DOCUMENT RESUME ED 091 946 Research and Training ... · DOCUMENT RESUME. FL 006 119. Research and...

ED 091 946 TITLE INSTITUTION REPORT NO PUB DATE NOTE AVAILABLE FROM EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS DOCUMENT RESUME FL 006 119 Research and Training Opportunities Abroad and Foreign Curriculum Consultants in the United States 1975-76. Office of Education (DREW), Washington, D.C. DHEW-OE-74-19503 74 25p. Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (50.55) MF-$0.75 HC-$1.85 PLUS POSTAGE Area Studies; Cross Cultural Training; Educational Research; Foreign Relations; Higher Education; *International Programs; *Research Opportunities; *Student Exchange Programs; *Study Abroad; World Affairs ABSTRACT This booklet lists international exchange programs for 1975-76 designed to help strengthen American education in foreign language, area studies and world affairs. The legislative background of the programs is followed by an outline of the administration and funding provisions for the 1975-76 programs. Four available programs are listed: doctoral dissertation research abroad, faculty research abroad, group projects abroad, and foreign curriculum consultant programs. In addition, related programs of the division of international education are discussed. For each of these programs, a full description is given, including a listing of eligibility requirements, financial provisions, application procedures, evaluation criteria, selection procedures, and related programs. (LG)

Transcript of DOCUMENT RESUME ED 091 946 Research and Training ... · DOCUMENT RESUME. FL 006 119. Research and...

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FL 006 119

Research and Training Opportunities Abroad andForeign Curriculum Consultants in the United States1975-76.Office of Education (DREW), Washington, D.C.DHEW-OE-74-195037425p.Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government PrintingOffice, Washington, D.C. 20402 (50.55)

MF-$0.75 HC-$1.85 PLUS POSTAGEArea Studies; Cross Cultural Training; EducationalResearch; Foreign Relations; Higher Education;*International Programs; *Research Opportunities;*Student Exchange Programs; *Study Abroad; WorldAffairs

ABSTRACTThis booklet lists international exchange programs

for 1975-76 designed to help strengthen American education in foreignlanguage, area studies and world affairs. The legislative backgroundof the programs is followed by an outline of the administration andfunding provisions for the 1975-76 programs. Four available programsare listed: doctoral dissertation research abroad, faculty researchabroad, group projects abroad, and foreign curriculum consultantprograms. In addition, related programs of the division ofinternational education are discussed. For each of these programs, afull description is given, including a listing of eligibilityrequirements, financial provisions, application procedures,evaluation criteria, selection procedures, and related programs.(LG)

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"...riderson the

- earthtogether . .."







1975 -76

Programs to Help Strengthen American.Education

in Foreign Language, Area Studies, and World Affairs



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DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED.--No person in theUnited States shall, on the ground of race,color, or national origin, be excluded fromparticipation in, be denied the benefits of,or be subjected to discrimination under anyprogram or activity receiving Federal finan-cial assistance, or be so treated on thebasis of sex under most education programsor activities receiving Federal assistance.Therefore, the programs for overseas activi-ties in support of modern foreign languagetraining and area studies and foreign cur-riculum consultants, l'!:e every program oractivity receiving financial assistance fromthe U.S. Department of Health, Education,and Welfare, must be operated in compliancewith this law.

THE COVER--Earth against the void of space asphotographed by the crewmf Apollo 8 symbol-izes the global nature of internationalstudies. The phrase "riders on the earthtogether" was used by President Richard Nixonin his first Inaugural Address in a quotationfrom Archibald MacLeish.

"Let us continue to bring down the walls ofhostility which have diyided the world fortoo long, and to build in their place bridgesof understanding--so thlt despite profounddifferences between systems of government,the people of the world can be friends."

Ptcm NiKot'6 sccond InauguAta AddA,e6s

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DREW Publication No. (OE) 74-19503






1975-76Programs to Help Strengthen American Education

in Foreign Language, Area Studies, and World Affairs

Public Law 87-256, the Mutual Educational and CulturalExchange Act of 1961 (rulbright-Mays Act) (sections 102(b)(6) and 105(d)] and Public Law 83-480, the Agricul-tural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954(section 104(6)(2) and (3)1

Ac'ecoti4 te,tzd b

U.S, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EOUOATION, AND WELFARECaspar W Weinberger, SecretaryCharles B Saunders. Jr , Acting Assistant Secretary for Education

Office of EducationJohn 0/tma Commoscroner

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Introduction 1

Administration of Programs 3

Role of the Office of EducationRole of the Board of Foreign

ScholarshipsRole of Recipient institutionsand Agencies

General Funding Provisions for 1975-76 . 5

U.S.-Owned Excess Foreign CurrencyFunds

Dollar Funds

Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad. . 6

Program DescriptionEligibility RequirementsPolitically Sensitive TopicsFinancial ProvisionsApplication ProceduresEvaluation CriteriaSelection ProceduresRelated Programs for Graduate

Research Abroad

Faculty Research Abroad ,12

Program DescriptionEligibility RequirementsPolitically Sensitive TopicsFinancial ProvisionsApplication ProceduresEvaluation CriteriaSelection Procedures

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CONTENTS (Continued)

Group Projects Abroad

Program DescriptionGeneral Qualifications forAll Participants

Examples of Group ProjectsEligible for Assistancein 1975-76

Financial ProvisionsApplication Procedures and


Evaluation CriteriaSelection Procedures

Pag e

0 . .38

Foreign Curriculum Consultant Program . .27Program DescriptionProgram Scope

Eligibility RequirementsFinancial ProvisionsApplication ProceduresEvaluation CriteriaSelection Procedures

Related Programs of the Division ofinternational Education 33

Exchange Teaching and Short-TermSeminars Abroad

Interinstitutional CooperativeResearch Abroad (IICRA)


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The international educational exchange and trainingprograms sponsored by the U.S. Government have involvedmore than 100,000 participants since 1946 when Congresspassed the Fulbright amendment authorizing the use ofU.S.-owned foreign currencies to finance the exchange ofstudents and scholars. Since the first internationalexchange In 1948, more than 110,500 U.S. and foreign stu-dents, teachers, and scholars have participated in edu-cational activities in approximately 150 countries.

