyat Office 51+300 Left 9 Direct Affect.

50Agriculturel Cooprative Socity Building

&Gowdown 51+350 Right 9 Direct Affect.

51 Panchyat Office 56+010 Left 7 Indirect Affect.

52 library 56+260 Left 11 Indirect Affect.

53 Agriculturel Cooprative Socity Building 56+270 Left 9 Direct Affect.

54 Sub Register Office 56+350 Right 9 Indirect Affect.

55 BSNL office 58+950 Right 7.8 Indirect Affect.

56 Check Post 92+300 Left 5 Direct Affect.

57 Bus Shelter 10+650 Left 6 Direct Affect.

58 Bus Shelter 10+900 Left 7.8 Direct Affect.

59 Bus Shelter 13+750 Right 6.5 Direct Affect.

60 Bus Shelter 17+100 Right 8 Direct Affect.

61 Bus Shelter 17+820 Left 6 Direct Affect.

62 Bus Shelter 22+800 Left 7 Direct Affect.

63 Bus Shelter 23+650 Left 5 Direct Affect.

64 Committee Hall 23+800 Left 6 Direct Affect.

65 Subhasu Chandra Bose Statue 23+800 Left 6 Direct Affect.

66 Bus Shelter 23+900 Left 8 Direct Affect.

67 Krishna Temple Land 24+000 Left 6.5 Direct Affect.

68 Statue of NTR 24+050 Left 5 Direct Affect.

69 Bus Shelter 26+700 Left 5 Direct Affect.

70 Bus Shelter 27+820 Right 7.5 Direct Affect.

71 Bus Shelter 27+875 Left 8.35 Direct Affect.

72 NTR Statue 31+150 Left 8.5 Direct Affect.

73 Bus Shelter 31+200 Right 8 Direct Affect.

74 Br.Ambedkar Statue 37+200 Right 10 Indirect Affect.

75 Bus Shelter 37+450 Left 6.5 Direct Affect.

76 Municipal Waste 38+900 Right 10 Indirect Affect.

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77 Bus Shelter 39+300 Right 7 Direct Affect.

78 TDP Flag 40+800 Right 6 Direct Affect.

79 CPM Flag 40+800 Right 6 Direct Affect.

80 YSR Flag 40+810 Right 6 Direct Affect.

81 Community Hall 40+810 Right 6 Direct Affect.

82 Over Head Tank 41+000 Left 12 Indirect Affect.

83 YSR Statue 41+100 Left 8.5 Direct Affect.

84 Bus Shelter 41+100 Right 7 Direct Affect.

85 YSR Flag 45+790 Left 6 Direct Affect.

86 Community Hall 45+800 Left 8 Direct Affect.

87 Community Hall 46+400 Right 8 Direct Affect.

88 Ambedkar Statue 46+500 Right 13 Indirect Affect.

89 Bus Shelter 49+200 Left 6.4 Direct Affect.

90 Church Ground 50+350 Left 12 Indirect Affect.

91 Bus Shelter 50+800 Left 7 Direct Affect.

92 Abbedkar Statue 50+800 Left 8 Direct Affect.

93 Youth Community Hall 51+210 Left 9 Direct Affect.

94 Dr.Water Plant 51+230 Left 9 Direct Affect.

95 Nethaje Statue 50+300 Left 9 Direct Affect.

96 Over Head Tank 51+350 Left 8 Direct Affect.

97 Cemetery 55+300 Left 7 Direct Affect.

98 Over Head Tank 55+500 Right 15 Indirect Affect.

99 Ambedkar Statue 55+750 Right 12 Indirect Affect.

100 Statue(Jesus & CPI) 55+800 Left 7 Direct Affect.

101 Statue & Committee Hall 56+150 Left 9 Indirect Affect.

102 Bus Shelter 56+340 Left 8 Direct Affect.

103 Bus Shelter 57+550 Right 8.5 Direct Affect.

104Statues of Gandhi garu and Subashchandrabosu

garu 57+550 Right 8.5 Direct Affect.

