Doctor Who


Transcript of Doctor Who

  1. 1. A man who owns Something blue, something huge, something small, something that exists in the here and there, something from Galifrey! Welcome to PPP. Today we are going to do
  2. 2. Including info about how it resembles life.
  3. 3. Why do the Doctor? Because he has been zipping around the universe for 52 years. And a whole universe in his time. So let us pay our respect to the Doctor!
  4. 4. Welcome to the TARDIS!
  5. 5. Welcome to the TARDIS The History The Enemies The TARDIS Finale!
  6. 6. The Doctors 1st Doctor: William Harntell 2nd Doctor: Patrick Troughton 3rd Doctor: Jon Pertwee 4th Doctor: Tom Baker 5th Doctor: Peter Davison 6th Doctor: Colin Baker 7th Doctor: Sylvester McCoy 8th Doctor: Paul McGann 9th Doctor: Christopher Eccleston 10th Doctor: David Tennant 11th Doctor: Matt Smith 12th Doctor: Peter Capaldi
  7. 7. The Enemies TARDIS Home Regular Enemies Daleks Cybermen Weeping Angels The Bosses The Master Davros
  8. 8. The History of Doctor Who TARDIS Home The 1st Doctors years They say that aliens do exist but with three eyes, and green skin. But what about the Doctor The First Doctor first brought the TARDIS to the TV on November 23, in 1963. In the first episode, we see the doctor as having no enemies. Well, thats until Susan, (His granddaughter), is captured in the stone age. They dont go ooga booga here, instead, they get burned by fire. The doctor is taken prisoner with susan, and teaching the cavemen fire sets them free.
  9. 9. The History of Doctor Who The Doctor then meets the all metal, all supreme, creature, the Daleks. Made by Davros, they are hell-bent on EXTERMINATING! Usually they say I AM A DALEK YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED! But in this case, the Doctor is not EXTERMINATED! The Doctor is able to destroy most of the daleks. After a time on this doctor, its time for him to move on. So William (Hartnell) says how he wants to regenerate. A regeneration occurs when the doctor is badly hurt.
  10. 10. The History of Doctor Who The Doctor eventually dies after becoming sick. Let the lights shine on Patrick Troughton The 2nd Doctor years The doctor here is a very stupid Doctor. He breaks the law and interfears with peoples lives. So he is forced to regenerate again! The third Doctor is Exiled. The 3rd Doctor years Doctor Who now is in colour and is happy to be on earth. Sarah Jane Smith appears here. She was so popular, she got a spin-off show! The doctor is blasted with radiation and regenerates into Tom Baker!!!
  11. 11. The History of Doctor Who The 4th Doctor Years Tom Baker was in the TARDIS for 7 years! The longest doctor He would, when people didnt trust him, offer them a jelly bean! Here, we also meet the Master The Doctor and the Master are brothers. Both with screwdrivers, but the Master has a Laser one. The master turns on the doctor after saving the world and the doctor gives the Master a sharp killing. That will teach him a lesson or will it? This doctor is bombarded with radiation and regenerates into the 5th doctor. He is now Peter davison
  12. 12. The History of Doctor Who The 5th Doctor years The 5th doctor, a very popular one, is Peter Davison. He is not notable for anything interesting, except that he wares a celery stick on his left pocket. He regenerates into the 6th doctor and begins a Colin Baker time traveling era The 6th Doctor years Colin Baker had the worst costume. He had a completely mismatched coloured coat. It made a long scarf look like a tuxedo. At the end of his run, he runs into an attack by the timelady Rani, and the TARDIS crashes to earth. While it is falling from the sky, ranis monster finds the 7th doctor, a Sylvester McCoy
  13. 13. The History of Doctor Who The 7th doctor years Sylvester's costume was interesting. He was short, and chubby. He had an umbrella, which always looked like a question mark when he held it. He had question marks on his shirt as well. He, at one point, runs into a dalek which he taunts until the dalek self destructs! At the end of the 7th Doctors run, he once again faces down the Master. The guy is still being a bully, AFTER 18 YEARS! The Doctor is blasted with radiation again, and he suddenly is regenerating into NOTHING! But wait Theres more
  14. 14. The History of Doctor who Theres a tv turned on. A theme that sounds famillier, in the 1990s! The 8th doctor years THATS RIGHT, THE DOCTOR IS BACK! The 7th doctor regenerates into the 8th doctor, Paul McGann and he finds himself with much better graphics. The TARDIS is fine and all the daleks have a good ol fight with the Doctor. The Doctor is now a pure time traveller he is now a real hero in the time of Galifrey. But then, he is badly wounded, and he regenerates into the 9th doctor. Mister Serious, Christopher eccleston
  15. 15. The History of Doctor who The 9th Doctor years The Doctor is now always angry. Until, he suddenly runs into rose tyler. It turns out that rose is very brave. When she tries to save everyone from an an attack, she suddenly is nearly killed due to a radiaton attack, then the doctor takes the radiation, which causes his death DEATH? DOUBLE DIGETS BABY! David Tennant lives to his name The 10th Doctor is welcomed to the stage.
