Do You Want to Improve Your Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

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  • 7/25/2019 Do You Want to Improve Your Public Speaking and Presentation Skills


    For other uses, see Childhood (disambiguation).

    Ralph Hedley, The Tournament, 1898

    Childhoodis the age span ranging from birth toadolescence.1!"ccording to #iaget$s theory of cogniti%e

    de%elopment, childhood consists of t&o stages'preoperational stage and concrete operational stage. n

    de%elopmental psychology, childhood is di%ided up into the

    de%elopmental stages of toddlerhood(learning to &al),early childhood(play age), middle childhood (school age), and adolescence (puberty through

    post*puberty). +arious childhood factors could affect a person$s attitude formation.1!

    he concept of childhood emerged during the 1-th and 18th centuries, particularly through the

    educational theories of the philosopherohn /oceand the gro&th of boos for and about



    #re%ious to this point, children &ere often seen as incomplete %ersions of adults.


    1 "ge ranges of childhood

    0 e%elopmental stages of childhood

    o 0.1 2arly childhood

    o 0.0 3iddle childhood

    o 0.4 "dolescence

    4 History

    5 6eographies of childhood

    o 5.1 3odern concepts of childhood

    o 5.0 7ature deficit disorder

    Healthy childhoods

    o .1 Role of parents

    o .0 Children$s health

    o .4 Child protection's_theory_of_cognitive_development's_theory_of_cognitive_development's_theory_of_cognitive_development's_theory_of_cognitive_development
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    o .5 #lay

    o . treet culture

    : Children$s rights

    - Research in social sciences

    8 ee also

    9 Footnotes

    1; Further reading

    11 2

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    Children in 3adagascar

    eenage boys in ndia

    2arly childhood follo&s the infancystage and begins &ith toddlerhood&hen the childbeginsspeaing or taing steps independently. >hile toddlerhood ends around age three &hen the child

    becomes less dependent on parental assistance for basic needs, early childhood continues


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    and by function, and e%en &ithin a single nation*state or culture there may be different ages at

    &hich an indi%idual is considered to be (chronologically and the legally) mature enough to be

    entrusted by society &ith certain tass.


    3ain article' History of childhood

    Playing Children, byong ynastyChinese artistu Hanchen, c. 11; ".

    t has been argued that childhood is not a natural phenomenon but a creation of society. #hilippe

    "ri@s, an important French medie%alistand historian, suggested this in his boo Centuries ofChildhood. his theme &as then taen up by Cunningham, in his boo theInvention of

    Childhood(0;;:), &hich loos at the historical aspects of childhood from the3iddle "gesto

    &hat he refers to as the #ost >ar #eriod of the 19;s, 19:;s and 19-;s.

    "ri@s published a study in 19:1 of paintings, gra%estones, furniture, and school records. He

    found that before the 1-th*century, children &ere represented as mini*adults. ince then,historians ha%e increasingly researched childhood in past times. Aefore "ri@s, 6eorge Aoashad

    published The Cult of Childhood. uring the Renaissance,artistic depictions of childrenincreased dramatically in 2urope. his did not impact the social attitude to children much,

    ho&e%er (see child labour).

    uring the 1:;;s, the concept of childhood began to emerge in 2urope. "dults sa& children as

    separate beings, innocent and in need of protection and training by the adults around them. he
  • 7/25/2019 Do You Want to Improve Your Public Speaking and Presentation Skills


    2nglish philosopher ohn /oce&as particularly influential in defining this ne& attitude to&ards

    children, especially &ith regard to his theory of the tabula rasa, &hich considered the mind at

    birth to be a Bblan slateB. " corollary of this doctrine &as that the mind of the child &as bornblan, and that it &as the duty of the parents to imbue the child &ith correct notions. uring the

    early period of capitalism, the rise of a large, commercial middle class, mainly in the#rotestant

    countries of the utch Republicand 2ngland, brought about a ne& family ideology centredaround the upbringing of children. #uritanismstressed the importance of indi%idual sal%ation and

    concern for the spiritual &elfare of children.4!

