Do You Remember



National Novel Writing Month

Transcript of Do You Remember

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Chapter 1

I smoothed sparkly lip gloss across my lips, then I picked up the curling iron one more time to get that

one strand perfect, this night had to be perfect. It all had to be perfect my hair, my makeup, my

everything! It was the night of my first ever prom and it needed to be perfect. But my night did not turn

out as well as I thought it would, as a matter of fact I didn`t even remember it for awhile, but as far as I

can remember this is what happened. My mom took a thousand pictures, as always, with me in my

prom dress and then told me some mushy gushy story about her first prom which I had interest in. I was

going with my three best friends, Macy, Erin, and Taylor. I wanted this to get going I had big fat

butterflies in my stomach, and felt like I was going to throw up. Suddenly I heard a honk outside “Oh

must be Macy’s mom”. I said then escaped from my mom’s grasp.

Chapter 2

I was drinking a glass of punch at a big round table by myself.”Come on Elizabeth , get out on the floor

and dance, come on have some fun “ said Macy .I had never been the one to break out and go crazy ,

everyone thought that I was the most reserved out of all my friends . I looked up at Macy with my big

green eyes which were filled with sadness. ”I guess this night just didn’t turn out like I thought it would,

I’m not feeling too well.” I lied. I was bored and just didn’t feel like dancing, I had hoped this night would

turn out better but it didn’t and now I just wanted to go home. Macy looked down sadly at me “you

sure?” “ya I’ll just walk” I said “You sure I can call my mom to pick you up.” Macy said” My house is only

a block away I’ll be fine.” I said .With that got out of my seat and walked to the door. As I walked out the

door my blond hair shone in the moonlight and my eyes twinkled. My short little body left a small thin

shadow on the brick wall of the school. I stopped for a moment to breath in the fresh air. I loved this

town; I knew it inside out, every street, every shop, and every dinner. The only problem with this town

was that it was so small that it did not have a mall and it had only a clinic, but no hospital. To get to the

nearest hospital or mall you had to drive out to the next town, which in some cases took up to an hour. I

had lived in this town my whole life . I began to continue walking through the dark and chilly night and

that’s when it happened. I stepped onto a small a hole in the sidewalk and broke the heel of my shoe. I

suddenly lost balance and tripped over a big pipe sticking out from the wall. The last thing I saw and felt

was I plunging toward brick the wall and felt my head crash against it. I let my body fall to the ground

and suddenly everything went black.

Chapter 3

I woke up seeing flashing lights that were so blurry I couldn’t even tell what color they were. I heard

voices that I had never heard before, or had I? I couldn’t remember, I couldn’t remember anything.

Where was I, who I am I? I couldn’t remember my own name! What was happening to me, I couldn’t

finish my thought? Once again everything went black.

I woke up in a place that I didn’t know the name of. A strange man in a big coat came toward me, I

stared at him curiously. ‘’ Hello Elizabeth “He said. I looked around the room then pointed at myself “Is

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that me “I asked “Oh that can’t be good “he said. He grabbed a odd object that was the shape of a

cylinder and with something white on it. He hit something on it and it shone a bright light in my

face.”Stop, that hurts my eyes, ow!” I yelled “Ok” he said still shining it in my face “I’m going to ask you

a few questions, ok let’s start with what is your name, what is your mom’s name, where do you live, and

who is your best friend? I looked up at the man puzzled; I couldn’t answer any of those questions. H e

looked down at me.”Well? What are your answers?” He asked “ I, I don’t Know any answers to any of

those questions “ I said “This is bad , this is really, really bad , it seems you’ve lost more than half of your

memory “ he said .”Katie “he called. A tall red headed lady walked into the room, she was wearing the

same coat as the man. “Yes sir what do you need?”She said “Go get her mom out of the waiting room I’d

like to talk to her” He replied. ”I ‘ll be right back, with her sir.” She said. I stared off into space sinking in

what had just happened. I had no earthly idea what was going on or where I was or what was going on.

I looked up at the man and asked him the simple question of “What’s happening?””Well,” He answered

“I ‘m sad to say it but you have amnesia and me well, I’m the doctor and you’re at the hospital.” I stared

at him blankly “I don’t know what a hoopspital is.” “Hospital “He corrected “That too.” I piped in “Or a

doctor or most of all amnesia.” “Well,” He began “A hospital is a place you go if you are sick, a doctor is

a person in the hospital who takes care of people how are sick, and amnesia is where you lose all your

memory or most of it at least, you are hear in the hospital because you are sick, and I am the doctor who

is caring for you, you have amnesia, you’ve lost your memory.” What, this didn’t make sense, how could

this have happened.”How?” I asked clearly confused. Before he could answer my question the lady

walked back into the room. This time she brought back another lady I did not know. She had blond hair

and twinkling green eyes. The doctor turned to me and asked”Do you know who this is?” He said. “Am I

supposed to know?” I asked unsure of what he was talking about.”This is your mom, remember?” He

asked. I was completely confused, and continued to stay sitting completely still. “I am going to talk to

your mom real quick, stay here honey.” He said turned his head and shouted to the lady in the

coat.”Katie, I need someone to watch this girl while I am gone, can you get someone please.” “I will do it

sir, no worries.” She said “Thank you Katie, I appreciate your help.” He said and then walked away with

the blond haired green eyed lady into a small room at the end of the hall and disappeared inside it. The

lady called Katie sat down on the side of my bed .I stared up at her and she gave me a glaring look

back.”I don’t know why you need to stare at me that way I am a person just like you are, weird girl.”

Katie said out of nowhere. I was taken back sure I could not remember much, but I had thought that this

lady was nice, sick or not I knew what a nice person was.”How much money do you have?” Katie blurted

out.”Why?! You, you, you “ I stuttered thinking back to what money was ,oh yes it was how you bought

things , I was getting better already ! “I thought you were nice but your just being mean to me, why

should I talk to you.”I turned away and didn’t dare look at the lady.”You need to shut your mouth young

lady and come with” Katie screeched.

It happened all of a sudden Katie grabbed me and pulled off of the bed then carried me into the

bathroom “We must hurry.” She said. From what, I thought. She took me inside and pretty much just

dropped me on the ground .She handed me a short green, blue ,and purple dress with a pair of black

boots .I tried to get up quick , but I guess it was not quick enough for Katie , she picked me up and

pushed me super hard into the stall . I couldn’t keep my balance and hit the toilet paper box, which

made me loss even more of my balance and fall right on top of the handle of the toilet .Me and the

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handle went crashing toward the ground and hit it with a big

thump.”OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed in pain .Katie came over

with a disappointed look on her face, and shook her head. I looked at her and suddenly burst out

crying.” Oh here we go .” She began to lean down.

Chapter 4

“Be quite!” Katie screamed “Someone‘s going to think there is a kid getting murdered in here !” “I’m

sorry it just hurts really bad please help me! “ “What hurts?” Katie asked. “My head and my back!” I

cried “Your head, oh gosh that can’t be good; you might not have fully recovered from your fall.” Katie

cried .I started to get light headed; the room looked as if it were spinning. I felt terrible like I was going

to faint. Suddenly I fell back and all I could see was black.

