ST GEORGE DISTRICT CRICKET ASSOCIATION INC COMPETITION RULES (Current as at 1 September 2017) INDEX Rule Page Rule 1 - Commencement of Competition Rule 2 - Registrations Rule 3 - Gradings & Transfers Rule 4 - Association Fees Rule 5 - Declared Teams, Scorebooks & Results Rule 6 - Competition Points Rule 7 - Withdrawals & Forfeits Rule 8 - Two Day Match Rules – Seniors Rule 9 - One Day Match Rules – Seniors – 40 / 35 Overs – Saturdays Rule 10 - One Day Match Rules – Seniors – 50 Overs – Sundays Rule 11 - Two Day Match Rules – Juniors Rule 12 - One Day Match Rules – Juniors Rule 13 - Bowling Restrictions Rule 14 - Batting Restrictions - Juniors Rule 15 - Special Rules for Junior Grades Rule 16 - Finals Series – Seniors Rule 17 - Finals Series - Juniors Rule 18 - Ground Allocation Rule 19 - Cricket Attire & Equipment Rule 20 - Trophies Rule 21 - Representative Matches and Players Rule 22 - Protests, Citings and Disputes Rule 23 - General Rule 24 - Code of Behaviour Rule 25 - Umpires Rule 26 - Over 35’s Competition 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 8 9 10 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 22 23 23 23 1 | Page

Transcript of


COMPETITION RULES(Current as at 1 September 2017)


Rule Page

Rule 1 - Commencement of Competition

Rule 2 - Registrations

Rule 3 - Gradings & Transfers

Rule 4 - Association Fees

Rule 5 - Declared Teams, Scorebooks & Results

Rule 6 - Competition Points

Rule 7 - Withdrawals & Forfeits

Rule 8 - Two Day Match Rules – Seniors

Rule 9 - One Day Match Rules – Seniors – 40 / 35 Overs – Saturdays

Rule 10 - One Day Match Rules – Seniors – 50 Overs – Sundays

Rule 11 - Two Day Match Rules – Juniors

Rule 12 - One Day Match Rules – Juniors

Rule 13 - Bowling Restrictions

Rule 14 - Batting Restrictions - Juniors

Rule 15 - Special Rules for Junior Grades

Rule 16 - Finals Series – Seniors

Rule 17 - Finals Series - Juniors

Rule 18 - Ground Allocation

Rule 19 - Cricket Attire & Equipment

Rule 20 - Trophies

Rule 21 - Representative Matches and Players

Rule 22 - Protests, Citings and Disputes

Rule 23 - General

Rule 24 - Code of Behaviour

Rule 25 - Umpires

Rule 26 - Over 35’s Competition

Rule 27 - Duty of Care

Rule 28 - Management Committee Powers

Appendix One Codes of Behaviour






























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1.1 The competition shall commence on the first Saturday of September and shall be played within the format as set by the Management Committee prior to the commencement of the competition each year. This includes the Grades, dates and times of play and other appropriate conditions for the preliminary rounds of all matches and for the Semi-finals, Preliminary Finals and Finals.


2.1 Definitions: a) “Juniors” refers to those competitions that are Under 17 and below. b) “Seniors” refers to those competitions that are above Under 17.

2.2 The Management Committee shall grade all teams and players prior to the commencement of the competition and may accept or reject any team or player. Registration forms must be completed in all details in triplicate. All particulars on the form must be completed or the form may be rejected. Team details should also be supplied on a Disc or USB with the Registration forms.

2.2.1 In Junior Age Groups with 14 or less teams nominated, then only Two Grades to be allocated.

2.2.2 In Junior Age Groups with 10 or less teams nominated, then only One Grade may be formed.

2.2.3 In Junior Age Groups grade 13A and above may be played in either Two Day or One Day format, or combination of both, I.A.W. Rules 11 and 12 respectively.

Grades 13B and below are played in One Day format I.A.W. Rule 12.

2.3 Age Eligibility.

2.3.1 To be eligible to play in a particular Grade, a player must be under the age set out below at midnight 31st August in each year:

Under 19 Grade:- 19 years Under 17 Grade:- 17 years Under 15 Grade:- 15 years Under 13 Grade:- 13 years Under 11 Grade:- 11 years Under 10 Grade:- 10 years

2.3.2 Girls may play up to 2 years below their age at midnight 31st August playing in a mixed competition.

2.4 Proof of age must be presented for each registered player in the first year of registration for Age Competitions and, except as provided in Rule 2.14.1, must be produced to the Registrar prior to the commencement of the Competition, otherwise the player will be deemed unregistered until such proof is presented. If a player is already registered on MYCRICKET and Date of Birth is loaded, proof is not required, however may be requested by the Management Committee.

2.5 In the event of a club wishing to register a player from another Club, the Club Registration form must be accompanied by a clearance from that player’s former Club. If the clearance does not accompany the original Club Registration/Late Registration Form, the player/players concerned will be deemed ineligible until such clearance is produced to the Registrar. This requirement may be waived by the Management Committee in exceptional circumstances. 2.6 After grading of the teams, a Grading Committee, comprising 3 members (Competition Secretary, Registrar and one Committee Member), will decide on all further players' registrations. The Management Committee shall have the power to regrade any team prior to the completion of 7 Competition weeks.

2.7 No new registrations will be permitted after 31 December in each season without the approval of the Management Committee. 2.8 After the commencement of the competition all newly registered players must be entered in the records of the Association by way of a Late Registration form. No player may be de-registered without application by the Club's secretary. All late registration forms must be presented to the Grading Committee, in triplicate, prior to the commencement of the match in which he/she first plays. Where applicable, a clearance and proof of age for age competitions must accompany any application for the late registration or the registration will be rejected until such have been produced to the appropriate Association Registrar.

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2.9 Players registered and whose grading has been deferred by the Grading Committee must have their performances forwarded by their Club Secretary for approval by the Grading Committee or Rule 2.11 will apply.

2.10 Any team playing an unregistered, undeclared, unqualified or disqualified player shall lose the match in which such player has taken part and shall be fined the sum of $100 for the first offence, and $200 for each additional offence. Maximum points scored in the respective grade for that round are to be awarded to the non-offending team.

2.11 The Management Committee may reject or cancel the registration of any player in any Grade at any time.

2.12 No team is allowed less than 9 players (seniors) or 2/3 of designated age grade (juniors - rounded down) on the original registration form. 2.13 A player’s name shall not be entered on a Team Registration Form and a player shall not be accepted for registration unless:

2.13.1 The player was registered with the Association during the immediately preceding season, or: 2.13.2 In the case of all age Competitions, proof of age in a form acceptable to the Association Registrar is produced or:2.13.3 Players not previously registered with the Association must provide details of all previous performances with any other Association.

2.14 Any player not included or accepted by the Association Grading Committee on a Team Registration Form on the Association Grading Night may only be registered by way of a Late Registration Form.

2.15 In the event of a player appearing on the Registration Form of more than one Club in the same season, such player will be deemed to be registered with the Club with whom he/she first plays during that season, otherwise Rule 2.11 will apply.

3. GRADINGS AND TRANSFERS [NOTE: Special Rules are in place for eligibility of players to participate in Finals Series. Refer to Rules 16 (Seniors} and 17 (Juniors).

3.1 Players wishing to transfer from one Club to another shall make application to and obtain the permission of the Grading Committee prior to playing with a different Club to that in which they were originally registered. Players violating this Rule shall be deemed to be unregistered. In the event of a Club or player desiring to transfer from any other Association during the season, the Club or player must produce an official clearance from the current Club with which he/she last played. 3.2

3.2.1. A player from a lower grade team may be called up by their Club's higher grade team/teams without the need to obtain permission from the Grading Committee.

3.2.2. [Junior grades]. In grades in which a club has two or more teams competing, players may participate as replacement players in alternative teams to that in which they are registered in order to achieve the specified number of players for that team.

3.2.3. Any player who plays in half or more of the scheduled matches under Rules 3.2.1 or 3.2.2 in any one team will be deemed to be registered in that team and is ineligible for further participation in the original team in which he/she was registered.

3.2.4 Any player who plays for a team under Rule 3.2.2 is ineligible to participate for that team in Finals Series unless he/she qualifies under Rule 3.2.3, or is approved by Management Committee as per Rule 17.1.2

3.2.5 The fact that a player is playing in a match as per Rules 3.2.1 or 3.2.2 must be noted in the MyCricket website Notes for each match in which he/she plays. Failure to do so may result in loss of competition points for the match concerned. .

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3.2 A player from a lower grade team may be called up by their Club's higher grade team/teams without the need to obtain permission from the Grading Committee. The fact that a player is playing in a match in a higher grade within his Club other than that with which he was originally registered must be noted on the result sheet for each match in which he/she plays. Failure to do so may result in loss of competition points for the match concerned. Any such player who plays in half or more of the scheduled matches in any one higher graded team will be deemed to be registered in that higher graded team and is ineligible for further participation in the grade in which he/she was originally registered. 3.3 Any player wishing to play in a lower grade from that in which he was originally graded must obtain the prior written approval of the Grading Committee.

3.4 For Senior Competition only, any player who has played grade cricket during the current season must obtain a clearance from the Grading Committee prior to re-participating in the competition or Rule 2.11 will apply. A player called up to play in the District Grade cricket team may be replaced by an eligible registered player at any time during a match but cannot play again in that match once replaced.

3.5 Should a team be re-graded after the commencement of Round 1, registered members of that team shall retain all individual performances in their previous Grade, and the team:

(a) If transferred to a higher Grade, shall be credited with the competition points it gained in its previous Grade or with the same points score as that gained by the team leading the higher Grade, whichever total is the lesser. (b) If transferred to a lower Grade, shall be credited with the competition points it gained in its previous Grade, or with 1 point for each match played in the higher Grade, whichever total is the greater.

3.6 A player transferring after the commencement of Round 1 from one Club to another Club within the Association shall retain all individual performances provided they are attained within the same Grade.


4.1 Each team shall pay match fees in an amount and by a time as determined by the Management Committee. In the event of a match being abandoned and/or no play taking place on account of weather, neither team shall be liable for match fees.

4.2 Any Club whose fees are not paid by the prescribed time will at the discretion of the Management Committee be penalised 2 competition points per team for each match in respect of which such fees remain unpaid.

