Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation ......A “peace of God that transcends all...

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7). What we are proposing—purchasing 1500 North Market as a permanent church home—will affect forevers. That being said, we are in a spiritual warfare (2 Corinthians 10:3-6). So please, begin by asking God for discernment to know whether or not you were born for this. Has he placed you uniquely here and now to be a part of His mission of Multiplying Hope? If you’re married, pray with your spouse until you have a peace. A “peace of God that transcends all understanding” is your indicator as to whether or not the Spirit is prompting you to follow willingly and give to this campaign. Ask God for discernment to know whether or not He’s calling you to follow His Spirit and give a gift to Multiply Hope. This gift will be a sacrifice, but the sacrifice will be for something GREATER. It will be an investment into the forevers of those who will come to hear the gospel because of our work here in Natomas and around the world. And this investment benefits us personally—in this life and the next. Paul writes: “… what I desire is that more be credited to your account. And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:17-19). HOW YOU CAN BEGIN MULTIPLYING HOPE: Pray, asking “What is the Holy Spirit asking me to give that would be pleasing to God?” Attend the Fall message series September 30 through November 11 to help you “excel in this grace of giving” (2 Corinthians 8:7). Tell Adventure’s story (how Jesus brought you hope through Adventure) and influence others to be involved. Attend one of our Vision Events the week of October 21st to hear details and plans. • Attend November 2 Leader Commitment Event at Adventure. Consider joining a Financial Peace University class in the coming months to help develop your faith/giving muscle. • Join a Multiply Hope Team. 11 A JOURNEY OF FAITH MISSION PROPOSITION

Transcript of Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation ......A “peace of God that transcends all...

Page 1: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation ......A “peace of God that transcends all understanding” ... Adventurers have been bringing Jesus’ hope to their neighbors

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).

What we are proposing—purchasing 1500 North Market as a permanent church home—will affect forevers. That being said, we are in a spiritual warfare (2 Corinthians 10:3-6). So please, begin by asking God for discernment to know whether or not you were born for this. Has he placed you uniquely here and now to be a part of His mission of Multiplying Hope? If you’re married, pray with your spouse until you have a peace. A “peace of God that transcends all understanding” is your indicator as to whether or not the Spirit is prompting you to follow willingly and give to this campaign.

Ask God for discernment to know whether or not He’s calling you to follow His Spirit and give a gift to Multiply Hope. This gift will be a sacrifice, but the sacrifice will be for something GREATER. It will be an investment into the forevers of those who will come to hear the gospel because of our work here in Natomas and around the world. And this investment benefits us personally—in this life and the next. Paul writes:

“… what I desire is that more be credited to your account. And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:17-19).

HOW YOU CAN BEGIN MULTIPLYING HOPE:• Pray, asking “What is the Holy Spirit asking me to give that would be pleasing

to God?”

• Attend the Fall message series September 30 through November 11 to help you “excel in this grace of giving” (2 Corinthians 8:7).

• Tell Adventure’s story (how Jesus brought you hope through Adventure) and influence others to be involved.

• Attend one of our Vision Events the week of October 21st to hear details and plans.

• Attend November 2 Leader Commitment Event at Adventure.

• Consider joining a Financial Peace University class in the coming months to help develop your faith/giving muscle.

• Join a Multiply Hope Team.



Page 2: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation ......A “peace of God that transcends all understanding” ... Adventurers have been bringing Jesus’ hope to their neighbors

Scott and Melissa Mathews Are you like my wife who can’t watch or read the news for more than five minutes? Tragedy here. Bad character there. Children hurt. No end in sight. She stops watching with a pit in her stomach and a desire to fix it all.

Have YOU ever had that gnawing feeling that you want to make everything better and do something that will combat the discouraging news we hear everyday about the world and our own neighborhoods—something that would last after you are gone?

But then, that voice says - “Impossible. You can’t do anything that matters. You’re just eeking out a meager living, doing nothing important.”

But that voice is wrong, way wrong! You CAN make a difference.

Even in Sacramento, there is a sense that change needs to happen. According to the Barna Group, Sacramento ranks 15th in the nation as being disinterested in Christianity. Besides being disinterested, many here are from different religious traditions that don’t know the saving faith found in Christ. Named by the New York Times as the second most diverse school district in the nation, Natomas is a mission field right in our own front yard.

