Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer Event Presented by CITYTECH, Inc. Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM


In the last few years there has been an explosion in productivity tools for web development. Tools like Less, Handlebars, and CoffeeScript can be used to build rich, interactive web applications quickly. These tools also focus on creating more extensible, productive, and performant code. However all of these tools require a JavaScript runtime environment such as Node.js or Rhino to compile to JavaScript or CSS. Some of these tools are supported Out of the Box in AEM and others need a little help. Learn about different strategies to make these tools available in your next or current AEM project. This session will include a demo and source code for all examples. No more excuses just better results!

Transcript of Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

Page 1: Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

Page 2: Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

tBob Paulin

Independent Consultant Web Centric Platforms Adobe AEM 5.X Continuous Delivery

Chicago Java Users Group (CJUG) Community LeaderNeed a Mentor? [email protected] to Present in Chicago? [email protected]

Proud Father/Husband with 3 kids

@bobpaulin/[email protected]/

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Where are we now?

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

AEM has great support for:OptimizedCacheable

User ManagedPages

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

The world has changed!

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Users want:Performance



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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Our view of data has changed:Real Time

Eventually Consistent


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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

But wait this doesn't mean we need to open up the dispatcher cache does it?

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

How do we support this without diluting the secret sauce?

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.


Provide Scalable Context


Match Data Volatility with Cache Strategy

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

We've already tried to do this on the server.

Look to the Browser for solutions.

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

So what's out there?

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Well a lot actually!

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Page 16: Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Page 17: Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Page 18: Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.


Page 19: Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Coffee → JS

Page 20: Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

class Person work: -> “do something”

class Developer extends Person work: -> “code”

class Manager extends Person work: -> “nothing”

bob = new Developersam = new Manager

console.log “Bob creates “ + “Sam creates “ +


Bob creates codeSam creates nothing

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.


Page 22: Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.


Page 23: Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

.scope { @var: 99px; .mixin () { width: @var; }}

.class { .scope > .mixin;}

.overwrite { @var: 0px; .scope > .mixin;}

.nested { @var: 5px; .mixin () { width: @var; } .class { @var: 10px; .mixin; } }

.class { width: 99px;}.overwrite { width: 99px;}.nested .class { width: 5px;}

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.


Page 25: Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Backbone provides Models and Views to Websites

Page 26: Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

var blog = new Backbone.Model({ urlRoot: “/blog” title: "My Blog", body: "Cool stuff happening at Circuit"});;{body: "Cool stuff happening at Circuit Conference"});

POST /blog/1{ title: “My Blog”, body: “Cool stuff happening at Circuit”}

PUT /blog/1{ title: “My Blog”, body: “Cool stuff happening at Circuit Conference”}

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Ok so we're buzzword compliant. How does this solve any of our problems?

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

All of these parts are used to build Single Page Applications

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Page 30: Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Common Single Page Blockers

“I heard it will hurt SEO”

“They're all very slow”

“My Java Developers don't understand JavaScript”

Page 31: Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

How do I use all this in AEM?

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Design Considerations

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Deciding on where templating should happen

Frontend vs Backend

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

What should be authorable

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Deciding on where data should be stored

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Static Cacheable data could be stored in AEM's JCR

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

More volatile data should be stored in separate services

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Deciding on page layout standards

Columns/RowsDevice Breakpoints

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Packaging in AEM

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Approach #1

Node/Rhino Build and Package

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Approach #2

Web Resource Framework

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Page 44: Do more with LESS, Handlebars, Coffeescript and other Web Resources in AEM

CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Demo Time!

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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.


Sling Web ResourceHandlebarsJS



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CIRCUIT – An Adobe Developer EventPresented by CITYTECH, Inc.

Bob Paulin@bobpaulin/[email protected]/