Case Study # 1 An Island Firestorm As new era comes, progress in many facets takes place. Along with this progress, it is corresponded by the increased of number of population in well improved and developed society. As the number of population increases, problems on pollution both in air, land and water also increase and it becomes a typical scenario in a developed areas. If I were in the position of official, I will ask help from the office of National Water Resources Board (NWRB) and Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to re- assess the status of waters in the island to ensure that water in the island is safe for beach goers. Then I will go through for the enactment of ordinance to regulate the operation for all beach resorts within the island. The ordinance must be specific to provide the responsibilities of the beach resort operators/owners in the island such as the cleanliness of sea shore, resort areas and as well as the safety of the place must be observed. Beach resort owners who failed to abide this



Transcript of DLP

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Case Study # 1

An Island Firestorm

As new era comes, progress in many facets takes place. Along with this

progress, it is corresponded by the increased of number of population in well improved

and developed society. As the number of population increases, problems on pollution

both in air, land and water also increase and it becomes a typical scenario in a

developed areas.

If I were in the position of official, I will ask help from the office of National Water

Resources Board (NWRB) and Department of Environment and Natural Resources

(DENR) to re-assess the status of waters in the island to ensure that water in the

island is safe for beach goers. Then I will go through for the enactment of ordinance to

regulate the operation for all beach resorts within the island. The ordinance must be

specific to provide the responsibilities of the beach resort operators/owners in the island

such as the cleanliness of sea shore, resort areas and as well as the safety of the place

must be observed. Beach resort owners who failed to abide this ordinance shall have a

corresponding penalty. Through this initiative, the place will be restored, improve and

will be more progressive. Then all proceeds can be use by the LGU to sustain the

implementation of its programs and projects.

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Case Study #2

Wanted: Dead heroes

The cutting down of trees in the forest is strictly prohibited several years ago.

This is due to the fact that most of the mountains are already denuded which lead to the

occurrence of natural calamities like flashfloods and landslides. And these natural

calamities destroyed many lives and properties of many people. And if these happen, it

also gives problem to the government since the government has to help the victims of

those calamities. It is the responsibility of the government to help and rescue the


If I were Rick, I will not allow Alonzo to go through because it is definitely illegal.

Aside from that, he has no permit. So it is very clear that the trees were illegally cut

down and I will explicate to him that what he did is strictly prohibited by the law. He is a

government official, therefore, he is aware of these things. In line with this, ignorance to

the law excuses no one. I will explain to him that like him I am just doing my job. I do

hope that he will understand my decision why I cannot let him pass through. It such a

big deal that I was able to prevent Alonzo from bringing the narra flitches outside

despite of his reasons. After the incident, I will report the incident to the proper

authorities. The authorities should evaluate and respond regarding the matter.

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Case Study #3

What else can I do?

Whistle-blowing is an act of informing higher authorities about illegal or unethical

practices that is observed. Whistle-blowing is never an easy decision for any individual.

This will bring him both advantages and disadvantages. This will cause to be terminated

from work or life might be in danger. In doing this, the employee has to be rigid and

should have all the necessary evidences before doing it.

In the case of Glenda, she should inquire to DENR first because this is the one of

the proper agency to inform and consult about the matter, if she will go either to the

media or politician; the issue will just create noise and might put her life in danger.

There is a possibility that the media or the politician will just use the issue for their

personal interest or misinformed the people. So instead of going to the media or to a

politician, she should rather go to the office of the DENR, who has the main right to

answer about this issue because DENR has the knowledge on what is the best thing to

do regarding on the matter. But if ever the authorities will not act on it, then that is the

time for her to go to the trust-worthy media or to an elected national official.

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Case Study #4

Pick me up

What happened to Ronnie is a normal scenario in most but not on all of the

government offices. Clients give money to the government employees as a form of

gratitude. But if I was in Ronnie’s shoes, I will chase Ms. Santos to return her money.

For the reason that I know from the very beginning that accepting money is a prohibited

act by the law. On manner side, it is very unethical for a government employee to

receive any thing or amount from its clients/customers because as a public servant, it is

our responsibility to serve the people with the best of our ability. As a public servant I

have to perform my responsibility to the clients/customers with all my heart without

expecting any thing or amount in return. Upon returning the money to Ms. Santos, I will

just enlighten her mind about my reasons why I cannot accept the money she gave to

me. I will tell her that I’m grateful that she was satisfied of my performance but despite

of that it is improper to offer money to me. In addition, I will tell her also that it is my

responsibility to serve her since I am a public servant. On the other hand, I will thank

her for the offer anyway. I appreciate her kind act of gratitude to me. I will guarantee to

her that I will strive harder in doing my work so that other clients/customers will also

delight my work.

