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Transcript of DOC-18484.pdf

  • 7/28/2019 DOC-18484.pdf


    Generated by Jive on 2013-03-13-07:001

    How open files are handled during an Avamarbackup on Unix/Linux and Windows

    Files may be open by an application when an Avamar backup attempts to read them. This ishow avamar backup handles such open files.

    On Windows :

    Windows file handling provides exclusive access and non-exclusive access to open files.

    Avamar makes use of OTM(on Windows 2000) and VSS(on Windows XP and later) tobackup the files which are open by some other application.

    OTM and VSS basically create a snapshot of the file system which remains static. Avamarbacks up the static snapshot and therefore does not contend with other applications thathave an exclusive lock on the original file.

    On Unix/Linux :

    Unix and Linux based operating systems, unlike Windows generally provide non-exclusiveaccess to files.

    Since an application may have the file open non-exclusively, Avamar is able to back up suchfiles without issue.

    A caveat however is that Avamar will back up what is written to the disk but not any changesmade to the file which have not yet been flushed to the disk.

  • 7/28/2019 DOC-18484.pdf


    How open files are handled during an Avamar backup on Unix/Linux and Windows

    Generated by Jive on 2013-03-13-07:002

    Please refer to knowledgebase article esg126275 for details.