In 1961, the Fulbright amendment, the Smith-Mundt Act,and certain provisions of other legislation were combinedinto the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act(Public Law 87-256, widely known as the Fuibright-HaysAct) in order to broaden the scope of educational activ-ities designed to promote international understanding andcooperation. Section 102(b)(6) of the Fuibright-Hays Actfocuses exclusively on strengthening American education by:

...promot,ing modern foreign language trainingand area studies in United States schools, col-leges, and universities by supporting visitsand study in foreign countries by teachers andprospective teachers in such schools, colleges,and universities for the purpose of improvingtheir skill in languages and their knowledge ofthe culture of the people of these countries,and by financing visits by teachers from thosecountries to the United States for the purposeof participating in foreign language trainingand area studies in United States schools,colleges, and universities....

'Executive Order 11034 of June 25, 1962, delegated tothe U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfareresponsibility for administering projects authorized bysection 102(17)(6). With funds appropriated under thissection of the act, as well as section 105(d), and underthe Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of1954 (Public Law 83-480), as amended, the Department ofHealth, Education, and Welfare, through the Division of


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International Education, Office of Education, conducts anumber of programs designed to improve the capabilities ofAmerican education in modern foreign languages and areastudies.

The relevant portions of Public Law 83-480 are con-tained in section 104(b)(2) and (3) as follows:

The President may use or enter into agreementswith foreign countries or internatipnal organizationsto use the foreign currencies, including principaland interest from loan repayments, which accrue inconnection with sales for foreign currencies underthis title...for carrying out programs of UnitedStates Government agencies to finance...activitiesto assist international educational and culturalexchange and to provide for the strengthening ofthe resources of American educational agencies forinternational studies and research under the pro-grams authorized by...the Mutual Educational andCultural Exchange Act of 1961...and to promote andsupport programs of...cultural and educationaldevelopment.

The Office of Education research and training programsabroad and the Foreign Curriculum Consultant program areconducted under the aegis of these two acts, and providean essential complement to the foreign language and areastudies programs carried out in the United States undertitle VI of the National Defense Education Act. Programactivities encompass curriculum development and teachereducation as well as preparation of specialists in foreignlanguages, area studies, and world affairs. During theperiod from 1964 to 1974 these programs enabled more than6,000 persons, including faculty and students from U.S.Institutions of higher education and experienced educatorsat the elementary and secondary school levels, to partici-pate in research and training abroad in foreign languages,area studies, and world affairs; and supported the pro-fessional activities of approximately 200 Foreign Curricu-lum Consultants in the United States.

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Under the Group Projects Abroad and Foreign CurriculumConsultant programs, the OTTEW73t Education awards grantsd rem to educational institutions. The institutionsare responsible for selecting eligible project participantsand consultants, the latter from recommended candidates.

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In 1975-76 all four nrograms described in this brochurewill again be eligible ror allocation of U.S.-owned excessforeign currency funds. Some funds are expected to beavailable in the following countries:

Arab Republic of EgyptIndia




* Funds are available for only a limitednumber of group projects in 197576.

(Foreign Curriculum Consulcdnt program: U.S.-ownedexcess foreign currencies will only be used in this pro-gram if the consultant comes from an excess currencycountry, in which case international travel and baggagemay be paid in excess currencies.)


Because of current budget constraints and program pri-orities, the limited do!laA funds available in 1975-76under section 102(b) (6) of the Fulbright-Hays Act will beconcentrated on--

1. Fellowships to enable doctoral candidates to completefield research for their dissertations.

2. A limited number of faculty research fellowships ontopics of contemporary concern in East and SoutheastAsia and in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

3. A few high priority group projects to assist advancedlanguage training centers abroad in certain criticallanguages and to help fund selected summer seminarsand workshops abroad that are related to domesticethnic studies programs.


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The Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad programprovides opportunities for advanced graduate students toengage in full -time dissertation research abroad in modernforeign languages, area studies, and world affairs. Theprogram is designed to develop research knowledge andcapability in world areas not widely included in Americancurriculums by helping prospective teachers and scholarsconduct original research in their area of specializationand enhance their knowledge of the region, its people,and its language.

During 1975-76, approximately 100 awards for researchabroad will be available to graduate students who plan toteach in U.S. educational institutions at the postsecond-ary level. Awards are not available for projects focusingon England, France, Germany, Italy, or Spain, and willnot be made for research in countries where the UnitedStates has no diplomatic representation.

During the award period (6 to 12 months), a fellow isexpected to conduct research within the geographic areaof his or her academic interest. Approval to conductresearch in more than one country may be granted if it is

determined that such research is essential to the satis-factory completion of the research project--or if theproposal presents suitable evidence that superior researchfacilities for the topic exist outside the principalgeographic area of specialization.


A candidate for a Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroadfellowship must--

1. Be a citizen or national of the United States, orhave such immigration status and personal plans asto indicate that he or she is in the United Statesfor other than a temporary purpose and will makea continuing contribution to the specialized man-power resources of this country.

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2. Plan to teach in a U.S. institution of highereducation. (Candidates with nonteaching careergoals are ineligible.)

3. Be enrolled in a U.S. institution and have beenadmitted to candidacy for a doctoral degree inforeign languages, area studies, or world affairs.The candidate should he ready to engage in dis-sertation research abroad.

4. Provide evidence of adequate language skills foreffectively carrying out the proposed research.

5. Present a project for which the field research canreasonably be expected to be completed within thetime limits of the award and which is otherwisefeasible. (Each project outline should include aproposed time schedule, name of organizations andindividuals abroad who will cooperate in the projectplans to make research results available to the hostcountry, and an estimate of project costs.)

6. Apply to the International Research and ExchangesBoard (IREX), 110 East 59th Street, New York, N.Y.10022, if the candidate is a U.S. citizen proposingto conduct research in the U.S.S.R. Americancitizens planning research in Bulgaria, Czechoslo-vakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, or Yugoslavia arealso advised to apply simultaneously to IREX inorder to facilitate research in these countries.(At present, resident aliens are not eligible forIREX grants in these countries.) If the recipientof a Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad fellow-ship is also awarded an IREX grant, he may be underthe sponsorship of both programs simultaneously,but the financial benefits of each award will beadjusted to avoid duplication of benefits.