I woke up in a place I was sure I had never seen before. I looked down and saw myself wearing the

dress that Katie had handed me and as I looked farther down I saw the boots too. I sat up and looked

around. All I saw was old seats and small windows with flashing pictures of the outside forest.”Good

you’re awake,” Katie said turning to look at me. I almost jumped out of my seat I had had no idea that

she was there right in front of me. ”Did you not know I was here.” She let out a sort of evil laugh that

gave me chills “Do you know where we are going? “ She asked sweetly. “I have no idea where we even

know much less where we are going!” Katie let out yet another evil laugh. “ We are going to my house

to get to know each other better I mean you are going to be at my house and living with me for a

while.’’ “ Why? Why am I living with you?” I asked “Oh, well you see after you fainted I went and told

the doctor, he told me that you fainting meant you are still sick and need to recover ,so I am going to

help you .” She said . I wasn’t too sure about what she was talking about but I just went along with it

.What was I to do? I turned and looked out of my window and felt my eyes getting heavy . I would

sometimes drift off into the world of sleep here and there ,but would always be awoken by a bump in

the road that would send me flying from side to side. I decided to give up and just sit there for a while

soaking in the silence .”You look tired sweety.” Katie said finally breaking the silence “ You should really

take a nap .” I was still tried but didn’t want to deal with any more bumps in the road . Before I could tell

myself no I layed down and once again drifted off into the world of sleep.

Chapter 5

“ Welcome Home!” I shot up straight with anger running through my veins. “I just finally fell asleep

and you woke me up!” I said in an irritated voice . Katie came and opened the door for me “ What did

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you say sweetheart? I couldn’t hear you from outside the car .” She said cheerfully “ I could sure hear

and I was inside the car .” I said under my breath .” What was that you said ?” Katie asked “Nothing “ I

said with a groan I jumped out of the car and headed toward the house in front of me .

As I finally reached the house’s front door I looked around waiting for Katie. There was not much to it .

With little grass and most of the ground covered in dirt. There was a small area of dirt in the front yard

where Katie’s red beat-up van stayed and a small some -what grassy area with trees all spread out inside

it .In the middle of the grassy area there was a small blue –watered pond with a build -up of rocks to

make a mini water fall. Not too far from it was a red hut with a white roof , I could not remember what it

was supposed to be called . I didn’t even notice Katie as I stared amazed at the sight of the pond ahead

.” It’s not a real water fall kid it’s run by pipes ,” I wasn’t sure what she was talking about so I continued

starring “ Well from what you’ve said it seems you’re getting bits and pieces of your memory back , and

you remember some things harder to remember than others but you don’t seem to remember those

other things ,It seems to me like you have a very odd and rare case of amnesia .” I payed about no

attention to what she was saying, I heard what she was saying but let it go out my other ear . This place

was amazing!

When Katie finally stopped talking stuck her key through the rusty key hole and pushed open the old

screen door . I looked around the small home to my … well I couldn’t remember what side was a small

area with a wooden table with wooden chairs and net to it was a stone counter and a behind it was an

area with a large white box . To my other side was a set of narrow wooden stairs and next to the

stairway was a small room with a couch and … OH yes what they call a TV. “I know that that is a TV ,” I

said pointing into the room with the couch inside “ But what is that white box ?” “ Now that’s sad kids

now a days will remember what a TV is but not a refrigerator !” Katie said in disbelieve meant “ So it’s a

refrigerator right ?” I asked still wanting to know the answer to my question. Katie sighed “ Yes that’s

what it is called, now” She said changing the subject “ I will show to your room , follow me .” I followed

her up the narrow stairs to a hallway that was so small it was the shape of a square. To one side of me

there was a plain white door and on the other side one the exact same. There was nothing in front of

me and nothing but the stair way behind me . “This is my room.” Katie said opening the door to a

beautiful bedroom with a bed with a red - velvet blankets, grand wooden dressers, there was a big

window to the side of the room which a couch and coffee table were set by with a golden rug

underneath their grasp .”But don’t you dare every go in there!” Katie said as she slammed the door shut

. She turned to the next door beside us and slowly opened it. As it opened I peeked inside.” Come on in.”

Katie said cheerfully. I slowly walked in to the room I looked around. It wasn’t like Katie’s room at all. All

it had was a small bed with a single stained white blanket it was held up by rusted metal poles. The only

other thing in the room was a small wooden dresser ,but it was not pretty like Katie’s ,it was practically

rotting wood.” Your clothes are in the dresser they are clothes from when I was your age.” Said Katie

happily. Then with that she walked away and shut the door behind her. Something in my gut told me

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that this was not a good place to be staying. I could barely remember anything but something seemed

very wrong .

I did not know what Katie wanted me to do so I walked down the set of narrow stairs to find her in

the living room. “ Oh good you came now that your settled in maybe you could make me some dinner .”

Katie said with a bored look on her face “ I remember what dinner is , but I don’t know how to make any

food.” I said with an uneasy look on my face. Katie pulled her- self up from the coach and walked slowly

into the kitchen. She then let out a big yawn “ Just cut up some tomatoes and put it on some bread and

bring me a big bag of chips with it.” She said as she grabbed all the ingredients from around the kitchen

and set them on the counter top. I sighed and then began to work on the tomato sandwich.

I carefully brought in the sandwich with the chips and all and handed them to Katie who was seemingly

hypnotized by the TV. She looked up at me happily” Now wasn’t that fun kid?” She asked in a sure

voice.”I guess so.” I said.”Well if you had fun doing that then I think you’ll have a whole bunch of other

chores for me , well how about it?” I didn’t know what to say “I guess so.” I said not sure of what else to

say. “ Great follow me” Katie said getting up from her spot on the coach.

I followed her all around the red hut in the open area outside. She handed me thing after thing as she

explained what she wanted me to do.” Feed the chickens , milk the cow , paint the barn which by the

way is this place more red , mop the barn floors , feed the horses , and mow the lawn.” She had said it

all so fast it was hard to take it all in. Katie then began to walk away” Wait don’t leave by myself , I don’t

know how to milk a cow!” I cried “ Just go up and down up and down and so on it’s not hard you’ll be

fine. “ She said then left me alone with no help.

I felt like a little servant. I ran all around trying to get everything done. First I tried milking the cow but

gave up because it kept kicking, next I ran all around out of breath feeding the chickens, then I Mopped

the floor to what seemed like an hour later when I gave all the horses their food , I then ran up and

down the field mowing the lawn, then I finally got to the painting. I climbed up the side of the barn with

my paint and paint brush in hand. I was exhausted and didn’t think I could paint the whole barn. I tried

all that I could but I was so tried , just watching my hands stroke the brush back and fourth made me

want to crawl into a warm cozy bed and sleep. I just pressed on I had to finish it. That stroking made me

so calm , so tried it seemed so steady. I couldn’t hold it in, I’ll just sleep for about five minutes I told

myself , just five.

Chapter 6

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I woke up by the sound of a rooster crowing loudly. I sat up and rubbed my eyes , as I opened them I

screeched ”Why are you screeching so late at night you dumb rooster!” Then I caught my first glimpse of

the sky, it was scarlet and orange with a little bit of yellow. It was dawn! I had slept all through the night

Katie was going to be so mad! I then looked down at myself I was covered in red. I thought back, I

thought that I didn’t paint the part that I was sleeping on. Wait! I turned around, I must have knocked

the paint down and rolled in it in my sleep! What was I supposed to do now? “ I see that face kid, don’t

worry about it I can clean it up while you do other things” At first I with so startled by Katie that I almost

fell off the barn , but then I was relieved that I was off the hook and last but least when she talked about

more chores I wanted to scream. “ More chores! but I have already done so many, I worked my butt off

last night!” I declared “ Well ,” Said Katie “ The more the merrier!” I looked down at her in dismay , that

saying was the least bit true.