4.3 Match fees will not be charged in the finals series.

4.4 A fee determined by the Management Committee will be charged for each registration. No claim for refund of registration or insurance will be considered after the meeting held prior to the commencement of the competition. Late registrations accepted after the official grading has been completed will attract an additional fee for non-aged competitions. 4.5 The Secretary of each Club or Umpires' League may post a member of his Club or League for default providing the said member has been given at least 7 days' notice in writing. All un-financial Clubs, players and umpires must be posted not later than the Annual General Meeting each year.

4.6 Any Club or player in default of payments due to the Association shall upon being proved in default be disqualified from taking any further part in the competition and/or meetings of the Association until the amount has been paid.


5.1 The names of the players of both teams must be declared and exchanged prior to the toss.

(a) A team (in Senior grade competitions except for 1st grade) may nominate up to 12 players in a one day match, all of whom may bowl and keep wicket, but only 11 may bat in the match. Nominated Players must be entered into MYCRICKET no later than 6.00pm on Sunday following the day’s play.

[NOTE: Special Rules are in place for eligibility of players to participate in Finals Series. Refer to Rules 16 (Seniors} and 17 (Juniors)].

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(b) A team (in Senior grade competitions except for 1st grade) may nominate up to 13 players in a two-day match, all of whom may bowl and keep wicket, but only 11 may bat in any innings of the match. The same 11 players that batted in the first innings do not have to bat in the second innings, i.e. the players that did not bat in the first innings may bat in the second innings in lieu of one or two of the 11 players that did bat in the first innings. Nominated Players must be entered into MYCRICKET no later than 6.00pm on Sunday following the first day’s play.

(c) In all junior competition grades, a team may nominate up two players in addition to the number specified for that grade. All selected players may bat and/or bowl, subject to restrictions as detailed in Rules 13 and 14. The innings of a team doing so must conclude once the number of wickets relevant to that grade has been lost or the specified overs have been bowled.

(d) Coaches (of junior teams) wishing to utilise rule 5.1(c) must advise their opponent coaches prior to the toss being taken.

(e) All coaches of junior teams are encouraged to rotate their fielders on and off where possible to maximise participation.

5.2 Player statistics shall be recorded on the “MYCRICKET” website i.a.w. these rules. The statistics used for determining association awards shall be taken from the “MYCRICKET” website at the conclusion of the season.

5.3 The Competition Secretary shall have the right to check all scorebooks and on no account shall any book be altered after being initialled by him. The Competition Secretary shall forward to the Secretary of the Association all particulars required not later than 30th April in each year.

5.4 Scorers are required to keep their own as well as their opponents' batting and bowling analyses.

5.6 In the absence of official umpires, it is the responsibility of both captains (or managers / scorers in Junior Cricket) to check and sign the scorebooks at the end of the match.

5.7 Teams not keeping a proper record in the scorebook may be penalised 2 (two) competition points for each offence. The Management Committee may call in scorebooks if and when required.

5.8 In the event of score-books being brought to the Disputes Committee in the case of disputed match results and where the results in the scorebooks do not agree, or they have been improperly kept in terms of Rules 5.6 and/or 5.7 then both teams may be penalised 2 (two) competition points and the match declared a ‘no result’ and all performances of both teams for that round shall not count and will be deleted from the Association records. 5.9 Results must be fully completed and submitted to ‘MYCRICKET’ no later than 6.00pm on the Friday following the completion of the match. The Competition Secretary shall review all entries for discrepancies and advise each Club accordingly. Failure to enter the details in accordance with this rule may result in the loss of 2 (two) Competition Points.

5.10 Each team must notify details of first day's play to the Publicity Officer via MYCRICKET by 6.00pm Sunday. The Management Committee prior to the commencement of Round 1 shall determine the manner of notification and or penalty.

5.11 The Management Committee shall have power to reject any scorebook in which it considers the averages or scores have been improperly kept and shall have the power to impose a fine, to be determined by the Management Committee prior to the commencement of Round 1, and/or award competition points to either team in respect of any match under review.

5.12 All score books shall be available for the Management Committee up to the Annual General Meeting in each year.


6.1 Competition points shall be awarded as follows: Outright win after 1st innings lead 10 points Outright win after 1st innings tie 7 points

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Outright win after 1st innings loss 6 points Outright tie after 1st innings lead 7 points Outright tie after 1st innings loss 3 points Outright tie after 1st innings tie . 5 points 1st Innings win (see also 6.5 a & b) 6 points 1st Innings lead if beaten outright 4 points Tie on 1st innings when match is not played out 3 pointsDraw 2 points Loss on 1st innings (see also 6.5 c) 1 point Outright loss after 1st innings tie 3 points Outright loss 0 points

6.2 A tie is defined as: (a) a 1st innings tie when the 1st innings totals of both teams are equal, irrespective of wickets lost by the team batting second. (b) an outright tie when the combined 1st & 2nd innings totals of both teams are equal and the 2nd innings of the team batting second has been completed.

6.3 In the event of a forfeit, the team receiving the forfeit shall receive maximum points scored in the round (for that grade), subject to rule 7.7. The forfeiting team shall receive no points and be deemed to have lost the appropriate number of wickets (10 or 20) for no (0) runs. The forfeiting team shall also be liable for all fees for both teams.

6.4 No points will be awarded for a bye except where all teams in a Grade do not receive an equal number of byes. Any team receiving an additional bye shall be awarded the maximum points scored in that round.

6.5 In Senior one-day games only (may not apply to Joint Venture Competitions):-

6.5.1 teams will receive two (2) bonus points if they either: a) After batting first, dismiss the opposition for 80% or less of their total or: b) If batting second, score the required number of runs in 80% or less of the overs specified or adjusted under the relevant one-day rule/rules. c) Teams beaten under either of the above circumstances [6.5 (a) or 6.5 (b)] shall receive NO (0) points.

6.5.2 Two day games that are washed out on the first week and played under one-day Rules, shall be eligible for bonus points outlined in 6.5.1 only if the entire round for that Grade is washed out on Day One.


7.1 In the event of a team withdrawing from a competition in the first series of matches, all points scored by that team and by opposing teams, together with all performances secured in such matches, shall be deleted from the records. In the event of a team withdrawing in the second series of matches, first round results and performances shall stand and the deletion of records shall be made as far as the second series only is concerned.

7.2 A team comprising 6 or less players will automatically forfeit the game. A fielding side will be allowed 3 substitute fieldsmen providing the opposing captain is notified prior to those substitute fieldsmen taking the field. Substitute fieldsmen must be registered players of the Association.

7.3 In the event of one team not being on the ground ready to play within 15 minutes after the scheduled starting time of play on any day of a match, the other team shall be eligible to claim a forfeit. However, except in the case of Rule 7.2, the match shall proceed after that time and the matter referred to the Disputes Committee for determination. 7.4 Any Club forfeiting a match must give an explanation satisfactory to the Management Committee under penalty of a $150 fine or, if forfeiting becomes persistent, disqualification. If at least three (3) days notice is given a fine of $70 will apply.

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7.5 Any club forfeiting a match shall be liable for their oppositions match fees and umpire fees if applicable.

7.6 A team wishing to claim a forfeit must do so in writing at the meeting immediately following completion of the match concerned. A fee of $50:00, which will be forfeited if the claim for a forfeit is deemed frivolous, must accompany the claim.

7.7 In the event of a team forfeiting the match after the match has commenced, subject to review by the Management Committee, outright points may be awarded to the non-offending team.


8.1 Two day matches shall commence at 1:30pm and the day's play shall terminate at the completion of the over in progress at 6:00pm. In the Under 19’s, play shall terminate at the completion of the over in progress at 5.30pm. (Subject to Rule 8.8.4) 8.2 Tea, Drinks Breaks.

8.2.1 A 5 minute drinks interval may be taken after 1 hours play in each session by Captain's agreement prior to the toss. If a wicket falls within 5 minutes of the scheduled drinks break, then drinks shall be taken immediately. 8.2.2 There will be a 15 minutes tea break at 3:30pm.

(a) If a wicket falls within 5 minutes of the scheduled tea break, then tea shall be taken immediately. (b) Should an innings be completed after 3:10pm and prior to 3:30pm the tea break shall be taken at the end of that innings. (c) To obtain a first innings result only, if the team batting second is 9 wickets down at the end of the over in progress at the scheduled time for the tea break, play may continue for a period not exceeding 30 minutes, unless players have cause to leave the field or the innings has concluded earlier.

8.3 During non-daylight saving periods, all times shall be brought forward by 30 minutes.

8.4 The captain of the team to bat first may not declare the innings closed until the team has batted for at least 1 hour.

8.5 The team which bats first and leads by 75 runs or more shall have the option of requiring the other team to follow on. 8.6 The time allowed between innings shall be 10 minutes, except as provided for otherwise in these rules.

8.7 Subject to Rules 8.8 and 8.16, the maximum number of overs to be bowled in the 1st innings of each team in two day matches of the preliminary rounds (in these Rules called the "specified overs") shall be 65. For the purposes of this Rule, if less than 60 overs are bowled the matter shall be reported to the Management Committee. For the Under 19’s, the maximum number of overs to be bowled shall be 60 and if less than 55 overs are bowled, the matter shall be referred to the Management Committee

8.8 Time Lost

8.8.1 If time is lost by the team batting first due to the condition of the pitch, ground, weather, light, injuries or other unforeseen circumstances, the maximum number of overs in the match (130 Seniors), (120 – U19s) shall be reduced by 2 overs for each 8 minutes of lost time (or part thereof) (in these Rules called the "adjusted overs").

8.8.2 Adjustment to the number of overs under Rule 8.8.1 shall be made at stumps on the first day, but only where the team batting first has not been dismissed, has not declared its innings closed or has not received its specified overs under Rule 8.7

8.8.3 If on the first day of a two day match no play is possible or less than 15 overs are bowled, the match will be played on the second day under one day match conditions (Rule 9) and a new toss shall be made.

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8.8.4 If further time is lost on the second day by the team batting first, the maximum number of overs in the match shall be reduced by 2 overs for each 8 minutes of lost time (or part thereof).

8.8.5 If time is lost on the second day by the team batting second, no further reduction of overs shall be made. Play shall continue in accordance with rule 8.8.6.