7. Have no more than a cumulative total of 48 months'fellowship support (including the time period ofthe grant applied for) under title VI of the NationalDefense Education Act, and/or section 102(b)(6) ofthe Fulbright-Hays Act. Of the 48-month maximum,not more than 12 months' support can be providedunder section 102(b)(6) of the. Fulbright-Hays Act.


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As a matter of general policy, awards are not madeunder this program for research topics that are deter-mined to be politically sensitive in the host country.


Dissertation research fellowships include the follow-ing provisions:

1. A basic stipend computed on the cost of living in thecountry(ies) where the research is to be conducted.Living allowances from other than personal sourcesthat duplicate benefits under this award will bededucted from the total stipend, with the exceptionof benefits received under the Veterans' BenefitsAct. Stipends will be prorated in any cases wherethe host country assumes all or part of a fellow'smaintenance costs.

2. A dependency allowance for a maximum of four depend-ents based on the cost of living in the country(ies)where the dependents reside during the period of thegrant.

3. Round-trip jet economy air fare on an American carrier,OA the avand Aecipient on y, between the airportclosest to his academic or permanent U.S. address andthe overseas destination. A fellow who is abroad atthe beginning of the award period will receive author-ization for travel to his country(ies) of researchand return to the United States. (In the latterinstance, the cost of travel from the location abroadto the area of research may not exceed the cost oftravel from the U.S. address to the research destina-tion abroad.)

4. An excess baggage allowance of no more than 50 poundseach way.

S. Since affiliation with a foreign university is encour-aged to facilitate securing visas or research permits,tuition at a foreign institution will be providedwhen it will facilitate the satisfactory completion

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of the project. Any tuition or fees that might berequired by the American institution for study offcampus will be the responsibility of the student.

6. A ooject attowance to the student o6 up to $500 forpurchasing expendable materials and supplies duringa 12-month award. Project allowances for awards ofshorter duration may be prorated.

7. A local travel allowance for necessary project-related transportation within the approvedcountry(les) of research.

48. The cost of health and accident insurance, for thefellow only, under the terms of a Government-contracted group insurance policy.


Candidates should apply directly to the institutionsat which they are enrolled in a doctoral program-not tothe 066ice oti Education. They should address requestsfor application forms to the office of the graduate deanat graduate schools offering a doctoral degree in foreignlanguage, area studies, or world affairs.

Institutions should request application materialsfrom--

International Studies BranchDivision of international EducationOffice of EducationU.S. Department of Health, Education,

and WelfareWashington, D.C. 20202

The college or university graduate dean, or his desig-nated representative, is responsible for accepting,screening, and forwarding to the Application ControlCenter, Office of Education, those Individual applicationsthat meet the institution's technical and academic criteria.If an institution forwards applications for more than onecandidate, any preference as to priority should be indi-cated.


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It a anticipated that the deadtine bon o6appeication4 by the Appeication Conttot CenteA, ()Weeo6 Education, Wa4hington, D.C., wit t be October 15,' 1974.The otqiciaZ deadtincs Witt be announced in The FederalRegister.


Doctoral Dissertation Research proposals will beevaluated according to the following criteria:

1. Academic qualifications of the candidate.

2. Soundness and feasibility of the project.

3. Program priorities as determined by the Office ofEducation. Preference will be given to foreign lan-guages and geographic areas that are critical to thenational interest, for which adequate instruction hasnot been widely available in the United States, andfor which there exists a shortage of trained personnel.


The Division of International Education, Office ofEducation, will make the initial selection and recommenda-tion of award recipients with the advice of a panel ofspecialists in foreign languages, area studies, and worldaffairs and comments by U.S. embassies and binational com-missions in the proposed countries of research. Theselections are subject to review and final approval bythe Board of Foreign Scholarships.

The Commissioner of Education will announce awardsby IdLe spring.


Graduate fellowships for research and study in certaincountries are also available through the Fulbright-Haysprograms conducted under the jurisdiction of the Depart-ment of State. For information regarding these awards,students should contact either their Fulbright programadvisor on campus or--

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Information and Reference Services Division

Institute of International Education

809 United Nations PlazaNew York, N.Y. 10017

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The Faculty Research Abroad program offers selectedopportunities for research and study abroad in foreignlanguages, area studies, and world affairs. It is

designed to help universities and colleges strengthen theirprograms of international studies in two basic ways:(1) By helping key faculty members remain current in theirspecialties and (2) by assisting institutions in updatingcurriculums and Improving teaching methods and materials.

Since the program's goal is to strengthen institutionalcapability, the awards can be particularly valuable to aninstitution in planning long-term staff development. Indi-

vidual projects must be clearly designed to strengthen theinstitution's continuing capabilities in foreign languageand area studies.

Awards of 3 to 12 months will be granted only forresearch that could not be conducted in the United Statesor for which the foreign country or region provides sig-nificantly superior research facilities and materials.Because of fiscal constraints and program priorities, in197$ -76 faculty research fellowships will be concentratedprimarily in countries where U.S.-owned foreign currenciesare available for educational purposes. These countriesare expected to be the following:

Arab Republic of EgyptIndia



A small number of faculty fellowships will also beavailable for dollar countries within certain limitations.It is anticipated that there will be approximately 20awards with a grant maximum of $7,000. In 1975-76 theawards will be concentrated on faculty research effortsin East and Southeast Asia and in the Soviet Union andEastern Europe.

Despite these limitations, it is gratifying to be ableto continue providing some assistance to faculty researchIn several countries where dollar funding is required.The time and dollar limitations make it possible for more

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faculty members to benefit from the modest total sumavailable for the purpose than would otherwise be the case.Reducing the acceptable minimum to 3 menths'has the addi-tional benefit of significantly increasing program flex-ibility for the faculty member.

(NOTE: Awards under this program will not supportdissertation research for the doctoral degree. See thepreceding chapter for a description of the Doctoral Dis-sertation Research Abroad program.)


