Documentation · 2. Login this account and access eparcel website, then you will see page as this...

Documentation AusPost Account Number 1. Go to Website 2. Login this account and access eparcel website, then you will see page as this sample. Click Administration at top-right and choose the View All Post Charge To Account. You will see your personal details, similiar like this.It's a number no more than 10 digits. If less than 10 digits put leading 0 at the front. e.g. 1234567 => 0001234567 If you haven't got it, please contact Australia Post Business team to get one. You can call 13 11 18 or email to [email protected]

Transcript of Documentation · 2. Login this account and access eparcel website, then you will see page as this...

Page 1: Documentation · 2. Login this account and access eparcel website, then you will see page as this sample. Click Administration at top-right and choose the View All Post Charge To

Documentation AusPost Account Number

1. Go to Website  

2. Login this account and access eparcel website, then you will see page as this sample. Click Administration at top-right and choose the View All Post Charge To Account. 

You will see your personal details, similiar like this.It's a number no more than 10 digits. If less than 10 digits put leading 0 at the front.  e.g. 1234567 => 0001234567 If you haven't got it, please contact Australia Post Business team to get one. You can call 13 11 18 or email to [email protected]   


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Australia Post API Key and Secret 

Step 1: Get your eParcel Account Number mentioned above 

Step 2: Create an Australia Post Developer Centre account 

Now you need to register for an Australia Post Developer Account if you                         haven't got one. You will receive an activation email from Australia Post. Use this to activate                         your new account and log in. 

Step 3: Apply for access to the Shipping and Tracking API 

Log in to the Developer Centre with your newly created account, and                       navigate to the APIs page 

1. Register Shipping and Tracking API 

2. Complete Registration 

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3. Check Australia Post Accounts with your credit account number 

4. Next Step 

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5. Select Your State 

6. After one day, you will receive an email from Australia Post which is a                             test for registering to developer account. The email should be like this                       (This information will be used in next step) 

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Generate two test files for Australia Post   1. Download application PostMan  

 Depending on your system to download PostMan.  2. Key information which you received from Australia Post by email. 

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  Key details: Key(username) 

Password(secret)  Account-Number: 10 digits 

 Seems like following format  

  3. Login Austpost Developer Centre using your own username and                   passoword Click API reference

 4. Use PostMan to send request  

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● Step 1 - > Create Shipment 

  Request type: Post Request-URL:  Click Authorization Authorization type: Basic Auth Type username and password (These should be received from the email from                       Austpost) 

  Click Header Type Account-Number and the value (This value should be the 10 digits                       

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Account name received from Email) 

     Click Body Select raw and select JSON (application/json) in Text 

   Type the example code into blank and click the send button (top right of the                             screen)  

{ "shipments": [

{ "shipment_reference": "5c9d6835c43da", "customer_reference_1": "EXAMPLE", "from": {

"name": "Joe Tester", "lines": [

Page 9: Documentation · 2. Login this account and access eparcel website, then you will see page as this sample. Click Administration at top-right and choose the View All Post Charge To

"111 Bourke Street" ], "suburb": "Melbourne", "state": "VIC", "postcode": "3000"

}, "to": {

"name": "Mary Tester", "lines": [

"101 Collins Street" ], "suburb": "Melbourne", "state": "VIC", "postcode": "3000", "phone": "0355551234"

}, "items": [

{ "item_reference": "ITEM1", "product_id": "7E55", "length": "10", "width": "10", "height": "10", "weight": "0.750", "authority_to_leave": true

} ]

} ]


 Then, you will receive a response like:  

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  Key information: (Yours should be different)  shipment_id: ca0K0Ey6jxQAAAFqCVEg9ovK item_id: qb4K0Ey6vpcAAAFqC1Eg9ovK    

● Step 2 -> Create Labels  Use another HTTP request  Request type: Post Request-URL:  Click Authorization (Same like step 1: Create shipment) Authorization type: Basic Auth Type username and password (These should be received from the email from                       Austpost)  

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  Click Header (Same like 1 step: Create shipment ) Type Account-Number and the value (This value should be the 10 digits                       Account name received from Email)  

      Click Body Select raw and select JSON (application/json) in Text  

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  Type the example code into blank and click the send button (top right of the                             screen)  Important: 

The “type” of “preference” should be PDF. The “shipment_id” and “item_id” of “shipments” should be the same                   

as you received response from step 1: create shipment.   In my case, shipment_id: ca0K0Ey6jxQAAAFqCVEg9ovK item_id: qb4K0Ey6vpcAAAFqC1Eg9ovK    

{ "preferences": [ { "type": "PRINT", "format": "PDF", "groups": [ { "group": "Parcel Post", "layout": "A4-1pp", "branded": true, "left_offset": 0, "top_offset": 0 }, { "group": "Express Post", "layout": "A4-1pp", "branded": false, "left_offset": 0, "top_offset": 0

Page 13: Documentation · 2. Login this account and access eparcel website, then you will see page as this sample. Click Administration at top-right and choose the View All Post Charge To

} ] } ], "shipments": [ { "shipment_id":"ca0K0Ey6jxQAAAFqCVEg9ovK", "items": [ { "item_id": "qb4K0Ey6vpcAAAFqC1Eg9ovK" } ] } ] }


Then, you will receive a response like:  

  Key information:  request_id: f221a43f-db6b-4cf6-a39e-a41028a2189b  

● Step 3 -> Get Labels  URL format:{request_id}  The request_id is same as you received from create label in step 2.  In the new HTTP request Choose GET and type the URL format.  

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Replace request_id use your request_id.  In Authorization section, select Basic Auth Type username and password.  

  In the Headers: action like previous and click the Send button.  

       Then you will receive a response like: 

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   Open the Url you will a website like and save it to PDF file.  


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● Step 4 -> Create order from shipments  

Open a new HTTP request Choose PUT, and type the following URL In Authorization and header, the actions should be same as before. In the body Click raw and Choose the JSON (application) in text button.  Copy the example code to the body. In this code, the shipment_id should be same like your received before.  

{ "order_reference":"My order reference", "payment_method":"CHARGE_TO_ACCOUNT", "shipments": [ { "shipment_id": "ca0K0Ey6jxQAAAFqCVEg9ovK" } ] }

  The example screen shot should be like:  

    Then you will get an order_id, in my case, the order_id is: TB00080342  

● Step 5 -> Get order summary  

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 Open a new HTTP request Choose GET URL format:{account_number}/orders/{order_id}/summary  The account_number should be your 10 digit number The order_id should be you received from the step 4  The Authorization and header should be the same The body, you do not need to write anything.  Click the Send button.  

  You will receive a response like  Click the Download button and save the order summary. Like,    

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 After generate the two PDF files which include a shipping label and an order                           summary, you need to send these files to Australia post by email. The email                           address should be the same as the address you receive information from.   After several days, the Australia Post servicer will approve your developer                     account. You will see the Projects button in the Australia post official website  

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Create a new project 

Give a name you like for the project 

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Create an API Key with your chosen secret 


Put in your key's nick name and secret that will be                     used by our app later 

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See your API key here 

Go back to your newly create project and manage                 services 

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Enable all services. Then we are done 

Then install the app to your shopify account.  

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Then you will see this website, use your               information to sign in this account 