105 JMJ junior College 58+925 Right 8.2 Indirect Affect.

106 JMJ junior College 58+950 Right 8.2 Indirect Affect.

107 NTR Statue 64+850 Left 6 Direct Affect.

108 Bus Shelter 68+500 Right 10 Direct Affect.

109 Over Head Tank 69+100 Right 15 Indirect Affect.

110 Bus Shelter 72+200 Right 9 Direct Affect.

111 Bus Shelter 72+400 Left 6 Direct Affect.

112 Bus Shelter 75+050 Left 6.5 Direct Affect.

113 TDP Flag 75+100 Left 6.5 Direct Affect.

114 Congrase Flage 75+110 Left 6 Direct Affect.

115 Bus Shelter 76+180 Left 7 Direct Affect.

116 Bus Shelter 78+500 Right 6.2 Direct Affect.

117 IFTU Flag 87+720 Left 5.5 Direct Affect.

118 CPI Statue 87+940 Left 5 Direct Affect.

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119 TDP Flag 87+950 Left 6.5 Direct Affect.

120 Bus Shelter 87+950 Right 6 Direct Affect.

121 Bus Shelter 90+050 Left 7 Direct Affect.

122 NREGS Board 90+18 Right 5.5 Direct Affect.

123 NRGS Board 91+830 Left 5 Direct Affect.

124 Scheme NGRY - Display Board 94+400 Left 4.5 Direct Affect.

125 Trees 62+500 to 94+ 770 Both Sides5 to 6 mts distance Direct Affect.

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ANNEXURE 2.4 : CONSULTATION FINDINGSVenue-Janardhanpuram, Machilipatnam

ParticipantProject Preparation Team: Social, environmental and technical expert of the consultant, environmental officer APRDC, Stakeholders: Local engineers(R&B),MRO, Dy S.P., MLA representatives, Revenue officials, Elected representatives of local self- Government

Issue Discussed

Relocation of temple in general from road side Importance and utility of ponds Cost of agricultural Land Submerged stretches Migration and HIV/AIDS issues

Suggestion Relocation is possible if replacement is done Pond is source of potable water , fish farming is done thus source of livelihood so minimize

impact on pond Cost of land is very high because it is a productive land of lower deltaic flood plain

Important Finding

Land acquisition should be minimized Direct purchasing of land should be done to avoid litigation HIV/AIDS is not considered important because of low level of awareness and people find

restricted themselves in discussing HIV/AIDS issueFuture course of Action

Land acquisition strategy should be devised HIV/AIDS awareness campaign should be part of social management plan to generate awareness

and BCC among general people

Venue: Nadupuru,Pedna,Krishna


Project Preparation Team: Social, environmental and technical expert of the consultant, environmental officer APRDC, Stakeholders: Local engineers(R&B),MRO, MLA representatives, Revenue officials, Elected representatives of local self- Government

Issue Discussed

All ready encroachment have been compensated by 2 Cents and Rs 33000 per family for construction

Cost of relocation of pucca structure in the village and cost of land Tree cutting Utility shifting Migration and HIV/AIDS issues

Suggestion Multiple displacement of commercial families should be avoided Acquisition of pucca structure should be avoided Cost of land is very high because it is a productive land of lower deltaic flood plain Tree cutting is part of Government so Government should take care of such issues

Important Finding

People are very cooperative. Involvement of local R&B engineers in project planning will be key to successful

implementation of land acquisition.Future course of Action

Land acquisition strategy has been devised HIV/AIDS awareness campaign has become of social management plan(SMP).

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S.No Village

Chainage Type Of Encumberances


From To LA LA and R&R

R&R and CPR

Encumbrance Free Stretch

PNV - 81 Pedna 7+000 7+500   500      

    7+500 9+650 2150       Bye Pass

    9+650 9+850     200    

    9+850 10+700       850  

2 Nadupuru 10+700 12+100     1400    

    12+100 13+400       1300  3 Reddipalem 13+400 14+400     1000        14+400 15+190       790  

4 Vadlamadugu 15+190 15+360     170    

    15+360 16+740       1380  5 Vemavaram 16+740 17+840     1100        17+840 18+900       1060  

6 Kowtaram 18+900 21+000 2100       Bye Pass

    21+00 22+065       1065  

    22+065 22+200     135    

    22+200 22+760       560  7 Gudlavalleru 22+760 23+860     1100        23+860 25+500       1640  

8 Anguluru 25+500 25+750 250        

    25+750 27+820     2070  

    27+820 28+010     190    

    28+010 31+000       2890  9 Bommuluru 31+000 31+330   330          31+330 31+430       100      31+430 37+220       5790  