HOW CAN I MAKE A DIFFERENCE?The mission of Adventure Christian Church of North Natomas is to “Bring Jesus Hope to an Imperfect World.” This happens one person, one day, one event at a time. When you join us in this mission, you are making a difference. You are changing the world.

Adventurers have been bringing Jesus’ hope to their neighbors and coworkers with the acronym, BLESS (Begin with Prayer - Listen - Eat Together - Serve - and Share Your Jesus Story). As a result, we have seen new families who now call Adventure their home experience hope.


One of our global team members is nurse practitioner Kathy McCarty who has been working at the rural Chidamoyo Christian Hospital in Karoi, Zimbabwe for 38 years. At the hospital’s recent 50th anniversary celebration, the government recognized that the hospital was the first health care center in the past two years to deliver HIV-free babies. The hospital serves about 30,000 people from surrounding areas.

A FINAL THOUGHTWhile not a Sunday goes by without someone raising a hand to accept Jesus as Savior, I imagine a permanent, expanded church home making room for even more seniors, families, singles, students, and children to experience Jesus’ hope.

When Moses led Israel in the construction of the Tabernacle, he asked everyone to bring what they had to be used in the construction process, anything from “gold to goat hair” (Exodus 35:4-29). This is NOT about asking people who’ve been resourced with goat hair to give gold.

Rather, it’s asking them to be the very best manager of that God-entrusted goat hair that they can possibly be! By the same token, it’s not about asking people to whom God has entrusted “gold,” to give goat hair. It’s everyone, all-in, wholly devoted to the mission that God has marked out for them.

HOW YOU CAN BE INVOLVED:Jesus’ coworker and church planter, Paul, encouraged his most supportive church plant to pray. Though we hope that people are led to give, praying is genuinely the most important step you can take right now to multiply hope in our community and church. Paul writes:


Page 3: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation ......A “peace of God that transcends all understanding” ... Adventurers have been bringing Jesus’ hope to their neighbors

Worship Experiences: Owning versus leasing 1500 North Market makes investing in our Sunday worship experience more reasonable. Imagine lifting our ceiling tiles, exposing the natural pine wood beams, and adding a lighting and sound treatment that creates a more intimate worship experience.

Multiplying Disciples: The discipleship model that we are implementing will develop 300 disciples in the next three years; in four years, 400 disciples, and five years, 500 disciples—all committed to praying constantly, serving passionately, giving generously, sharing regularly, loving unconditionally, and following willingly.

Adventure disciples will be developed in Family Ministry, Student Ministry, Adult Ministry, Compassion 365, Missions, Worship Ministry, and Communications.

Unleashing Compassion: We see hundreds of new Adventurers serving passionately alongside Family Promise providing homeless families harbor and rest … Adventurers mentoring young people alongside the Greenhouse After School Program … Adventurers generously supplying the Robla and NUSD School Districts … Adventurers partnering with our City of Sacramento in various projects

… Adventurers serving alongside City of Refuge in Oak Park … Adventurers partnering with Compassion Village and more.

Our expanded space will also give more room for serving community outreach by providing increased meeting space and more room to organize and store clothing, food, and supplies for projects like our Ready for Robla work.

Multiplying disciples will have the biggest impact on our Natomas families and community. “He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents…” (Malachi 4:6), husbands and wives will pray and stay together, blended families will enjoy the fruit of a Christ-centered family, children and students will mature into Christ-likeness, business professionals will become who they were intended to be, and we will all enjoy life together in community like the early church where God is adding daily those who are being saved.

If we don’t purchase this building, the task of multiplying disciples who multiply Jesus’ hope to neighbors, coworkers, and school campuses becomes much less likely. Buying 1500 North Market is like getting a Coast Guard Station whose rescue missions will affect the community for years and years to come. Investing in this facility gives Adventure the opportunity to change culture—to be God’s instruments in moving Sacramento from being the US city ranked as the 15th most disinterested in the Christian message to a thriving Christ-centered community that is Multiplying Hope here and across the globe.

Going Global: From a robust community of disciples, we see Adventurers praying constantly, serving passionately, and giving generously to our network of global compassion and church planting movements in India, Cambodia, and Zimbabwe.