A candidate for a faculty research fellowship must--

1. Be a U.S. citizen or national with whom the institu-tion has or anticipates a continuing long-term employ-ment relationship. (Faculty members in visiting statusare not eligible.)

2. Be an educator experienced In foreign languages, areastudies, or world affairs. (An applicant must havebeen engaged in at least half-time teaching or researchrelevant to his foreign language or area specializationduring the 2 years preceding the date of award.)

3. Possess adequate skills in the language of the country,or in a language germane to the project or to the regionwhere the project would be undertaken.

4. Present a detailed project description that is signi-ficant and feasible for the area and time concerned.(Each project outline should include a proposed timeschedule, names of organizations and Individuals abroadwho will cooperate in carrying out the project, plansto make research results available to the host country,and an estimate of project costs.

5. Present a statement from his or her employing Institu-tion describing how the project will contribute to theinstitution's plans for developing its programs inforeign languages, area studies, and world affairs.(The statement should explain how the institution plansto utilize the faculty member's experience upon comple-tion of the fellowship and must endorse the project onthe basis of the candidate's abilities and his avail-ability to accept an award if offered.)

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6. Apply to the International Research and Exchanges Board(IREX), 110 East 59th Street, New York, N.Y. 10022, ifthe candidate is a U.S. citizen proposing to conductresearch in the U.S.S.R. American citizens planningresearch in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland,Romania, or Yugoslavia are also advised to apply simul-taneously to IREX in order to facilitate research inthese countries. (At present, resident aliens are noteligible for IREX grants in these countries.) If therecipient of a Faculty Research Abroad grant is alsoawarded an IREX grant, he or she may be under thesponsorship of both programs simultaneously, but thefinancial benefits of each award will be adjusted toavoid duplication of benefits.


As a matter of general policy, awards are not madeunder this program for research topics that are deter-mined to be politically sensitive in the host country.If an applicant has any doubt regarding the politicalacceptability of a research project or the techniquesrequired to carry it out, at least one alternate projectoutline should be submitted with the original application.Otherwise, if the applicant's topic is subsequently deter-mined to be politically sensitive, time may not permithim or her to develop an acceptable substitute.


Under present fiscal constraints and program priorities,the Office of Education will be unable to provide data&support costs in the United States that may be requiredin any fellowships awarded under this program in 1975-76.Dollar support costs in the United States such as healthand accident insurance, contributions to faculty retire-ment, and administrative expenses must be borne by theindividual, institution, or other non-Government sources.The scarce funds available under this program are to beused only for necessary expenses abroad. Allowable costsinclude travel in both dollar and excess foreign currencycountries.

Foreign currencies made available under the FacultyResearch Abroad grants may be used for the following costs:

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A stipend in lieu of salary. Stipends will be computedon the basis of the applicant's salary at the time heor she applies for the award, but will not exceed $1,300per month for 12 months. (NOTE: There are no dependencyallowances available under this program.)

It should be understood that the program is not intendedto provide a faculty member with a greater salary equiv-alent than he would receive on campus. Other financialresources available to a candidate for the proposed pro-ject (sabbatical leave, foundation grant, etc.) shouldbe indicated on the application. Since the applicationis being submitted through the institution, the insti-tution can make any adjustments or provide any additionalsupport from other funds available to it for whatever non-duplicating related costs the institution may feel appro-priate, such as dependents' travel or employee dollarcontributions to fringe benefits.

Except for benefits the applicant may be receiving underthe Veterans' Benefits Act, the amount of support fromother sources will be taken into account by the Divisionof International Education in determining the amount ofthe stipend.

2. Round-trip jet economy air fare on an American carrier,lion the awakd Aecipient onty, between the airportclosest to his current or permanent U.S. address andhis overseas destination. A fellow who is abroad atthe beginning of the award period will receive authori-zation for travel to his country(ies) of research andreturn to the United States. (In the latter instance,the cost of travel from the location abroad to thearea of research may not exceed the cost of travel fromthe U.S. address to the research destination abroad.)

3. An excess baggage allowance of no more than 50 poundseach way.

4. Although affiliation with a foreign university isencouraged to facilitate securing visas or researchpermits, fees at a foreign institution will be paidonly when essential to the satisfactory completionof the project.

5. A project atowance o6 up to $250 for purchasingexpendable materials and supplies during a 12-month


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award. Project allowances for awards of shorterduration may be prorated.

6. A local travel allowance for necessary project-related transportation within the approved country(ies)of research.

The maximum grant possible for a dollar award countryin 1975-76 Is $7,000. All costs payable under the pre-ceding subsections 2 through 6 are allowable within the$7,000.


Faculty members should apply directly to their employ-ing institution--not to the 066ice o6 Education.

Institutions should request application forms andInstructions from--

International Studies BranchDivision of International EducationOffice of EducationU.S. Department of Health, Education,

and WelfareWashington, D.C. 20202

Institutions are responsible for screening all candi-dates and forwarding to the Application Control Center,Office of Education, the individual applications of thosewhom they recommend. If an institution forwards appli-cations for more than one candidate, any preference asto priority should be indicated.

It 414 anticipated that the dead.thie Son Aeceipt ol6oopoult4 by -the Application Contkot Center, 066ice o6Education, Wa4hington, D.C., witt be October 1, 1974.

The o66iciat deadtine (vitt be announced in The FederalRegister.


Faculty Research Abroad proposals will be evaluatedaccording to.the following criteria:

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1. Relevance of the project to the institution's educa-tional goals and to its plans for developing programsin foreign languages, area studies, and world affairs.

2. The project's potential Impact on foreign languages;area studies, and world affairs in American education.

3. The project's relevance to contemporary issues andproblems significantly related to the national interest.

4. Scholarly qualifications of the candidate and his pre-vious opportunities for research abroad, including anyspecial capability for the proposed project as a resultof related professional activity in the area.

5. The extent to which direct experience abroad is neces-sary to complete the project and the effectiveness withwhich host country resources would be utilized.


The Division of International Education, Office of Edu-cation, will make the initial selection and recommendationof award recipients with the advice of a panel of special-ists in foreign languages, area studies, and world affairsand comments by U.S. embassies and binational commissionsin the proposed countries of research. The selectionsare subject to review and final approval by the Board ofForeign Scholarships.

