Doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1343r0 AgendaRich Kennedy, Research In Motion IEEE 802.11 Regulatory SC San...

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1343r0 Agenda Rich Kennedy, Research In IEEE 802.11 Regulatory SC San Antonio DRAFT Meeting Plan and Agenda Date: 2011-11-13 N am e A ffiliations A ddress Phone em ail Rich K ennedy Research In Motion 7305 N apierTrail A ustin, TX 78729 +1-972-207-3554 rikennedy@ Authors: November 2012 Slide 1


doc.: IEEE /1343r0 Agenda Assign a recording secretary Administrative items –Required notices Introduction The regulatory summaries Action items and issues Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion November 2012 Slide 3

Transcript of Doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1343r0 AgendaRich Kennedy, Research In Motion IEEE 802.11 Regulatory SC San...

Page 1: Doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1343r0 AgendaRich Kennedy, Research In Motion IEEE 802.11 Regulatory SC San Antonio…

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1343r0

Agenda Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

IEEE 802.11 Regulatory SCSan Antonio DRAFT Meeting Plan and Agenda

Date: 2011-11-13

Name Affiliations Address Phone email Rich Kennedy Research In

Motion 7305 Napier Trail Austin, TX 78729

+1-972-207-3554 [email protected]


November 2012

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Agenda Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

AbstractThis presentation is the plan for the November 13, 2012

IEEE 802.11 Regulatory Standing Committee meeting at the San Antonio IEEE 802 Plenary.

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• Assign a recording secretary

• Administrative items – Required notices

• Introduction• The regulatory summaries• Action items and issues

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Administrative Items• Required notices

– Affiliation FAQ -

– Anti-Trust FAQ -

– Ethics -

– IEEE 802.11 Working Group Policies and Procedures -

• Chair and Secretary– Chair is Rich Kennedy (Research In Motion)– Peter Ecclesine will act as Recording Secretary

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November 2012

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SC Operating Rules

• Anybody can vote, present, and make motions• Participation in SC during 802.11 WG Plenary or Interim

counts towards 802.11 voting rights• All motions must pass by a 75% majority

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Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings

All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws.

Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims.

Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical

approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. Technical considerations remain primary focus

Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets.

Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed … do formally object.

--------------------------------------------------------------- See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause 5.3.10 and “Promoting Competition and Innovation:

What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details.

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• Purpose– Improve the working relationship between the technical experts and the

regulatory specialists, especially when it comes to critical technical issues• Scope

– The group will review new regulatory changes or impending changes affecting 802.11 standards

– Each meeting will focus on the most critical issue at the time• Critical Issue Focus

– Direct impact on IEEE 802.11 current and future standards– Response/Input deadlines– Coordination with IEEE 802.18 (RR-TAG)– Coordination with the Wi-Fi Alliance

• Outputs from this group must go through 802.18Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

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Regulatory Summary – North America• US

– FCC NPRM 12-118 TV band auctions, rebanding and TVWS– New testing KDBs including SAR and RF Exposure– Opening the 5350 – 5470 MHz and 5850 to 5925 MHz bands– Sharing the 4940 to 4990 MHz spectrum (comment period closed)– NPRM to resolve TDWR issue still in process (January/February)– Proceeding to enable sharing of 3550 to 3650 MHz due this

month(?)– FCC mHealth initiative planned

• Canada– Proposed rules for unlicensed TVWS use

• MexicoRich Kennedy, Research In Motion

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Progress on Unlicensed Spectrum Changes

• Unlicensed use of the 5 GHz band– 8-month NTIA study to add 5350 - 5470 MHz to U-NII

• Report due October 23rd - delayed– 18-month NTIA study for 5850 - 5925 MHz

• NPRM FCC 12-118 (205 pages)– Comments due December 21st – Auctions– Rebanding TV spectrum– TVWS requirements

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Resolution of the TDWR Issue

• Under review by the FCC for ~3 years• The industry is currently under temporary rules that block

devices from operating in this band• Most of the interference has been by devices operating

illegally– Not approved for transmitting in this band– Operating at higher than approved transmit power– Using antennas not approved with the devices

• …but not all– Legacy equipment approved prior to DFS rules

• NPRM expected in January/February 2013– Should also include opening the 5350 to 5470 MHz band

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FCC TV TVWS Decisions

• Commissioners’ meeting September 28th 2012– Plan approved by a 5 – 0 vote of commissioners– NPRM FCC 12-118 released October 2nd

• TV band auctions• Repacking the TV bands• Allotting spectrum for TVWS

• TV band auctions– Reverse auction to “buy back” broadcasters’ spectrum– Auction of recovered spectrum for wireless broadband

• Within 2-weeks of reverse auction• Deadline for comments: December 21st

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FCC Wireless Microphone Rules

• On October 4th the FCC issued a Public Notice indicating they are reconsidering the rules for wireless microphones in FCC 10-174. See DA-12-1570. Basically:

1. Whether the Commission should provide for a limited expansion of license eligibility that would permit some wireless microphone and other low power auxiliary station users, which currently operate in the TV broadcast spectrum on an unlicensed basis, to operate on a licensed basis under the Part 74 rules applicable to low power auxiliary stations (LPAS); and

2. What steps the Commission should take to promote more efficient use of this spectrum by wireless microphones

Deadline for responses: November 25th

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FCC mHealth Initiative

• Five year goal: Work with industry and federal partners to reach the mHealth Task Force’s goal that mHealth technology become a routine medical best practice within five years