A FEW REAL STORIES OF “BRINGING HOPE” AT ADVENTUREKhanh and Tawny We were going through a tough season that started with the birth of our daughter, Paige, in 2009. At the height of our tough season we had to sell our home to take care of some financial difficulties, we had a miscarriage, and our marriage was crumbling to pieces. As a last resort to

“celebrate” our 10 year anniversary, we attended Family Life’s Weekend to Remember so we could tell ourselves that we tried everything to save our marriage. Not only did it save our marriage, but on February 13, 2016, we both accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior, and when we returned home, we both made the decision to start going to church. So the question was, Which church do we attend? Our decision was based on the following service times: 9:30 or 10:30. We decided on the 10:30 service at Adventure, and upon our arrival, we were greeted by Max Mathews (the pastor’s son and Khanh’s nephew-in-law), and we knew that we had found our home church.

God’s love is never-ending and continuous. He never stopped fighting for our marriage. He continues to fight for us and reminds us of his love every step of our journey here on earth and, in knowing that, we have so much hope in our family. And in due time, we were blessed with a home in February and welcomed our 2nd child, Pearl, in June of 2018.

Lisa Smiley My love for my Adventure Natomas family runs deep. There are several reasons why. Let me start with the definition of “adventure,” which I think really helps to explain why the people of ACC are so special and why I love them so dearly.

One of the definitions of adventure is: “to engage in hazardous and exciting activity, especially the exploration of unknown territory.” Seems about right. What you would expect? But in relation to how the people at Adventure care for one another, it really takes on a whole new, beautiful connotation.


Page 4: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation ......A “peace of God that transcends all understanding” ... Adventurers have been bringing Jesus’ hope to their neighbors

So here’s the deal. Life has been pretty rough the past few years for the Smileys. We have a son who is bordering on prodigal and this has been hard to watch and live through. I know the Lord is in him and he knows the truth, but it’s not easy as a parent. Then my husband was diagnosed with stage IV brain cancer, the most deadly one of all. Out of the blue. It was shocking, scary and life altering. Our lives changed in a moment, and will never be the same. He fought hard for just over a year, but the cancer fought harder and the Lord took my sweet Brian home on July 18, 2017.

What has gotten me through these times? The Lord. Only the Lord. And what has He used, in part, to do that? He has made His people, many from Adventure, to be His hands and feet, His arms to hug and his voice to comfort. That is not always easy for people, I know, to come alongside and comfort in difficult times. And that is where the definition comes into play.

Sometimes helping others through hardship can be hazardous. Right? It is unknown territory. You don’t know how you will be able to handle it emotionally, physically, or mentally. Or how they will take it or react to it. But because of their love of the Lord and hearing His calling, SOOO many people came to show their love and support in SO many ways. From Pastor Scott and Melissa down to sweet little children. They provided meals, comfort, prayers. They came to our house and pulled weeds, sat with us, sang with us, and interceded for us. Financial gifts were given anonymously and graciously. The whole experience, though it was excruciating then, and still is in many ways, was eased by the loving and caring provided by the people at Adventure. They were adventurous, truly, in the way they loved and cared for us. We are so grateful and will always be.

Kimberly ThongoneMy cousin invited me to come to church with her, and I’ve been coming to service for about two years now. When I first started coming to church my mind was open, but I didn’t expect my life to change so tremendously.

I was in a comfortable place as far as life went. I enrolled in beauty school to become an esthetician while juggling being a single mother and a full-time employee. Half way into my program, tests got harder, and work expectations became higher. It was a lot of weight that I had to carry, and I kept trying my best to maintain. I have never had anyone to fall back on and all my life all I’ve ever known was to just keep pushing, but this time I didn’t know where or who to turn to.


“For he [God] has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead” (Acts 17:31).

Scripture is clear! God has called us believers to be his instrument to make disciples and equip and prepare believers for judgment.

Presently, our Adventure family has a reach of about 1,000 Sacramentans. With 1500 North Market as a permanent home, our reach could expand past the 5,000 mark, if we have multiple services throughout the week. Owning our church building gives us the freedom to focus on expanding ministry, rather than on just “where to meet.” In the history of Natomas, several churches have had their ministries severely disrupted because of “leases gone wrong.”