8.8.6 For the purposes of this rule, play may continue beyond 6.00pm (5.30pm Under 19s) on the second day, subject to pitch, ground, weather, light, injuries or other unforeseen circumstances until the team batting second has received its specified or adjusted number of overs, or until 6.30pm, whichever occurs first, provided that a result has not been achieved in the meantime. Play shall cease immediately the last wicket falls or the winning run/runs has/have been scored. If the specified or adjusted number of overs have not been received at 6.30pm, play shall cease at the end of the over in progress, and the match result shall be determined based on run rate.

8.9 There is no restriction on the number of overs that either team can bowl in a 2nd innings.

8.10 Subject to the following provisions of these Rules, the team scoring the higher number of runs in the 1st innings shall win the match (provided there is no subsequent outright result).

8.11 The 1st innings of the team batting first shall conclude at the completion of the over in progress at the scheduled finishing time, or at the completion of the specified or adjusted overs, whichever first occurs, and play for the day shall cease at that time. The team batting second shall then in its 1st innings be limited to receiving the same number of overs as received by its opponent. 8.12 If the over limit has been adjusted under Rule 8.8, and the team batting first has not at the scheduled finishing time received its adjusted overs, it may continue batting on the second day until that adjusted over limit has been reached or it is dismissed or declares beforehand. The team batting second shall in its 1st innings be limited to receiving the same adjusted number of overs as its opponent. 8.13 Subject to Rule 8.4, either team can declare its 1st innings closed at any time. If the team batting first in the match is dismissed or declares its innings closed before receiving its relevant specified or adjusted number of overs, the team batting second shall still be entitled to receive its relevant specified or adjusted number of overs. 8.14 Subject to Rule 8.18, if the team batting second does not receive in its 1st innings the number of overs specified in Rule 8.7 or as adjusted under Rule 8.8, and if a result has not been achieved, the winner of the match shall be the team with the higher run rate in its 1st innings. 8.15 The run rate of each team shall be calculated by dividing the total number of runs scored by the total number of overs received. For the purpose of the run rate calculations, only each legitimate ball bowled shall count as one-sixth of an over. However, if the team batting first is dismissed or has declared its innings closed before receiving its relevant specified or adjusted number of overs, its run rate shall be calculated by dividing the total number of runs scored by the relevant specified or adjusted number of overs it could have received. 8.16 First team batting dismissed or declares before scheduled finish day one.

8.16.1 If, on the first day of a match, the team batting first is dismissed or declares its 1st innings closed prior to receiving the number of overs specified in Rule 8.7, or as adjusted under Rule 8.8, then any overs received by the team batting second up to the scheduled finishing time on that day shall be additional to the relevant specified or adjusted number of overs it is entitled to receive in its 1st innings. 8.16.2 If, on the first day of a match, the team batting first is dismissed or has declared its innings closed within 40 minutes of the scheduled finishing time the captain of the team batting second shall have the option of batting till the scheduled finishing time. If the option is declined, stumps shall be drawn. If the option is taken up, 10 minutes change of innings applies.

8.17 If, in the case referred to in Rule 8.16, it is necessary to calculate run rates to determine the result of a match then the total number of overs that the team batting second receives in its 1st innings on both the first and second days is the over figure to be used in determining that team's run rate. However, for this calculation, the total number of overs actually received by that team cannot exceed the relevant specified or adjusted number of overs it was entitled to receive if play had not ceased. 8.18 If less than half the number of overs as specified in Rule 8.7 or adjusted in Rule 8.8 is received by each team in its 1st innings, the match shall be declared a draw unless a result has been achieved beforehand.

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8.19 The batting team, if it has wickets in hand, has the option of continuing to bat if a wicket falls within 2 minutes of the scheduled finishing time of play on the first day, but an over commenced before the scheduled finishing time of play on the second day must be completed if the batting team still has wickets to fall and no outright decision has been reached. 8.20 If a result on the 1st innings has been obtained and the 1st innings of the team batting second is still in progress by the scheduled tea break on the second day of the match, play shall cease at that time. Play may only proceed beyond tea on the second day until a first innings result has been achieved, or the follow-on by the team batting second has not been averted, or the third innings of the match has or is scheduled to commence at that time.

9. ONE DAY MATCHES - SENIORS – 40 OVERS / 35 OVERS in Non Daylight Saving Periods (NDSP). (Includes Scheduled one day matches and matches where no play is possible on day one of a two day game). 9.1 Matches, of one innings duration for each team, will commence at 1.00pm and conclude at the completion of the over in progress at 6.30pm unless a decision has been reached in the meantime, or if weather or light conditions stop play earlier than 6.30pm.

9.1.1 The maximum number of overs to be bowled in the innings of each team (in this rule called the “specified overs”) shall be 40. Subject to Rule 9.6, if less than 37 overs are bowled by either team the matter shall be reported to the Management Committee. The team batting second shall be restricted to receiving the same number of overs it had bowled. The match shall be played to the following times: 1.00pm-3.35pm Team batting first. 3.35-3.55pm 20 minute innings break. 3.55-6.30pm Team batting second.

9.2 During non-daylight savings periods (NDSP), matches, of one innings duration for each team, will commence at 12.30pm and conclude at the completion of the over in progress at 5.30pm unless a decision has been reached in the meantime, or if weather or light conditions stop play earlier than 5.30pm.

9.2.1 The maximum number of overs to be bowled in the innings of each team (in this rule called the “specified overs”) shall be 35. Subject to Rule 9.6, if less than 32 overs are bowled by either team the matter shall be reported to the Management Committee. The team batting second shall be restricted to receiving the same number of overs it had bowled. The match shall be played to the following times: 12.30pm-2.50pm Team batting first. 2.50- 3.10pm 20 minute innings break. 3.10-5.30pm Team batting second.

9.3 The captain of the team to bat first may not declare its innings closed until the team has batted for at least one hour.

9.4 No tea break is to be taken and a twenty (20) minute interval will apply between innings. Subject to the agreement of both captains, a five (5) minutes drinks break may be taken after each team has received a minimum of 20 overs in its innings. No adjustment is to be made to the scheduled playing times for this purpose.

9.5 The maximum number of overs to be bowled in the innings of each team (in this rule called the “specified overs”) shall be 40 or 35 in Non Daylight Saving Period (NDSP).

9.6 If, due to the condition of the pitch, ground, weather, light, injuries or unforeseen circumstances, time is lost by the team batting first, the maximum number of overs in the match (being 80) shall be reduced by 2 overs for each six 8 minutes of time lost (or part thereof) (in this rule called the “adjusted overs”). The time for the change of innings (currently 3.35pm or 2.50pm NDSP) shall be extended by half the time lost. Adjustment to times & overs to be determined prior to resumption of play. 9.7 Subject to the following provisions of this rule, the team scoring the higher number of runs in its innings shall win the match. 9.8 The innings of the team batting first shall cease at the completion of the over in progress at 3.35pm or 2.50pm NDSP), unless that team has been dismissed or declares its innings closed beforehand. 9.9 Play shall cease immediately the last wicket falls or the winning run/runs has/have been scored.

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9.10 If no time is lost, the team scoring the higher number of runs at the completion of the specified overs or at the completion time for its innings (whichever occurs first), shall be declared the winner of the match, regardless of the number of wickets lost.

9.11 If time is lost during the innings of the team batting second preventing it from receiving its specified or adjusted overs by the scheduled finishing time and no decision having been reached, the team with the higher run rate (calculated as set out in Rule 8.15) shall be declared the winner.

9.12 Subject to Rule 9.3, either team may declare its innings closed at any time. If the team batting first in the match is dismissed or declares its innings closed before receiving its relevant specified or adjusted number of overs, the team batting second shall be entitled to receive its relevant specified or adjusted number of overs. However play shall cease at the completion of the over in progress at 6.30pm or 5.30pm NDSP. 9.13 Subject to Rule 9.14, if the team batting second does not receive in its innings the number of overs specified in Rule 9.5 or adjusted in Rule 9.6 and a result has not been achieved in the meantime, the winner of the match shall be the team with the higher run rate calculated in accordance with Rule 8.15. 9.14 If less than 20 overs are received by each side in its innings, the match shall be declared a draw unless a result has been achieved beforehand.

9.15 In the innings of each team, bowlers shall be restricted to a maximum 8 over’s each or maximum 7 overs each for 35 Over games.


10.1 Matches, of one innings duration for each team, will commence at 10:30am and conclude at the completion of the over in progress at 5:45pm, unless a decision has been reached in the meantime, or if weather or light conditions stop play earlier than 5:45pm. (Subject to Rule 10.9)

10.2 Subject to the following rules, a lunch break will be taken from 1:45pm to 2:30pm. If the team batting first is dismissed before 1:15pm, the team batting second will commence its innings after a 10 minute interval. Should the team batting first be dismissed between 1:15pm and 1:45pm the lunch break of 45 minutes will be taken at the end of the innings. 10.3 During non-daylight saving periods, all times shall be brought forward by 30 minutes.

10.4 A 10 minute interval will apply between innings and a drink interval of 5 minutes shall be taken after the bowling of 25 overs of each innings, provided that in the post-lunch session the over count commences when play resumes at the end of the lunch break.

10.5 The captain of the team to bat first may not declare the innings closed until the team has batted for at least 1 hour.

10.6 The number of overs to be bowled in the innings of each team (in these Rules called the "specified overs") shall be 50.

10.7 If the condition of the pitch, ground, weather, light, injuries or unforeseen circumstances causes the loss of time during the innings of the team batting first, then the specified overs shall be adjusted by deducting one over for each full 6 minutes of time lost (or part thereof) (in these Rules called the "adjusted overs"), the set time for completion of the innings being adjusted by adding one half of the time lost on after 1.45pm. Adjustment to times & overs to be determined prior to resumption of play.

