DO NOW #51 o Select a partner o Sit across from someone o Wait for instructions.

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Transcript of DO NOW #51 o Select a partner o Sit across from someone o Wait for instructions.

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  • DO NOW #51 o Select a partner o Sit across from someone o Wait for instructions
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  • ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS SHOOT! o There is 50% tax on your winnings. Please separate your winnings into two equal piles, one of which will go to me
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  • ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS SHOOT! o Discuss: o Was the game fair? o What could have been done so that the losers could get back into the game? o Should the teacher do something to make the game fair
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  • ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS SHOOT! o Discuss: o Was taxing the winners justified to make everyone equal and thus winners? o Now that everyone is the same, do we need to keep playing? Do I still need to supervise?
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  • CAPITALISM The class struggle is complaints Workers revolt through responses about how you could have gotten back into the game A type of economic system that is characterized by private ownership of property, freedom of private business for profit, freedom of competition, and freedom of choice by individual consumers.
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  • SOCIALISM o Government ownership of industry o The goal to bring economic equality o Aim a classless society government providing most of the services to its citizens by collecting high taxes and then using that money to provide needed services (like healthcare, education, housing, etc.)
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  • COMMUNISM o Goal=classless society o Choice to share what you have? a type of political and social movement where the society controls the means of and use of production (business), where property is collectively controlled, and the ownership and use of productive resources are collectively controlled to benefit everyone and where equality determines the distribution of the means of consumption (the goods). It is devoted to spreading to other countries for worldwide establishment. Private Industry
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  • IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Explain what Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism is.
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  • CZARS RESIST CHANGE Alexander III- became ruler in 1881. Believed in autocracy government in which he had total power. Anyone who spoke out against him was considered a threat. He used harsh measurements including 1.censorship on everything written 2.He had secret police 3.Made Russian the only language allowed to be spoken 4.Targeted the Jewish people and allowed pogroms-organized violent attacks on Jews.
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  • NICHOLAS II Became ruler in 1894. Continued autocracybecause he did the country is financially going to suffer. Between 1863 and 1900 the number of factories in Russia doubled. Even though they doubled Russia was still very far behind the rest of Europe.
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  • NICHOLAS II Nicholas IIs minister person in charge of the governments finance; tried to change this. He sought out foreign investors and raised taxes to build up Russias industry. Its going to work and by 1900 Russia will be the 4 th leading producer of steel. Russia will build the worlds longest continuous rail line: the Trans-Siberian Railway
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  • LEADING TO PROBLEMS With the growth of factories came new problems.. Working conditions Low wages Child labor No political power No unions were permitted As a result several revolutionary movements begin to grow and compete for power.
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  • MARXIST REVOLUTIONARIES Followed the belief of Karl Marx. They believed that the workers would overthrow the Czar There would then be a dictatorship of the proletariat- workers. (The workers would rule).
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  • A SPLIT IN MARXISTS Group one were the Mensheviks More moderate Wanted a broad base of popular support for the revolution Group two were the Bolsheviks More radical Willing to sacrifice everything for change The leader was Vladimir Ilyiah Ulyanov; he later changed his name to Lenin. In the 1900s he will flee to Europe to escape arrest from the Czar; he will still lead from Europe.
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  • CRISES THAT LEAD TO THE REVOLUTION These events showed the Czars weaknesses 1.The Russo-Japanese War 2.Bloody Sunday 1905 3.WWI
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  • THE MARCH REVOLUTION In March 1917, 5 days of riots took place due to food & fuel shortages At first soldiers fired on protesters, later they joined them. Czar Nicholas II was forced to step down. A year later, revolutionaries executed him and his family ending three centuries of czarist rule. A provisional government that was temporary was established and led by Alexander Kerensky. His support of the war, cost him his support. Soviets were local councils consisting of workers, peasants and soldiers and they had influence over the provisional government. Lenin returned to Petrograd in April 1917, and the Germans believed he would hurt the Russian war effort.
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  • THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION By the fall of 1917, Lenin & the Bolsheviks had control of the Petrograd soviet and support from the soviets in many other cities. Lenins slogans, Peace, Land, and Bread & All power to the soviets November 1917, armed factory workers storm the Winter Palace in Petrograd taking over the government and arresting leaders of the provisional govt. Lenin orders all farmland be distributed amongst the peasants. i can haz peece n land now ?
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  • THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION Russia signs the peace treaty with Germany ending Fighting. Russia surrenders a large part of its territory and many Russians are angry with Lenin and the Bolsheviks. Opposition groups to the Bolsheviks emerged and civil war began as a group called the white party challenged for power. Leon Trotsky, the leader of the Bolshevik Red Army lead them to victory during the civil from 1918-1920 despite interference from western nations. 14 million Russians died due to the civil war and the conditions that followed.
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  • LENIN RESTORES ORDER World War I and the revolution destroyed the Russian economy. In March 1921, Lenin temporarily puts aside his plan for a state controlled economy. Due to his policies and the peace that followed the civil war, the country slowly recovered and by 1928 factories were a pre-war levels. Bolsheviks leaders saw nationalism as a threat and broke Russia up in to different republics. The Bolsheviks renamed themselves the Communist Party. Communist Party a political party the ideas of Karl Marx & V.I. Lenin. Lenin established a dictatorship of the Communist Party. Lenin suffered a stroke in 1922. Joseph Stalin eventually took control as a dictator and became known for being ruthless. Lenin writings reflected that he feared Stalin as a dangerous man. In 1924, the Communists created a constitution based on socialist and democratic principles.
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  • A GOVERNMENT OF TOTAL CONTROL Totalitarianism government control over every aspect of public and private life. Police terror and violence is used to force obedience and crush opposition. Indoctrination = instruction of govt beliefs to mold peoples minds. Propaganda & Censorship =biased and incomplete info to sway public opinions & beliefs. Religious/Ethnic Persecution = leaders create enemies of the state to blame for problems. Great Purge a campaign of terror in the Soviet Union during the 1930s, in which Stalin sought to eliminate all Communist members and other citizens who threatened his power. When the Great Purge ended in 1938, Stalin had complete control of the Communist Party and that he was responsible for 8 13 million deaths.
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  • A GOVERNMENT OF TOTAL CONTROL Command economy system in which the government made all the decisions. Five-Year plans- plans outlined by Stalin for the development of the Soviet Unions economy that had high quotas & goals to increase output. Collective farms- a large govt controlled farm formed by combining many small farms The Soviet Union turned into a totalitarian regime and an industrial and political power under Stalins rule as dictator. China would also fall under the influence of Karl Marx and become a totalitarian Communist state as well.