Without a permanent home, our energies will be consumed with looking for a new home and even perhaps with setting-up and tearing-down for services every weekend.According to one Adventurer, “I was impressed when I heard that the new churches in India [that we support] build their buildings ASAP. It reminds me that owning our own church is not extravagant. If India can do it [so can we].”

Buying 1500 North Market frees us to focus on expanded ministries such as: Seniors Ministry: Our Natomas community has the highest per capita of active adults in Sacramento. Imagine a fun, adventurous, active adults ministry that meets on our campus mid-week for Bible teaching, takes RV tours, cruises, and sharing together.

Family Ministry: To date in 2018, Adventure Zone has seen 22 kids and three parents take the next step in their faith and be baptized. Imagine a larger space with room for more children to attend on a Sunday morning and experience Jesus’ hope. Imagine more small group leaders partnering with parents on and off campus by building strategic, consistent relationships with them and their kids during small group time, check-out time, soccer/baseball games, dance recitals, and church sponsored events.

Student Ministry: Imagine a student ministry space on the Adventure campus that can host dynamic and buzzworthy events such as our Halloween alternative party reaching over 200 students! Imagine unengaged students returning from a winter retreat in the Sierras or a summer day trip on Wake Island and stepping onto campus where they belong and connect in community.


Page 5: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation ......A “peace of God that transcends all understanding” ... Adventurers have been bringing Jesus’ hope to their neighbors

Keep in mind that Multiply Hope is a genuine, Bible-centric, journey of faith. When the things settle later this fall, we truly believe that Multiply Hope will have been more about “raising people” than about raising funds. The funds are important, for sure, however, generosity is the fuel that allows our vision to be expressed!

FACTS AND FIGURES• Our lease includes a first option to purchase at a predetermined price of $3 million.

• The building is currently valued at 4 million.

• Upon purchase, we gain immediate access to an additional 4,000 square feet of finished warehouse space.

• Five years after purchase, we gain access to another 10,000 square feet of space, and will occupy the entire building.

WHY IS OUR VISION IMPORTANT?In the next 8–10 years, Natomas will be growing into a community of 100,000. One of every three people in Natomas will be eighteen or younger. Natomans are from everywhere: the Bay Area, South Sacramento, South Central Valley, Asia, India, the Philippines, and Africa. There are 45 different languages spoken in Natomas Unified School District. Multiplying Hope positions Adventure to be a focal point for bringing Jesus’ hope to imperfect Sacramentans from all over the world—a mission field in our own community!

As believers, we know that we are called to, “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). We also know that the Sacramentans who live next door, drive along I-5 with us, and who go to school with our children, will someday find themselves in front of God:



Warehouse(Student Ministry,

Compassion Ministry,and Storage)


ImmediateAccess After

Purchase(4,000 SQ FT.)

Access 5 YearsAfter Purchase

(10,000 SQ FT.)


My school attendance became poor because I needed to work more hours to keep up with bills. My performance at work was not at its best because I was trying to keep my grades up for school and give my daughter all the affection and love she needed as well. I lost my job and then got a ten day eviction notice following a meeting with my school counselor that I would be getting kicked out of school if missed any more days. I was very depressed and in a very dark place. I felt as if God was taking everything away from me that I was working so hard for. I didn’t understand at the time.

I took a break from church for about a month, and the first Sunday back … Matthew 6:25-34 stuck with me that service. I opened my heart and then I closed my eyes and prayed he would help relieve this anxiety from my heart, but most importantly, help me find Him. My body was filled with the Holy Spirit and tears just came pouring. I felt His love wrap around me. I knew this was the best decision that I had ever made.

I prayed more and controlled what I could, and the things I couldn’t control, I gave to God. I had never had anyone before that I could just give my worries to. Every burden, all my anxiety, depression, and stress He took care of. Everything worked out because of God’s plan, not my own. I cry sometimes thinking about how much he has changed my life because I didn’t think it would be possible to be loved so much. God challenged me to become the best version of myself I could be. He continues to bring light and love into my world. I thank him everyday that I am able to be the best person I can be, especially for my daughter, Penelope.