“ So that’s all I have to do” I said looking up at Katie.”Well yes, for now at least.”She replied. “For

now.” I said under my breath coldly. I had climbed down from the barn roof and now me and Katie were

standing by the big pond. “ Well I have to make a very important phone call , good luck kid” Katie said

then disappeared. Katie had wanted me to clean the rock that the water went over on the water fall , a

little dumb but I went along with it. I slowly began to climb the rocks careful not to slip. As I reached the

top I steady myself and walked slowly and carefully to the middle of the rock that the water fell from. I

was not too sure about this, I had always been unsteady ,but the fast water flowing from under me

made me even more unsteady and more likely to slip. I just knew I was in for it, I felt myself sliding and I

would even stumble a little a time or two. I was going about as slow as any human being could go. I have

to go a little faster , I thought , I just want to get to my spot. I started to go into an almost jog when

suddenly I lost control. I felt my feet slip from under me , I tried to feel for more ground but there was

no more. My body was free –falling from the top of the water-fall , I let out an ear-piercing scream. I felt

my body drop from the sky and into the water below. As my body hit the water I felt a terrible pain in

my head , I glanced back and realized I had hit my head on the side- step of the pond. My body sunk to

the bottom of the pond , I still felt the pain in my head and for some strange reason I blacked out for a

few seconds. Pictures f people and things flowed into my head. Suddenly I opened my eyes and swam to

the surface as if in a trance. I climbed up the side-step and onto the grass. That’s when it hit me. I had

my memory back! My mom’s name was Jessica , my name was Elizabeth , I had tripped over a pipe , The

other lady with Katie in the hospital was my mom , and I knew what pipes were! It was back it was all

back all my memory was back! I didn’t know how but I didn’t care I was over joyed. I have to go tell

Katie I thought. “ Katie, Katie! I fell into the pond and got my memory back!” I cried happily as I ran

through the yard but then I remembered Katie had to make an important call so I quietly ran up to the

house. I was overcome with excite I just couldn’t wait to tell Katie the good news , but before I could

enter the house I heard something that made me stop.

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Chapter 7

I could not believe what I as hearing. I leaned against the wall to hear the rest of the story. “ Well this

is how it all started,” Katie began “ Elizabeth the name of this girl I have hears mom was at the hospital

when Elizabeth was sick and she told me to charge the bill on her credit card, so as you know I needed

some money so I took it but I knew that she would find out and tell the police. So I took the girl so that if

she wants her child back or to not get harmed she won’t call the police or I keep the card and she gets

the kid and were all happy.” Katie glanced my way and I and I pressed against the wall even harder , I

felt my breathing go heavy. Katie turned back her attention to what she was doing.”Missy,” She said into

the telephone “ I have to go.” Then she slammed down the receiver. I knew she would walk out and

hear me so a ran quickly behind the house. I barely made before I heard the thumping of boots on the


As soon as I was sure that Katie was gone I snuck out from behind the house and went down to the


When I got there I jumped into the water and began to think of a plan. I had to get out of here, I had

been right there was something wrong. But before that I had to get that credit card back, what -ever

Katie bought it was my mom that had to pay for it , the bills were sent to her! What could I do I knew

the first step was to still act like I didn’t remember anything. Then I would plan to get the card and hitch

a ride home somewhere. “ Kid where are you?” I heard Katie’s voice say in the distance. I suddenly

doubted my plan how could I act like I don’t remember anything when I know exactly what was going

on? How could I act clueless when I was full of fear? I had just had to do it, and if I didn’t , I might never

get out. Katie appeared from the side of the rocks.” What on earth are you doing? I need a helper not a

swimmer! How dumb do you think I am?” I slowly stepped out of the water and stood still looking at the

grassy ground. Katie walked away “ Just do what your told.” She said coldly. I climbed the rocks again

but this time sat on the edge of the rock planning my escape.

Chapter 8

I couldn’t sleep that night , I layed wide awake on the small itchy bed Katie had gave me. I wanted to

cry but I knew I did Katie would get a hint at what I was really thinking. I had to find some kind of clue of

how to escape. I decided now was the time to look. I slowly tip-toed to the dresser and began looking.

Bingo! Katie old dairy! I took from it’s place over to the bed and flipped through it’s thin pages. When I

found what I was looking for right on the page in front of me. The writing read:

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Dear Dairy

Today as always I went into the woods to see Missy , and we went into the woods by her house to find

that on the other side there was a river that led all the way up to town! We swam all the way there for

our- selves! Boy have they got every- thing in town! Hope that I can go into town some more.

Love your friend,

Katie age 8 and a half A.K.A: the girl who will one day be famous.

I slammed the dairy shut and thought about my next move , it had to be when ever Katie wasn’t looking

and then I would have to make a run for it. The thought of getting caught gave me chills and I remained

awake for the whole night.

The next day as I was trimming the bushes Katie walked outside.”I’m going to my friends house for a

while you stay here and do your job , not go swimming” She said and walked into the woods. I knew that

this was my chance but it had to be planned perfect. I continued on working as I watched Katie

disappear into the dark woods. Then my great idea hit me I knew actually what to do.

I ran inside and up the stairs to my room I rushed in and grabbed the dairy off of the bed. I ran quickly

back down the stairs and into the yard. I was going to go and escape just the way Katie’s old dairy had

told me , now was the time no looking back, I had to go. My escape did not need too much all I had was

Katie’s old dairy and my wits.

As I entered the woods I suddenly started bolting into a fast run unsure where I was going. In a flash I

was out of the first part of the woods that Katie had explained in her dairy. I ran even faster as I saw a

blur of colors that must be the house she had explained.” Wait, stop , don’t be scared I’m here to help

you I’m here to help you, stop!” I heard a voice call out in the distance. I did exactly as it said came to a

halt and looked around.” I was only looking for Katie , I wasn’t running away or anything.” I said

hopefully.”Shhh… you’ll get them to come out.” Said the voice. I looked around and suddenly saw a

small curly blond headed girl walk out in front of me.”Who are you?” I said. “My name is Tess and I

know what is happening.” She said in a soft tone. I stared blankly at her” What is that supposed to

mean?” I asked with a frightened tone.” Look you need to get out of here now and I’m going to help

you.” She said.” Ok look I don’t know what’s going on with you ,but right now if you knew what was

happening to me you would know that I really can’t trust anybody right now.” I said starting to walk off.”

But I do.” Said Tess ”I’m trying to help you just trust me.” “ Well if you’re really trying to help me then

tell me what’s happening to me , and besides who told you about me anyway?” “ Are you Elizabeth?”