• Wireless health test beds: Consider an Order to streamline the FCC’s experimental licensing rules to promote and encourage the creation of wireless health device “test beds” to permit easier testing of mHealth technologies

• Health care broadband networks: Consider an Order to comprehensively reform and modernize the Rural Health Care (RHC) Program, to include rules to permit networks of hospital and health care facilities to jointly apply for RHC Program funds to boost broadband capacity and enable electronic health records

• Telehealth data: As part of the RHC modernization Order, act to collect richer data on broadband and telehealth applications from RHC Program participants, enabling more targeted support for telemedicine

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US: FCC mHealth Initiative [2]

• Outreach plan: Develop and execute a health care stakeholder outreach plan to those who may not be aware of FCC opportunities and procedures

• International MBAN spectrum: The FCC’s International Bureau will work with FCC counterparts in other countries to encourage them to make spectrum available for MBANs and to discuss possible spectrum harmonization efforts to allow for medically safe cross-border patient travel and better economies of scale for device makers

• Health Care Director: Renew the search for a permanent FCC Health Care Director, to function as the central point of contact to external groups on all health-related issues

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Regulatory Summary – European Union

• EC– On 17th October 2012 the Commission adopted a proposal for the

revision of the R&TTE Directive• ETSI

– The Lufthansa DA2GC project status – 2.4 GHz band excluded– Latest ETSI BRAN TVWS meeting was held September 10th – 12th

• Progress on EN 301 598 – now at v0.0.10– Next ETSI BRAN meeting December 5th

• Progress on EN 300 328 v1.9.1• Industrial Automation pressing for geo-location to define industrial areas

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Regulatory Summary – European Union

• CEPT– SE43 documents on Reconfigurable Radio Systems in the TVWS out for

comment• UK

– Ofcom TVWS to continue conference calls to provide input to BRAN– Ofcom VNS plan to follow EU member nation approval of EN 301 598

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Lufthansa DA2GC

• Direct Air to Ground Communications• Network to span all of western Europe• FM PT48 tasked with impact study• Base stations to blanket the EU• Provides a number of services for in-flight operation

– Passenger Internet access– Real-time “Black Box” data

• FM PT48 has decided (9/24/12) to drop the 2.4 GHz band from the proposal– 5855 to 5875 MHz still in the plan– Licensed band proposals have a better chance of approval

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Revision of the R&TTE Directive• The Commission proposes:

– to strengthen the level of compliance with the Directive, ensuring that citizens have access to radio products which operate without interference. For example, market surveillance and customs officers could better check the safety of products using more effective tools.

– to clarify the directive, in particular clearly spelling out the obligations for every market player, be it manufacturer or importer, and also by limited adaptations of scope.

– to simplify the directive, including through suppression of notification of certain products and other administrative obligations. The new directive would be aligned with the New Legislative Framework for products (IP/11/1385), which makes the overall regulatory framework for products more consistent and easier to apply.

• The proposal would also introduce some specific requirements, such as: – ensuring that software can only be used with radio equipment after the compliance

of that particular combination of software and the radio equipment has been demonstrated;

– interoperability with accessories such as chargers, and/or work via networks with other radio equipment

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Regulatory Summary - Asia

• NICT demonstrating database-controlled use of TV spectrum

• TVWS being evaluated in Singapore and Korea– Singapore to take it commercial in 2013– Korea adopting rules patterned after FCC Part 15.700

• Japan opening 5 GHz band channel size for 802.11ac in March

• MIIT China studying 5 GHz band opening for unlicensed use

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5 GHz in China

• On September 27th, the MIIT Radio Regulation Bureau (also known as the State Radio Regulatory Committee, or SRRC) began soliciting comments of allocation for use of three critical bands of 5 GHz spectrum in China. The comment period for this decision ends October 11th. 

• Spectrum bands 5150 - 5250 MHz, 5250 - 5350 MHz and 5470 - 5725 MHz will be allocated for unlicensed use for wireless communication equipment in China within specified technical parameters. No specific radio frequency approval will be necessary for devices operating in these three frequencies.

• Spectrum bands 5150 - 5250 MHz and 5250 - 5350 MHz will be unlicensed only for indoor use.

• Devices operating in 5250 - 5350 MHz and 5470 - 5725 MHz will be required to use TPC functionality. 

• See details in the References

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References• Singapore TVWS Workshop• 5 GHz in China: MIIT website• Early draft of EN301 598• ECC Draft Report 185• ECC Draft Report 186• Press release on R&TTE Directive revision• Draft revision of R&TTE Directive• FAA announcement of workshop on PED usage• FCC announces mHealth initiative• FCC Public Notice on Wireless Microphone Rules Reconsideration• TIA Petition for Rule Making on eLabels

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Documents Discussed [2]

• Updated RF Exposure, U-NII device and MIMO testing KDBs:• SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz• SAR Evaluation Considerations for Handsets with Multiple Transmitters and Antenna

s• SAR Evaluation Considerations for Laptop, Notebook, Netbook & Tablet Computers• General RF Exposure Policies for Equipment Authorization•


%20on%20Mimo%20Cross%20Polar%20antenna%20rev1.pdf •


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Interesting Websites and Documents

• FCC Spectrum Dashboard (

• Second Interim Progress Report on the Ten-Year Plan and Timetable (

• ETSI Report of the 39th Radio Spectrum Committee meeting:

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