10.8 Subject to the following provisions of these Rules, the team scoring the higher number of runs in its innings shall win the match. 10.9 If there has been no time lost due i.a.w. Rule 10.7, and should the team bowling first fail to bowl it’s specified number of overs by 1.45pm, then play shall continue until the full number of overs have been completed, provided that the team batting first was not dismissed or had declared it’s innings closed beforehand. The team batting second shall then receive the same number of overs as it had bowled (including the over in progress) at 1.45pm to the team batting first, subject to it not exceeding the over limit specified for that match, and provided that the team batting second has not been dismissed. For the purposes of this rule, play may continue beyond 5.45pm, weather, ground and light conditions permitting, until the team batting second has received its specified or adjusted number of overs, provided that a result has not been achieved in

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the meantime. Play shall cease immediately the last wicket falls or the winning run/runs has/have been scored.

10.10 If no time is lost, the team scoring the higher number of runs at the completion of its specified overs or at the finishing time for its innings, (whichever occurs first), shall be the winner of the match regardless of the number of wickets lost.

10.11 If time is lost during the innings of the team batting second preventing it receiving its reduced over quota by the scheduled finishing time, and no decision having been reached, the team with the higher run rate (calculated as set out in Rule 8.15), shall be the winner. 10.12 Subject to Rule 10.5, either team can declare its innings closed at any time. If the team batting first in the match is dismissed or declares its innings closed before receiving its relevant specified or adjusted number of overs, the team batting second shall still be entitled to receive its relevant specified or adjusted number of overs. 10.13 Subject to Rule 10.5, if the team batting second does not receive in its innings the number of overs specified in Rule 10.6 or as adjusted under Rule10.7, and if a result has not been achieved, the winner of the match shall be the team with the higher run rate in its 1st innings, calculated in accordance with Rule 8.15. 10.14 If less than 25 overs are received by each team in its innings, the match shall be declared a draw unless a result has been achieved beforehand. 10.15 In the innings of each team, bowlers shall be restricted to 10 overs each.


11.1 Subject to Rules 11.2 & 11.11, the maximum number of overs to be bowled in the 1st innings of each team in two day matches of the preliminary rounds (in these Rules called the "specified overs") shall be:-

7 hour Matches: 60 overs 6 Hour Matches: 50 overs 5 Hour Matches 40 overs

11.2 Lost Time11.2.1 Subject to Rule 11.17, If the condition of the pitch, ground, weather, light, injuries or

unforeseen circumstances causes the loss of time during the innings of the team batting first, the maximum number of overs for each team's first innings shall be reduced by 1 over for each 6 minutes of lost time (or part thereof) (in these Rules called the "adjusted overs").

11.2.2 Adjustment to the number of overs under Rule 11.2.1 shall be made at stumps on the first day, but only where the team batting first has not been dismissed, has not declared its innings closed or has not received its specified overs under Rule 11.1.

11.3 The penalty for any team that fails to meet its over requirement will, at the discretion of the Management Committee, be the loss of 2 competition points.

11.4 There is no restriction on the number of overs that a team can bowl in a 2nd innings.

11.5 Subject to the following provisions of these Rules, the team scoring the higher number of runs in the 1st innings shall win the match (provided there is no subsequent outright result). 11.6

11.6.1 The 1st innings of the team batting first shall conclude at the completion of the over in progress at the scheduled finishing time, or at the completion of the specified or adjusted overs, whichever first occurs, and play for the day shall cease at that time. The team batting second shall then in its 1st innings be limited to receiving the same number of overs as received by its opponent. 11.6.2 If, on the first day of a match, the team batting first is dismissed or has declared its innings closed within 20 minutes of the scheduled finishing time the coach / manager / captain of the team batting second shall have the option of batting till the scheduled finishing time. If the option is declined, stumps shall be drawn. If the option is taken up, 10 minutes change of innings applies.

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11.7 If the over limit has been adjusted under 11.2.1, and the team batting first has not at the scheduled finishing time received its adjusted overs, it may continue batting on the second day until that adjusted over limit has been reached, or half the time lost on day one (less 5 minutes) has elapsed, or it is dismissed or declares beforehand. The team batting second shall in its 1st innings be limited to receiving the same adjusted number of overs as received by its opponent.

11.8 Subject to Rule 11.24, either team can declare its 1st innings closed at any time. If the team batting first in the match is dismissed or declares its innings closed before receiving its relevant specified or adjusted number of overs, the team batting second shall still be entitled to receive its relevant specified or adjusted number of overs.

11.9 Subject to Rule11.13, if the team batting second does not receive in its 1st innings the number of overs specified in Rule 11.1 or as adjusted under Rule 11.2, and if a result has not been achieved, the winner of the match shall be the team with the higher run rate in its 1st innings.

11.10 The run rate of each team shall be calculated by dividing the total number of runs scored by the total number of overs received. For the purpose of the run rate calculations, only each legitimate ball bowled shall count as one-sixth of an over. However, if the team batting first is dismissed or has declared its innings closed before receiving its relevant specified or adjusted number of overs, its run rate shall be calculated by dividing the total number of runs scored by the relevant specified or adjusted number of overs it could have received. 11.11 If, on the first day of a match, the team batting first is dismissed or declares its 1st innings closed prior to receiving the number of overs specified in Rule 11.1, or as adjusted under Rule 11.2, then any overs received by the team batting second up to the scheduled finishing time on that day shall be additional to the relevant specified or adjusted number of overs it is entitled to receive in its 1st innings.

11.12 If, in the case referred to in Rule11.11, it is necessary to calculate run rates to determine the result of a match then the total number of overs that the team batting second receives in its 1st innings on both the first and second days is the over figure to be used in determining that team's run rate. However, for this calculation, the total number of overs actually received by that team cannot exceed the relevant specified or adjusted number of overs it was entitled to receive if play had not ceased.

11.13 If less than half the number of overs as specified in Rule 11.1 is received by each team in its 1st innings, the match shall be declared a draw unless a result has been achieved beforehand. 11.14 Under no circumstances can play be extended on either day of a match except to allow for the completion of the over in progress. However, the Competition Secretary may, on prior application, extend the finishing time for a particular match on a particular day, provided the application is considered warranted. 11.15 The batting team, if it has wickets in hand, has the option of continuing to bat if a wicket falls within 2 minutes of the scheduled finishing time of play on the first day, but an over commenced before the scheduled finishing time of play on the second day must be completed if the batting team still has wickets to fall and no outright decision has been reached. 11.16 If a result on the 1st innings has been obtained, stumps may be drawn if both team managers agree that an outright win cannot be achieved by either team, but if no such agreement is reached play shall continue to no later than the scheduled finishing time on the second day otherwise a forfeit may be claimed by the team wishing to continue. 11.17 If on the first day of a two day match no play is possible or less than 15 overs are bowled, the match will be played on the second day under one day match conditions (Rule 12) and a new toss shall be made.

11.18 If more than half the number of teams in any particular Grade do not achieve a result on the second day of a particular round, all matches in that Grade are to be deemed as drawn except where a result has been obtained on the first day of such round. 11.19 If both managers agree that intervals for drinks may be taken, the option to take such intervals shall be available to either team. These intervals shall be restricted to one per day and shall not exceed 5 minutes. 11.20 The drink intervals shall be taken at the end of the over in progress at the timed halfway point of each day's play. The times for these intervals shall be strictly adhered to, except that if a wicket falls within 5 minutes of the scheduled time then drinks shall be taken immediately.

11.21 If an innings ends or there is a stoppage caused by weather conditions or other circumstances within 30 minutes of the scheduled time for the drinks interval, there will be no interval for drinks.

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11.22 Failure to comply with the provisions of Rules 11.19 to 11.21 may result in a forfeit to the non-offending team.

11.23 The time allowed between innings shall be 10 minutes and when wickets fall the incoming batsman shall meet the outgoing batsman on the field of play.

11.24 The team batting first in all full time matches, unless dismissed beforehand, must bat for at least 45 minutes before its innings can be declared closed. In reduced time matches, the minimum time the team batting first must bat may be altered at the discretion of the Management Committee prior to the commencement of round 1.

11.25 In all two day matches the team that bats first and leads on the first innings by the margin specified in this Rule shall have the option of requiring the other team to follow on:

60 or more over matches - 75 runs 50 over matches - 65 runs 40 over matches - 50 runs

11.26 11.26.1 All batsmen under 17 years of age at midnight 31st August are to wear while batting, a specifically designed properly fitting cricket helmet with face guard in all Association competitions.

11.26.2 No player over 15 years of age and under 17 years of age at midnight 31st August shall field within the 10 metre circle at the strikers end, unless wearing the minimum protective equipment of a specifically designed properly fitting cricket helmet with face guard and a protector, with the exception of the wicketkeeper, offside slip and gully fieldsman.

11.26.3 No player under 15 years of age at midnight 31st August shall field within the 10 metre circle at the strikers end, with the exception of the wicketkeeper, offside slip and gully fieldsman.

11.26.4 If a fielder is in breach of 11.26.2 or 11.26.3 above, prior to the ball striking the batter, passing the stumps or being hit by the batter either umpire shall call and signal “dead ball”. The ball will not count and is to be re-bowled.


12.1 The following conditions apply to each Age Grade and related Sub-Grades where appropriate:

a) Under 17A and 15A Grades:Team (refer to Rule 5.1 (c): 11 designated players; 10 dismissals all out.

Ground: Full length pitch; 50m boundaries measured from centre of pitch.

Specified Overs: 30 per innings. Maximum 8 deliveries per over.

Batting Restrictions: No restriction.

Bowling Restrictions: 6 bowlers must bowl 3 overs each before any may bowl a 4th. Maximum of 5 overs per bowler.

Ball: Approved 156 gram leather.

b) Under 17B and 15B Grades:Team (refer to Rule 5.1 (c) : 11 designated players; 10 dismissals all out.

Ground: Full length pitch; 50m boundaries measured from centre of pitch.

Specified Overs: 30 per innings. Maximum 8 deliveries per over.

Batting Restrictions: Compulsory retire at 50 or after batting 10 overs, whichever comes first.

Bowling Restrictions: Seven players must bowl 2 overs before any may bowl a 3rd. Maximum of 4 overs per bowler.

Ball: Approved 156 gram leather.

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c) Under 13A Grade:Team (refer to Rule 5.1 (c): 9 designated players; 8 dismissals, all out.

Ground: Full length pitch; 45m boundaries measured from centre of pitch.

Specified Overs:

I. 30 per innings. Maximum 8 deliveries per over. II. In each innings, the first 15 overs are to be bowled from one end with the batting team

umpire officiating at the non-striker's end; then the following 15 overs are bowled from the other end, with the bowling team umpire officiating from the non-striker's end.