10 Gudivada 37+220 37+400     180    

    37+400 39+400       2000  11 Janardhanapuram 39+400 41+770     970    

    41+770 45+200       3430  

12 Puttagunta 45+200 46+400     1200    

    46+400 48+700       2300  13 Shivayypakalu 48+700 48+710     10    

    48+710 50+500       1790  

14 Arugolalu 50+500 51+400     900    

    51+400 54+000       2600  

15 Kanumolu 54+000 54+400 400            54+400 54+760       360  

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    54+760 55+200 440            55+200 55+410       210      55+410 56+460     1050        56+460 56+600       140  

16 Perikeed 56+600 57+200   600      

    57+200 57+300       100  

    57+300 58+880     1580    

58+880 59+000 200

    Sub Total 5340 1430 11185 32625  

59+000 62+000 It is not in the scope of the ProjectPNV- 9

    62+000 64+300       2300Hanuman Junction ( NH5)

17 Marribandam 64+300 65+900     1600        65+900 67+450       1550  

18 Meerjapuram 67+450 70+200   2750      

    70+200 71+250       1050  19 Gollapalle 71+250 72+000 750      

    72+000 72+780     780    

    72+780 75+040       2260  

20 Morsapudi 75+040 75+230     190    

    75+230 78+380       3150  21 Tukkuluru 78+380 78+600   480      

22 Nuzvid 78+600 83+400 4800       Bye Pass

    83+400 84+200       800  

    84+200 84+615     415    

    84+615 86+100       1485  

23 Annavaram 86+100 86+175 75            86+175 86+310       135      86+310 87+210     900        87+210 88+350       1140  

24 Venkatdripuram 88+350 88+350     0    

    88+350 89+700       1350  25 Hunumanthulagudem 89+700 90+400   700      

26 Mittagudem 90+400 90+960     560    

    90+960 92+180       1220  27 Leelanageer 92+180 92+300     120    

    92+300 96+000       3700      Sub Total 5625 3930 4565 20140                   

    TOTAL 10965 5360 15750 55685  


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R&B Dept. – Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project – Appointment of Commissioner at State level & Constitution of Project Level Monitoring Committee to monitor R&R Policy in the State - Orders-Issued.


G.O.Rt.No.1615 Dt:03.11.2008.Read the following:

From the CE(R&B) Core Road Network & MD,APRDCLr.No.1/APRDC/APRSP/R&R/2007, dt:16.9.2008.

** ** **


The Government of Andhra Pradesh through Government of India has applied for financial assistance in the form of a Loan from the World Bank for the Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project (APRSP) to a tune of US$ 320 million. Already 50% of the work has been commenced and tender processes also completed. As such it is felt that there is now necessity to appoint a Commissioner and Administrator to monitor the Rehabilitation and Resettlement activity of the APRSP.

2. Government, after careful examination of the matter, keeping Chapter IV & VIII of R&R Policy and in view of the recommendations of the Chief Engineer (R&B) Core Road Network & Managing Director,Andhra Pradesh Road Development Corporation in the reference read above, hereby issue orders for constitution of “Project Level Monitoring Committee” in each district of the State except Hyderabad.

3. The Project Level Monitoring Committee will be headed by Joint Collector of the concerned district in whose jurisdiction the main component of the project lies. In case the main component of the project spreads over more than one district, the senior among the Joint collectors involved shall chair the committee for reviewing and monitoring the progress of implementation of resettlement and rehabilitation relating to the project. The committee shall meet at least once in two months. The members of the committee will be as per the list under clause 8.3 of chapter VIII of R&R Policy with the Superintendent Engineer (R&B) of the concerned district as Convenor. 4. The Principal Secretary to Govt., T,R&B Department shall act as R&R Commissioner and Convenor at the State level.

2 The Chief Engineer [R&B] Core Road Network & Managing Director,Andhra Pradesh Road Development Corporation, Hyderabad shall take further action for constitution of Project Monitoring Committees with members as mentioned in the list under clause 8.3 of chapter 8 of R&R Policy.


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ToThe Chief Engineer (R&B) Core Road Network & Managing Director, Andhra Pradesh Road Development Corporation, Hyderabad.Copy to:The PS to Minister R&B. The PS to Prl.Secretary (TC).