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She asked plainly. I was shocked “ How did you know that my name was Elizabeth?” I asked. “ I know

that you’re the girl that had amnesia and you don’t know it but Katie knows that your planning an

escape and that you don’t have amnesia any more , she heard you outside her door when you when she

was talking too my mom on the phone and she saw the dairy laying on the bed and the page that it was

on, she knows and she’s not going to let it happen.” Tess said. I was taken back , I had put myself in

grave danger and Katie was onto me, I wasn’t sure what to do now it was all over I had revealed. “ I

knew I couldn’t trust you , you’re trying to tell Katie what I’m doing , well it’s over , fine go run and tell

Katie I’m trying to escape, I should have just kept running.” I said defeated.” No,” Tess said sadly her

gray eyes glowing with hope.” You’ve got it all wrong , you might know from reading Katie’s dairy that

Missy is Katie’s best friend,” Yeah” I piped in” I do” “Well,” Tess continued” Missy adopted me and as I

was sitting in my room I heard what was going on with you and all and I mean I knew that Katie and my

mom were hungry for money but this I thought was just wrong, so I was waiting out here to see if you

would come so that I could help you.” “ Well,” I said full of guilt , I had been wrong and I was trying to

back it up.” I’m sorry for being so rude too you , you seem very brave and I thank you , I guess I’m just a

little jumpy and nervous.” “ It’s ok I don’t mind I would the exact same way if I were you.” “ Well , I do

need your help but first can you just clear up for me what exactly is going on.” Tess suddenly looked

like she had saw a ghost she turned around and sat down on a big brown rock and sighed.” What’s

wrong is it really that bad of a story , what happened?” I asked. “ Well,” Tess began” Katie was seeing all

the signs the hearing and seeing you at the dairy opened to a page that talked about a way too get to

town and the fact that you were acting super funny. As you probably know Katie got you for money and

trust me she wants that money. She also looked at the other signs and found out that you had your

memory back and she knew you would know what was going on and she also thought that you would be

more scared of her so you would do what she said. But she was also smart enough to know that you

would tell your mom what was going on and Katie is so greedy for money that she could not let that

happen and plus there is no way in the world that Katie could last a day in prison if you told the police.”

Tess seemed tense like what she was about to say was the most terriable thing in the whole entire

world. “ So,” She started up again slowly “ Katie thinks that the only way to stop you from telling any

one the truth is to … well I don’t know how to tell you this , she , well she wants , what she wants is too.”

“ Just tell me!” I cried “ I think that I can handle it it’s not that big of a deal and I mean how bad can it

be, what super bad thing can she do to me?” “ Elizabeth she’s going to try and capture you ,she going to

take you out to a place no one knows , even I don’t know what she’s talking about! And welll, there

she’s going to leave you so you can’t tell anyone her secret and she’ll never go there again and never

speech of it again.” I lost my train of thought right then and there and an I felt my body go num.” She

wants to capture me!? That can’t be right, that just can’t be right. You heard it wrong for sure I just

know it I mean no person is that greedy for money, are they? I mean if she leaves me there I’ll have no

food or water and … I don’t even want to talk about it, it’s wrong Tess, you’ve got it all wrong !” I cried in

fear. I was so scared that I thought my body might shut down.” Well I got the other parts about the story

spot on didn’t I? You told me I know you know that it’s true and what makes you think that I would get

all the parts right but this one? I’m sorry you had to find out this way but that’s why I’m here I’m here to

help you.” Tess said soothingly. I took a deep breath to try and clam myself down which did not work. “

So what are we going to do now?” I said.” I want to get out of hear NOW I’m scared and according to

you KATIE IS TRYING TO CAPTURE ME!” I was full of mixed emotions, I was anger at this girl for not

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seeming to care , but also scared to death, then greatful to this brave girl who helped me. “ Calm down

I’m trying to help you, here’s what you must do , just listen ok?” Tess said looking with her gray eyes

looking deep into mine. “ Ok , what you do is nothing , you continue doing your chores and act like you

aren’t trying to escape , don’t show any signs of fear or of your escape when she’s trying to get you

come running to my house and I’ll find a way to get you safe trust me it’s only safe if you stay at her

house for a while.” I was no way in the world going to stay at Katie’s house any longer, I was super

scared of her , I mean how can you not be scared of a person how’s trying to capture you and keep you

with her and away from the world your whole life? “ I’m sorry Tess but there has to be an other way to

get out of this place , I’m so scared of Katie and the thought of going back to Katie’s house might make

me pee in my pants.” I said. Tess looked at me with a serious face “ Look , just trust me I know what I’m

talking about , the only way this will work is if you go back to Katie’s house , please I’m trying to help

you!” Tess pleaded “ Ok, ok,” I said “ I cave , you got me , I guess I’ll go back to Katie’s house , but before

I do I have one question,” “ Sure ,what is it?” Tess asked.” How will I know that Katie is trying to capture

me at the time she is going to do it?” I questioned.” You’ll know , trust me.” Tess said with a pale white

face. ”Ok then, bye I guess.” I said turning away to walk back to Katie’s.” Wait,” I said whipping my head

around again. “Yeah” Tess said turning away from the path that she was taking home.” I just want to say

thanks for helping me and all and that I trust you and what you say , and what you say I’ll do because I

need more than any thing to get out of here right now.” I said.” Thanks that means a lot to me , it really

does, but you probably need to go, you might get caught.” She said and with that she turned her head

and ran down the path to her house , and I once again turned to go down the path leading to Katie’s


When I was once again was at Katie’s old house I picked up my bucket full of chicken food and ran

over to the barn to feed the chickens. As I tossed hand fulls of food to the chickens my mind was going

in all different directions. How was I going to act like nothing was going on if Katie knew there clearly

was something going on, Katie knew and she knew all this time that I was faking not remembering. I

wasn’t sure now weather or not that I should trust Tess or make my own escape plan , it didn’t make

any sense why I had to stay hear , Tess was clearly wrong , I had to leave this place now before

something terriable happened to me , which in this case was getting captured. I turned to the barn door

and headed out to the woods again , I was going to leave NOW, no time for waiting I was getting out of

this place. I had a tight grip on Katie’s old leather dairy as it’s thin crisp pages rustled in the wind.

Something deep inside me told me that Tess was right that she knew what she was talking about and

that I should trust her like I told her I did and would. Oh, stop it guilt , I told myself, I know better than

her , I don’t care if she heard them talking or not, I needed to get out of hear. But what I think always

turns out wrong I told myself, I have to trust Tess , I just have to , it’s the only way. Ok , I guess I’m back

around I thought to myself and with that I went back to the prison house.

As Katie entered in from the woods I was on the roof of the barn the painting it more white to please

Katie. She stopped and looked up at me” What have you gotten done since I left to go and see my friend

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Missy? Because I remember asking you to paint the roof second after you feed the chickens and the

chickens don’t take that long do they? I don’t think it is good to only be on the second chore, that means

you’ve got nothing done, surely you skipped some right?” She said hot was anger. I stared down at her

blankly. “ RIGHT!?” she screeched dryly.” No maim, sorry, haven’t.” I said sadly. Katie looked bright red

and in a hurry ran up to the house and slammed the door shut with a loud thump.

I think that I just made Katie mad I told myself , then I thought to myself oh really! I decided to try and

go talk to her , I creaked open the screen door and walked slowly to the living room were Katie was

sitting on the couch. “ I’m so sorry that I didn’t finish my chores , I really am.” I said pleading for Katie’s

forgiving look. “I have had about enough of you and I think that I know a place that you should go right

now.” As Katie let out those horriable, I fel my heart pound so hard and so loud that I thought Katie

could for sure hear it from where she was sitting.” And you know where that is?” Katie said glaring up at

me with a red hot look on her face .”Your room!” She cried in anger. I felt my heart slow down and I was

filled with relief.” NOW!” Katie spat in my face and I began running up the stairs.