III. Unless it is over 15, batters change ends at completion of each over.

Batting Restrictions: Compulsory retire at 50.

Bowling Restrictions: Each player must bowl 2 overs before any may bowl a 3rd. Maximum of 5 overs per bowler.

Ball: Approved 156 gram leather.

Fielding Restrictions: No more than 9 players in field at any one time.

d) Under 13B Grade:Team (refer to Rule 5.1 (c): 9 designated layers; 8 dismissals, all out.

Ground: 18m pitch; 45m boundaries measured from batter's end stumps.

Specified Overs:

I. 30 per innings. Maximum 6 deliveries per over. II. All overs bowled from one end which is the shortened end.

III. Batters change ends at completion of each over.IV. In each innings, the batting team umpire officiates from the non-striker's end for the

first 15 overs, then for the following 15 overs the bowling team umpire officiates from the non-striker's end.

Batting Restrictions: Compulsory retire at 30, or after receiving 30 legitimate deliveries, whichever comes first.

Bowling Restrictions: Each player must bowl 2 overs before any may bowl a 3rd. Maximum of 4 overs per bowler.

Ball: Approved 142 gram leather.

Fielding Restrictions: No more than 9 players in field at any one time

e) Under 11A Grade:Team (refer to Rule 5.1 (c): 9 designated players; 8 dismissals, all out.

Ground: 18m pitch; 40m boundaries measured from batter's end stumps.

Specified Overs:

I. 30 per innings. Maximum 6 deliveries per over. II. All overs bowled from one end which is the shortened end.

III. Batters change ends at completion of each over.IV. In each innings, the batting team umpire officiates from the non-striker's end for the

first 15 overs, then for the following 15 overs the bowling team umpire officiates from the non-striker's end.

Batting Restrictions: Compulsory retire at 30, or after receiving 24 legitimate deliveries, whichever comes first.

Bowling Restrictions: Every player on must bowl 2 overs before any may bowl a 3rd. Maximum of 4 overs per bowler.

Ball: Approved 142 gram leather.

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Fielding Restrictions: No more than 9 players in field at any one time.

f) Under 11B Grade:Team(refer to Rule 5.1 (c) : 9 designated players; 8 dismissals, all out.

Ground: 18m pitch; 40m boundaries measured from batter's end stumps.

Specified Overs:

I. 20 per innings. Maximum 6 deliveries per over. II. All overs bowled from one end which is the shortened end.

III. Batters change ends at completion of each over.IV. In each innings, the batting team umpire officiates from the non-striker's end for the

first 10 overs, then for the following 10 overs the bowling team umpire officiates from the non-striker's end.

Batting Restrictions: Compulsory retire after receiving 21 legitimate deliveries.

Bowling Restrictions: Each player must bowl 2 overs before any may bowl a 3rd.

Ball: Approved 142 gram leather.

Fielding Restrictions: No more than 9 players in field at any one time

g) Under 10 Grades and below:Team (refer to Rule 5.1 (c): 7 designated players.

Ground: 16m pitch; 40m boundaries measured from batter's end stumps.

Specified Overs:

I. 20 per innings. Maximum 6 deliveries per over. II. All overs bowled from one end which is the shortened end.

III. Batters change ends at completion of each over.IV. In each innings, the batting team umpire officiates from the non-striker's end for the

first 10 overs, then for the following 10 overs the bowling team umpire officiates from the non-striker's end.

Batting Conditions:

I. Batters are entitled to unlimited dismissals and continue to bat if dismissed. II. If a batter is dismissed, the batters change ends. This rule does not apply if

the dismissal is on the last ball of the over, as batters change ends i.a.w. Specified Overs III (above).

III. A batter must retire after having faced his/her nominated number of deliveries. This number is derived from the number of batters playing in the team for the match, as follows:-

Number of batters

Nominated deliveries per batter

5 24

6 20

7 17; final delivery is faced by batter on strike at time.

8 15

9 Batters 1 & 2 - 14 deliveries; the other batters - 13 deliveries , with final delivery faced by batter on strike at time.

Bowling Restrictions: Each player must bowl 2 overs before any may bowl a 3rd.

Ball: Approved synthetic ball.

Fielding Restrictions: No more than 7 players in field at any one time.

h) New Ball:15 | P a g e

Subject to the agreement of both coaches that the condition of the proposed used ball is acceptable, a new ball for each game is not required.

i) Wicket-keeper (all grades):Unless through injury or illness, wicketkeepers may only be changed at the half way point of the specified, or adjusted overs having been bowled.

j) Protective Equipment:In all grades as required by the laws of cricket the wearing of protective padding, gloves and also helmets as specified in Rule 11.26 is mandatory.

12.2 The innings of the team batting first shall cease at the completion of the over in progress when one-half of the day's scheduled or adjusted playing time, less 5 minutes, is reached unless that team has been dismissed or declares its innings closed beforehand. If, at that time, the team batting first has not been dismissed or declared its innings closed, the team batting second shall be restricted to receiving the same number of overs as its opponent received.

12.3 If the condition of the pitch, ground, weather, light, injuries or unforeseen circumstances causes the loss of time during the innings of the team batting first, the maximum number of overs for each teams innings shall be reduced by 1 over for each 6 minutes (or part thereof) of lost time (in these Rules called the "adjusted overs"). 12.4 Subject to Rule 12.3, if time is lost during the 1st innings of the team batting second preventing it receiving its reduced over quota by the scheduled finishing time, and no decision having been reached, the team with the higher run rate (calculated as set out in Rule 11.10), shall be the winner. 12.5 The time allowed between innings shall be 10 minutes and when wickets fall the incoming batsman shall meet the outgoing batsman on the field of play. 12.6 A team shall not be prevented from endeavouring to obtain an outright win in a one day match and there shall be no limit to the number of overs bowled in any 2nd innings by a team.

12.7 If less than half the number of overs as specified in Rule 12.1 or Rule 12.2, as the case may be, is received by each team in its 1st innings, the match shall be declared a draw unless a result has been achieved beforehand. 12.8 If more than half the number of teams in any particular Grade do not achieve a result in a One Day Match, as in Rule 12.7, all matches in that Grade are to be deemed as drawn.


13.1 Subject to Rule 12 - One-Day conditions for Juniors, in the Competition the maximum number of overs to be bowled by any bowler on any day shall be:

13.1.1 Under 19 as at midnight 31st August 20 overs p/day & 8 overs p/spell 13.1.2 Under 17 as at midnight 31st August 16 overs p/day & 6 overs p/spell 13.1.3 Under 16 as at midnight 31st August 12 overs p/day & 6 overs p/spell 13.1.4 Under 15 as at midnight 31st August 12 overs p/day & 6 overs p/spell 13.1.5 Under 14 as at midnight 31st August 10 overs p/day & 5 overs p/spell 13.1.6 Under 13, 11, 10 as at midnight 31st August 8 overs p/day & 4 overs p/spell 13.1.7 Special Bowling Restrictions apply to 4 Quarter Cricket – Refer 15.4.8

In U17 and U19, the above restrictions only apply to fast or medium paced bowlers.

13.2 Appropriate reductions are to be made if a team's over limit is reduced under Seniors Rules 8.8, 9.6 or 10.7 or Juniors Rule 11.2, 12.3

13.3 No bowler may bowl more than half of his/her maximum overs in a single spell and may not commence a subsequent spell until either twice the number of overs as he/she has bowled in that spell have thereafter been bowled by other players in the same match, or the innings has been interrupted by the drawing of stumps on the first day of a two day match.

13.4 Other than for bonus overs, which may have to be bowled to the team batting second, no fast or medium paced bowler may bowl more than their maximum overs in an innings.

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13.5 Where the provisions of Rule 8.16 (Seniors) or Rule 11.11 (Juniors) apply (bonus overs), all overs bowled on the first day of a match, by a player in the team bowling second, shall be included in the maximum number of overs which that player may bowl in that innings. Only after the team batting second has received the maximum overs for its innings under Rule 8.7 (Seniors) or 11.1 (Juniors), may any player bowl additional overs, and provided always that the player may not bowl on the second day, more than the maximum number of overs provided for under Rule 13.1

13.6 Bowling Injury Prevention:As Cricket Australia and various other State cricket administrative bodies have endorsed a national strategy to reduce the incidence of back injuries to fast and medium pace bowlers, this Association supports this strategy and it is the responsibility of team Captains and/or Managers to ensure that this policy and the above bowling restrictions are adhered to as outlined in Rule 13.1 above.

13.7 Minimum Rest Period: Following a spell of bowling, any bowler as defined in Rule 13.1 must rest for double the number of overs he/she has bowled. For the purpose of calculating a bowler’s minimum rest period, any interruption due to weather or an interval shall contribute in the amount of one (1) over for each 3.5 minutes or part thereof. A scheduled tea interval of 15 minutes shall count as two (2) overs from each end, and a scheduled luncheon interval of 45 minutes shall count as 6 overs from each end.


14.1 During the first innings a batter must retire in accordance with Rule 12.

14.2 A retired batter may resume his/her innings at the dismissal or retirement of either of the team's last two batters subject to the following:

14.2.1. The resumption of innings is only after all other retired batters with lower scores have resumed their innings.

14.3 A batter who has resumed his/her innings may retire a second time in an innings but cannot resume batting in that innings unless his/her last retirement was due to injury or illness. Rule 14.2 applies to resumption of this innings.

14.414.4.1 A batter may only be compulsorily retired once. If a batter in a grade in which he/she has been retired due to either runs achieved OR overs/deliveries received, he/she is not required to retire a second time upon achieving the other condition after resumption of the innings i.a.w. Rule 14.2.

14.4.2 A batter who is voluntarily retired and resumes his/her innings i.a.w. Rule 14.2. is not required to compulsorily retire during the resumed innings.

14.5 Except for batters playing Under 15 and Under 17 grades, who may retire at during an innings at anytime, a batter may not be retired (other than through injury or illness) he/she has batted for the following:

(a) In grades playing 20 overs per team: he/she has faced 10 legitimate deliveries;(b) In grades playing 30 overs per team: he/she has faced 15 legitimate deliveries.