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Roads & Buildings Department - Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project - Appointment of Administrator for implementation of Resettlement and Rehabilitation activities – Orders –Issued.

5. - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ TRANSPORT, ROADS & BUILDINGS (R.IV) DEPARTMENT

G.O.Rt.No. 167 Dated 19-02-2011.Read:

From the CE(R&B) CRN & Managing Director, APRDC. Lr.No. 1/APRDC/APRSP/R&R/2007, Dt: 25.01.2011 and even No. Dt.03.02.2011.

***O R D E R:

The Government of Andhra Pradesh through Government of India has taken financial assistance in the form of a Loan from the World Bank for the Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project (APRSP) to a tune of US$ 320 million. Some packages have already been grounded, and the tender process for other packages is at various stages. As such, it is felt that there is now necessity to appoint Project Administrators to perform functions and duties envisaged under the policy on R&R for PAFs 2005, chapters IV, V and VI relating to the Resettlement and Rehabilitation activities of the Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project. Implementation activities pertaining to Resettlement and Rehabilitation, some of which have already been carried out and also those which are yet to be carried out have to be taken up and completed by the Project Administrator i.e., the Joint Collector concerned.

1.The Chief Engineer (R&B) CRN & Managing Director, Andhra Pradesh Road Development Corporation has requested the Government to issue orders appointing Joint Collectors as Project Administrators of the districts, in which Widening and Strengthening of roads and PPP projects have been taken up.

2 Government after careful examination of the entire matter hereby appoint the following Joint Collectors as Project Administrators of the districts concerned against each road, in which Widening and Strengthening of roads and PPP projects have been taken up.

Sl. Road Name Distance in Districts Project Administrator

No. kms covered


Widening and Strengthening Roads:

1. Chittoor Puttur 65 Chittoor Joint Collector,

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Chittoor District.

2. Mydukur 45 Kadapa Joint Collector,

Jammalamadug Kadapa District


3. Kurnool 54 Kurnool Joint Collector,

Devanakonda Kurnool District.

4. Kandi 65 Mahaboob- Joint Collector,

Shadnagar nagar Mahaboobnagar


Rangareddy Joint Collector,

Rangareddy District.

Medak Joint Collector, Medak


5. Jagityal 58 Karimnagar Joint Collector,

Peddapalli Karimnagar District.

6. Kakinada 62 East Joint Collector, EastRajahmundry Godavari Godavari District.

7.Pedana – Nuzvid – Vissanapeta 95 Krishna Joint Collector,

Krishna District.II. PPP Roads:1. Hyderabad 207 Ranga- Joint Collector,

Karimnagar reddy Rangareddy District.Ramagundam

Medak Joint Collector, MedakDistrict.

Karim- Joint Collector,nagar, Karimnagar District.

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Warangal Joint Collector,Warangal District.

Adilabad. Joint Collector,Adilabad District.

2. Narketpally 213 Nalgonda, Joint Collector,Addanki Nalgonda District.Medarametla

Guntur Joint Collector, GunturDistrict

Prakasam Joint Collector,Prakasam District.

3. Renigunta 58 Chittoor Joint Collector, ChittoorNaidupeta District.

Nellore Joint Collector, NelloreDistrict.

4. Renigunta 138 Kadapa Joint Collector, KadapaKadapa District.

Chittoor Joint Collector, ChittoorDistrict.

5. Khammam 177 Khammam Joint Collector, KhammamTallada District.Deverapalli

West Joint Collector, WestGodavari Godavari District.

4. The Joint Collectors are informed that the functions relating to the implementation of R & R activities such as approval of final Detailed Project Reports, minimizing displacements, identification of Project Affected Families (PAFs), holding consultations with PAFs, ensuring protection to the SC/STs and preparation of budgetary estimates etc. have been carried out and they are requested to carry out the remaining activities and take expeditious actions for immediate and complete implementation of Resettlement and Rehabilitation Plans.



The District Collectors concerned. The Joint Collectors concerned. Copy to:

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The Chief Engineer (R&B) Core Road Network & Managing Director, Andhra Pradesh Road Development Corporation, Hyderabad.The Chief Commissioner Land Administration AP, Hyderabad.The Commissioner, Govt.Printing press, Chancalaguda, Hyderabad for publication in the AP Gazette.The Special Officer AP Portal, IT and C Department, Secretariat.

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