  16. 16. The history of Doctor who The 10th doctor years In 2010, David Tennant is not only the 10th doctor, but he is very odd. He always wares 3- D glasses and things get going well. Why? TORCHWOOD. This organisation is a spinnoff show, and if you rearrange the letters you get DOCTOR WHO! TORCHWOOD SEE? So, at the end of tenants run, he once again defeats the Master then he regenerates again, into MATT SMITH
  17. 17. The History of Doctor who The 11th doctor years Mathew smith (Matt Smith) is the 11th doctor. And here, things get interesting Click here to find out.
  18. 18. Claras entrance In the episode asylum of the Daleks Clara is met. She dies. But then a bar- made called Clara appears in the Snowmen She falls from a cloud, and dies. BUT THEN Clara, in The Bells of Saint John Clara appears again, looking for the internet. She then accompanies the doctor until the present.
  19. 19. The History of Doctor who The Doctor is very surprised but the TARDIS, seems to not want her there. The TARDIS does everything but soon gives up. Clara is now part of the Doctor. Jenna Louise Coleman (Clara Oswald) has decided to stay until her 20th birthday so bring on the 12th doctor. PETER CAPALDI!
  20. 20. The History of Doctor who TARDIS Home Peter Capaldi The doctor here has very many adventures. At one point, the TARIDS shrinks too the size of a model. THE DOCTOR IS TRAPPED. The TARDIS is brought back to normal and that IS THE WHOLE HISTORY OF THE DOCTOR!
  21. 21. The Daleks TARDIS Home The Daleks first appear in episode Dalek. They are always saying EXTERMINATE to the doctor. When the Daleks are nearly destroyed, in Doomsday The daleks have names. Caan and Sec are two main ones. They try evolve but end up killing themselves. Dalek Caan comes back in bits. Literally. The Dalek is not an EXTERMIANTOR here, but he explains his timewar experience. AND, he knows he is bad. He defys DAVROS HIMSELF!!!
  22. 22. The Weeping Angels TARDIS Home The Weeping Angels are very interesting. When you dont look at them, they move around. But when they are looked at they dont Click here for more information They appear in the episode known as Blink
  23. 23. The Collapse of the Wave function They are some of the best creature, the angels. The collapse of the wave function is When an object is observed, it is a particle. But when not observed, it is a wave. Unless a lifeform looks at the angels, any life form, they cannot move. They are simple stone statues. The only way to stop them is by a cross shape. For the angles eventually look at Each other!
  24. 24. The Weeping Angels TARDIS Home The Weeping Angels appear in lots of places in Doctor Who Blink, the Time of the doctor, and, The Angels take Manhattan, are some of the episodes.
  25. 25. Cybermen TARDIS Home I dont know much about them, but short and sweet, they are neutral, and like fighting daleks. They do not try to kill the doctor, they just criticise him. They are very communist. They always live like soldiers, and all do the same thing, day in, day out.