The Commissioner of Education will announce awards bylate spring.

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The Group Projects Abroad program is designed to helpU.S. educational institutions improve th'tir programs inforeign languages, area studies, world affairs, and/orintercultural education. Universities, 4-year colleges,community and junior colleges, developing institutions,State departments of education, nonprofit educationalorganizations, and various combinations of such institu-tions are eligible to apply for grants.

An interested institution should take the initiativein planning and proposing a project that would signifi-cantly improve its programs in foreign languages, areastudies, world affairs, and/or intercultural education.The institution or organization is responsible for selec-ting appropriately qualified participants.

Because of fiscal constraints and program priorities,in 1975-76 projects in this program will be concentratedprimarily in countries where U.S.-owned foreign currenclesare available for educational purposes. These countriesare expected to be the following:

Arab Republic of EgyptIndia



* Funds are available for only a limited numberof projects in 1975-76.

A limited amount of U.S. dollar funds will be providedfor a few high priority group projects in other parts ofthe world. These will include centers for an academicyear of intensive advanced language training in certaincritical languages (for example: Chinese and Japanese)and selected summer seminars and workshops that arerelated to domestic ethnic heritage programs and to thedevelopment of intercultural understanding in Americanschools.

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Individuals participating in Group Projects Abroadmust--

. Be U.S. citizens.

. Be either faculty members in foreign languages areastudies, or world affairs; experienced educatorsresponsible for planning, conducting, or supervisingprograms in foreign languages, a.ea studies, or worldaffairs at the elementary, secondary, or communitycollege levels; graduate students or upperclassmenwho plan ,teaching careers in foreign languages, areastudies, or world affairs; or some combination ofthese, as appropriate to the project.

Additional qualifications are specified under thecategories described in the following sections.


Unless otherwise noted, projects will be limited tothe following countries: Arab Republic of Egypt, India,Pakistan, Poland, and Tunisia. Projects involving con-struction of facilities or purchase of real estate arenot eligible for support. Grants are not available toindividuals or for the support of student exchange orregular junior-year abroad programs. (While such programsare important, they He beyond the priorities and budgetaryresources of this program, but within the missions of otheragencies or organizations.*)

GeitoLaA1 Pwjacts

Sumo_ 6acuity aiLd/ tadeittis may be

de,sigaed tc het)) iatetate iftte,taatA:caa.

into aiz avtcetetwn. The seminar mayfocus on a comprehensive study of the culture or on

* For a comprehensive review of other Federal programs,see Taveatny c FeduLat NoLvLams lavo.e.viao EducatioaatActiv.Ltia ConuAned with Imp,loviag lateAaaticiat Uadek-.6taadiag aad CocpeAxzt,Lc;t, published by the Office of Edu-cation and available from the Superintendent of Documents,U.S. Government Printing Office, at $4.75 per copy. 545 pp.


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particular aspects of the culture. The plan mayinclude travel within the country(les) of studywhere needed to supplement formal instruction atthe principal project site(s). Projects mustschedule a minimum of 6 weeks of carefully plannedactivities abroad. The U.S. institution may enterinto cooperative arrangements with foreign insti-tutions whereby the latter provide instructionalfacilities and other forms of assistance.

Seminar membership would normally be limited toAmerican educators responsible for planning, con-ducting, or supervising programs in foreign languages,area studies, or world affairs and to graduate stu-dents and upperclassmen who plan teaching careersin these fields. Undergraduate participants arerequired to have a major in foreign language andarea studies or in the academic field with whichthe seminar is concerned. Experienced elementaryand secondary school teachers are eligible forparticipation In selected seminars if they have hadat least 2 years of classroom experience. Projectsdesigned to meet the needs of teachers in serviceare particularly welcome when they represent coop-erative planning by personnel from university areastudies programs, schools of education, and/or Statedepartments of education.

in planning summer seminars and workshops, it shouldbe borne in mind that this program is designed tocontribute to the professional development of inter-national studies in American education, not simplyto provide members of a particular group with aninteresting personal experience abroad.

Cumicutum development team compozled o6 4evetatliacuty membem (and on occasion defeated graduateztudent6) may spend 6 week4 to 12 months in a ioteign I

countty on Aegion to devetop ot acquite te4outcemateitiald 604 CtithiCaUM development in the tioteignlanguage and area 4tudie4 pug/tam o6 theik home.inAtitutionA. These materials may include artifacts,books, documents, educational films, museum repro-ductions, recordings, and other instructional material


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Proposals should indicate plans for systematicallyusing and disseminating these materials in theUnited States.

Gkoup AmeaAch OA study may be undettaken in atioteign countAy on Aegion lion a peAi.od oi 6 weekto 12 month4 by inotitutionz that select scholarsand advanced students and make arrangements fortheir guidance, training, and maintenance abroad.The institutions should make arrangements for anyclearances or affiliations necessary for conductingresearch in the host country.

if the emphasis of the project is research, theproposal-should provide evidence that participantswill pos'Sess the requisite language proficiency toconduct such research. In addition, the disciplinarycompetence of the participants should be correlatedwith their research topics.

Participants in projects of a semester or moreshould have completed a minimum of 1 full year ofintensive language training and at least one coursein area studies relevant to the project. Under-graduate participants must be upperclassmen major-ing in foreign languages, area studies, or someaspect of international affairs.

Language-Saud Puject4

tn view of funding constraints and program prioritiesaPQ taApage-bazed p4o5ect4. a44;i4ted under thi6 pnogitamare ,i.nten4ive in natme and advanced in &Vet. (The

rationale i-s:that through the:contributions of more thanip decade of the National Defense Education Act, title Vi,1:!eginning language training in most of the major languagesOf concern is now sufficiently available at a variety Ofcolleges and universities in the United Statet. Advancedlanguage training abroad at public expense can be juttl-jled only for -the -serious student who has already demon-strated tultable aptitude in the language and considerablecareer commitment. Such a student Is likely to:derive themaximum benefit from full-time intensive language studyabroad.)

