Do You Use Power Point?

Do You Use Power Point? Susan Harrison Harrison Kenyon Marketing


Here is how to use Powerpoint for your marketing efforts.

Transcript of Do You Use Power Point?

Page 1: Do You Use Power Point?

Do You Use Power Point?

Susan Harrison

Harrison Kenyon Marketing

Page 2: Do You Use Power Point?

Do You Use Power Point?

Have you ever thought about using Power Point to create slides, presentations and videos for content for your website or blog? If not, why not? This is a really simple way to reuse content which you already have. All you are doing is changing the format, adding some images and maybe a voice over and bam, you have fresh content without doing any extra writing.

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Do You Use Power Point?

You can use either Microsoft Power Point or the version that comes with Open Office, which is free. What’s nice about using Power Point is that you can use the different design templates to create stunning presentations and slide shows.

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Do You Use Power Point?

You can even do an online search for additional free templates that you can use. This is one of the easiest methods of repurposing content that I know of. I am surprised that not as many people are doing this.

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Do You Use Power Point?

When it comes to using Power Point try to be creative and experiment with using different font styles and sizes within your slides. Remember these slides are creating a visual impact on your readers and just changing the font style of one word, will attract attention to it.

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Do You Use Power Point?

As well as font styles and sizes don’t forget that you can change the color of the words and you can encase your words inside text boxes. Add background color inside the box for additional impact.

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Do You Use Power Point?

Images and graphics are an easy way of sprucing up your content. Use the free selection of clipart that is installed in the program. Or you can search online for more clipart, but be warned that some of these require payment.

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Do You Use Power Point?

Here’s the method that I currently use to turn a plain article into a stunning Power Point presentation. Simply copy and paste your article into Power Point, with each paragraph on a new slide.

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Do You Use Power Point?

Once you have copied your articles it is time to start formatting your slides with colors and additional elements. These include things such as using bulleted or numbered lists, bolded features, colored text boxes and the use of images.

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Do You Use Power Point?

When you open your slides you will be presented with text boxes already on the slides. Don’t forget that you can move these boxes around as you wish. You can easily create several smaller boxes if you wish. Or you may want to have text down one side and an image on the other side.

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Do You Use Power Point?

Have fun with Power Point and experiment to see just how creative you can be when it comes to turning a plain article into a colorful presentation.

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Do You Use Power Point?

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