  26. 26. The TARIDS TARDIS Home The most famous part about the tardis is that, ITS BIGGER ON THE INSIDE! This is acchived using extra space dimentions. The tardis, a time machine, also is 4 dimentional. The tardis has lots of rooms in it. The TARDIS, at one point, tells the doctor that YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO FLY ME DO YOU?! She is very incredible though. I will not expand on exo- dimentions, but I will do so on a tesseract! Click Here
  27. 27. A TESSERACT! TARDIS Home In interstellar (the worst movie ever), The father falls into a black hole! Inside, he finds the 4th dimension! Its hard to understand, but I will do my best. First of all, a tesseract looks something like this. As you can see, it has diagonals. BUT! All the angles Are at 90 degrees! When we access the 4th dimention, we technically turn inside out!. The 4th Dimention is time the TARDIS is a time machine, so it moves itself, (Center of the tesseract) to the outside! The cube inside the shape is the 3rd dimentional world. A tesseract helps us move into the outer cube.
  28. 28. Tesseract TARDIS Home If we are to fully understand the 4th dimension lets draw a dot Click on the Button labelled 0 This is the 0th dimension. It is a straight line. Now for the 1st dimension Click the button labelled 1 That is like a drawing a simple (X) Coordinate. Now the 2nd dimension is like this Click Button 2 0 1 2
  29. 29. The Dimentions TARDIS Home The 3rd dimension is our world. Coodinates being (X,Y,Z) Our dimension is 3D! Like a 3D movie. The graphics look like they are coming out of the picture! NOW FOR THE HARD PART! The 4th dimension is time. In the movie interstellar, when the father is in the black hole, he is in a tesseract. He then creates ripples in time and space which we see by a clock going berserk. He places his hand in the dimension of time, and creates a ripple. This ripple translates into the 3rd dimension and knocks books off. The following move does give some funny feelings (P.s TARS is a robot!)
  30. 30. A video TARDIS Home WARNING! Interstellar has very sad scenes. Murph is the one holding the watch the two girls are the two Murphs at different ages! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
  31. 31. The TARDIS TARDIS Home The TARDIS is sometimes portrayed as a figure, for example, in the episode, cold war the tardis (as at other times in danger) simply ran off! The Doctor, and Clara, both realise that the tardis does this to protect itself. The TARDIS is also bigger on the inside. This is the extra dimentional element. It is like a part of space that is bigger than others. Visually we see it like a distorting mirror. Like the picture as follows.
  32. 32. Space and time bending
  33. 33. The TARDIS TARDIS Home That is the space and time bending. Imagine you put your hand in one. Your hand would appear to move slowly through it. Your hand would also appear smaller ON OFF PLAY/PAUSE
  34. 34. The Bosses. Davros TARDIS Home Davros Davros is parylised. No eyes (The blue thing for an eye), odd voice, and a terrible mind. He created the Daleks. If you want to be frightened, click below to see a picture. He is very interesting. Instead of ordering the doctor killed instantly he sees the Doctor, he simply tells him about life! He just keeps him in jail. Or a dalek version of it.
  35. 35. The bosses. The Master Timelords are not common. But The master is one! He tries to kill the doctor often. He has a sonic screwdriver like the doctor but not comepletly. I dont have much information on him but here is a pic 1st Master Roger Delgado. 2nd Master John Simm
  36. 36. THANKS FOR WATCHING This show is my longest yet. 41 slides! The what did we learn is quite long so I do not expect you to know all the answers. If I have missed out anything, please let me know.
  37. 37. What did we learn. How many doctors are there? 12 Name them William Hartnell. Patrick trougton. Jon Pertwee. Tom Baker. Peter Davison. Colin Baker. Sylvester McCoy. Paul McGann. Christopher eccleston. David Tennant. Matt Smith. Peter Capaldi. (Well done if you got them all) What are the Daleks? Creatures made by Davros. They are mutants inside a suit of armour that yell EXTERMINATE!
  38. 38. What did we learn. What is the 4th dimentions name? Time How does the TARDIS work? And what is it? The TARDIS works by a tesseract. It is a time machine that is bigger on the inside. What does TARDIS stand for? Time And Relative Dimension In Space (The following Questions are extremely hard)
  39. 39. What did we learn. Name the two masters! Rodger Delgado. John Simm Where does the Doctor come from? Galifrey Are the Master and Doctor related? Yes How do I defeat the Weeping angels Put them facing each other.
  40. 40. THANKS FOR WATCHING Thank you for watching this extra-long PPP. Next time we shall be doing