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Case Study #5

Bring home office goodies

Using government properties in any form for personal interest is not proper.

Whether it’s just a simple office supply yet it is still wrong to do so. A government

property should be utilized properly. The government purchased using government

funds those supplies and not for the employees’ personal use, it shall be for official

business only. In the situation given, I would take Cynthia’s side. It is simply because

what Emy did was a form of stealing, it’s because those supplies do not belong to her.

Bringing home office supplies of the office to be used for personal interest is obviously

unethical. It is not good to see a government employee doing such thing. If ever citizens

discovered that some employee is doing such, it might cause of wrong perception or

might generalize that government employees are doing mischievous deeds. As

mentioned in R.A 6713 that public officials and employees shall utmost devotion and

dedication to the duty. And lastly, as a government employee, it is our responsibility to

take care of every government property and utilize them properly, efficiently and most of

all those things must be used for public interest and not for personal interest.

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Case Study #6

More than just casinos

In my own elaboration, if something is legal it doesn’t mean that it is

moral. .There are things that which could be legal but it is immoral. And so, there is a

big difference between legal and immoral. When we talk of morality, it is based on an

internal and external sense of what is right or good. And aside from that morality is

based on an individual’s beliefs and not by the law. Legality simply refers to acts of

conforming to the law.

On the given scenario, PAGCOR, Lotto and sweepstakes symbolizes gambling.

It is legal because it is allowed by the government. And the truth is they are paying

taxes to the government. The taxes remitted to the government help a lot in building

such as schools and other facilities that aide other projects of the government. And

aside from that, it helped lots of people in terms of their medication and hospitalization

problem. It also extends help to victims of calamities and others. Those are some of the

reasons that make it legal and that the government allowed it to operate. But we cannot

deny the fact that it symbolizes gambling. Gambling destroyed many lives and causes a

broken families. It is a game of chance that people bet even the last money in their

wallet because they believe that if they won, they will get their money in many folds.

Indeed it is a social ill. Yes, lotto and sweepstakes is legal, but since the symbolize

gambling, however it is immoral. This is a best example that tells us that if something is

legal, it does not automatically mean it’s moral.

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Case Study #7

I can afford anyway

The law states that public officials and employees and their families shall lead

modest lives appropriate to their positions and income. They shall not indulge in an

extravagant display of wealth in any form. Guided by this rule, I don’t agree with the

employee’s opinion regarding the dress code given by Civil Service Commission (CSC).

Since she is a government employee, it is her obligation to abide with the law. Though it

is true that she can afford to buy expensive jewelries but still it is not proper to wear

them when going to work place. This might create wrong perception on the people that

surround her. Nowadays, people are more vigilant of those who are working in

government offices. They are aware of how much the government employees are

receiving every month. And sometimes they do make judgments on the employees

based on what they see. This might lead to public service degradation.

So to maintain a good image as a public servant or as a government employee, it

is proper to follow the dress code as mandated by the CSC. The jewelries and other

expensive materials can be used in some other occasions anyway.

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Case Study #8

Gifts galore

I do believe that giving of gifts is one of a sign of gratitude. And refusal of

accepting a gift offered or given might be an insult to someone who took effort to give it.

There are reasons why we receive and we give gifts. Giving gifts is a kind act which

leads happiness to the receiver regardless of the amount of the gift given. This is also

an act that is appreciated so much by anybody.

Since gift giving is a kind act, there is nothing wrong with this, but if the gift is

given in exchange for a favor that is asked or for a task that was accomplished

especially if it is given to a government employee is no longer good. At the first place, it

can be consider as unethical. In the scenario given, Josie is right. Though the gifts given

to Adela were just minimal but if she has to combine all the gifts she have been

receiving, it’s a large amount already. Through this act, the people will think that the

gifts were given as payment for what she did for them. And next time, if these people

will ask favor from her again, she cannot refuse because of the gifts that were given to

her. And the best reason why accepting gifts is improper it’s because the law states that

public officials and employees shall not solicit or accept directly or indirectly any gifts,

gratuity, favor, entertainment, loan or anything of monetary value. Public employees

should do their duties and that is to serve the people for free because they are well-paid

by the government for that.

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Case Study #9

“For official use also”

If I could witness seeing a government service vehicle parked in a place where I

least expect a government official may transact business with, the first thing that I will do

is to think that maybe the government official using the government vehicle just drop by

from an official business transaction near to that place. But if I happen to see it twice or

more, then I will try to know the reasons behind why the vehicle is parked on that area.

Since the local government is implementing the Bilis Aksyon Partner (BAP) wherein

concerned citizens can drop by there comments, queries and suggestions regarding the

actions of government officials or employees, I will intentionally ask and drop it on. I will

ask why the government vehicle is visible on that place. If the local government didn’t

respond on it, I will ask to the Civil Service Commission if it is righteous for an official

use only vehicle is been visible in the particular establishment. So, they will conduct an

observation and investigation on the incident reported regarding of government official

who is using the said vehicle.