SOME EARLY HISTORY When Melissa and I first came to Natomas in 2003, we had a dream of starting a multi-ethnic, Christ-centered, Bible-believing church with an emphasis on children, students, and compassion ministries. During that summer, we passed out “How to Drug Proof Your Teens” brochures in front of Raley’s, and, if people were interested, we let them know that we were in the initial stages of starting a church. That summer, we launched small groups for men, women, and couples, and had two pre-launch services the following August and September on the grounds of Club Westlake.

As we grew, we moved meeting sites from Natomas Middle School (now NP3), to Heron School, to Benvenuti Performing Arts, then to a leased building of our own.


Page 6: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation ......A “peace of God that transcends all understanding” ... Adventurers have been bringing Jesus’ hope to their neighbors

MULTIPLYING HOPEThe Elders of Adventure Christian Church have prayerfully determined to purchase the Adventure Church campus before the lease expires on April 30, 2021, saving more than a million dollars. We are currently about halfway through a five-year lease that has an option for us to purchase the building for $3 million. This is $1 million below the estimated market value of $4 million. Our goal is to raise $1.5 million which would give the church enough funds to make a substantial down payment. We have good options for financing the remaining balance at attractive interest rates. This means that we would have additional funds to expand ministries and reach more people for Christ in Natomas. We feel this is a prudent step to take at this time in order to raise a down payment and to make improvements that will support our church ministry and growth.

WHAT’S THE PLAN? The challenge in 2009 was to put God’s house above our own through sacrificial giving, so “our purses wouldn’t have holes” and so the Kingdom of God would be expanded.

The plan is the same in 2018—ask Adventurers to give sacrificially in a way that honors God first, and DEVELOPS A FAITH that is dependent on God so that HOPE WILL BE MULTIPLIED in this community.

MOVING FROM PLANNING TO ACTIONMultiply Hope is a three-year campaign in which we ask those who call Adventure their home to commit and give sacrificially, over and above their regular giving, with a goal of raising $ 1.5 million dollars towards the purchase and improvement of 1500 North Market.

For some, the mere mention of the word, “campaign,” conjures up images that you would like to avoid; i.e., high pressure and week after week of simply talking about money. You may be thinking, “Oh, great. There goes everything I love about Adventure. It’s now only about the money.”

Let me, hopefully, put your mind at rest. That is not our heart or intent. We are and will remain focused on reaching as many imperfect people as possible with the only true hope that exists in this crazy world of ours.

We believe that developing a permanent homebase through the purchase of 1500 North Market positions us to be even stronger and more effective in moving our

“vision and mission ball,” down the field.

On the contrary, failing to purchase the building very likely sends us back to looking for a new meeting site.


HOW DID THE BUILDING HAPPEN?Inspired by Henry Blackaby’s “Experiencing God” and the Book of Haggai, Adventurers accepted the vision of establishing a permanent church home that could also serve as a gift to our community. For three years, families sacrificed daily pleasures like Starbucks and sodas, eating out, new cars, savings, vacations, and investment opportunities to help make the vision a reality. We gave believing that even during the country’s Great Recession, God’s word could be trusted, and that if we put God’s house above our own through sacrificial giving, “our purses wouldn’t have holes” and the Kingdom of God would be expanded (Haggai 1:6).

During the great recession, 300 Adventurers sacrificed $530,000 towards a permanent church home and gift to our community (2009-2012).

Six years later on May 1, 2016, we signed a five-year lease at 1500 N. Market, which included an option to purchase for $3 million.

Since then: The building has been used for:

• Baby showers, weddings, and funerals

• Meetings and trainings

• Natomas VBS

• Practice space for Sacramento city choirs and several local bands

• Parkinson’s support group meetings

• Inkerkum’s IB testing

• Couple’s, men’s, and women’s Bible studies

• National Day of Prayer events

• Community-wide youth events

Church attendance has increased from 400 to 500 weekly

Easter 2018 attendance reached a record high of 881 people with 30 baptisms

Investing in this facility gives Adventure the opportunity to change culture and be God’s instruments in moving

Sacramento from being the US city ranked as the 15th most disinterested in the Christian message to a

thriving Christ-centered community that is Multiplying Hope here and across the globe.