14.6 A batter who retires other than through injury or illness shall be recorded as "Not Out."


15.1 A “No ball” shall be called for any full toss delivery above the waist by all bowlers in the Junior Competition. I.a.w.Rule 23.9 the call may be made by either umpire.

15.2 In grades below Under 13, any delivery which bounces more than twice before reaching the popping (batting) crease shall be called as a "no ball".

15.3 In grades with shortened pitch length, spring-back approved stumps must be used at the shortened end of the pitch only.

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15.4 In competitions which include matches played weekdays rather than weekend, at the discretion of the Association:-

15.4.1 For grades playing 30 overs per innings, such games may be played under 20 conditions.

15.4.2 A pink or white ball may be used as alternative to normal red.

16. FINALS SERIES – SENIORS 16.1 Player Eligibility:

The Grading Sub-Committee and/or the Management Committee shall have discretionary power in regard to replacements for the Finals series.

16.1.1 A player must be registered to the end of the competition. A player must participate in at least 30% (rounded to the nearest whole number) of the competition matches to be eligible to participate in the Finals series.

(a) Forfeits shall count as a match for the non-forfeiting team provided that a team is nominated on MYCRICKET i.a.w. Rule 5.1(a).

(b) Matches unable to be played due to weather shall count as a match provided that a team is nominated on MYCRICKET i.a.w. Rule 5.1(a).

16.1.2 During the finals series of matches, a registered player from a higher grade cannot substitute in any lower grade without the permission of the Management Committee.

16.1.3 Where a lower graded player participates in a higher grade (or grades) during the season, that player must have played at least 30% (rounded to the nearest whole number) of the competition matches in his/her original grade to qualify for the Finals series of matches in that lower grade.

16.1.4 In the case of a lower graded player’s team failing to make the Finals series of matches, such player may participate in any of his Club’s higher grade, or grades, in the Finals series of matches provided any such player has participated in the total number of competition matches as provided for in Clause 16.1.3 above.

16.2 Each competition has two semi-finals, a preliminary final and a final. When teams are equal in competition points, positions for semi-finals shall be decided by the systems of averages and quotients i.e., the batting average (runs scored divided by wickets lost) divided by the bowling average (runs against divided by wickets taken). The team with the higher quotient shall be ranked the higher in each case.

16.3 In the semi-finals the team finishing first plays the team finishing second in the MAJOR SEMI-FINAL and the team finishing third plays the team finishing fourth in the MINOR SEMI-FINAL. 16.4 The winner of the MAJOR SEMI-FINAL proceeds directly to the FINAL.

16.5 The loser of the MAJOR SEMI-FINAL plays the winner of the MINOR SEMI-FINAL in the PRELIMINARY FINAL for the right to meet the winner of the MAJOR SEMI-FINAL in the FINAL.

16.6 16.6.1 Play is to be confined to two days duration on Saturday and Sunday of the same weekend, commencing at 1:00pm and terminating at the completion of the over in progress at 6:00pm. The maximum number of overs to be bowled in the first innings is 70. If batting time is lost by the team batting first, the maximum number of overs (140) shall be reduced by 2 overs for each 8 minutes of lost time (in these Rules called the "adjusted overs"). 16.6.2 Adjustment to the number of overs under Rule 16.6.1 shall be made at stumps on the first day, but only where the team batting first has not been dismissed, has not declared its innings closed or has not received its specified overs under Rule 16.6.1 16.6.3 If on the first day of a two day match no play is possible or less than 15 overs are bowled, the match will be played on the second day under one day match conditions (Rule 9) and a new toss shall be made.

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16.6.4 For the purposes of this rule, play may continue beyond 6.00pm on the second day, subject to pitch, ground, weather, light, injuries or other unforeseen circumstances until the team batting second has received its specified or adjusted number of overs, or until 6.30pm, whichever occurs first, provided that a result has not been achieved in the meantime. Play shall cease immediately the last wicket falls or the winning run/runs has/have been scored. If the specified or adjusted number of overs has not been received at 6.30pm, play shall cease at the end of the over in progress, and the match result shall be determined based on run rate.

16.716.7.1 A 5 minute drinks interval may be taken after 1.15 hours play in each session by Captain's agreement prior to the toss. If a wicket falls within 5 minutes of the scheduled drinks break, then drinks shall be taken immediately. 16.7.2 Preliminary Finals and Finals are to be played under the same conditions as semi-finals. In semi-finals, preliminary finals and finals there will be a 15 minute tea break at 3:30pm. If a wicket falls within 5 minutes of the scheduled tea break, then tea shall be taken immediately. Should an innings be completed after 3:10pm and prior to 3:30pm the tea break will be taken at the completion of the innings.

16.8 Semi-finals, Preliminary Finals and Finals shall, if played as a one-day match, be played in accordance with Rule 9.

16.9 Where a draw or tie occurs in a semi-final or preliminary final, the team higher on the competition table shall be declared the winner of that match. 16.10 Where a draw occurs in a final, the team higher on the competition table shall be declared premiers. 16.11 Where a tie occurs in a final, both teams shall be declared joint premiers.

16.12 Unless otherwise stated above, Rule 8 applies.


17.1 Player Eligibility:

17.1.1 A player must be registered to the end of the competition. A player must participate in at least 30% (rounded to the nearest whole number) of the competition matches to be eligible to participate in the Finals series.

(a) Forfeits shall count as a match for the non-forfeiting team provided that a team is nominated on MYCRICKET i.a.w. Rule 5.1(a).

(b) Matches unable to be played due to weather shall count as a match provided that a team is nominated on MYCRICKET i.a.w. Rule 5.1(a).

17.1.2 The Grading Sub-Committee and/or the Management Committee shall have discretionary power in regard to replacements for the Finals series.

Where a team seeks the participation of a replacement player in the Juniors Finals Series, a Club Secretary shall seek permission from the Management Committee by making a request in writing to the Association Secretary for a replacement player to play in a different grade, outlining the reasons why the player is required.

o The request must be received prior to the next delegates' meeting prior to the upcoming match.

o A separate request must be made and permitted prior to each finals match.

Should the Management Committee allow the replacement player, the player shall be permitted to participate in the finals match under the follow conditions:

(a) The replacement player may not bat until all other members of the team registered in the grade have batted i.a.w. rule 14.4; (b) The replacement player may not bowl until all other members of the team registered in the grade have bowled at least half their maximum number of overs allowed per bowler under competition rule 13.1;

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(c) The replacement player may not bowl more than half his/her maximum number of overs allowed under competition rule 13.1 until all other members of the team registered in the grade have bowled their maximum number of overs under competition rule 13.1; (c) The replacement player may not wicketkeep, unless it has been demonstrated to the management committee that the player is replacing the team's existing wicketkeeper; (d) i.a.w. 2.8.1(b) & (c) above, a player may only bowl before another player originally registered in that grade, where it has been demonstrated in the club secretary’s original request to the management committee that another player in that grade has not bowled all season, or is the wicketkeeper and does not normally bowl, except on rare occasions throughout the season.

17.1.3 Any team found to be in breach of rule 17.1, or part thereof, may be penalised by having the result of the match determined in favour of the non-offending team, and/or suspension of the relevant coach for a period of matches as determined by the Association Committee.

17.2 Each competition has two semi-finals, a preliminary final and a final. When teams are equal in competition points, positions for semi-finals (or Final see 17.1.2) shall be decided by the systems of averages and quotients i.e., the batting average (runs scored divided by wickets lost) divided by the bowling average (runs against divided by wickets taken). The team with the higher quotient shall be ranked the higher in each case.

17.2.1 In an event of a 4 team competition, only a Final will be played.

17.3 In the semi-finals the team finishing first plays the team finishing second in the MAJOR SEMI-FINAL and the team finishing third plays the team finishing fourth in the MINOR SEMI-FINAL.

17.4 The winner of the MAJOR SEMI-FINAL proceeds directly to the FINAL.

17.5 The loser of the MAJOR SEMI-FINAL plays the winner of the MINOR SEMI-FINAL in the PRELIMINARY FINAL for the right to meet the winner of the MAJOR SEMI-FINAL in the FINAL. 17.6 Prior to the end of the preliminary rounds, the Management Committee shall determine the dates and times of play and other appropriate conditions for Semi-Finals, Preliminary Final and Finals. 17.7 If there is no play on both days of a Semi-Final or Preliminary Final, or if on the second day of play the match cannot be completed because of weather conditions or other circumstances and a result has not been achieved, or if there is a draw or tie, then the team which finished in the higher position at the end of the preliminary rounds shall be declared the winner of that match.

17.8 Except for grades playing under two-day formats, Semi-finals, Preliminary Finals and Finals shall be played in accordance with Rule 12. In grades playing two-day matches, these will be in accordance with Rule 11.

17.9 Where a draw or tie occurs in a semi-final or preliminary final, the team higher on the competition table shall be declared the winner of that match.

17.10 Where a draw occurs in a final, the team higher on the competition table shall be declared premiers.

17.11 Where a tie occurs in a final, both teams shall be declared joint premiers.

17.12 If there has been no time lost due to the condition of the pitch, ground, weather, light or injuries, and should the team bowling first fail to bowl its specified number of overs by the scheduled finishing time, the team batting second shall then be restricted to receiving the same number of overs it had bowled, (including the over in progress) at the scheduled finishing time, to the team batting first (for the purposes of this rule called the adjusted overs of the team batting second), subject to it not exceeding the over limited specified for that match and provided that the team batting second has not been dismissed or declared its innings closed.

For the purposes of this rule, play may continue beyond the scheduled finishing time by 30 minutes, weather, ground and light conditions permitting, until the team batting second has received its specified or adjusted number of overs, provided that a result has not been achieved in the meantime. Play shall cease immediately the last wicket falls or the winning run/runs has/have been scored.


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18.1 Boundaries:If grounds permit, the boundaries shall be:(a) Juniors: As per Rule 12(b) Seniors: 60m minimum.

18.2 Except for Junior Finals Series - Rule 18.3 below - all matches must be played and completed on the ground allocated, unless permission is granted by the Competition Secretary for a change of ground prior to the commencement of the match. Ground allocations for the finals series shall be subject to change only by appeal to the Management Committee. The appeal must be made in writing, with reasons, at least 14 days before such match is scheduled to take place. Where a match is played on a synthetic turf pitch, it shall be the responsibility of both teams to ensure that the pitch is thoroughly swept at the commencement of play on each day.

