Do I Need Prenatal Testing

Do I Need Prenatal Testing? Prenatal testing is a way for physicians to discover any issues that your baby may be having prior to the baby’s birth. Some prenatal tests are done by a simple blood draw, while others use more complex procedures to obtain actual fetal tissue to diagnose some of the most common genetic and fetal defects. Additionally, some tests are screening tests, while others are diagnostic. Which Mothers Need to be Tested? Not every mother will want to have prenatal testing done, but there are some mothers that may have an increased risk of having babies that will be born with defects. These mothers include the following: Mothers over the age of 35 Mothers with a history of premature labor Mothers who have had a previous baby with defects Mothers carrying multiples What Can I Learn from my Prenatal Testing? There is a great deal of information that can be learned from this testing. The most basic information that can be obtained is the blood type of the mother. Knowing the mother’s blood type is very important in assessing the need for a medication known as RhoGam. Mothers who are Rh negative need this medication to protect their children from a disease called erythroblastosis fetalis. More detailed and complex information can also be found by performing genetic testing. There are many genetic conditions that can be found when mothers have prenatal testing performed. Some of the most common diseases that can be diagnosed or screened are: Sickle Cell Anemia Cystic Fibrosis Spina Bifida Anacephaly How Can I Protect my Baby from Prenatal Defects? In many cases, there isn’t any way to prevent birth defects. However, there are some defects, such as spina bifida, that can be greatly reduced by the mother eating a diet rich in folic acid. Many mothers are deficient in this nutrient and must take a prenatal vitamin to get the correct daily recommended intake. If you are concerned about prenatal testing or things that you can do to protect your unborn baby, consult your obstetrician or family physician.


There is a great deal of information that can be learned from this testing. The most basic information that can be obtained is the blood type of the mother. Knowing the mother’s blood type is very important in assessing the need for a medication known as RhoGam. Mothers who are Rh negative need this medication to protect their children from a disease called erythroblastosis fetalis. • Sickle Cell Anemia • Cystic Fibrosis • Spina Bifida • Anacephaly Which Mothers Need to be Tested?

Transcript of Do I Need Prenatal Testing

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Do I Need Prenatal Testing?

Prenatal testing is a way for physicians to discover any issues that your baby may be having prior to the baby’s birth. Some prenatal tests are done by a simple blood draw, while others use more complex procedures to obtain actual fetal tissue to diagnose some of the most common genetic and fetal defects. Additionally, some tests are screening tests, while others are diagnostic.

Which Mothers Need to be Tested?

Not every mother will want to have prenatal testing done, but there are some mothers that may have an increased risk of having babies that will be born with defects. These mothers include the following:

• Mothers over the age of 35• Mothers with a history of premature labor• Mothers who have had a previous baby with defects• Mothers carrying multiples

What Can I Learn from my Prenatal Testing?

There is a great deal of information that can be learned from this testing. The most basic information that can be obtained is the blood type of the mother. Knowing the mother’s blood type is very important in assessing the need for a medication known as RhoGam. Mothers who are Rh negative need this medication to protect their children from a disease called erythroblastosis fetalis.

More detailed and complex information can also be found by performing genetic testing. There are many genetic conditions that can be found when mothers have prenatal testing performed. Some of the most common diseases that can be diagnosed or screened are:

• Sickle Cell Anemia• Cystic Fibrosis• Spina Bifida• Anacephaly

How Can I Protect my Baby from Prenatal Defects?

In many cases, there isn’t any way to prevent birth defects. However, there are some defects, such as spina bifida, that can be greatly reduced by the mother eating a diet rich in folic acid. Many mothers are deficient in this nutrient and must take a prenatal vitamin to get the correct daily recommended intake. If you are concerned about prenatal testing or things that you can do to protect your unborn baby, consult your obstetrician or family physician.

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