Docker intro

Docker - Let’s get started Timo Derstappen @teemow


An introduction for the Docker Cologne Meetup.

Transcript of Docker intro

  • Docker - Lets get started Timo Derstappen @teemow
  • Who is using Docker? played with it? on a daily basis? in production?
  • Docker Containerize your processes Lightweight and fast WYSIWG Separation of concerns Portable
  • Docker Terminology Image Tag Repository Layer Container
  • Docker Technology LXC AUFS/BTRFS Go
  • Dockerfile FROM ubuntu:14.04 RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get -y install redis-server EXPOSE 6379 ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/redis-server"]
  • Build and push docker build -t teemow/redis . docker push teemow/redis
  • Run and Link Containers docker run -d --name redis teemow/redis docker run --link redis:db -i -t ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash $ apt install redis-tools $ redis-cli -h $DB_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR
  • Docker Volumes # bind mount docker run -v /data/redis:/data redis
  • Docker Volumes # data container docker run -v /data --name DATA busybox true docker run --rm --volumes-from DATA --name v1 ubuntu docker run --rm --volumes-from v1 --name v2 ubuntu
  • Docker Index Index hosts docker repositories Public repositories to share with others Private repositories with team collaboration Trusted Builds Hooks
  • Ecosystem etcd, fleet consul, vulcand flynn, deis fig, dokku tsuru, project atomic Just to name a few...
  • Some recommendations Containers Machines less moving parts in a container is better Design to fail Throw your Mac away! ;)