Do you really need a nightguard

Do You Really Need a Night guard

Transcript of Do you really need a nightguard

Page 1: Do you really need a nightguard

Do You Really Need a Night guard

Page 2: Do you really need a nightguard

Do you ever have these symptom

•Are you waking up to oral pain?Do you find yourself with more headaches than usual?

•Are your teeth breaking or chipping?

•You may be causing damage to your mouth without even knowing it.

Page 3: Do you really need a nightguard

Bruxism is the medical term for forceful grinding and/or clenching of the teeth. Some of us do it because of stress, some of us do it to relieve tension, and plenty of us do it unwittingly during our sleep. The downside of bruxism is that it can lead to serious oral complications.

This is more than a cosmetic problem, as bruxism flattens teeth, incites temperature sensitivity, recedes gums, and eventually leads to lost teeth.

The good news is that there are simple, effective measures you can take to protect your teeth and save your oral health.

Page 4: Do you really need a nightguard

There is no “cure” for bruxism, but if you’re suffering from it you’re an ideal candidate for a nightguard.

As with most healthcares, there is a wide spectrum of products to choose from, some more personalized than others.

Stop by your local pharmacy for an over-the-counter nightguard made in a one-size-fits-all model.

Page 5: Do you really need a nightguard

If your night-time bruxism has become a serious problem you should look to invest in a custom fitted nightguard that a dental professional can tailor to your mouth’s shape.

While it may be expensive it’s worth it in the long run when you consider the price of crowns, fillings, and dental implants.

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One of the best things about using a nightguard to combat your bruxism is that they make a major impact while requiring minimal daily care.

Whether you shop in person or online nightguard cleaners are available to help your mouth shine bright and your teeth glow white.Many people think using a denture cleaner is the best way to keep their nightguard in fighting form, but we’ve found a specially manufactured night guard cleaner is essential to staving off bacteria, maintaining fresh breath, and increasing the lifespan of your oral appliance.

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Thinking about getting a nightguard? Talk to your dentist before you do and see what recommendations he has to help you sleep better and smile wider.