That night I deicided to climb out my window. I was going to talk to Tess weather it was mid – night or

not. I had to escape I had done what she said and now it was her turn. I grabbed Katie’s old dairy and a

warm blue coat that I got from Katie’s drawer. I climbed onto the thin black shingles and grabbed a hold

of the pipe hanging next to me. Then slowly but surely , I inched my way down to the bottom. I took off

for the woods as soon as my feet hit the ground , never looking back as the wind whipped my hair. I

finally as trees hit my face , saw the house that Tess lived in , I ran as fast as I could to the house and

looked for window and there it was! I ran to the window and peeked inside to see Tess sleeping in a

large bed with a pink and purple polka-doted blanket. Around her was a pink wall and many dressers

and mirrors. I took a deep breath and lightly knocked on the small window , Tess barely moved. I

knocked again and Tess sat up in bed and looked around. “ Tess, Tess ,over here!” I whispered. Tess

turned toward me. “ Is that you?” She asked. “ Yes” I screeched “ It’s me! Elizabeth!” Before Tess could

say anything a lady’s voice echoed through the hall .” Tess what is going on!”

A tall brown headed lady with her hair tied up in a tight bun walked into the room. She was chunky

and was wearing an all green suit and she wore glasses that hung low on her nose.” You are supposed to

be asleep , and right now you sound like a bull in a china closet!” She cried giving her a scowl. I quietly

peared through the window to hear my breathing so heavy I was sure that I was to be found. “ You are

the oldest and I’ve had to tell you multiple times that if you want this room you going to have to behave

, because I can surely put you in the room where all the others sleep , where you don’t get nice things

like these, so get your act together!” Tess looked frightened “ Yes maim.” She replied sadly. “Oh,” the

lady screeched “and shut this window.” In one swift movement she reached over my head and

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slammed the window shut. As soon as I was sure she was gone I popped up out of my place to find Tess

softly crying. “ What ‘s wrong?’ I asked hoping that the lady wouldn’t pop up again. “Nothing!” She

hissed in an angry , mad tone that was striking , I had never heard her speck in that tone, she seemed so

nice. “ You wouldn’t understand , you wouldn’t understand anything about my life , you just don’t get it

do you?” She shot me a look. This was odd to me what made Tess go from I am going to help you to you

just don’t understand? How did we go from serious to all the melodrama? “ Tess,” I said in an irritated

voice. “ Whats up with all the melodrama, you’re acting like I’m trying to get you when right now I don’t

even know what we’re talking about , I ‘m not un-human you know? I’ll understand or at least feel for

you!” As soon as the words came out I wanted them to go right back in. “ Oh really do you? Do you

know what I’ve seen? Ok Elizabeth I lied ok? I’m sorry , Missy the lady you just saw did not adopt me,

this is a foster home , I’m the oldest and no one wants to adopt me because I’m a teen and they want

little kids. But here it is not a normal foster home, no Missy takes the money social services gives for

each kid heres monthly care and spends it on herself, this is the worst place in the whole world and no

kid deserves to live here.” I was shocked. “ I guess you were right Tess I am sorry I don’t understand

what your going through not at all, I can’t believe how bad you’ve been treated.” I said now really

dreading what I had said. “ Look I lied to you because I thought you that you would think that I was

different.” Tess said her head hanging low. “ Why would I think that?” I said with tears in my eyes. “

Pepole are mean Elizabeth , they judge people at first sight , everyone does it, and of all the few people

that have come here all of them have thought that I was some type of monster so I just stopped , I was

done with people who judged me like that and who thought they didn’t have their own problems

themselves, it doesn’t seem likely to you because you have never seen it happen to you, you have

parents, I have never met mine I was given away as a baby.” I was filled with morn , I was about to burst

to tears as my eyes swelled as I saw his handsome face flash in front of me. “ A parent ,” I chocked.” I

have a parent , not parents , my dad died when I was 11 I was really close to him and would rather have

never met him if he was going to die at my young age.” Tess gave me an insane look.” Are you crazy!?”

She cried “ I would give anything, and I mean anything to meet my parents! Why would you have never

have met your dad? “ “Look.” I said slowly “ if you heard right now that your parents died and that they

were gone forever would you be sad?” Tess seemed to think about that for a minute.” Well, I guess I

would be sad just a little because I mean they are my parents and I never got to see them, but I don’t

know them so how could I be heart-broken if they were never here.” She replied “See,” I said “ You see

if you don’t know who your parents you don’t get to loving them as much as you would and you never

know who they are and what they mean to you , you don’t know until you have them and I got to know

my dad and love him and know him and now my heart is broken.” “ I get it, I guess your right it is hard to

truly know them.” Then suddenly something unexplainable dawned on both me and Tess , we got each

other now we knew what we needed to do and we trusted one an other 100 percent.” So,” Tess said

breaking the odd silence “ We still need to find a way to get you safe and we need it fast.”

Chapter 9

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Tess slowly climbed out of the window with slippers and all. Thunder suddenly boomed loudly in the

distance and lighting lit up the sky above. My heart pounded inside my chest. “ Are you sure we should

do this tonight? I mean I can always stay another night at Katie’s house.” I said with a big smile on my

face. “ No , I am sure that tonight is the right night and besides you’re the one that didn’t want to stay at

Katie’s and to do it now , and you came here and now you want to bail, and thanks to your eager self

trying to escape , tonight’s the night that I now know will work and you can make it out alive, that’s

what you wanted in the first place right? I mean come on , are you really scared of a little thunder?”

Katie said her gray eyes glowing in the moonlight . “FINE!” I caved “ I’ll go in the middle of the storm , I

Elizabeth Walsh am not afraid of a little thunder. More thunder boomed loudly in the distance I jumped

and screamed bloody murder , I thought that I was going to have a heart attack. Tess tired to tell me to

quite down but broke out laughing. “ Oh yeah, don’t worry ,you Elizabeth Walsh aren’t afraid of

anything, and totally not a little thunder at that.” Tess giggled. I couldn’t hold it in , I burst out laughing

so hard I was about to check my underwear.” Ok,” I said once I finally stopped laughing “ It was pretty

funny but you can’t blame me, I am just not a daredevil like you , but I really do trust you , because trust

me , you’re the ONLY reason that I’m still going on with this and I mean the ONLY.” Tess smiled “ That

sure means a lot to me , it really does,” Her voice trailed off .” Ok” She said once again breaking the

silence” Here’s the plan, open up your dairy that you have from Katie’s house.” “Ok” I obeyed. I grabbed

my dairy and flipped to a random page. Tess grabbed it out of my hands and flipped through it. “ There!”

She suddenly cried she was pointing at a page in the open dairy and then read aloud:

Dear Dairy,

Today me and Missy went yet again to the river and we found big rocks that lead to a big rock dome

that you can go inside and no one could ever guess you were there the perfect place for a secret club.

Today we also saw fish in there was even a salmon and a pretty fish that was blue and it was the size of

my head, you should have seen it WOW! I am never going to leave that place when I get married I am

even living there.

That’s all, Your friend,

Katie age: 8 A.K.A: the girl who will one day be famous

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I looked up at Tess with a disapproving look. “ How will a big rock , a fish the size of her head and her

wedding plans help us?” I asked “ They just will,” Then Tess stopped “ Well, maybe not her wedding

plans , but any way there’s no time, come on ,just follow me. I’ve got a plan.” She said pulling me along.

“ Ok to be honest I have no idea what is going on in that crazy little head of yours.” I said as I followed

Tess’s grip.” Look, you may not get now, but I sure as anything know that this is the only way we can set

you free without getting caught , look what you need is food and if your bringing food out of nowhere to

no where Katie will know something is up and in my house it’s so busy with all the kids that Missy won’t

even think one thing about it.” Tess said ,seemingly pleased with herself.” Why do I need food?” I asked

counfused. “ Oh yeah, I also need to get you things to drink , you can’t go without drinks and you need

for sure water , and maybe I could swing a couple of juices.” Tess blurted out loud to herself.” Tess, Tess,

TESS!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.” Why do I need food?” “Because silly , the river that leads to

town is about 300 miles long, so going to have to stop and sleep and eat somewhere , you can’t stay

walking for that long .” Tess said almost laughing. “ The river is how long?!” I cried in shock. Tess giggled

“ Didn’t you hear me the first time I said the river is about 300….” I stopped her before she could go on

any longer.” I heard you the first time I’m in shock! It can’t be 300 miles long that’s wrong, oh my gosh I

‘m rhyming , that’s not right ,that is so not right!” I cut Tess off with such fast words that I felt like I

couldn’t breath. “ Yeah, “ Tess said slowly as if expecting me to pounce” It’s 300 miles and what did you

think it was?” “ I don’t know I just have to get out of here and if 300 miles is the case that is never ever

going to happen, ever , and where are we going and why my brain is over loading , I can’t take it

anymore, I JUST CAN’T !” I cried “ Look,” Said Tess giving me a funny look.” First off you ask way to many

questions and you complain , I am going to tell you what is happening what is going on, where we are

going , why we are going there if only you would just hold your horses and wait for me to give you an

answer, look I know 300 miles is long and it may even be more,” “More!” I screamed as I cut Tess off. I

stopped right in front of her and gave her an evil look.” I am for one not at all , and I mean not at all a

good traveler and when I say that Tess I mean it.” “Look!” Tess piped in “ I was talking and stop for the

last time complaining and listen, look do you want to get out of here or not?” I stared at her with the

evil eye “ Of course I want to get out of here , are you nuts?” I asked “ Well,” replied Tess “ If you want

to make it out of here alive then you better go the river way no matter how long it is , wheater you like

it or not , it is as a matter a fact your only chose. Well,” Tess continued “ As I was saying before some

one rudely talked over me,” I coughed out the words in a fake cough under my breath the words

”whatever!” Tess stared then went on yet again “ The reason we needed that page in Katie’s dairy is

because you need to hide somewhere while I get you supplies for your long trip, you are going to hide

under or as Katie says in the big rock so I can get you those supplies for the trip , and there is the fact

that if I don’t have enough food to last you, well you know if push comes to shove you could eat fish and

I think that a fish the size of your head could hold you off long enough to get to safety, and so that is

how the big rock and the fish in Katie’s dairy page helped us, and what about the whole marriage thing ,

that is, that is well, ok that part is what I call just plain weird.” I laughed “ You are so funny I never knew

that , of course I didn’t ever really know you but that’s ok because right I would not rather be in the

pitch black with anyone but the one and only Tess…..” My voice trailed off and I felt like a horriable

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friend for not knowing her last name, even though I had just met her today. “ Howard” She said giving

me a forgiving look. “ Tess Howard” She repeated “ I am so sorry I feel like a horriable friend not

knowing your last name and trailing off like that , it mat have came off to you that I was really rude

which I totally understand if you think that.” “ Oh stop,” Said Tess “ Don’t worry about it , you weren’t

rude you just were trying to be nice , and I mean you just met me today and that was so nice what you

were trying to say to me it was sweet and I feel the same way about you.” Is that a bear that I hear out

there?” A voice came from the distance , it seemed like I had heard it before , but I didn’t know the

person. Then suddenly it clicked with me, this was the voice of Missy Tess’s foster mom, but where I

heard her voice you ask? I had heard it from sitting outside of Tess’s window! I felt Tess grab a hold of

my arm and grip it tight, in one swift movement she brought me behind a tree the size of Texas and put

a finger over her mouth to signal me to be quite. I wouldn’t dare talk I tried all that I could to control my

breathing. “ I thought I heard a bear and I know that I heard something, Missy is never wrong.” The old

lady held a broom in both hands and had it like she was ready to swing it like a baseball bat, turned in all

directions to see what might be out there for her to hit her broom with. “ Is that who I think it is?” My

heart pounded for what seemed like the thousandth time this whole trip , it seemed so normal now , as

she let out those faithful words I almost fainted.” Are those crazy teens that toilet papered my lawn out

there again?” she asked , I felt my pulse come back to my body , we hadn’t been caught “ You are not

going to mess with my lawn again , not this time , last time it took me 3 hours to clean up your mess,oh I

know your down there , are you afraid of all this.” She said ready to bring it on. I wanted to burst out

laughing I had never seen something so funny in my whole life,this old lady was on a role! “ That is it , I

have had it was you , you have annoyed me for the last time I am coming down there into the woods

and I am going to hunt you down and find you, I will search all night if I have to I will find you. The

laughter inside of me suddenly stop and disappeared inside me , she was coming to look for teens and

she was going to search the whole forest until she found those kids that were so called there, but those

kids were us! She was sure to find us. “ We have to go , she searching the whole forest until she finds

teens, and those teens are us! She is sure to find us we have to go now!” I whispered in panic to Tess.

The lady stopped in her path and listened” I have the ears of a hawk!” She shouted “ I hear whispering

and now I know for sure that it is teens that I am dealing with , think you can escape? Well hear I come I

am going to find you and you are going down.” I shot Tess a look that said this lady is totally crazy and

she shot me back a look that said I have a plan follow me. Me and Tess made a run for it, we ran as fast

as we could to the end of the other forest as we ran we heard in the distance Missy shouting “ I see

movement and even if I have to search all night I will find you I will track you down. My body moved at

the speed of lighting and soon Tess and I reached the big rock.

“ Get in “ Tess gestured me to get into the rock. “ What about you?” I asked scared to be left alone.” I

am going to get you supplies while you sleep here safe from Katie” She replied without any sign of fear

inside of her “ Wait,” I stalled “You’ll never get past Missy” Good one I thought to myself , there was no

way Tess could leave now.” Yeah , I can ,piece of cake.” Tess replied. Dang! “ How?” I asked hoping for

an ok I guess have to stay here for the night with you then comment.” You act confident but come on

there is no way she will find you.” “ I am going to tell her I heard the teens and that I am searching for

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them ,bye.” That was not what I had been hoping for. Before I could say but wait she was gone in an

instant. I sighed and and climbed into the rock. It was cool and clammy inside and I was so tried that I

soon fell fast asleep on the hard rock floor.