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Surimot 4Inteit,sive fanguage pugAamz may be assistedfor periods of 8 to 12 weeks. Languages taught insuch programs must be indigenous to the host coun-try. While cultural orientation programs and travelmay be utilized as part of the language training,such activities should be clearly subordinated tointensive instruction in the language. Assistancewill not be provided for courses taught in English.Programs administered by university consortia thatserve students recruited on a nationwide basis willreceive preference. Students participating inintensive language programs should be prepared toenter language courses at the advanced level.

Maximum use should be made of the host country'sinstructional personnel. Participation of U.S.academic personnel should be limited essentially toadministrative and professional planning functionssuch as those inherent in the role of a programdi rector.

Academie-yean ifttekoive tanguage puparm may beassisted for 9 to 12 months in such critical non-Western languages as Chinese and Japanese. A limitedamount of U.S. dollar support is available for a fewlanguage programs in this category. Because of thescarcity of funds, however, dollar funds will not beauthorized to cover program-related costs within theUnited States nor will dollar funds be available foroverseas expenses in countries where foreign currencifare available for use. Programs administered by uni-versity consortia that serve students recruited nationwide will receive preference.

It is expected that 90 percent of the instructionaltime will be spent in language training and thatstudents enrolled in such programs will devote fulltime to the program. All participants are requiredto have a minimum language proficiency equivalentto that normally achieved after 2 years' languagestudy at the college level.


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Smmin SembiaA PAojectsRetatM to Vone-s tic E Optic tichitage PAogn.ams

Summer seminars and workshops related to domestic ethnicheritage programs that focus on the cultural origins ofminority groups in the United States and on the developmentof intercultural understanding in American schools may beassisted for periods of 6 to 12 weeks. The participantswill be primarily elementary and secondary school teachersand curriculum supervisors engaged in conducting or plan-ning ethnic studies programs. In general it is recommendedthat projects be planned cooperatively by school systemswith U.S. colleges and universities that have programs ofestablished excellence in international and/or interculturalstudioc.

An educational experience in a non-Western country pro-vides a unique opportunity for developing a deeper under-standing of cultural diversity wherever it exists, at homeas well as abroad. The potential is enhanced when thegroup includes participants drawn from a variety of theethnic and racial minorities that make up the United States.

Budget constraints limit the number of projects that canbe assisted in countries requiring dollar expenditures. It

is anticipated that projects will be funded in West Africa,East Asia, and Mexico. An ethnic heritage seminar is alsopossible in Poland through use of U.S.-owned zlotys.

Because the U.S. dollar resources presently availablefor this program are limited, dollar funds are not avail-able from the Division of International Education budget tocover program-related costs within the United States andcannot be authorized for expenses overseas in countrieswhere foreign currencies are available for use. in viewof existing budgetary limitations, Federal funding cannotcover all costs. A significant measure of self-help willbe necessary in all these projects.

Other factors being equal, proposals from school systemscontaining a large concentration of students from ethnicminority groups will receive preference.

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Group Projects Abroad is a cost-sharing program. Thegeneral objectives of the financial provisions are to(1) provide suitable research, training, and curriculumdevelopment opportunities abroad for as many educatorsin international/intercultural studies as is feasiblewithin the funds available, and (2) cover the specialexpenses involved because the activity is carried outabroad. The Federal maintenance allowance is a substan-tial supplement that will clearly cover most costs, butit it, not intended to provide each participant with anall-expenses-paid experience. Even within the allowablecategories, Office of Education funds must usually besupplemented to cover the full costs of a program.

The sponsoring institutions, project participantslorsources other than the Division of international Educa-tion must provide project-related expenses within theUnited States such as American faculty salaries, con-tributions to faculty retirement, health and accidentinsurance, administrative expenses, and predepartureand postproject activities. Dollar funds will not beauthorized to cover project-related expenses in countrieswhere foreign currencies are available.

Funds made available under this Office of Educationgrant may be used to defray the following costs:

1. Round-trip jet economy air fare on an American carrier.Travel arrangements for project participants must bemade by the grantee institution.

2. Maintenance allowances abroad based on the generalcost of living in the country(ies) of study.

3. Purchase of artifacts, books, and other teachingmaterials.

4. Rent for Instructional facilities in the countryof study.

5. Project-related travel in the overseas area.

6. Clerical and professional services performed byresident instructional and service personnel inthe country of study.


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7. Other expenses in the country of study, if neces-sary for the project's success, and if approvedin advance by the Division of InternationalEducation.

NOTE: The Office of Education grant generally coversthe bulk, but not necessarily all, of the allowableexpenses listed above. The remainder is to be financedby the institution, project participants, or other sources.


Specific guidelines, which should be consulted beforedrafting and submitting a proposal, are available uponrequest from--

International Studies BranchDivision of International EducationOffice of EducationU.S. Department of Health, Education

and WelfareWashington, D.C. 20202

Each proposal must contain the following information:

1. Evidence that the project is feasible and is an integralpart of the institution's present program in foreignlanguage, area studies, and world affairs.

2. Detailed description of the project's component activi-ties including predeparture orientation, evaluationprovisions, and plans for sharing the participants'new knowledge with others in the United States followingcompletion of the program abroad.

3. Proposed time schedule.

4. List of agencies and individuals abroad who willcooperate in the project.

5. Outline of specific qualifications required of projectparticipants and the method for selecting them; quali-fications of the proposed project director.


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6. Detailed budget. (The proposal should clearly indicatethe nature, value, and sources of funding other thanthat being requested from this Federal program.)

lt is anticipated that the deadtine tiok AeceiptAlopoae.s by the Apptication Contkoe Cotten., ()Wee otiEducation, Wa,shiAgton, D.C., witt. be October 1, 1974.The 066iciai deadtifle wae be announced in The FederalRegister.


Group Projects Abroad proposals will be evaluatedaccording to the following principle criteria:

1. The potential impact of the project on developingforeign language, area studies, and world affairsprograms in American education.

2. The project's relevance to the institution's educa-tional goals and its relationship to the institution'sProgram development in foreign languages and areastudies.

3. The extent to which direct experience abroad is neces-sary to achieve the project's objectives and theeffectiveness with which relevant host country resourcewould be utilized.

