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Transcript of Dleigh

Page 1: Dleigh

Hamilton Institute

At the Hamilton Institute

•  Wireless edge •  Congestion control/TCP •  QoS

Networks will always need to transport bits around

Market pull where there’s a will there’s a way, but if there’s a way and no will …

•  P2P, Akamai et al •  MPLS •  TCP (CTCP, Cubic, BitTorrent)

Evolution or Revolution ?

Whither QoS ? A best effort future ? Proprietary networks ?

•  •  Wide-area multicast, M2M multicast •  Intserv •  AQM/ECN

Page 2: Dleigh

Hamilton Institute

Evolution or Revolution ?

•  Intserv •  AQM •  Multicast

Brute force vs elegance ?

A best effort future ?