    The Age of Innocencec.1-88. Reynolds emphasiDed the natural grace of children in his


    he modern notion of childhood &ith its o&n autonomy and goals began to emerge during the

    2nlightenmentand the Romantic periodthat follo&ed it. ean acEues Rousseauformulated the

    romantic attitude to&ards children in his famous 1-:0 no%elEmile: or, On Education. Auilding

    on the ideas of ohn /oceand other 1-th*century thiners, Rousseau described childhood as a

    brief period of sanctuary before people encounter the perils and hardships of adulthood.


    iroshua Reynolds$ eith the onset ofindustrialisationin 2ngland, a gro&ing di%ergence bet&een high*minded

    romantic ideals of childhood and the reality of the gro&ing magnitude of child e

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    he modern attitude to children emerged by the late 19th century the +ictorian middle and upper

    classes emphasiDed the role of the family and the sanctity of the child, G an attitude that has

    remained dominant in >estern societies e%er since.1;!he genre of children$s literaturetoo off,&ith a proliferation of humorous, child*oriented boos attuned to the child$s imagination. /e&is

    Carroll$s fantasyAlice's Adventures in Wonderland,published in 18: in 2ngland, &as a

    landmar in the genre regarded as the first B2nglish masterpiece &ritten for childrenB, itspublication opened the BFirst 6olden "geB of children$s literature.

    he latter half of the century also sa& the introduction of compulsory state schooling of children

    across 2urope, &hich decisi%ely remo%ed children from the &orplace into schools. he maret

    economy of the 19th century enabled the concept of childhood as a time of fun of happiness.Factory*made dolls and doll houses delighted the girls and organiDed sports and acti%ities &ere

    played by the boys.11!he Aoy couts&as founded by ir Robert Aaden*#o&ellin 19;8,10!

    &hich pro%ided young boys &ith outdoor acti%ities aiming at de%eloping character, citiDenship,and personal fitness Eualities.14!

    Geographies of childhood

    he geographies of childhood in%ol%es ho& (adult) society percei%es the %ery idea of childhood

    and the many &ays the attitudes and beha%iors of adults affects children$s li%es. his includesideas about the surrounding en%ironment of children and its related implications. his is similar

    in some respects to children$s geographies&hich e

  • 7/25/2019 Do You Want to Improve Your Public Speaking and Presentation Skills


    he concept of childhood appears to e%ol%e and change shape as lifestyles change and adult


  • 7/25/2019 Do You Want to Improve Your Public Speaking and Presentation Skills


    #eru%ian girls studying

    Role of parents

    3ain article' #arenting

    Children's health

    Further information' Childhood obesity, Childhood immuniDationsand /ist of childhooddiseases

    Children$s health includes the physical, mental and social &ell*being of children. 3aintaining

    children$s health implies offering them healthy foods, insuring they get enough sleep and


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    Hararigirls in 2thiopia.

    #lay is essential to the cogniti%e, physical, social, and emotional &ell*being of children.


    toffers children opportunities for physical (running, =umping, climbing, etc.), intellectual (social

    sills, community norms, ethics and general no&ledge) and emotional de%elopment (empathy,compassion, and friendships). nstructured play encourages creati%ity and imagination. #laying

    and interacting &ith other children, as &ell as some adults, pro%ides opportunities for

    friendships, social interactions, conflicts and resolutions.

    t is through play that children at a %ery early age engage and interact in the &orld around them.#lay allo&s children to create and e

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    ha%e less access to boos and computers &hich effects their de%elopment as they do not ha%e

    access to resources that &ould enhance their de%elopment.0:!

    treet culture

    3ain articles' Children$s street cultureand Children$s street games

    Children in front of a mo%ie theatre, oronto, 190;s.

    Children$s street culture refers to the cumulati%e culturecreated by young childrenand is

    sometimes referred to as theirsecret %orld. t is most common in children bet&een the ages ofse%en and t&el%e. t is strongest in urban &oring classindustrial districts&here children are

    traditionally free to play out in the streets for long periods &ithout super%ision. t is in%ented and

    largely sustained by children themsel%es &ith little adult interference.

    ?oung children$s street culture usually taes place on Euiet bacstreets and pa%ements, and alongroutes that %enture out into localpars,playgrounds, scrub and &asteland, and to local shops. t

    often imposes imaginati%e status on certain sections of the urban realm (local buildings, erbs,

    street ob=ects, etc.). Children designate specific areas that ser%e as informal meeting and


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    n recent years there has been a rapid gro&th of interest in the sociological study of adulthood.

    Reaching on a large body of contemporary sociological and anthropologicalresearch, people

    ha%e de%eloped ey lins bet&een the study of childhood andsocial theory,e