4. Program priorities as determined by the Office of Edu-cation. Preference will be given to projects concerningforeign languages and geographic areas that are criticalto the national interest and for which adequate Instruction has not been widely available in the United States


The Division of International Education, Office ofEducation, will evaluate the proposals and make the initlaselection and recommendation of grant recipients, with theadvice of a panel of academic consultants and an assess-ment of the feasibility and suitability of each proposalby U.S. embassies and binational commissions in the pro-posed countries of study. The selections are subject toreview and final approval by the Board of Foreign Scholars

The Commissioner of Education will announce awards bylate spring.

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The Foreign Curriculum Consultant program enablesselected U.S. educational institutions and organizationsto bring specialists from other countries to the UnitedStates to assist in planning and developing curriculumsin foreign language and area studies. In 1975-76, theprogram will provide support for consultants for 8 to 10months. Assistance is not available under this programfor consultants who would serve for less than an academicyear.

A Foreign Curriculum Consultant may perform a varietyof duties. In the past, consultants have had responsibilityfor such activities as--

1. Reviewing textbooks and other educational materials.

. Evaluating library holdings and recommending newacquisitions.

. Preparing new instructional materials for use inthe classroom.

. Developing new units of study.

. Conducting demonstration classes and workshopsfor teachers.

. Speaking at community functions.

7. Teaching--no more than one regular classroom courseper semester.

A project director provides the consiltant with appro-priate orientation, specific assignments, and adequatesupervision.


Eligible institutions may receive grants to bring con-sultants from other countries to the United States for anacademic year to assist in planning and developing cur-riculums in modern foreign languages and area studies in


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which the United States lacks adequate instructionalmaterials and trained personnel. Since there is atpresent a sufficient supply of American teachers for thecommonly taught languages, consultants from France, GermanyItaly, Spain, and Spanish-speaking Latin American countriesmay be approved only if they develop curriculkos in ane.aand intnnati,onae ,.5tudi.c6 with an emphasis on modern poli-tical. economic. and social developments. Grants will notbe made to institutions seeking consultants from thesecountries specifically to develop tanquaga programs.

For the most part, consultant services have been direc-ted toward improving or adding a non-Western European stud-ies component in secondary education or in the undergradua'college curriculum. In general, the consultants have beenvery successful in stimulating student interest in thelanguage and cultures of their homelands and in he!pingAmerican educators make school curriculums more accuratelyreflect contemporary society in all parts of the world.They have also been instrumental in improving irate cultural

understanding in the community at large through participa-tion in a variety of adult education a..Livities.*


1/LS iLL

American institutions eligible to apply for ForeignCurriculum Consultant grants include:

1. State departments of education.

2. Local school systems.

3. Institutions of higher education accredited by anationally recognized accrediting agency or association

4. Nonprofit educational organizations.

* Twelve case studies that demonstrate the effective usof Foreign Curriculum Consultants in past years may be foin Foreign Curriculum Consultants in Action, published bythe Office of Education and available from the Superintenent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, at $.654 pp.


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An institutional sharing arrangement provides an excel-lent means for maximum use of a consultant's talents.College consortiums provide an effective mechanism, as docooperative arrangements between higher education institu-tions and public school systems. Similarly, State depart-ments of education can successfully utilize consultantsfor statewide teacher-training, curriculum, and materials-development programs.


A foreign educator selected to participate in theconsultant program is required to--

1. Have at least 5 years of experience as an educatorin foreign language and/or area studies and appropriaterelated experience in curriculum planning and develop-ment, preparation of teaching materials, and teachertraining.

. Speak English fluehtly.

3. Have an exchange visitor visa (not an immigrant visa).

In addition to these minimum requirements, each candi-date should possess the special qualifications set forthby the American institution or organization applying forthe consultant's services. De,..ause the particular needsof each applying institution are the determining factorsin choosing a consultant, they should be stated explicityand fully in the proposal. When approved applicationshave been forwarded to the appropriate American diplomaticmission and/or binational commission overseas, every effortwill be made to recruit consultants meeting the specificrequirements set forth in the approved proposals. Theparticipating institution then selects its consultant fromrecommended candidates.

If the applying institution requests a specific indi-vidual, justification for this choice should be furnishedalong with the person's name and current address. Desig-nated individuals are not exempt from the minimum require-ments for eligibility and are subject to the same reviewand selection process as all other candidates.


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The Foreign Curriculum Consultant program is a cost-sharing program. Funds from the Office of Education, thegrantee institution, or a combination of both will provideeach consultant with transportation, maintenance, and otherrelated costs, as specified below.

Funds from the Office of Education grant will financethe following costs:

1. Jet economy international travel (for the consultantonly) to and from the U.S. assignment via Washington,D.C.

2. Unaccompanied baggage allowance (air cargo) for atotal of 300 pounds round trip.

3. Health and accident insurance (for the consultant only)under a Government-contracted group insurance policy.

4. Fifty percent of a $1,000 per month maintenanceallowance. This allowance is subject to withholdingfor U.S. Federal, State, and local taxes where applicabl'

5. Allowance for a maximum of four dependents provided atthe following rates: $150 per month for the firstaccompanying dependent, $50 per month for each additionaaccompanying dependent, $25 per month for nonaccompanyindependents.

Funds from the grantee institution will provide thefollowing costs:

1. Fifty percent of the $1,000 per month maintenanceallowance. As noted above, the allowance is subjectto withholding for U.S. Federal, State, and localtaxes where applicable.

2. Travel costs within the United States incurred by theconsultant in connection with the assignment.

NOTE: If the grantee institution is located in anunusually high-cost area of the United States, it is the

responsibility of the grantee institution to provide suchadditional financial assistance as local circumstancesmay require. Before entering into a grant agreement, the


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institution should be certain that the total funds avail-able to the consultant will enable him to maintain himselfappropriately in the local community.

Award funds are disbursed by the institution in accord-ance with established Office of Education procedures asoutlined in the administrative manual, which is availableto the grantee institution from the Division of Interna-tional Education.


Applications forms should be requested from--

International Studies BranchDivision of International EducationOffice of EducationU.S. Department of Health, Education,

and WelfareWashington, D.C. 20202

It is ailticipated that the deadline bon Aeceipt o6applications by the AppUcatLon Contta Center, 066ice o6Education, Washiqton, D.C., wit be OctobeA 1, 1974.