I woke up on the icy cold floor of the big rock I peared my eyes open to see Tess laying right in front of

me. I jumped up so high that I hit my head on the top of the rock. “ OW!” I cried in pain. “ I think I have

hit my head more times in this week than I do in a year.” Tess laughed then her laugh got louder and

louder and I screamed and the rock broke and…. I woke up from my odd and terriable dream about I

didn’t even know what. I guessed I had slept well because I seemed rested and was not tried , I

remembered it being dark when I fell asleep and now it was bright out as I could tell from the crack in

the rock that the bright light shone through. I sat up and looked around for Tess but she was nowhere to

be found. I decided to stay put like Tess said because I was scared that Katie might find me. I heard the

waves of the river banging against the big rock. The water must be really rough today I thought to

myself. “Help, help” I thought I hard a weak voice cry. I must be hearing things since I am really nervous I

thought to myself but then I heard it again. ”Help, help” The voice cried. I suddenly stopped. I knew that

voice not just knew like heard , like knew the person who had that voice , but I couldn’t quite put my

finger on it of who it was. Wait a second something was wrong , it felt as if there was something moving

under me or even possibly me moving, “HELP ME!” The voice I had almost forgotten I had to save how

ever was on the top of the rock. I came again “Elizabeth help me!” How ever it was knew my name and

that gave me the chills. I thought who was that on the top of the rock, then I got a light bulb it was Tess!

Yes, I figured it out I thought to myself happily I had figured it out it was Tess. Wait a second I thought to

myself it’s Tess in trouble out there. OH MY GOSH TESS WAS OUT THERE AND SHE NEEDED ME! I bolted

out to the hole and popped out to see Tess sitting on top of the rock the water banging against her. The

spary of water was blinding and I thought that I be able to help Tess. “ I can’t see!” I screamed to Tess. “

I can’t either and the rock is slipping , I don’t know what to do.” Tess screamed over the roar of the

waves. “ I know that I ask this a lot but I mean come on give me a break how on earth did you end up

like that , what happened.” I screamed in horror. “ I was coming to get you and I saw it was this time of

year again, where the waves are a horror , I saw that the rock was slipping and I tried to come in and get

you because people who get lost in these waves never come back, but the waves were taking me in I

clung to the rock and knew that there was no way to get back to shore so I got up high so that I could

not get sucked in and well, now I am stuck. “ She screamed over the waves. “ I do not have any idea of

how to get you down , I guess this also ruins our plan.” I said glumly “ What?” She shouted. Water hit my

face even harder than before and before I could answer her question the wave height picked up; a lot.

The river water banged at my face , and pulled at my ankles threatening to pull me in. “ Grab on to the

rock!” Tess screamed over the roar of the water. I tried but it was not going to happen, I could not get a

hold of Tess or the rock. Tess reached out her hand I fought all that I possibly could before I finally

grabbed a hold of one of Tess’s cold, clammy fingers. She pulled as hard as she could and soon enough I

was on top of the rock along side Tess. I clutched the rock so hard I thought that I might cut my finger in

half. Water still sprayed me but not as much. I reached over and grabbed Tess ‘s hand. “ How are we

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going to get out of here?” I asked. “ We do not get out of here, we have to stay up here even if it falls, it

is more safe up here than on land or in the water the waves can not reach you badly here.” Tess stated

clinging on for dear life. “But we could get knocked off.” I reported back to her. “ Well,” She said “ What

place that you know is better.” I smiled “ We could I do not know go in the place that I was in , the water

did not hit me there and the waves can not suck you in.” I felt proud of what I had just stated.” Well,

how are we going to get down there first of all?” Tess asked. I suddenly was not so proud any more I

looked up at Tess and smiled big. What would be a good comeback I thought to myself, and how can we

get down there? “ We will have to climb down there.” I said stating my case. ”Well, smart one , how are

we going to do that , explain it to me , because I do not get it.” Tess said with triumph. “ It is our only

chose and all we have to do is at the right time just climb.” I said as I in one swift movement I climbed to

the edge of the rock and down into it by going through the hole. As I crawled into the hole Iwas filled

with relief , I had made it and I was not sure how. I heard Tess sighing up above and I smiled at my

victory. I went up to the end of the hole and reached my hand out to Tess. She gripped it so tight that I

could not feel my pulse . Suddenly a huge wave struck, I felt Tess lessen her grip, and suddenly I felt only

the cold grip of river water. I felt a pit in the middle of my stomach. I tried to peek out of the rock and

that was when I saw something I would never forget. Tess’s body was floating in the middle of the water

and was about to be sweep away by the water. I had only one chose , I jumped into the choppy water

toward Tess. I tried to not sallow as much water as I was , I felt my lungs get full of water and I could not

breath I felt like I was about to faint . I fought to get to Tess but my body started to shut down , the river

seemed to pull me away from the place that I was trying to get to. Tess’s eyes suddenly flickered open

and she looked around. I had made a terriable mistake , I should have stayed in the rock. Tess started to

swim back to the rock with a much easier time than me. Wait she could not leave me I needed help, if

she left me I would drown. “ Tess help me, I need you , TESS HELP ME!” Tess turned around to look at

me.” Elizabeth?! What are you doing?” I felt my self going under the depth of the water and I screamed

with all my might “ For you!” Then I felt more and more water enter my lungs, and before I went under I

heard a loud scream.

“ Are you ok?” I heard a voice ask.” Yeah, I think I am , thank you for saving me Tess.” I said as I sat up

and flickered my eyes open , but who I saw in front of me was not Tess. “ Tess , did not save you silly I

did.” The person said, my eyes were so blurry that I could not tell who it was that was in front of me ,but

I knew for sure that it was not anyone close to Tess. Then it started to clear up. As my eyes began to

clear I saw sitting in front of me the smiling face of Katie. I screamed so loud that I thought that I saw a

tree shacking from me. “ SHHH… you do not want to wake up the whole neighborhood now do you?” I

heard another voice say , I turned my head once again to see Missy standing over me smiling just like

Katie had. I screamed again this time louder for in Missy’s grip was Tess with duct tape over her mouth. I

looked down to see myself captured by Katie’s grip. What had happened I looked around to see a small

motor boat washed up upon the shore? Katie smiled down at me. “ I see you see the boat we saved you

in , you see we saw that you were in need so we got in our boat and got into the water to save you two,

and now here we are.” Katie said happily. “ You will never get away with it Katie the good guys never

lose.” I said looking up at Katie with rage running through my veins. “ Oh,” Katie piped in.” I see you

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know about my plan , do you? Wow! Well look here kid you are going to keep your little mouth shut or

there is going to be problems, get it? You do not want to end up like her do you?” She asked pointing to

Tess with the duct tape on her mouth. “ So,” She continued “ Are we clear? Get it got it good?” I stared

up with rage at her. I smiled up at her big. “ You know that I am bad , very bad least to say at keeping

secrets.” I said with a smirk. Tess shot me a look that said are you crazy? What on earth are you doing

she is probably going to kill you , you know that right? I knew what I was doing though and I was

prepared to back it up it was the perfect plan, and was sure to work. I shot Tess a just trust me look

along with a smirk. “ You better keep your mouth shut you little brat.” Katie said giving me the evil eye. I

looked up at her and smiled. “ Not only can I scream loud but I also have a cell phone in my pocket.” I

said with a big smile. Katie stopped and loosened her grip. ”You would not dare.” She declared. “ I

know how to dial numbers without my hands and by the way I would, but if you let me go I would

maybe not.” I smiled as Katie slowly let go. I turned to Missy and gave her the signal to let Tess go and

she did so. I saw the big rock behind me and made my move. “ Back up , a lot” I said to Katie and Missy.