18.3 To maximise the opportunity to play every junior final, if at all possible, the Association reserves the right to move any scheduled finals match already allocated to a particular ground for that weekend.


19.1 Unless otherwise approved by the Management Committee prior to commencement of the season, all players taking part in competition or representative matches must wear proper cricket attire, each day. Proper cricket attire is deemed to be a cap or hat, white or cream sweater, white or cream shirt (with collar), white or cream trousers (or shorts for junior cricket), and predominantly white shoes or boots.

Any request for coloured attire, or emblems to be worn on shirts must be submitted in writing to the Management Committee together with a drawing to scale of the proposed emblem.

No sprigs or spikes are permitted on the field of play during Association matches except where it is played on a turf pitch.

19.2 No player will be allowed to bowl if wearing other than approved attire as defined under Competition Rule 19.1. 19.3 The Umpire/Umpires and/or captains shall report all instances of incorrect attire on the appropriate Umpire’s or Captain’s Match Report by the meeting following the completion of the round. No player shall be allowed to participate or act as Umpire at any time if attired in shorts of any description. (Junior cricket exempt) Any team violating this rule shall be subject to a loss of competition points at the discretion of the Management Committee. 19.4 Each team is to supply a ball of a make approved by the Management Committee prior to the commencement of the competition. Such ball is to be inspected and accepted by the umpires. The ball must be a two piece and coloured red (unless specified elsewhere in these Rules), or there is mutual agreement between both captains (Seniors only) to use a different coloured ball. If a different coloured ball is used both teams must use a ball of the same colour.

19.5 Subject to Rule 15 (Juniors only) each team shall supply 3 stumps and 2 bails of approved type, together with not less than 12 boundary markers.

19.6 The first named team in the draw is the home team. The home team shall supply different boundary markers for adjoining grounds and the captains shall be responsible for placing them in position prior to the commencement of play. The fielding team shall be responsible for collecting them at the end of the day's play. Each team shall be responsible for having the markers placed in position at a distance no further than 15 metres apart.


20.1 All trophies owned by the Association must be returned at the completion of the relevant Presentation Program. Any Club not complying shall be liable to a fine of $50:00.

20.2 All teams or players disqualified and/or unfinancial 21 days after the completion of the competition shall be ineligible for trophy awards.

20.3 Performances in the finals series and representative matches are not to count in determining the trophy winners in each Grade.

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20.4 In Senior Competitions, the premiership cheque is to be not less than $50:00.

20.5 Trophies shall be awarded for best batting average, batting aggregate, bowling average, bowling aggregate, wicket keeping (Juniors only), all-rounder and most catches in each Grade at the discretion of the Committee. 20.6 Prior to the commencement of Round 6, the Management Committee shall determine the criteria to be used in the awarding of trophies in all grades, which will be circulated to all clubs.

20.7 Trophies shall be forfeited if not claimed at the Association Annual Presentation Night.


21.1 All representative trial matches shall be arranged so that where possible selected players shall receive at least 10 days' notice of selection. 21.2 (a) If a player is required to represent as a player, representative team manager or umpire in a N.S.W. Districts Cricket Association representative fixture or approved trial match during the season on either day of a competition match, they can be replaced by another registered player at the Grading Committee's discretion from within their own team or from a lower grade team.

(b) If a player is injured whilst participating in a representative match and is unable to participate on the second day of a competition match, that player may be replaced by a player from their or a lower grade on the second day of such competition match. Any player replaced in such a manner and/or the Representative Team Manager must supply a doctor’s certificate/report to the Management Committee confirming the injury no later than the meeting following the completion of any such match.

21.3 A player, representative team manager or umpire who has been replaced on either scheduled day of a match in accordance with Rule 21.2 is permitted to play in the match on the second day. (This principle shall apply to all Clubs' lower grades affected.)

21.4 A player invited to play in a representative team but who does not respond to such invitation shall be ineligible to play for his Club without the prior permission of the Management Committee. 21.5 Any player selected in any representative team who, when selected, without just cause fails to attend a match in which he has been selected will be suspended for 2 competition rounds.

21.6 No player may tour with a private team when inter-district tours or matches are taking place, unless he obtains the prior permission of the Management Committee.

21.7 The Management Committee shall appoint the manager, captain, vice-captain and scorer of all selected representative teams.


22.1 The Disciplinary Committee shall hear and determine all citings by Clubs, an Umpire or a member of the Management Committee involving the behaviour of players or Team Officials on the field of play, and without limiting the generality of its powers shall have power to fine, suspend or disqualify any Club, person or Team Official. Any protest in respect of the result of any match or player registration etc shall be determined by the Disputes Committee.

22.2 All such protests and citings must be made in writing, in duplicate, and lodged with the General Secretary prior to or at the Meeting held following the completion of the match in question. Any protest or citing by a Club must be accompanied by a fee of $50:00 which will be forfeited if the protest or citing is deemed frivolous. The protest or citing must include the names and Clubs of all personnel involved in the incident as well as both umpires (official or unofficial) standing in the game at the time of the incident. The Disciplinary Committee will not consider any protest or citing until all civil legal action, if any, is completed. 22.3 The Association Secretary shall give written notification to the Club or person involved of the terms of such protest or citing and will give the Club or person sufficient notice of the time, date and place when the matter will be heard. The Umpire(s) concerned shall attend all hearings that result from an Umpire’s Match

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Report (refer to Rule 25.9) unless otherwise notified. Should an Umpire fail to attend any such hearing or supply a full written submission on the matter, such matter will lapse. 22.4 Any Club, person or Team Official cited to appear before the Management Committee (or any sub-committee formed for the purpose of investigating the matter) shall attend the appointed meeting. Should any Club, or its representative or any person or Team Official the subject of the protest or citing fail to attend such meeting that Club or person may be suspended from the Association until such time as they appear.

22.5 In such matters, the Management Committee (or sub-committee) shall inform itself in such manner as it sees fit on the protest or dispute and shall give all parties the opportunity to be heard on the matter before making its decision.

22.6 Any Club, person or Team Official dissatisfied with the decision of the Disciplinary or Disputes Committee shall have the right of appeal against that decision to the next meeting of the Management Committee. The notice of appeal shall be accompanied by a fee of $25 or such other fee as may from time to time be determined. If such appeal is dismissed, the Club, player or Team Official may further appeal to the NSW Districts Cricket Association by written notice of appeal lodged with the NSW Districts Cricket Association, in duplicate, through the Association Secretary, who will forward any such appeal within 14 days of the decision of the Management Committee. The notice of appeal shall be accompanied by a fee of $25.00 or such other fee as may from time to time be determined. An umpire has no right of appeal against the Disciplinary Committee’s decision in relation to disciplinary matters that are the subject of an Umpire’s Match Report. 22.7 Notwithstanding the above, any player or Team Official found guilty of a behavioural offence under the Code of Behaviour shall have 6 (six) competition points deducted from the team in which that person played or officiated in the Round in which the offence occurred. If the player found guilty of a behavioural offence is the Captain of the team then 10 (ten) competition points will be deducted from the team in which that person played in the Round in which the offence occurred. 22.8 Any Club found guilty of a behavioural offence under the Code of Behaviour shall have 1 (one) competition point deducted for each of its teams in the Round in which the offence occurred.

23. GENERAL 23.1 In the Spirit of Cricket, the use of any type of telecommunication mobile device, eg two-way radio, walkie-talkie, mobile phone, PDA, Blackberry etc is prohibited during the playing of a game by any Association appointed umpire, appointed Club Coach acting as umpire, Scorer, Manager, volunteer parent/player umpire or parent on the boundary to communicate with each other as to the progress of the game and/or player within the game whilst that person is umpiring either at the wicket or at square leg. Any breach reported in writing to the Association may result in a $250 fine and / or the loss of Competition Points awarded in the Match(es).

23.2 Play on either day of a match can only be called off because of weather, bad light, or the wicket or ground being unfit for play, if both Captains (or team managers in juniors) agree or a decision is given in accordance with Rule 23.3 or if play in all matches on that day is cancelled by or on behalf of the Competition Secretary.

23.3 If the captains or team managers disagree on whether play can be called off on either day of a 2 day match because of weather, bad light, or the wicket or ground being unfit for play, the final decision on play shall be made by the Competition Secretary, or a Management Committee Member, who is not a member of the Clubs participating in that match.(or the Official Umpire if appointed to the match). At least 50% of matches must be completed in any one grade for a result obtained on the second day to stand, unless a result has been achieved on the first day.

23.4 On all cricket fields 6 runs will be scored if, in the opinion of the umpire, the ball clears the boundary on the full. 23.5 6 balls constitute an over unless otherwise provided for within these rules.

23.6 A new ball can be used after every 200 runs.

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23.7 In a second innings of either side, a new or old ball may be used.

23.8 A ball when bowled that lands to the side of the pitch shall be called a no-ball.

23.9 Either Umpire may call and signal “No Ball” in accordance with Law 42.6 (b) [Dangerous and unfair bowling]. Any further action is to be taken in accordance with Law 42.7.

23.10 No match shall be altered, postponed or the stipulated playing times deviated from for any reason without the written consent of the Competition Secretary. Failure to adhere to the above will result in a fine of $100:00 for each team. The match will be declared a "No Match", no points will be awarded and all performances will be omitted from the Associations' records. At the discretion of the Management Committee the requirement for written consent may be waived. 23.11 Clubs whose teams fail to reach the Semi-Finals must, at or before the meeting held prior to the Semi-Finals, provide to the Association Secretary in respect of each of their teams concerned, the name of at least one person to umpire the Semi-Finals in any Grade. 23.12 Clubs whose teams are defeated in the Semi-Finals must, at or before the meeting held prior to the Preliminary Finals, provide to the Association Secretary in respect of each of their teams concerned, the name of at least one person suitable to umpire the Preliminary Final in any Grade. 23.13 Clubs whose teams are defeated in the Preliminary Finals must, at or before the meeting held prior to the Finals, provide to the Association Secretary in respect of each of their teams concerned, the name of at least one person suitable to umpire the Final in any Grade.