The o66ieial_l deadLine be announced in The FederalRegister.


Foreign Curriculum Consultant proposals will be evalu-ated according to the following criteria:

1. Potential impact on the applying institution's plansfor developing its foreign language and area studiesprogram.

2. Provisions for effectively using the results of the

consultant's work (e.g., units of study) followinghis departure. Evidence of institutional intent tofollow up the consultant's activities should be desribed.

3. Appropriateness of the consultant's duties (which shouldbe clearly defined) and the approximate allocation oftime among the duties.


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4. Approximate number of faculty, students, and membersof the community who are expected to be affected bythe consultant's activities.

5. Concrete evidence that other educational institutionswill share in the consultants services and that theyhave participated in helping define the nature of theseservices.

6. Adequacy of the arrangements made for coordinating theconsultant's work under the supervision of a projectdirector.

7. Program priorities as determined by the Office of Edu-cation. The kinds of institutions given priority inallocating consultant grants arc State departments ofeducation, large city and county school systems, smaller4-year colleges with teacher education programs, developing institutions, and groups of junior or community col-leges. Nonprofit educational organizations active inprograms serving these kinds of institutions are alsoeligible.


Assisted by a panel of specialists from the academiccommunity, the Division of International Education, Officeof Education, will make recommendations for Foreign Cur-riculum Consultant grants to the U.S. Commissioner of Edu-cation and the Board of Foreign Scholarships. Approvedproposals will be forwarded through the Department of Statto the appropriate American diplomatic mission and/orbinational commission abroad for recruitment of foreigncandidates bearing qualifications that meet the generalprogram requirements and the specific qualifications setforth by the prospective host Institutions. After reviewand approval of the resulting slate of candidates by theBoard of Foreign Scholarships, the Division of Interna-tional Education will refer the names of approved consult-ant candidates to the host institution for final selection

The Commissioner of Education will announce awards bylate spring.


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Under the International Educational and Cultural Exchangerogram authorized by the Fulbright-Hays Act, Americanlementary and secondary school teachers and college instruc-rs and assistant professors are eligible for grants to teachroad during the 1975-76 academic year or to attend selectedminars abroad. The Division of International Educationministers the grants in conjunction with the Bureau of Edu-- tional and Cultural Affairs, Department of State.

Contingent upon availability of funds, the following 6- toweek summer seminars are planned for 1975: in Germany forachers of German; in Italy for teachers of the classics,d for teachers or European or world history; in India forachers of world, Middle Eastern, or Asian history; anotherr social studies supervisors and curriculum directors; andBelgium and the Netherlands for teachers of art and art

story; in Pakistan for teachers of world or Asian history.ese seminars will be conducted by the Educational Commis-on or Foundation in the country concerned.

Eligibility requirements: U.S. citizenship; a bachelor'sgree; 3 years' teaching experience for teaching grants;years' experience for seminar grants.

Application forms and information may be obtained beforevember 1, 1974, from--

International Exchange BranchDivision of International EducationOffice of EducationU.S. Department of Health, Education,

and WelfareWashington, D.C. 20202


U.S. educational institutions, in cooperation withpropriate educational institutions in other countries,dertake comparative and crosscultural studies of 1 or 2ars' duration on educational problems and methods. The


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subject of the research under this program must clearlyreflect research needed in improving American educationwithin the official priorities that guide Office of Edu-cation research efforts. (In 1975-76, it is expected thatfunds will be available for use in the following countries:Arab Republic of Egypt, India, Pakistan, and Poland.)

For further details on these programs write to:

International Studies BranchDivision of International EducationOffice of EducationU.S. Department of Health, Education,and Welfare

Washington, D.C. 20202


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International Studies in the United States

FOi!,WP: C':.cioutium Consuetants in Action1971. 56 Pp. 5.65. OE 14159.

The Dio:afaics 04 Intelinstilutionaf. Ccowtation in Inteuationae Education1971. 64 pp. 5.40. DE 14160.

Asian Studie5 iv: ATelican Seconaai:u Education1972. . 119 pp. 5.75. OE 14162.

Education Systems in Other Countries

The EdLLcaticat: tict veuteon 6:

1973 52 pp. 5.65. -OE 73-19102

A Ftench Apocach to CaAe0 Ehication1973 29 pp. 5.35. OE 73-19100.

Education ;sit Romania: 'A Decade ca Chanae1972 145 pp. 51. CE 14161.

Educationa Developments in Guinea, 'Mali, Scncga, and Imtly Cm 6.t1972. 141 pp. Si. OE 14163.

Education o Thailawi: Some Thai Rek.spectivez1973 118 pp. 51.25. OE 14165.

Reiwur.and Renewai .in Cc.ntempata,ty 47ain1972. 80 pp. 5.70. OE 14166.

the Veveiopment c!:.Peopear FAienaship Univeks.t...ty .tit MOSCOW1973 17 PP. 5.30. OE 14169.


Reference Materials on International Education

'litte,:nationae Teache,`,. Exchange:Values, Summary of State Regulations, U.S. Office of Education Programs.1973: 19 pp. S.60. of 73-19000.

Languacie, Studies, and Ohek A.Spect.6 o6 Intenatt:onat Education:List No. 7 of Research and Instructional Materials Completed under NDEATitle VI, Secti,n 602 (cumulative through April 1972)1973 .66 pp. 5.9D. OE 14172.

Amckican StudemtS and Teacheu AblIcad:Sources of Information about Overseas Study, Teaching, Work, and Travel.

1972. 38 pp. . 5.45. OE 14174.

Grant Programs Administered by the Office of Educatior,

.J1vision of International Education

OppoktwtaieZ.Abnoad Teache.P.Z: 1973-74-1572. 28 pp. 5.25. OE 14047-74.

Publications may be obtained from: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern-

--Mient Printing Office:Washington, D.C. 20402. Order by OE number and include


Ld!4c-ttcc,1 free from the Division of Inter-

national Education, Office of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education,and Welfare, Washington, D.C. 20202.