Do you know what is bruxism?

Do you know what is Bruxism? www.cleanguard.n et

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Page 1: Do you know what is bruxism?

Do you know what is Bruxism?

Page 2: Do you know what is bruxism?

What is Bruxism?

Don’t know what bruxism is? Your mouth might.

Ever wake up in the morning with a sore jaw?

Does your dentist say your teeth flattening, fracturing, or chipping?

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Are your teeth more sensitive than usual?Sometimes at night, and even during the

day, you may clench, gnash, or grind our teeth. Some of us do it in times of stress or frustration, but plenty of people do it unconsciously through the long hours of the night.

Some estimates suggest that in the US alone between 30 and 40 million children and adults are affected by bruxism.

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That’s a lot of wear and tear on your teeth.

When you clench down on your teeth you exhaust the muscles in your mouth, jaw, and other biological scaffolding that makes up your mouth.

When you grind your teeth the stress you inflict causes them to wear down dramatically or break.

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But bruxism doesn’t just create oral health problems, plenty of people who experience grinding and clenching also endure headaches, ear aches, nasal problems, and insomnia.

Bruxism is often closely tied to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome and in severe, chronic cases it can lead to arthritis of the temporomandibular joint.

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So what causes bruxism?

Depression, anxiety, frustration. Our stress responses play an important role in how our bodies are affected and emotional imbalances are catalysts for bruxism.

For other people, however, it could be a mix of factors, including sleeping habits, medication, or an abnormal bite.

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Okay, now that we know what it is and what causes it, how do we fix it?

There are a few ways, some more expensive than others. From stress management to therapy to mouth guards to night guards and beyond, there is a broad spectrum of treatment that can help ease your bruxism.

Your dentist can help diagnose you and together you can formulate a treatment plan that will address the right symptoms and triggers.

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Want to know right now if you’re suffering from bruxism?

Read about some of the reasons why people get night guards, how they can support your wellbeing, and how easy they are to care for (we promise you don’t have to go buy denture cleaner.

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Taking care of your oral health is crucial to preserving your overall health, and addressing your bruxism can be instrumental in transforming how you feel inside and out.Now that you know what bruxism is, talk to your dentist and be sure that you’re not suffering from unwanted clenching, gnashing, or grinding.

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And be sure to talk to your spouse and family about the state of their oral health.

Bruxism is one of the most common dental problems and can go untreated for years because people simply don’t know what’s wrong.

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