23.14 Clubs in default of an umpire nomination required by Rules 23.11, 23.12 and 23.13 shall, at the conclusion of the meeting at which said nomination was required, be deemed to be nominated in respect of each failure to nominate a person to umpire.

23.15 A Club deemed to be nominated in accordance with clause 23.14 must, within 48 hours of the conclusion of the meeting which triggered said nomination, notify the Association Secretary of an individual who will act as the umpire on behalf of the Club.

23.16 Nominated Clubs failing to provide a name to the Association Competition Secretary in accordance with 23.15 will be fined $250 (or other penalty the Committee requires).

23.17 Should a nominated umpire fail to attend for the whole of the match to which he or she is appointed, then the Club that nominated him or her, subject to the Management Committee finding to its satisfaction that there were no unavoidable circumstances, be fined an amount of $250.

23.18 The Management Committee shall appoint persons nominated in accordance with this Rule as Umpires for Semi-Finals, Preliminary Finals and Finals (except as provided for in Competition Rule 25.2) as required, but may, if it deems necessary, appoint other persons to Umpire these matches.

23.19 Except where otherwise specified in these playing Rules, all matches must be played in accordance with the Rules adopted by the NSW Districts Cricket Association or, if not so covered, by the Laws of Cricket.

23.20 When the ball is hit into a drain, creek or canal, and appears to be lost, or is in a position that could cause unnecessary loss of time to the batting team, it shall be declared a lost ball and the fielding team shall produce a satisfactory substitute of similar wear or use as that of the one lost. 23.21 Only players, appointed umpires and appointed team officials are allowed on the field of play during the course of a game. Any infringement of this rule may result in a fine and / or a loss of competition points for the team at the discretion of the Management Committee.

24. CODE OF BEHAVIOUR 24.1 All matches shall be conducted in the true spirit of the game of cricket and all Club Officials, Team Officials, Captains and players shall adopt this policy including Appendix 3- Codes of Behaviour.

24.2 No player shall whilst in attendance at any match, whether on or off the field of play, engage in conduct unbecoming of the game of cricket.

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24.3 Players shall: (a) Respect the umpire (b) Comply with the umpire’s instructions (c) Not verbally or physically abuse any umpire (d) Not dispute the umpire’s decision nor react in a threatening or disapproving manner (e) When given out, move off immediately and not indulge in tantrums (f) Generally assist the umpire in carrying out his duties (g) Not indulge in “sledging” opposition players, i.e. by word or action, either directly or indirectly, try to intimidate or upset a player (h) Not verbally or physically abuse any player or official.

24.4 The Captains shall be responsible for their team’s behaviour. They shall:

(a) Control their players. If any incident is brought to their attention, and they do nothing to prevent its recurrence, they may be liable to discipline (b) Ensure players avoid wasting time - incoming and outgoing batsmen should pass inside the boundary line and fieldmen should move quickly to position (c) Brief players on the behaviour requirements and ensure that their players conduct themselves in a manner that conforms to the traditional image of the game of cricket (d) Ensure the maximum amount of play occurs in a game. When called upon to decide if play should cease or continue they shall use common sense, fair play and not be influenced by the state of the game.

24.5 No alcohol shall be consumed by any player, Team Official or Club Official, on or off the ground, during any match.

24.6 Players shall maintain a standard of dress consistent with that required by Association Rules.

24.7 Should any breach of this Code occur, or any action deemed detrimental to the game of cricket take place, the matter shall be reported to the Association in accordance with Association Rules.

25. UMPIRES 25.1 Any qualified and financial member of the StGDCUL wishing to officiate in matches under the control of the Association should register their intentions with the Association Secretary one month prior to the commencement of the Competition. Additional qualified Umpires may be added to the list of officiating Umpires at any time during the season.

25.2 The appointment of Umpires, registered with the Association, to Competition Matches and Inter-Association fixtures shall be made by the Umpire’s Appointments Officer, who shall be a qualified Umpire registered with the Association and whose appointment is endorsed by the Association on the recommendation of the Management Committee. A list of all such appointments shall be forwarded to the Association and endorsed by the Management Committee. Umpire’s appointments shall in no way be interfered with by the affiliated Clubs. The Appointments Officer shall be recognised as the delegate representing all umpires registered with the Association and may be a non-voting member of the Management Committee advising on matters relating to Umpires or Laws of the Game (2000 Code).

25.3 In the event of umpires being absent, the appointment of others to take their place shall be vested in the captains of the teams concerned. If they fail to agree an Association Officer, not associated with either Club, shall have the power to appoint the umpires and his choice shall be final. When matches are finished in one day, the Appointments Officer shall have the power to appoint umpires to any other match on the second day where no or only one umpire has been appointed. 25.4 Umpires are to be in position on the field 5 minutes before the time fixed for starting (after stumps have been erected and creases marked) and shall report to the Association any lateness in starting play. In the case of matches commencing more than 15 minutes after the scheduled starting time, the team(s) responsible shall be penalised 2 competition points at the discretion of the Management Committee.

25.5 The Umpire/Umpires appointed to the match by the Umpires Appointments Officer shall, on appeal, declare a match lost by the team refusing to play, or unable to play or proceed with the match, after 15 minutes from the scheduled starting time on either day of a match.

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Such a team shall receive no points and the maximum number of points gained by any team in that Grade for that round shall be awarded to the opposing team.

25.6 A player officiating in the capacity as umpire shall wear a coloured top in contrast to the cricket ball or carry an item of cricket gear. Except for Junior Cricket, such person must be:

(a) A registered player of the Association over the age of 16; and (b) Otherwise correctly attired in cricket gear as provided in these Rules.

25.7 Umpire’s fees for each season shall be determined by the Management Committee on submission of a recommendation from the Umpire’s League. Such submission shall include full justification for any increase from the previous season and must be received no later than one (1) month prior to the commencement of the current season. In the absence of any submission, the fees applying to the previous season will apply. However these may be amended at the discretion of the Management Committee.

25.8 Payment of Umpire’s fees will be made in the manner determined by the Management Committee prior to the commencement of each season.

25.9 At the completion of each match all appointed Umpires shall complete the prescribed “Umpire’s Match Report” and forward same to the Association by the meeting following the completion of the match. This is the only source for dealing with disciplinary matters available to officially appointed Umpires. A further full and comprehensive report, if necessary, shall be forwarded to the Association within 48 hours of completion of the match.

25.10 Any Umpire who is the subject of an adverse report from a Club or Team Captain in regards to misconduct will be referred by the Management Committee to the Umpire’s League. Reports regarding the application of the Laws of the Game will be forwarded to the Appointments Officer for appropriate action or counselling.


26.1 An over 35’s Competition shall be run in accordance with the relevant rules as determined from time to time/each season by the relevant Over 35’s Committee


If thunder follows a lightning flash by thirty (30) seconds or less, people in the open are at risk of being struck by lightning. In this circumstance play must cease immediately. All players and umpires must leave the field immediately and must not return until 30 minutes after the last lightning flash.


28.1 The Management Committee may adopt and endorse any suspension or disqualification imposed by any recognised sporting body. 28.2 The Management Committee shall have the power to deal with all matters not mentioned in the foregoing Rules, as well as acting on reports considered to be against the interests of the game of cricket and/or the reputation of the Association.

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Appendix 1 - Codes of Behaviour

St GeorgeDistrict Cricket AssociationCodes of Behaviour

The following Codes of Behaviour identify a selection of key principles upon which players, coaches, parents and umpires should base their cricket involvement with the StGDCA and Cricket Australia. The codes ensure that participants develop good sporting behaviours and an inherently positive cricket experience, which encourages them to remain involved in cricket throughout their lives. The Codes of Behaviour were developed by the Australian Sports Commission and have been adapted to reflect the principles and Spirit of Cricket.

Players Play by the rules;

Never argue with an umpire. If you disagree, have your captain, coach or manager approach the umpire in an appropriate manner during a break or after the game;

Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials and sledging other players, deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent are not acceptable or permitted behaviours in cricket;

Work equally hard for yourself and your teammates. Your team’s performance will benefit and so will you;

Be a good sport. Applaud all good plays whether they are made by your team or the opposition;

Treat all participants in cricket as you like to be treated. Do not bully or take unfair advantage of another competitor;

Cooperate with your coach, teammates and opponents. Without them there would be no competition;

Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents, teachers or coaches;

Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

Coaches Remember that young people participate for pleasure and winning is only part of the fun;

Never ridicule or yell at a young player for making a mistake or not coming first;

Be reasonable in your demands on players’ time, energy and enthusiasm;

Operate within the rules and Spirit of Cricket and teach your players to do the same;

Ensure that the time players spend with you is a positive experience;

Avoid overplaying the talented players; all young players need and deserve equal time, attention and opportunities;

Ensure that equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the age and ability of all players;

Display control and respect to all involved in cricket. This includes opponents, coaches, umpires, administrators, parents and spectators. Encourage your players to do the same;

Show concern and caution toward sick and injured players. Follow the advice of a physician when determining whether an injured player is ready to recommence training or competition;

Obtain appropriate qualifications and keep up-to-date with the latest cricket coaching practices and principles of growth and development of young people;

Any physical contact with a young person should be appropriate to the situation and necessary for the player’s skill development;

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Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

Parents Do not force an unwilling child to participate in cricket;

Remember, children are involved in cricket for their enjoyment, not yours;

Encourage your child to play by the rules;

Focus on the child’s efforts and performance rather than winning or losing;

Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a game;

Remember that children learn best by example. Appreciate good performances and skillful play by all participants;

Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities;

Respect officials’ decisions. Teach children to do likewise;

Show appreciation for volunteer coaches, officials and administrators. Without them, your child could not participate;

Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

Umpires In accordance with Cricket Australia and StGDCA guidelines, modify rules and regulations to match the skill levels and needs of young people;

Compliment and encourage all participants;

Be consistent, objective and courteous when making decisions;

Condemn unsporting behaviour and promote respect for all participants;

Emphasise the spirit of the game rather than the errors;

Encourage and promote rule changes which will make participation more enjoyable;

Be a good sport – actions speak louder than words;

Keep up-to-date with the latest available resources for umpiring and the principles of growth and development of young people;

Remember, you set an example. Your behaviour and comments should be positive and supportive;

Place the safety and welfare of participants above all else;

Give all people a ‘fair go’ regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

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