“ I will make a deal, if you go back into the woods I will toss the cell phone and if you get it you win I

come with.” Katie and Missy smiled at each other and then backed up super far into the woods. Then I

turned to Tess and griped her hand tight we ran to the rock and climbed inside. We heard Katie and

Missy screaming , they were coming. Without talking I told Tess to push the rock and together we

pushed the rock into the water.

Chapter 10

As the rock plopped into the water I heard a big splashing noise; It was Katie and Missy jumping into

the water to find us. The choppy water flung the rock and me and Tess around. The movement made

our bodies slap the cold rock ground. Suddenly Katie swam up to the side of the rock and poked her

head inside. My heart dropped, my plan that had been so great had failed, and my heart dropped even

more at the sight of Missy coming to cling on to the rock with Katie. “ Do not think we are going

anywhere,” Katie said with a smirk “ We have got a good grip, I think that we will just stay here for a

while.” Missy laughed an evil laugh that gave me the chills. “You will never get a hold of us.” Tess

taunted. “ Oh really?” asked Katie “ Just watch me.” Katie reached inside the rock and tried to pull

herself in , but about a third of the way she stopped. Her eyes got wide. “ Missy,” She said. “ I that I am

stuck!” “Think?!” giggled Tess. I started to burst out laughing.” Not funny!” Katie screamed like a little

kid. “ Oh really, I am so sorry,” Tess said with sympathy “ Well let me help you there.” With that Tess

pushed Katie so hard that she popped out of the hole and Katie went out so hard that she hit Missy.

“Bye!” Tess said peeking out of the hole waving to Katie and Missy who were getting sucked away by the

waves. She turned back to me. “ I must say , this time your plan really did work out like it was supposed

to.” She said. I laughed “Hey,” I piped in “ it’s not the first time that I have made a totally dumb plan that

Tess laughed “ I would really like to hear some of those.” Tess said. “ Well,” I began. “ My most

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embarrassing time was when I was when I was seven. I was trying to spy on my mom with my best

friend Macy, I had a so called master plan to see if we could get into the living room. I tried to go into

the …” “Elizabeth” Tess said suddenly cutting me off “ You do know that we are floating down the river

right? “ My heart stopped “ We are moving down the river , that is good we are trying to get me to land,

right?” I asked. “ Elizabeth,” Tess said with a serious look in her eyes “ remember what I said , the river is

way too dangerous to travel down in these waves , we could end up getting killed, we might not be

going the right way to town even, and now that we are in the middle of the water we have no control of

where we are anymore.” That thought made me sick to my stomach. “ I am dreaming.” I said out loud to

Tess ,”I am dreaming this is only just a dream,” I continued. It had to be only be a dream, no wait a

nightmare in real –life that is not how it worked , I do not think at least , how could the world just let me

work so hard it all seemed so so-real I felt like it was a dream all this time it seemed so odd so much like

it was all fake. Tess gave me a strange look. “ Why would you think that this is a dream?” Tess asked

with caring eyes. “I do not know why but I guess, “ I stopped myself I knew the truth.”Well, when ever

things are bad I always hope that it is a dream and tell myself it is a dream, I guess that right now I just

kind of wish that I could be home and every time I tell myself it is a dream it helps me get through it

because I think that it will soon end , but right now I know that I am not dreaming …” I stopped the

thought made me sick to my stomach. I could not tell if I was dreaming or not and I found that very

strange. I wished that it were a dream I wanted more than any -thing for it to be a dream. I was so

scared about what would happen next, I felt like I was in a movie , my heart pounded and then for some

strange reason I began to cry so hard I thought that I might cry out my stomach. It all seemed to just

come out , I was not quite sure why I had started to cry out nowhere. Tess put an arm around me.”

What is wrong , why are you crying, I know that it totally sinks that we have worked this hard to get

away from Katie and Missy and that we have tried so hard to get you home and that it is sad how it all

came crashing down at the last minute but you cannot give up now , you have worked so hard and if

you give up now then we will never get you home.” As Tess said those words I started to feel a little bit

better. “But it may be though,” Tess said with an odd look on her face. “What are you talking about?” I

asked my voice echoing. The words what are you talking about rang over and over in my head.

“Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth! Are you ok?” I heard my name ring through my ears. My eyes fluttered

open, I looked around me. I was staring up at a plain white ceiling, where I? I sat up , to my left was a

toilet with no handle and a broken toilet paper holder . Next to me was the staring eyes of Katie, my

mom , and my three best friends. I blinked, what was going on? “Mom,” I said with a puzzled look.

“What is going on?” My mom beamed “Did you get your memory back?” She asked in glee. I was

puzzled. “Well, yeah,” I replied “I fell off of a rock and into a pond.” Everyone looked at me like I was

crazy. “She must have had a dream, and when she hit her head on the floor again she must have gotten

her memory back.” Katie said. I gave her a glare” you tried to steal my money.” Katie looked puzzled.

“What are you talking about?” “Well, “ I said.”If you’re so innocent then tell me where you were taking

me in such a hurry, yeah tell me that.” Katie threw her head back laughing. “I was trying to get you to

physical therapy in time because I did not know that you were put on the list for 11:34 and wanted you

to get there in time.” I glared up at her “Liar!” I cried ”Why did you want me to change into clothes? You

tried to take me to your home.” Katie gave me a funny look, and smiled. “You see you wearing a hospital

gown and if you know anything about hospital gowns then you know that it is open in the back and so…”

Katie stated before I cut her off. “You don’t need to tell me I think I know now” I said, my mind then

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turning back to the subject ahead. “ Then why did you drop me on the ground and push me into a stall?”

I was now sure she would have to tell the truth about what was really going on. “Well,” Katie stated

clearly with her face turning red. “I can sort of be very clumsy sometimes and I tripped and dropped you

and tried to get back up but got off balance and fell on you. I am really sorry.” I started to think was this

or what -ever it was , be really and truly all just a crazy dream. I stood up from where I was sitting. My

mind was traveling all over the map. All this time the so called dream had seemed so real and life like ,

how had it all been a dream? My mom smiled. “Honey you must have been dreaming , and thought that

it was real , it happens to everyone.” My mom said. I was suddenly then overcome with joy.

As I walked back to my bed I thought I was going to cry , I was home, well sort of, and I even though I

had had amnesia was well. As Katie helped me lay down in bed I fell into a warm happy sleep.

I woke up in my own room, looking up at my aqua walls and the spinning fan above my head.

“Surprise!” I heard my mom’s voice call out , I sat up in bed. “I thought that I was at the hospital ,” I

said confused. “Well,” my mom said” you’re out now , we took you out last night.” She leaned over to

hug me.

It all seemed to happen so fast every family member in my whole family came to see me , and say how

sorry they were. Although it had all turned out to be nothing but a dream my heart never forgot her ,

and I have never let my kids forget the story of Tess and all her bravery. Who knew that such a little

dream could make such a big impact.