My purpose of reporting to the Civil Service Commission is not to destroy the

credibility and the reputation of the government official, but to exercise my right of

showing my concern to the public. Since I am aware that government vehicle should be

used for official business transactions only and not for personal business of course I

have to inform the proper authorities of it so that this wrong act of government officials

will be stopped. Aside from that, this may serve as warning also to the other

government officials who are using the government vehicles for personal interest.

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Government vehicles are government property which is issued to government officials

to make and perform their task and to serve the people in a fast manner and not to be

used in their personal matters. Always keep in mind that these things should be used for

public interest and not for personal interest.

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Case Study #10

He does, I do*

Either government official or employee must always possess the spirit of

professionalism in any ways. One way of showing it is by reporting to work on time. A

government employee should be very conscious of the time; they should utilize the time

well. It is not good to see employees reporting to office late and allowing the

clients/customer to wait. Somehow, It brings discouragement for the clients/customer

who are waiting.

In the situation given, Roy is right when he said that his boss should not be

exempted from the policy implemented for the late comers since like him, his boss

always come to work late time also. But he is wrong when he made the distance of his

house from his office. As an employee, it is his responsibility to report to office on time.

He has to use his initiative and strategize on how he can report on time despite of the

location of his house. It is not his boss’ fault if his house is far from the office then.

On the other hand, his boss is not right when he said that Roy should wait until

he becomes a boss. Any boss or head of agency must act as a good role model to his

subordinates. Whatever a boss does will be imitated by his/her subordinates. To avoid

complaints like Roy’s complaints, he also should come to office on time it’s because for

the law excuses no one.

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Reflection Paper: Rules of Conduct and Ethical Behavior in

the Civil Service

Even if my current appointment status is still a job order worker wherein there is

no employee-employer relationship for almost two years, I consider my self as public

servant and I will strive to highly prioritize the public interests over my own interests. In

the process of serving the local government of General Santos City, I am also serving

for the interest of the Filipino people. There are several things which can be done for the

people which will indirectly affect them. By simply cutting the costs of the government

offices expenditures in a way of turning off the unnecessary lights or other equipment

for saving electricity which funds are from my taxes and of the people.

With regards to professionalism, nowadays it is a common conception that

people who had finished their studies are called professional. Nevertheless, I believe

that professionalism does not necessarily come from years of study in a school or

passing a licensure exam given by the government. There are several people who can

show professionalism even without formal schooling. I believe that specialized

knowledge can be obtained from years of working out and educational achievement

that’s why I am not delimiting myself for improvement. And skills can be acquired

through experience. However, set of standards are one of the hardest element to

achieve in order to gain professionalism because it requires much enthusiasm,

perseverance and patience.

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For justness and sincerity, I strongly agree that honesty is a very essential virtue

that every person not only the government employees and officials must acquire. This

principle is vital on the formation of our integrity as civil servants.

In my own view to Political neutrality, I hope it can be put into practice by

identifying individuals as Filipino citizens not as a member of a certain political party.

Moreover, all people, regardless of party affiliation shall be treated equally and shall be

served with passion so that the clients/customers will leave from our offices satisfied

with the services that are provided by the government. Through this, a harmonious

relationship between the government and the people will also be further developed.

In relation to responsiveness to the public, I am aware that a government

employee is a servant of the people. Now, it makes sense why we are so called public

servants. As servant, it is my duty and responsibility to accommodate everyone.

Clients/customers from all walks of life shall be treated equally whether they are very

important personnel or those who are underprivileged (the poor).

For nationalism and patriotism, I will put on my mind the advocacy of “Think

global, act local”. I will encourage my self to continue serving the public and help the

administration with all my hearts and persevere to achieve the dreams of many Filipinos

to improve the way of living in our country.

Since I am a public servant, my commitment to democracy is to pursue

transparency in any government transactions that I will be dealing with. I will abide with

the law, and will create harmonious relationship between clients/customers and also

with my co-worker in the government.

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In line with simple living, I can say that I am contented with my life right now

despite the fact that I’m having financial problems most of the times. I will encourage my

self to live in a simple life in the future. If ever I will be hired as plantilla personnel

someday I want to be a role model to my fellow government employees and the people

themselves. In terms of the accessories when reporting to duty, I will observe the ruling

of the Civil Service Commission wherein employees shall not wear luxurious jewelries

upon duty because this might lead to misconception of people that surrounds you.

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Distance Learning Program

R.A. 6713

Rules of Conduct and

Ethical Behavior

in the Civil Service

Submitted by: